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12321051 No.12321051 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here read or studied Marx systematically, so that they can give a plausible explanation of Marx's core metaphysical commitments? What I mean is: What did Marx think that we could assert, metaphysically, about "human nature" and the nature of history? Does he think that we can speak about transhistorical categories, meta-historical aspects of society/anthropology? If so, what are they?

From what I've been reading lately, many orthodox Marxists think that Marx was doing just this. I've even read bits of Marx's PhD thesis, and an article or two claiming that he was studying ancient materialism as a way to rebut Hegel's idealism. But more recent Marxists, especially since the '90s, have been re-Hegelizing Marx and reading him as a radically immanent critic of historicity. For example, they hold that "value" itself (as described in Capital) is not a transhistorical category but a concept immanent to the historical stage of capitalism.

Can anyone help me out with this? It seems like such a simple question but it's surprisingly hard to find concrete answers. As an interesting aside, there is a similar ambiguity in Max Weber's work between immanent idealism and transhistorical/universal anthropology.

>> No.12321325

Read The German Ideology, Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, and Critique of Hegel's Doctrine of State & Right.

>> No.12321469

Thanks, I'm actually working through the "young Marx" right now semi-chronologically, trying to form my own opinion of course. But still finding it a bit confusing.

Do you have your own stance on it? Or do you think any one interpreter is on the right track?

>> No.12321507

You're never going to get it until you understand Marx from the perspective of him being a jew trying to disrupt the social order of Europe by unseating the European elite so jews could acquire power. Why do you think he is heralded today by the jews presently making up the new ruling class of the west? Because his plan worked. Approaching it abstractly from a European perspective will result in your failure to understand Marx and his ideas.

>> No.12321572

Please kill yourself.

>> No.12321589

I don't know enough to expand on this (barely gotten into Marx myself) but Essentialism in the thought of Karl Marx by Meikle might be helpful. I read his book on Aristotle and it was excellent.

>> No.12321641

What about Marx's antisemitism in The Jewish Question and constantly calling Lassalle a "Jewish nigger"?

>> No.12321673


I was about to suggest that you have a look at the PhD thesis but you've already had a look at that, so you're looking at the right stuff. You'll find your own answer eventually since you appear to be grappling with your problem to some effect. Also this >>12321507

>> No.12321679


>> No.12321724

The same as I think of Ron Unz today. Jews will call out and try to reform the behavior of other jews, whom they believe are jeopardizing the clan, in order to make it safer for jews to operate. Marx was trying to not stand out too much to the European bourgeois, to curry favor and blend in with them, so as to not appear to be blatantly proposing their end except in some abstract philosophical way.

>> No.12321735

Read the German ideology and theses on feurerbach

TLDR he’s a materialist do ethics and “human nature” both have a material basis.

>> No.12321798

Please don't shit the thread. I want to see OP's question handled properly.

>> No.12322434

Two this' for a viewpoint that is true but pretty out there, I'll take it.

Why don't you fuck off, guy. We'll talk about Marx in relation to his jewishness as we please.

>> No.12322810

There is no Jewish conspiracy. You've misplaced your uncertainty about the world onto an irrelevant group of people. Please, learn to let go of hate and embrace the ephemeral nature of life instead.

>> No.12322832

>There is no Jewish conspiracy.
No one said there was, though jews as a tribal, parasitic race do conspire, and openly.

>let go of hate
If you are white, jews hate you, understand? Any hatred directed toward them is a response to, or an acknowledgement of, that reality. "Hate" is also a natural emotion and not something we can just get rid of.

You need to think through these arguments before you repeat them or stick to weddit. It just doesn't fly here anymore. /lit/ is jew-aware and we do not tolerate philosemitism here in any form.

>> No.12322876

Theses on Feurbach is a humanistic text, however Marx abandoned that humanism and a metaphysical approach in Kapital. Engels in fact did not and was trying to formulate a philosophy of history based on natural philosophy similarly to Schelling.

If you want it a nutshell , Kapital is about how Capitalism is the sum of human and machine, and how that labor dialecticaly supersedes the older notions of labor time. If you read Postones work, a big feature he identifies in Kapital and the argument he reconstructs is the change in notions of time, central here is the idea of abstract labor to create commodities, which didn't exist before.


>> No.12323064

I think Lukacs is who you're looking for.

>> No.12323096

Lukacs, the realist jew who jews you just as much as adorno.

For those interested in getting versed on modernism Lukacs and adorno were a proto kosher sandwich team.

>> No.12323105
File: 85 KB, 343x400, happy_jew2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews me
What if I already am a jew?

>> No.12323111

Then you need to oven yourself or make aliya, friendstein.

>> No.12323115

I'd rather oven. Diaspora internationalism for life, (((Zionism))) destroys what makes us exceptional.

>> No.12323118

Let me translate this for non kikes: we are parasites so it makes no sense to parasite the of other jews in Israel when we can parasite off the goyim.

>> No.12323129


>> No.12323183

>jew jews jewing kosher sandjews
Yeah we get it, Jews produce superior philosophy than pathetic white men, now please fuck off and let us discuss the works of high IQ races.

>> No.12323274

Absolutely based. Marx was smelly kike rat. And daily reminder that every marxist need to be shot.

>> No.12323343

Nah, Zionism is based. Subjugation of the Palestinians is necessary to satisfy the Jewish's need for dominance.

>> No.12323379

Jesus fucking Christ
you people are as bad as the SJWs

>> No.12323597

Identitarians all smell the same

>> No.12323644

>Does he think that we can speak about transhistorical categories, meta-historical aspects of society/anthropology? If so, what are they?

No, even a casual reading of any of Marxs major works should make that obvious enough.

Read "Marxism as a Sociology" in here:

>> No.12324375

I think the emphasis on historicity in Marx is a bit undeserved. I’m not a marx scholar but took a course on him with Allan Megill (look up Burden if Reason for his book on Marx). Megill attributes an “embedded rationality” to Marxist theory which he thinks is the predominant force at work shaping it

>> No.12325700

Introduction to the Contribution to the Critique of Hegels Philosophy of Right + Theses on Feurbach + German Ideology to grasp evolution of his views on this imo.

>> No.12325727

>Jew says things I disagree with

See! Proof of the Jewish Postmodern Neo-Marxist conspiracy

>Jew says things I agree with

See! Proof of the Jewish Postmodern Neo-Marxist conspiracy

>> No.12325739

Jews conspire all the time what are you talking about.

>> No.12325772

I am pointing out that to the anti-semite brain, what a Jew says is apparently subversive before it even leaves his mouth. The content of the speech is unimportant so long it comes from a man of Jewish heritage.

