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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 386 KB, 432x474, 1420835960272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12347788 No.12347788[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is Katie so perfect lads


why cant i get a patrician gf

>> No.12347798
File: 52 KB, 711x620, 1542257585282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Hannah

>> No.12347836

I miss Carli

>> No.12347843

>4.1 average rating
Buh-bye! *hits the dab*

>> No.12347845
File: 437 KB, 600x445, 1530141388239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to smell her braps

>> No.12347864

Is that a man?

>> No.12347876

I can assure you it is a girl (female).

>> No.12347954

shes so pretty

>> No.12347961

She looks like mix of jewish down syndrome with shy amish retarded girl. So fucking ugly...

>> No.12348051

>Literally doesn't last one minute before getting distracted and talking about her hair

>> No.12348083
File: 52 KB, 498x594, DwBre52W0AAdnH4.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a soft spoken normie gf with a pixie cut
Why even live, lads?


>> No.12348139


I want to throat-fuck emma in the mouth

>> No.12348163

god what a vapid cunt of a woman. Don't see the appeal

>> No.12348199

>takes notes on YA
Well there's something new.

>> No.12348208

yikes, Halloween all year round

>> No.12348264

Are YA novels just comics books for teenage girls?

>> No.12348273

based and carlipilled

>> No.12348274

No, they are the female equivalent of the arcane philisophical tome that holds the answers to the mysteries to the universe.

>> No.12348276

If that’s her she isn’t


>> No.12348309

LoL @ all the patetic incels itt

>> No.12348311

Why do you obsess over her? She isn't even attractive.

>> No.12348323

You guys are weird.

>> No.12348331

We know, thats why our interaction with women is limited to fantasising about internet booktubers

>> No.12348340

are these girls all just autistic or something?

>> No.12348342
File: 1.51 MB, 1078x926, THOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shitpost about booktube thots but I don't seriously fantasize about them lmao. Do these faggots actually care about these thots hahah. Go talk to someone in real life lmao.

>> No.12348470

>have you read hegel?

>> No.12348487
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>> No.12348569

Your pic seems out of place.

>> No.12348583
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>> No.12348614
File: 230 KB, 778x672, 1523681039575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get better taste.

>> No.12348615

Why do you come here? R*ddit would be so much more "your speed".

>> No.12348650

She gives me a bad vibe.

>> No.12348658


>> No.12348810
File: 344 KB, 991x1287, reddit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12348861

>i didn't like your comment so you don't belong in on my playground

>> No.12348918
File: 123 KB, 720x473, Screenshot_2019-01-05-20-26-34-395_com.growupapps.photogallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Iasmina


>> No.12349013

why do 99% of females just read YA dreck? i tried really hard to find a woman who doesnt just read shit on yootoob but only found one

>> No.12349108

Who. Share the link

>> No.12349178
File: 65 KB, 600x516, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349237
File: 54 KB, 634x433, 3272CE1300000578-0-Aftermath_A_man_lies_stricken_on_the_pavement_as_survivors_kiss_-a-31_1458655483933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when we first discovered her. Nothing in my life has changed. I'm still as crushingly alone as I was then.

>> No.12349261

Wtf she gained 300 subs since last night. Now at 1k. Is booktubing where the money is now?

>> No.12349278

I wanna hold hands with her and pretend to like the shit she reads

>> No.12349324

>even objectively ugly women get this sort of love
I fucking hate being a man so much

>> No.12349354

Yiiiiiikes she has bad taste

>> No.12349370


>> No.12349391

I'm talking about anon wanting to hold her hand

>> No.12349394

i wonder if incel men did feel this lonely in the past when there were no stupid imageboards reminding them constantly about how badly they want a gf and throwing them back into depression again when they least expect it

>> No.12349399


>> No.12349406

No because monogamy was enforced, so there was a woman for every man.

>> No.12349426

Do you want me to hold your hand?

