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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 753 KB, 639x724, Screenshot_20190104-200319_kindlephoto-195201212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12346582 No.12346582 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12346602
File: 547 KB, 2000x1125, moepedestrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a creep, /lit/

>> No.12346619

Wow, definitely him. Son looks like early him too.

>> No.12346625



>> No.12346629

caught going out to vote like the boomer he is, ouch

>> No.12346638

delete this

>> No.12346657


>> No.12346671

This is the funniest thing of all to me. Boomers suuuuure love to vote
>But by not voting you are still voting

>> No.12346677


is this REAL? this is historical.

>> No.12346678

Thats why you have shit politicians.

>> No.12346692

What's his problem? Why is he so hikikomori

>> No.12346694

Some Scandinavian dude did it first.

>> No.12346695

It's actually real

>> No.12346698

We got em, boys.

>> No.12346702

Gravity's Rainbow sucks

>> No.12346716

Poor guy, he looks sick.
His son looks cool though.

>> No.12346728
File: 248 KB, 563x220, 1546661249271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga Tommy over here looking like the grand sensei of planet of the apes

>> No.12346734

this is actually a big deal.

>> No.12346737

God bless this white-haired rebel.

>> No.12346745

Big if true!

>> No.12346747
File: 231 KB, 462x512, 93838852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hermit
>the ghostly author
The jewish media has no morals and love destroying people at the end instead of respectfully carrying out their desires. That's the difference between the honorable Aryan and the vile jew.

>> No.12346752
File: 287 KB, 552x678, 20180402_031544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why werent you overreacting when some scandinavian guy took photos from him?

>> No.12346756

What if his son posts here

>> No.12346758

Delete this.

>> No.12346761

that photo was mysterious still,.
This is the first time we have got a good front-on picture, not hat nothing.

>> No.12346763

gotcha bitch

>> No.12346766

He probably doesn't like books.
Famous dads will do that.

>> No.12346772

Fuck this old homo and fuck everyone who likes his books.

>> No.12346779

Can you faggots please stop posting photos of my father?

>> No.12346780

thats not your dad and you like it you fucking fag.

>> No.12346790

What were your thoughts on M&D, Jackson?

>> No.12346793

The last horicrux confirmed. Pynchon dies this year

>> No.12346795

go to bed Tommy

>> No.12346802

>tfw when you know instinctively that his next work will be a posthumous novel

>> No.12346812

While I love Pynchon, I have to say that Pynchon is one of the most libtarded authors I've read dawg

>> No.12346831

It's my personal favorite, no question. But the book that brings me good memories is Bleeding Edge because I actually helped my father while he was doing it, with this and that, although my true passion is film, however ironic that sounds.

>> No.12346844

nice LARP, Jack.
I heard you like pokemon cards and metal gear.

>> No.12346849

Doesn't mean you should be happy about him being exposed by jewish media 'snappers.'

>> No.12346859

>january 14 2019

>> No.12346860 [DELETED] 

Hahaha he’s such a pussy. This is the kind of invasion of privacy he deserves.

>> No.12346862

What is hard to believe about this that doesn;t stem from your ignorance about voting in america or how media is published?

>> No.12346867

Why is it so crazy to believe that he just doesn't want to be in media? Why is it so hard?

>> No.12346871

dude needs a haircut

>> No.12346872

That's his son? I think we went to the same prep school... Goddammit.

>> No.12346874

Look at his fuckin lips, looks like he sucked a joint so hard he sucked the life out of his body.
Look at his fuckin lips

>> No.12346879

If you've read Against the Day, you'll know that time is irrelevant

>> No.12346881

Journalism should be abolished

>> No.12346883

Reminds me of my grandma desu

>> No.12346898
File: 27 KB, 560x415, sad_cat_17_archive_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe we should just leave him alone.

>> No.12346905 [DELETED] 

I will murder him and anyone who gets in my way.