>> No.12325812

well yeah that's how nature works my dude. groups are different and jews filter everything through a tribal filter so it's foolish to view them from a european individualist lens.

>> No.12326716


>> No.12326792

w e w

>> No.12327023

Guy Debord I think provides the best elucidation of Marxist metaphysics. Marx's materialism is not so complicated. He didn't really write on his theory of the dialectic but it's prevalent in Capital. We pass from a society of materialism into one of idealism where ideas take dominance over materiality, his theory of social necessity plays a major role here.Value metaphysically holds no weight, i.e. it's not material, it's immaterial, and being immaterial it is immeasurable. Metaphysically capital acts as it's own agent, imminent autonomous sentience, similar to a computer AI. Being radically immaterial it alienates all of society. Commodity fetishism is really the indicator here of Marx's theory. The separation of material persons from materiality, the alienation of imminent material reality from imminent material reality. As such reality becomes distorted, inverted, and chaotic. Ideas, values, and conceptual abstractions increasingly take precedence over material reality and as this alienation becomes more and more real reality becomes less and less real. Value as a metaphysical concept is the abstraction of labor, of wants, of desire, and becomes increasingly the sociohistorical decider of events.Things become more and more abstracted from themselves, more and more spectral, a commodity is no longer a product of real human labor but an abstract set of qualitative values that aren't concrete or universal but multiplicative, and dialecticaly in constant movement, always recoiling inwards towards it's own unreal essence. Commodity exchange is the central thesis of this entire idea of the metaphysics of values because it directly abstracts an object from it's own usefulness as a product of labor, and put's it into a state of constant self-contradiction.

Guy Debord and Gramsci are the perfect synthesis here of form and content. The spectacle is the mediation of images abstracted from their materiality. Commodity exchange is the mediation of exchange based on value. Value itself is nothing more in fact than this mediation, and beyond a constantly flowing mediation of commodities it holds no concreteness. In a capitalist society it seems as though the order of the spectacle and hegemonic domination is the universal power.

>> No.12327058

Money is really the ultimate example here. Currency itself holds no innate purpose. It is valueless, completely useless, and multiplicative. Exchange is not universal, and there is no universal price for anything nor will there ever be. Currency in fact holds it's own value that is separate from it's measurement as a price. The irony here is something immaterial, spectral, unreal, non-useful, like some fiction of the mind that is always in self-contradiction, is the ultimate decider of events, of commodities, and of material reality. The absurdity of money, as it is the ultimate abstraction of commodities and material reality from itself, the ultimate metaphysical paradox. Concreteness begins to fade and abstraction takes hold. The mediation of currency is where surplus value begins to be realized. Marx explains, quite eloquently in Capital that surplus value is when one good is exchanged for another, than another, and profit is generated purely based on the exchange with no actual material change in the content of the goods taking place. I buy a turkey for 100 dollars, and sell it for 110 dollars, that's ten dollars of surplus value. Materially nothing changed except exchange took place. Metaphysically the whole world is turned upside down. Increasingly this abstraction of labor becomes fully realized and we are thrown into the dystopia of class warfare that we see today.

>> No.12327088

Surplus metaphysically is immaterial. It's the result of exploitation. The negativity of Marx is seen here. It is almost as if some carves a hole in space-time creating surplus value. The black hole of value, an object which has reached such great mass it collapses in on itself creating a singular point of infinite gravity, where all things endlessly recoil onto themselves, where all materiality is lost, only found as an inscription of the edges of the surface of the rip in space-time. This is what Marx means by capital being a vampire, bloodsucking, The more a worker produces, the harder he works, the more he engenders his own oppression, the more powerful and multiplicative, the more universal and concrete abstracted labor and capital becomes. Like some demonic effigy of all that is produced it increasingly alienates the worker, becomes more powerful, it continually takes and returns nothing.

"All that is solid melts into air"

>> No.12327181

I can clearly tell this is satire, however I'd like the address this point. Marx was not an Anti-Semite. The closest thing I can find to Marx being an Anti-Semite is when he mentions something about "Circumcised jews"

"The capitalist knows that all commodities, however scurvy they may look, or however badly they may smell, are in faith and in truth money, inwardly circumcised Jews, and what is more, a wonderful means whereby out of money to make more money."

Marx comes from a family of Rabbis, and was Jewish himself, which doesn't excuse Anti-Semetism, as the common assertion "Hitler was Jewish" may come to mind, but very specifically here Marx was raised by Orthodox Jews, and grew up surrounded by Jewish Rabbis.

Marx is very blatantly being satirical here, Marxs writings are very witty, and he was somewhat of a jester himself. Obviously bringing something up here about circumcision or foreskin, the absurdity of something so specific, so mundane yet so obscene creates a sort of mental disconnect, catches the reader off guard, and produces this comedic effect.

Marx when speaking on Judaism takes the opinion that all people must be emancipated from religion (with the clergy here clearly being a member of the ruling class of it's time) in it's whole before true emancipation of Jewish people can occur. That Jewish emancipation is political, is not concrete, not that Jews should not be emancipated but this emancipation does not go far enough, that it is purely political, and until all of humanity is emancipated from religion, Jewish people can not see true emancipation. Quite a radical idea for his time. For instance, no matter how progressive ones reforms are in terms of race, gender, or sexuality, there will always be a lower class or an oppressed people, and oppressed people's will always be a member of it, and always this comes with some added form of discrimination no matter how emancipated a political or social organ is.


Here's the passage where Marx talks about circumcised Jews. These few chapters are actually quite interesting. Again the alienation of a commodity is fully realized in that it is always represented by some sort of currency, and as Marx calls it, "The Circuit" of commodity exchange, always transfers commodities into money, that at the end of the exchange, a commodity is returned to money. That a commodity is always simultaneously a commodity and money. That they are always in a mutual dialectical relationship. Again, the universal abstraction of all things into qualitative immeasurable values, leading to the auto-production of surplus value.

>> No.12327190

"As the conscious representative of this movement, the possessor of money becomes a capitalist. His person, or rather his pocket, is the point from which the money starts and to which it returns. The expansion of value, which is the objective basis or main-spring of the circulation M-C-M, becomes his subjective aim, and it is only in so far as the appropriation of ever more and more wealth in the abstract becomes the sole motive of his operations, that he functions as a capitalist, that is, as capital personified and endowed with consciousness and a will. Use-values must therefore never be looked upon as the real aim of the capitalist; [7] neither must the profit on any single transaction. The restless never-ending process of profit-making alone is what he aims at. [8] This boundless greed after riches, this passionate chase after exchange-value [9], is common to the capitalist and the miser; but while the miser is merely a capitalist gone mad, the capitalist is a rational miser. The never-ending augmentation of exchange-value, which the miser strives after, by seeking to save [10] his money from circulation, is attained by the more acute capitalist, by constantly throwing it afresh into circulation. [11]"

Here is Marx's metaphysics being realized through his work. Value is abstract, carries no materiality, besides the ideal form of exchange it occupies.