>> No.12349442

that's not how populations worked, you can't enforce monogamy and much less when there was barely any state intervention like the middle of nowehre in the middle ages

>> No.12349458


4chan and leddit are self reinforcing traps of self pity and misery if you allow them to be. not even two decades ago the the type of person who is likely to be an 'incel' would have been forced to go outside at some point, mediating some of the morbidity and stupidity with actual human experience. now they can infect anybody that can read with their bullshit

>> No.12349470
File: 69 KB, 960x960, 1538946270682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this is what incels actually believe

>> No.12349481

the term obviously doesn't mean what you think it means retard

>> No.12349529

There were absolutely legal measures that ensured monogamy, like the criminalization of adultery and bigamy. The biggest distinction between then and now (and what kept incels from being a major thing back in the day) is that the material circumstances of the time required two-parent households. So single motherhood was taboo and wasn't as big an issue as it is today.

>> No.12349531

i hope that thing has a dick

>> No.12349549

There were definitely still incels. You see them being made fun of in books like Jane Eyre or Pride & Prejudice.

All that has changed is that there is a greater platform for incels to share their worthless feelings.

>> No.12349557

In the past Incels most likely would have died during birth or in their early childhood.

>> No.12349568

I just finished Jane Eyre. Who's the incel? The preacher guy was only rejected by Jane. He had a hot thot practically begging to marry him. That's not what an incel is.

>> No.12349594

god I want to impregnate her

>> No.12349597


>> No.12349609
File: 17 KB, 620x402, pjt-slavoj_zizek-4_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectively ugly women

>> No.12349618
File: 26 KB, 500x522, 2AB056FC-C2C4-4C19-B14E-5F32790C365E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349632

>There were definitely still incels
It wasn't as much of a thing as it is today. Bottom ~30% of the male barrel is condemned to pay for sex one way or another.

>> No.12349634

5. Very ugly

>> No.12349641

Social isolation is the biggest cause of inceldom. The problem with incels is that they don't have a network of friends and acquaintances

>> No.12349649

Reminding what?

>> No.12349657

I'm talking of the intended scenario that would result in anon having a gf when in practice nothing will make that a reality.

Incels just became priests and nuns, or where the weird uncle no one left near the children just in case. Or died at age 20 from tetanus.
Lost of people died alone and never married.

>> No.12349659

Why you are single

>> No.12349664

In which case lower your standards accordingly

>> No.12349676

Nuns and priest were volcels, not incels. Besides, they often broke their vows and fucked anyways. Haven't you read Boccaccio?

>> No.12349679

No such thing

>> No.12349683

Most women who don't fuck are volcels

>> No.12349684

dont talk that way about my wife

>> No.12349697

but if you were an incel you could just pretend to be a chad volcel and no one would doubt you.
now a days if you got tricked into posting incel feels in front of your family and become a priest everyone will mock you.

>No such thing
are you a beta among the beta?

>> No.12349698

Volcel is just a coping mechanism, doesn't exist

>> No.12349703

>are you a beta among the beta?
No, I've had sex like a normal functioning member of society

>> No.12349739
File: 857 KB, 756x9800, bpZEHOV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget

>> No.12349740

There are literally women in marriages who don't have sex with their husbands (whom they aren't cheating on) for years despite their husbands wanting it

>> No.12349748

>whom they aren't cheating on
Not true.

>> No.12349767

She has rebounded from that surprisingly well. How is she doing it?

>> No.12349811

cause I fucking said so

>> No.12349812

Yes true. Some women just cheat, but other women become functionally asexual

>> No.12349820

God's grace

>> No.12349844
File: 2.06 MB, 1442x770, 1542943105123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this interior decorating?

>> No.12349856

I keep seeing this photo, what's the context?

>> No.12349992


>> No.12350006

There's a couple female booktubers that don't just read YA, or even read none at all, they still don't have the best taste but it's comfy to watch videos sometimes. No links because I don't want you fags to drive them off the site.

>> No.12350035

Please dont insult my wife’s interior decorating tastes.

>> No.12350042
File: 7 KB, 230x220, 124124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but her house looks so comfy.

>You will never love cuddle up to her under a blanket on a cold winters night drinking hot chocolate and watching black and white films.

>> No.12350118


Why do booktubers talk so fast you can literally slow down the video speed and they then sound like they are talking at a normal pace?

>> No.12350331

>You will never brush your nose softly against hers in that same scenario.

