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/lit/ - Literature

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12334918 No.12334918 [Reply] [Original]

What's the Neon Genesis Evangelion of literature?

>> No.12334940

all of it

>> No.12335090

The Culture of Critique

>> No.12335099
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Here is my amateur and by no means authoritative list

Gravity's Rainbow
The Mysterious Stranger (Mark Twain)
Book of Enoch
Gospel of Thomas

>> No.12335362

The Bible

>> No.12335601

Crime and Punishment

>> No.12335603

what is this meme please tell me
the book fucking sucks hairy sweaty balls and in no way relates to the nge

>> No.12335611


>> No.12335613

NGE is bad and only edgy teenagers like it. It has "waifus" and that's why it's so popular.

>> No.12335615
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you couldnt be more wrong

>> No.12335628

take an IQ test and get back to me

>> No.12335656
File: 150 KB, 1169x443, nge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the girls in NGE are very damaged individuals, people waifuing them is mostly a meme (or at least so I hope)
I find it surprising that a series this patrician became so widely popular, I guess having amazing visual direction, animation and design helped

>> No.12335678

I'll make OP's request more specific. Are there any fictional works which have the positive existential message that is present in NGE's TV ending? It doesn't need to be sci-fi or anything like that. A protagonist that actually overcomes their existential crisis would be a great.

>> No.12335680

If there was one, it's clearly infinite jest you fucking morons.

>> No.12335806

NGE is a great fucking show, don't let f/a/ggots and the like cloud your judgment because that's intellectually dishonest of ya. Judge it on its own merits, not based on its fandom. That goes for everything.

>> No.12335812

People waifuing Rei, Asuka etc. is pretty much a thing and has been since forever, a lot of the discussions just end into a huge waifu pissing contest and it's fucking awful because you can't have a decent discussion about it. But yeah, definitely a fantastic show and one that is one of the best in the medium.

>> No.12335835

Childhood's End by Arthur C Clarke

>> No.12335837

And characters that wish to be reflected and recognized by other people

>> No.12335857

Philip K. Dick "The Divine Invasion" (though it's book two of the so-called VALIS trilogy).

>> No.12335895 [DELETED] 

basado y rojoencapsulado

>> No.12335929

If you're interested in "perceived and acknowledged by the other" theme read up Lacanian theory, esp. concepts of gaze and the Other. If you want existential dread of making your own choices read Sartre, if you want some of that "childhood related structures define who you are later" read Freud.

>> No.12335945

Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

>> No.12335955

I don't enjoy reading straight philosophical works. I'd like fiction if possible.

>> No.12335967

Catcher in the Rye

Equally as queer and overrated by high school teachers and pseuds.

>> No.12335973

If you ignore chapter 3 then attlas shrugged

>> No.12335988

https://www.reddit.com/r/evangelion/comments/91dr7x/what_else_do_you_like/e2xevtk/ kek

>> No.12335991

1.Exactly. It has average animation which gets pretty bad in the last few episodes (slide shows).
2.The Christian/Judaism symbol and names are just so that it looks cool (it has been said by both Hideaki and one of its key animaotrs).
3.The fact that Hideaki in his entire life crated nothing plausible except making NGE remakes, shows that he is no genius as people claim.

>> No.12335998

4. It also has some weird symbolism that has no meaning and is just for edginess.

>> No.12336001

>2.The Christian/Judaism symbol and names are just so that it looks cool (it has been said by both Hideaki and one of its key animaotrs).
None of that or any of the references are what make evangelion good, everyone knows that Hideaki just put them in to look smart etc

>> No.12336003

the symbolism is vsiceral and evocative, not fused with autistic word-meaning

>> No.12336012

I asked the same question once in /sffg/ once and was suggested Blindsight.

Not sure, but that could have been a meme. Haven't read it yet.

>> No.12336018

>3.The fact that Hideaki in his entire life crated nothing plausible except making NGE remakes, shows that he is no genius as people claim.
After making NGE he has pretty much only done remakes but he directed a godzilla film recently and before making NGE he did quite a bit

>> No.12336027

It is a meme but you sound pretty damn far removed to understand why

>> No.12336047
File: 371 KB, 1908x1068, [Commie] Neon Genesis Evangelion - The End of Evangelion v2 [BD 1080p AAC] [C65D0141].mkv_snapshot_01.15.30_[2018.07.24_22.12.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy in EoE holding a Rei and Asuka doll
Bet he must of felt pretty stupid by the end of that movie

>> No.12336059

Gunbuster and KareKano are great

>> No.12336062

Yeah he probably had to throw out that Rei doll.

