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/lit/ - Literature

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12338068 No.12338068 [Reply] [Original]

>New York has been my home for more than forty years, from the year after the city’s supposed nadir in 1975, when it nearly went bankrupt. I have seen all the periods of boom and bust since, almost all of them related to the “paper economy” of finance and real estate speculation that took over the city long before it did the rest of the nation. But I have never seen what is going on now: the systematic, wholesale transformation of New York into a reserve of the obscenely wealthy and the barely here—a place increasingly devoid of the idiosyncrasy, the complexity, the opportunity, and the roiling excitement that make a city great.

>As New York enters the third decade of the twenty-first century, it is in imminent danger of becoming something it has never been before: unremarkable. It is approaching a state where it is no longer a significant cultural entity but the world’s largest gated community, with a few cupcake shops here and there. For the first time in its history, New York is, well,boring.

>This is not some new phenomenon but a cancer that’s been metastasizing on the city for decades now. And what’s happening to New York now—what’s already happened to most of Manhattan, its core—is happening in every affluent American city. San Francisco is overrun by tech conjurers who are rapidly annihilating its remarkable diversity; they swarm in and out of the metropolis in specially chartered buses to work in Silicon Valley, using the city itself as a gigantic bed-and-breakfast. Boston, which used to be a city of a thousand nooks and crannies, back-alley restaurants and shops, dive bars and ice cream parlors hidden under its elevated, is now one long, monotonous wall of modern skyscraper. In Washington, an army of cranes has transformed the city in recent years, smoothing out all that was real and organic into a town of mausoleums for the Trump crowd to revel in.

>By trying to improve our cities, we have only succeeded in making them empty simulacra of what was. To bring this about we have signed on to political scams and mindless development schemes that are so exclusive they are more destructive than all they were supposed to improve. The urban crisis of affluence exemplifies our wider crisis: we now live in an America where we believe that we no longer have any ability to control the systems we live under.


so where ARE the /lit/ places these days?

>> No.12338081
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It's cultural terraforming.

The platonic bugman isn't simply a fully assimilated workerdrone for globohomocorp... He is a man who never had the need to change in order to assimilate to globohomocorp.

C-sectioned into a sterile environment by credentialised alien medical personnel and raised by strivers who had incubated what they intended to be a narcissistic clone of themselves. Rather than the mirror of self affirmation his parents intended to create, they inadvertently brought something far worse into this world. Something... Empty. Something with the smallest possible soul, which occupies the smallest possible corner of the cavernous soul-space inherent to a man with his inherited high IQ that was intended to be tempered by an ethnocultural heritage of altruistic romanticism.

His caretakers' empty loveless platitudes, persistent physical and emotional absences, and fanatical striver dedication to relentless "inclusiveness" and "efficiency" resulted in the utter starvation of the child's solitary soul fragment.

An unclaimed heritage makes its presence felt through a haunting melancholy that propels a fully-souled individual to seek it out, at any price. A weaker-souled individual still feels the call, but weakly... It is easy to drown out with drugs, drink, and other forms of desensitization.

The platonic bugman hears none of this. His soul has been shrunken to a tiny characterless bead that serves only as a mechanically animating force- and nothing more.

The fullest soul sings like wind through the veins of heroes. But the bugman's blood is naught but iron, plasma, and carbon dioxide. Simple elements. Physical blood pumped rhythmically through tissue that is warm, yet remains lifeless.

Completely bereft of emotional, sociocultural and memetic antibodies, his body and mind are fully colonized by the roaming metabacterial influences of the managerialist mileu. There is an Amazon Alexa in his soul cavern.

Inverted panopticon: A ring of corpogovernmentally programmed thought police surrounding a lone man in a cell. But there is no cell, because the man is incapable of considering any alternative.
He is tweeting, and nomming on organic granola.
He am become globohomo, monocultural fagger of worlds.

>> No.12338085

>my secret club has been invaded and is no longer kool anymore
Wow such deep insight. This guy’s complaint is that people are moving to his city because of its persona of being hip, which in turn kills the “hip” persona.

>> No.12338102
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just watch Neil de Grasse tyson videos and post on Reddit until the end of fucking time

Shit like this is produced by bourgeois think tanks to make the middle class complacent while the rich steals all their fucking money and uses literal slaves in the third world to make their trendy glitter iPhone cases.




These people are trying to thought control you into passively reclining and injecting low-effort Mythbusters reddit filth into your brain and ignoring the dull ache of meaninglessness and consumerist overstimulation from inhaling high fructose corn syrup and salt all fucking day

"Optimistic nihilism" is what rich faggots pay slightly less rich faggots to convince lumpenproles to think they're experiencing when they work in a cubicle for 45 years to finance a lifestyle of watching proles modify Nerf guns and design "man caves". Turn off the Youtube and develop some tastes and moral preferences taht an algorithm designed by Amazon can't predict and use to predict your entire life befoer you've evn lived it you peice of fucking shit

>> No.12338122


>> No.12338140

Yeah, the finance economy is cancer that hollowed out the US industry and made real estate speculation the sole national business.

>> No.12338151



>> No.12338156
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Man I know this kind of frogtwitter commentary is kind of old hat now, but it really really captures something important about the modern world. Namely that it is and can only be, dare I say it, a "clown" world

>> No.12338169

It used to be that places had character, now the West has one style of a few irrelevant regional touches.

>> No.12338171

One of the best things this board has produced. I wonder how the anon who wrote it is doing these days.

>> No.12338178

>As New York enters the third decade of the twenty-first century

We're going into 2020, not 2030. 30 is a 3 number.

>> No.12338186


>> No.12338190
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>> No.12338192

>First decade
>Second decade
>Third decade
shitty bait

>> No.12338195

feel like the "schizofag" on this board who posts those long pseud rants is doing a large part to ruin the genre

>> No.12338242

wait didn't this exact thread already happen a couple months ago

>> No.12338344

Why do I feel an urge to post this on facebook?

>> No.12338351

I think I live near where that photo was taken.

>> No.12338545

where does this come from?

>> No.12338572

Brooklyn and Queens are still good in the non-gentrified parts.

>> No.12338583

Phoenix AZ

>> No.12338606
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>> No.12339304

My mom lives there

>> No.12339321
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>so where ARE the /lit/ places these days?
Being impoverished in rural America.

>> No.12339331

That's only two, actually because the thrird decade starts in 2030 dumbass

>> No.12339339

>for the Trump crowd to revel in.

>> No.12339344

reality, or rather out perception of it

>> No.12339379

Seriously. The cogdis is just incredible.

>> No.12339432

I think they mean corportists.

>> No.12339447
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I feel like someone needs to make a schizofag thread and post his best ramblings.

>> No.12339455


>> No.12339460

>his best
His shit is utterly retarded, gay and reddit

>> No.12339467
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Yeah, that's reddit alright.