>> No.12346909
File: 22 KB, 513x324, fox-hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tabloid has an honorable tradition. As do the people behind them. What horror I can think to encounter is merely a glimpse of what is done on a regular basis. The impulse to begin with the eye must make it the accessway for the morbidly curious. I seek to know them as I have known others. The hero abandons faces at the moment of becoming the deliverer of justice. The erasure has no binding to anything except all ends. Words must be their destroyers and no longer just in simple measures of swords clanging. An erase of the eye is coming. Tell them to hold their memories visual for as long as possible, and that I am sorry. None of them shall see their last glory, their last knowledge. Braining them would be nothing but peace and I am no peacemaker. Every eye plucked I will wear as a symbol. None shall taste my becoming, none shall eat as they once did. For I come in waves and I come for no reason, and I find no vigor in life except to steal from thieves, and no man steals a soul from a moment of eternity. Let them break their pupils on my scapulae: do not eat, for the apple is poison.

>> No.12346915

is it really him? :(

>> No.12346918

Murder this
*pulls out his fat cock*

>> No.12346924

shut the fuck up

>> No.12346929

Currently filing FBI report for threatening murder of Thomas Pynchon and others. You will be receiving a knock soon.

>> No.12346930 [DELETED] 

I can tell he’s tiny and shriveled. But yes, mirdering that aspect of him naturally goes along with murdering him in general. All of his body parts will cease to function and, eventually, exist.

>> No.12346932

Welp. Now it’s time to go rewatch Inherent Vice and find his cameo

>> No.12346940

hes probably senile and doesnt care anymore. probably doesnt even know he wrote books all his life

>> No.12346953
File: 129 KB, 1024x1433, Cricket-playing-fiddle-Jeffrey-Richter-Richter-Fine-Art--1024x1433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the eye the most of the most intimate. Is the eye the end all be all. Where is there violence but behind and in the eye.
subconscious, level, programs, ah well I guess I don't care.

>> No.12346958

would have passionate sex with his cutie son desu

>> No.12346959

it's the dude in a desk near the beginning

>> No.12346962
File: 430 KB, 1300x969, tom-bombadil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're doing you're american duty, sir.

>> No.12346966

The world was a better place when mentally ill faggots like you were afraid to speak openly.

>> No.12346969


>> No.12346979

meanwhile you have some sort of spazzy autism.
Relax you fag.

>> No.12346986

God is great, isn't he. I want to shout it, but I don't feel as an Anglo that my language does it justice. What language does Pynch think is superior among those he knew.

>> No.12346991

Did "You" just win.

>> No.12346995

We all won today.
The Pynch has risen.

>> No.12346999

He lived in Mexico for a while and he likes Borges and the Martín Fierro, as well as García Márquez's Love in the Time of Cholera, so I'm sure he's a fan of the Spanish language.

>> No.12347000

Don't be dumb. I'd never post here.

>> No.12347006

It's the guy who knocks Doc out with a bat at Chick Massage

>> No.12347075

Delete this.

>> No.12347078

Where is the original article for this? I can't find it.

>> No.12347081

>I can't find it
I deleted it.

>> No.12347082

It's upcoming.

>> No.12347101

Where did the OP get it?

>> No.12347120
File: 55 KB, 429x571, 1507834640808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit op do you work for national enquirer?

how do you not die of embarassment

>> No.12347150

>said the NEET.

>> No.12347155

It's a /lit/ exclusive!

>> No.12347233


>> No.12347239

>God is great
Better in Arabic

>> No.12347243

sheeeeiiiiiitt we inna a historical thead right now boys

>> No.12347272

>January 14, 2019

>> No.12347305

“Get your fucking hand away from me”

>> No.12347308

shit you're right.
dear future archive reader of this thread: today, Jan 4th 2019 sucked fat dick and i do anticipate this trend to continue well into days to come, but you would certainly know that by now wouldn't you?