Also: sweet pic.

>> No.12350343

What's with all the oversized sleeves.

>> No.12350528

I watch everything on at least 1.5x speed on YouTube, including this. This is normal speaking speed.

>this thread
>watching booktubers who just talk about Harry Potter, Supernatural, and other YA stuff
I fucking KNOW none of you read any of this shit, and just watch them because you find them attractive. Stop it and actually pick up a book instead. You're as bad as the people who worship e-thots

>> No.12350540

I actually watch Supernatural desu and like it unironically.

>> No.12350608
File: 378 KB, 1280x960, 1531372478487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags have such awful taste

>> No.12350612

What is it about estrogen that makes people so unbelievably self-centered?

>> No.12350617


here is much better


>> No.12350644

Guys make a bunch of faggoty videos too. Go to gun or outdoors channels for the same type of thing. Booktubers and other youtubers are just salesmen making a market.

>> No.12350661

This is why she needs semen though.

>> No.12350678

>videos about guns or outdoors are faggoty

>> No.12350690

It's just them showing off stuff they own, as is booktube. How is it not self-centered?

And in preemptive response to your claim that "some gun/outdoor videos are educational," some booktubers are as well.

>> No.12350708

>person who is likely to be an 'incel' would have been forced to go outside at some point,
Forced by what? If an incel is an autistic recluse, the absence of the internet wouldn't compel to become sociable. In fact, the lack of the internet might make them less sociable and more likely to top themselves. It's the equivalent of 'there were no fat people before cars."

There have always been incels, they've just never had a voice 'til now.

>> No.12350756

Yeah cause youtube vlogging is totally a female thing... except for the male majority that does this shit

>> No.12350762

it's a gay thing

>> No.12350766
File: 12 KB, 261x218, 1402876278869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn impale Katie in the ass with yout 10 inch schlong, ejaculate forcibly into her cervix, and make her spit out a literary baby
why live

>> No.12350807

Pretty telling that you guys don't even try to deny female self-centeredness, you just go
>b-b-but guys do it too!!
Let's see what a quick google search tells us.
>3) Men have Tweeted an average of 698 times - women 1542. [tweet]
>4) Men have been on Twitter for an average of 502 days - women 496. [tweet]

>> No.12350839

My point is that, given the opportunity, practically everyone is self-centered. Your attempt to single out women or booktubers is ridiculous.

>> No.12350867

>Pretty telling that you guys don't even try to deny female self-centeredness, you just go
>b-b-but guys do it too!!

Well yeah, retard, because that's the point: HUMANS are self-centered as shit. So are you, by the way: I have no doubt that if you weren't embarrassed of your ugly fucking looks you'd put yourself out there too. If you had a guarantee of attention, you'd take it.

Reading comprehension like that, what the fuck are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.12350996
File: 91 KB, 803x803, 25 Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you get for trying your darndest to fit in. Bask in your achievement. Sleep in this bed.

>> No.12351013

byproduct of getting raised on a farm with your mother and grandmother, I guess

>> No.12351019


>> No.12351068
File: 55 KB, 640x512, 1460383753619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're probably the same pathetic guy who has been spamming her here before, but by God you're right for doing so

>> No.12351081

>excusing this behavior on account of your own destructive viewpoints on sexuality

Believe it or not (I'm sure you don't believe it, based again on your destructive viewpoint of sexuality), but devout Christian women continue to eschew premarital sex to this very day. But then that would mean you'd have to as well if you wanted to court them...

>> No.12351085

This, but unironically

>> No.12351109
File: 4 KB, 249x203, 345345697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry m8 but men don't want to raise children with whores if they have a choice in the matter.
>inb4 incel

>> No.12351135


Monolingual pleb

Still qt af

>> No.12351234

who are the incels and pride and prejudice you illiterate nigger?

>> No.12351257

Please, let’s not go down this road again.

>> No.12351264

Not her, but, yeah, this is the problem. "Christian" women nowadays are sleeping around as much as women of no faith.