>> No.12339479

This is the actual answer. Living alone, or with the heroin-addicted, forgotten mobs of mountain-people. New York was great because it was ""raw"". You want raw now? Go to the suffering.

>> No.12339585

I'm trying to believe this, but it seems sensationalized. That said, it probably is more boring.

Ive lived in a bunch of major US cities and towns. People have always struggled if they aren't rich and it's just more pronounced.

If you want to get really lit, try the cities people are leaving. It's where people hang to culture because they're from their and can't or don't want to leave.


>> No.12339591

*there fuck shitting dammit

>> No.12339593

Im suffering as a suicidal wageslave living with my parents. When does my creative burst come

>> No.12339607
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if it hasn't happened yet ...

>> No.12339617

Oof i know

>> No.12339889

have you been around the world?

>> No.12339906


saved for globohomo posteriority.

>> No.12339917

Davenport, Iowa

Get ready bitches

>> No.12339936


Only to Japan once. There are probably cities out there that are in a sweet spot but most people don't know where they are.

This is a good time to bring up that most writers were unsatisfied with their surroundings, that there is no perfect place and that Paris in the early 20th century was something of a fluke. Perhaps the most lit life is one in constant motion.

>> No.12340488

I moved from San Francisco to Montana 3 years ago. Do not miss it.

>> No.12340577



Go to the woods, young man.

>> No.12340597



>> No.12340662

Davenport is boring and full of military dipshits
Dubuque is the only place worth living on the river, and that's only because my family is from there and it's closer to Wisconsin.

>> No.12340699
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>so where ARE the /lit/ places these days?
Akihabara. It's the ground zero of modernity.

>> No.12340731

Oh interesting. I wonder what new and interesting insights the author has.

>San Francisco is overrun by tech conjurers who are rapidly annihilating its remarkable diversity

Oh wow, so nothing. In the case of SF I assume what’s being referred to are mostly homeless junkies. The techies are the ones paying for all the extensive social welfare programs going on there.

>> No.12340740


>> No.12340741

San Francisco is going to get every bit as shitty as New York City did in the 70s and 80s, and then they're going to elect a hardass mayor who throws every last druggie and homeless person in jail, just like NYC did.

>> No.12340773

Unassuming small towns everywhere. Medium sized cities that rich people haven't gotten around to ruining yet. Not so glamorous but authentic places. The countryside. The real key is to take the magic with you. If you feel that you need to be in a certain place to make the magic happen, you're wrong. You bring the magic with you.

>> No.12340976
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>> No.12341019

This isnt a ground breaking observation. New york used to be a cultural and at mecha. But the gentrification that occurred in the bloomberg years drove out all the cool people. or poor people and new york became a boring, bland, museum for tourists and rich people.
It used to be you had to move to new york. And if you moved to new york you would be like hanging out at andy warholes factory surrounded by bowie, reed, and pop.

Why would anyone give a shit about modern new york?
It produces nothing and you cant live there if you are a poorfag.

All the best american literature comes from the south of course. The place of agonizing poverty, southern Gothic, and peculiar people of all sorts.

If you dont like the south then move to chicago or detroit.

>> No.12341033

you should not pretend to be someone you are not

>> No.12341034

It's online.

>> No.12341061

I’ve been saying for a while that’s what they need but who knows if it’ll ever happen. Eventually if conditions get bad enough all the cash cows paying for the city’s operation (read: techies and tech companies) will leave and they’ll be forced to face the problem instead of kicking the can down the road. I lived there for 2 1/2 years and always had trouble explaining what the situation is like there to outsiders because people always think I’m using hyperbole when I describe it.

>> No.12341095

yeah, these tech conglomerates are all just going to abandon their billion-dollar campuses and all the money they are still pouring into real estate buy-ups and let's not forget the thousands and thousands of highly-skilled employees that have settled in the region and have organically fostered highly-valuable interpersonal networks and on and on because like this one guy asked you for change more than once while you were walking to your stocking gig at Whole Foods

>> No.12341131

If all the coastal liberal urban areas are turning into culture less voids that cater to the needs Of rich liberals then the only places that will produce culture still are most likely in the places of the poor, rural, and dispossessed.

So basically, trump landia

>> No.12341134

>New York
Place has been a shithole for a long ass time.

>> No.12341142

Came here to post this

>> No.12341166

Who are some philosophers who write about stuff like this

>> No.12341220


>> No.12341234

Japan has its best days behind it

Seoul is the future

>> No.12341235


>> No.12341317

These forms of media will soon become outdated. The future is 2d, anime and vocaloid.

>> No.12341330

Not really.
Everyone cares about muh politics and muh social issues and muh capitalism. The reality is, those things are the controlled LARPing pushed to make the population complacent.

>> No.12341357



>> No.12341360
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>> No.12341432

>Seoul is the future
>living as government controlled worker-drone soulless bugmen is the future

>> No.12341594


>> No.12341598

>San Francisco is overrun by tech conjurers who are rapidly annihilating its remarkable diversity
The homeless population of San Francisco literally caused an outbreak of flesh eating bacteria on public surfaces because they piss and shit everywhere. Those tech companies are mostly hiring Chinamen and Indians. This is what diversity looks like, author is low-key a closet racist but doesn't know it because she has learned to associate diversity as an invocation which universally grants her the moral highground, even though the time she is lamenting was the way that it was due to a lack of diversity.

>> No.12341609

That screencap is articulating stereotypes I didn't even know I believed in.

>> No.12341631


>> No.12341636

Replace dicersity with x, something is deeply wrong in America’s major cities and it’s not just that rich people love in them.

>> No.12341695


I've read the OP article in the past but desu I don't think it is that accurate. While true that cities are losing their character due to yuppies and commercialization, there is a lot of exaggeration here. NYC is not even close to becoming San Francisco yet and is still the best city in the US.

1. Crime is significantly down in NYC over the past few decades. This likely is a mixture of gentrification but also modernity. There is a lot of glorification of the NYC of the past, but virtually every local will tell you that things have changed for the better when it comes to crime.

2. NYC is massive and there are plenty of sections that aren't gentrified. All of the Bronx and Staten Island are basically the same as they were 20 years ago. Brooklyn and Queens have small sections (Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Long Island City) that are gentrified, but are for the most part still the neighborhood-to-neighborhood city it has always been. Most of the locals here are very aware of what is going on in Manhattan and actively vote against it. Ex. The recent Amazon move is already very controversial despite it being in the most gentrified part of Queens.

3. NYC is said to be dying pretty much every decade. Same old story. Man yelling out cloud, etc.

4. The author is complaining about the Upper West Side, which is one of the richest neighborhoods in the US. Like I said before, if you want a taste of the old new york then deep into queens you'll meet some cool people that aren't social media hags.