>> No.12327282

"The independent form, i.e., the money-form, which the value of commodities assumes in the case of simple circulation, serves only one purpose, namely, their exchange, and vanishes in the final result of the movement. On the other hand, in the circulation M-C-M, both the money and the commodity represent only different modes of existence of value itself, the money its general mode, and the commodity its particular, or, so to say, disguised mode. [12] It is constantly changing from one form to the other without thereby becoming lost, and thus assumes an automatically active character. If now we take in turn each of the two different forms which self-expanding value successively assumes in the course of its life, we then arrive at these two propositions: Capital is money: Capital is commodities. [13] In truth, however, value is here the active factor in a process, in which, while constantly assuming the form in turn of money and commodities, it at the same time changes in magnitude, differentiates itself by throwing off surplus-value from itself; the original value, in other words, expands spontaneously. For the movement, in the course of which it adds surplus-value, is its own movement, its expansion, therefore, is automatic expansion. Because it is value, it has acquired the occult quality of being able to add value to itself. It brings forth living offspring, or, at the least, lays golden eggs."

I love this passage of that chapter as well. Money spontaneously creates value through simple circulation. It manifests and creates value out of seemingly nothing. This is especially hilarious if you understand Marx's theory of supply and demand and the rate of profit to fall, where increased production and availability of commodities begins to lessen their value. As a result scarcity is maintained artificially to assure profits. Thus leading to monopolization. So the idea of money being created by more money while there is a vast excess of necessities being withheld from the public, is almost so cruel and senseless it wants to make one laugh.

>> No.12327302

>Marx was not an Anti-Semite.

A lot of scholars would disagree with you. On the Jewish Question is generally regarded as an anti-semitic tract, depicting the Jews as the epitome of capitalism. This is a common move. Weininger for example did similar things and was also a Jew.

>> No.12327326

>I love this passage of that chapter as well. Money spontaneously creates value through simple circulation. It manifests and creates value out of seemingly nothing. This is especially hilarious if you understand Marx's theory of supply and demand and the rate of profit to fall, where increased production and availability of commodities begins to lessen their value. As a result scarcity is maintained artificially to assure profits. Thus leading to monopolization. So the idea of money being created by more money while there is a vast excess of necessities being withheld from the public, is almost so cruel and senseless it wants to make one laugh.
Exactly. This is why you should be buying bitcoins, QQQ call options, and gold. Be a capitalist. The society is literally trying to transfer liquidity to YOU. You just have to join in.

>> No.12327327

Go read On the Jewish Question and you'll find out that's not true. There are many scholars who would disagree with you because you are factually incorrect.

"The Christian state can behave towards the Jew only in the way characteristic of the Christian state – that is, by granting privileges, by permitting the separation of the Jew from the other subjects, but making him feel the pressure of all the other separate spheres of society, and feel it all the more intensely because he is in religious opposition to the dominant religion. But the Jew, too, can behave towards the state only in a Jewish way – that is, by treating it as something alien to him, by counterposing his imaginary nationality to the real nationality, by counterposing his illusory law to the real law, by deeming himself justified in separating himself from mankind, by abstaining on principle from taking part in the historical movement, by putting his trust in a future which has nothing in common with the future of mankind in general, and by seeing himself as a member of the Jewish people, and the Jewish people as the chosen people."

He begins the work stating that Jewish people are oppressed. However, that challenging the state from the basis of Jewish identity is not going to ultimately liberate them. The ideological differences of Christianity and Judaism are not the concrete material struggle of oppressed Jewish people against the state, but a manifestation of ideas. The real contradiction is between the state and secularism, and the state and itself.

>> No.12327341

"The question is: What is the relation of complete political emancipation to religion? If we find that even in the country of complete political emancipation, religion not only exists, but displays a fresh and vigorous vitality, that is proof that the existence of religion is not in contradiction to the perfection of the state. Since, however, the existence of religion is the existence of defect, the source of this defect can only be sought in the nature of the state itself. We no longer regard religion as the cause, but only as the manifestation of secular narrowness. Therefore, we explain the religious limitations of the free citizen by their secular limitations. We do not assert that they must overcome their religious narrowness in order to get rid of their secular restrictions, we assert that they will overcome their religious narrowness once they get rid of their secular restrictions. We do not turn secular questions into theological ones. History has long enough been merged in superstition, we now merge superstition in history. The question of the relation of political emancipation to religion becomes for us the question of the relation of political emancipation to human emancipation. We criticize the religious weakness of the political state by criticizing the political state in its secular form, apart from its weaknesses as regards religion. The contradiction between the state and a particular religion, for instance Judaism, is given by us a human form as the contradiction between the state and particular secular elements; the contradiction between the state and religion in general as the contradiction between the state and its presuppositions in general."

There is no Anti-Semetism in this text, and in fact, he is clearly defending Jewish people here against Anti-Semetism by broadening the question, by opening up the why's and hows of religious oppression.

>> No.12327350

"But, the attitude of the state, and of the republic [free state] in particular, to religion is, after all, only the attitude to religion of the men who compose the state. It follows from this that man frees himself through the medium of the state, that he frees himself politically from a limitation when, in contradiction with himself, he raises himself above this limitation in an abstract, limited, and partial way. It follows further that, by freeing himself politically, man frees himself in a roundabout way, through an intermediary, although an essential intermediary. It follows, finally, that man, even if he proclaims himself an atheist through the medium of the state – that is, if he proclaims the state to be atheist – still remains in the grip of religion, precisely because he acknowledges himself only by a roundabout route, only through an intermediary. Religion is precisely the recognition of man in a roundabout way, through an intermediary. The state is the intermediary between man and man’s freedom. Just as Christ is the intermediary to whom man transfers the burden of all his divinity, all his religious constraint, so the state is the intermediary to whom man transfers all his non-divinity and all his human unconstraint."

Emancipation through the state is always incomplete. It is like attempting to grab smoke, it cannot be held.

>> No.12327388

Marx has this hilarious section on gold and gold coins.

