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12355412 No.12355412 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Dostoevsky prejudice against Jews and poles?

>> No.12355419


>> No.12355426

Because of the redpill.

>> No.12355483


>> No.12355853

He wasn't

>> No.12355864

>a character is the author
The absolute state of /lit/.

>> No.12356235

He spent too much time watching Nazi YouTubers obviously

>> No.12356250

Not OP, but Poles are often portrayed negatively in Dosty's novels (BK comes to mind)

>> No.12356273


If he lived in the Caucasus he would have gripe about the Armenians. They were the successful merchant group there

>> No.12356288 [DELETED] 


Same reason as everyone else. Jews are rat people

>> No.12356298

Should be obvious. Have you ever lived around and spent time with Jews?

>> No.12356659

Jews are the bourgeoisie and must be removed.

>> No.12356716


>> No.12356718

duh? because he was a very smart guy?

>> No.12356929

Poles are human vermin just like (((them)))

>> No.12356941

Jews are hated everywhere throughout history don't be naive

>> No.12356958

>reading the world's greatest authors for the literature
nah fuck that my echo chamber won't stand for it
>reading the world's greatest authors to look for fuel to shitpost with on my favourite epic meme website
now THIS is what I'm talking about
rise up gamers

>> No.12356963

He was a russian from the 19th century. They all hated jews and poles.

>> No.12357454

Fuck off with your /pol/ antisemitic propaganda

>> No.12357567

Have you read any russian literature? Pretty much every ethnic group besides Russians (poles, moldoavians, ukranians, jews, etc) are put in a bad light. And often rus are as well.

>> No.12358058


because the The Jews in Russia at the time were the same Jews that got kicked out of Western Europe for Usury and preying upon the peasant class; they repeated the same thing in russia, in which case the Czar family eventually legally forbid their financial practices. This led to Jews unable to exist (on honest labor), which led to the Bolshevik revolution.

>> No.12358152

How come they've never been broadly hated in America?

>> No.12358160

Nobody in Eastern Europe liked Jews.

>> No.12358234

Jews have been disliked since the beginning of time, so it's natural.

Here's some more background on Dostoevsky's feelings toward jews though.


>> No.12358261
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>How come they've never been broadly hated in America?

They are and have been. This has been suppressed and covered up as jewish institutional control has increased and jewish victim narratives have become more pervasive in indoctrinating children, but it has always been present and known.

>> No.12358268

Are you dumb? Jews were routinely banned from private institutions and looked down on by Americans throughout history. Its just that they never had significant power until the 20th century

>> No.12358311

in-groups and out-groups.

>> No.12358396


>> No.12358417

How is it an echo chamber if you're allowed to post here?

>> No.12359433

They were up until they gained an almost complete monopoly over mass media.
The overwhelming majority of Americans didn't want Jewish refugees in WW2.
America's Jew worship is relatively recent.

>> No.12359514

Usury is a sin.

>> No.12359525

We Russians do like bad stereotypes but we aren't as serious about them as westerners. What constitutes as hate speech in USA is just some banter in Russia.

>> No.12359728

Everybody know why Jews are hated. As for Poles, he had a run with some unpleasant ones during his exile to Siberia. Supposedly they were stuck up assholes that thought themselves better than Russians, which they still kinda do. He had some unsavory Poles in "Brothers Karamazov" but he did finish that chapter stating that few bad apples don't mean the whole nation is rotten.

>> No.12359741
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Jews are underhanded power hungry greedy people. Poles are just a dumber version of Jews.

>> No.12359807

This. It seems like Cossacks are a mix between vermin and LOTR orcs, with the only saving grace being that they have cool outfits.

>> No.12359827

it was a typo, should have been sjws and proles