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12318050 No.12318050 [Reply] [Original]

How to write romance without it reading like a YA novel?

>> No.12318061

Tease your reader instead of giving what they think they want

>> No.12318068

Make it a failed romance.

This. DO NOT write sex scenes. Describe what happens before and after.

>> No.12318080

>implying romantic happy endings do not exist outside YA

>> No.12318096

Have the main character kill themselves at the end. Unironically works every time.

>> No.12318157

Name one great book that had happy romance

>> No.12318164

Levin and Kitty in Anna Karenina

>> No.12318173

Levin was Tolstoy's self insert and would have turned out like Tolstoy himself did

>> No.12318182

Make your novel/story have a wacky and twisted non linear structure full of academic references and a hella lot of hella irony. Make all of this have some sort of connection with your perspective of love relationships you have. Just be a pseud tbqh.

>> No.12318229

that nigger looks like he's sniffing a braap

>> No.12319149

Fuckin' spoiler alert, man.

>> No.12319197


>> No.12319349


in iliad scroll XIV with zeus and hera we have this description...

With that the son of Cronus took his wife in his arms and beneath them the bright earth sent up fresh grass-shoots, dewy lotus, crocus and soft clustered hyacinth, to cushion them from the ground. There they lay, veiled by the cloud, lovely and golden, from which fell glistening drops of dew.

see how homer talks of sex,he does not get into detail with bodily sounds and fluids like he does with the reciprocity of mens violence

>> No.12319394

Twelfth Night

>> No.12319960

Anna throws herself onto train tracks.

>> No.12319973
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Just do what this guy does

>> No.12319975
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Make it about a nine month pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels being saved by Confederate soldiers.

>tfw unironically doing that right now

Any suggestions lads?

>DO NOT write sex scenes.

OR write them, and make them so graphic that the reader is too disgusted to finish the book

>> No.12319986

post excerpt

>> No.12320398

Jane Eyre

>> No.12321707


Next year

>> No.12321715

why would you not want those YA bucks? are you a fucking MOOK?

>> No.12321739

How about instead of glorifying infatuation and focusing on the juvenile will-they-or-won't-they, or else the perfect-coupling-faces-external-obstacles, you delve deeper into the core problems of human intimacy and explore a relationship after the honeymoon period?

Also if anyone can name a good book that does this, please recommend. I can name TV shows that do it well but I'm drawing a blank on actual lit right now.

>> No.12321740

Make it mundane unless they're with each other.

>> No.12321746

I'll tell you right now you can't write a romance novel without infatuation.

>> No.12321760

No shit. You can't have a romance without infatuation.

I'm talking about getting past the infatuation at some point and looking at something more interesting, though. Too much "romance" just stops there.

>> No.12321761

>Make it a failed romance.
This but in the epilogue make the woman rape the man with a strap on

>> No.12321789

I think it stops being interesting around the time the infatuation ends inherently. No one wants to read about them farting in front of each other for the first time they want them to do reckless shit out of borderline obsession. If you want a book on falling out of love instead I'm sure there are plenty of thise out there but I can assure you there's no middle ground here.

>> No.12321795

I'd read that just to be able talk about it to the girls at book club

>> No.12321947

fucking nigger

>> No.12321957

disguise it as something as. all my writing is satire and social commentary but really its just an excuse to write about romance.

>> No.12321983

>There's literally nothing of interest in the area between obsessive infatuation and falling out of love.

Am I understanding you?

Sorry, but have you ever been in a meaningful romantic relationship? I'm confused about how you came to that conclusion, except that you've come to believe relationships are really as stupid and pointless as they inevitably appear, given the cultural fixations I'm complaining about.

Maybe you personally only want to see these two extremes in fiction, but there is human interest in what it means for people to know each other, understand each other, appreciate each other, hurt each other, depend on each other, confront each other, build lives together, etc. etc. All of these things become more complex and thought-provoking over time, even and especially if the couple doesn't break up.

Like I said, even TV comedy manages to explore these things in an entertaining way. It's not that hard to conceive of.

>> No.12322606 [SPOILER] 
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Okay, it's next year. I'll start with the prologue.