>> No.12347326
File: 33 KB, 168x170, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 10.17.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12347331

now what?

YEAH, WELL! WE FOUND HIM! so... uh..

yeah, and, now what?

>> No.12347333

The game is over.
It is done.

>> No.12347335

Uh... Uh... I didn't get that far yet. What's the next step in my master plan?

>> No.12347350
File: 1.77 MB, 1080x1920, qt55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be in decent enough health, that settles it then boyos. New Pynchon novel by 2020, but what will it be about?

>> No.12347366

when u fuck her in the ass and you get her shit all on ur dick but u dont care because its a girls shit which makes it not gay

>> No.12347369

The Civil War and Artificial Intelligence.

>> No.12347386

100% a trap (very obvious) and ur gay

>> No.12347463

caden moran

>> No.12347541
File: 400 KB, 688x762, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 11.12.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wtf how does this 12 year old know about frat moves?

>> No.12347571

What a dumb old faggot
Imaging just bopping him in his stupid nose and breaking his glasses and stealing his cane and throwing it in a tree

>> No.12347573

he reads pynchon

>> No.12347659
File: 35 KB, 600x450, Jackson Pynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that looks like Jackson

>> No.12347664

where did you get this?

>> No.12347669

From his band photo

>> No.12347671

what was the name of the band?

>> No.12347682


I actually like them. I'm pretty sure Jackson is the raspier voiced singer but I'm not sure. Favorite song is Weather

>> No.12347693

oh yeah, bring those lips closer Tom, oh yeah, Pynch them around this schlong baby, oh yeah

>> No.12347696

>Man doesn’t want to be photographed
>Photograph him anyway
Tabloid makers and readers should be genocided

>> No.12347700

Yeah he looks truly out of it

>> No.12347706

>assuming that post is gay

Wanna know how I know you’re a closet fag?

>> No.12347712
File: 34 KB, 209x277, 87CBE9CC-43CD-4EF0-B61E-3B705429370E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck it Tom. Pic related

>> No.12347757

You looked way cooler in the BE promo video, get a haircut hippie

>> No.12347762

It's the guy who passes behind the window when Doc goes to interview Owen Wilson at the pizza party
sauce: my mom said so

>> No.12347763
File: 272 KB, 940x1015, Pynchon paparazzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Pynchon wore the exact same jacket at the exact same spot with the exact same person as he did 20 years ago?

>> No.12347771

Ironically, his hair is exactly the opposite
>only mustache visible
>lots of hair and big beard, but no mustache

>> No.12347776
File: 421 KB, 553x495, 1546580931301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in le ebin thread

>> No.12347808

it looks almost exactly like him though just with long hair, at least from what i can see at that resolution.
keep in mind these photos were taken like 7 or 8 years apart

>> No.12347851

That article is infuriating. I bet none of the readers know who he is, not even the cunt that snapped his pic, they just know he's secretive and they absolutely had to ruin it

>> No.12347862

>Get your f--king hand away from me. I don't like people taking my picture!
Poor Pynch.

>> No.12347929

>81 and still NW1
>meanwhile I'm 25 and norwooding hard af

>> No.12348009
File: 228 KB, 466x552, 1529504398539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW pinecone sends out the same imposter for paparazzo to photograph so that his true identity is never discovered

>> No.12348194

Why won't people respect his privacy,? I feel wrong just for looking at these photos that were taken without his permission.

>> No.12348219


>> No.12348249

Am I supposed to presume things I know? How retarded would that be?

>> No.12348253

>Why won't people respect his privacy,?

Look up (((who))) owns and runs the National Enquirer (AMI). These people don't respect anything about you or your culture, goy.

>> No.12348256

Its fake.
Check the date.

>> No.12348259
File: 473 KB, 730x410, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thomas Pynchon is in this photograph.

>> No.12348272

Are you blind, he looks one hard gust of wind away from death.