>> No.12341702

>living as government controlled worker-drone soulless bugmen
Sounds like the US, only replace “government” for “top 1%” - Soros, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Koch brothers etc.

>> No.12341757

I agree that the author doesnt put his thumb on it, but not that nothings wrong. American urban life may have been exceptional in the 70s, 80s and in place the 90s and early 2000s, but since then any urban tradition that may have had the time in thise windows to gestste has had its chord cut. It would take 50 years for us to recover anything like it.

>> No.12341760

this; i thought baudrillard was popular here

>> No.12341806
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>San Antonio, Texas
>poor people grip onto culture
>downtown is bustling with tourism celebrating martyrs but also has a sprouting tech economy
>cowboy conservatives always at odds with city liberals
>vast sprawls of dimly lit bars on any point of the price scale
>cheap weird little apartments always for rent in the strangest places
>cost of living is absurdly low compared to other major cities
>is overshadowed by it's little neighbor, Austin, which has slowly turned into a corporate mecha shillhouse of degeneracy and tryhards moving into a rat infested hoboland thats advertised as the hipster paradise

Well shit, maybe it IS Austin.

>> No.12341809

Have you ever been to the debutante thing they do with the crazy dresses?

>> No.12341839

I know this is pasta, but cubicle workers are not fucking "lumpenproles"

>> No.12342124

>is still the best city in the US.
It's overrated.

>> No.12342150

Liberals were fine with decimating Catholic neighborhoods and flooding our inner cities with violent, low IQ mystery meat. Can't remember the WASPs complaining when Philadelphia was ethnically cleansed of micks and Ities, can't remember the kikes getting bent out of shape when federally funded negro crack dens were established in poletown.

Yeah, gentrification is repulsive; I feel sick whenever I see bright pastel colors and restaurants with puns in their name. But so far it's the only solution liberals will tolerate to the destruction that desegregation and globalization have wrought. Don't like it? Want to see some more "flavor" on your morning coffee run? Maybe you shouldn't have ruined every neighborhood and school district your prissy little faggot hands could touch.

In post-MLK american cities, it's either favelas or Starbucks. Thank the Democratic party if you have a problem

>> No.12342172

City living has been completely fetishized so you only get psueds and boring normies now.

>> No.12342225

>implying there’s anything worth saving about the US.

>> No.12342257

Hey, seen this one before. If you think there aren't Irish, Pols, and Italians in Philly it's proof that you've never been there

>> No.12342272

>Liberals were fine with decimating Catholic neighborhoods and flooding our inner cities with violent, low IQ mystery meat.
Didn't know Nixon was a liberal.

>> No.12342322
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Depends what you want.
Want the schizophrenic zeitgeist? Move somewhere like Dublin.
Want a calm meditative area? Move to either middle of nowhere South America or SEA.
Want to live in a city that still holds onto some of its former cultural and historical glory? Pic related

>> No.12342347
File: 621 KB, 556x833, E7C903C8-2ED9-4434-8BE4-5CA22B316C89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come home, white man
Come home to the mountains
Come home to the place Brother Brigham built for you
Come home to Utah

>> No.12342360

>wageslave living with my parents
If you still live with mommy and daddy, you are not actually living through anything that's raw.

>> No.12342377

New York is full of mutts and nigs.

>> No.12342404

When was the last time new york chewed up and spit someone out?

>> No.12342478

I had something of a "dark night of the soul" there when I was 19 or 20 and visiting a friend of a friend there. I ran out of money and had to walk like 50 blocks to the bus station high out of my mind. But I look back on that as a funny anecdote these days.

>> No.12342500

puro pinche spurs

>> No.12342519

This. The people under 40 i see on the subways in major us cities are “playing city” in the way kids play “house” or “doctor.” Its almost at a step beyond what baudrillard conceived at this point.

>> No.12342593


Yeah nah

>> No.12342602

Yes it is, not in letter but in spirit

>> No.12342609

All the /lit/ places are in Latin America
Rio, Buenos Aires, Santiago.

>> No.12342637

>these tech conglomerates are all just going to abandon their billion-dollar campuses

Most of the campuses are down in the valley, not the city. Twitter’s HQ and Google’s office in SF are just moderately sized buildings that weren’t built for those companies in particular.

Also I can tell you’ve never been there or lived there since you seem to imply that the only inconvenience street junkies cause people is asking them for money while going into a grocery store. I’m talking about actual violence and a city that is functioning basically as an open air insane asylum.

>> No.12342836

Is this the one where he says the city might as well be nuked?

>> No.12342840

Also, did that guy ever finish the Arcades Project of New York?
And is there a right-wing Arcades Project?

>> No.12342871
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I always wanted to visit opium den or shooting gallery in a large city. I'm no drug addict but I think the atmosphere would inspire some creativity. It would not be a bad place to write provided I could find a corner that passed as borderline sanitary. How does one go about finding these locations of ill repute?

>> No.12342923

I hope you aren't talking about 5o'clock wojack cause theres a world of difference between what that dude and the pseud you're replying to

>> No.12343085

Sean Goonan

>> No.12343119

He's right though.

>> No.12343314
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This is why primitivism is the first and last pill.
You camp, party, joke around, go hunting, sharpen your knife while the women take turns cooking meals; and after a few weeks, once the mice begin to take over, you pack up and set up camp elsewhere. It does not seem redundant or monotonous because there are countless beautiful ridges, valleys, and bays whose beauty can never be matched by the settlement itself. It is this beauty which allows the jokes to never grow tiresome.
Meanwhile, the dregs of human settlement are grown over by the trampled nature you left behind. The waves of sphagnum give way as the mice retreat back into the forest, and the first growth makes a pathway for deer, hares, and some future generation to return to.
This is the beginning and the end, and what we are all trying to return to. Civilisation is nothing but the death of this, its rotten material crystallising and falling away from nature towards the heavens.

>> No.12343658

And on the other side...

1- Large Metro

2 - Backwater

3 - midsize city

Where are you more likely to find culture, even if it’s polluted, only marginal? Sure, it exists between the cracks, can be found elsewhere, but are you so sure?
The difficult truth is that this “authenticity” so many of you seem to believe exists outside of major metros, is much, much more sparse than you’d like to believe. The globohomo has completely devoured smaller cities with cultures unable to sustain it’s mechanisms.

And this weird fantasies harbored about backwater, opiate infested, appalachia type towns, if ever there was evidence of a corrupted culture, yet romanticized by /lit/, as if you would be a part of that suffering community and not just an outsider parading around their ruins not unlike the young city LARPers and trendjumpers seen in places like Williamsburg, believing themselves part of the “in group”, the suffering, when in fact you are the very problem.

