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12353382 No.12353382 [Reply] [Original]

The ideology of Communism and the religion of Gnostic Christianity are inexorably linked; in many ways, Gnostic thought is merely the predecessor to Communism, and that the two share the same space in the social, cultural, and political fields of their age.

Just as Gnostics rejected the material world, denying any benefit or possible good present in favour of an overwhelmingly pessimistic view, so too do Communists reject Capitalism, and instead purport that all human ills are subsumed within this economic framework. And in fact decree that any reasonable human will also reach this conclusion by the mere analysis of the human condition.
These views are borderline nihilistic, pessimistic, save for the one solution to these problems. The focus on arcane, hidden knowledge is retained, where the focus is placed on consuming the vast collection of leftist literature in order to 'become a better comrade'.

In the way the Gnostics patiently wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to return and grant them reprieve from the physical world and bring them closer to the Monad, the revolution is patiently awaited, where the sublime communism will arrive and all things will be good.

Both belief systems are linked, throughout time. There is nothing new under the sun.

>> No.12353533
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>rejected the material world
>reject Capitalism

>> No.12353671

Marxism is obviously directly influenced by Gnosticism in general, but I think not by way of Gnosticism's idealism per se. Marxism is materialistic. You're right that Marxism's concept of knowledge (pseudoscientific positivism, with Marxism itself masquerading as ultimate empirical truth handed down as secret teachings from a clandestine authority) is ultimately derived from Gnosticism. Marxism's eschatology is a kind of inverse Gnostic millenialism, where instead of the spirit triumphing, the material will. Dialecticism is what allowed Marx to smuggle in this pseudo-idealism into his system, so perhaps the two systems are more closely equivalent, but in a veiled way. Marxism is more clearly directly influenced by Luciferianism, Satanism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah and Freemasonry. All these systems, as well as Gnosticism, are simply different masks worn by the same central personality, Satan, so of course they're similar.

>> No.12353718
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>Marxism is more clearly directly influenced by Luciferianism, Satanism, Hermeticism, Kabbalah and Freemasonry

>> No.12353911

The enlightened caused the ideology to metamorphose from being based around 'faith' to 'reason'.

>> No.12353932

In other words they're both forms of ressentiment, congratulations you fucking plank

>> No.12354008

They form out of resentment but instead of lapsing into suicidal pessimism they structure themselves around hidden knowledge and utopianism.

>> No.12354030

>The ideology of Capitalism and the religion of Gnostic Christianity are inexorably linked; in many ways, Gnostic thought is merely the predecessor to Capitalism, and that the two share the same space in the social, cultural, and political fields of their age.
>Just as Gnostics rejected the material world, denying any benefit or possible good present in favour of an overwhelmingly pessimistic view, so too do Capitalists reject Nature, and instead purport that all human ills are subsumed within this uncontrollable framework. And in fact decree that any reasonable human will also reach this conclusion by the mere analysis of the human condition.
>These views are borderline nihilistic, pessimistic, save for the one solution to these problems. The focus on arcane, hidden knowledge is retained, where the focus is placed on consuming the vast collection of economic literature in order to 'become a better investor'.
>In the way the Gnostics patiently wait for the Lord Jesus Christ to return and grant them reprieve from the physical world and bring them closer to the Monad, the boom is patiently awaited, where the sublime market will arrive and all things will be good.
>Both belief systems are linked, throughout time. There is nothing new under the sun.

Look, I can make pointless comparisons too, OP!

>> No.12354103

Gosh, I just feel so bad that the Gnostics were literally killed off. Violently murdered, those poor souls. All they sought was their own, personal enlightenment, unmediated by any institution, and yet the institution which ruled them would not allow this. And thus, they were the victims of a gruesome crusade. My heart goes out to you, old Gnostics, and I hope your spirits have found their salvation.

>> No.12354115

I watched a documentary about a couple of women in modern day England who started having recurring dreams of being burnt at the stake or driven off a cliff, in the same vein as what happened to the Cathars. They ended up finding about the Cathars and travelling to Montsegur, where they immediately felt like they were "home" in some cosmic sense.