>> No.12348275

>cargo pants
old man but powerful aura

>> No.12348381

Re: date in pic. The next National Enquirer issue is 14th Jan.....tempted to order a copy to UK now. What's the chances this is an elaborate ruse?

>> No.12348393

It can't be. I mean it's possible but wouldn't that mean some /lit/ kid created this after finding a random picture that looks remarkably like elderly Pynchon? Who would do that?

>> No.12348418

Pynchon is reddit le wacky and zany humor, sorry fags

>> No.12348440

Guy under the s in the lesbians banner?

>> No.12348456

this. people who think hes not vonnegut x2 are delusional

>> No.12348464

Looks like Shingeki no Kyojin manga/Dragon Ball Movie fake spoilers.

>> No.12348488

I'm more surprised that that random picture floating on /lit/ turned out to be right.
Also that the guy in the Bleeding Edge video wasn't his son.

>> No.12348509

>I'm more surprised that that random picture floating on /lit/ turned out to be right.
How did it turn out to be right?

>> No.12348531

I mean this >>12346752 picture. That looks to be the same guy. In any case if you read the 'magazine' where that came from it was just a bunch of people following weird looking old guys around New York https://imgur.com/gallery/6stIW seems they got lucky.
Unless that's not the same guy or neither of them are Pinecone.

>> No.12348539

stop posting garbage anime pictures

>> No.12348546
File: 859 KB, 1125x1500, 1546550742377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12348552

You sure do know a lot about reddit.

>> No.12348555
File: 107 KB, 829x1037, c2b932f1f829d36ba83d3f9bee1222eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12348566

Pynchon died in 2012, this is a decoy to throw people of the scent

>> No.12348582

had a teacher who always showed us a picture of the writer’s face as important
it’s wrong, but will help readers whether you admit it or not

>> No.12348646

based garbage anime poster

>> No.12348690

ZOINKS the pynchmeister looks like THAT?

>> No.12348803

Toastin’ in ebin bread

>> No.12348812

If I had a mane like that at 81 I wouldn't hide
baldy feels

>> No.12348818

Isn't the national enquirer the one that runs stories like "Radioactive Bat Boy terrorizes New York" and all that weird shit?

>> No.12348828

>Please I just want to be left alone
>No fuck you the "Readers" of "National Inquirer definitely care about pictures of Thomas Pynchon

fucking bottom feeders

>> No.12348830

yes, but it also pays for testimonies so all mainstream newspapers actively demonize it, since they say that paying someone for using their content would be unethical.
It's a mixed bag, there are decent journalists that could only find a job there.

>> No.12348837

Bat Boy is from Weekly World News, the only reputable source of news in the US.

>> No.12348868

The overlap between people who read the National Enquirer and Pynchon has to be almost non existent. Why would they even fund people to stalk him for weeks knowing the return would be literally zero?

>> No.12348880

I've worked as a photographer and the is, they didn't.
A photographer waited outside Pinecone's house of his own volition, got the picture and then sold it to whoever would buy it. Like it or not, the NE is probably the only publication in the world who would buy these photos.

>> No.12348902

"We're watching you Anthony!"

>> No.12348922
File: 467 KB, 658x626, grimace_is_a_pimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12348930
File: 110 KB, 600x889, ego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I now understand the whole American Ron Jeremy thing.

>> No.12348936
File: 126 KB, 643x482, James.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12348941

"May I have your autograph?"
*scribble scribble*
"Wait, why did you sign this as 'Robert Crumb'?"

>> No.12348944

>paparazzi unironically referring to themselves as "lensmen"
Extremely based 2bh. God bless the Enquirer, they always have the most interesting headlines. I'll never read it but I appreciate their attitude

>> No.12348952
File: 39 KB, 427x343, lensman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12348981

Maybe I'm reaching here, but I think it's a deep cut reference to Mason & Dixon, which repeatedly uses the archaic terms "lensmen" and "lensman"

The author of the article is probably a Pynchon fan himself

>> No.12349006

um EXCUSE ME National Enquirer but the last time Pynchon appeared officially for anything was providing his voice to the trailer for Inherent Vice. Please retract this story post haste.

