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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.49 MB, 4128x2322, 20190105_152712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12350631 No.12350631 [Reply] [Original]

i forgot what was behind those boxes; there was some murakami at least


>> No.12350640
File: 2.67 MB, 4128x2322, 20190105_152821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of this shelf is just books i had as a kid that i've never bothered to get rid of

>> No.12350643

Why do Burgers like manga? It's a disgusting taste as a burger.

>> No.12350657
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/a/ shelf number one


>> No.12350671
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/a/ shelf number two
jojo is the only thing behind the card stacks

>> No.12350701

I wish I had people to play magic casually with.

>> No.12350715

absolutely repulsive taste

>> No.12350728

Post yours faggot.

>> No.12350743
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>> No.12350749

I use an e-reader and libgen.io because I'm not a retarded consumerist

>> No.12350755

>juego de tronos

>> No.12350775

Why wouldn't you read Tolkien in English anon?

>> No.12350789
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>> No.12350799

everything that's posted is childish

>> No.12350800

Why wouldn't you read Tolstoy in Russian anon?

>> No.12350806
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>Vaccination Condemned

>> No.12350810

He can't.

>> No.12350811

Because I don't know Russian. But you clearly know English so why read some translation of Tolkien's work?

>> No.12350843

>implying i'm the one who posted the pic
Being able to shitpost on 4chan doesn't necessarily mean that you comprehend the language well enough to be able to easily read literature in it. And some people just prefer reading in their native language. Or maybe it was a gift.
I personally prefer reading in foreign languages but I know plenty of people who are proficient in English and German yet they only read translations.

(only plebs exclusively read books in their native language btw)

>> No.12350959
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>> No.12350997

based and magicpilled

>> No.12351037 [DELETED] 
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Why do we need all these blog threads?
Kill yourselves.

>> No.12351039 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12351052
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nice loebs

>> No.12351062
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>> No.12351661
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>> No.12351675
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>> No.12351676

based eastern esotericism poster

>> No.12351678

id be too anxious about knocking the cards over or some shit, looks absolutely based though

>> No.12351894
File: 2.10 MB, 3608x2029, P_20190105_153804_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't we have three shelf threads yesterday?

>> No.12352292


If I’ve read LOTR, Hobbit, and Simerilion, what should I read next?

>> No.12352313

the bottom of a gun barrel

>> No.12352339

Nice loebs (2)
Is the Modern Library Basic Works of Aristotle worth it? Is the translation taken seriously by scholars?

>> No.12352347

Utterly based.
This is the stuff I want to get into.

>> No.12352349

I genuinely do not see a single thing I would read

>> No.12352372
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>> No.12352380


I’d say so, it’s 10 bucks and includes the Oregenon, Ethics, Physics, Metaphysics, Anima, lots of natural works, most of the Poetics

>> No.12352384

>100% genre fiction
Manchildren are the worst.

>> No.12352446

Children of Hurin imo

>> No.12352459
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2 good shelves, what is with you Tolkien manchildren?
I cannot see like 75% of these titles

>> No.12352568

E.R. Curtius and all that Eastern philosophy. Good job Anon.

>> No.12352585
File: 42 KB, 667x699, 1545763993650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna drag my sweet ass balls along all y'all bookshelves desu

>> No.12352855
File: 46 KB, 694x442, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History of Middle Earth
Beren and Luthien
Children of Hurin
The Fall of Gondolin
Books on Tolkien
Tales from the Perilous Realm

>> No.12352892

based and redbulled

beloved stembro

impressive. i should post the few comics i have...

no u

holy shit. i remember trying to like that back in 1999. also those are some well loved potter books.

>> No.12352965
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>> No.12353023

entirely patrician

>> No.12353071
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>> No.12353081

show us ur evola/guenon or ur a larp

>> No.12353088
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>> No.12353209
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Looks like I'm not the only one with several editions of the movies. Actually I bought so many by mistake, I already had the extended edition on DVD and I wanted to buy the BRs, I ended up buying a British edition that doesn't work on my PS3 and PS4 (BRs are region locked), then I bought the american edition and not long ago I found the same edition super cheap on Yahoo Auctions and I thought it would be a good idea to buy it and resell it. It's still here.

>> No.12353273

>all four Salinger books

>> No.12353303

>Book of Disquiet and Poems by Pessoa
that's a man of taste

>> No.12353309

imagine unzipping your pants and emptying your bladder onto this pretty collection.

>> No.12353339
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> Blame!
You have good taste. If you loved it, try to grab copies of his other series, Biomega.

