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File: 69 KB, 950x450, moses-burning-bush-39464-wallpaper.jpg?itok=bRRFd-GV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12326762 No.12326762 [Reply] [Original]

>God: Moses go do these things for me
>Moses: b-but I am a poor speaker! and they wont believe me! and im scared! and what if i cant do it? pick someone else Lord
wtf was Moses' problem

>> No.12326767

he didn't have /r9k/ to help build his confidence

>> No.12326773


>> No.12326800

Let's see how well you can talk to God, OP. But in seriousness, this makes me think there was a historical Moses of some sort, and that he had a speech impediment.

>> No.12326828

I can only imagine how narcissistic someone would have to be to imagine themselves worthy of speaking for God. Moses' reaction seems entirely normal.

>> No.12326853
File: 28 KB, 220x249, 220px-Worshiping_the_golden_calf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Aaron, take charge for a minute while I got up the mountain. Don't forget, Yahweh is watching.
>Don't worry Moses, I got this covered.
>*five minutes pass*

What the fuck was his problem?

>> No.12326872


>> No.12326877

>why do all human organizations become corrupt
humans are shit, anon. they need constant supervision. that is the lesson.

>> No.12326899

You know it's pretty amazing when you think about how we came from people who would literally bow down to a golden cow and call it a god, and people who thought that burning bushes spoke to them (probably just a poetic rendering of burning "herbs" "speaking" to them, i.e. natural fat blunts opening their consciousness) to a whole world where it is just natural to look at this kind of stuff and going "wtf are you doing, are you serious?".

I mean think about the fact that we as people used to be animals worshiping animals, sacrificing animals to these other animals we made into gods, and going from that to being the sort of animals that now make the kind technologies that can measure the fucking stars from billions of miles away. We've come so far I think people take it for granted that just a few thousand years ago (very very small amount of time in the grand evolution of the cosmos) we all would have thought that a golden statue of a cow was some magical deity.

We went from burning our virgin daughters on altars to statues due to nonsensical doctrines to creating laws and societies that allow our daughters to be successful CEOs of multi-billion dollar corporations. I mean, we've still got a long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of how far we've already come.

>> No.12326925

9/10 bait

>> No.12327164

Fucking yikes

>> No.12327200


>> No.12327204

Guess how I know you’re in middle school

>> No.12327228

I would unironically rather live in a world of gods and sacrifices.

>> No.12327316

*sigh* this place is nothing but traditionalists larping perennialism purely for the sake of being contrarian

>> No.12327339

>implying we don’t still offer our children to Moloch at Planned Parenthood
>implying we don’t still listen to “all is well” soothsayers and false prophets like Pinker
>implying we don’t still mutilate our bodies in bizarre rituals akin to mark our in-group status

>> No.12327345

whoops, drop the “akin”

>> No.12327777

>I mean
>I mean

>> No.12327796

its a lot of pressure

>> No.12328234

dumb maga boomer

>> No.12328238

Modernism is a plague on humanity.

>> No.12328284

no, clinging to disproven and regressive, morally reprehensible ideologies is.

But then again, given the mechanistic nature of reality, I guess you can't help but be the myopic troglodyte that you are. It's just a shame that the Big Bang decided to arrange the particles so that billions of years later you and your ilk would arise

>> No.12328312
File: 248 KB, 770x657, pretty-girl-with-giant-boobs-9426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't bait me buddy ol' pal.

>> No.12328352

>Muh degenerate modern world
>Posts porn gifs

Typical hypocrital amerimongrel larper autist

>> No.12328356

this desu

OP, are you saying that if you were approached by some supernatural phenomenon and asked to do a bunch of shit, you'd be ready to do it without question, without even considering you may be having a nervous breakdown of sorts? I'd probably do the same thing, man--try and bargain with my hallucination to go away and find someone else to champion.

>> No.12328359

We could already see stars from thousands of light years away though. What are you on about?