>> No.12336103

What did Misato mean by kissing the kid in End of Evangelion and saying "we'll do the rest when you get back?" Did she really want his D?

>> No.12336120

she knew she was dead.
She was basically saying I'll fuck you in eternity when age won't matter anymore.
In a way that's kinda what happens in that she fuses with Rei and Asuka as his eve at the end.

>> No.12336132
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She knew she was a dead women and was trying to give what little confidence she could to Shinji, in the only way she knew how.
Best girl

>> No.12336144

KareKano was ok, but definitely not great.

>> No.12336151

she was using her cunt as means of manipulation
she didn't know if all her talk before that was useful for shinji, so she got desperate and thought that shinji might do it for pussy

>> No.12336157
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>It has average animation
it has great animation for the time and some amazing sakuga moments, the animation only gets limited at the very end, just because they had to scrap an episode because of similarity to the sarin gas attack (even then some of the sketchy animation is nice)

funny how most anime fans always criticise animation, but don't seem to notice direction and design at all
>The Christian/Judaism symbol and names are just so that it looks cool
when people bring this up, you know they didn't get the point of the show
the christian / kabbalah references are only a theme that ties the show's aesthetic and naming convention together, making it cohesive
>The fact that Hideaki in his entire life crated nothing plausible except making NGE remakes, shows that he is no genius as people claim.
Gunbuster is also great, he just struck gold with NGE and decided to get disgustingly rich
>It also has some weird symbolism that has no meaning and is just for edginess
literally the same as point 2, it's just a nice aesthetic choice

I see you finally used "edgy", but not it's sister brainlet buzzword "pretentious"

>> No.12336167

Misato only knows how to relate to men through sex, including Shinji. In Episode 2 when she's talking to Ritsuko on the phone she brings up fucking him ("I'm not going to put the moves on him" or something to that extent). When she goes into Shinji's room later in the show and tries to touch his hand, she was going to have sex with him, which is why he rejected her so strongly. You can confirm this in her segment in Instrumentality in the last episodes where that scene in the context of explaining how she relates to men and then followed by all the other characters calling her disgusting.

>> No.12336168
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she was trying to comfort him in the only way she knew
Misato had big issues with her sexuality, but she was still the least broken and most sympathetic of the main female cast

>> No.12336448
File: 35 KB, 968x645, when you wish you would've done it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care about fans but the NGE fandom seems to be ONLY queers and /r/atheists. Like, sift through twitter and try to find a tranny that's not a fan, you can't. I've never seen it but I can only infer that it's Daddy Issues: The Anime.

>> No.12336499

>ONLY queers and /r/atheists
Thats a twitter thing, not a NGE thing

>> No.12336568

>Daddy Issues: The Anime
Yes, every character has a fuck up past, and most have daddy or mommy issues.
Also, i don't have twitter, and i've never met a fan online or offline that mentioned they're an atheist.
Gays love to circle jerk about a gay character that was in one episode, who through that episode goes from being a satanic to a messianic figure.

>> No.12336574

>Daddy Issues: The Anime
the MC does have huge daddy issues, so there may be something to this
but almost every character in the show has serious mental problems to some degree

>> No.12336590
File: 350 KB, 1342x835, kelly fujoshis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGE's fanbase would probably be 50% less cancerous if Kaworu wasn't in the show, he appears in literally one or two episodes and he's still one of the most popular characters because of fujoshis and Tumblr

>> No.12336611

The sad truth of anime is that even the best anime ever produced can only be compared with a barely good work of literature.

>> No.12336636

Just did in fact. 57th percentile. So I'm literally probably more smart than you.

>> No.12336653


>> No.12336713

anime is a visual medium like film in general, comparing it with books is pointless

>> No.12336811

Many films (Stalker , 8 1/2 , Eraserhead, A Clockwork Orange) are comparable to /lit/'s top 100 list.
Even in anime it depends, Satoshi Kon (Millennium Actress , Perfect Blue), Masaaki Yuasa (Mind Game, Tatami Galaxy) and Mamorou Oshii 's (Angel's Egg) work are great. As for NGE, it definitely isn't comparable to Literature's Great (as many fans say), but it is still good.