>it began with a whisper
>the rolling fields of roses from the Earth withered and turned to dead twisted shrub
>the blue sky darkened as black clouds swirled in from ever direction
>the sound of singing birds was drowned out by the shrill howl of the cold wind whipping against her skin
>she grabbed his hand and held it tight
>they were children, comforting each other in the dark, reliant only on each other's light to lead the other into a world of insidious evil that threatened to swallow them whole
>her grip only grew tighter when she saw "it" approaching
>she knew what "it" was, she had seen it before
>she suddenly felt herself lose her grip, she let go of him as he vanished into the vast nothingness
>she was alone
>with each approaching step, the figure grew
>it grew, and grew, and grew
>until it was not only a giant, but the cruelest Fascist in the world
>she felt its cold lifeless hands touch her and she let out a scream, but she could not hear
>she let out another scream, but all she heard was the endless silence
>she had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, she couldn't even cry for help
>as the Fascist raised her into the air, as if to savor her before devouring, she heard a sound, the most terrifying sound she had ever heard
>never before could she have imagined a sound like this
>it was more terrifying than any sound the Fascist had made
>it was an animalistic shriek, the bark of a dog combined with the screech of a monkey
>she watched the Fascist's face turn white with horror
>she looked and saw a demon rise from the Earth, as if Hell itself had sent it
>it let out another terrible shriek
>she cupped her ears so she wouldn't have to hear the sound but it penetrated through, filling her with a terror greater than even the Fascist
>the apparition charged right at her
>she felt as she was thrown into the air as something impacted the Fascist, causing it to drop her
>she landed on the cold hard ground with a thud
>she looked up to the demon and the Fascist locked in deadly combat
>it was ghost-like, evading most of the Fascist's blows effortlessly
>the ones that did find their mark went through the ethereal being as if it were a cloud of smoke
>the apparition moved with such speed and agility that she could barely make out its form
>its mass was grey like the darkened sky
>it seemed half-beast, half-man
>it looked and moved with the grace and purpose of a man, but fought with the ferocity of that of an animal
>the duel between the Fascist and this phantom went on for hours
>finally the demon let out another terrible howl and raised its arm for the final blow
>the howl turned to words
>"Wake up Anne..."

Thoughts? Other greentext I have is the climax of the story (albeit it's closer to the midway point).

>> No.12322769
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>> No.12322788

start with the climax

>> No.12322997


>> No.12323158

What tv shows?

>> No.12323169

Madame Bovary, David Copperfield, Middlemarch, Anna Karenina, War and Peace, You're A Pleb, this list goes on

>> No.12324307



>> No.12325342

Omg... more

>> No.12326575


Do you want the next chapter or for me to skip ahead?

>> No.12326592

Napoleon loses

>> No.12326597

Swann's Way

>> No.12326644

I'm glad people like this, writing things like this, are out there.

>> No.12327906
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While I'm greentexting chapter 2, I might as well post my outline for the climax of the book. It takes place in the early morning hours of September 17th, 1944, somewhere in the Southern Netherlands.

>a pair of lone men, sharpshooters are watching what appears to be an abandoned church in the Dutch countryside through the telescopic sight of a rifle before dawn, the only sound being crickets and occasional rush of wind
>unknown to them, a nine month pregnant, nearly ready to pop Anne Frank and Peter van Pels are fast asleep inside after a night of steamy hot sex in the nearby tulip field
>C-47 transports begin to rumble overhead, right on time
>they spot several trucks speeding down the road and radio in to headquarters, reporting their presence
>the trucks abruptly veer off the road and stop in the front of the Church, several dozen Gestapo men dismount and begin stacking up the door
>just then, the sound of gunfire and screaming rings out from the direction the trucks came from
>Peter, a light sleeper is awakened by the sound of gunfire and rumbling engines, although previously accustomed to the sound of weapons fire from a life in hiding, he realizes that it’s out of place since Allied aircraft rarely attack targets in the countryside
>he shakes Anne, enjoying her first beauty sleep in days, awake, telling her they need to leave
>as Anne is struggling to keep her eyes open, the door is kicked open and several Gestapo immediately begin flooding into their improvised bedroom, barking commands in German
>acting on instinct, Peter attempts to punch the closest Gestapo officer and is rewarded with a rifle butt to the face, breaking his nose and spraying blood all over Anne

