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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 598x415, 1529365775597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12328865 No.12328865 [Reply] [Original]

Post shit books that you were forced to read in school. For me, I was forced to read The Outsiders in 8th grade. I hated everything about that stupid fucking book.

>> No.12328869

Infinite Jest

>> No.12328882

Never had to read anything cringy desu

>> No.12328904
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I'd rather shoot myself in the foot before reading this shit again.

>> No.12328992

This. My country's education system is based and redpilled.

>> No.12329032

Australia here
We had to read some YA book about a teenager whos brother hits someone while drunk driving and goes to jail. The family moves town and he's like sooper depressed until he gets a gf who makes him better.

The only other book we had to read was lord of the flies.
I can't imagine anything worse than that, don't even get me started on how little history we covered even with me take 4 extension history classes.

>> No.12329140

which country?

>> No.12329252

Oh fuck, I'm a school teacher who had to teach that to a bunch of middle schoolers a while back (I didn't have control over my curriculum).

I ended up using it as a tool to teach them how not to write. Quality wise, the book is exactly on par with most teen age fan fiction. Cringy af

For me, it was the Good Earth and Things Fall Apart. Both nigger-tier diversity books I had to read for my 9th grade honors English class.







This was a PSA.

>> No.12329257

had to read the last of the mohicans and it was absolutely ghastly and a complete bore.

>> No.12329262

Austraya cunt
Not him but I think our schoolbooks were great too

>> No.12329266

Reddit spacing is reddit because it signals you want your post to take up more space and draw more attention. It is typographic tripfagging.

>> No.12329294






>> No.12329314

When I was about 15 years old my female English teacher recommended me a book called 'The Rosie Project' because she thought the protagonist was quite like me.
The protagonist is a Sheldon Cooper type sperg, and the book is about his friends trying to get him a gf.
Also I read the Bunker Diaries which was perhaps the worst book I have ever read, and I have read most of the Warrior Cats series.

>> No.12329339

I was forced to read a book about the romance of a jew man and a black woman, after I was forced to read another book about a interracial couple adopting a black child

>> No.12329344 [DELETED] 

Romania. We read national classics in literature classes, religion is taught in school and geography manuals redpill people about race gaps.

>> No.12329360

Romania. We read national classics in literature classes, religion is taught in school and geography textbooks redpill people about racial gaps.

>> No.12329375

Picking Cotton
Potato Peel Society

>> No.12329515
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>> No.12329601

This was garbage

>> No.12329662

based, what books did you read that you particularly liked?

>> No.12329668
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literally the worst book I've ever read.

>> No.12329738

My high school teacher made us read the Odyssey but it was a really shitty abridged prose translation.

>> No.12329809

If you're talking about school books, I liked them all. I particularly enjoyed reading "Ion", "Enigma Otiliei" and "Ciocoii vechi și noi" (none of which are translated to my knowledge). If I had to pick what I liked the least, I'd have to go with the plays, but some of them were ok.

>> No.12329829
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A really long Russian novel that kids in Russian high school have to read is "Silent Don". It's basically about a 1910s village of cossacks who drink, fight, rape, kill and do all sorts of other horrible shit for a couple thousand pages, all filled with local Don slang that nobody outside of that specific region where the author grew up will understand without googling. Every character is a horrible human being and the majority of them dies, either from shitty village life or on a war. Supposedly this book conveys the "deep and mysterious nature of Russian people".

>> No.12329874
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>not including Maitreyi
3 words: girls fucking trees
And cultural/racial incompatibility ofc

And pic, actually all of Eliade

>> No.12329899

I liked it but I felt like it didn't fit my preconception about what Romanian literature should be like when I read it, so it's not among my favourites.

>> No.12329917

Reminder that Sholokhov got awarded the Nobel Prize for this book.

>> No.12329922

Hatchet was cringe

>> No.12329930

Its not that bad

>> No.12329972

Well, it is a piece of perfect unintentional anti-Russian propaganda.

>> No.12329984

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. The whole book was bad but she talks about being raped by her moms boyfriend and calls his donger 'a brown shuck of corn.'

>> No.12329991
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Brazilian romanticism is lame as fuck, and overall pretty uninteresting, but this book I was forced to read early in high school is probably the stupidest most uninteresting thing I've ever read
holy fuck is it lame

>> No.12330368
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>> No.12330424

my school replaced Romeo and Juliet with American Born Chinese, a graphic novel about a Chinese child trying to come to terms with his American identity by imagining himself as a Monkey King superhero. Romeo and Juliet.

