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File: 51 KB, 300x400, michel_foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12356284 No.12356284 [Reply] [Original]

why don't brainlets, moralists and catholic larpers get him?

>> No.12356321

why don't you?

>> No.12356331

I do get him. That's why I hate him. Why suppose that the current or any past frames of thought were not natural evolution? To overthrow all conceptual structure will only leave us in the mud again, and once we are there, what's to say we won't wind up in exactly the same place? To the extent he is right about the influence of culture, he should be recognized as a cognitive terrorist.

>> No.12356343

>a cognitive terrorist
That's pretty cool desu, I think that's just the level of edginess I aspire to anyway.

>> No.12356353

Nick Land is just a Foucault wannabe who didn't have the balls to get AIDS on purpose

>> No.12356364

This is not a game.

>> No.12356365

Was getting pozzed part of his plan?

>> No.12356375

Are you sure?

>> No.12356382

it's a toolkit, not a prescription you fucking sub-120 IQ mongoloid. with that said Focault is the first one on my fascist book-pyre for good reason

>> No.12356384
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Imagine admiring a philosopher that died from AIDS. Pozzing your brain lmao

>> No.12356404

>fascist book-pyre
>for good reason
kek, read foucault abruti d'anglo

>> No.12356405

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.12356426

>current year of our lord, 2018
>not yearning for a hyperfascist corporation-state.
communists pls go

>> No.12356427

>anglojew with ugly tie
>french chad coming down from his LSD trip
mmh I don't know

>> No.12356446

True enough. But if a man teaches you how to make a bomb, what good uses are there, really? And what kind of instruction is needed when the desire is indescriminate destruction?

>> No.12356451

(Hiv) positive.

>> No.12356459


>> No.12356469

Chomsky said he had never met a more amoral man. I wonder what the man did behind closed doors.

>> No.12356473
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>> No.12356478

Both of them. The fact that Foucault destroys Chomsky should demonstrate the extent of his memetic violence. For the sake of a pure justice, he would obliterate the very concept and name of justice. He shows the naivety of Chomsky's revolution, but delivers a revolution so complete and destructive, it eats itself as it is born.

>> No.12356479

I've been thinking about getting pozzed to promote my detective novella, but I'm wondering if it's more based to get aids from doing drugs or from having gay sex as a straight man.

>> No.12356493
File: 349 KB, 2518x1176, chad_foucault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ used to adhere the Foucauldian school of thought until Peterson showed up

>> No.12356503

There are two privileged positions of knowledge in the western tradition - the position of Adam, where any knowledge or even the conceptual category of knowledge has not emerged. The other being the category of total knowledge, the understanding of everything and all. Knowing a medium amount of things is evil, but knowing very little is even more evil. Nowhere is it more perfectly exemplified as in Goethe's Faust. Faust strives to learn even more, although his reasons for doing so are self-oriented. Through this exploration and knowledge he arrives at the understanding of why he was at fault. There was no other way for him to learn that.
>Wait, doesn't Faust die horribly in every other version of the myth?
God that can't save Faust is a useless and impotent god.

>> No.12356524

Philosophical astrology. Axioms All the Way Down, by Michael Foucault-Green

>> No.12356531

axioms don't real dipshit
~ this post was made by the deleuzean gang

>> No.12356539

He wasn't opposing current of past frames of through. Just reminding us that they weren't always the way they were and that they can still be subject to change.

>> No.12356540

I Swear im gonna cum on his bald hed and smear it in like moisturizer nigga

>> No.12356584

Haha, that's silly. You must remember, he is French. Only Americans are quite so frank and open with their intentions. It is a quaint remnant of a frontier history, where hidden motives led to forgotten graves. Foucault's reminder is not intended for the uninitiated. He means to show the socialist that the revolution will always fail unless it attacks the very cognitive framework itself--unless even the language is destroyed, the old structures will reassert themselves. His intent is complete annihilation, for it is only in the absence that anything truky new could come to pass.

>> No.12356604

Don't know shit about Foucault but this sounds pretty fucking Nietzchean. Is he like a lefty Nietzsche? If so, sounds pretty interesting

>> No.12356630

>my fascist book-pyre

>> No.12356631

Yes and no. Foucault argues against any kind of reconstruction. He is a socialist also, where Nietzsche was a somewhat stoic individualist. Their styles are also complete opposites. Both are something of charlatans. Nietzche dazzles with grand metaphor, and Foucault dizzies with obliques.

>> No.12356655

Foucault was no leftist, but a reactionary esoteric traditionalist

>> No.12356685

Says the chomskyite

>> No.12356827

tl;dr he turned into a neoliberal

>> No.12356837

>jacobin mag
What could be more traditionalist?

>> No.12356844

>fascist book-pyre
Which others are there?