>> No.12353357

Literally, kill yourself my man
Right fucking now

>> No.12353362
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>> No.12353380

>Not one but 7 hardcover volumes of Fallout: Equestria
Why? Just, why?

>> No.12353390

They're not the same. I only own two copies of the same print. And because. I like the stuff.

>> No.12353393

You are a plague upon humanity

>> No.12353399

Why do you like MLP? I just don't get it.

>> No.12353410
File: 1.18 MB, 1269x526, Shelf 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice get. Also not the board for that. And /lit/ rules forbids discussing fanfic. Move along citizens.
I just like that stuff.

>> No.12353415

The Eddas, Beowulf, and the Kalevala

>> No.12353478

Its positive and sincere while being intelligent enough to keep an adult engaged and interested with the characters (who are feminine without ever seeming like pathetic animu girls).
Also, i want to fuck horses.

>> No.12353479

>St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, but no Plato or Aristotle
Theology without dialectic and logic is just meaningless, empty mysticism that speaks of nothing, and cannot describe anything comprehensible.

>> No.12353595
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>Its positive and sincere while being intelligent enough to keep an adult
>an adult

>> No.12353638


>> No.12353713
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most of it

>> No.12353763
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>> No.12354514

Read Platinum End?
Never expected Lumberjanes on here.
How likely is a 4K? I never watched these but I don't want to buy it since it's expensive for Blu-ray.

Won't post my shelfs since some books are all over the place.

>> No.12354549

No Harry Potter :(

>> No.12354560


>> No.12354578
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>> No.12354584
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>> No.12354598

why does /lit/ has such shit taste in shelf trinkets

>> No.12354616

>shelf trinkets
pls be my gf

>> No.12354709
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>> No.12354789

>reinos olvidados
Para mí, lo único que salvaría sería Stardust
Probably he's more comfy to read in Spanish: there's not any problem with that

>> No.12354798

wait a sec: what's the series on the top of your shelf? the entire illustration reminds me to Quinton Hoover's art

>> No.12355057

>I don't want to buy it since it's expensive for Blu-ray.
Really? I paid less than 10 dollars for one of the american editions and less than 30 for the other one, of course both are used.

>> No.12355137
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You can get all six films for cheaper but only in cinema only edition.

>> No.12355150

Not them but it's Judge Dread.

>> No.12355202

>how to win friends and influence people
>fucking elon musk
>code monkey stem trash
>rest of the shelf is just fiction

>> No.12355263

Vol 14 of Yostuba is out btw

>> No.12355552


Greeks get their own shelf my man:)

>> No.12355699
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They're stacked and unsorted like this because I'm keeping them at my GFs while I move and we're running out of space.

>> No.12355707
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>> No.12355708


Why can’t modern men do anything besides jack off and fantasize about the apocalypse

>> No.12355710 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12355721
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>> No.12355723

I only have ebooks

>> No.12355736

Nice one, anon. What are those two fat Oxford books on the left below Ulysses?

>> No.12355744


Based ancient lit

Learn Greek!

>> No.12355745

another copy of Ulysses with notes and War and Peace

>> No.12355756


>> No.12355757

Have you read I Am Legend? Is it worth it?

>> No.12355786

It's been a few years since I read it, but I enjoyed it; I thought it was much better than that awful film. If you like horror or sci-fi I would recommend it.

>> No.12355803

Seeing all these bookshelves makes me want to read

>> No.12355831

ikr but shitposting is so much comfier.

>> No.12355865 [DELETED] 


Well anon, the apocalypse effectively occurred every other week in the past, we're living in the safest period that humans ever had especially in the west.

>> No.12355868

Anyone who owns a copy of Herodotus or Strabon unless he/she's an archeologist or had a formal classics education is a pseud. It's the same for people who own a fresh edition of the Illiad and Odyssey.

>> No.12355876

>It's the same for people who own a fresh edition of the Illiad and Odyssey.
>reading two cornerstones of Western literature is being a "pseud"
fuck off.

>> No.12355879


>> No.12355889

>vaccination condemned
>two copies of Taipei
doesn't really matter how much you read because you'll still be an idiot

>> No.12355927

I mean it could be worse

>> No.12355933


It's not. It's literally everything from 2000AD except Judge Dredd. Same publisher does a separate Dredd part works.

>> No.12355937

>Never expected Lumberjanes on here.

I tried volume 1 and thought it was rotten, which is why it's the only one there.

>> No.12355974

bump for comfy thread

>> No.12356037

I’m kind of having a crisis of whether I want to keep reading physical books or if I just give up and go 100% ebooks

>> No.12356053

Only faggots would have a crisis over this. True men would read real books all their life.

