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12345602 No.12345602 [Reply] [Original]

What's the coziest language?

My votes go for Japanese, Korean or Finnish

Not like I speak any of those, just like the snow and the sounds.

>> No.12345616

fuck no

meh, I can see how some people might like it

top tier qt

I also like the sound of Greek and Russian

>> No.12345656

Finnish is literally unnatural language. It's very unpractical, nobody speaks real Finnish even in Finland. Everybody speaks different Finnish than they write. Words and sentences are literally too heavy for tongue so spoken Finnish sounds very different to formal Finnish. Finnish isn't meant to be spoken, listen to a Finn trying to speak English, it sounds even worse than Indian trying to speak English.

Regards, Finn.

>> No.12345664


>> No.12345674

Ill get the obvious one out of the way, Latin is really beautiful.

French and Japanese as well.

>> No.12345678

Swedish and the nordic languages in general sound cute and goofy to my ear.

Finns are not of this world.

>> No.12345680

He's asking for cozyness not beauty. French is a mess.

>> No.12345688

Italian is comfy.

>> No.12345691

Russian sounds super comfy in rendition like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHakm25yMZo

>> No.12345692

Anything but those.

>> No.12345699

> No, not Korean

>> No.12345706

bazita kaj ruĝigita

>> No.12345716


>> No.12345772

Italian and Russian
I also love the way the new york accent sounds, but that's because I watch a lot of gangster movies

>> No.12345780

non-anime japanese is very relaxing

>> No.12345797

The latin languages of Spain, Italy and France of course. There is no more expressive language or more fun language to swear in than those. I suggest learning atleast one of them using Pimsleur

>> No.12345828

learning Japanese, would agree.
But imo Italian and Cantonese are one notch higher. Persian, too.

>> No.12345857

For me cosy is what sounds good in a slow, low volume mumble without a lot of harsh sounds, like the way you might talk around an evening fire. I think French is perfect for this.

Houellebecq is extremely cosy to listen to to me for example:


>> No.12345869

as a northerner, reading japanese is great and sounds good, but actually trying to speak it yourself is completely fucking impossible

>> No.12345875

Meh. Too mumbleish. All the sounds mix up in a cloud. Everything sound the same. Lots of homophone words. I prefer Italian and Spanish. Clearer and more concise languages without bullshit.

>> No.12345915

>French is a mess
But spoken it's nice, puts me to sleep when the speaker has a warm voice.

>> No.12345931

Italian and Spanish are beautiful but I don't find them cosy. They are too pronounced and effortful, like it's work to pronounce the words. It's the sort of cloudy blur you mention that makes French so cosy.

>> No.12345979

Remote rural backwaters always have the comfiest accents with every language, probably because they are not in a rush like urbanites.

>> No.12346020

Jesus christ man, spanish and italian arent difficult to pronounce at all?

>> No.12346028


regards another finn

>> No.12346037

French is fun to read.
German is fun to speak.
I tried learning Spanish but I didn't enjoy it.
I want to learn Arabic because I think it sounds nice.

>> No.12346061

Cabron, ¿por que no? Es basado

>> No.12346075
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>Swedish and the nordic languages in general sound cute and goofy to my ear.
Thank you, anon

I'm swedish but find my own language to be the most comfy, I dunno if it's cheating, but I find it has an awkward honesty that atleast english lacks

>> No.12346083

Italian and Spanish are easier too pronounce than French, though.

>> No.12346084

Outside of a few Spanish metal bands I just didn't like the sound of the language.


>> No.12346091

Think he's talking about speech production. How spanish and italian are loud and every syllable of every word is banged out into speech.

>> No.12346101


>> No.12346122

The beauty of Spanish is that every letter of every word is pronounced. No excess or lacking. In French you pronounce only like 60% of what's written, the language has been corrected over the ages by the French Academy to look pretty, in detriment to the actual oral language, which barely resembles the written one.

>> No.12346127

älä levitä valheita

>> No.12346172

Svenska är ett fantastiskt språk desu

>Högt man prisar konstens njutning
>Den är kall och arm
>Emot väsenssammanslutning
>Kärlek barm mot barm!

>> No.12346180


>> No.12346183

gammëk kujdri saprïl, säjoik?

>> No.12346527

Is it true that subtitled movies in Finland have three lines of text where other languages have two?

>> No.12347119

I like gaelic a lot

>> No.12347568

Nice get, how did it to unnoticed

>> No.12347584

Read some Steinbeck and tell me any other language can compare to good ol' American English in terms of comfort.

