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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 150 KB, 306x500, 7064594893_3c41416436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12353207 No.12353207 [Reply] [Original]

I've been invited to a book club orgy party on Sunday night. I've never been to something like this before, in fact I rarely left the house before last October.

Now you might be thinking, "anon, go and get fucked". That is fine and well but I'm a little nervous. I've been to this book club for five weeks now and I've just learned about their little 'after-parties'. There are 5 guys and the rest are women from ages 24-65. I'm 21. Including me there are probably sixteen people at this book club. I've been told that roughly half know about the orgy.

I've also been given homework and here is where maybe you can help. All who are invited have to pull a number. I pulled the number 4 on Thursdays meeting when I was told all about this. All evens have to find a passage from a book or poem. All people who picked odds will listen to the passages read aloud and pick (without knowing who chose the passage) their favorite and they get paired.

So, /lit/, I need a really good passage so hopefully some old dumb curmudgeon doesn't pick me and hopefully one the younger girls....hopefully one of the guys doesn't pick me.

>> No.12353221

don't worry, i fucked your mother at craigslist orgy and it was smooth sailing.

>> No.12353228
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>book club orgy party

>> No.12353234



>> No.12353241
File: 20 KB, 471x396, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wretched and reprehensible.
>Now you might be thinking, "anon, go and get fucked". That is fine and well but I'm a little nervous.
That is not what I am thinking. It is not fine either.
>There are 5 guys and the rest are women from ages 24-65. I'm 21. Including me there are probably sixteen people at this book club. I've been told that roughly half know about the orgy.
All it takes is one Camera and your life is ruined.
>I've also been given homework and here is where maybe you can help. All who are invited have to pull a number. I pulled the number 4 on Thursdays meeting when I was told all about this. All evens have to find a passage from a book or poem. All people who picked odds will listen to the passages read aloud and pick (without knowing who chose the passage) their favorite and they get paired.
1 Corinthians 6:18 is the only number that you should pull.

>> No.12353243

“Green Ideas Sleep Furiously”

>> No.12353244

I once sucked off three guys

>> No.12353248

I'm so jealous.

>> No.12353250

Get to know the cuties and their favourite poetry. Better if it is obscure.


>> No.12353252

based country priest poster

>> No.12353253

That sounds pretty wild OP. I've never heard of such a thing before. Good luck, and if a guy picks you, just let them know you're not interested in doing anything gay. It's really not a big deal, like you're not contractually obligated to take it up your poop shoot because a guy picked your quote.

>> No.12353255

Best shitpost I've seen all year

>> No.12353257

"Cellar door"

>> No.12353260

inb4 anon gets a disease from an old man

>> No.12353276

Yes he is. If he wants to sleep with the women then he has to pay the price. That’s how life works.

Get ready for a butt pounding OP

>> No.12353278

Any ideas? Besides the Puritan above?

>> No.12353284





>> No.12353286

>like you're not contractually obligated to take it up your poop shoot because a guy picked your quote.
t. never been at a book club orgy

>> No.12353291

how do u find something like this?

>> No.12353295

"Cellar Door"

>> No.12353306
File: 13 KB, 263x249, 1494461149111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All it takes is one Camera and your life is ruined.
Our culture doesn't shame sexuality anymore dumb dumb.

They shame sexism, racism, ableism, chauvinism and body-shaming

You're more likely to have your "life ruined" by saying the N word sarcastically on Twitter in 2009 than you are to have your life ruined by people finding out you had good consensual adult sex in a group setting.

>> No.12353310

Pick something out of a John Green book.

>> No.12353313


Okay, I guess I was wrong. You've made your deal with the devil OP, and you better bring your knee pads. Have you ever done any anal play before? Using a butt plug might help things be loosened up a little so it's not as traumatic.

>> No.12353319


At this point I think my father would be proud if I got an STD. At least I'm fucking something other than my hand.

>> No.12353327

>Our culture doesn't shame sexuality anymore dumb dumb.

Orgy's are still pretty bad desu. You won't lose your job over it, but people will look down at you as a sexual degenerate

>> No.12353329

In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf.
One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and 'pop' out of the egg, came a very hungry caterpillar.

>> No.12353333


By terrible accident.

>> No.12353334

ASAP Rocky admitted he had an orgy when he was 13, he didn't get much shit from it.

>> No.12353335

what the fuck am I reading

>> No.12353341

Symposium, aye
you’re going to get bent over and pounded doggy style while exclaiming “Oh! Sweet mystery of life!”

>> No.12353349

"What did I know, what did I know, of love's austere and lonely offices."

>> No.12353359

This is the story of the one-eyed wolf
Called the honey of super doom
She rode her five-legged beast
In a mirrored bikini right out of the womb
They chased each other with the steam and knives
Screaming oil is in my veins
And then she grabbed a big old pipe
And smoked up some fine old monkey brains, get on it
Now some say that one-eyed wolf
Owned midget who was almost ten feet tall
He spray-painted UFO's are real
In the rubble of the Berlin wall
So finally on that fateful day they went looking for a Superman
Singing "I'm gonna get my twenty bucks and vacation in Japan"
Look out
Well everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody's fucking in a UFO
Well everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody's fucking in a UFO
Get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
Get up
Now every night this wolf comes a peeping through through filthy glory holes
He's pounding on a rubber bat and a big old jelly roll
I said look to the skies I think I saw a spaceship ready to feast
But all they had was jizz on the walls
And bones of a mangled priest
Look out
Now baby doll what do you say
When the spacemen comes to town
I think he's got a one-track mind
And he likes to boogie down
So in the end all she did was murder metropolis
And show us big "fuck the world" carved right onto her chest
Look out
Well everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody's fucking in a UFO
Well everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody's fucking in a UFO
Get up
Get up
Get up
Get up

>> No.12353363


That's quite a long read, no?