>> No.12330429

>tfw from Voronezh oblast
I always liked Sholokhov, did you really resent him that much in school?

>> No.12330431

Why do you hate the Outsiders? I mean, it isn't amazing, but it is an entertaining enough story, especially in 8th grade.

>> No.12330439

Jane Eyre and To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.12330587

Oh lol, was there a lot of asian diaspora in your school or something?

>> No.12330688

I guess, I come from a post-apocalyptic multicultural hellscape in California, so we were around 30% chinese, 50% mexican, 10% black, 5% unidentifiable goblinos and 5% white. This was probably the only time we pandered that hard to the Chinese, but I am still bitter about it.

>> No.12330694

>30% chinese, 50% mexican, 10% black, 5% unidentifiable goblinos and 5% white.
which group are you from? or are you a 56% goblino americano?

>> No.12330705

Capitães da Areia.

I'm still amazed by how retarded those Martin Claret covers look.

>> No.12330707

I'm white. Fled California like all others of my kind and now live in the comfy Midwest.

>> No.12330744

our middleschool teacher loved Musierowicz for some reason, that shit bored me
that sounds great though

>> No.12330768

Hey I remember that book, if it's the one I'm thinking. It had an embarrassingly bad sex-scene.

>> No.12330776

This book was trash and I'm a Jew.

>> No.12331013

I forgot the name of the book since high school was over 10 years ago, but it was a YA novel about some kid who went to a party the high school chad was throwing. He gets drunk, spergs out, and ends up running over some asian chick while driving home drunk. Instead of pressing charges against him like normal parents would, they let him go free on the condition he builds a whirligig in each of the four corners of the United States. I don't remember the rest of it, but I do know the book ends with some hackneyed "dude, we're all connected n' shit lmao" message.

>> No.12331064
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I feel like this would have been fun to read if they didn't MAKE US

>> No.12331391
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Read pic related

>> No.12332099


>> No.12332121

The rest of the books we had to read were so bad this was comparatively a masterpiece that year. That dark, dark year...

>> No.12332627

well, well, who would have thought?

>> No.12332634

This. This book made me want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.12332640

The Trial by Kafka

>> No.12332665
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>that part at the end when she just gets raped for no reason

>> No.12332673
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The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrisson in 11th grade.
Holy shit I can't fucking stand her writing.
Also this quote is just about the most ignorant thing I've ever seen from a supposedly "high-profile" author.

>> No.12332803


What's wrong with that quote?

>> No.12332877

Animal Farm

>> No.12332996
File: 40 KB, 300x460, el periquillo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In elementary school they made us read "El Periquillo Sarniento", I don't remember if it was one chapter each day, or one hour each day, but damn it, it was boring as hell. I feel compassion for the children that must be submitted to this torture nowadays, if the goverment education system still forces them to read that piece of garbage.

I don't blame some of my former fellow students if they abandoned reading after going through that shit.

>> No.12333032

Basically saying that Tolstoy is irrelevant to her because he's Russian and she's black
It's the embodiment of identity politics.

My issue is more with the first part of the quote than the second

>> No.12333188

I don’t even like Morrison but that’s not at all what she’s trying to say. She’s just saying she doesn’t have to explain why she writes what she writes, liken Tolstoy or Joyce don’t have to. The second part is simply her wanting to create novels like Faulkner, who wrote for a specific region (the South) but who’s work is recognized worldwide.

>> No.12333197

I’m going to assume the only reason it’s taught is becuase it was the first true novel of Latin America? Kind of like how many schools force ‘The Last of the Mohicans’ on students here in the States becuase it was the first American novel.

>> No.12333313

I think that might be it, i can't remember the name.
It was a total piece of shit but we had to analyze it to death, then at the end of the term the author came to our school and she said there was literally no subtext at all. This was year 11 or 12 btw.

>> No.12333331
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Had to read this my junior year. Chickens are bullshit and the snake monster should have eaten god.

>> No.12333344

Correct, the quote is actually pretty respectable and supports white writers writing about white people

>> No.12333373
File: 40 KB, 419x630, 9781595141880_p0_v2_s1200x630 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking shit

>> No.12333379

My gf in highschool made me read this desu.