"But the “ideal” existence of gold within the confines of its function comes into conflict with its real existence. In the course of circulation some gold coins have lost more of their metal content, others less, and one sovereign is now indeed worth more than another. Since they are however equally valid while they function as coin – the sovereign that weighs a quarter of an ounce is valued no more highly than the sovereign which only represents a quarter of an ounce – some unscrupulous owners perform surgical operations on sovereigns of standard weight to achieve the same result artificially which circulation has brought about spontaneously in the case of lighter coins. Sovereigns are clipped and debased and the surplus gold goes into the melting pot. When 4,672½ gold sovereigns placed on the scales weigh on the average only 800 ounces instead of 1,200, they will buy only 800 ounces of gold on the gold market: in other words, the market-price of gold has risen above the mint-price. All sovereigns, even those retaining the standard weight, would be worth less as coin than in the shape of bars...(continued)

>> No.12327396

Sovereigns of standard weight would be reconverted into bars, a form in which a greater quantity of gold has a greater value than a smaller quantity of gold. When the decline of the metal content has affected a sufficient number of sovereigns to cause a permanent rise of the market-price of gold over its mint-price, the coins will retain the same names of account but these will henceforth stand for a smaller quantity of gold. In other words, the standard of money will be changed, and henceforth gold will be minted in accordance with this new standard. Thus, in consequence of its idealisation as a medium of circulation, gold in its turn will have changed the legally established relation in which it functioned as the standard of price. A similar revolution would be repeated after a certain period of time; gold both as the standard of price and the medium of circulation in this way being subject to continuous changes, so that a change in the one aspect would cause a change in the other and vice versa. This accounts for the phenomenon mentioned earlier, namely that, as the history of all modern nations shows, the same monetary titles continued to stand for a steadily diminishing metal content. The contradiction between gold as coin and gold as the standard of price becomes also the contradiction between gold as coin and gold as the universal equivalent, which circulates not only within the boundaries of a given territory but also on the world market. As a measure of value gold has always retained its full weight, because it has served only nominally as gold. When serving as an equivalent in the separate transaction C—M, gold reverts from movement immediately to a state of rest; but when it serves as a coin its natural substance comes into constant conflict with its function. The transformation of gold sovereigns into nominal gold cannot be entirely prevented, but legislation attempts to preclude the establishment of nominal gold as coin by withdrawing it from circulation when the coins in question have lost a certain percentage of their substance. According to English law, for instance, a sovereign which has lost more than 0.747 grain of weight is no longer legal tender. Between 1844 and 1848, 48 million gold sovereigns were weighed by the Bank of England, which possesses scales for weighing gold invented by Mr. Cotton. This machine is not only able to detect a difference between the weights of two sovereigns amounting to one-hundredth of a grain, but like a rational being it flings the light-weight coin onto a board from which it drops into another machine that cuts it into pieces with oriental cruelty...(continued)

>> No.12327401

"Under these conditions, however, gold coins would not be able to circulate at all unless they were confined to a definite sphere of circulation where they wear out less quickly. In so far as a gold coin in circulation is worth a quarter of an ounce, whereas it weighs only a fifth of an ounce, it has indeed become a mere token or symbol for one-twentieth of an ounce of gold, and in this way the process of circulation converts all gold coins to some extent into mere tokens or symbols representing their substance. But a thing cannot be its own symbol. Painted grapes are no symbol of real grapes, but are imaginary grapes. Even less is it possible for a light-weight sovereign to be the symbol of a standard-weight sovereign, just as an emaciated horse cannot be the symbol of a fat horse. Since gold thus becomes a symbol of...(continued)

>> No.12327405

"itself but cannot serve as such a symbol it assumes a symbolic existence – quite separate from its own existence – in the shape of silver or copper counters in those spheres of circulation where it wears out most rapidly, namely where purchases and sales of minute amounts go on continuously. A certain proportion of the total number of gold coins, although not always the same coins, perpetually circulate in these spheres. This proportion of gold coins is replaced by silver or copper tokens. Various commodities can thus serve as coin alongside gold, although only one specific commodity can function as the measure of value and therefore also as money within a particular country. These subsidiary means of circulation, for instance silver or copper tokens, represent definite fractions of gold coins within the circulation. The amount of silver or copper these tokens themselves contain is, therefore, not determined by the value of silver or copper in relation to that of gold, but is arbitrarily established by law. They may be issued only in amounts not exceeding those in which the small fractions of gold coin they represent would constantly circulate, either as small change for gold coin of higher denominations or to realise correspondingly low prices of commodities. The silver tokens and copper tokens will belong to distinct spheres of retail trade. It is self-evident that their velocity of circulation stands in inverse ratio to the price they realise in each individual purchase and sale, or to the value of the fraction of the gold coin they represent. The relatively insignificant total amount of subsidiary coins in circulation indicates the velocity with which they perpetually circulate, if one bears in mind the huge volume of retail trade daily transacted in a country like England. A recently published parliamentary report shows, for instance, that in 1857 the English Mint coined gold to the amount of £4,859,000 and silver having a nominal value of £733,000 and a metal value of £363,000. In the ten-year"

>> No.12327414

"period ending December 31, 1867, the total amount of gold coined came to £5S,239,000 and that of silver to only £2,434,000. The nominal value of copper coins issued in 1857 was only £6,720, while the value of the copper contained in them was £3,492; of this total £3,136 was issued as pennies, £2,464 as halfpennies and £1,120 as farthings. The total nominal value of the copper coin struck during the last ten years came to £141,477, and their metal value to £73,503. Just as gold coin is prevented from perpetually functioning as coin by the statutory provision that on losing a certain quantity of metal it is demonetised, so conversely by laying down the price level which ...(continued)

>> No.12327419

"they can legally realize silver and copper counters are prevented from moving into the sphere of gold coin and from establishing themselves as money. Thus for example in England, copper is legal tender for sums up to 6d. and silver for sums up to 40s. The issue of silver and copper tokens in quantities exceeding the requirements of their spheres of circulation would not lead to a rise in commodity-prices but to the accumulation of these tokens in the hands of retail traders, who would in the end be forced to sell them as metal. In 1798, for instance, English copper coins to the amounts of £20, £30 and £50, spent by private people, had accumulated in the tills of shopkeepers and, since their attempts to put the coins again into circulation failed, they finally had to sell them as metal on the copper market."Under these conditions, however, gold coins would not be able to circulate at all unless they were confined to a definite sphere of circulation where they wear out less quickly. In so far as a gold coin in circulation is worth a quarter of an ounce, whereas it weighs only a fifth of an ounce, it has indeed become a mere token or symbol for one-twentieth of an ounce of gold, and in this way the process of circulation converts all gold coins to some extent into mere tokens or symbols representing their substance. But a thing cannot be its own symbol. Painted grapes are no symbol of real grapes, but are imaginary grapes. Even less is it possible for a light-weight sovereign to be the symbol of a standard-weight sovereign, just as an emaciated horse cannot be the symbol of a fat horse. Since gold thus becomes a symbol of itself but cannot serve as such a symbol it assumes a symbolic existence – quite separate from its own existence – in the shape of silver or copper counters in those spheres of circulation where it wears out most rapidly, namely where purchases and sales of minute amounts go on continuously. A certain proportion of the total number of gold coins, although not always the same coins, perpetually circulate in these spheres. This proportion of gold coins is replaced by silver or copper tokens. Various commodities can thus serve as coin alongside gold, although only one specific commodity can function as the measure of value and therefore also as money within a particular country. These subsidiary means of circulation, for instance silver or copper tokens, represent definite fractions of...(continued)"