>> No.12343691

maybe people just complain more as they get older

>> No.12343698

Based and whitepilled

>> No.12343717

My mother's entire family is made up of Irish refugees from Philadelphia who fled for the suburbs after the forced integration and resultant spike in violent crime and drug use promoted by Jews and WASPs.

There still exist deracinated and broken Irish people in Philadelphia. There do not exist healthy and growing Irish neighborhoods, Irish churches, and Irish communities. Philadelphia's suburbs have far more Irish people than Philadelphia itself

This is extremely common among all Catholic ethnics in America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0cycKuy2v4

>didn't know the guy who created the EPA, forced integration of Southern schools, ended the gold standard, tried to introduce a private health insurance employer mandate, and overthrew as many non-liberal foreign governments as he could was a liberal
Nixon was more liberal than Obama, he was just smarter and more effective

>> No.12343960

i wish nomadic packs biblophiles roamed around talking philosophy around fires with simple but wholesome food to be shared and cheap beer and wine good weed and acoustic music

>> No.12344014

Yes, as it stands I always have to go into the woods alone, and wear headphones to drone out all of the droning vehicles and airplanes.

>> No.12344049

Higher cost of living + increased population = souless corporate wasteland populated with yuppie worker drones.
How can the starving artist exist in a city where the white color profession has to pay 40% of their income in rent?
The current generation of so called creative types in new york and other former cultural hubs now mostly consist of upper-middle class millennials supported by their wealthy parents on the promise that they'll get a real job if they don't make it after a couple of years.

>> No.12344074

Do psueds read this and go "dayum that's deep"

>> No.12344100

Vaporwave doesnt actually exist. A phantasm...

>> No.12344107

Pleas come to Tallinn, Estonia. Bery /lidd/

>> No.12344116

Nietzsche, except he wasn't so autistic about it

>> No.12344174

Bourgeois hipsters fetishizing underdevelopment.
They would rather live in a hyperviolent, urban shithole in Brazil because of "booming culture" rathen than a safe, rich city. Only a privileged dickhead would come up with such rationale

>> No.12344465

t. schizopseud

>> No.12344472

You do this?

>> No.12344490

Why do retards thing these arguments are about wanting to live around black/poor people? Not everything is economics, even if thats one (1) of the causes

>> No.12344537

Not really. No one around here likes the woods that much, so I have to solo it.

>> No.12344574

not him but i do,in america a counter culture exists of backpackers that go from national forest to national forest.they are mostly dumb egalitarian hippies who dont read past brave new world tier books.

>> No.12344643
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>> No.12345034


Planning to do this soon. Gonna be so /lit/

>> No.12345046


>> No.12345070

Didn't we have nearly the same thread just a few months?

>> No.12345104

how can someone be this schizo and not also name the jew? (I admittingly skimmed this so I might be wrong)

>> No.12345117

Based and redpilled

>> No.12345233


>> No.12345300

This awfully reminds me of death of the once strong, somewhat shared post war continental culture we had here in western central europe (West Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and to some extend also in France and Denmark) till like the mid 2000's.

>> No.12345337

I think I'm gonna write a satirical monologue based on that, exclusively for /lit/.

>> No.12345470
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Choose lit…
>choose a book
>choose a genre
>choose an author with a social media profile
>choose a socially-conscious novelist
>choose a young immigrant poet who is taking the world by storm
>choose a Ted Talk
>choose a podcast
>choose twitter banter
>choose easy-to-read YA that reminds you of your middle-class childhood in your bland, stripmall suburb
>choose a philosophy just old enough to not seem trendy and just new enough to smoothly integrate all the horrifying technological developments which give an audience to untalented, undisciplined scribblers and ranters and slam-poets, a bigger audience than Dickinson or Proust ever knew; a philosophy that has modern sensibilities with the humour and accessibility of pop science; a philosophy that comments on modern datamining and social engineering with a casual, passive acceptance of the status quo.
>choose a platform to discuss your literary interests, an image board infested with pseudointellectual shut-ins, closet trap lovers, and shameless white nationalists who’ve never been in a fist fight.
>choose a place to mindlessly request your next read because your mind is so dull and numb that you can’t make a decision as simple as choosing a book to read, which you won’t read anyway.
>choose a community in which you can anonymously brag about your book collection, of which you’ve read about 25% and understood even less; a community where book-buying is a fetish and book-reading is a vague, ambitious, unrealized goal for the future.
>choose repetitive hivemind /lit/core, chart threads, and top tens
>choose rhetorical question OPs that demonstrate that you’ve read a book but contributes nothing thoughtful or critical of the work itself
>choose insult and derision for literature you’ve never attempted to read
>choose unironic Christian apologetics
>choose new sincerity
>choose post-modern conceptual typing
>choose the Russians
>choose Blood Meridian
>choose brain rot
>choose the echo chamber
>choose /lit/

>> No.12345745 [DELETED] 

What's some good intro into his thoughts?
Do we have made chart for him yet?

>> No.12345760
File: 186 KB, 1280x936, 1280px-Fabio_borbottoni,_1820-1902,_chiesa_di_san_tommaso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like to walk around dense urban areas. Every country on earth has this shit except America, the only places being cities like NYC and SF. I don't do anything and barely go out, the 'hustle and bustle' shit doesn't concern me either, I like to sit on a nice side street and read, work on my projects or whatever. I travel to Europe a lot and that consists of half the vacation. Where I live I step out side to a wasteland of concrete, get in a car and drive to a fucking strip mall to buy something or eat something. There's nowhere to just exist peacefully, strike up conversations with people, wander around, see how the city is doing. I don't need the biggest and most important city, not even a teir 2 city either. Just a dense walkable city with places to sit and chill

>> No.12345763

What's some good intro into his thoughts?
Do we have made chart for him yet?

Also, what are some good writers and philosophers who wrote about the topic of this thread and bugmen-nism?

>> No.12346116

NY goes through this same cycle every 30 odd years like every major city has for millennia. This isn't some unique global phenomena, it's simply the precipice of change

>> No.12346161

Aaaaaaaand then a wild wolf pack decided to kill you and your whole camp.

So much for civilization being ‘death’

>> No.12346228

>t. has never been in the woods

>> No.12346285


>> No.12346316

You know there’s a nugget of truth in their crackpot bullshit, anon.

Read this on /lit/ the other day:

“In our efforts to make it better, the world has become a sterling shithole.”

>> No.12346344

that Aaaaaaaaand thing you did was fucking dumb.you should be shamed for being such a massive faggot.

>> No.12346372

I have been in the woods many times. I love going to woods.

I don’t think I’d like to live in the woods. >>12346344
You know that deserved it

>> No.12346382
File: 229 KB, 750x407, C5524FA8-3DFE-4E3C-BBC4-289211E6555A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin rekt

>> No.12346395

The only thing that killed NYC is its authoritarian municipal government.