>> No.12356862

antifa book pyres, obviously

>> No.12356888

Calling him a neoliberal just adds misconceptions to his beliefs. It's not like he rejected all of his older thought

>> No.12356899

What can I read from him to get the big picture?

>> No.12356904

Deep down, Mickey F always remained a convinced anarcho gaullist sex magickian

>> No.12356915

No way, he was a sub who got off on having more authority

>> No.12357960

the virgin foucault vs the chad celine

>> No.12357962

he's kinda of handsome despite the whole AIDS zombie thing going on for him

>> No.12357971

Based Peterson

>> No.12359130

I do understand their disagreement but why did chomsky have such a low opinion of him?

>> No.12359164

that's called a power bottom, granny

>> No.12359189
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>why did chomsky have such a low opinion of him?
Chomsky tried to have a serious discussion and be pals with him, meanwhile Foucault was all
>lol you american pig
>this is why your civilization will kill us all
>you'd understand if you had a real culture
and so on.
I wouldn't blame Chomsky for hating the guy after that, he even got him tiny pants to humiliate him on TV.

>> No.12359434

>lol you american pig
>this is why your civilization will kill us all
>you'd understand if you had a real culture

>American intel agencies were promoting Foucault and similar anti-Soviet intellectuals at the time to control the French Left
Whose ideology is it, anyway?

>> No.12359439

I'm only saying that Foucault was an ass and no one is toiching the pants issue.

>> No.12360105
File: 263 KB, 420x420, 7558e3aeb77e8041ce113dbcf7efa8bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Foucault spent many evenings in the San Francisco gay scene, frequenting sado-masochistic bathhouses, engaging in unprotected sex. He would praise sado-masochistic activity in interviews with the gay press, describing it as "the real creation of new possibilities of pleasure, which people had no idea about previously."

That's all we need to know about this faggot. Thankfully he is burning in Hell now

>> No.12360123

i saw a thing that said he was home safe in france when aids broke out and went back to sf to catch it on purpose but people covered it up because that is such a fucking stupid and assholish thing to do, can anyone confirm or deny?

>> No.12360161

>that is such a fucking stupid and assholish thing to do
He was the proto-bug chaser.

>> No.12360170
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based if true

>> No.12360186

what happens if you hate the both of them>
do i win a prize?

Imagine being so gay you a french philospher who dies of aids.

>> No.12360220

contra never said that, foucault never said that
Like, I mean, I get not following a book you have to read and stuff, being a brainlet is a huge challenge. But having a youtube video pass over your head takes a very special type of person.

>> No.12361030

Because he's an aids infested fag

>> No.12361142

Foucault is THE big lefty Nietzschean

>> No.12361222

Butler said that.

>> No.12361819

>Around this time of this picture I was warning Foucault about Aids. When I first told him about the disease he said: “Oh that's perfect Edmund: you American puritans, you’re always inventing diseases. And one that singles out blacks, drug users and gays – how perfect!” Gay rights had been so hard to fight for that Aids felt like a real reversal. It just seemed to be too perfect for him to believe in it. I tried to insist that it was real despite its ideological aspects.

>Living in San Francisco in the Seventies he had been promiscuous. He loved the bath houses and all that. I think that might have been where he got infected. But he was very secretive about his illness and the doctors were very secretive about it with him. There used to be a cloak of silence over such things. The doctors were intimidated by Foucault’s anti-medicine stance. They didn’t want to be accused of having a paternalistic or an I’m-better-than-you attitude. He himself wasn’t sure what his illness was until the last few months (he died in 1984). He was horrified at the thought that he might have infected his partner but fortunately he hadn’t.

Dude medicine is just a power structure, medical gaze LMAO

>> No.12361989

>tried to insist that it was real despite its ideological aspects.
Lol at this pleb

>> No.12362058

>Goes to BDSM bars and gets AIDS
>Petitions to make being a pedo legal in France
Y-you just don't get him, m-moralist. He's just deconstructing age!

>> No.12362071

>It's not like he rejected all of his older thought
Apart from he pretty much did.

>> No.12362242

>But having a youtube video pass over your head takes a very special type of person.
Interesting, however, you're never going to be a girl, no matter how many meds you take.

>> No.12362320


virgin political philosophy vs chad power analysis

>> No.12362336

>Haha, that's silly. You must remember, he is French. Only Americans are quite so frank and open with their intentions. It is a quaint remnant of a frontier history, where hidden motives led to forgotten graves
Is it ironic? Should I laugh, should I cry?

>> No.12362582
File: 8 KB, 225x225, PARMENIDES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>affirming bourgeois naive realism to own daddy

"Annihilation" only reveals a stronger version of that which is "annihilated". Linguistic skepticism only reveals the Omnisemiotic, killing Jesus only reveals him as God, etc. This is why "Nihilists" are always trendy prissy bitches. Truth is irresistibly full, and the only semblance of negation is found in the most particular, the most sensuous, the most frivolous, etc. FUCK Foucault.