>> No.12327426

Simply saying "that's not true" or "you are factually incorrect" is meaningless. Like I said, many scholars disagree with you. You are correct that plenty of scholars agree with you as well, but that can't be resolved by saying "well, the FACT is," as if you're directly channeling the immutable divine truth from God's mind to resolve the dispute. Naturally, I could simply say the same thing in return, and we'd be at the same impasse, and presumably need to invoke even higher, more inarguable "facts" to guarantee our respective positions, and so on ad infinitum.

The only inarguable fact is that the essay is contentious. Many, many scholars, arguably the bulk of the mainstream, view On the Jewish Question as a classic anti-semitic tract.

>> No.12327433

"gold coins within the circulation. The amount of silver or copper these tokens themselves contain is, therefore, not determined by the value of silver or copper in relation to that of gold, but is arbitrarily established by law. They may be issued only in amounts not exceeding those in which the small fractions of gold coin they represent would constantly circulate, either as small change for gold coin of higher denominations or to realise correspondingly low prices of commodities. The silver tokens and copper tokens will belong to distinct spheres of retail trade. It is self-evident that their velocity of circulation stands in inverse ratio to the price they realise in each individual purchase and sale, or to the value of the fraction of the gold coin they represent. The relatively insignificant total amount of subsidiary coins in circulation indicates the velocity with which they perpetually circulate, if one bears in mind the huge volume of retail trade daily transacted in a country like England. A recently published parliamentary report shows, for instance, that in 1857 the English Mint coined gold to the amount of £4,859,000 and silver having a nominal value of £733,000 and a metal value of £363,000. In the ten-year period ending December 31, 1867, the total amount of gold coined came to £5S,239,000 and that of silver to only £2,434,000. The nominal value of copper coins issued in 1857 was only £6,720, while the value of the copper contained in them was £3,492; of this total £3,136 was issued as pennies, £2,464 as halfpennies and £1,120 as farthings. The total nominal value of the copper coin struck during the last ten years came to £141,477, and their metal value to £73,503. Just as gold coin is prevented from perpetually functioning as coin by the statutory provision that on losing a certain quantity of metal it is demonetised, so conversely by laying down the price level which they can legally realize silver and copper counters are prevented from moving into the sphere of gold coin and from establishing themselves as money. Thus for example in England, copper is legal tender for sums up to 6d. and silver for sums up to 40s. The issue of silver and copper tokens in quantities exceeding the requirements of their spheres of circulation would not lead to a rise in commodity-prices but to the accumulation of these tokens in the hands of retail traders, who would in the end be forced to sell them as metal. In 1798, for instance, English copper coins to the amounts of £20, £30 and £50, spent by private people, had accumulated in the tills of shopkeepers and, since their attempts to put the coins again into circulation failed, they finally had to sell them as metal on the copper market."

>> No.12327446

Gold and gold coins both being extremely volatile. One has to continually mint coins or melt them down back to metal despite it being the same material the and the same weight. He expounds on this more in Capital, and even in this chapter. It has probably no relation to what you said besides a small aside. That everything, despite being the same substance, carries different legally qualitative values of exchange, and it's price is in constant fluctuation, and the value mystical.

>> No.12327464

No, actually, I can say you are objectively factually incorrect. See I exist in a world where there are things that are true, and things that are untrue, and these things are verifiable by observation and understanding. Nothing in what Marx says is Anti-Semitic. Literally. Read the book. Nothing he says is in any way Anti-Semitic. You haven't provided an argument except that some people "disagree". Why do you disagree? Exactly?

>> No.12327480

"Christianity is the sublime thought of Judaism, Judaism is the common practical application of Christianity, but this application could only become general after Christianity as a developed religion had completed theoretically the estrangement of man from himself and from nature.

Only then could Judaism achieve universal dominance and make alienated man and alienated nature into alienable, vendible objects subjected to the slavery of egoistic need and to trading.

Selling [verausserung] is the practical aspect of alienation [Entausserung]. Just as man, as long as he is in the grip of religion, is able to objectify his essential nature only by turning it into something alien, something fantastic, so under the domination of egoistic need he can be active practically, and produce objects in practice, only by putting his products, and his activity, under the domination of an alien being, and bestowing the significance of an alien entity – money – on them.

In its perfected practice, Christian egoism of heavenly bliss is necessarily transformed into the corporal egoism of the Jew, heavenly need is turned into world need, subjectivism into self-interest. We explain the tenacity of the Jew not by his religion, but, on the contrary, by the human basis of his religion – practical need, egoism.

Since in civil society the real nature of the Jew has been universally realized and secularized, civil society could not convince the Jew of the unreality of his religious nature, which is indeed only the ideal aspect of practical need. Consequently, not only in the Pentateuch and the Talmud, but in present-day society we find the nature of the modern Jew, and not as an abstract nature but as one that is in the highest degree empirical, not merely as a narrowness of the Jew, but as the Jewish narrowness of society.

Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.

The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism."

It seems as if what is under fire is Marx's comments on Usury.

"Judaism continues to exist not in spite of history, but owing to history.

The Jew is perpetually created by civil society from its own entrails."

He is not singling out Jews here. He clearly states that Jewish people are oppressed and this oppression is social, that Christianity is oppressive, but in a similar way, a ruling class of Jewish people is equally oppressive, even to it's own kind. The creation of a discrete society of bankers, and allowing Jewish people to be the only money lenders, established a bourgeois cult of money that was historically tied to Judaism.

>> No.12327483

I am getting the strong impression from your unhinged, solipsistic spamming of Marx quotes to nobody in particular that you're a fucking nutbar from Revleft or something, so I don't really want to get into an argument with you in case you're legit schizo and I'm doing more harm than good.