>> No.12349138

Jesus, just leave the old man alone.

(His son is a qt though)

>> No.12349148

they both are, just very different tags for each one.

>> No.12349161


>> No.12349169
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 4785CC97-B085-4BF2-B850-6026ADA64157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he’s Planet of the Apes have you gone to a /lit/ meet-up it’s like the cantina in Star Wars

>> No.12349181
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, coops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have snaps of Shakespear/Brakespear theory he allegedly posted on lit some years back?

>> No.12349187


>> No.12349209


>> No.12349283

Holy Smokes
Shakespeare and Pynchon both Catholic?

>> No.12349316
File: 131 KB, 614x516, 1541630959291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up nerds

>> No.12349396
File: 44 KB, 701x484, E007868B-464F-4820-A11A-B23B28285B2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato and Socrates were gay, but Pynchon is Catholic?
already knew about Shakespeare (scholarly consensus)
There’s reason to live again!

>> No.12349418

>his son Jackson
>his wife Melanie Jackson
His son's name is Jackson Jackson.

>> No.12349662

how is inherent vice as a movie?

>> No.12349706

Really solid, one of PTA's best.

>> No.12349715

>the virgin author vs the chad photographer

>> No.12349721 [DELETED] 

>waaaaah respect him, leave him alone
>waaaah stop taking pictures of him!
>ugh stupid jew media leave him alone!!

Um, no?

>> No.12349737 [DELETED] 

What's even the point of this post?

>> No.12349769

LOL gott em

>> No.12349773 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 600x315, 9f8hnFx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349777

He looks a little like Dr Jacoby from Twin Peaks

>> No.12349784

No we have shit politicians because our electoral system caters, in addition to being hopelessly corrupt, makes it impossible to win unless you suck the dick of one of the major parties. The only good this has ever produced is the tears of hillary supporters crying because I voted for Jill "the crystals have power" Stein which (collectively) may have been enough to tip the scale to Trump.

>> No.12349786 [DELETED] 

Why would you expect Israel to respect your national sovereignty when you don't respect theirs?

>> No.12349795 [DELETED] 

isreal is an illegitimate state

>> No.12349796


>> No.12349911
File: 266 KB, 478x369, Jake Pensive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12349990

if Doc and The Dude got together, oh god that would be epic.

>> No.12350010

His son looks like a cute trap

>> No.12350020

His son’s name is Jackson Pynchon, idiot

>> No.12350025


>> No.12350040

>going out to vote

Boomers gonna boom

>> No.12350063

Jackson looks ready to transition.

>> No.12350075

It's when the magazine or whatever comes out

>> No.12350111
File: 184 KB, 1419x2026, DwKIR5EWkAAqDuW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Timmy Pinchman photographed for the first time in decades
>On the same day Elon Musk reveals his new retro penis rocket

>> No.12350123

Ooooh the guy who doesn't like taking pictures. Let's hire a band of paparazzi into his home and torture him with a non-stop shoot lasting days or until he dies. Whichever comes first, I don't care.

>> No.12350138

People on twitter are criticizing this rocket for being a phallocentric monument to the male-ego and shit. But.. I mean, what other shapes for rockets are there?

>> No.12350141

Why does his spn looks so young? Did he have him when he was 60 or something?

>> No.12350172

no it's Jackson Pynchon Jackson-Pynchon (old tommie always at it with the crazy names lol)

>> No.12350187

>caring about twitter mongoloids in any capacity

>> No.12350196

That can't possibly be him.

>> No.12350236

Why not?
Haven’t you seen Planet of the Apes

>> No.12350243

I didn't take it seriously because it looks like a staged, professional picture, not like a creepshot.