>> No.12346614


>Crime is significantly down in NYC

I am unable to consider this a point in your favor, provided that you are not referring to white collar offenses. It’s a horrible thing to admit, but organized crime, particularly the Italian-American mob, had a symbiotic relationship with NYC’s authenticity and culture. The drug-ridden nightclubs, seedy pornography stores, prostitution rings, gambling dens, and obscure bars all had their origin in the New York Mob. Because of the high crime rates, housing prices in those areas became attractive to the financially destitute - starving artists, disenfranchised youth, general youth, and marginalized groups would flock to these areas in droves.
This serendipitous congregation of the volatile, ingenious, and unique is what gave way to the area’s whirlwind of cultural innovation.
When the mob’s activities were quelled by the institution of the notorious RICO laws and the concerted efforts of AG Giuliani, things started to go downhill. With the lowering of crime rates and NYC’s reputation, housing rates skyrocketed, and rich people began to populate the area. The rest is history.

>> No.12346699

Man is festering wound on nature. There is no reconciliation between them.

>> No.12346808

go to cheap ho or mo tels

>> No.12346830

So why are you petrified of wolf actions that aren't even wolflike?

>> No.12346873

The author's characterization of DC's development is completely incorrect in every possible way.

>> No.12346897
File: 20 KB, 301x300, Lou_Reed_-_Street_Hassle_front_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the embodiment of new york in artistic form where the velvet underground and lou reed. Reeds whole persona comes off as like some street urchin who will sell you drugs but also writes poetry.

That whole idea of new york cool just doesnt exist anymore. Modern new york just seems like an empty museum for rich people and tourists

>> No.12346907

I wonder what San Fransico used to be like 30 years ago? All other cities I have been to still have a tiny bit left of their old ways before Globalism destroyed their local folk culture. So if you use your imagination you can get a pretty good idea of what life used to be like living there.

In San Francisco it’s been completely sanitized. I really can’t imagine what it was like living there when life was “Normal”. Before the million dollar price tags for a shack and packs of feral junkies. I bet it was nice though. Geographically it’s an ideal setting for a city. Can anyone shed and light on what it was like 30 years ago?

>> No.12346925

So where's our new York today? And don't say online. I'm sure it's in no major American or western European city. I think today there are so many options overseas there's no definite, singular answer to this, just based on your preference. I like South America

>> No.12346957

Why not? It happened in a lot of other cities (Detroit, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Etc). Tech can be built anywhere. It’s defiantly more moveable then Steel production.

Peter Thiel already took his billions out of the city to start a tech hub in Los Angeles. There have been dozens of smaller less high profile investors who have done the same and went to other cities. Thiel says that Silicone Valley has lost its competive edge. Other regions are catching up and most of the money he would give through his venture capital firm would go to landlords in Silicone Valley.

>> No.12346965
File: 400 KB, 1200x1494, 1_np5Ea9O5vnErqa1ZccBvGg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandfather ((left)) Palestine when he was 16 and moved to SF because his uncle was here in the 1950s. Has been living in the bay area all his life and he said so much has changed the only glimpses of the past comes and goes when looking at certain buildings and the bay itself. The one thing SF can boast about besides its natural setting is the amazing preservation of architecture by American standards.
He opened up a liquor store in the early 60s two blocks from haight and Ashbury, he has many stories to tell. He saw the growth and death of the San Francisco ethos through an alienated(or 'detached') eye so his perspective is quite unique. I can ask him any questions if any body is interested

Watching Vertigo made me so fucking mad that I had to be born into this SF and not that one

>> No.12346982

Silicone valley is not where you build your startup anymore, it's where you relocate a few years in to gather funding and build connections. It's transforming into something different. There's literally no reason to be there if you aren't at the true big boy money investment stage, anything else is wasteful vanity

>> No.12346983

>muh tech
Does the butthurt of humanitiesfags ever come to an end?

>> No.12347014

I go to Philadelphia once a month for work. One of my coworkers is Italian. He grew up in Germantown. It used to be almost completely Italian now it’s like 90% Black and a war zone.

But cool trying to pretend like you don’t understand the English Language by taking every single word as literal as possible. I seriously doubt the other guy really think that there are no Italians or Irish left in Philadelphia at all.

>> No.12347038

Never thought I'd read anything worth a damn on /lit. thanks friend.

>> No.12347046

It never happens.

But if you live in the woods consistently for a long period of time, it’s bound to

>> No.12347083

There is a bit of a spook to it.
I'd never go out in the dark alone in the woods at night.
I routinely go out walking at 3 am in the suburbs, its not scary at all.

>> No.12347084

I mostly just wonder how life was there. I don’t have any specific questions. I imagine pretty amazing. Think about living there when housing was affordable and the population of the area was much smaller so it wasn’t congested and traffic wasn’t bad. Imagine living in that setting and with all the access to natural areas nearby.

>> No.12347098

In the suburbs, your worse fears are imagined on a daily basis. Nuclear holocaust is about 2 hours away at any given moment, you live with the existential dread at all times and become numb to it.

In the wilderness, the violence is far more visceral and immediate. The threat of dying isn't some far away thing like getting hit by a bus while crossing the street or dying of lung cancer, its "oops, tripped on a rock and died"

>> No.12347103

ive lived outside for 14 years and besides pesky critters like coons and yotes and an occasional nonchalant black bear i have never been set on by wolves.

>> No.12347104

anyone can fall down a canyon, or forget to pack enough food, or end up on the wrong side of a grizzly bear.

Its terrifying in its own way.

>> No.12347113

But i will tell you this: I once slept in a small house out in the woods after months of insomnia, and I slept like a baby. There is just something so peaceful about the rhythms of the forest and nature, you forget what hell it is having to actually live there.

>> No.12347126

besides yellowstone and boundary waters a wolf is a days trot from a field of fenced in cattle in the 48 states

>> No.12347157

deer are the most dangerous animal because of its frequency,they walk up on me and start snorting and hoofing the ground all the time

>> No.12347184

Bears, wolves, whatever, why the fuck should I care if I have a large caliber gun? That bad thing over there? Point at it and press the trigger, bam there it explodes into nothing. Just stay out of grizzly territory and you're good. The only danger with true self preservation in the wilderness is access to resources.
Now if I was talking about a jungle, desert or tundra than it's a little different but 95% of people reading this are nowhere near those things

>> No.12347226

i once when deer hunting had to jump up and yell at a deer because it was driven towards me and running wild .if i shot its momentum would have carried it to me

>> No.12347315

Fuck, you're so right about Dublin. Rents out of the ass, mix of techies and junkies and will get exacerbated by the influx of bankers with the UK shooting itself in the foot.