>> No.12353366

"Earth and Heaven exist only in contrast-

One lords above, but it is infantile(the black rage

of Heaven, boundless and struck to ephemeral nothings-

lightning flashes, hurricanes come and go;

The Earth always remains."

>> No.12353373

The Decline and Fall of the United States Volume I, Chapter 3, Sexual Decadence and Depravity.

>> No.12353387

Was Trakl a Christian? Yes, of course, at times he becomes a Christian, among a general confusion of becomings—becoming an animal, becoming a virus, becoming inorganic—just as he was also an antichrist, a poet, a pharmacist, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a psychotic, a leper, a suicide, an incestuous cannibal, a necrophiliac, a rodent, a vampire, and a werewolf. Just as he became his sister, and also a hermaphrodite. Trakl's texts are scrawled over by redemptionist monotheism, just as they are stained by narcotic fluidities, gnawed by rats, cratered by Russian artillery, charred and pitted by astronomical debris. Trakl was a Christian and an atheist and also a Satanist, when he wasn't simply undead, or in some other way inhuman. It is perhaps more precise to say that Trakl never existed, except as a battlefield, a reservoir of disease, the graveyard of a deconsecrated church, as something expiring from a massive cocaine overdose on the floor of a military hospital, cheated by lucidity by the searing onslaught of base difference.

>> No.12353388

I'll take "Things that never happened and aren't happening but will garner a lot of replies" for 1000.

>> No.12353394

some /lit/izen's cringe fantasy about banging the 60 year old clerk from his local bookstore.

>> No.12353396

>I liked this a lot better once I heard how it was entirely about sex, which since it often buries its pulse took a while. Sex, not fucking. I'm nervous so you'd better pet me awhile sex. Lick the backs of my knees sex. OK, where my buttcheeks join my thighs sex. I'm still a little jumpy so you'd better pet me some more sex. How many different ways can we open our mouths together sex. We came 20 minutes ago and have Sunday morning ahead of us sex. Or, if fucking, tantric--the one where you don't move and let vaginal peristalsis do the work (yeah sure). The atmospherics, glitch techno, harps, glockenspiels, and shades of Hilmar Om Hilmarsson float free sometimes, and when she gets all soprano on your ass you could accuse her of spirituality. But with somebody this freaky you could get used to that. English lyrics provided, most of them dirty if you want. A-

>> No.12353398

How does one find a book club that also has orgies?

>> No.12353404
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, fn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu OP

>> No.12353411

Stanford law students one year had an orgy
Allan Bloom when he was at Cornell dressed in togas with other gays and had orgies, reenacting Symposium

>> No.12353419

the president got pissed on by Russian prostitutes and nobody cares.

>> No.12353446

This bible thumper is a little jealous.

>> No.12353450

>Teflon Don gets a golden shower
Prostitution legal when?

>> No.12353455

Religion is a lie and you’re an idiot. Don’t deny this man his pleasure.

>> No.12353461
File: 4 KB, 200x252, 6E6ADD11-EE9A-4AFB-A865-478A10D2A9C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider those dubs checked. Also, greentext plz

>> No.12353463

Read a passage from the pic in your post, get that ball rolling.

>> No.12353469

Most of the world is lied to then I guess.

>> No.12353481

You don’t find things like this. Things like this find you.

>> No.12353487

I know it's meant to be bacchanalian and uninhibited but everyone I've ever known to have participated in a real life orgy has been autistically removed from their own sexuality and instincts.
It's always been the dorky theater and band kids, is what I mean. Doesn't surprise me at all a bunch of ivy league graduate school kids try pulling this nonsense.
I wonder how many are salty that a guy with a moderately bigger dick got more attention that night. Probably all of them, except for the guy with the biggest dick.

>> No.12353500


I found this local bookclub online that I'd never heard of that takes place at this very wealthy persons house. The house is modest, but the wealth is obvious. I decided to go. It has been about 5 weeks now I suppose.

Just on Thursday as we were getting ready to leave, the host of this bookclub asked me to stay behind a bit with two other members. That's when I got told about the lowdown and asked to participate.

>> No.12353502

Yeah, pretty much

>> No.12353504

record it faggot.

>> No.12353505

>Tina Bahller... lol

>> No.12353506

That’s like something out of a porno, I’m jealous

>> No.12353512


>> No.12353515
File: 39 KB, 453x576, B03CC2D3-0244-4E65-AF3A-6E8F49C7197C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12353518

i mean, with the chance of getting fucked in the ass/sucking a dick, or having to pretend to be in love with a granny, you might as well just stay at home. you should only do this if you promise to write a short story about it later and publish it here, that will at least make it useful to somebody

and pick some shit from jane austen, make it easy

>> No.12353522


They're very unassuming people...not the type that you would expect to be in an orgy.

>> No.12353526

ok, i'll entertain this.
are any of them even remotely attractive? i have a hard time imagining any sort of book club orgy that isn't entirely old dudes and cat ladies.

>> No.12353528

If I were you I’d go straight for the milfs desu

>> No.12353534

I don't know why nobody else is saying this but it's pretty clear to me that they're going to sacrifice you to some old god or abrahamic demon. I advise you not to go, for your health.