>> No.12356058


I prefer ebooks, as they are much cheaper -or free. But it is true that holding a book can be much "comfier".

What I do is just purchase a handful of books I might need to handle a lot, or those that I want with my all the time, or that I cherish the most.

>> No.12356227

So how many of you have actually read your whole bookshelf?

>> No.12356255

He has a point. Reading Herodotus or any other ancient historian is completely meaningless if you don't have a knowledge on ancient geography beforehand. I know you all just want to look smart, but for experts, you only look funny because it's quite obvious that you'll barely understand 1/10th of those books without prior knowledge.

>> No.12356276

You can use it to start understanding ancient geography, though. After all, how are you learning about any of these ancient peoples except by a source that begins its academic lineage with Heroditus? It would be like reading Augustine without having read the bible.

>> No.12356292

whats with the one random blue sticky in some of the books?

>> No.12356308


I’m not sure I agree but even if you’re right-that 1/10th of Herodotus is still worth it for literary value at least

>> No.12356313

at least rotate it so we can see the spines

>> No.12356350

I don't buy a book unless I've already read it three times.

>> No.12356368

>how are you learning about any of these ancient peoples except by a source that begins its academic lineage with Heroditus
By reading an ancient history book would be helpful. The problem with ancient sources is that most of the knowledge in those books are undiluted and comprehensive as fuck. It's also really hard to comprehend for people who don't have an expertise on those matters. It's like trying to understand modern physics through Einstein's papers without having a physics degree.

>> No.12356481

This is the pinnacle of /lit/ meme shelves. That's not a bad thing, either.

>> No.12356492

What you are essentially saying is that anyone who reads the boon before the cliffsnotes is a pseud.

>> No.12356510

I was talking about Homer, though.

>> No.12356517

Pretty good taste, anon. Your shelves look quite similar to mine.

>> No.12356526


They divide certain books-Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso or Mark Twain’s Mississippi Writings

>> No.12356608

What happened to the yellow bookshelf guy?

>> No.12357299
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>> No.12357368

Animal Money is based, gonna read it in 2019

>> No.12357404

Would Sanderson be good if I wanted to improve my Spanish reading abilities? I'm looking for something not marketed to children, but I've tried reading real Spanish literature and it's still too tough for me. I'm thinking of picking up the Way of Kings in Spanish.

>> No.12358349

be like me and pirate the expensive out of print stuff and buy used the other inexpensive books

>> No.12358632

Required college coursebooks / 10

>> No.12358924
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pic related is ~20% of my shelves

henlo fren. which book is that facing away, next to philokalia?

>> No.12358965
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>> No.12359002

>Palinuro of Mexico
Based. RIP Del Paso.

>> No.12359011
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>my bookshelf is an audible collection
s.....should I just neck myself?

>> No.12359234


>> No.12359760


Are you me? The same Apostolic Fathers with facing Greek!

>> No.12359791
File: 2.51 MB, 200x202, spooked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof. I wasn't expecting a coincidence like that. Mine doesn't have a ribbon, but you're right it is the Greek-English. We're probably the same person anon.

>> No.12359819
File: 2.33 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2019-01-07-05-56-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bookshelf because my collection is smol and pleby

>> No.12359828

>Greek stack
If you actually read them your more well read than 99.9999% of the planet.

>> No.12359851

This made me cum a little. That said, I wish I was more into Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism beyond an intellectual curiosity thanks to Shin Megami Tensei.


>> No.12359930
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>> No.12359952

>secret teachings of all ages

>> No.12359957

how's that viking portable marx? adequate vs the fuckhuge penguins? nice shelves anon.

>> No.12360038

It's very solid, it has most of the major excerpts and texts that you really need to get a good understanding of historical Marxism. It's also good as a quick reference tool or for when you need a snappy 'Marx' quote.

>> No.12360042

this nigga sure loves himself some communism

>> No.12360066

>he published The Secret Teachings of All Ages when he was twenty-six
what am I doing with my life?

>> No.12360076

Don't feel too bad. Manly was unironically the pinnacle of man.

>> No.12360188

Sanderson in English at least is easy. It's published even in China, so I'd say that it's pretty accessible.

>> No.12360261


Yeah really crazy. I just found Greek Religion from a used bookstore too, and tomorrow an amazon order arrives with Campbell’s Sappho and some other loebs (Republic, Aeschylus, Argonautica) Very very interested in your books about Platonism

>> No.12360280

Go back to school then m8

or join a club. Should be easy to find if you're in a bigger town.