>> No.12347683

I don't blame any external factor on the decline of literariness or literary places. Except for a few stragglers and holdouts, nobody these days believes in the transcendental powers of the written word. While the internet consumes everyone's attention and commercialism promotes homogenization, these outcomes are more the issue of a culture that has forgotten how to dream, effects instead of causes, rather than the true culprits.

A bit part of the literary aesthetic seems to be a love affair for old things. Grey churches, dusty hallways, mossy stones and creaky passage ways. The destruction of the old for the sake of the new is an ongoing process everywhere in the world. China is a huge offender, tearing down whole sections of Old Beijing to construct sleek new modernized apartment buildings and offices. The impression that new things have less flavor in them than the old seems to be a popular belief. I'm not entirely sure I agree with it.

>> No.12347721


>> No.12347797

lol you faggots are a joke.

>> No.12347940

I grew up in the east bay and spent a few years living in SF. Used to always wonder the same thing, mainly because old architecture and pictures seemed to suggest it wasn’t so bad at one point.

Things don’t always deteriorate so fast. Sometimes they happen so slow that by the time it does happen the people who would have noticed have died off.

>> No.12347977

Did it always have a very transient population? Because that is what destroyed Northern Virginia. People didn’t feel like they had any sense of community and knew they would be leaving soon so they didn’t fight to protect anything. They just let it get run into the ground.

>> No.12348209

>the Trump crowd
The monopolization of these cities by New age liberals is the core of the transformation he is talking about.

>> No.12348255

What are we seeing here

>> No.12348269

I'm objectively correct.
Sorry bout it you smelly dumb Jew York scum.

>> No.12348421


>> No.12348558

I think the expression is from Andrew Anglin. As for the thing itself, you know where it comes from.

>> No.12349145

Only good original post thatll come out of this thread, not that its bad to be a bit repetitive

>> No.12349208

What the FUCK are you talking about???

I’ve done this in every major city I’ve lived in, walk around and go into downtown just to chill and stuff, that is.

I’ve done this in Denver and Washington DC.

It is extremely possible to do this in cities like Baltimore as well, though. You racists wouldn’t know anything about that, though

>> No.12349213

You’ve lived outside? What the fuck? How do you have internet to post on 4chan?

Amazing. Someone has lived outside for a decade and a half and 4chan still traps him and makes him post here. There is no hope is there?

>> No.12349240

This screengrab would be amazing for ewan macgregor to do. Someone contact his agent
>choose a toni morrison novel
>choose syncing your npr podcasts
etc., etc.

>> No.12349259

Trainspotting 2 was not very good

There's so much anarchic energy in the first choose life monologue. It's a perfect opening that instantly establishes both the setting and the character dynamics. The editing and music selection is phenomenal. It gets across the dissatisfaction with consumerism in a way that's exciting, relevant to the Renton's motivation, and doesn't necessarily feel obvious or preachy, even though it probably would seem that way if you encountered it as a piece of text divorced from the flashy visuals and Ewan McGregor's smirky voiceover

Interestingly it's probably more mature than the second, even though it was obviously written when Boyle was younger

The second one is mostly an old man whining about the modern world and trying to recapture the glory of the first monologue. The editing is distracting and pointlessly fast and disorienting. There's no MOTION, there's no RHYTHM. Two people sitting at a table flipping television channels. The audience is supposed to like it because it reminds them of the first one, not because this monologue could stand alone by itself. The crap about Twitter and Jews and "slut shaming" is just embarrassing. Towards the end it gets a bit better when Renton starts talking about disappointment, but it has no continuity with the first half where he's complaining about live blogging.

>> No.12349269

Agreed, but i mean dude-he made jobs (which is a bit ironic given the monologue) and is going to make a bond movie. He’s an out of touch cunt

>> No.12349286

Aix (still)

Not St Petersburg
Not Berlin
Not Dublin

>> No.12349327

>new york was better when half the neighborhoods were crime ridden shitholes because I could travel from my relatively safe neighborhood to one of the shit places to marvel at the "diversity" then go home knowing I'd only ever encounter this "diversity" on my own terms. Now the shithole neighborhoods aren't shitholes I can't treat them as my own personal zoos and that makes me sad

>> No.12349364

Someone edit the original one

>> No.12349379

By which they mean capitalists but we can keep pretending otherwise if it makes you feel better

>> No.12349402


>> No.12349499

Nietzsche. Only better and he strikes at the root causes instead of describing the effects and mixing up the causal relationship

>> No.12349508

“The perfect herd animal is what the modern European has become”

>> No.12349527

i honestly cant remember boston ever being not boring. must be a boomer thing.

>> No.12349555

Oh how horrible.

>> No.12349582

It's in my favor in that the context of that article is wishing for what New York 'used' to be, which it still very much is in parts outside of Manhattan. Except now there is the added benefit of these areas genuinely being safer. Go deep into Queens and walk around, it's comfy and you will meet amazing people.

I am not going to glorify prostitution rings or gambling dens, but drug ridden night clubs and obscure bars are very much a thing and easy to find if you know where to look. Prostitution is also within walking distance from where I live, and nobody needs porno stores anymore. Seriously though next time you are in new york don't spend it all in fucking time square.

What city offers a more patrician layout of culture, architecture, and economy? Go on I'll wait.

>> No.12349595

>calling this schizo

literally the kind of person he was describing, entrained animals only capable of thinking in a linear, codified manner as deemed acceptable by faang sponsored social engineering algorithms.

that post was lovecraftian at best.

>> No.12349605

Not really dude. De bord and baudrillard are closer, but nothing really has the anger and acidity that makes this sort of thing funny except celine

>> No.12349619

This gay screencap doesnt belong here

>> No.12349804

The major problem with big cities is how they tend to over-regulate people. You can't express yourself unless it's within narrow bonds. Can't carry knifes unless they are emasculatingly tiny. Gotta wear the right clothes, gotta do this, gotta that. You can't be too much of a character, if you are a character, you need to be a certain type of character that people can identify. The anonymizing and dehumanizing effects of living in a mass society cities often outweigh the glitz and glam and sexiness they dangle out in front of you like a lure. I'm of two minds about this. Because where there are people there is potential, good and bad. But chances are if you're living in a big city you're one of the 99% who are just another faceless passerby, and even if you are somebody to some people, you're still defined in the context of another passerby in the eyes of everybody else.

It's hard to expand yourself and leave an impression like you can do in less populated areas with closer knit circles.

>> No.12349908

NYC is fucking incredible if you aren't some unimaginative petit bourgeois hack. As if there are places that you can move and suddenly, wow, the streets are paved with bohemian soulfulness, and everything is so *real* and *exciting*. Fuck off. I know many people in NYC who live in all kinds of crazy situations and do fascinating literary and artistic stuff. Downtown Manhattan is too expensive? Big fucking deal. I know artists who live in houseboats off the Rockaways, warehouses in Maspeth, squats in East New York etc. Some dusty gremlin from Harpers doesn't know about this shit because his only point of reference is East Village mythology BS. I hope all the trend-hopping twitter yuppies read this kind of article and pack up their Design Within Reach apartments and get the fuck out. I mean it's fine to be like that, except they like to call the cops on the raves I go to, or whenever we shoot fireworks from the roof. If you really want to change NYC for the better, defund NYPD.