I'll just repeat myself here: You can't just say "See, objective truth exists, and I know what it is, bucko. But you don't!" The obvious response at that point would be the other person just saying "No, *I* know what it is, and YOU don't! Ha ha!" Which goes nowhere. It's not even a matter of whether you are actually right or wrong - it's that simply repeating "I'm right! I'm right!" is meaningless because people will still just disagree with you, and eventually ignore you.

>> No.12327488

fuck this board, /lit/ has always been shit but you never used to be able to derail an interesting thread with dumb 14 year old antisemtism, saged for the meta but thank you to the people posting interesting contributions

>> No.12327492

How could a Jewish person find emancipation from social oppression of the state purely through his relation to his Jewish identity when this identity is edified in the state itself, and there forms a caucus of Jewish bourgeois who, despite being Jews, replicate this form of statist oppression. Marx is speaking here on intersectionality. That the Jewish religion is historically an apparatus of class domination, just as the Christian and Muslim religions are in essence apparatus's of the state domination, and that to emancipate himself he must emancipate himself from religion.

The religious follower, as Marx says, oppresses himself, through his belief in the Church.

>> No.12327497

Nice, I'm the one who isn't providing an argument apparently, despite elaborating on a multitude of Marx quotes and what he means by them, yet you are the intelligent wisdom seeker saying "fuck this! you're wrong! haha you're as dumb as a 14 year old".

The irony is palpable.

>> No.12327502

Really? That scientific investigation into truth and discourse doesn't produce objective results? Really? That's your argument, is someone could argue with me? Why not try saying something worthwhile.

>> No.12327503

Ironically the person spamming the thread is the one claiming Marx isn't anti-Semitic. Probably an old school Marx cultist.

>> No.12327524

II can't reason with Solipsism. If you can't derive consensus based objective truths than you can't provide anything. Name calling is what you resort to when you're faced with the idea you might be wrong about something. Obviously if something as, Marx didn't hate Jews or despise Jews or deride Judaism, can be objectively verified through an analysis of his writings, someone saying "you're wrong!' doesn't mean anything. All knowledge is like that, all knowledge is always subject to critique, but if you don't provide a logical reason for your critique than it's useless. I showed you why I'm right, if you disagree with me at least say something palatable. The difference between you and I is that I'm actually saying something here and you are just arguing about the nature of objectivity as a whole.

You're entire premise is self contradiction, since nothing can be said with objectivity, even what you just said cannot be said with objectivity. How can you cheat yourself like that?

>> No.12327529


Marx was a semite whose ideas were beyond destructive, and he is only championed today by jews because jews worship destruction. Any "antisemitism" is well deserved, as it usually is. Jews are very bad people.

>> No.12327535

Spamming. Trying to start an intelligent discussion instead of just shamelessly posting racist images. I'm the only one actually contributing to the discussion is a meaningful way. Why deride me? I'm the only one provoking an intelligent discussion. You haven't even began to explain why I'm wrong. Go fuck yourself you fucking twat.

>> No.12327543

>consensus based objective truths
This is an oxymoron.

>objectively verified
According to whom? You? Or all the scholars I mentioned you disagree with you? Who you then handwave away by saying, "They're simply wrong though. So sayeth I."

Actual schizo. Take your meds. Thanks for ruining the thread.

>> No.12327549

Marx cannot be "antisemitic" because he was a fucking jew, you absolute moron. Antisemitism isn't a real thing to begin with but even accepting the jewish definition it is something entirely different when a jew talks critically about jews. They are doing it for different reasons.

>> No.12327552

I can't deal with the constant, Marxism is a Jewish conspiracy, and Marx was an Anti-Semite propaganda that people push. He clearly states that there is a social discrepancy in classes. That class warfare is real, that it is manufactured by the State, and that all religions have their teeth sunk into the state apparatus of violence and have for hundreds of years. That to attempt to liberate oneself through the mechanism of the state is flawed. To attempt to liberate yourself from what oppress's you wielding the belief system of the oppressors is fundamentally contradictory. He is writing at a time when Atheism is being persecuted and under fire by all major intellectuals and societies. He is living in exile because of his atheist and communist beliefs. He is made an enemy of the state because of his radical Atheism. Clearly he has something to say about religion as a whole, and you are trying to twist his words into some Anti-Semitic garbage.

>> No.12327565

Ladies and gentlemen, this is why western civilization is in the gutter. Because goyim defend Marx and take him at his word instead of realizing that he was only ever acting in the interests of his people. The bourgeoisie was not some abstract class of people, it was comprised of Europeans, not jews. There's no conspiracy here. It's plainly obvious what the intentions of Marx and Marxism was.

>> No.12327571

>Actual schizo

Something a Capitalist would say. When confronted with beliefs that so fundamentally shake the core of everything you know, the cognitive dissonance forces you to assert the other person is merely insane, so as to keep and nurture your fragile worldview and mind-state you hold so dearly.

You mentioned no scholars, you provided no argument. I've read people's critiques of Marx as Anti-Semitic and I just addressed why they were wrong. Why don't you provide an argument instead of saying, "everyone has their own beliefs so you're wrong". That's stupid. Someone could say the sky is red. The sky is obviously not red it is blue, and no matter how much you assert it's red that doesn't change the fact that the sky is fucking blue. How fucking stupid are you bro.

>> No.12327590
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>Something a Capitalist would say.

>when an actual schizo from ca. 2004 revleft visits /lit/

So the legends are true.. I thought you all just vanished when that site was taken over by trannies.

>> No.12327634

For instance, a Jew can only lend money to a Jew, a Jew cannot lend money outside of this. A Jew cannot lend money at all to a Christian. A Jew cannot charge interest. There have been Jewish states formed for thousands of years that are based on this exclusionary mode of lending and interests, the very same mode of lending that excludes Jews from banking in it's entirety. Again, the irony here is palpable. Marx is clearly saying there is unified organ of religious domination that is globalized and universal. There are Jewish states, with a national bourgeois of Jewish people, and a proletarian segment of Jewish people and the interests of the proletarians and the national bourgeois are always in conflict, despite the contradiction between the national bourgeois and the other bourgeois of different religions, such as Christianity, which became the dominant religion. Judaism is obviously the dominant religion in many states. Israel for example, oppresses Palestinians in a brutal way. This is not an exception to the rule. Where Jews are slaves and oppressed people, they are also members of the ruling class. There is a twofold nature to religion that bridges the gap between idealistic belief and material reality.