>> No.12327929
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>the German prepares to shoot Peter but is stopped by SD officer Karl Silberbauer, who had slipped into the room in the initial commotion
>when the Gestapo man begins to protest that a Jew dared to strike a German soldier, Silberbauer tells his subordinate that they’ve already killed enough people tonight and he simply doesn’t want to fill out anymore paperwork
>the German asks if he’s at least allowed to hit Peter, Silberbauer responds yes, and Peter is immediately struck in the face again
>Silberbauer then turns to the pair of lovers, still naked and disheveled that he’s been looking for them for some time
>he sniffs the air and his face contorts with mild disgust as he recognizes the scent, he looks down at Anne's stomach
>he audibly mutters under his breath "been making more of the Chosen People, have we?"
>Anne suspects that the rest of her family has been caught and immediately become hysterical, demanding to know what happened to them
>Silberbauer coldly ignores her tremulous cries and tells her she has two minutes to get dressed or else he’ll have his men drag her outside by her hair, naked
>Anne struggles alone to pull on her vastly too small dress, the Gestapo ransack her few belongings (finding nothing of value) and take turns kicking and punching Peter as he dresses himself
>after managing to get their clothes on, Anne and Peter are grabbed by the Gestapo and dragged outside, pushing and shoving her along without the slightest hint of concern for her heavily pregnant state
>upon seeing the Germans coming out of the Church with two prisoners, the sharpshooters immediately radio in an update to headquarters, requesting permission to take the shot, they are simply told by their commanding officer to “stand by”
>Anne looks out at the still-darkened sky but can see the outline of a smoke plume in the distance
>the sound of gunfire and scream confirms what she suspected, the pastor who had been hiding them had been caught

>> No.12327932

Segs xd

>> No.12327943
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>as she is dragged closer to the truck waiting to take her and Peter away, Anne feels the baby kick, playing happily, completely oblivious to the torrent of agony its mother feels
>she becomes filled with a sense of maternal desire to protect her baby from a terrible fate, and begins kicking and screaming for someone to help them to no avail
>before being restrained Anne manages to turn around and catch a glimpse of the rising sun and is immediately filled with a sense of despair, realizing that this is the last sunrise she’ll ever witness as a free person and she’ll have to birth her child in a prison camp in god-knows-where, or worse
>as tears begin to well up, she begins to softly tell the baby she’s sorry for having failed him
>she notices with the corner of her eye a series of strange glints coming from the treeline just past the tulip field
>some distance away, the two sharpshooters are quietly debating amongst each other whether or not they should disregard their orders and open fire on the Germans anyway
>impatient and realizing the prisoners are about to be loaded onto the trucks, one of them tersely calls out over the open airwave that they only have a few more seconds before they miss their window of opportunity
>they listen as their commanding officer replies and about to tell them to shut up and stay off the net when orders from higher up come in telling him that he’s approved to engage the targets to pass the order to fix bayonets
>the officer wastes no time in passing on the order, “you are approved to engage“
>"Radio check. Go to secure channel."
>"Lock and load!"
>meanwhile in the treeline near the tulip field, dozens of shadowy figures in unison begin attaching bayonets to their rifles, the sound of the collective clicks being drowned out by the kicking and screaming at the Church
>just as Anne finally reaches the truck, she manages to turn around again and holds onto the doors for dear life, looking Silberbauer directly in the eyes as he shouts for her to get inside

>> No.12327957
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>before he can push into the truck, Silberbauer’s head explodes, leaving Anne sopping from head to toe in blood, brain matter, bone, and part of his eyeball, the sound of the shot rings out a split second later
>Anne doesn't scream at first, the shock leaves her mute
>"Standby for second target, truck driver. East, five yards, you got him?"
>"I tally."
>immediately afterward, Anne hears he sound of breaking glass and the truck’s horn honking continuously as the driver slumps into the wheel, dead
>Peter manages to break free of his guards, grabs Anne’s arm, and yanks her down
>the world explodes around Anne, a deadly volley of gunfire rips through the tulip field, the front rank of Germans drop dead instantly
>just as the Gestapo finally recover enough to respond, firing wildly into the tulip field in a panic, a second volley tears through them, killing even more than the previous one
>Anne finds herself holding onto Silberbauer’s body, still involuntarily twitching despite half of his head missing, as Anne begins to scream in horror, Peter grabs her and pulls behind the wheel of the truck as bullets ping off the open door above them
>the third and final volley breaks the surviving Germans, they begin breaking off and retreating down the road, firing in all directions in a panic
>in the smoke and haze, Anne suddenly sees a line of men, in perfect formation, emerge from the tulip field they stop at the edge of the road, some of them fire individually at the fleeing Germans until they are yelled by someone behind them

