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12360836 No.12360836 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Patrician critiques of white privilege, white america, or white people in general

>> No.12360893

>white privilege
Not a thing. Blacks need to get over themselves.

>> No.12360901

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Identity politics is used by the bourgeoisie to divide people of the same material conditions.
Neoliberlism offers nothing to black people or any so called marginalized but the ability to be absorbed into the machine which oppresses them.
By turning prison reform or police violence into a racial issue you mask its class implications and divide the proles against each other.

>> No.12360910

>commit more crime than every other race
>wtf son why we be goin to prison n sheeit
>don't pay attention in school, don't do your homework, and skip class to smoke weed and deal drugs
>mufuggin school to prison pipeline always tryna keep a black KANG down

>> No.12360912

trump is actually woke on prison reform due to kushners dad being thrown in prison for corruption

>> No.12360917 [DELETED] 

one of the funniest things i heard was some interview with "a$ap rocky" where he was talking about high fashion tryna come off bougie, and one minute he's bragging about dropping out of high school, then later he's like "yo they dont teach u that in school!" regarding the electoral college or some other shit they of course do teach u in school if u dont drop out i was like lmao clown

>> No.12360923

>Patrician critiques of white privilege

White privilege is being able to form a coherent sentence that conveys your intention accurately, both grammatically and intellectually.

>> No.12360936
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>he's so new that he thinks that was supposed to be a complete sentence

>> No.12360937

>identity politics is a creation
>le elite is omnipotent
>blacks have been better under another system other than "neoliberalism"
>laws be raycis


>> No.12360939

quit flooding /pol/ with nigger dicks

>> No.12360940
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>> No.12360957

Identity politics is a revision. The same people calling for more women CEO's, more black executives. Its used by capitalism in order to divide the proletariat among themselves.
There is also profit made off of a never ending culture war which is fuled by pol types and so called sjw's who lack a class conscious. Corporations mask their exploitation of workers in the first and third world with diversity initiatives.
Capitalism commodifies cultures, races, and peoples and turns them into products to be sold as trinkets at walmart.
The economic conditions of the poor of any race or gender are never improved. The only solutions ever offered are capitlists self esteem boosts through the idea of representation.

Everything pol hates in this world from mass immggration, to so called forced diversity leads back to capitalism.

A class war is fought against the people under a blanket of a racial war.
Poor blacks are sent to prison to send poor whites to prison

>> No.12360990

absolutely retarded post

>> No.12361046

>implying half the people who respond have read the book

the argument Alexander makes is ironclad. you can debate it, since you can debate anything, but you will be wrong.

>> No.12361148

Even cargo cults think whites are stealing from them.


It's genetic for blacks to envy what they don't have and call it stealing.

>> No.12361195

>its genetic for blacks to–

ahh yes, eugenics

>> No.12361213

Can't tell if you're for or against us ever being able to get civilization back on track.

>> No.12361214

White priviledge is being allowed an extra 15 minutes every day to slack off because they come to work on time.

>> No.12361223

i have a nagging suspicion that when you say "get civilization back on track" you mean "cull all the non-whites"

>> No.12361258

Everything looks like a nail to your commie hammer but I otherwise agree

>> No.12361259

you're delusional and willfully ignorant

>> No.12361276

Not all of them. But we don't need black people at all. They're a net drain on everything.

>> No.12361285

im sorry friend, you must have gotten turned around. this is a board for intellectuals. a propaganda spewing faggot like yourself is probably looking for /pol/

>> No.12361291

of course he is. he thinks his ignorance will keep him in power.

just another sad little whitey scared that he wouldnt be able to stay ahead if the tables were turned. pathetic, really

>> No.12361311

Intellectuals deny reality? What good are millions of people with below 70 IQ?

>> No.12361314

>being this mad that whites stole the airplanes their ancestors sent for him.
John Frum will come back someday, m'qube.

>> No.12361315
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>he thinks IQ matters at all

>> No.12361391
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Unironically this

>> No.12361420

what you would call "white people" developed democracy and liberalism as we know it

>> No.12361423

>Its used by capitalism in order to divide the proletariat among themselves.