>> No.12350248

His arms are pretty short

>> No.12350268


>> No.12350272

I don't get why someone who truly wants to be left alone doesn't just give one short interview every decade and provides the press with 2 or 3 pictures. That way no one would care. The way Pynchon handles it, though, makes countless people interested in him who would never bother to take the picture of a 80 year old boomer author.

>> No.12350278

Some people are just übershy to the point where even what you're saying is out of the question.

>> No.12350279

Why is the date January 14 ?
And more importantly, why the hell would a tabloid spend 6 months tracking down some elderly author ?

>> No.12350287
File: 16 KB, 370x208, Screenshot_20190105-144608_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know burgers had a time machine.

>> No.12350302

What this guy said

Nobody would give a fuck if he didn't create an aura of secrecy around himself. Surely he's too intelligent to be unaware of that. Maybe he secretly likes the attention, or is cripplingly shy.

>> No.12350305

>spend 6 months tracking down some elderly author ?
Publicity. It's Thomas Ruggles Pynchon. THE recluse author.

>> No.12350309

Didn't op say this was a preview? I think the piece will be our on the 14th

>> No.12350312

a photographer did.
he found a way to get a tabloid to pay a pittance for that work.

>> No.12350313

Yes, I figured it was a preview but I still needed to insult americans.

>> No.12350348

The date means it was leaked. Someone's working for us from the other side.

>> No.12350371

Does anyone have some follow-up reads to this?

>> No.12350387

I think Pynch has legitimate anxiety over that sort of thing. Paranoia features pretty heavily in everything he's ever written after all.
As he's gotten older though, he might have clued into the fact that being a mystery paranoia man makes him more intriguing and alluring than if he just opened a twitter account and started tweeting about anime like every fucker else. It's his brand, so to speak. .

>> No.12350408

I have Pynchon nudes. How much are you willing to pay for them?

>> No.12350409

is vineland or inherent vice worth reading?

>> No.12350417

Reading Inherent Vice, it's quite enjoyable.

>> No.12350420

vineland has the best characters of any of his novels except maybe m&d
it's a bit of a slog at places tho

>> No.12350421

IV is an enjoyable read if you don't mind hippies and that sort of thing.
Vineland is just kinda boring.

>> No.12350505

She can creep on me if you know what I mean

>> No.12350536

It's the guy that is behind the camera

>> No.12350544

>tfw /lit/ got the scoop first
So a Pulitzer is coming our way, right?

>> No.12350622

can i post this on r*ddit and get r*ddit gold

>> No.12350637

Stop thinking about reddit. This is a command.

>> No.12350648
File: 81 KB, 1080x634, IMG_20190105_145224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it here, lads.

>> No.12350682
File: 251 KB, 750x800, 3D9C2096-2AD5-4BAF-A4F8-A5DBF82D4CD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a pic of old Tommy from back in the day ( around 1990 I believe ). I found it on a really old website

>> No.12350699

we all know about this fuckign photo, fucking moron.
Did you even read the article?

>> No.12350716
File: 17 KB, 73x76, cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Soon", chuckled Cormac McCarthy darkly

>> No.12350790

wondering who that fucker was

>> No.12350809

It’s Doc

>> No.12351203

That old guy bought mochas from my stand at least a dozen times in the past year

Gonna put a worn copy of Vineland under his nose next time he comes around

OP do you have a larger image of that? I want to use his face as a commercial for my coffee stand

>> No.12351705

one dorra

>> No.12351712
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>> No.12351724
File: 36 KB, 108x118, dude weed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12351738

You should spill something accidentally and then tear pages of Vineland out and use them to wipe up the spill, right in front of his face

>> No.12351912

No deal.

>> No.12352541

Thats a nw0
Incredible hair for an 81 year old.

>> No.12352603

His son is such a cutie.