>> No.12328365

This bait started of decent but you lost your touch half way through. Reddit scientists are autistic but not literal robots.

>> No.12328368

let my people go

>> No.12328377
File: 84 KB, 857x632, 818754881sd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit scientists are autistic but not literal robots.
I wouldn't be too sure of that, anon

>> No.12329137

It wasn't really a burning bush?

>> No.12329167

people this dumb should be killed on sight

>> No.12329170

>wtf was Moses' problem
He was a poor speaker. And they wouldn’t believe him. And he was scared. And what if he couldn’t do it?

>> No.12329176

Of course there was a historical Moses. The Old Testament is a work of non-fiction.

>> No.12329189

Get off my Christian board

>> No.12329190

We are his children ,it's not narcissistic to ring your mum up m8

>> No.12329195


>> No.12329241


>> No.12329251

not good

>> No.12330052


>> No.12330069

Fucking ARTFUL bait my lad

>> No.12330631
File: 139 KB, 1000x1000, 1546049338025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put me in the screencap

>> No.12330667

Since atheists only recognize value-free, mechanistic, cause-and-effect explanations, they can only define the supernatural and the religious as somehow opposed to that. Of course God doesn't make any sense when mechanistic science is the limit of your ability to reason about life, but I have never encountered a serious theologian or philosopher of religion who would argue for God on those terms.
The obsession with morality of harm and utilitarian/consequentialist ethics falls out of that same worldview. For them it's rational and objective to turn moral questions into the mathematics of harm avoidance or hedonism. But they don't ever grasp how their supposedly "objective" moral reasoning is lifted almost verbatim from Christian thinking and supposes Christian values. Even the opposition between morality and causality originates in the writings of people like Locke, Leibniz, and Kant, and so does the fixation on establishing universal moral principles and values.
I'm not familiar with virtue-ethical arguments about theodicy, but it makes sense that an ethics of virtue would be less troubled by the problem of evil. Virtue ethicists focus on the particulars of the individual and the situation rather than universal principles or goods, and they aren't so hung up on the distinction between facts and values, so I can see how they would have a lot more space to allow things like evil existing along with God. Fedoras would have to concern themselves with character and personal moral development to be good naturalistic virtue ethicists, and good luck getting them away from their waifu-pillows.

>> No.12331532

Nigga I ain't reading all that shit

>> No.12331578


>I have no argument to offer so I will just continue my Christ-LARP

>> No.12332582



>> No.12333233

Godly bait, well played.

>> No.12334145
File: 55 KB, 639x522, 6zR1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12334165

God is literally real. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12334201

>I think a pink polka-dotted dodo is eating hotdogs on Jupiter. Prove me wrong. :)

>> No.12334204

He consumed too much onions based products

>> No.12334213

i hope this is bait

>> No.12334227
File: 68 KB, 750x521, 6D43BFF8-8361-4B63-9EAC-B22467669471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12334242

I liked the part where Moses basically tells G-d that he's done with this shit, and G-d has to beg him to continue. Moses was fucking Chad.

>> No.12334328

>that time Moses killed an Egyptian for being mean to the jew slaves

>> No.12334354

>t.Illuminati Shill copy-pasta

>> No.12334386

There are infinite types of arbitrary beings like yours that can be conjured up. God is necessary, transcending everything, the greatest being. Brainlet Russell couldn’t see this.

>> No.12335733

You have the burden of proof.

>> No.12335768

>humans are shit
I wonder in who's image we were made

>> No.12335775

Wow so clever anon, I bet you get your boomer dad with that one at dinner all the time!

>> No.12336125

he had a speech inpediment

>> No.12336588

BTFO will G-d ever recover

>> No.12336640


>> No.12336710
File: 33 KB, 236x421, 0ea6214e6fa22def8fa5c8f4712b13ec7e6c482abdf3ebfa832ed24cdf21bc7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