>> No.12327642

Ha Ha very funny. You ignored everything I said and called me a tranny. I would give you an award if that award wasn't already going to me.

>> No.12327658
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>> No.12327672

Only briefly ran through one essay of Marx years ago, don't even remember the name. I'm curious, just how tied to Hegel is Marx throughout his work? Can you have Marx, throughout his life, without Hegel's dialectic ? Do people squabble over this?

>> No.12327708

Atheists were marginalized in society. To be atheist was damaging to ones reputation, to be an atheist was something that was fringe. For his time everything he's saying makes sense. Religion is the ultimate weight that drags the oppressed person down in his struggle for the liberation of himself and his own kind. What he is fighting for being the ultimate demise of his struggle. There is something profoundly poetic in this, not Anti-Semitic at all, but philosophical and revolutionary.

>> No.12327714

Marx materializes Hegel's dialectic, so ideas don't take priority over matter, it's the other way around.

>> No.12327718

Not really. He was just trying to remove one jewish religion and install the next one.

>> No.12327738


Atheists were also persecuted in Nazi Germany, alongside Jews. There is no motive for Marx being Anti-Semitic, there is no logical consistency to the idea. He is a communist, he is a revolutionary, he is overthrowing the church and state, he is on the run his entire life, what would he have against Jewish people? One of the most socially oppressed religions historically suffering under violent pogroms, slavery and war? Isn't the entire bulk of his critique of society against slavery?

>> No.12327746


>> No.12327759

>What would he have against Jewish people?
"They are greedy merchants and bankers"

There's a reason why anti-semitism was called "socialism for fools".

>> No.12327778

What do you mean 'what'? Are you stupid?

>> No.12327782

Yeah but what happens to Marx when you take away the dialectic? Does his work no longer function?

>> No.12327786
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An interesting blog/essay for anyone looking for a cliff's notes version of the debate over Marx's antisemitism

In fact, so commonly held is the view that Marx was an anti-Semite that in 1964, Shlomo Avineri, a leading commentator on Marx, stated (“Marx and Jewish Emancipation,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 1964) “That Karl Marx was an inveterate antisemite is today considered a commonplace which is hardly ever questioned.”

When considering Marx and his views towards Jews, one must go further than his infamous essay, his correspondence also needs to be considered. Marx used the Bambergers to borrow money but showed contempt for them. In a derogatory fashion he referred to the father and son as “Jew Bamberger” or “little Jew Bamberger.” Similarly, Spielmann, whose name appears frequently in correspondence between Marx and Engels was referred to as “Jew Spielmann.” When on holiday in Ramsgate in 1879, Marx reported to Engels that the resort contained “many Jews and fleas.” In an earlier letter to Engels, Marx referred to Ferdinand Lassalle as a “Jewish nigger.” Professor Fine has not discussed this but I do not see such comments as “witty” or “ironic,” they are simply racist.

>A Marxist website has provided a list of articles written by Karl Marx between 1852 and 1861 for the New York Daily Tribune. It does not surprise me that “The Russian Loan” does not appear on this list. When apologists for Marx’s antisemitism run out of explanations, they simply ignore his words.

>> No.12327860

>Marx was an anti-Semite
Again dude, Marx was a fucking kike wtf are you talking about lol.

>> No.12327891

There are plenty of people who hate or dont care about their ancestry. There is even the stereotype of the self-hating jew

You /pol/cucks are really bad at this

>> No.12327924

This unironically

>> No.12327935

To make such a claim about jews shows extreme ignorance about jews.

>> No.12327938

He doesn't call anybody a Jewish nigger. Are you making that up? The text where he supposedly says that contains no use of the phrase I just linked it. "Little Jew" or "Circumcised Jews" or "Jews and fleas" sound like satirical remarks, like you are grasping for straws here. Picking out comedic asides in the overall work of his text to label him anti-semitic.

Do you deny that there have been Jewish bourgeois? Mighty Jewish empires? Consisting of ruthless and fearless leaders? That they could not give loans out to anyone who wasn't a Jew. That Jewish banking through history consolidated or monopolized it's capital under a Jewish bourgeois? That Marx doesn't explain that all religions throughout history have held this position of power? That Jews aren't unique in this power?

"But it is only because the Jews are so strong that it is timely and expedient to expose and stigmatize their organization."

Marx states the struggle of the proletarian Jew is undermined by the historical rule of Jewish bourgeois. That where Jewish people make up the bourgeois, a critique of Jewish bourgeois is appropriate because they are the exploiters and controllers of their particular society? Are Jewish people to be exempt from criticism because they are Jews? Should we allow Jews to be tyrannic simply because they are Jews? Doesn't he address all of this when speaking on oppressed Jewish people against the historical Jewish state?

Also, 1964 is a hundred years after Marxs death...

>> No.12327954

"that the moneychangers of our age enlisted on the side of tyranny happen again chiefly to be Jews, is perhaps no more than historical coincidence" He says it himself, right there, that a Jewish bourgeois is merely a Jewish bourgeois. You are trying to hard to smear Marx.

>> No.12327977

This is the same kind of logic that labels critics of Israel as anti-semitic. They are the ruling class of the nation, they commit horrible atrocities in the name of Judaism, and they tie in these horrifying atrocities with their Jewish heritage and beliefs, with their allegiance to Yahweh. Their historical "right" to Palestine, and what is overwhelmingly racist colonization practices of apartheid and genocide. Israel is a nation of Jews, it's a Zionist ethnostate, and the Jewish religion is their primary ideological force which they draw from when justifying their atrocities. This trend of Judaism is distinctly unique to the struggle of oppressed Jewish people historically, as Marx highlights.

>> No.12327987

The most surprising conclusion to all this. The monopolization of capital under the American banking cartel, gives more military support and funding to the Zionist apartheid ethnostate of Israel in it's genocide against Palestinians. What a coincidence this is! The largest most powerful banks in the world are the largest allies of the most violent oppressive Jewish state!

>> No.12328001

the most* next to Afghanistan, another country we are in a violent imperialist war with. The endless bloodshed of Palestinian men women and children. The wall that separates the slums and ghettos of Palestine from Israel. Billions and billions of dollars from the largest banks in the world. And you're saying Marx is an Anti-Semite? The infantilizing of Palestinian people as crazy insane terrorists. The policies of Israel are one of genocide and imperial invasion. All of which is supported with powerful religious zeal. The irony of all this.