>> No.12351287
File: 141 KB, 900x1200, DE45gtfVwAAsNTr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's literaturely becca

>> No.12351309

>get standards, want women who are virgins like myself

>> No.12351338

The tripfag is right. Inceldom is a symptom of a broader societal cancer. Loneliness is extremely common at all levels of society and all ages. It is also a problem we seem very unwilling to solve.

>> No.12351344

Being a remotely cute girl is where the money is, and always has been.

>> No.12351401

So there is no chance for me to make money by becoming a booktuber?

I'm quite certain I can't pass as a trap.

>> No.12351414

I didn't say "Christian", I said Christian. If you don't think they exist, that is on you. You probably aren't involved in your own church community.

>> No.12351418
File: 51 KB, 530x794, 1529684684381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a men

>> No.12351432

It is a real girl.
Skip to like 6 minutes in this video


>> No.12351444
File: 122 KB, 645x773, 1522157005292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it still looks like an mans

>> No.12351472

Your mind is warped from all the trap porn.
Also how many images of sminem do you have saved?

>> No.12351482

>DUDE nuns and monks were totally fucking all the time anyways dude trust me
Classic flesh-slave cope.

>> No.12351553

>broke their vows and fucked anyways
oral and handjobs were not considered the same as sex, even now, I've heard a lot of stories about random handjobs from horny nuns

>> No.12351556

>Christians exist!

Who are you trying to convince?

>> No.12351561

The only kind of meat a priest could eat on Friday was none.

>> No.12351598


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12351605

I have and always have had tons of friends and an active social life. I'm educated and have a good job, I'm not ugly (girls have called my cute and I've even had a decent looking gym thot ask me out once), I'm /fit/, my friends like having me around because I'm funny and charismatic, coworkers always ask my opinion on things because they like hearing my perspective. I do something every weekend: go to bars, concerts, hiking, surfing, etc. I've hooked up with thots before but that's as far as my love life has gone. Nobody has ever touched my dick but me, and not from lack of trying. Loneliness seems to not be a factor at all in my inceldom.

>> No.12351610

Same way as she goes, I'd guess.

>> No.12351626
File: 220 KB, 960x1280, 1535517829708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes its the smallest detail that makes all the difference

>> No.12351659

I'm not a jawlet, I have a fairly defined alpinic face and green eyes that girls always comment on. I'm no model but I know for a fact that my looks appeal to at least some decent-looking women.

>> No.12351739

>dem chebs
phwoar lad

>> No.12351749

>having any bravado at all is reddit

>> No.12351755

I don't see the appeal of lasagna, it might be that Ludmila isn't my taste

>> No.12351780
File: 177 KB, 1024x768, 1527425697158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am attractive to people, so why is no one attracted to me UUUGGHHHH
get a grip, youre either so fucking hideous people are pitying you or so fucking delusional, narcissistic and insufferable that the thought of spending 5min with you is enough to cause physical discomfort

>> No.12351800

Did you read my post you dumb nigger? Literally nowhere did I saw anything close to "no girls are attracted to me and idk why". Get >>>/out/

>> No.12351807

I dunno why but she makes Korean sound beautiful

>> No.12351855
File: 9 KB, 298x224, 1532539514716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what more do you want, loser

>> No.12351861

So, you fucking idiots gonna bully Katie off the internet again or what?

>> No.12351911

/lit/ might not be the board for you if you have a hard time reading, tiger.

>> No.12351935

How tall are you, how good are your facial aesthetics, how deep is your voice, are you balding? Be honest.

>> No.12352068

Can someone link me the ugly /lit/ girl that studied physics on oxford?

>> No.12352192
File: 798 KB, 543x781, areyoureadytoswag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12352235
File: 120 KB, 768x1024, 1519252672151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex me
sex me like one of your anime girls

>> No.12352246

The worst part is only her face is hideous. Rest of her looks normal enough.
Pretty sad desu.

>> No.12352285

Honestly some Rhinoplasty and a new hairstyle along with carefully applied make-up would make her half-decent.