>> No.12360331

then show your e-reader library you fucking faggot

>> No.12360337

This, if these faggots at least had an interesting e-library but they're most probably just mass hoarding book packs with tb's of garbage they're never going to read anyway.

>> No.12360382

Why is Asimov cringe? I agree with the rest though.

>> No.12360463


Nice. I have an older paper white and was thinking of getting either the new waterproof one or an oasis.

>> No.12360481

No. But I think if you enjoyed something as an audible audiobook you should consider reading the actual book.

>> No.12360489

This, it's surprisingly easy to find people willing to try MtG. I wanted to play again a couple years ago and started planting ideas in some of my friends' heads and within a couple months we were playing every Monday with 10+ people because they were having fun. It was nice

>> No.12360492

Who has best asian lit shelf?

>> No.12360496

Nice. I appreciate.

>> No.12360503
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x2268, 20190106_230956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully it isn't sideways

>> No.12360508
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Of course it is sideways

>> No.12360515
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>> No.12360523
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x2268, 20190106_231445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone wonders why I have multiple copies of certain books, it is usually because I buy them for 1-2$ at the library.

>> No.12360529
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>> No.12360543

I have Easwaran's translation of the Dhammapada, I should get some more of his translations of eastern literature

>> No.12360590

reading list / 10

>> No.12360605

VERY based and redpilled. Nice.

>> No.12360615

Proving once again that playstation gamers are the most epic and intelectual/.

>> No.12360886
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>3k pages on Stalin

>> No.12360892

How many pages is that big book?

>> No.12360904
File: 439 KB, 2500x1406, kutash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burkert is a good read.

>interested in your books about Platonism
Which ones?

>> No.12360908
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>> No.12360913


Why is everything first published like 60 years ago?

>> No.12360942

>Lire Tolkien en traduction

>> No.12360964

It's just an old french-english dictionary. It has about 2000 pages.

>> No.12360981

Pire encore
>lire une version de poche
Mon père m'a acheté la collection à la bibliotèque avant de savoir que je préférais lire des livres dans leur langue d'origine.

>> No.12361474
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>> No.12361494

IDK to use this

>> No.12361665


I got bored of contemporary fiction and especially lengthy metafictional puzzles

>> No.12361718

For sale:
Volume one of Capital

>> No.12361736

It's a work in progress

>> No.12361746
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>> No.12361755

>moby dick with cute whale ceramic on top
>rocks and Crystal's
>all those ancient greeks
>all those good classics
Feels goog seeing a man with good taste on here.

>> No.12361758

Why is that copy of metro 2033 so thick? Mine is easily half that.

>> No.12361775

Every time I see a shelf with Infinite Jest I can't help but laugh.

>> No.12361793

I collect old penguin editions too. Are you in Britain? Do you buy them because you enjoy them or because they're cheap?

>> No.12361894

>show /lit/ your bookshelves

>> No.12361904

The letters, I have Dracula and is probably the biggest version I've ever seen because the letters are big as fuck.

>> No.12361910

>peter the great
Sone pretty solid books here anon. Got quite a few yellow post it though. If those are bookmarks you should probably finish those books.

>> No.12362001
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>> No.12362015

Lets hang out sometime

>> No.12362200

Yeah I'm in the UK, I get them for both reasons. I collect Classics and Modern Classics mostly.

>> No.12362349

>Roger Scruton
Based. How are his books, anon?

>> No.12362355


>> No.12362361
File: 326 KB, 722x1463, evropa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based and ironpilled

>> No.12362421

What do you study/do? So far this is the best collection posted in this stupid fucking thread

Why is it that these threads are like showing up to a car show and everyone brings a beat-up piece of shit 1992 pinto?

Fuck. Show me a fucking Tuscan or koenigsegg or something, isn’t that the point? Why show off crap any pleb or pseud has? Doesn’t anyone have a serious library?

>> No.12362466


we spotted the jews lover

>> No.12363453

>being impressed by an average boomer politics shelf

>> No.12364309
File: 2.16 MB, 3755x1946, EC49E899-2995-4207-AFF3-047DCE9D6701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, a couple more arrived today so I had to organize

>> No.12364331
File: 96 KB, 500x504, 1546454435772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b a s e d

>> No.12364349

I like it. You're getting the bases covered. What translation of Homer is that? Records are patrician.

>> No.12364408

What's wrong with admiring the Jews? They are a fascinating culture.

>> No.12364458

>Gulag archipelago

>> No.12364470

This thread is fucking horrible

>> No.12364486

Different anon here, I Am Legend is excellent. Not high brow literature but it isn't mindless either. Definitely worth a read if you like horror and/or sci-fi.