>> No.12328004
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>Marx when speaking on Judaism takes the opinion that all people must be emancipated from religion (with the clergy here clearly being a member of the ruling class of it's time) in it's whole before true emancipation of Jewish people can occur. That Jewish emancipation is political, is not concrete, not that Jews should not be emancipated but this emancipation does not go far enough, that it is purely political, and until all of humanity is emancipated from religion, Jewish people can not see true emancipation. Quite a radical idea for his time. For instance, no matter how progressive ones reforms are in terms of race, gender, or sexuality, there will always be a lower class or an oppressed people, and oppressed people's will always be a member of it, and always this comes with some added form of discrimination no matter how emancipated a political or social organ is.

Verrrry interesting - I am now very interested in my next step from hegel

>> No.12328008

Perhaps when all of society is liberated from religion such petty squabbles over holy lands and religious beliefs, of ethnicity and ones ideas, will come to an end, and all people will join hand in hand together in unity together, as one people.

>> No.12328041
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lmao cope

>He doesn't call anybody a Jewish nigger.

Google it, retard. It's one of the most famous quotes from his letters to Engels.

Obviously, any criticism of Jews is not some magical power-word called antisemitism that automatically invalidates everything else you are saying. But if pic related is not antisemitic, then a lot of fascists aren't antisemitic either, just 'critical of Jews'.

>> No.12328044

Here's what I'm going to say to you if you are interested in Hegelianism and it's relation to Marx. Read Zizek, he is one of the best students of Hegel around today. Less Than Nothing is an entire Marxist dissertation on Hegel. Marx himself spoke very lightly of Hegel. I remember once Marx had said something along the lines that he hasn't ever seen a philosophy which he agrees with but despises and disagrees with so much. Hegel is very poetic, his writings are very moving, his phenomenology is very spiritual. Take up reading Hegel yourself if you wish, take it as slow or as fast as you wish. The dialectic is profound, and while Marx didn't write on the dialectic himself, the dialectical method is everywhere throughout his work, all of his writings are submerged in the logic of the dialectic and the more one understands the dialectic the more one understands Marx. Does one need to read Hegel to understand the dialectic? No. Should one read read Hegel to understand Marx's thought more? Yes. Hegel is one of the most influential philosophers of all time, and inspired Marx to think beyond what anyone has thought before.

Zizek is a great introduction. I wish to read Hegel myself here soon.

>> No.12328059
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>You're just wrong


>> No.12328095

Whatever. Honestly am over it. I can't even take him saying something like that seriously. In fact, I would go so far as to say as his euro-centrism is pretty blatant. Now that I remember, he had a tendency to refer to other cultures, such as India's as "primitive" or "underdeveloped".

This doesn't invalidate his work in any way, or Communism as a whole, Marx being a product of his time. But it is shameful that he espoused these views as a revolutionary at a time when the struggle against racism was so imperative. The bulk of his work has little to no racist connotations in it, or mentions of this. What it seems to be is mainly in private he expressed these views, and I don't see it as being fundamental or integral to his work, however I will concede that he must of in fact said the word "nigger". I think given the context of the overwhelmingly humanitarian nature of his philosophy that it would be a rush to call him an anti-semite or a racist, as saying these things does not fundamentally make someone a fascist, however this taken in context with his deriding of non-European cultures leads one to the assumption that in private he may have expressed derogatory beliefs, or at the very least derogatory language. I think Marx is still central to the struggle of oppressed people everywhere, African-Americans and all, and actually still it seem when taken in the context of his belief of Jewish people as being oppressed, seems almost out of place.

Marx of course is not the end all be all of Communism or communist theory. He is simply one thinker in one historical epoch. The reason we judge Marx so harshly here as oppossed to other European thinkers of his time is precisely because how progressive his philosophy is here, and how progressive his theories were in contrast to his contemporaries. Racism was standard for thinkers for many decades, and Marx managed to break the mold in many ways, let us take from him what we can and leave what is left to his historical epoch in the dust.

>> No.12328101

What is this image from?

You might want to fact check before believing

>> No.12328112
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marx is, like, the minotaur at the center of a labyrinth of inanity; his most earnest readers, theseus with a severed thread
who is pursuing whom?

>> No.12328126

I stand by what I said about Israel, and again it just seems odd to me that he would use this language. However contextually he is not like a fascist, who openly espouses these views as central to his beliefs. He seems to at least make some kind of attempt to conceal said language. Hegel himself was an open racist, and he is not under as much scrutiny as Marx simply because Marx is a revolutionary thinker in social change. Because Marx holds this position as one of the greatest thinkers in terms of social historical oppression, the dynamics of class oppression, and social and historical change, we hold him under much greater scrutiny than any of the other thinkers of his time. But no man is perfect, and he is only a product of his time. If it weren't for his derogatory deriding of other cultures and what seems to be flagrant racism and Antisemitism his work would be nearly flawless.

Capital is one of the greatest books I've ever read, with a depth that is not seen in any other economic texts, and his theories of political economy, of alienation, and of class warfare are sound. As well as his theories of revolution and revolutionary communism. Unlike the theory of Fascists. I will concede, however, that is racist and anti-semitic beyond belief and I am somewhat taken a back by this, but really I shouldn't have expected anything less of a 19th century German philosopher and student of Hegel.

>> No.12328135

I looked it up and misread the origin of the quote and just figured it was some made up shit. In the context of that it seems like everything he said about Jewish people is horribly offensive. It looked to me as if he had something philosophically profound to say but nope just white guy racism. The rest of his work is great though. And Israel really is bought out by American interests.

>> No.12328143

Puts a sour taste in my mouth quite honestly. Is Anarchism more theoretically consistent and progressive than Communism? Possibly. Was on the fence about this for awhile.

>> No.12328148

Seems as if no thinker from the 19th century wasn't dragged into the fires of hell by their racist Anti-Semitic beliefs.

>> No.12328158

Perhaps saying Israel is the head of a globalist banker cartel is a bit disingenuous. It is very real how much material support they receive from our nation however.

>> No.12328193

I've actually had this discussion before and it seems like my headfirst defense of Marx in this retrospect seems a bit embarrassing as Jewish people, far from being the puppeteers of class oppression, are more often than not the victim of this, but given the information at hand and Marxs silver tongue, as well as the rampant anticommunist propaganda, I can see how I might defend Marx.


Marx wrote very similar racist tracts against India in an essay which carry the very same tone and argument against Indians in the same way he writes against Jewish people, and we can see the racist infestation of European culture devolving his work all throughout his essay on India. A cautionary tale in debating Capitalism. This had been something I was made aware of but promptly forgot probably in my endless frustrations arguing with Capitalists over the validity of communist political economy.

>> No.12328214

All that being said, would anyone like to return to the discussion of metaphysics?

>> No.12328452
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>> No.12328474