>> No.12352635

My thoughts exactly desu :3 uwu

>> No.12352904

poor guy

>> No.12353790
File: 983 KB, 450x192, 1484293115_forget-it-jake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest literary event of the last several decades occurs, the actual outing of the great pinecone, and we can't even hit a bump limit and let it sink to page 8???

>> No.12353913

/lit/ is a slow board

>> No.12353938

damn he looks like hes about one step away from the graveyard
my grandfather is older than him and he looks fine, whats up with pynchon? he looks like his soul got sucked out of him

>> No.12353973

somehow i believe this, even tho the national enquirer is famously b.s.

>> No.12353990


>> No.12354009

article needs more exclamation points

>> No.12354051


He has a kid and married his publishers daughter...

>> No.12354062

I posted it on /r/thomaspynchon and they got really pissed and made me delete my post

>> No.12354114

>made me delete my post
Why, and why are you such a faggot that you complied.

>> No.12354116

Pynch should go on CumTown

>> No.12354125

The photo is of the drummer. Jackson is the bass player in red in the MySpace photos.

>> No.12354126

sick fit

>> No.12354129

Well I started to think about it and decided it was unethical. I respect Pynchon and shouldn't have been circulating, otherwise I'm no better than the paparazzi.

>> No.12354130

Nick posted himself holding a copy of GR before he got rid of his instagram

>> No.12354135

*circulating those pictures

>> No.12354138 [DELETED] 

The national enquirer was the only paper to support trump...hmmm

>> No.12354232

>spoopy alien
Pychon is a trans-dimensional being carried to our world by the shadow of the atomic bomb tests theory confirmed

>> No.12354268

You are a bot. You're a bot, aren't you? And everyone in this server is a bot, too.

>> No.12354423

These algorithms are really fucking uncanny and creepy. They can easily imitate some of the more visceral parts of prose that cause intense reactions, like parallelism and contradiction, but are incapable of creating the logically consistent trains of thought that humans find effortless to do.

>> No.12354435

So, its a bot then?

>> No.12354487

It's from Against the Day.

>> No.12354505

Huh that's weird. That drummer guy looks so much like Pynchon. It's like Jackson was in a band with his lost brother

>> No.12354567

What is this? Pynchon’s illegitimate child you say?

>> No.12354599


>> No.12354698

It was only a matter of time until They got him.

>> No.12354710

>people believing this post
wew lads

>> No.12354841

Why do y'all care so much? It's just his face and he looks pretty much like what was to be expected. So what? Go read.

>> No.12354851
File: 37 KB, 490x736, 23-thomas-pynchon-2.w245.h368.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live, Tibet?
My grandfather is supposed to have 80 and he's dead for 1 year. My other grandfather died in his 50s from heart attack.

>he looks pretty much like was to be expected

>> No.12354893

albino ape

>> No.12354987

If you learn anything from Pynchon is to not respect Pynchon.

>> No.12355077
File: 12 KB, 480x480, 1523261166631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read Infinite Jest or Gravity's Rainbow first?

>> No.12355089

Don't read GR, it's utter shit

>> No.12355096


>> No.12355110

do you wanna read some schizophrenic anti war hippie shit or some depressed college professor complaining about tv and drug addiction

>> No.12355125

neither, start with the Greeks

>> No.12355131

Funny, he looks like an older version of Joaquim Phoenix in Inherent Vice. I bet he had side burns when he was younger.
Shit I haven't read him in years, I need to get some of his stuff in my reader.

>> No.12355153

there was a joke about a feminist built vulva shaped rocket having shit aerodynamics but i forget how it goes

>> No.12355157

>not reading only physical shit
i shiggy diggy

>> No.12355162

I have most of his books in physical format, but it stayed at my mum's so...

>> No.12355181

>not with the mesopotamians

>> No.12356410

this is sung to the tune of some traditional american patriot song but i'm not an american so every time i hear that tune in a movie or somewhere i just hear those american history x lyrics in my head

>> No.12357313

the song you're thinking of is the Battle Hymn of the Republic, a Civil War era song.