>> No.12347691

I do admire the fact that upon reading a word, spanish speakers know immediately how to pronounce it (or at least I think they do).

But in terms of sound, it's just not as nice as some other languages.

>> No.12347699

Kek, such a cute video

>> No.12347731

Italian has to be one of the most overrated languages of all time. I strongly dislike its singsong enunciation

>> No.12347737

Dutch is the most comfy language. However, the Netherlands should be nuked.


>> No.12347767

Swiss German

>> No.12347989

Swiss anon here, are you Swiss too?
Everyone here is stuck in linguistic "guilt" and says our language sounds like a throat disease while still bitching about standard German and speaking it with a horrible accent.

>> No.12348000


>> No.12348007

It's definitely better than fucking Spanish. Italian women are divine.

>> No.12348037

No. Might stem from the fact that there are usually both Swedish and Finnish subtitles.

>> No.12348076


>> No.12348093

Chinese but only when spoken by someone with a cute voice, otherwise it sounds like shit

>> No.12348096

Cantonese sounds so cool

>> No.12348105

I plan on learning Swedish after I'm finished with Japanese
The main reason is because these are my two favourite sounding languages

>> No.12348124

Spoken Arabic is top tier cozy. The written language is aesthetic as fuck, too, although I reckon learning it is a right bitch.

>> No.12348279

just checking those sweet, sweet numbers

>> No.12348330

French is the only beautiful language.
All others are rife with disgusting gutteral sounds (Arabic), down-syndrome-feline sounds (Chinese), glue-in-mouth sounds (Hindi) and so on. Italian is too melodramatic.

>> No.12348356

That is fucking annoying. Hate goin to cinema cus of that.
Hurrit vittuun suomesta

>> No.12348375

French is guttural as fuck idiot, haven't you heard them try to make an R sound? errre ayyrrrrr errrr

>> No.12348737

Korean is the best sounding Asian language

>> No.12348741


Unequivocally false. Leave this board.

>> No.12348764

>only 4 mentions of English in this entire thread
English is the best language, and anyone proposing anything else is just trying to be unconventional for the sake of appearing cultured.

>> No.12348779

>quidcumque, quodque, quidquid, quocunque
truly beautiful

>> No.12348865

Not everyone speaks English as a first language.

>> No.12348883

Korean’s alright, problem is Koreans speak it. Based Kim Hyesoon tho is an exception. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4khttymlXY0

>> No.12348904

latvian, it's a less retarded lithuanian

>> No.12348963

And, besides English spelling is dum.


>> No.12348989

I hate hearing people speak French but I love hearing people sing in French.

>> No.12349002

How hard would it be to learn Swedish after I’ve learned German?

>> No.12349014

Puhevammainen ei-kainuulainen detected

>> No.12349025

>dislikes Arabic because of "disgusting guttural sounds"
>likes Fr*nch
holy shit

>> No.12349049

etto desune, sono, boku wahhhh, un, ii, da to, omou. hai.

>> No.12349054

historical get

>> No.12349074


>> No.12349095
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Checking this get of the century.

>> No.12349104

As a Finn, unironically English language is the most pleasant sounding to my ear.

Especially spoken/read "Victorian" style English. Not "posh" accent, but just good old English. It just feels so right and sophisticated.

>> No.12349125


And especially this kind of English pronunciation and reading I find very comfy:


>> No.12349126

For Japanese I like classical and Kansai accents (old Edo talk is also fun), the Japanese spoken by young people isn't that cool

>> No.12349133

German is the most perfect language ever devised. Its vocabulary might sound harsh and not very pleasant, but its grammar is a thing of genuine beauty. Cold, complex, but always logical. Like a machine. It's majestic.

>> No.12349144

>but its grammar is a thing of genuine beauty. Cold, complex, but always logical. Like a machine.
Name a language other than German this does not apply to, along with an example showcasing why it does not.

>> No.12349174

Nice get

>> No.12349308
File: 35 KB, 577x504, IMG_20190103_003047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn son

>> No.12349319

Do your own homework, retard.

>> No.12349428

Damn, talk about a shameful way to accept defeat

>> No.12349567

I will never understand angloboos. Why not enjoy Rabukurafuto-sensei as Cthulhu intended (in the original Japanese) instead of dishonoring him and disrespecting yourself by resorting to such a pale imitation? Here:


>> No.12349601

Korean isn't comfy at all what are you on about?

>> No.12349607

Holy shit...

>> No.12349674
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>> No.12349912

Based, however, explain why we should be nuked please

>> No.12350064
File: 86 KB, 953x960, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian and Portuguese.