Except couldn't the argument be made that anti-racism is pushed as a means of preventing fissures in society that harm capitalist industry? Also, it seems that capitalism would have an interest in anti-racism due to greater uniformity of product users (sort of how like newspapers became "objective" not to be fair but to sell more papers as they then catered to a greater number of people through uniformity).

>> No.12361452

But it does...

>> No.12361478

>that book
>"blacks" critiquing "whites"
In 2019, everyone in this nation is a slave. We exist in debt from cradle to grave. If you aren't anti-banker and talking about reform, you are pro-slavery. Resentment by class/race/gender/whatever is a tool of statecraft, and it has been used to great effect. The tax man wants us to want to give him more money, fomenting agendas of inequality is part of that mission.

Get this piece of shit book off my board.

>> No.12361509

Native Son is pretty good.

>I get my politics off Facebook memes

I hope that's working out for you

>> No.12361600

It's so funny when white people try and appropriate black people's struggle as a lower class but steadfastly refuse to accept anything else about the races as equal

Fuck out of here you dishonest ass Casper looking nerd

>> No.12361604

I dunno anon, he makes a good point. Why not reform the entire prison/legal system while you are at it?

>> No.12361610

zero interest in original sin substitutes. any privilege I have, i should make all possible effort to pass onto my children. if this means I have to oppress some poor brown person, so be it. don't care.

funnily enough, I'm actually on track for government job. career type deal. amusing how many armchair politicians and philosophers exist here without the balls to take matters into their own hands. less competition i suppose.


>> No.12361616


>> No.12361622

This. Privilege is a good thing. It makes my life easier, it makes my family members' lives easier. I have no reason to get rid of it. If you don't like that, eat shit.

>> No.12361626

You can do that but it isn't a good point to try and equate white people's struggle to black people's struggle. It is as dishonest as the day is long.

Smart to take advantage of it but don't fool your kids into thinking you or they earned any of that, it will make them weak

>> No.12361637

Your mom's diary during the time she sucked my nigger cock.

>> No.12361644

increments of privilege are fought for and won. you seem to entertain the fantasy that these things poof thenselves into existence through no action other than divine will. every generation must both gain more privilege and secure it for their next generation. it is your right and duty as a parent.
>makes them weak
I've observed the opposite. Those who believe they have earned things will fight for them, correct or not. Those who subscribe to modern oppression preaching believe its meaningless and worthless because it wasnt earned. They typically make terrible parents.

>> No.12361747
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>if this means I have to oppress some poor brown person, so be it. don't care.

>> No.12361759


Why do over-sensitive people on the internet insist on thinking that this is whats happening every time this identity vs class argument comes up? Why are they not results oriented and remove the core system that creates the oppression in the first place instead of insisting it will just go away if you wish it hard enough? People claim to be into inter-sectionallity but won't actually let go of their pet peeves that they think they are entitled to holding.

>who believe they have earned things will fight for them, correct or not

Then why did you give it to your kids you autist? Wouldn't that make them more complacent like the millions rich white kids who can't think critically?

>> No.12361768

>Stop using identity politics
>the bourgeoisie

>> No.12361773

Just who is this "capitalism"? He sounds like a right prick.

>> No.12361777

Its technically not wrong but i always roll my eyes when i see someone who is extremely orthodox in their position accusing a member of a counter cultural group of being controlled by propaganda.

>> No.12361778
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How does identity politics harm capitalism? Snake oil salesman can sell you anything, but they all of a sudden can't sell you an identity? They've done a pretty good job of selling Afro-internationalism (i.e. Black Panther) and "plus size" validation (i.e. Tess Holiday).

>> No.12361782

>white privilege
>Not a thing.
Yet you think the whites have higher IQ.
There's no privilege to having a higher IQ?

>> No.12361786
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Let's start with an actual patrician work.

>> No.12361787

>any privilege I have, i should make all possible effort to pass onto my children
Such an obvious thing and so often left out.