>> No.12333392

Dude if you didn’t like the good earth you’re fucking trash and don’t deserve land

>> No.12333393

Went to school in Commiefornia, but honestly I wasnt indocrinated in public school, surprisingly. Still didnt keep me safe from shit required reading.
>1984 (boring ass book but im glad I read it then so i wouldnt feel obligated to read it outside of school)
>lord of the flies
>tom Sawyer
>a christmas Carol
>the giver
>the scarlet letter
>brave new world (same with 1984)
>Fahrenheit 451 (same as 1984)
>Ethan frome
The only good book i read in school was the stranger

>> No.12333423

Ethan Frome needs to go die

>> No.12333430

Holy shit what a pleb

>> No.12333436

T. Pesud

>> No.12333504

Embarrassing that leftypol would go through this much effort to false flag

>> No.12333520

>Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Book was DOGSHIT, but at least it correctly captured the character of the sort of autists every body else in school hated having to deal with.

We also read fucking Thoreau in 9th grade. Without making a judgement on the book itself I have to say that it was so fucking stupid of that teacher to make kids who were still basically going through puberty read a book for college students. Didn't understand two words of it.

We read Maggie Girl of the Streets and that shit was depressing af.

>> No.12333546

tfw I live in Sweden

>> No.12333643

>Tom Sawyer
>A Christmas Carol
>Brave New World
kys, those books are great. I haven't read the rest from your list so can't comment.

>> No.12333646

Gib list of what you're supposed to read. I wanna see how much poz there is.

>> No.12333656 [DELETED] 

I went to different schools for 7th, 8th and 9th grade and I had to read this shit each year

>> No.12333668

At the moment in my English class at least we are supposed to read classics like To kill a mockingbird and such. But in Swedish class we are currently reading a book about a homeless boy in Latin america. But we are supposed to read a book about a teenage Muslim from the projects.

>> No.12333672

Don't really get a list because teachers are to lazy to plan ahead and for the most part just wing it.

>> No.12333676

isn't there a list from your dept. of education though?

>> No.12333678

kite runner
woman in black

>> No.12333704

They don't really have any books that is required to read. It up to each teacher to pick books that they feel they can grade students on.

>> No.12333717

I read this one book about this doctor in the south that molests Indian girls, but I forget the name. It wasn't a bad book, I just wish I remembered its name.

>> No.12333766

You are a terrible reader.

>> No.12333778

When a book and a head collide and a hollow sound is heard, must it always have come from the book?

>> No.12333800

> bored by Fahrenheit 451
Burn pls

>> No.12333816

Stay golden, faggot.

>> No.12333831

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.12333835

>implying rape needs a reason

>> No.12333859

Why? These are good books

>> No.12333890

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.12333898
File: 37 KB, 300x400, {B447977F-258B-48E9-AF8F-919E9D3AC42B}Img400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remembered, it was this.

>> No.12334053

Are diaspora groups always cringy?

>> No.12334073
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i wasn't exactly forced...

>> No.12334116

These are the people criticising literature on this board.

>> No.12334136

Holy shit. I totally forgot about his book.

>> No.12334154

I hated Meu Pé de Laranja Lima with burning passion.

>> No.12334482


>> No.12334483

this desu

>> No.12334528
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We read this in grade 8 for some reason. And it was every goomba cliche packed into one pointless story.

>> No.12334614


>> No.12334619

I think you mean based.

>> No.12334629

It’s a pretty good book though.

>> No.12334662

no d00d
i think he said 'for no reason' in terms of how it advanced the story

>> No.12334669

It's a graphic novel about a Chink with identity issues. I'm sure it's fine if you're a young asiatic with identity issues, but there's no reason to replace Shakespeare with that sort of material

>> No.12334673

kys yourself

>> No.12334709

how delusional do you have to be to misread a quote this hard?

>> No.12334773
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We had to read this in year 8. Fucking year 8.
The Australian school system has failed

>> No.12334786
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Rape is not an excuse, it's a reason.

>> No.12334834

That dude's shirt though

>> No.12335097
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Lmao here's what reddit has to say about it

>> No.12335122
File: 611 KB, 800x900, anime qt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's 4chan's retort

>> No.12335139

how tf do people make these?

