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/lit/ - Literature

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12338027 No.12338027 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ Lists Without Novels Tiebreakers
Hello everybody, I've gone through the votes and the list is almost ready, we just need to settle some ties.
I have put all the nominations of each category that were picked at least twice in a spreadsheet, now I just need to settle a few ties, check that all of them fit the rules I set and the lists will be ready to post. I will release the lists a few days after this thread dies. All ties that are not settled will be settled with a random number generator or, if they're at the bottom of the list, I'll make the list shorter.
Please vote on this, it's only multiple choice questions

>> No.12338083

you made a mistake, the last question should be checkboxes rather than radio boxes

>> No.12338089
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>> No.12338117

>The Immortals
You mean The Immortal (by Borges)?

>> No.12338170

fix this

>> No.12338213

Both of the votes say 'The Immortals' with no author specified, but I Googled 'the immortals short story' and only got Borges and a Doctor Who short story (?) so I think it's safe to assume that's what they meant. It is annoying though.
Everyone feel free to tell me if I'm wrong and there actually is a short story called The Immortals they meant.

>> No.12338248

I voted for it if it means the Borges story. But if someone says it's some other story then please remove my vote for it. Thanks for doing this, anon, all you chartmakers are a essential part of the board.

>> No.12338271

Thanks for doing this OP. Even if there's a smaller volume of votes I am looking forward to getting some neat recommendations.

>> No.12338320

While this is going, let's hear your guesses on what won each category (not counting the ones that were already on the list)
Which play do you think won?
Which short story?
Which poem?
Which non fiction book?

>> No.12338327

Ward #6
The Raven
Origin of Species

>> No.12338337

Why the fuck do you need to access your account to vote? Jewish as fuck.

>> No.12338352

Holy shit I completely forgot about Pushkin's "The Shot". Probably the best early Russian short story not written by Gogol

>> No.12338363

Waiting for Godot
The lady and the dog
Ode on a Grecian urn
Nicomachean ethics

>> No.12338373

Nicomachean Ethics

>> No.12338380
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>> No.12338393

but what if I wanna vote for Dr Seuss 100 times?

>> No.12338402

>Ward #6
Shit, that was one of the ones that got 2 votes which should have gone in the checkbox question. I didn't notice it before because I was just Ctrl F-ing everything and one was written 'Ward Number Six', the other 'Ward No. 6'.
I've added it in now

>> No.12338429

K, well I've already done my votes but can you add a check on Ward 6 for me? Thanks babe

>> No.12338750

Why did Maldoror make it through as a play? It's a poem (assuming we're talking about Lautréamont)

>> No.12338772

threadly reminder that if The Early Purges by Seamus Heaney doesn't make it you are all plebs

I was six when I first saw kittens drown.
Dan Taggart pitched them, ‘the scraggy wee shits’,
Into a bucket; a frail metal sound,

Soft paws scraping like mad. But their tiny din
Was soon soused. They were slung on the snout
Of the pump and the water pumped in.

‘Sure isn’t it better for them now?’ Dan said.
Like wet gloves they bobbed and shone till he sluiced
Them out on the dunghill, glossy and dead.

Suddenly frightened, for days I sadly hung
Round the yard, watching the three sogged remains
Turn mealy and crisp as old summer dung

Until I forgot them. But the fear came back
When Dan trapped big rats, snared rabbits, shot crows
Or, with a sickening tug, pulled old hens’ necks.

Still, living displaces false sentiments
And now, when shrill pups are prodded to drown,
I just shrug, ‘Bloody pups’. It makes sense:

‘Prevention of cruelty’ talk cuts ice in town
Where they consider death unnatural,
But on well-run farms pests have to be kept down.

>> No.12338789

Well, nothing I nominated made the list and it's all a bunch of 1930s Oxford freshman kind of junk, just like every year. Surprised to see nothing from le bible slip in.

>> No.12338851

I thought i saw "the freeloader" nominated twice; why isnt it here ?

