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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 163 KB, 518x800, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12352410 No.12352410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did your first love change your life?

>> No.12352426

I’ve never been in love.

>> No.12352436

it was my fist love and nothing more, I don't think about her and it didn't change my life

>> No.12352492

Completely obliterated my soul in a way that turned me into a very bitter, pitiable person for a long time.

>> No.12352516
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I hate this cover. I hate pic related even more though

>> No.12352547

ive been in love ever since

>> No.12352654
File: 26 KB, 640x691, sM77zRs_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>have uni flatmate doing literature
>ask her if shes read any classics
>"what do you mean by classics anon?"
>this bitch is doing a lit degree and she doesn't know what classifies as a 'classic'?
>i reply
>"Oh you know. Of Mice and Men, To Kill and Mockingbird, Crime and Punishment, Lolita, Animal Far...."
>bitch interrupts me

>> No.12352656

shut the fuck up frogposter

>> No.12352877

Is that supposed to empty book pages with some freshly shaved hair on one page? What is that?

>> No.12352931
File: 45 KB, 735x390, 1525966837324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It occurred to me that regular hours, home-cooked meals, all the conventions of marriage, the prophylactic routine of its bedroom activities and, who knows, the eventual flowering of certain morals, of certain spiritual substitutes might help me, if not to purge myself of my degrading and dangerous desires, at least to keep them under pacific control.

>> No.12352967

Gave me a long term difficulty believing any person could actually enjoy being with me that pervasively clouds my perception of reality despite the fact that I'm totally aware it's a distortion of truth that I can't rely on.

>> No.12352995

It's soft and nubile skin pressed up against old hairy man skin

>> No.12353005

To anyone who likes this picture and is unhappy: read As You Like It or Nietzsche's Human, All-Too-Human, or anything good critically. This is not a girl that will help you GROW. Get real-world experience and hope that your judgment is good.

>O, that woman that cannot
make her fault her husband's occasion, let her
never nurse her child herself, for she will breed
it like a fool!

>Xantippe. - Socrates found the kind of wife he needed - but even he would not have sought her if he had known her well enough: the heroism of even this free spirit would not have extended to that. For Xantippe in fact propelled him deeper and deeper into his own proper profession, inasmuch as she made his house and home uncomfortable and unhomely to him: she taught him to live in the street and everywhere where one could chatter and be idle, and thus fashioned him into the greatest Athenian street-dialectician: so that in the end he had to compare himself to an importunate gadfly which a god had placed on the neck of the beautiful steed Athens that it might never be allowed any rest.

>> No.12353472

made me
>read more
>into ass
>realize I'm damn good at sex (aka unselfish)
>work out more
>into Italians/classical beauty
it was a good time till long distance, and then it was terrible

>> No.12353508

she was in the high school swim team. now I have a fetish for girls in one piece swim suits.

>> No.12353535

Insane thicc bpd goth girl who I was in a relationship with for about 6 months in High School. Even though I learned my lesson I'm still attracted to girls like that, it kinda sucks but what can you do about lasting psychological damage.

>> No.12353551

She made me sexually conservative.

>> No.12353558

she made me realize that i was capable of being loved

>> No.12353621

this. it's been literally a year since we broke up but I'm at a weird mix of being incredibly attracted to her and her body type, but also never wanting to see her again for being so manipulative and crazy and somewhat mean at times

>> No.12353636
File: 600 KB, 1187x1600, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, except that I've never had a gf and it was the one-piece_swimsuit tag on boorus that led me to watching Amagami and fallling in love with Kaoru

>> No.12353750
File: 108 KB, 1280x936, ExcitingGirlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like 6 for me and I hate to say it but part of that attraction never goes away. Whenever I talk to girls like this it's like a game with them. Kinda fucked up but whatever.

Crazy girls are crazy good at sex

>> No.12353769


>> No.12353789

I've never been in love.

>> No.12353791

I'm very happy that I won't die a virgin, but it didn't do much aside from that.

>> No.12353801

Oh no. A whole year. How horrible. Surely your life is over.

>> No.12353835

I imagine my first love is going to mentally destroy me, because after years and years of virginity to finally find someone who is, at least temporarily, attracted to you has to form some kind of warped permanent bond in your mind.
Then finally when they break it off I imagine it's the worst devastation a man can feel and I'll be left completely twisted and never meet another.

>> No.12353843

Classics means the Greeks you utter retard

>> No.12353853

You should probably spend some time on sites other than 4chan.

>> No.12353862

>believing this

>> No.12353863

She moved to a country far away and I’ll never see her again. I subconsciously search for girls that look like her and, because I was young at the time, all the girls I like are young and cute, but still legal you must understand.
Anyway I guess it changed my life because not only did I know what love is but now my perception of beauty is defined by her. Pretty shitty trade off desu.

>> No.12353877

Why is grooming bad?

>> No.12353904

Because it didn't happen to me, and/or I didn't get to do it to someone else.

>> No.12353921

because propoganda.

>> No.12353934

holy shit you are retarded. it's perfectly sensible to ask someone what they mean by a classic. also all those books you listed are reddit-tier high school trash besides a couple.

>> No.12353952

>good at sex
This is a meme.

>> No.12353978

She made me into a hebephile. Or maybe i was one before then, i remember finding non nude cp online once and setting as my friend's desktop background.
I'm not into young girls anymore though, now i only fap to matures and horses.

>> No.12353989

It didn't and that's what really hurts. I thought love would help with my depression but it didn't. I thought losing my virginity would make me more confident but it didn't.