>> No.12337007

Fuck, case in point

>> No.12337020

What are you even basing this on?
I too personally prefer Kon's and some of Yuasa's work (fuck Devilman though) over NGE, but to say they're on a whole another level is a bit silly.
Have you seen End of Evangelion?

>> No.12338458


>> No.12338512

>2.The Christian/Judaism symbol and names are just so that it looks cool (it has been said by both Hideaki and one of its key animaotrs).
Why do retards get so obsessive over the symbolism? It's an aesthetic choice, that's it, everyone knows it you fucking moron. I for one barely even thought about the religious shit when I watched it except for wondering what the Dead Sea Scrolls were
>3.The fact that Hideaki in his entire life crated nothing plausible except making NGE remakes, shows that he is no genius as people claim.

>> No.12338547

Is Kaworu the most iconic character with the least amount of screentime in anime history?
>A Clockwork Orange
The film isn't that good, apart from the opening shot, the sexual imagery and Alex singing Singing in The Rain it's not that inspired. Nadsat was completely pointless in the film and the run on quality of Alex's narration was completely lost. It was a bit of a weird choice to adapt because Nadsat is the best thing about the book. I don't know what people who've only seen the film like about it, and come to think of it I don't know what people who don't speak any Russian like about the book.

>> No.12338559

It's going to be interesting to see how NGE and anime in general influences literature.

>> No.12339428

This is the most middlebrow post I’ve seen here today

>> No.12339443
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My magnum opus, that will surely become a part of western canon over time, will be heavily influenced by NGE among other anime.

>> No.12340463

That's pretty dumb m8

>> No.12340473

You probably don't know what a waifu is.

>> No.12340720

>gospel of thomas

>> No.12340753

Tell us a synopsis

>> No.12340796

Read SubaHibi

>> No.12342247

Tbh Angel's egg is just weird

>> No.12342249
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>> No.12342660
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>I asked the same question once in /sffg/ once and was suggested Blindsight.
>Not sure, but that could have been a meme. Haven't read it yet.

/sffg/ apex patrician here. *hello there* /outer lit/.
>GeNeRaL kEnObI

allow me to be of assistance. blindsight is about consciousness and space vampires. it's interesting but because it's a difficult and dense read some anons find it amusing to meme their peers into reading it. there are also some hardcore seemingly genuine blindsight shills who frequent /sffg/.

blindsight has some parallels with nge in the sense that characters with cognitive "defects" or abnormalities are central to the story. blindsight could have been recommended to you for this legitimate reason or for the meme reasons above.

>> No.12342685
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>thinks he’s smart

>> No.12342706
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NGE has extremely cringy music selections in the later episodes. That was when I realized that it wasn't patrician at all, but that it was actually a pleb show!!!

>> No.12342713

I think we can all agree that Rei a shit.

>> No.12342896

komm süßer Tod is horrible.
That finale almost didn't save that song.

>> No.12342899


>> No.12342904

Cute dolls

>> No.12342906
File: 911 KB, 1568x2296, 1539626604374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGE has perhaps the best ending (no, not EoE, don't even bother with that one) of any television show

>> No.12342921
File: 48 KB, 640x906, 62391239-CBD5-4533-9EA5-F303BF663428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The song of my wife Asuka was about to be chosen

>> No.12342987



Just looked at a clip on youtube. This is whack. Anime sucks.

>> No.12343009

Dubs are disgusting

>> No.12343019

>What's the Neon Genesis Evangelion of literature?

What's something vastly overrated, poorly written and completely nonsensical?

>> No.12343912

Jesus Christ I didn't last 3 seconds when I first heard them start talking.

>> No.12344097

Pale Fire

>> No.12344112


>> No.12344149

hey look!
reddit and brainlet
holy newfag
no anime is just schizogenic and encourages pedo ideation
if only it were just film and not a moving picture adaptation of japanese comics
kys faggot
literature is dead all the new book sales are for old books and YA novels. the public is consistuted of insane chimps without the slightest interest in creative genius or uncovering the threads that move and bind their culture and subconscious
falling for bait
t. homosexual
t. pederast
Hey good job