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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 132 KB, 1033x559, 2017vs2018top100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12360205 No.12360205 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12360208
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x3500, 2017top100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12360215
File: 3.91 MB, 1013x2189, 2018littop100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12360236

Huh, and back then I thought 2017 chart was a downgrade from 2016.

>> No.12360248

Wasnt the 2017 chart just a fraud. Do 2018 v 2016 op

>> No.12360252

2017 looks like about 5 people voted on it - a lot of some obscure shit nobody ever heard of.

>> No.12360260

Lel, you're right, OP used the one created by a Discord group
They did a proper 2017 in the meantime, though, I think.

>> No.12360265

There is no 2017 chart

>> No.12360275

You used to discord chart OP. That one was fabricated.

>> No.12360283
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, 312335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think this one is the fake one, there was some drama about fake votes and deleting votes

>> No.12360290

Maybe op is a discord fag

>> No.12360293


There were multiple polls conducted in 2017 by different Discord groups, they were all ballot stuffing each other and spamming each other/their own charts on /lit/ for a few months. It got so bad that jannies started deleting poll threads. We never got a real 2017 chart with a respectable poll.

>> No.12360298

2017 chart is a fraud. 5 faggots from "Discord" circlejerked and choose their books.

>> No.12360307

>it's the same list

isn't it funny how /lit/ makes fun of r/books for circlejerking the same books when /lit/ does the same thing? neck yourselves

>> No.12360321

They like 5 genre books. We like the entire Western canon, which is a thing that doesn't change much, y'know.

>> No.12360332

200 books and barely any from the last 20 years
try crawling out of your basement and reading some relevant stuff, hun. or is that not "redpilled" enough for you?

>> No.12360347
File: 155 KB, 500x492, 1546044052207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on our patrician taste.
You have to go back.

>> No.12360357

The Elementary Particles from the 2018 chart came out in 1998, you colossal faggot.

>> No.12360359

>We like the entire Western canon
This is a massive lie and you know it. People here have very, very basic knowledge of literary history.

Though /lit/ is too conservative in its taste, you can't really except people from the whole world reading enough contemporary books to produce a consensus. Books probably need the most time of all art forms to be consumed, valorised and "digested" by the readership.

>> No.12360366

>The Elementary Particles from the 2018 chart came out in 1998, you colossal faggot.
1 in 200 books is kind of proving his point no?

>> No.12360372

I was reading The Trial by Kafka. The fucking book seems to get nowhere, going in circles, it is maddening. I put it on hold while I read Meditations.

Was this effect intended by the author? Can someone explain to me whats going on with no spoilers if possible?

>> No.12360373

/lit/ became more redpilled on the female question and has made a pivot towards the east in line with recent changes in US geo-political strategy.
get off our board now faggot

>> No.12360386


Yeah this person is obviously a very good troll.

Yeah hahaahahah

Where do you faggots get off with your shit taste, try fucking something that’s not your right hands haahhaahhah heheeh... ahe

>> No.12360389

Why the fuck is this board so stupid?

>> No.12360392

we've been had like your mom every night of your life

>> No.12360398

1 book from the last 20 years when there's been 2000+ years of literature is sufficient to me. If you don't like it, fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.12360402

This thread, like a couple others, was obviously just made by the same shitposter to try and advertise his stale fake ( >>12360208 )
I don't understand why he's even still trying when there's proof available on the archive. It's not going anywhere.

>> No.12360404

The recent plebbit influx, man.

>> No.12360418

ITT: Angry plebbitors

edit: thanks for the gold kind person
edit 2: RIP my asshole

>> No.12360422

>telling anyone to go to plebbit when the most pleb book of the last 20 years is chosen as the "best"

>> No.12360445

The Elementary Particles is hardly the most pleb book of the last 20 years. Are you retarded?

>> No.12360472

t. pleb

>> No.12360499

What was the Africa/Middle East entry? The Bible or Camus? Either way, oy vey.

>> No.12360916

>no Hungry Games

I thought this was a board about books?

>> No.12362544

There was only one discord group at the time and it only made one fake without a poll. You can tell its threads were deleted by the OP and not jannies because they stop at leaks that showed results weren't used
This one is real
It had a poll run by a pleb, the maker of the fake wasn't happy and got his group to spam porn to get it deleted, I think when that didn't work he started spamming his self-published title to claim the poll faked its results... but it's real

>> No.12362549

oy vey indeed

>> No.12362590

Quality bait.

>> No.12362597

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12363940

kek based didnt even notice

>> No.12364086

oh no! lit has gotten sexier and racier! what shall be done????

>> No.12364128

t. nigger faggot

>> No.12364155
File: 23 KB, 400x541, What's going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12365015

L O N D O N ???

>> No.12365392 [DELETED] 

Ironically that's the best looking top 100 chart. Too bad it's fake.

>> No.12365433

Ironically that's the best looking top 100 chart. It even has the dates. Too bad it's fake.

>> No.12365476

>The Odyssey

>> No.12365517

Not Fagles, Homer

You a Pope pusher?

>> No.12365798

That’s what I’m saying. The official 2018 list gives Fagles as the author. What gives?

>> No.12365886

Ha. I see now.

>> No.12366060
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x3242, 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the corrected chart. Help spread this.