>> No.12364497

Welcome to /lit/.

>> No.12364534

My god, are you people gay or just plain retarded?

>> No.12364547

you mad? millions of commies, now deceased due to famine or overwork or alcoholism, would have loved to have had personal property like that. simple diversions that distract and educate. no one is immune from the effects of capital, nerd.

>> No.12364557

>Bazzilion Jung books
>One Freud book

Jung was trully a visionary, while Freud stayed only a Jew. Trully

>> No.12364578

>or just plain retarded?
first day on /lit/ huh?

>> No.12364761

>Mississippi review
Hello fellow southfag, Louisiana here

>> No.12364828

Is your copy of the Odyssey big enough yet? Jesus, imagine reading that thing

>> No.12365231

>lay book flat on table
>start reading

>> No.12365415
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>No Kant

>> No.12365444

what a depressing thread

>> No.12365469

t. samefags and e-readers

>Who has best asian lit shelf?
I also would like an answer to this question.

>> No.12365577

Im studying international relations, trying to prepare myself for a master's because my undergrad program is worthless
I liked conservatism, Fools Frauds and Firebrands was a bit too polemic for me, but good to get a feel for the writers it discussed anyway

>> No.12365780

Isn't that terrible for the spines?

>> No.12365809
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outed. (actually I have two copies of the groundwork for the metaphysics of morals in there). I studied Kant quite a bit in school, but I never ended up picking up the critiques. one day, anon...

>> No.12365830

Why do nerds always have the neatest shelves

>> No.12365874


>> No.12365893

they never actually read any of their shit

>> No.12365904
File: 1.90 MB, 4160x2159, IMG_20190107_195505_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hit on me silly boys

>> No.12365927
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>pynch and vollman
>western trilogy
>medieval lit

>> No.12365936

>7 copies of Fallout: Equestria

>> No.12365953

>Rebuild Asuka
also, what is the Utena manga like?

Do you want to go a picnic with me? We could cuddle and read the Green Knight out loud to each other :3

>> No.12366005
File: 1.89 MB, 4215x2232, P_20190107_153543_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Tolkien.

>> No.12366025
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>> No.12366069

also cocks I presume

>> No.12366078

No, I'm heterosexual.

>> No.12366095

That set with the lord of the rings printed on the side is pretty cool

>> No.12366329

I am sure that you do, please check again

>> No.12366345

Last night I ate pussy, I'm pretty sure I'm heterosexual.

>> No.12366362

Nice pokemon cards bro xD
How old are you

>> No.12366375

What's wrong with Taipei?

>> No.12366537

>anime and manga shit everywhere
>/Pol/ meme books
>generally tiny and generally shit collections


>> No.12366712

Welcome to /lit/ 2019

>> No.12367411 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 1116x446, saoshyant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the left side of my room, I have a small shelf of weird fiction like Ligotti, Poe, Baudelaire, etc. and literature of cruelty like Maldoror and Bataille. The rest is a few Russian literature and Western philosophy. I also have one shelf of a bunch of Mahayana Buddhist and Zoroastrian texts. This is all on the left side.

On the right side, I have endless children's picture books of high caliber like Beatrix Potter. I have a few chapter books too such as Moomins.

>> No.12367432

Actually, it looks like only two of them are copies.

>> No.12367439

no anon YOU DON'T GET IT... you have to take a selfieeeeeeee.

*tries to grab your phone to show you how*

>> No.12368251
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>> No.12368288

Was enjoying your shelves until i got to your book on the plebbest branch of the plebbest martial art.

How was Foucault's Pendulum though?

>> No.12368323
File: 19 KB, 514x123, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you name the publisher and title of pic related?
Guy at the flea market had a huge collection of those with similar spines for 5 bucks a piece. Thanks in advance

>> No.12368457

Long term yes, they're all getting moved to my new place soon

>> No.12368493

>FoE x3
>Duck &cover x2
>Pink Eyes

All of this and yet not a single copy of Project Horizons. What has the world come to?

>> No.12368503

What purpose does the block of wood serve?

>> No.12368518
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>> No.12368636

snakes are fascinating too anon

>> No.12368766

Thanks for the answer anon. I've only heard him speak, haven't checked out any of his books yet (I heard he has like 50+), but I'm going to take a look at Conservatism.

>> No.12368927
File: 497 KB, 2666x1500, BookShelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12368963


>> No.12369023

top based if you have read them all.

>> No.12369240

rip patrice

Bocaccio, decameron. It's worth 5 bucks.

>> No.12369568


>> No.12369588