>> No.12361803

That's not true. When I have to run errands I like to be the first person in line when the doors open. The black manager at the bank opens late. The white manager at the cell phone shop opens late. The immigrant at the Asian supermarket is the only one that opens on time.
Actually, opens early 6:59 am every morning.

>> No.12361828

They don’t see their position as orthodox. They see themselves as revolutionaries exposing some giant secret.

>> No.12361907

lmaoing @ paleskins

>> No.12361924

nice buzzwords weirdo

>> No.12361948

>Proles are retards

Lmao why do commies still have hope for anything

>> No.12361971
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>> No.12361986

Okay, white privlege exists. Why do I care and in what way will it benefit me and my family to dismantle it? The only real arguments against it are moral, and honestly I just don’t care. Seems counterproductive to dismantle a system my ancestors set up to benefit us given that it’s pretty handy to help succeed in life. Given the competitive nature of the world economy, I’ll use every advantage I get.

>> No.12361991

A better question is, why should the people who invented all modern technology, including the drugs which save the lives of hundreds of millions of children, as well as the concept of human rights, war crimes, international law, etc, etc, not have privilege?

>> No.12362004

Renouncing to a privilege given by nature is one of the stupidest things a conscious being could aspire to.

>> No.12362008


>> No.12362057


>Its used by capitalism


>> No.12362804

i made this same comment last night but all the replies are still people just screeching "muh privilege muh high IQ muh crime statistics" so i guess ill try again

have any of you mongoloids actually READ THE BOOK? are any of you willing to offer a STRUCTURED REBUTTAL OF ALEXANDER'S CLAIMS? or are you just going to sit here flinging shit at each other and screeching like /pol/lacks?

>> No.12362982

>expecting /lit/ to actually read a book
I read this for my high school lit class. I remember it was very convincing and well thought out. but of course these retards aren't going to read anything that guess against the 4chan hivemind

>> No.12363017

>book managed to impress a dipshit highschooler

well i'm sold, wtf i hate whitey now

>> No.12363110

read it yourself then retard.
oh wait I forgot it doesn't support your muh racist muh trump worldview

>> No.12363162
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Shalom my friend!

>> No.12363175

Black privilege - when you can get into Harvard with SAT scores that couldn't get a white guy into Ole Miss

>> No.12363184

wtf I love diversity now

>> No.12363188

Very poor. Starts with her assumption, finds an obscure quote in which part of it could be said to support her statement, then assigns incredibly horrendous motives to people who put the laws in place, then circles back reiterating her arguments based primarily on what she just twisted.

Makes Nazi propaganda look unbiased.

YES, there are troubles with the parts of the judicial system. But a book like this does much more harm than good. Let's poor thinkers believe that a big white man super-conspiracy is going out and hunting down fine, upstanding young black men. Encourages revolt and protest rather than rational looking at the problems and working for solutions.

>> No.12363194

How does personal responsibility not come up once in this book? And why does it seem that the only options available to inner city African Americans is drug dealing or a few people allowed the access to an affirmative action job. So let's look at this and see if this makes sense. The War on Drugs was created as a new caste to keep black people incarcerated. I thought it was created to divert resources to deal with the Columbian drug cartels, but I guess it is all relative. Add that to the history the that black already have with dealing with law enforcement, and the fact that black people are commonly viewed as criminals. With those strikes already not in favor of the African American, why would anyone put themselves in greater risk of being incarcerated by selling drugs. And how does Mrs Alexander continue to make excuses for those who chose this path. As a black man I understand that things are not exactly on a level playing when it comes to race, but at some point people have to be held accountable for their actions.

>> No.12363201

I gave up about half way through the book. With a little research I found many of her statistics were misrepresented, historical incidents were taken out of context. Facts or statistics which would somewhat mitigate her conclusions were just overlooked. With one error after another I had to rate the book very poor. This is a shame because I find her basic premise to be correct, prejudice is still rampant and the judicial system is used to control blacks. Having spent 30 years in law enforcement I have seen this first hand. If she had used the statistics correctly this could still have been proven, although the disparity in treatment of blacks and whites by the judicial system would not have appeared as great.