>> No.12353537

Ever see Hostel?

>> No.12353540

OP regardless of what happens you need to post a follow up. Even if this is fake, it's ok since you obviously have a decent enough imagination.

>> No.12353543

>book club orgy
nice amazon erotica

>> No.12353545

another possibility: they could blackmail you and you end up as a boytoy at bigger parties. like eyes wide shut or something

>> No.12353548
File: 16 KB, 307x371, 20E81036-A9AF-4C8B-832E-EE043667BCB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, this thread is blessed by Kek

>> No.12353556


There is a girl who I think is 24. She's ...okay. The next oldest I believe is around 28 or 29. She has a boyfriend who has shown up a couple times and looked rather uninterested the whole time. I don't know if she's even going to be there. I doubt it.

Some of the older ladies in their thirties are pretty. They all have kids though because they are always talking about them before and after the meeting. They never say much about husbands but I know one is divorced.

I really like this bookclub. The conversation is fairly interesting. I feel like if I don't do this then I won't be able to go back and be welcomed.

It's not my choice.

>> No.12353562

>I feel like if I don't do this then I won't be able to go back and be welcomed
Say your mom fell down the stairs and you couldn't make it.

>> No.12353569

Is this some kind of creative writing exercise? If so please post your end result when you finish it

>> No.12353577


I've not ruled these types of occurrences out.

But I want to get laid. I want to see what sex is like.

>> No.12353617

>tfw i fell in the manlet pit during the book club orgy

>> No.12353628
File: 91 KB, 720x479, 1515551548995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My manager was at an orgy. She's the boss. I'm not. What does that tell you?


The elite all fuck each other while you sit there on the site muttering "degenerates." Society rewards sexiness and promiscuity. Society rewards athleticism and artistic talent, which are closely tied to sex. Society rewards social networking, which is closely tied to sex. Society rewards financial success, which is closely tied to sex. You're missing out and claiming that you're somehow the dominant cultural influence.

>> No.12353639

Just have sex then, orgies are uncomfortable and you usually end up getting fucked by the people you don't want.

>> No.12353723


You're fucking up OP

>> No.12353734

>It is literally impossible to voluntarily choose to be celibate
>Anyone who does is just a sexually frustrated incel

>> No.12353753
File: 51 KB, 478x540, 445407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country priests attend more orgies than the average person, I fucking GUARANTEE YOU

>> No.12353802

>went to a gaybar
>sucked mean dick

>> No.12353812
File: 14 KB, 236x430, AA68AD44-9BF8-4796-AF8E-EAE8C39F788B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know what I was expecting

>> No.12353822
File: 20 KB, 534x394, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12353830

i was once invited to a sex party and it was fucking lame. like half the people there were 50+ and ugly as shit. this will absolutely be true in this case because you even said the age range for the women is between 24 and 65.

>> No.12353839

Country priests fuck little farm animals, deviating slightly from the habits of their city brethren

>> No.12353848

Withdraw into yourself and look. And if you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act as does the creator of a statue that is to be made beautiful: he cuts away here, he smoothes there, he makes this line lighter, this other purer, until a lovely face has grown upon his work. So do you also: cut away all that is excessive, straighten all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast, labour to make all one glow of beauty and never cease chiselling your statue, until there shall shine out on you from it the godlike splendour of virtue, until you shall see the perfect goodness surely established in the stainless shrine.

When you know that you have become this perfect work, when you are self-gathered in the purity of your being, nothing now remaining that can shatter that inner unity, nothing from without clinging to the authentic man, when you find yourself wholly true to your essential nature, wholly that only veritable Light which is not measured by space, not narrowed to any circumscribed form nor again diffused as a thing void of term, but ever unmeasurable as something greater than all measure and more than all quantity- when you perceive that you have grown to this, you are now become very vision: now call up all your confidence, strike forward yet a step- you need a guide no longer- strain, and see.

>> No.12354081

Theater and band kids are the scum of the fuckin earth.

>> No.12354143

>book club orgy party
Welcome to /ddlc/

>> No.12354174

God I cannot wait for the revolution. We will string every single degenerate up by their genitalia

>> No.12354211

ASAP Rocky is also a hip-hop artist who makes money by selling an image of anti-establishment hedonism. If anything partaking in an orgy would only increase his marketability.

>> No.12354215

here's a leonard cohen poem - young women like leonard cohen:

I was always working steady
But I never called it art
I was funding my depression
Meeting Jesus reading Marx
Sure it failed my little fire
But it’s bright the dying spark
Go tell the young messiah
What happens to the heart
There’s a mist of summer kisses
Where I tried to double-park
The rivalry was vicious
And the women were in charge
It was nothing, it was business
But it left an ugly mark
So I’ve come here to revisit
What happens to the heart
I was selling holy trinkets
I was dressing kind of sharp
Had a pussy in the kitchen
And a panther in the yard
In the prison of the gifted
I was friendly with the guard
So I never had to witness
What happens to the heart
I should have seen it coming
You could say I wrote the chart
Just to look at her was trouble

It was trouble from the start
Sure we played a stunning couple
But I never liked the part
It ain’t pretty, it ain’t subtle
What happens to the heart
Now the angel’s got a fiddle
And the devil’s got a harp
Every soul is like a minnow
Every mind is like a shark
I’ve opened every window
But the house, the house is dark
Just say Uncle, then it’s simple
What happens to the heart
I was always working steady
But I never called it art
The slaves were there already
The singers chained and charred
Now the arc of justice bending
And the injured soon to march
I lost my job defending
What happens to the heart
I studied with this beggar
He was filthy he was scarred
By the claws of many women
He had failed to disregard
No fable here no lesson
No singing meadowlark
Just a filthy beggar blessing
What happens to the heart
I was always working steady
But I never called it art
I could lift, but nothing heavy
Almost lost my union card

I was handy with a rifle
My father’s .303
We fought for something final
Not the right to disagree
Sure it failed my little fire
But it’s bright the dying spark
Go tell the young messiah
What happens to the heart

>> No.12354217

That's disgusting, you'll get an STI.