>> No.12357515

What reason is there that there's any possibility it's him?

>> No.12357523


>> No.12358010


>> No.12358049


>> No.12358060
File: 140 KB, 600x400, easy_on_the_bananas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Pynch...

>> No.12358308

That's the face of a man who is not working on any books whatsoever.

Damn it, Pynch!

>> No.12358425


>> No.12358431

His last book is done, it will come out after his death.

>> No.12358689

You'll think he's dead, then it will be revealed that the man people thought was Thomas Pynchon was really Andy Kaufman in his most elaborate hoax yet, and that the real Pynchon has been living in seclusion on a remote Scottish island since the mid '80s.

>> No.12358789


>> No.12358947

looks like rolf harris

>> No.12358956

My girlfriend’s boyfriend works at the enquirer.

>> No.12359038

Imagine getting loopy over some faggot who hasn't written a decent book in over 20 years. Cool.....

>> No.12359231
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>> No.12359243

>criticizing this rocket for being a phallocentric monument to the male-ego
The absolute state of the humanities

>> No.12359255

This thread makes me sad and OP should feel bad for making it.

>> No.12359509
File: 111 KB, 626x814, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were making it up.

>> No.12359646

I told my parents, who didn't believe me. My mom spared me the embarrassment and bought a copy at the grocery store. It's real. There's also an article on a new bar Kelsey Grammar is opening which sounded cool, fwiw.

>> No.12359661

>a new bar Kelsey Grammar is opening
Damn that does sound enticing.

>> No.12360264

Sometimes a rocket is just a rocket

>> No.12360282

Yo—where did this fucking picture come from? I can handle the truth

>> No.12360300

oh shit its already on newsstands? im gonna have to cop one, but like take a train way to the other side of town where no on accept the government cameras recognize my face like im buying porn

>> No.12360486

says multiple times on pic dumb fuck

>> No.12360519

It was posted before the article came out jerk

>> No.12360761

Will you post what the front cover looks like? Wanna keep my eyes peeled for it

>> No.12361253

I'm really glad he looks like this for some reason

>> No.12361271

so the norweign photos were real

>> No.12361274

which means the address on 86th street is real. check the archives. NY fags better mobilize

>> No.12361286

trips confirm

>> No.12361362

It's downstairs but if I remember I'll post it in the morning. I think it had something to do with Megan Markle being pregnant with twins.

>> No.12361383
File: 228 KB, 600x755, pynchbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew he wasn't dead

>> No.12361398

Where is the bar opening? New York? Seattle?

>> No.12361811

It's called the rapestation.

>> No.12361818

The Iliad

>> No.12362525

I bet Pynch loves Alex Jones desu

>> No.12362640

In his defence he’s criticising the idea of a rocket and not the shape. A female “rocket” would be welfare reforms.

>> No.12362645

Actually, scratch that, it would be a telescope.

>> No.12362778

but a telescope, too, is phallic and patriarchal.

>> No.12362786

This is the only way the design could have gone. Super practical and effcient.

This is the only way Pynch could have looked. Old and busted.

>> No.12362798

Why of all the PoMo shite is it this chap that you cream yourselves over?

>> No.12363830

Joseph McElroy is nineteen feet tall and can crush bombproof limousines with his biceps. He will live to be four hundred and thirty-five.

>> No.12363985

A rocket penetrates and a telescope receives.

>> No.12364068

He's the only good one.

>> No.12364076

>Joseph McElroy is still alive
Holy shit, I thought he died years ago.

>> No.12364167
File: 42 KB, 432x213, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone find out who this guy is and i will send a bomb to his house

>> No.12364327

That's so Pynchonesque!

>> No.12364791
File: 27 KB, 780x438, 180725085608-01-mars-lake-radar-evidence-exlarge-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fascist monument

But... that's based.

>> No.12364791,1 [INTERNAL] 

ok sir