>> No.12335162

Can someone screenshot the second half of the gif? I can't get it to work. I liked the anime .png one tho.

>> No.12335184
File: 21 KB, 260x400, 9780241952443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related,
Irony is I live in an Islamic country and students who read it say that the Jews deserved it

>> No.12335186

>students who read it say that the Jews deserved it
How do they feel about Anne Frank being gay?

>> No.12335225

Fuck all you whiny cunts, i had to read A Candle for St Anthony with a room full of 9th grade orcs. I finished it in one day and left it on the bottom of my schoolbag to rot.

On the upside, my son read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and concluded that the moral of the story was: don't hang out with losers.

>> No.12335229

there's a thing you can do with .png files in photoshop so the thumb is one layer and it shows another. Use the Help function.

>> No.12335237

ty Imma try and make one now.

>> No.12335277

>be specifically placed in the Literature class
>we read First They Killed My Father while the regular English class does Macbeth

>> No.12335292

I was forced to read The Alchemist

>> No.12335372

Forced to read Great Expectations and I didn't like it

But we also got to read Macbeth and the merchant of Venice which were good

>> No.12335415
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Got to the part where he sees an orange for this first time and never read further. Also had to read My friend flicka, about a fag and his horse or something.

>> No.12335460

>and his mouth made the shape of an O because he was so innocent and didn't realise IT WAS THE FUCKING HOLOCAUST ARE YOU SAD YET?

>> No.12335475
File: 125 KB, 659x1000, serveimage(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks being an adult ad realizing how many great fucking books are out there, yet teachers and a shitty school system force you to read stupid ass shit that you never even hoped to begin to like and even after completing the book you proved yourself correct knowing it was going to suck and end up hating it even more.

Lord of the Flies
The Catalyst

All complete shit. The only good book I had to read was Alice in Wonderland, which was a breath of fresh air because it had the audacity to be up front and say, look, whatever this school could hope to give you is shit so have some nonsensical literary absurdism, which after all other other books I was happy to read. Pleas eI imagined Alice being hawt as fuck and I wanted to bang her and after I read it I played Alice Return to Madness 2 which was fucking great. Fuck school.

>> No.12335481
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>be miserably poor
>befriend local pedophile by hopping on the back of his car
>become even more miserably poor
>brother dies
>pedo dies
>they cut down my favourite tree
>also die

>> No.12335488
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>it was a gigant dog all along

>> No.12335550

This. It's like there's something fundamentally mistaken about literature in the school system. Not just that they rely on Barthe's death of the author theory too much instead of going for a modernist approach like Benjamin who is still left-leaning if you insist on that (it's more remarkable how modernism is almost completely cut from any non-advanced course altogether likes it's somehow more incomprehensible to students than Shakespeare) but that it's in a way more purely academic than how even college academia does it. Like, people write doctoral theses on topics they're interested in. And yet middle and high schools consistently pick the books that will generate the least interest in students and apply some absurd formula for dissecting them like it's a surgical operation, at least in my experience. I dunno, it may all just be that when you're forced to read something your perception of it changes. I noticed that even with something I MIGHT have enjoyed like A Tale of Two Cities since I was into Hugo and Dumas at that time it was turned into something so horrible of an experience that I was literally repelled form reading any more Dickens for years after the fact

>> No.12335551

I've never finished a book that I thought was shit, am I a pleb?

>> No.12335655
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I never had a teacher that said "Look, most of this shit is bad, but I'm going to make you read some fucking kick ass shit. Read this." They just made you read whatever. Their opinions on the book never meant anything and they never told you how it could potentially be vaulable. Most of the Lit teachers weren't philosophers, they were just annoying women that sucked at math and realized they could excel in "English." Good luck to them explaining why Metamorphosis is cool. Women suck at explaining shit to boys. All they cared about is making sure you knew what was generally happening in the story.

I never saw anything profound or insightful from any of the books I was forced to read. When we finished Lord of the Flies, the teacher was like yeah this is what happens when society breaks down, everyone becomes assholes, isn't that cool? No bitch. It's not cool and not only is that painfully fucking obvious, it's a lot worse than 1 mother fucking kid dying or anything this book could try and explain to me. You seriously think this was profound? Fuck off.