>> No.12354271

What kind of books do they read in the club?

>> No.12354280

yes sluts and beta men go well together, is this a big news?

>> No.12354349
File: 2.75 MB, 3904x4104, IMG_20190106_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show them this and tell them it is from the new rupi kaur book

>> No.12354352


I will.

>> No.12354387

That’s a pretty fucking degenerate thing to say, you should start with yourself

>> No.12354625

that sounds hot asf my dude

>> No.12354745

What the actual fuck

>> No.12354748
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>that sounds hot asf my dude

>> No.12354779
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>> No.12354780

Fucking retard

>> No.12354784

what books have the group read so far?

>> No.12354799
File: 337 KB, 1436x746, excrutiator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beyond disappointed in you and I don't even know you.

You people make me sick.

>> No.12354800


120 days of sodom

>> No.12354811

I want to believe

>> No.12354820

The Hate U Give

>> No.12354916


>> No.12354965

which is the same as
>best shitpost I've seen all week

>> No.12354974

>16 people in the club
>half know of the orgy
>there are 5 guys
>at least one woman is 65
looks like you gotta kill yourself, symbolically or literally

>> No.12354975

>All the jelly virgins in this thread.

All of you wouldn't have half the doubt OP has about going.

>> No.12354988

Eyes Wide Shut.

Go, it will be great.

>> No.12355001

Read Song of Songs and pick a nice passage.

Try piercing yourself with used drug cannulas, chances are you don't have to do it more than a dozen times before you contact something.

>> No.12355002

If he posts this quote a man is going to choose him and assfuck him all night

>> No.12355007

The Holy Bible

>> No.12355026

You're right, I wouldn't even consider going.

>> No.12355030

Wages of sin is death.

>> No.12355080

Want someone young? Two words, m'friend:

>> No.12355129


Why you?

>> No.12355193

How did this book club orgy stuff even begun?

>> No.12355196

That would be risky, because some old dude could think that he is a girl.
Also I think that OP could get fooled into fucking a granny because the others may know the people by their quotes.

>> No.12355228

>I need a really good passage so hopefully some old dumb curmudgeon doesn't pick me and hopefully one the younger girls....hopefully one of the guys doesn't pick me
surely no real orgy would forcefully pair people like this, right? aren't they supposed to be about free love and shiet?

>> No.12355267
File: 636 KB, 2048x833, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to have sex

>> No.12355313
File: 237 KB, 1024x672, 39817645544_9e7aed7e5c_b_bnh675tg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

epic sex orgy time

>> No.12355318

>It's not my choice.
Spooked. Go straight for them.

>> No.12355326

The whole "book club" thing is a scam, man, it's all rigged.
The organizer and the "premium members" already know who has which number and OP better get ready to fuck a granny.
I can't hate the game though, I'd do the same if I was an old pervert. (Really hope OP doesn't read this post, I don't want to ruin a nice plan.)

>> No.12355455

Do you happen to have any prior experience about that stuff?

>> No.12356106

Cringe. Asexuality is a myth.
Abstinence/Continence/Celibacy != asexuality

>> No.12356175

i seriously doubt your story. But I hope it's the truth. Sounds exciting.

>> No.12356176

its even better

>> No.12356462

2019 will be a great year

>> No.12356488

What is it with all the catholic larpers on this board?

>> No.12356494
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>> No.12356534

oh, she's doing fine?
that's great news, I'm happy that even at her age she's getting some dick. if you happen to see her again ask her to call me if I haven't. It's not that I don't care, I just don't have enough time and by the time it comes to mind I'm sure she's working or already in bed and I don't want to bother her.
If she asks, no, it's not about money. I'm doing okay. I just want to hear from her and know everything is fine.

>> No.12356562

at the same time? tiny dicks or huge mouth?

one of the reasons why most people have their orgy club separated from their book club.
Obviously not wanting to read to get laid is a lesser one.

This anon is incapable of enjoying comedic though excercises.

>> No.12356586

underrated post
you better make a short story out of this, OP.
If it goes down well and you enjoy it, erotic fiction is way more popular than you'd assume. If it sucks and everything goes bad it's a great set up for comedy.

but this is one of the best case scenarios
like, it could just be an initiation thing to get him naked and mock him

orgies are a really bad place to have your first time


>> No.12356588

>out of hedonism
that's the Why. A good question, on the contrary, would be Why not -aside from not wanting to. Do as you wish.

>> No.12356589


Well, I figure it would make for a great story.


I feel like this will end up getting me fucked by a grandma.


As said above, I think if I got one of those my parents would be somewhat proud.


When I left for home after the invite I felt like I had been transported to a different dimension or something. Or someone's sick fantasy.


They were reading some Woolf right before I showed up.

Since I have been we've read Reading Lolita in Tehran. Everyone has seemed to agree on A Tree Grows in Brooklyn next.


I feel like that would be a little too cheesy. The only thing worse than not attending is after having been invited that I get kicked out. I'm already worried about performance issues.


