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/lit/ - Literature

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12334816 No.12334816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /fit/ so much more patrician than /lit/?

>> No.12334819

more potent homosexuality

>> No.12334820

>How to unfuck yourself


>> No.12334908
File: 70 KB, 960x639, 1539619084402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some Hemingway
>As a Man Thinketh
>How to Unf*ck Yourself
>56032-Plato-Quote-In-orde(...).jpg (176 KB, 1600x900)

>> No.12334913

Still a step above Pewdiepie lads

>> No.12334928
File: 889 KB, 960x822, 1541568813050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously ironic..

>> No.12334938

Those recommendations are awful.

>> No.12334947

Cant recognise the bigger wave. Is it Hilary?

>> No.12335013

Why cant we just let people read what they want without shitting on them. For fucks sake, /fit/ probably reads more than we do.

>> No.12335047

No. Retards who read trash need to be put in their place .

>> No.12335056

post your bookshelf

>> No.12335058

...with timestamp.

>> No.12335059

/fit/ is the board with the highest focus on self improvement. boards like /lit/ or /sci/ have this focus but they do not (necessarily) go through physical pain for their goals.

>> No.12335074
File: 938 KB, 200x300, 09BD0E19-A446-4415-9682-076143B2737D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting down and forcing myself to read 25 pages is more of a commitment than running 20kilometers. One mans pain is another mans pleasure

>> No.12335075

Why not do both and be sexy and smart?

>> No.12335104

im turred from runnin'

>> No.12335107

I'll read to you until you fall asleep

>> No.12335132

/fitlit/ is the kawaiiest form of homo :3

>> No.12335150

They will strike back

>> No.12335214

fujo pls go

>> No.12335221

i've found that on boards other than /lit/, /lit/ards usually make much more honest and serious posts whereas in this forsaken place everyone just shitposts like there is no tomorrow

>> No.12335231

do you have dyslexia, adhd or something like that?

>> No.12335238

Sure. Now all is let to do is to find the illusive /fitlit/ bf

>> No.12335253

I wonder what kind of lessons will they learn from these books.
It's never history or ethics or even literature concerned with human relationship.
It's always how control people, how to increase testosterone, nationalism, war and self help books. + philosophical texts they read superficially because Hitler read it or something.

>> No.12335262

>I wonder what kind of lessons will they learn from these books.
>It's always how control people, how to increase testosterone, nationalism, war and self help books. + philosophical texts
feels V I T A L man

>> No.12335264

/fit/fags are irritating with their "bull up" attitude. Everyone with that attitude is annoying.

>> No.12335276

Richest Man In Babylon is pretty good.

>> No.12335278


>> No.12335279


their what?

>> No.12335286

This is what i was referring to >>12335278

>> No.12335287

You know BG is just a troll, right?

>> No.12335288

Elusive, qt, is the quality of being eluded by something or someone. Illusive is the quality of that which provides illusion. Just in case you meant the first one but are tired after exercising.

>> No.12335289


>> No.12335298

> wonder what kind of lessons will they learn from these books.
>It's never history or ethics or even literature concerned with human relationship
Confirmed for not reading Mishima-san

>> No.12335300


have you been to /fit/?

>> No.12335308

he means what the fittard is getting out of it

>> No.12335318

I mean the incoherent "grrr, man up!" attitude, the larping and the deification of aggression.

>> No.12335319


look at big brain over here, only he gets to understand the written word

>> No.12335343
File: 144 KB, 1200x992, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12335348

Pretty sure fit knows it's gay.

>> No.12335351

That's not what I said.

>> No.12335367


i thought you'd understand implications with that big ol brain of yours

>> No.12335378
File: 51 KB, 642x800, misaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor mistake on my part, sorry, thanks. I get many words confused if they sound too similar.

>> No.12335386

What implications ?
You're just posturing.
It's not like I think that you are too retarded to understand what you read

>> No.12335469

Low testosterone post

>> No.12335508

It's okay, qtπ, you tried your best and that's what counts. <33

>> No.12335552

get your test levels checked, stop consuming onions

>> No.12335561


>> No.12335583

/fitlit/ is and always will be the most patrician form of existence. Hitting back and biceps today, reading Moby Dick later. What are my other /fitlit/ bros up to?

>> No.12335585

y-you too. You're very sweet.

>> No.12335634

Reading a couple chapter of Russel's Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy everyday, then I move on to Don Quijote as my main read, currently on vol.2. I'm alternating between Quijote and Aristotle's Organon, currently on the second book of Prior Analytics.
My (shitty) gym is only reopening today, hitting chest, shoulders and triceps.
Feels good.
Godspeed anon.