>> No.12363203

>i should make all possible effort to pass onto my children
What matter is it to you? In the blink of an eye they too will be dead.
I agree I don't care to help blacks, but there's no need to justify what's happening to them. If I am given a direct chance to help I shall otherwise let it be.

>> No.12363210

This was assigned as mandatory reading for an entire incoming class of 2,000 students at an Ivy league university. The outcome was foreseeable and clear -- that this book only served to further divide my student body through Michelle Alexander's unsubstantiated assertions and anecdotes that were quickly taken as fact by students with pre-conceived ideas and emotions. This book was not meant to be read by an unbiased audience. It was meant to further convince ideologues of their victimhood, and make it impossible for opposers to voice their opinion in the face of liberal-alternative-'facts'.

>> No.12363212

Give me a summary gay boy. Life is short I'm not about to blow 6 hours of my life reading some negros book just to construct a nice 4chan comment.

>> No.12363215
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I know we're circle jerking but I'm still pissed pic related was largely ignored by the general public while fucking Tah-Nehisi Coates' "Black bodies, voices, arms, and big toes are stuck at the bottom and it's your fault something something white bodies why do we all use this weird language, white people who unironically read The Atlantic must buy this shitty book as reparations III" got all the attention and critical acclaim.
Beatty's actually funny, TNC is a fucking bore. Beatty's work will make you empathize with black people and think about things from their perspective because he's a good writer, TNC will make you hate black people if you read more than a paragraph every week.
Beatty rocks, TNC sucks. Read The Sellout and let the pragmatic humanism and hilarity flow through you.

>> No.12363224

The thesis of this book is that the "war on drugs" is a system of laws that was created in order to keep African-Americans and other "people of color" under control. However, there is not the slightest hint by the author that drugs are being planted on the victims. The author is forced to admit that the people who are being arrested are actually guilty of the crimes that they are being accused of. Her conclusion seems to be that the drug laws should not be applied to people of color, because those people are suffering under those laws in disproportionate numbers.

The defense in a criminal trial that "Yes, I am guilty, but society is to blame" became a joke 50 years ago.

What ever happened to the concept of taking responsibility for your actions?

The author's conclusion leads her to some extreme and bizarre contentions. She basically argues that African-Americans are not required to obey any laws. For example, she writes that it is acceptable for 7 Blacks to gang up and assault 1 White guy, because that was just a "schoolyard brawl".

This would be hilarious if it were not so scary.

>> No.12363236

Bolshevik, black Marxist garbage funded by George Soros. Need I say anything about the billionaire Marxist remaking the world in his own image? Black Lives Matter, also a black Marxist driven organization, finds its creed in this textbook.
This whole textbook feeds off of racial hatred against Whites and non-black Americans who disagree. The whole theme is black Americans are re-enslaved because their felony records prevent them from voting, doing jury duty, and other American blessings like welfare and living life without a label. Poor black felon, cry baby cry baby cry...No attention is given to their victims. Felonies are no longer race decided, they are decided by the criminal acts and past criminal offenses (which this textbook fails to account for). Also, there is a huge difference when a person loses their rights for raping/murdering another human being vs. losing their God given rights for being black. The former is correct, the racist latter is incorrect. You can't help how God made you, but you are going to be held accountable for your actions. Michelle cares not about action, nor about the fact the most felons are white anyways suffering in the same manner. Instead, her race conscious mind channels her own racist hatreds against whites and Anglo America.

The entire textbook's propaganda can be dissolved with simple truths. Black Americans and white communists unfortunately find this textbook fascinating. I found it scary that such a neo-Marxist, black liberationist garbage textbook can be presented as legitimate and end up in my graduate level classroom...with a professor who is a black liberationist Marxists...

>> No.12363266

Well said.
This book is more useful as a historical text describing political culture of its time than anything else.

>> No.12363458

You are proving my point, retard.

>> No.12363483
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>The defense in a criminal trial that "Yes, I am guilty, but society is to blame" became a joke 50 years ago.
>What ever happened to the concept of taking responsibility for your actions?

>le I haven't read Rousseau face