Well I'm the newest person there so I guess I'm just next to be asked?


I feel like whatever I get picked by is what I have to have sex with. I don't want to insult them and say hell know. I think it's understood that once the decision is made you've already consented to all participating parties.


That violates the law of the orgy...

>> No.12356603

>Also I think that OP could get fooled into fucking a granny because the others may know the people by their quotes.
The plot thickens

>> No.12356616

>I think it's understood that once the decision is made you've already consented to all participating parties.
nah, no one should force you to have sex if you don't want to. If they do now they'll do it again, having the vague chance of having sex with someone you like as a carrot to keep you from realizing that they see you as a toy.
The weirder the sex the clearer the consent has to be, otherwise they are assholes and you don't want them near your (literal) asshole.

>> No.12356706

this a mix of lit and Eyes Wide Shut?

>> No.12356727

Do you know the password to gain admittance?

>> No.12356730

be sure you read up on what it's like to have aids before you go

>> No.12356753

i went to an orgy and couldn't get a hard on so just watched. was weird but fun in a way. wandered around, looked at their bookshelf/.

>> No.12356953
File: 19 KB, 288x415, DC35sVdW0AAlY5U.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopefully one of the guys doesn't pick me.

>> No.12357021

Colorless green ideas, anon.

>> No.12357121

fake and degenerate

>> No.12357429

what city do you live in?

>> No.12357693

Ignore the haters, they are only envious of your situation, and secretly hate their own poor choices in life.
Go get laid, but protect yourself from STD's.
The last book clun orgy I attended, one of the librarians was spreading around chlamyidia.

>> No.12357702


>> No.12357779

This anon is correct. Be confident. Be worthwhile. Go forth and spread your seed (or legs) and enjoy.

Found the neet.

>> No.12357811

>I feel like that would be a little too cheesy. The only thing worse than not attending is after having been invited that I get kicked out. I'm already worried about performance issues.
I think you intimated that you are a male -- I would suggest to get some low-dose viagra (25mg). That's a great "play" dosage. There are free/cheap options online. If you're a female that will help with wetness and arousal too.

>Well I'm the newest person there so I guess I'm just next to be asked?
>I feel like whatever I get picked by is what I have to have sex with. I don't want to insult them and say hell know. I think it's understood that once the decision is made you've already consented to all participating parties.
It sounds like a fun game, to me, I'm sure they're not going to force you to have sex if you decide to back out. Don't worry, just speak up/walk out if it gets to be too much.

>> No.12358066


They do this regularly apparently. They like their orgy.


That is personal; however, I will say that I live in Tennessee.


I will bring condoms.


I don't think I can get viagra before tonight.

>> No.12358215

Story of the Eye

>> No.12358253
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say hi to her for me

>> No.12358259

Bring a silver cross (very important, to protect yourself), some armor, a weapon in case someone tries attacking you, and lots of rope. When everyone starts getting naked start inviting them to a corner one by one and tie them up. Once you've managed to tie everyone up, call the police and say there's been a robbery there. Then they'll have to explain everything to the cops. Hopefully this shames them enough to stop hosting book club orgies.

>> No.12358275

is OP writing an erotic novel?

>> No.12358280

unironically go, don't do anything and then leave.
You'll have this ramped up in your mind as a good thing if you don't go.
Go, see how wretched and uncouth it is, the STDs lingering in the air, never go back.

>> No.12358394

I keked. +1.

>> No.12358649

On the offchance you are serious this is likely to be someone pranking you.

>> No.12359761
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>But I want to get laid. I want to see what sex is like.
DO NOT LOSE YOUR VIRGINITY IN AN ORGY. I lost my virginity in a "woods party orgy" (which is exactly what it sounds like when I was a Freshman in high school (14-15 years old). It was a Junior/Senior orgy party. They met every couple of weeks at different houses of the rich kids in the group when their parents were out of the country on business or holiday. This time though we were 4-5 miles deep into the woods of North Jersey, up a mountain, with a raging bonfire that overlooked a massive lake below). It was a scene out of a Pagan fertility ritual. My friend and I were the only Freshman invited and let me tell you, I was pretty fucking stoked albeit nervous.
>"What's the worst that can happen?" At the very worst it would be a great story to tell later in life.
So everyone starts drinking and two hours in, things are starting to heat up. Pretty soon its a full on fuck fest. Girls getting trains run on them, blow jobs around the bonfire, moaning from the woods. >Real primal hardcore, knees in the dirt, head pushed down into the dead autumn leaves, drug and alcohol fueled debauchery.
It was almost surreal. So I get a blow job, and start to double team one of the girls (who I had just met that night). I'm in the front, full on throat fucking her and a sophomore I kind of knew was pounding her from behind. We're switching every couple of minutes (Eiffel Tower lol) and eventually I got performance anxiety and went semi-soft. While I was trying to get "back to attention", the other guy tried to put it in her ass and apparently that was where that slut drew the line because she flipped out at him and stormed off.
>blue balled during my first time
Later in the night after everything died down, she blew me before everyone went to their tents/sleeping bags. She said it was because she felt bad about not letting me finish before. So I blew a load in her throat. Which isn't a bad consolation prize.

You know what. I change my mind. That is still one of the craziest and best nights of my life so far. Great story as well.
The difference between my experience and yours though? My orgy party was primal festival between two dozen PRIME high school aged ass.
Your orgy party consists of frumpy middle aged/old men and generically plain housewives and used up "cool wine aunts". The point being, not all orgy's are created equal. You shouldn't waste your virginity on a mid-life crisis orgy party.