At least with reading Harry Potter (which I was never forced to read in class) I got the sense of all the other fucks at the time were reading and why they liked it. When I got into conversations as to why they liked X about the series I got to understand how fucking smart or stupid they were. While reading Outsiders everyone was there for the same reason. Wasn't it cool when he said "stay gold pony boy?" Pretty unforgettable line, right?" Not really. Yeah murdering someone has a lot of blood and tragic things happen. Dude the world keeps turning. I didn't get a sense of morality or evil (granted it was fucking forever ago). I didn't get any philosophical understanding to anything. I couldn't relate to the boys that had obvious gang/in-group preference because everyone around me came from different cultures. And I wasn't a violent hoodlum fuck so why the FUCK am I reading this.

>> No.12335844

I had to read Far From the Madding Crowd and the Go Between. There's something about twee Forever England shit that makes me want to fucking hurl. The Go Between in particular gave me a lifelong acid reflux for anything written in the English rural south.

>> No.12335894

Swedish here, this is a list of some books I read in high school
>The Trial
>Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
>Madame Bovary
>Of Mice and Men
>And Then There Were None
>Some book by Richard Dawkins, idk what it was called
>Animal Farm
Probably some more that I forgot.

>> No.12335914

You fled the richest state with the nicest weather to live in a flyover shithole?
I don't understand burgers

>> No.12335922

Ahahahahah I can tell you're still in 11th grade
Which board do these illiterate underage morons who show up just to shitpost about their misunderstood version of identity politics come from?

>> No.12336008

Iceland here
Thinking back the worst stuff I've read in school were probably nordic crime novels by our most popular authors. That was in collage (gymnasium.) When I c. 15 we read some good books like Englar alheimsins and watched the film. Good times.
During danish classes we read easy to understand but horribly cringy teenage love stories.

>> No.12336038
File: 24 KB, 220x340, 64FA8453-1833-4CC9-BDAD-6CB810EBA94B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can now appreciate the homoerotic nature of the cover art
At 12 I was worried for my rectal integrity when they handed me this

>> No.12336302

Interesting, all of it is foreign books. You didn't read any Swedish authors? In my school, elementary through HS we had to read mostly books by Polish authors, with only a bit of most classic foreign books, like "The Little Prince" in Middle School. "Master and Margarita" and "Crime and Punishment" in HS.

t. Polanon

>> No.12336385

California is the total shithole. The platonic form of shitholes of which other shitholes can only be but mere flawed imitations. Of course your country is probably worse, but that doesn't make California better.

>> No.12336421

I don't remember the name, but in middle school we had to read a book about refugees from El Salvador trying to escape into America that was straight up pro-illegal immigration propaganda. I don't care what your opinion on the issue is or if you're one of those fags who think literally everything is political in some way, it's still fucked up to force children to read a pamphlet for one side of a current hotbutton issue as assigned literature.

>> No.12336427

California is a beautiful state, it's very sad that it was turned into a shithole.

>> No.12336441

The cover actually bowdlerized it, in the book the black guy is behind the kid to shield him from the storm.

>> No.12336659

Elie, Elie
Yes, Rabbi?
Getting Shoa'd?
Yes, Rabbi!
Telling lies?
No, Rabbi!
Zyklon B isn't deadly at levels found on concentration camp walls
Ha, ha, ha!

>> No.12336831


>> No.12336933


>> No.12336956

Fucking Scarlet Letter. The Customs House may be some of the most benign bullshit I have ever read. Rest of the book was okay, but the ridiculous amount of time we spent on the customs house really soured the experience.

>> No.12336964

>Hoop Dreams
>Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian
>Hoop Dreams the movie
My entire high school english class was a desperate attempt to get the minority students engaged through books about their ethnic group.
But they didn't even show up most of the time so basically the school had a bunch of white and asian people read about black people for three years.

>> No.12336965

The Secret Life of Bees

>> No.12336976

>had opportunity to read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>not enough people want to read it
>read Johnny Got His Gun instead
I hated high school English
We got to read some Henrik Ibsen and Cyrano de Bergerac so it wasnt all bad I guess

>> No.12336979
File: 42 KB, 333x499, 51yTnfvQg5L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else have to read this shit?

>> No.12336985

is the lord of the flies bad?

>> No.12336986

I do not think that you have ever had to live in California.

>> No.12337048
File: 221 KB, 800x1171, Watsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a black teacher who made us read pic related and his other work. I still have it to this day. its been at least a decade or so years.