>> No.12338864

What did you voted for?

>> No.12339103

uh og, looks like we got ourselves a gatekeeper here

>> No.12339116

Do you come from Plabbit? We do "gatekeep" but that guy's whining for whining's sake.

>> No.12339694


>> No.12340994
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Saving this thread from the brink of page 10. Remember to vote kids!

>> No.12341521

Voted, go whatever I voted for and forgot about.

>> No.12341525

how and why did posting random images of hot girls become a /lit/ meme?

>> No.12341634

Jezebel posting has a long and illustrious history

>> No.12342553

There is too much of Borges in the list and i was one of the guys who voted for "Immortals". Also, will you be making a chart, anon? I haven't been following the threads but the 2018 top 100 anon didn't post one if i recall correctly and when some other anon posted it, it was absolutely trash tier. I hope you have some aesthetic sense, anon.

>> No.12342655

And I'm not going to be making the chart because if I did it would probably be trash. Also short stories and poems don't usually have covers associated with them.

>> No.12342749

Such memey answers. Reading the bible and ulises makes me want to remove my eyes and puke inside with a well executed barf parabole. Btw, why does /lit/ has such a hard on with Borges? What about Cortázar? Much more direct, crazy and effective without being a boring patrician such as Borges

>> No.12343841

>reading memezar

>> No.12343854

Borges liked Cortázar. Bolaño liked Cortázar. Who the fuck doesn't like Cortázar?

>> No.12343861

Borges is not boring. Are you underage?

>> No.12344306

Im 24 and joyce and Borges can go suck their respective inmortal simonies

>> No.12344779

The community who you belong to and whose first letter is the third letter of the god tier short story writer you hate so much awaits you. Go back.

>> No.12345162


>> No.12346445


>> No.12347079


>> No.12348502

Borges and Shakespeare should be cut from the list, they're meme trash with no worth. I voted in plays that i haven't read in the hopes William Shakespeare won't win

>> No.12348686

Does anyone else want to take a guess which play/story/poem/non fiction book got the most votes?

>> No.12350023


>> No.12350073
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>> No.12350104
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>Greatest English writer is trash
>Greatest Latin American writer is trash

>> No.12351492

you should be cut from existence

>> No.12353085

>greatest latin american writer
Not even the best Argentinian writer. Also Shakespeare wrote the cape kino of his time. Only brainlets liked him which's why he had not much fame in his life time. Basically the Michael Bay of literature with his drama plots of spies and mad kings and witches and tragic love. Pathetic low brow stuff.

>> No.12353852

Lmaoing at you

>> No.12353860

>being such an edgy little contrarian
So, I'll bite. Who's the best Argentinian writer?
Please don't say Cortázar.

>> No.12354219

Haha why is Reddit so gay

>> No.12354234

macedonio and lamborghini, pelotudo

>> No.12354343

>>why no Lamborghini if you're going to put an Argentine
>sucking César Aira off
>there's like 6 dostoevsky in the list hurr why no Arlt durr
Few translations exists for Arlt, Ocampo, Fernandez and Lamborghini. Another popular book is The Invention of Morel, which reads like a Borges novella.

Why would you call Borges meme trash? Have you even watched any of his interviews? Georgie sucked Macedonio's cock for a while btw.

>> No.12355393


>> No.12355517

Macedonio has like 1 good book lol fuck off

>> No.12356299

>no The Feast of the Goat by Mario Vargas Llosa

this list is trash.

>> No.12357477

Where are the results?

>> No.12358021

I'm accepting votes until this thread dies, then I'll get the chart ready and done with and post the results.

>> No.12358176

I'd be interested to see what would happen if /lit/ did a list of top films, top anime, top video games, top paintings, top comics, top manga, top albums, top pieces of music, top non-anime TV shows etc because /lit/ has great taste in everything but literature. I know it would get shat on though and if mods did their job it wouldn't last long