>> No.12359796


>> No.12359834


Its like clockwork

>> No.12359859
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If anyone ever tries to blackmail you just do something that will put their attention elsewhere. Like burn their house/shed/garage down (distraction), kill their dog and throw it through their living room window at night (shock and paranoia), or break into their house and load their guns and arrange them on their or their children's beds.

They want to play games? We'll play some games.

>> No.12359885

>at the same time? tiny dicks or huge mouth?
yes at the same time, two were average, one was the biggest dick I saw - like two dicks put together, I almost suffocated.

>> No.12360036
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>I almost suffocated.
I wish you would have. You clearly have no respect for yourself, and likely contribute nothing to society. In fact, people like you are leeches that actively undercut the tenets of morality, honor, and tenacity that have brought mankind so far. You are a living disease, devoid of meaningful thought, and incapable of ascension beyond base pleasure and necessity.

You poor empty thing.

>> No.12360132

Not the guy you're replying to, and I haven't sucked three guys at once, however I am addicted to masturbation and pornography and I can't seem to escape certain patterns of behavior like lustful thinking or substance abuse. Your post speaks to me on an essential level, I can almost grasp virtue but it eludes me as I try to grasp it with the mind. I am a millenial that was born into this nihilistic and relativistic society and cannot seem to sink my teeth in fully into virtue.

Are there any books you would recommend to someone seeking to be virtuous? Be it inspiration or maybe a systematic understanding of the two opposing desires of wanting to do, and not wanting to do at the same time. Compulsion vs Virtue.

>> No.12360173

>I am a millenial that was born into this nihilistic and relativistic society and cannot seem to sink my teeth in fully into virtue.
Virtue has always been a struggle, it has never been a destination.

>> No.12360192

I pity you honor-bound moralistic little bugmen who have no reference points in life other than the ones that have been imposed on them by society, or in your case, some writers that you think are more profound than they were in reality.

>> No.12360289
File: 28 KB, 324x499, AFeastofSnakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any books you would recommend to someone seeking to be virtuous?
You're trying to understand your lack of control, but you should be asking what drives you towards momentary releases from reality. To change yourself you need to know the parts of yourself that persist underneath your compulsion. The lake may be poisoned, but the toxic waste was dumped upstream and out of your sight. The symptom is inconsequential, search for the source of your toxicity. If you need help finding it within yourself, try finding evil within others first. We all suffer from the same human condition, afterall.

>A Feast of Snakes by Harry Crews

>> No.12360406

>society rewards sexiness and promiscuity.
No it doesn’t being 16 years old with a kid isn’t a reward.
>rewards athleticism and artistic talent
Very rarely. You’re more likely to get rewarded working in finance.
>social networking
Again rarely
>financial success
Doesn’t bring happiness. Celebrity suicide is pretty high for such a small industry.
>you’re missing out
Not at all. Traditional values are the path to happiness and peace of mind. Live the simple life by finding a wife and starting a family. That’s more likely to lead to happiness than what you’re spouting.

>> No.12360426

redpilled take

>> No.12360470

>probably 16 in the book club
>half know about the orgies
>so 8
>there are 5 guys and 11 girls
>divide by 2 then
3 guys and 5 girls
38% you get picked by a guy
62% you get picked by a girl

2 guys and 6 girls
25% you get picked by a guy
75% you get picked by a girl

So you've got a roughly 1/3rd of chance of getting picked by a guy.
Your choice op but those odds aren't in your favour.

>> No.12360471

>only half know about it
>thinks that the old hags are invited
Pick anything nice you fuckwit.

>> No.12360495

>book club
>its actually an orgy
heh, good one OP

>> No.12360532

most of these things, artistic talent especially, have nothing to do with sex, except in the generic sense in which anyone pursuing success in any field or endeavor hopes to use it to get laid. in fact, it's only through the sublimation of one's baser instincts that a person can become great at anything. it's particular weird to make this claim about art because most of the greatest artists have been sexual failures. great art is not borne of health.

>> No.12360550

Oddly Pynchon and Dylanesque, if the dudes are old they might pick you thinking its an original.

>> No.12360553

>book club orgy

this doesn't exist.

>> No.12360703

Sorry for party rocking

>> No.12361064

Upvoted, at least a green text

>> No.12361076


>> No.12361082

/lit/ is a Catholic board.

>> No.12361089

>denying pleasure
>not /lit/ as fuck
get a load of this good goy

>> No.12361092

>reddit spacing

>> No.12361102


>> No.12361300

Were the girls partaking in this innocent-looking? Or were they the kinds you'd expect to engage in such behaviors? I am just surprised 14-15 year olds would ever even do this, and I want to better guage the type of person that would partake in it. Do you think I personally know girls, say ones in my highschool, who have done such acts? Thr**somes and other related things? :(

>> No.12361349
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>I am just surprised 14-15 year olds would ever even do this
North Jersey is a crazy place. The towns are small and super close to each other. So you have a middle class town full of suburbs, and five miles away you have a wealthy township where the houses have full basketball courts in their basements and helicopter pads in their backyard next to their tennis courts, and then 5 miles from there you have a straight up hood ghetto where drugs are cheap and plentiful. Want to know what that equation gets you when you combine it with white suburban angst and parental neglect? Violent, pleasure seeking, proto-nihilist with money, cars, and houses at their disposal. That combination ends dirty. Fun times, but dirty business.
>Were the girls partaking in this innocent-looking? Or were they the kinds you'd expect to engage in such behaviors?
The Valedictorian (female), half the cheer squad, and some volleyball chicks were there that night. You tell me.
>Do you think I personally know girls, say ones in my highschool, who have done such acts? Thr**somes and other related things? :(
I don't know you, your school, or where you live. So honestly, I don't know. From my experience, where I grew up was just different from other places. The school I went to was a private school that cost 35K a year. when you put money like that, and combine it with poor life direction and easily accessible drugs/alcohol at a young age. Well, shit gets weird.