The only city that might be cooler than NYC in America is LA. Tons of NYC artist types have moved there in the last 5 years. I like having four seasons, and I like to watch the rain come down across the skyscrapers, so I think I'm gonna stick to the northern territories.

>> No.12349949

The soul doesn’t exist.

t. someone who’s not only felt the exact sense of listlessness and longing for romantic reality in a sterile lowest-common-denominator world described but written an entire novel on it

The truth is the only difference between you and I and the “bugmen” you describe are that the latter are capable of successfully drowning out their humanity in either vice or surface-level “good” in the form of identity politics and basic politics.

>> No.12349986

You are literally the reverse of the family from Inside Out

>> No.12350009

The same places its always been when NY and LA weren’t sucking their own cocks.


>> No.12350062

shit bro I don't remember when New York was a giant robot, must've been before my time

>> No.12350079

Boston was comfy in as much that if you knew where to go (aka not the tourist traps) you could have a great time. It still is the case nowadays, but a lot less as the yuppies pushed out all the blue-collars that made the city what it was

>> No.12350087

>i know artists who live in houseboats
Wasnt sure this was bait until here, 6/10

>> No.12350092

Yeah dude, things are symbolic and concepts are explanatory heuristics; do you read?

>> No.12350096

The yuppies are spilling over onto providence which is 50% gone now and since it was so fragile already has zero defenses. Place will be gone before 2020

>> No.12350112

I’m pretty sure he was talking about an immutable physical or spiritual difference with “the size of one’s soul” my man.

>> No.12350596

Yeah, you can use the word soul and not believe in “souls”

>> No.12350870

South america. Mexico city is too close to the states and is probably already bearing the brunt of this. Maybe lima, ba or santiago. Prolly not brazil

>> No.12350879

it isn't bait anon

>> No.12350890

Then slit your own throat

>> No.12350897

sure thing, can I borrow your needledick?

>> No.12350910

Did everyone just die of aids after telly

>> No.12350955

he knows some housefull people who happen to be artists

>> No.12351228

it's dupont circle

>> No.12351345

I think it’s admo near columbia and 18th. Where napoleons used to be

>> No.12351863

One of the few things Trainspotting 2 did catch and thath even stronger than the first one was the death of the old european post war culture (symbolized more or less in the condemned council estate towers) and it's replacement with the "globohomo", which is especially kinda noticeable to me because my city, a former mining town on the eastern rim of the ruhr area, and germany in general are only slowly entered the 21st century and are still in many ways stuck in the 20th century.

>> No.12351927

Do euros see it as globohomo or just as american culture

>> No.12351959

yeah sorry I meant adams morgan
tfw a consistent consumer of meme coffee, though usually as preworkout at home

>> No.12351980

Whats your preferred admo meme coffee?
>la pop
>the record store one
>that new one next to la pop that serves gelato
Sure im missing some. Oh, the fucking LINE hotel. Need to get some of their website copy in this thread. Place is globohomo: the drone strike target

>> No.12352008
File: 125 KB, 666x1000, ACA3AB43-0C10-410E-AC24-A6121FCB9F82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Line Hotel, DC

>Led by Corey Polyoka, who created the James Beard Award–nominated bar program at Woodberry Kitchen, A Rake’s Bar showcases DC’s distillers and brewers and the bar’s own preserved ingredient arsenal. The drink menu includes fruit- and herb-based cocktails, spirit services and communal punches that nod to the North and South, and farm beers and Maryland ciders available on tap. A raw bar and lounge menu are prepared by the chefs of A Rake’s Progress – no reservations required.

>Enjoy a menu that rebels against the culinary traditions of our past while embracing the evolution of our multicultural identity. Erik Bruner-Yang has created this concept with his talented team, helmed by Todd Thrasher and Pichet Ong. Serving breakfast, lunch, dinner and drinks, from early until late.

>Spoken English is a Tachinomiya-style neighborhood space located within the LINE DC. This standing-room only restaurant welcomes open-minded patrons willing to engage in new interactions with neighbors, strangers, and friends alike. Spoken English brings back the lost art of conversation in a fast-paced city. Serving exclusive sake selections alongside classic and street style dishes from Asia until late night. Kitchen helmed by Matthew Crowley.

>Spike Gjerde and Corey Polyoka’s lobby coffee bar The Cup We All Race 4 is an energetic hub centered around quality coffee and delicious, straightforward food. The beverage menu features coffees sourced and roasted by Counter Culture Coffee alongside locally sourced herbal tisanes and pressed juices. Sandwich breads, savories and whole-grain pastries are baked by pastry chef Amanda Cook on site daily.


>> No.12352039
File: 480 KB, 1125x1741, 756ADCD7-3C61-47BB-894F-05CBB4CAD1D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eaton Hotel, Washington DC

>Eaton Workshop is a global purpose-driven company and creative lab at the intersection of culture, media, hospitality, wellness, and progressive social change. Founded by Katherine Lo, whose background in activism and filmmaking fuels her vision of a new inclusive gathering place for changemakers and creatives, Eaton consists of distinct parts—Hotel, House, Media, Wellness, and Impact. Collectively, the pillars serve as an incubator for arts and culture, a beacon for sustainability, a hub for impact initiatives, a holistic healing center, and a global media presence. Building a community with a shared ethos of caring for today’s world and conceiving of how we can make it better, Eaton forms connections through its physical spaces, as well as through dynamic digital storytelling and experiences. Our first properties are now open in Downtown, Washington, D.C., and Hong Kong’s Jordan neighborhood, with ensuing locations to arrive in San Francisco, Seattle, and Toronto.

>Eaton Hotel pioneers an interdisciplinary hotel experience to travelers seeking inspiration, innovation and impact. We set the stage for residing guests, locals and house members to congregate around creativity and consciousness-building. Eaton Hotel offers provocative content and programming, social and creative incubators, as well as a radical approach to food and beverage, wellness and the arts. Each hotel’s ethos and design reflects the city it resides in, resulting in a diverse portfolio of properties aligned by a shared social mission.

>References we love: classic newsrooms such as in The Year of Living Dangerously, Warhol’s Factory, Burning Man. Founded on the premise of collective advancement, Eaton House is an incubator for radical voices and start-ups and a social network for entrepreneurs and pro-social advocates. It is a gateway to a more humane, conscious future. Eaton House provides private, shared and communal workspaces for brainstorming and collaborating in each Eaton Hotel. We invite the curious and passionate to come meet kindred spirits and foster solutions. We embrace the non-traditional and pursue the revolutionary—we are Eaton House.