Hence personal intuition is that the souls of the old gnostics are still around, just scattered about the world.

>> No.12354124

I found it, here's the documentary if you're interested


>> No.12354146
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BTFO. Stay mad, heretics.

>> No.12354303

they were heretics they deserved it

>> No.12355495



>> No.12355620

Why can you make analogies with everything just like op did and why do those analogies almost always fall apart beyond the surface level? It feels disarming to not be able to make analogies.

>> No.12355755


Awful posts. "Gnosticism" is top-down and introverted, whereas Marxism is bottom-up and extraverted, for starters. One is not the inversion of the other for many reasons. The former being optimist through "total-sum" Morality and Eschatology, whereas the latter being pessimist through zero-sum Morality and Eschatology, which is NOT an inversion. Truly awful posts. Please delete.

>> No.12355936

God damn all you had to do was google "dialectical materialism" to know how wrong you are

Also, the idea that capitalism is analogous to the material world is laughable. You don't say a map is literally the territory it purports to represent.

>> No.12355953

Marx never rejected the benefits of capitalism

>> No.12355966

>why is it easy to make superficial comparisons
because they are superficial, they fall apart because you didn't put any effort in them
are you sincerely retarded?

>> No.12355976

no, he rejected capitalism and wanted to kill all the capitalists and take all the money

>> No.12356456

> They both reject a thing they think is bad
> They both promote literacy
> They both have eschatological components

They sure are exactly the same thing, OP. Thanks for the great insight.

>> No.12356570
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An anti-materialist, theistic, ascetic, elitist religion is the same as a materialist, atheist, philosophy based on wordly well-being for common people?

Ok bud.

>> No.12356952
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"And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. 33And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all. 34Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, 35And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need."

Acts 2:42-47

>> No.12356966

That's not Marxism though

>> No.12356971

>analogies are superficial comparisons
So that’s your answer, the rest doesn’t matter because it was all just an answer dressed up as a bitter quip, which is the only way anons here communicate.

>> No.12357014

>my internet brainwashing camp tells me communism is evil
>my internet brainwashing camp tells me gnosticism is evil
>they must be the same thing!!!!
another great literature thread on /lit/

>> No.12357070

communists are about forcing their way of thinking on other people.
gnostics don't really do that, in fact, they intentionally try to keep their way of thinking hidden and obscured.

>> No.12357085

"And Marx said: 'Kill any and all that don't agree with you, and don't turn your cheek, but rather show them the edge of your sickle, or force of your hammer.' " Commie 101:3-7

>> No.12357097

Imagine going through life actually being an assblasted communist retard who believes that everyone who disagrees with him is simply ignorant because he believes everything he has read in his thousands of pages of involuted bullshit because it took time to read and "sounded really smart!". Your life is a waste and pathetic and I'm sure you are acutely aware of it when you wake up in the morning each day.

>> No.12357107
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>communists are about forcing their way of thinking on other people.

>> No.12357112
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He never said that

>> No.12357120

You're just as bad as the left "hurr durr that's not real gommunism"

>> No.12357130

yes he did: Communist Manifesto, page 127, paragraph 2.

>> No.12357149

OP's analogy is just a comparison betwenn two things, that's why I ignored that word.
>why can you make analogies between everything and why they fall at surface level
because they were poorly though out, that made them easy to make and easy to thwo away
again, do you have poor reading comprehension, skipped HS or just some sort of brain trauma?

>> No.12357156

he should had totally said that
how can we get a teenager to get that tattooed?

>> No.12357188

So you’re saying this is just a particular bad analogy but I disagree, I can’t recall any analogies at all that stand beyond surface level, that’s what I was communicating in my first post but it seems that you didn’t pick up on that. Maybe analogies aren’t meant to be ‘deep’ they are just useful in the context that they are used but they can’t stand up to further scrutiny. Maybe they are inherently falacious because you aren’t comparing two identical things? If that is so then what I said about them only being useful in context is close to the truth I guess.

