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/lit/ - Literature

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12358799 No.12358799 [Reply] [Original]

What experiences do you have of with literature while on drugs, /lit/?

I really do notice how I retain a lot more information while reading on adderall. Usually when I read I have to pause and go back at frequent intervalls because my mind wanders too much and can't concentrate. I'm not diagnosed with ADHD but I recognize several symptoms in myself, and probably would have been diagnosed as a child if I would've had any problems with school, but as many other kids in modern education I never really had to study at all until university.

I wouldn't really write stuff on a higher amphetamine dosage however, since I prefer a more open mind when being creative as well as the fact that my texts on adderall usually come out dry, improper, incoherent and just goes on way too long for what it is(as in this post, studying for a test and have taken a larger dosage than usual). I know that Stephen King was coked out of his mind for years while writing many of his novels, which in my opinion really explains why his writing is the way it is.

I would imagine that reading on a lower hallucinogen dosage could be quite pleasant, but my mind has been way too shattered on acid to enjoy reading more than a couple of minutes. I think writing on such a small dosed substance would be even better though, comparable to dude weed lmao.

>> No.12358825

Drugs are worthless without abstaining sexually. Most just use them to fuel sexual and hedonistic depravity. Cannabis users jack off, stuff their face and watch rick moror. stimulant users talk about degenerate sexual escapades.
Very seldom do people use them as tools.
I don't have a problem with drugs as long as the person is chaste. If they aren't, they can go to hell.

>> No.12358966

A good point. Recreational drug use is at least almost always purely hedonistic in its nature. I would say that my rather limited drug use is intended to be productive, for medication and therapy, or spiritual. I guess, however, that no one would believe such a claim except myself; for all the right reasons I must add. (Over)consumption, sexual degeneracy and disregard for the virtuous usually walk hand-in-hand with drug use.

>> No.12358976

I liked the first couple of chapters of Dune a lot when completely stoned. I think that overdeveloped fantasy with no context is really good with weed, that's why people connect it so much with anime.

>> No.12359040
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I enjoy drugs, but I have always preferred them alone and not mixed in with sexuality or nightclubs.
I have done coke, speed, mdma, lsd, dmt and salvia. I have done mdma the most, I hate cocaine and I hate speed as they don't really affect me all that much, make me restless and I can't sleep for days. I have refused sex while on MDMA, said that I just want the high, went outside alone, smoked a cig and looked at the clear night sky. Using those things for sex is a waste and a clutch. I feel like the sole act of you being fucked up makes the sex "dirty" and impure, so that's why I stay away from it.
I also can't go long periods without using something, even if it is smoking weed, but not alcohol, alcohol is awful. My brain gets extremely bored with the sober state of mind at a certain point and I feel like this is just another way for me to say I have a psychological addiction.

>> No.12359516

I think you can have sex on drugs without it being degenerate, at least no more than the drug use itself. What matters is the thoughts and feelings behind it.
Though, most drugs, especially psychedelics, are primarily introspective so i guess you wouldn't really get a more intimate experience with the other person compared to without the drugs, which just makes it all unnecessary. Destructive even, if you want to avoid inflated hedonism

>> No.12359554

Back when my brain was healthier I used to get stoned and read fantasy and my mental pictures were a lot richer without any effort.
Now, 6 years later, I just get high, read 200 pages more quickly and forget most of the details by the next session.

>> No.12359581

How often do you smoke?

>> No.12359586

Sometimes I'll read after smoking bud. I retain what I've read pretty well but I usually get sleepy after 5 or 10 pages

>> No.12359655

I'm pathetic and can't go on without a buzz. My sober personality is insufferable and while stoned I become a world loving hippie.
If booze was cheaper and didn't make me as dizzy I'd probably drink myself to death.

The effect of marijuana on diminished memory retention has some scientific basis, but I don't care too much. My relatives, aged 40 to 60, have never smoked but I've noticed they also forget stuff, which is more common as they age. They'll forget they told the same story 5 times already, or they set to do something then forgot about it.
I'm fairly sure I hardly repeat myself, but there's plenty of events from recent years I've completely forgotten took place.

>> No.12359776

With cannabis becoming legal in more and more places, more and more long term effects of daily users will come to light, something I find extremely interesting. If you feel the daily grind in society gets easier with weed I won't judge at all, so don't believe that I disregard you and those in a similar situation as some guinea pigs, but the science behind cognition and brain plasticity is really fascinating

>> No.12359794

why don't you want to have sex on MDMA? Concerned about a "Molly girlfriend". If you're with an established partner its amazing, but with some rando its kinda depressing

>> No.12359907

I've been there as a 14 year old I remember that pretty well despite being stoned off my ass at the time. It probably took me forever to get through it but I didn't care.

>> No.12359935

Read some poems by Jon Fosse while on LSD and thought it was life altering stuff, read it again later and realized it wasn’t all that great.

>> No.12359962

Never done molly but the comedown after you've had sex, MDMA having the effects it has, with someone you don't know and/or care about must be fucking awful

>> No.12359981


I think you need to quit and actually work on you're self instead of escaping from your problems, especially if you're noticing a negative effect of daily use.

>> No.12360048
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>Read several books
>Microdose on psilocybin
>Synthesize information
Not much more to it bois. As an added warning, I'd advise staying away from all substances manufactured by (((chemists))). You never really know what you're getting, and you'd be a fool to trust any acquaintance who claim to have gotten it from their "old hippie friend".