>> No.12352099

Damn. As a recent columbia grad and huge 70's-90's woody allen fan, this hit hard.

>> No.12352230

I'm unsure for the general public, but the classic somewhat, anti-american left normally sees it as americanization.

>> No.12353222

Post scriptum,
this old, anti-american left, which was dominant within the left here in germany has ironically, together with the left in general, has faded into near total irrelevance to the modern political life and discussions while still surviving in parliament, but this has probably more to do with Merkel turning her originally centre-right party in ultra-centrist party in many areas which has wrecked havoc across our political landscape.

>> No.12353288

How were they anti-american? Like frogs who pass legislation to keep TV shows french?

>> No.12353350

Permanently looking down onto america as uncivilized, idiotic, imperialistic and barbaric while regarding oneself as enlighted is a weird pet happit of quite a decent chunk of the german population.

>> No.12353358

How did it translate to political positions, or the holders of certain positions were just the types to hate america?

>> No.12353554

Can some kind anon post the copypasta about the 2nd cheapest malbec and NY being middlebrow the place?

>> No.12353637

Seoul is unironically a top tier comfy place to live as a foreigner. Half of the locals want to get out but that's life for you.

>> No.12353669

>Federal funding massively increased under the Nixon regime
>Continued Johnson's war in Vietnam
>Created the EPA
>Claimed to be a Keynesian, instituted price freezes
>Did nothing to roll back the Johnson administration's immigration and civil right's lunacy

Most historians agree that Nixon's domestic legacy was leftish.

>> No.12353846

>What city offers a more patrician layout of culture, architecture, and economy?
New Orleans for the first two. No actual /lit/ person should give a shit about economy.

>> No.12353944

New Orleans would be cool if the weather wasn't complete shit and you could walk around without being mugged. If I was gonna live in a crime ridden metropolis I'll rather head to central/south America.

>> No.12354203

>What city offers a more patrician layout of culture, architecture, and economy?
unironically Baltimore MD. Extremely high concentration of PhD's mixed in with an incredibly violent populace in a city with immense history makes for a perfect creative mix.

>> No.12354417

lmao dude "culture" is the internet now

>> No.12354425

As most boomers got memed into suburban living what was left in cities was genuine, now the millenials are getting memed into urban living so thats going downhill fast too

>> No.12354477

the lady doth protest too much methinks.

all these people who complain about gentrification are usually the ones gentrifying it.

>maaan the cities sooo boring

coming from LA ill take boring any day over getting fucking shot or harassed by schizophrenics.

>> No.12354488

Stop being small and weak. I can walk around New Orleans fine.

t. Big white dude

>> No.12354518

I visited the city with two of my friends in the military and we were literally robbed at gunpoint. The night before a couple people were stabbed right outside my hotel.
I'm good, it's not interesting enough of a place for it to be risked. It's worse than Detroit and most cities in Mexico and Brazil

>> No.12354523

If culture today only comes from the internet than I might as well kill myself, I spend all day here and I'm miserable

>> No.12354563

What do you mean?

>> No.12354742


Anon don't you get it? Truly have you yet to figure this out?

There is no truth for these people. The mongrel yellow tooth round ear flat nose nigger spawning from the she'ol negative space generated as a reflection of all the iJoy™ they feel and sliming his way out of his oily Lincoln Park/Westchester/Beverly Hills/Alameda/Madison Park/Beacon Hill/Manayunk alleyway can drive a knife into their dead hearts, bring silence to the feeble cyclic Hollywood white noise dreamings of their festering brains, and still they will believe, still will they have their faith. If they die in such a way, I imagine their panicked animal minds must expand their perception into an eternity of denial of the fact, for they are eternal solipsists.

I used to think these Marxists were nihilists... and still contend that Marxism is the final world in anthro nihilism... but in a way they are worse, or at least more irritating... because they are not COMPLETELY devoid of belief. They all believe together that so long as it's possible for them to say "no", anything that they might not accept is untrue.

That is the real, nuliberal dialectic. Discard any notions you may have had otherwise. There's no depth in it beyond this.

>> No.12354885

>pic not related

>> No.12354900

So most but not all? If it’s not worse then all the cities in Mexico, then it can’t be too bad

>> No.12355224

>if the weather wasn't complete shit
Can't stand the heat NYC fagboy?

>and you could walk around without being mugged
Just don't get mugged then. It's not that hard.

>> No.12355294

implying that online you can efficiently discuss topics?

What you need is a diverse group of people, with a certain amount of leavers and newcomers every few months, so that ideas stay fresh. This is all you need to have an intellectual community, doesn't matter where it is, but most probably in a globalized place to guarantee a diverse crowd. Some provincial student cities in europe do fit these criteria, and that's where i'm now.

America is over. You want to have conversations with those capitalist drug addicts? Noway jose

>> No.12355504

Its in image of the second post

>> No.12355765

>No actual /lit/ person should give a shit about economy.

t. socialist

also nyc architecture is better, and though I love new orleans culture and can see this argument, nyc has simply more of it..

>> No.12355808

nyc has better architecture and a higher concentration of upper class with more individuals of every culture you can think of.

Though, to concede to you, Baltimore is great and they have a cool arts scene as well.

not that anon but NYC weather is far better. We actually get four seasons over here. Snow is required for me and the objectively best time of year, the fall, is represented splendidly in all the parks.

>ywn experience an october in new orleans

>> No.12355839

The answer is new orleans but we’re full, especially of all the LA and NY transplant fags invading

>> No.12356240

Did you also fuck Laura Bishop?

>> No.12356354

>nyc has simply more of it.
Meaning what? More big business men running around wall street and fucking up the economy? More dumb hipsters who do a terrific job at fagging up every place and neighborhood they inhabit? More hasidic jews who need to find some shabbos goy to turn their lights on and off every sabbath? And you better not say "more" meaning all the different immigrant cultures because not only is that not necessarily a good thing, it's not at all unique to New York or any major city in the US or the world. Face it, there's little in NYC besides the famous monuments that you couldn't find in just about anyway decent sized town elsewhere in the country. New Orleans is better simply because it's unique, authentic, and offers something you can't find anywhere else.

>> No.12356629

meaning there are far more thriving subcultures in nyc than in new orleans. and based on your responses it's clear that, if you have been to new york, you haven't set foot in any of the outer boroughs. whatever we don't want you anyway.

>More big business men running around wall street and fucking up the economy

they get away with it because of the government being corrupt, but this is an entirely other topic. American dominance in the financial sector is rooted in new york, and if you don't find that patrician then you are a pleb "lolol let's tax the rich" commie.

>> No.12356721

>there are far more thriving subcultures in nyc
Such as?