>> No.12351173

English sounds like people talking with their mouths full of cotton. It's hideous to hear. People only learn it cause it's useful, not for it's aesthetics.

>> No.12351202

Latin, Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Persian; pretty much everything else is gay.

>> No.12351445

you know that's an American right

>> No.12351470

Thats a Burger, m8.

>> No.12351580
File: 21 KB, 360x235, churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

der, die, das randomly assigned to things literally the first thing you learn about German is that it's not logical, don't confuse compound words with complex. Its cold yeah, cold, random and unnecessary complicated, the greatest of English language, Shakespeare, will never be touched by greatest of German, whoever that might be. But you shouldn't be angry, every language is small compared to English, you need to accept that.

>> No.12351632

There's like half a dozen Indo-European languages among over 400 that don't have grammatical genders. Incidentally it contributes to poor syntactic variety which English is well known for. Learn some proper expressive languages and apply yourself instead of making shitty bait, bucko.

>> No.12351674
File: 140 KB, 320x240, osakaheadroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy: Only Norwegian, Russian and German.
Swedish sounds weird and Danish is a pig farmer's language.

t. Eurocuck

>> No.12351707

>literally speaks Danish with different orthoepy
>muh pig farmers

>> No.12351717

Apologies for any offense caused.

>> No.12351746




>> No.12352072


Watch videos from Dogen, learn pitch accent. You'll sound native pretty quick if you study it

>> No.12352168

>telling a native tonal speaker to learn pitch accent
Only on /shit/.

>> No.12352610

Spoken English is a soft warm bed.
Written English is the ball of centipedes you share the bed with.

>> No.12352663

I'd say spoken English is more like warm piss, kind of like their beer. There are worse things in the world, but it sure as hell isn't good.

>> No.12352667

For me it's L'shon HaKodesh

>> No.12352683

It will be pretty easy to start reading and writing since a lot of the word and sentence structure is similar, but the Northern Germanic languages are some of the trickiest languages in Europe phonetically.

>> No.12352694

this. simple, elegant, and nice sounding. much more comfy than french.

>> No.12352755

One thing I've learned to like about German are the cases because you have flexibility in the way you speak. Because english lost its case system we have to order our words in a much more structured way to make up for it.

There are so many things you just have no clue about until you try to learn another language.

For the record I think German is beautiful and its reputation as a harsh language is sort of a meme. I don't think it's harsh at all, or at least any moreso than english.

swedish should be a lot easier than german. no cases, and many words shared with english and german.

>> No.12352803


>> No.12352840

Japanese and Finnish I can definitely agree with you on. Most likely cause of the abundance of vowels. (Thats why stuff like Czech or Russian sound so harsh, they are consonant rich).

Personally Japanese>Finnish for me in terms of how the language is structured though. Yes Japanese has a difficult writing system, but the way Finnish is structured in putting words together just makes speech seem annoying.

Plus Japanese aesthetic>>>>>all

>> No.12352845


>> No.12352977

>literally prefab meme opinions
Go back, weebtrash.

>> No.12353035

I’m Greek so I’m always going to be comfy in Greek
Though I’m learning Japanese and it’s an interesting language I have to say

>> No.12353098

english desu

>> No.12353120

I used to think Japanese was a good and interesting language too. Then I reached N2 and all of my love for the language evaporated. I wish I could remember what it was specifically that made me quit, but it was too long ago. All I know is that it had something to do with syntax.

>> No.12353265

my vote goes to Python. Very nice language.

>> No.12353302

fuck your elifs where is my switch reeeeee

>> No.12354313

Finnish sounds like popcorn. I love it.

>> No.12355052
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Checked and kek'd,

>> No.12355055

I hate the Swedish language, it makes us all sound like donkeys.

>> No.12355082
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Impressive digits, checked.

>> No.12355130

IMO comfiness depends heavily on what your mother tongue is.

As an American starting to learn Japanese I think it's prettty comfy cuz 1) Japanese leaves a lot implied, and 2) the Japanese are so overly formal that anything translated sounds like its straight out the 18th century.

"wa" is a lot of fun for me cuz it's such a simple idea but translating that idea into English words is like, "With respect to" or "regarding...[X]" which sounds super formal.


I took several years of German and how comfy it is depends on the accent/dialect/time period.... try listening to Hitler's speeches which are very articulated and harsh vs. modern urbanite German which is much more... mushy, or slurred. Modern casual German sounds a lot friendlier than formal German.

>> No.12355130,1 [INTERNAL] 