>> No.12337085
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This shit heap.
Asshat of a teacher in 9th grade milked it for all it's worth by having a system of one student standing in front of class reading one page outloud, followed by a "but what does it MEAN." Analysis(think along the lines of the author mentioning the curtains were blue when describing a room and the teacher kept asking you "but What. Does. It. MEAN?" And he has you flounder for a good long while pulling answers out of your ass then he tells you what it MEANS and that it's clearly the author not describing curtains but showing the character shutting out the outside world and hiding themselves away in a room behind a curtain of sadness and how keeping the world at arms length using emotions as a shield is a common coping mechanism. Then the character leaves the room to go outside and hang with friends and be happy for a bit), then the reader nominates a new one.
The average amount of pages per 2 hour class was 3. We didn't even finish the book in a class spanning the entire school year. Kids had to take remedial classes because of that.
I almost want to say it was how the book was read in 9th that made me think it was shit but I read it in 6th as basic reading for an assignment and it was still a fucking slog.

>> No.12337128

No and yes. It's not the utterly worst kind of reading and under the right circumstances it could be mildly enjoyable to most.
School reading however follows formulaic paths that the teachers are required to follow and make you follow as well so they can grade your dumb ass which turns it into an uninteresting piece of garbage they try to sell you as amazing which just makes the contrast worse.
For the time period in life where most read it it could be a solid 6/10 but being forced to do it in a class setting under sterile teacher guidance at a standard educational system pace drops it sharply to a 2/10.

>> No.12337151

>Tess of the derbervilles
>The scarlet letter
>A death in the family

These are classics? How?

I somehow managed to dodge:
>Catcher in the rye
>Brave new world

>> No.12337207
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This remains the worst book I've ever read courtesy of a Catholic education.

The same school forced us to read Chariots of the Gods as part of our religion class only a year later.. With a nun handing us all a book authored by Erich Von Daniken lmao. Something weird was going on with the people in charge.

>> No.12337212
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/pol/ has been very busy today on all the boards
guess they can't even stand each other stupidity anymore

>> No.12337229

>or the time period in life where most read it it could be a solid 6/10

Which period is that?

>> No.12337237
File: 16 KB, 200x250, Go_Dog_Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of it sucks, though the exchanges about the new hat is pretty intriguing

>> No.12337269

Hopefully middle school.

>> No.12337324
File: 515 KB, 2533x4127, No-abrir-hasta-el-año-3000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. Don't even make me explain this fucking piece of shit.
I hope no one else has to read this shit ever again.

Also we had to read national novels, but oh nonono I'm not talking about the good literature, I'm talking about people no one knows which decided to write children stories that were boring as fuck. Half of the books we had to read in elementary were story compilations, and the other half were just boring except for "Lágrimas de Ángeles" which wasn't really good but was pretty interesting to the 11yo me and had a wholesome ending.
Venezuela has good education in some areas but when it comes to art and literature it will always be the worst of the worst.

>> No.12337367
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If I can do this in a non 4chan way and not shitcall people for having different taste, I think Lord of the Flies is a total classic and if explaining to students that it has themes and metaphors then making them write essays ruins it then there are maybe no non-ruinable books.

It's got amazing descriptive language like the sequence with the dead parachutist being dragged through the air, lowkey commentry on cold war attitudes and classic British educational setups, perfect examples of the use of free indirect voice to draw the psychology of several characters without ever touching first person and the sequence with the title phrase is some phenomenal despair headtrip. Also anon upthread complaining about all this drama over
> one kid dying
has possibly been corrupted beyond repair.

>> No.12337443

See that shits fine and dandy but modern highschool English teaching never touches on that.
They try to make the book interesting as well as the assignments by drawing comparisons to school hierarchy. That's it. That's the kind of curriculum that gets shoved at them and that's why it ends up being so shit. The best comparisons it makes is to try and frame bullies and non-bullies and get you to put yourself in various shoes in that scope. Kids don't give a shit about a non-war that happened prior to their births so it got trimmed entirely. All the nuances and subtle pokes are just left for competent and read readers to find on their own and if you're a highschooler just now reading lord of the flies in the american educational system then you're most likely neither of those and have been permanently compromised by 9+ years of shit English and Literature classes.
The book itself while a classic doesn't actually rise up beyond just above average and being a classic doesn't magically slap points on something you're ranking via quality.