>> No.12361403

>things that happend

>> No.12361445

Isn't New Jersey where the Sopranos is set?
Is it like that?

>> No.12361571

Why else would AJ be such an edgy worthless piece of shit.

>> No.12361590

At what point did Satan appear?

>> No.12361591
File: 89 KB, 1238x576, Screen Shot 2019-01-07 at 5.06.37 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tony's neighborhood and house is a matchbox compared to some of the properties within a 10 minute drive of his (fictional) house. A theme of the show was Tony getting mogged by REAL wealth and him getting salty about it (country club/rapper from season 1/Hesh/etc..).

Many of the richest of New York live in Jersey to raise families/get away from the crowds and then commute to the city. Jersey is so densely populated, that driving a couple miles can put you in places unrecognizable to where you started from a few minutes before.
>pic related

>> No.12361599

you gonna get gay raped

>> No.12361618

>At what point did Satan appear?
Nah, no Jews were there to my knowledge. Mostly WASPs.

>> No.12361686
File: 28 KB, 499x481, tired pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you'd gladly attend the book club orgy, but you know it would give the library jester an excuse to make fun of you for entire months

>> No.12361706

“nostalgia, underlying cosmological explanation for

Weak but detectable interaction between two neighboring universes that are otherwise not causally connected.

Manifests itself in humans as a feeling of missing a place one has never been, a place very much like one’s home universe, or as a longing for versions of one’s self that one will never, and can never know.”
― Charles Yu, How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe

>> No.12362056

Thanks for the response. That's crazy, dude. Seems you grew up in a crazy area. I don't even know how people could go back to school the next week and see eachother again after having done all those things. Do you regret any of it? And dude, please try and stay away from such environments and acts in the future, it really isn't beneficial to a person's soul to be in such kinds of lifestyles.

>> No.12362064

>tfw band kid

>> No.12362097

>tfw you go to the library and their book club orgy is post-poned for the month because of an STD outbreak

>> No.12362148
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There couldn't be a more wrong post on this site.

>> No.12362164
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>> No.12362181
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Implying you know absolute ANYTHING about what the elites get up to outside the gaze of the public eye.
>Hurr Durrr I bet dey must be sexing each other all da time
What an impressively dull imagination you have.

>> No.12362191

You seem to be very much on point anon.
Saying that the "elite" == wealthy doesnt hold much true, specially when the anon was showing kayne as an example of the "elite".
His preception of elite is completly diferent from our own.

>> No.12362220

So you stumbled into a swinger group masquerading as a book club. At least you know all the people that may attend. Are there any of the women you would fuck outside of this supposed orgy? Are there any of them that make your cock shrink, pull up and hide? Then you have to play the odds. All the posts concerning gay sex, ignore them. None of the dudes is picking you, swingers in that age range look down on male bisexuality, while female bisexuality is all but expected. Orgies can be fun, but what you're describing is more couples having same room sex...regardless, if it's you're first time ever having sex, you aren't going to. You will be so overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds around you that you will not be able to perform.

Yeah, I've been in orgies, my wife and I have been in the lifestyle for ten or so years, so what would happen if this was at all real is very predictable.

>> No.12362221

But hedonism doesnt always mean "greater" happiness, the more you over stimulate your dopamine receptors the less pleasure you will get from that said thing.
This is not implying there is a more "correct" way of living of course.

>> No.12362251

How'd it go, OP?

>> No.12362256

People still think this is real?

>> No.12362284

Tbh i dont even know, there are also other anons sharing their "experiences" with this and putting efford replying.
I still think its just a shitty joke. Any thread involving sexual shit gets always a shit ton of replies. At this point i already dont care if its real or not.

>> No.12362308

How do you do it, anon? To see your wife in such acts? I'm not judging you, merely asking. How and why do you and your partner engage in such activities? Is it out of mutual interest to, or a shared boredom without it?

>> No.12362325

he's a cuck

>> No.12362399

We do it together, it was a mutual decision to even dip our toes in the waters. We've actually been together since junior high, and it grew out of shared fantasies. It's hot to see my wife in those acts, while I'm engaged as well...for us it's all a shared experience. Most of what is thrown around here is far from reality, people who haven't been in any of the situations just make things up to suit themselves. See: >>12362325
("Cuck" has no meaning anymore; it's simply thrown around as an insult. It's the 2010's answer to the '90's "fag".)

Everywhere you go you're seeing swingers, you just don't know it. We regularly travel to Desire resort in Mexico, where there's people from 20's-70's. Farmers, waitresses, bartenders to law enforcement officers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and IT nerds. It's a general cross-section of society, except they tend to be more fit and implants ore more common. The stereotypes bandied about aren't close to the truth. Also, of all the lifestyle couples we've met, we know of one that divorced. One. Of vanilla friends and family, it's close to 50%. Studies have been done on swingers showing them to be happier, and more likely to stay married. Incel autists have no clue. Of course, they have no clue about anything....

>> No.12362404

>"Cuck" has no meaning anymore; it's simply thrown around as an insult. It's the 2010's answer to the '90's "fag"
>goes on to expand his pathetic cuck fantasy
Yup, you're a cuck.