>> No.12362588

focaults ouvre is not nihilistic
focaults ouvre is not nihilistic
focaults ouvre is not nihilistic
focaults ouvre is not nihilistic
focaults ouvre is not nihilistic

>> No.12362605

because they just want talking points for an epic internet win, and Foucault is easily dispatched with in their internet circles by saying he died of gay aids lol

>> No.12362610

Nice "philosophy" you go there

>> No.12362628
File: 109 KB, 256x319, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12362695


Is that Peter O'Toole as Yahweh in The Ruling Class?

>> No.12362698

You realize you can put prescription medication in a toolkit right?

>> No.12362703

tools and methodology are amoral you fucking mong

>> No.12362717

aids is cured

>> No.12362735

>the revolution will always fail
>unless it attacks the very cognitive framework itself
you fucked it up

>> No.12362744

Literally pozzed

>> No.12362745
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>> No.12362752

ouvre is not a word
ouvre is not a word
ouvre is not a word
ouvre is not a word
ouvre is not a word

>> No.12362770

Foucault said he deliberately made some of his work obscure to gain the notice of his fellow academics. Is there more if a brainlet position to take? Or are all French people like this.

>> No.12362780

I'm having a hard time figuring out if he was based or not, The History of Sexuality really got at a lot of women's goats and his work on consent is fascinating, but he seems to see power as a collective force rather than a non-political entity.

>> No.12362854

he's probably the least based person who has ever lived

>> No.12362900


>> No.12362903

least based, but bluepilled or redpilled?

>> No.12363132

>Or are all French people like this.
I live in a neighboring country, and yes they are, this is obvious as soon as you open their newspapers or watch their television.

>> No.12363144

redpilled but turned bluepilled later in life

>> No.12363176

Wasn't it Chomsky who said that Foucault and the other French """intellectuals""" at that time are really just complete pseuds who deliberately obfuscate their arguments behind a barrage of indecipherable gobbledegook, to hide the fact that it contains very little substance at all? Not 100% sure, but I seem to remember some quote to that effect.

>> No.12363191

>Chomsky calling other people complete pseuds
His entire beef with Continental philosophy can be boiled down to "reading it makes my head hurt".

>> No.12363209

If an idea can be expressed simply, then it should be expressed simply. I've never actually read Foucault, but I've read several papers within sociology that apply a "Foucaultian" analysis to a particular topic, and they are incredibly difficult to read and seemingly have very little substance. It's true that I might just be too brainlet to understand them, but I think it's more likely that they're simply pure garbage for pseuds. See the Sokal hoax for why I'm inclined to believe it's the latter.

>> No.12363325

Do you even french, bro?

>> No.12363365

>Sokal hoax
Confirmed pseud

>> No.12363482

>If an idea can be expressed simply, then it should be expressed simply
But what of ideas that are too difficult to be explained in a simple way? What if simplicity dilutes or veils the inherent complexity of the idea? Not everything meaningful or important is necessarily simple

>> No.12363509

Descartes please die.

You been Duning-Krugered.

>> No.12363540

Completely agree, some things can't be expressed in a simple way, and that's fine. If I remember the quote rightly, Chomsky was suggesting that Foucault's ideas were incoherent and didn't have any

>> No.12363864

I don't trust an ill man to come with anything of value to the society at large. Small scale, yeah, not large scale.

>> No.12363874

There's nothing to get. I will kill myself tomorrow if anyone can show an instance of Foucault directly suggesting the viability of some substantiated course of action.

>> No.12363955

Sartre was right to call him the bourgeoisie's last wall of defense against any real shit going down. Nice theories otherwise though.

>> No.12364782

prisons innit

>> No.12365158

>french socialists faggots like deleuze, foucalt and bataille
>not moralists

remember when bataille refuse to shake hands with anti-semitics bc it's bad to hate and kill jews lol

>> No.12365192

ferme là plutôt

>> No.12365215

it's hurting my eyes to see a strawman and three non-sequitors in a row

>> No.12365260


his work is just a big cope because he has aids and just couldn't believe it was the truth

>> No.12365521

>Members of the Acéphale society were required to adopt several rituals, such as refusing to shake hands with anti-semites and celebrating the decapitation of Louis XVI, an event which prefigured the "chiefless crowd" targeted by "acéphalité".

bataille was all talk but no action like most frenchies

>> No.12366273

why the fuck is that funny

>> No.12368007

>we would totally allow ourselves to be sacrificed, it's just that nobody wants to do the killing
suuure bataille

>> No.12368024

He literally bored me so much that I fell asleep. And I do like to read complex texts and philosophy but his writing just seemed very dull to me. Also I didn't get rid of the impression that he didn't have much new to offer for someome who had studied philosophers of the Frankfurt school.