>> No.12337684

Night by a random holocaust suvior number 766
One of the worse book I've ever read.

>> No.12337732

Ethan Frome hands down
We did get to watch the movie though, which was hilariously bad

>> No.12337756

we were never forced to read anything in my country. were even discouraged, because that would interfere with our studies and whatnot

>> No.12337769

I was assigned an absolute shit show of a novel for a Native American history class. Harry Potter had more literary merit.

I let him know how bad it was in the end of semester evaluation, and begged him to include a book by N. Scott Momady instead, who is very good, and this fucker keeps assigning it to this day.

It was the single worst book I have ever read.

>> No.12337786

I read Things Fall Apart for pleasure and really enjoyed it. Fuck off.

>> No.12337842

The gap between all other races and Romanians?

>> No.12337866

Any idea on the name? Barring that bits of plot could lead to easy google results.

>> No.12337873

The fault in our stars

>> No.12338779

>Brave new world
That's actually a good book, and very insightful

>> No.12338899


>> No.12338907

Animal Farm

>> No.12339010

Timber Nigger

>> No.12339059


>> No.12339545

> typographic tripfagging

this. i like this.

>> No.12339588

Farenheit 451

>> No.12339819


>> No.12339835

how are you actually this fucking stupid

>> No.12339853

Mockingbird is such a cuck book

>> No.12339855

top lel

>> No.12339903

What book is that?

>> No.12339935

Fucking perks of being a wallflower

>> No.12340009

Australia Year 7-9
>They came on viking ships
>Boy in the striped pajamas
>Romeo and Juliet
Years 10-12 I did literature instead of english and had a better selection of books to read.
>of mice and men
>Flowers for Algernon
>Great Gatsby
>Heart of Darkness
>A doll’s house

>> No.12340265


>> No.12340500

Fuck (you)

>> No.12340532


Somebody might have those screencaps from the first day of /b/ and try to think which year it were when reddit began.

It's personal choice. Cope.

>> No.12340544

Fagin the Jew

>> No.12340559
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I don't remember a lot about this book, but I remember absolutely hating it. I think it was one of those ludicrous things that turns childish bullies into outright monsters. Perhaps there really are people like that somewhere, but it's always been unbelievable to me, and it makes me think the author is a huge crybaby turning their adolescence into some kind of terrible hell to be overcome.

>> No.12340594

I can't actually imagine disliking Holes. It's not high art, but it's a perfectly fun kids book

>> No.12340669

Holy shit. Tenth grade was a fuck. Torture porn

>> No.12340700

Ethan Frome. Shit put me to sleep 3 separate times.

>> No.12340749

Remember that part where they threw babies in the air and shot at them?

>> No.12341353

kill yourself

>> No.12341508
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>> No.12341555
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Lord of the flies
Outsiders + That Was Then This is Now
Lost on a Mountain in Maine
Thus Spake Zarathustra
Willy Wonka + Glass Elevator
Flowers for Algernon

To Kill a Mockingbird
Bell Jar
Color Purple
Bartlby, the Scrivner
Of Mice and Men
Amazed you had to read Candide, even if it is on the approved US list.

>> No.12341558

Muh hand. Muh silver. Muh revolution.

>> No.12341572

Everything I read from those fuckhuge Houghton Mifflin books from grades 1 to 5. Good fucking Lord. Everything in those were just racebaiting garbage with ugly art and irritating prose. Even as a kid I fucking despised reading in those because the stories were so fucking bland and boring even for a retarded kid.
Also Hatchet and Gary Paulsen in general. Pseudo Native American lit and actual Native American lit are the most pretentious pieces of trash that teach the most retard-tier themes. "HURR colonization is bad GUYS", "HURR love those FUCKING TREES MAN HURR", "My name is Shit Falls and I hate those settlers who hunt food in a much more efficient manner HURR."
Fuck Native Americans, fuck Houghton Mifflin and FUCK Gary fucking Paulsen.

>> No.12341626

I'm a fascist /Pol/tard and even I think you're an illiterate imbecile

>> No.12341919


Huh? I'm from Australia too -- how'd you take four extension history classes? I took modern history, ancient history and extension history, and that was the max

>> No.12341928

Unironically based and redpilled

>> No.12341952

>Capitães da Areia.
that's god tier, you utter pleb