>> No.12352296

>So are you, by the way: I have no doubt that if you weren't embarrassed of your ugly fucking looks you'd put yourself out there too.
Hilarious how tightly you guys cling to the stereotype of the hideous nerd. I'm not an incel and definitely not unattractive, when I was younger and worked retail girls literally came up to me and gave me their phone numbers. Every time this incel shit comes up you people resort to these ad hominems, and not even proper ones but ad hominems based on your fucking imaginations, do you realize how insane that is? Your white knighting is out of control my dude

>> No.12352312
File: 92 KB, 400x533, 1533863460634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexable yet?

>> No.12352321

Yes. The light coming from behind really does it for me. Very literary.

>> No.12352353
File: 846 KB, 472x708, 1543877869003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more sex?

>> No.12352364
File: 49 KB, 471x268, 1503697470646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my

>> No.12352391

>You will never love cuddle up to her under a blanket on a cold winters night drinking hot chocolate and watching blacked films.

>> No.12352430
File: 65 KB, 575x651, 1538976411952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>translation: DOWNVOTED

>> No.12352445

never stop anons of /lit/, you're truly the best

>> No.12352454
File: 52 KB, 667x1024, 1541944651194m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12352501

>that last post
My sides are in orbit

>> No.12352535

That delectable waist though

>> No.12352546
File: 367 KB, 580x548, 1546033208795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a /lit/ booktuber episode

>> No.12352552

Is this you speaking from personal experience?

>> No.12352562

>I don't know but her house
Let me stop you there. She clearly lives in a shitty apartment, which there is nothing comfy about.

Oh yeah, and her husband beats her.

>> No.12352673

someone is getting super jell-jell cuz some other ugly girl is getting all the attention

>> No.12353867

yeah there is nothing as demoralizing as jezebel posting, depresses the fuck out of me, especially on blue boards

>> No.12353878

incels are generally of poor genetic stock, we are society's untermensch if there ever was one, completely disposable back then just as we are now

>> No.12353893

kek, saved

>> No.12353962


>> No.12353971


>> No.12353982


>> No.12354466

I'd imagine its become worse over the past decade with attention whores spamming themselves all over social media and thots commoditizing themselves online. The imagery is pretty prevalent even outside of places like 4chan compared to the pre social media era.

>> No.12354528

Would you show up in your girlfriends channel?


>> No.12354544

Katie probably has a double digit IQ

>> No.12354552
File: 730 KB, 996x910, 1530182410252_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she will never be my gf
What is some literature for this feel?

>> No.12354565


>> No.12354573

I would bet that vlogging is disproportionately female

>> No.12354577
File: 1.42 MB, 641x1080, 1512074162126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beauty is a short lived tyranny

>> No.12354583

wow she really hit the wall

>> No.12354588


She's not committed enough to tell you to get off the fucking internet and go read your book.

>> No.12354592
File: 167 KB, 800x953, 1513875964167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12354594

Why'd you have to go and stir up feelings I thought were long gone?

Because people actually watch the videos if it's a cute girl, so it's self-reinforcing. Look at how successful instagram sluts are.

>> No.12354597
File: 117 KB, 798x497, 1538927850368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12354615

How old is she?

>> No.12354619

>wh*te woman age like shit
more news at 11

>> No.12354622
File: 244 KB, 340x477, 4k52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh trad age dynamics
why do "redpilled" people think women who are past the age of 24 are usless and every guy wants to date a girl younger than his little sister?

>> No.12354631
File: 257 KB, 1261x776, 1541826108818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having a conversation with someone who isn't present again, anon? Maybe someone who lives inside your head?

>> No.12354645

Why choose that example? She is extremely hot at 30. Pick Chloe Moretz or something.

>> No.12354647

She looks like a tranny.

>> No.12354661

Huh, I guess your right. I must have imagined the chart that other anon posted. or that you posted if we are assuming anyone who posts something we don't like must only be coming from one person repeatedly

>> No.12354663

She has a strong jaw which is present in the first pic as well.

>> No.12354781

Thy who reads classic and other genres have no need to show off, because they read for thy own pleasure.

>> No.12354788

not liking older women is just bad taste

>> No.12354796

This. Be a real man and support her after she's no longer in her prime.

>> No.12355088

Hey brah, don't be triggered just because you can't have sex, embrace it and become a monk or something.

>> No.12355138

>Brazil have the best plebtubers
>prove me wrong







you fucking can't