>> No.12354017
File: 69 KB, 900x278, 1542281236750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12354156

She set the standard for female beauty in my mind. No makeup, ivory skin, big soft breasts, high cheekbones, brown hair.

>> No.12354165

That cover is so fucking vile... why do editors don't follow the wishes of Nabokov regarding the damn covers?

>> No.12354178


>> No.12354179



>> No.12354191

It made me realize how childish I was at the time. I still am quite childish, but I've matured much since then.

>> No.12354204
File: 373 KB, 1310x2138, 81j2lAmCv-L[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12354207

>things that didnt happen

>> No.12354213


Her and I were both 15/16 at the time. She was a pretty redhead with green eyes, porcelain fair skin, and beautiful pink nipples that I could suck on for days. She let me cum inside her since she was on the pill and would basically suck my cock whenever I wanted. She was also fucking insane. But she essentially made me feel confident enough that I'm not ugly and should not waste my youth in my room being miserable. Also that I should not "settle" for whoever and find someone attractive. I'm dating a much more sane girl now though. Not a red head go figure.

>> No.12354226


There is no point on tempering the soul if there is nothing after death, and even if you keep talking about it: a good calm home will give you more leisure so you are more active elsewhere instead of using all your energy in your home tempering the girl

>> No.12354227

How come there are so few other books like Lolita? Pedophilia is such a hot button issue and has been for decades. It evokes such huge emotions on both sides that it seems strange that there is so little literature even touching on the subject.

>> No.12354228

The bitch cheated with an old guy from aol chat rooms. I caught back up with her last year and she’s still crazy as hell. She’s a total sjw now and daddy pays for everything. I ended up getting a handjob atleast. Then she married some dude and divorced him a month later. Couldn’t believe she tried to apologize to me after I called her a stupid cunt. It just goes to show women aren’t worth anything.

>> No.12354246
File: 122 KB, 641x1024, Cover-design-by-Marc-J.-Cohen-Photography-by-Barnaby-Hall-March-1989-Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the review quotes for this book really make me scratch my head desu.

>> No.12354250

I hate horse faced blonde girls now.

>> No.12354251


She sounds psychologically unstable and like she probably has some kind of personality disorder. You should be more understanding and compassionate instead of bitter and resentful. Generalizing an entire sex is not healthy my friend.

>> No.12354394

>She let me cum inside her since she was on the pill
The pill is dastardly enough, but what era did you grow up in where high school teens were on it?

>> No.12354441

Dude, how out of touch are you? You can go back ten years and every teen would have had ready access to it if she wanted. Even twenty years wouldn't be that uncommon.

>> No.12354448
File: 379 KB, 900x675, Better_spongebob_bootleg_screencap_by_jyellowstudio-d7bexqe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12354459

Made me colder, that’s why im saging and reporting your off-topic mutual psychological torture thread. If you want to talk about these things please go to the other dozen boards where its appropriate to do so.

>> No.12354480
File: 18 KB, 318x322, JesusDude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12354489

I'm still with her :)

>> No.12354511

Understood that women like either violent or rich men, and that being decent will get you nowhere.

>> No.12354542
File: 19 KB, 198x328, DC2E7452-CD81-4B6C-8632-4ED0AF3F0B91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made me realize I’m not meant for love

>> No.12354805
File: 39 KB, 306x471, 1531180591674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first love was a true nymphet heart, even though she was 18.
There is no words to describe the attraction I had for her.
She was extremely avoidant, both sexually and normally, I had close contact with her once or twice. She would never go out, a true book rat slowly getting corrupted by the new age medias; netflix, youtube and all.
All that reading in her youth made her an expert in 2 languages, english and french. She was very intelligent, but very womanly stupid.
She closed herself out from the outside world, which resulted in a very strong inside world; like a robot.

We broke up after a couple of months.
I cut all communication with her. I believed it was the best for me.

One day, a friend of mine which I got use of dismissing his opinion right away because of his stupidity and tyrannical nature, told me that maybe she had been abuse when she was young(this was after we broke up).
I followed my habit, but his thought came back to me sometimes because of something that I read, and there is this awesome book(Lolita).
When I imagine the face of his dad and the weird relation they had, I can't help but not to think of it.

I wish I thought of it before, and somehow talk to her about that "issue" she had when we were together.
Maybe it is delusion, maybe it is reality. Hopefully, one day I will find out.

Anyways, I am still extremely attracted to her and her type. She might also be the reason why I got interested in literature. Not all bad things.

>> No.12354908
File: 268 KB, 1200x859, Emil_Horálek_-_Umělcův_sen_(okolo_roku_1900).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first love is, right now, healing me from my past wounds while giving me some others, some scars I deserve in order to change my life for the better. Getting used to having someone around, getting used to this person to have had a life or their own before joining mine, finding out love, compassion and caring was right in front of you for months yet you kept running away from it and denying it to yourself and those who'd ask you about it.
Now it all comes to this, after some early life of abuse, frustation, darkness and apathy, someone is taking care of me and showing me how everyone gets a chance to love.

>> No.12354962

My first love was my tulpa gf

>> No.12354976


>> No.12354981


This was back in 2012/2013. I live in a first world nation where contraceptives are readily available.

>> No.12355045
File: 294 KB, 500x352, cursed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never had a girlfriend ever
literally how do I recover from this?

>> No.12355127

I doing know if it was love. I thought it was, at the time. Then I thought it wasn't, and we broke up. Now I don't know.

>> No.12355136


Throw yourself out there I guess