>> No.12327965
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>a flag Anne can barely make out flutters defiantly in the wind above them
>Anne can hear voices shouting in what vaguely sounds like English emanating from the human mass in front of her. “Drive those demons back to the Devil!” “After ‘em boys!” “Chase ‘em like dogs!”
>suddenly the order is given. “Charge, Bayonets!”
>with machine-like unison, the men drop their rifles to hip length give out a loud hurrah
>the men bursts from the tulip field, stamping down the road with mad fury
>their bloodcurdling screaming, hollering, and animalistic barking terrifies Anne even more than the gunfire, sounding like the demons from her nightmares, as if Hell itself had sent them
>the first rank surges past Anne and Peter and after the Germans
>the second rank follows
>but the third instead begins sweeping the area around the Church, shooting, stabbing, and clubbing Germans they find to be still moving
>Anne watches as the German who beaten Peter so viciously earlier has his skull cracked open with wooden butt of a rifle
>one of them ‘rounds the corner of the truck and points a revolver at the lovers, but almost immediately lowers and instead begin shouting at them to stay down before moving one
>the smoke finally clears enough for Anne to catch a glimpse of the attackers, they’re wearing gray
>thinking them to be Germans, Anne immediately panics and begins screaming in her former native tongue for them to leave her alone but gets a hold of herself

>> No.12327968 [DELETED] 
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>whoever these men are, they’re are most certainly not German
>their coats are too long, they’re not speaking German, they’re not wearing jackboots or helmets, but strange hats, like the fedoras her that father is so fond of, but all-black with longer brims, taller, and with a brass or gold bugle on the front
>for the first time since she awoke, Anne feels a sense of relief
>a gust of wind clears away the remaining smoke and allows her to get a good look at their newfound protectors
>they wear long gray coats with red cuffs on the forearms and collar, three sets of buttons, and a half-dozen red bars running down the length of the buttons
>Anne immediately finds herself in the vagina at the sight of them, how beautifully they are, oh how she wished she could see her Peter wearing one

That's all I've written so far. Should I continue?

>> No.12327970
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>whoever these men are, they’re are most certainly not German
>their coats are too long, they’re not speaking German, they’re not wearing jackboots or helmets, but strange hats, like the fedoras her that father is so fond of, but all-black with longer brims, taller, and with a brass or gold bugle on the front
>for the first time since she awoke, Anne feels a sense of relief
>a gust of wind clears away the remaining smoke and allows her to get a good look at their newfound protectors
>they wear long gray coats with red cuffs on the forearms and collar, three sets of buttons, and a half-dozen red bars running down the length of the buttons
>Anne immediately finds herself wet in the vagina at the sight of them, how beautifully they are, oh how she wished she could see her Peter wearing one

That's all I've written so far. Should I continue?

>> No.12329866 [DELETED] 



>> No.12330763

try Buddhism

>> No.12331277


You like it or no?

>> No.12331351

Im saying there isn't anything to love after infatuation outside of naive fiction

>> No.12332581



>> No.12333387 [DELETED] 



>> No.12333660

avoid cliches found in YA novels

>> No.12333665

but i would have to read YA novels for that

>> No.12333702


>girl hits on guy
>guy is over the moon
>finds out she's a tranny
>pushes her away
>tranny kills self
>guy goes on a journey to find out what she was really like
>talks to her friends, finds her diary, goes to all her favorite spots, goes to all her favorite spots that she planned on going to
>reads the last bit in diary about how she wants to do all those things with him
>book ends with him standing on the same cliff where she threw herself off
>waves crashing, sun rising, birds passing, cool breeze coming in - the sun and wind caressing his skin like ghostly fingers
>does he finally appreciate and live a life as someone more accepting? does he kill himself out of regret? does he kill himself out of longing for her? Up to the reader.

That's a summary of my book that will never be published. So if it speaks to you, take it.

>> No.12334859



Suicide is a great literary device

>> No.12335157

Add some crazy philosophical teachings or elements that make you think about existential bullshit you never thought about before

>> No.12336150


How’s that supposed to work?

>> No.12337138


Would read desu

>> No.12338263


It's not describing a kiss though.

>> No.12338553

It is. The infatuation subsides to a state of content which is another form of love.

>> No.12339389 [DELETED] 



>> No.12339968

Make it realistic, and not predictable like every other book out there. Include the little things, the mess ups that happen in normal romance. Be vague, but not enough to make the reader wanting more.

>> No.12340078

You better know how good relationships work in reality, or else what you write will be terrible.

>> No.12340515



>> No.12340522
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Based and Dixiepilled

>> No.12341599 [DELETED] 



>> No.12341884 [DELETED] 



>> No.12343077 [DELETED] 



>> No.12346816 [DELETED] 



>> No.12348021

age gap