>> No.12357200

What does "dialectical materialism" and the belief paradise is achievable in time and in matter have anything at all to do with Gnosticism? Stupid post, completely tenuous connections.

>> No.12357202

>it seems that you didn’t pick up on that
it seems that you maybe didn’t pick up on that*

>> No.12357256
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>> No.12357271

I’ve thought this myself for sometime. I have a dopey friend who vaguely subscribes to both ideologies too. They are both based on ignorance and resentment. Good thread.

>> No.12357278
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>> No.12357407

>all analogies can't stand up to further scrutiny

"When soldiers form lines, or hollow squares, you call it reason. When wild geese take flight in the form of a letter V you call it instinct. When the homogenous atoms of a mineral, moving freely in solution, arrange themselves into shapes mathematically perfect, or particles of frozen moisture into the symmetrical and beautiful forms of snowflakes, you have nothing to say. You have not even invented a name to conceal your heroic unreason."

Tl;DR just because you are ignorant of profound symmetries or analogies between things doesn't mean everyone else is. That's not to say OP's analogy is good though, it's fucking terrible

>> No.12357434

fart on my memory it was you who tweeted that

>> No.12357455

You misunderstand. I don’t think they can’t be thought provoking or that they can’t mean something, I think they can be very useful. I just don’t think their function is to be deeply examined and because of that they aren’t constructed with that purpose in mind(and that’s why they aren’t bulletproof), they are designed to get something across best quickly. If one were to design an analogy to stand completely on its own and to withstand scrutiny and act as an argument then your time is likely better spent writing something else with that purpose.

>> No.12357459

Their metaphysics are polar opposite. Idealism vs materialism.

>> No.12357482

Can anyone recommend a good introduction to Gnosticism?

>> No.12357656


>OP says christianity is gnosticism
>then the thread derides to gnosticism that spawned from saying jesus was just a teacher and not the son of god as an example of gnosticism

Political discourse trying to compare to theology is cringe

>> No.12357741
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Mises talks about this in his book Socialism - An Economic and Sociological Analysis. Granted it's only a small part of the book, but it talks about the various christian socialist movements while the popularity of socialism was on the rise and it's a very interesting read. Pick up this book if you haven't already

>> No.12357773
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Communism as an ideology existed before marxism

>> No.12358503
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they're not the same thing, objectively speaking.
What is this degeneracy? man has fallen.

>> No.12359808

based joe rogan poster

>> No.12359846

1/10 bait

>> No.12359847



>> No.12359882

Gnosticism isn't even worth comparing to anything. Literally just retards smoking too many meth 'dude what if nothing is real'
Dust in the wind.

>> No.12359895

>Communism's embrace of material conditions as a means of explaining reality is exactly the same as the Gnostic rejection of the material

Meanwhile, modern economics trying to find a way to justify itself while avoiding the Marx question doesn't at all involve magic.

I'm not going to pretend that I'm not more depressed and suicidal than before I read Marx, but that doesn't mean he's wrong lol.

No you see, they were elitists that were hoarding the gift of paradise for themselves, that's why we had to violently eliminate them so that the moral authority of the religion rests solely on us.

>> No.12360127

Nag Hammadi Scriptures

>> No.12360141

This. Ignore OPs bait

>> No.12360229


>> No.12360411

What the fuck is this? Why is the cursor a swastika?

>> No.12360706

hey guys, two different things, catch this, they're the same

>> No.12361638

Communism rejects the spiritual world; it is actually a gnostic inversion: it considers the material world as utterly complete in of itself, and deems humanity/soul-nature as illusioary and to be dealt with. The New Human as Communist intended was basically a de-humanized machine.

Thus you are correct but the other way around. Also, Marx was clearly influenced by a jewish messianic complex. Read Berdyaev

>> No.12362186

Pistis Sophia