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/lit/ - Literature

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12330479 No.12330479 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever done this at a book store before?

>> No.12330481

wow holy shit I'm going to fly into a rage because a literal who got a low number of engagements on a nonsense, unimportant tweet

>> No.12330485

Nah, but I've borrowed books I didn't like from libraries and made a pyre with them in my backyard.

>> No.12330486

how do you even find this bait tweets ?

>> No.12330512

>implying OP didn't post that tweet himself/herself

>> No.12330538

no, but I have been in a barnes and noble where someone had cleverly put bibles in the fantasy section

>> No.12330543

As much as I hate Peterson, leave Dilbert alone

>> No.12330546
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>> No.12330555

Did I miss something?

>> No.12330561

nice trips. anyway, Scott Adams is a NAZI

>> No.12330562
File: 138 KB, 1247x810, 1488487042051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to bookshop
>move moby dick to the shakespeare section
>owner moves it back 20 minutes later with a puzzled look
hehe, pranked

>> No.12330586

No but I think I will start putting mein kampf next to diary of Anne frank and the Talmud

>> No.12330589

Pathetic but who cares about those stupid boomers anyway, god bless her.

>> No.12330591
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>go to bookshop
>burn all books that disagree with my political opinion

>> No.12330610

Moved the bible to fiction.

>> No.12330621

lol, owned

>> No.12330622

+1 internets to you good sir! *tips*

>> No.12330624

shes got a checkmark bro she might as well be famous

>> No.12330634
File: 14 KB, 412x309, dilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just LOOK at this SEXIST, RACIST, NAZI infographic.

>> No.12330633
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Why does the truth terrify you?

>> No.12330636

>put holocaust memoirs in the fiction section


>> No.12330653

So this is the power of pussy

>> No.12330662

>Put Grapes of wrath in Winemaking section

>> No.12330670

Why are women like this

>> No.12330674

>go to bookshop
>switch the signs of the loli and the granny sections

>> No.12330677
File: 26 KB, 360x360, 1544752959310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scott Adams is the leader of the 4th reich.

>> No.12330728

>create an combined section
>police arrive but can't make any arrests because they are 800 year old dragongirls

>> No.12330800

>browsing in used book store
>in Music section
>see book titled "Red detachment of women"
>think it belongs in Psychology
>it's actually about a ballet by that title

>> No.12330807

Well yeah. Peterson's ideology is devaluing the marketshare that thots have in the thotmarket, so it would make sense that thots would get mad about it.

>> No.12330810

Absolutely devilish.

>> No.12330821
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>put my poopsock in the bible section

>> No.12330842
File: 7 KB, 235x214, 1007ECE6-BB7F-4119-8561-E8518F882256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you telling me men don’t dislike jordan peterson too?

>> No.12330845

Red detachment of women is based though

>> No.12330857

I work at a bookstore. I always ensure that feminist, progressive; any book promoting the Big Gay is either never faced-out or preferably stowed away in the store room; and that classics, great works and anything at all reactionary is prominantly displayed. We've stopped ordering Clementine Ford books becuase of my handy work.

>> No.12330867

Based and most certainly redpilled

>> No.12330889

It's not very good.

>> No.12330892

On one hand I'm happy seeing these bolsheviks taking it on complete nobodies.
On the other hand, man. That's the kind of people gulags were invented for.

>> No.12330896

I do this with every verso book I see

>> No.12330904

I set book stores on fire

>> No.12330913

doing God's work, anon.

>> No.12330922

He is a climate change denier so basically a Nazi

>> No.12331028

I hope You're fourteen tops.
We all fucking do, but this kind of behaviour is insane.

>> No.12331109
File: 1.68 MB, 400x225, 1543984728079.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today while shopping I thought about hiding Jordan Peterson books and turning Dilbert calendars upside down because I am offended by things beyond my control that I dislike. However, I decided against going through with my scheme, as I figured simply posting as if I had done so would net the same response and dopamine rush I get when people reply to me online. I am deeply lonely and afraid to admit it. I wish someone would love me.

>> No.12331221


>> No.12331491

>Enters Barnes and Noble
>Loud gypsies having a converston in the parking lot last seven years, not told to move on already
>Make my daily complaint about the gypsies at the front desk like always
>Passes the sales section with a hundred old white men and women eyes on me from the covers of books
>Switches the signs for westerns (smallest section that is actually a section) and religion (largest section)
>Some old wrinkly bat i nthe religion section sighs shakes her head at me
>Clerical assistant pulls out an AK stocked with hollow point ammunition and aims it to me
>I bring my beautiful black and brawny body over to that assistant and clock him on the head
>There is a bayonette attached to the AK which I did not see and he stavs me with it
>That's all

>> No.12331810

Extremely based.

>> No.12332089

Ah yes, those gay sodomites and their
>Trying to rape women

>> No.12332553

God bless you, Anon

>> No.12332560

Nuke America

>> No.12332592

Weave yourself a rope

>> No.12332608

>bf gave me a handjob and I came on Leviticus 18:22

>> No.12332610 [DELETED] 

It seems that /lit/ has a fear of public spaces and of poor people.

>> No.12332663
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And this is wrong because...?

>> No.12332833

STOp posting gook breasts

>> No.12332927

based and redpilled chadbrarian

>> No.12332932

wtf happened with /lit/? I thought you were Marxist and progressive to the core.

>> No.12332953

No but if there’s a book I like I’ll turn it facing outwards so maybe someone will check it out

>> No.12332963

No but I put all the adult manga with titties in the kids comic book section

>> No.12333107

Have you not been here in the last 4 or 5 years?

>> No.12333119

I like this anon because he's extremely based an redpilled.

>> No.12333150

How do i get a job at a bookstore, it sounds comfy.

>> No.12333161

Remind me again why do women and liberals seethingly hate Jordan "lobster" Peterson

>> No.12333282

Scott Adams brutally murdered a young family of jews

>> No.12333628

He can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.12333903

Watch the debate with him and Stephen Fry. Or the video with the angry trans people

>> No.12333925

Scott Adams and Jordan Peterson would like to thank Kate Gray for both the free advertisement and the rent free apartment in her head

>> No.12333926

What do you do with classics that promote the Big Gay

>> No.12333930

Both parties are retarded though.

>> No.12333936

The smugs that do this are the lowest form of human.

>> No.12333970
File: 703 KB, 741x715, Cruz admiring Vogie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this post.
Do you get to sit and read while you work or is your store fairly busy?