>> No.12362478

Same anon who asked you, very interesting my friend. Can you describe the psychology behind it better, as in, what and why you engage in it for? Is it merely the fact of seeing your partner desired by another, or one's own personal desire to experience another, or both? Please explain more detail of why the people in this community are in this community.

>> No.12362568

you'd be surprised at all the various group activities that are half a front for swinger nights.
in my town there is both a runners club and couples dance class that were having regular orgies that I know of.
Honestly it's making me consider trolling the book clubs that could be going on around here. may get some halfway decent conversation after the fucking.

Also for OP, try this

I lingered at the gates; I lingered on the lawn; I paced backwards and forwards on the pavement; the shutters of the glass door were closed; I could not see into the interior; and both my eyes and spirit seemed drawn from the gloomy house--from the grey-hollow filled with rayless cells, as it appeared to me--to that sky expanded before me,--a blue sea absolved from taint of cloud; the moon ascending it in solemn march; her orb seeming to look up as she left the hill-tops, from behind which she had come, far and farther below her, and aspired to the zenith, midnight dark in its fathomless depth and measureless distance; and for those trembling stars that followed her course; they made my heart tremble, my veins glow when I viewed them. Little things recall us to earth; the clock struck in the hall; that sufficed; I turned from moon and stars, opened a side- door, and went in.

>> No.12362574

>People who are in "vanilla" marriages are more likely to divorce than swingers
>Swingers tend to be happier
>Austist have no clue about anything...
What are trying to imply? Do you think that if everyone engaged in swinger shit they would be happier?
Marriages fail for a various reasons, one of them the couple being "incompatible", of course a couple where both are bonded into a same particular fetish tend to be happier together, they also both dont care if either parter cheats/sleeps with other people. But not every one has your fetish and feels confortable exchanging partners.
I get and respect your fetish but dont try to come in with "studies" trying to justify it as something objectively better.

>> No.12362638

Being triggered by being called a cuck he has to write a paragraph defending his fetish lmao

>> No.12362684


>> No.12363310

>in the lifestyle

I cringe whenever I hear this. You haven't adopted some new "lifestyle", you just fuck other people in front of each other.

>> No.12363737

He ain't Catholic though

>> No.12363784

Not what I was trying to say. In fact I agree with you. The level of trust and commitment, the communication between partners necessary to participate in such things lends itself to stronger relationships in general.

>> No.12363800

I have zero problems with you guys but it's getting really annoying how you try to make it like you're enlightened or more natural or something. This whole "more likely to stay married" thing is a one off, the rate is most likely equivalent to the general population.

>> No.12363928
File: 22 KB, 250x188, 00989A31-31B1-43E2-BB52-AD7B61F88080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw fucked 7 girls before I was 20
>mfw that’s more girls than are even gonna be at this orgy
>mfw they were all hot and 17-18 and not wrinkly granny munters

Wew lad

>> No.12363951
File: 93 KB, 800x800, pepe_ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i had sex
haha cool dude

>> No.12363952
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1541521300390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks that's worth bragging about

>> No.12363968

You are right that "cuck" has been overused as an insult, but you are literally a cuckold

>> No.12363982

>grape juice
>better than wine
Yep, underage

>> No.12364061


>> No.12364104

Ayy dirty jerz, camden county checking in. Unfortunately south jersey missed out on all the money and orgies but we do still have the fentanyl and violent ghettos.

>> No.12364326

Die degenerate

>> No.12364347

he's fucking some other bitch so ho3 does that make him a cuck?

>> No.12364367

His wife is getting fucked by other men, that makes him a cuckold by definition regardless of whether he is cuckolding someone else simultaneously

>> No.12364393

I don't see the appeal, anon. Even if you take all morality and religion out of the equation it's still more revolting than enticing since there's a good chance you'll get paired with up with a man or a frumpy middle-aged women. Why play Russian roulette?

>> No.12364411

The middle aged women are the only reason to attend at all.

>> No.12364413

Mommy fetish? Or do you think they'll be more sexually experienced than the other book club members?

>> No.12364452

>I'm already worried about performance issues.
take some yohimbine hcl you'll have a boner every time the breeze hits you right

>> No.12364552

OP has already said they were cute/OK

>> No.12364564

We have numerous methods of contraception now.
We still reward talent in the arts and sports though. Just encaustic some talented people aren’t rewarded doesn’t change that. At the very least we approve of outstanding athletes and artists even in poverty.
You’re dead wrong about social networking. Most jobs of any sort are acquired through networking, not an open market.
>representative or even part of a financial elite
Lol. Also the amount of money you need to make before it stops impacting happiness is well above average. You don’t have to be a millionaire to be happy but $80k per year isn’t something to take for granted.

>> No.12364605
File: 127 KB, 334x346, 1546313841805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this is all a ruse and op is just going to get raped by the 5 men

>> No.12364620

How does one join a "book" club

>> No.12364938

I assume OP hasn't seen them naked or in swimsuits so he doesn't really know what he's getting into. They might not look so OK without their sweaters and support bras.

>> No.12365471

Unironically repent and change your ways.

>> No.12365777

>I need a really good passage so hopefully some old dumb curmudgeon doesn't pick me and hopefully one the younger girls
Are you implying younger girls will have better taste in literature than old curmudgeons? Anon, just trust me on this, and pick whatever passage suits you best; you'll get someone relatively young.

>> No.12365894

Every minute I grow greater despise for this world and its gods