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12323452 No.12323452 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most racist book you've ever read?
Do you think such books should be away from public view?

>> No.12323453

My diary

>> No.12323474
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>> No.12323475

>What's the most racist book you've ever read?
The Talmud.
>Do you think such books should be away from public view?
Not at all. The world should know.

>> No.12323499

Your opinion goes against the majority of the boards world view. I request that you'd make an effort to hold a more moral and enlightened opinion.

>> No.12323501
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Not a book, but pic related is a good example. Racist children books are some of the most disturbing examples of racist books because of how naive and inconsequential they are, being incredibly discomforting at the same time. I think that the modern versions of this even erase the (fake) way of speaking french the african people are supposed to have (which is a complete colonial fabrication, like the french colonists actually invented a silly way to speak french to make the africans learn it like it, called "français tirailleur" or "petit nègre", it's pretty mad). So you don't even have the full experience. I think that in my teens I've read some old 50's children book because I was bored, that had a few incredibly naive and popping from nowhere antisemitic lines, but I forgot the title.

>> No.12323509

They should be required reading. Censorship doesn't solve anything.
I lol'd

>> No.12323512

That one "book" an anonymous wrote which consisted of nearly nothing but the word nigger.
I have to admit I didn't quite finish it.

>> No.12323523

Wait he managed to publish it? The absolute madman, got a link to it?

>> No.12323580
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>> No.12324562

>What's the most racist book you've ever read?
I've read several "racist" books, but none of them were really racist. Instead it's merely the conflation that because those works deal with race as a factor in sociology and economics in a way that isn't to the liking of the majority that it becomes defined as racism.

>Do you think such books should be away from public view?
No, because it's simply the presiding paradigm of thought that deems those books to be racist and not of use. For example, no one can deny the economic prosperity of the 3rd Reich, which was mainly to do with economic principles developed by Feder in his Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery. Just because Feder discriminated against the Jews doesn't lessen the value of which his manifesto beholds, in fact I would postulate that today we can look at the Nordic model and see many similarities to early concepts of economics in the national socialist party. Moreover, are we going to also do away with other great philosophers like Hegel and Heidegger because of their views on race? I sincerely hope not.

>> No.12324576

Modest Proposal. Nah, only people dumb enough to take it the wrong way are probably also dumb enough to try to fight the Irish.

>> No.12324938

>racism exists
>racism is wrong

>> No.12325158

Stanley's autobiographical books of his African exploration is on another level of racism. That's the worst shit I've ever read.

>> No.12325175
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>the economic prosperity of the 3rd Reich
>3rd Reich
>Economic prosperity

>> No.12325199

Grow up. How do they actually depict him in the book?

>> No.12325240
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Well i read mien kampf and the CoC book that keeps getting spammed to understand what the fuck those retards on /pol/ keep screaming about.
mien Kampf is important in a historical context so it should stay but CoC is hot garbage that couldn't even pass peer review yet the dickhead still published it.

>> No.12325241

Huckleberry Finn

>> No.12325256

nah he only had some word doc of it, no publisher with their sanity intact would even touch that thing.

>> No.12325307

You didn't read the Culture of Critique, don't lie.

>> No.12325322
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>> No.12325328

I did. it's basically some guy pointing out times when a jew was wrong and then at the end say "COINCIDENCE?! I THINK NOT" meanwhile he leaves out the accomplishments and true discoveries of the person he puts on the chopping block. it's really annoying too seeing as how he just keeps trying to uncover some secret or something. he was talking about the communist party in Europe being primarily jewish and said that was bad, and then when they tried to get some none jews to make it less jewish he said that was manipulative. how can you win in that situation?

>> No.12325340

You clearly haven't read it. Your description is bizarre and way off. Why are you lying?

>> No.12325344

>Debt-fueled rearnament causes rise of GDP
Who would have through? Shame that German people didn't profit from it much, since their diet was so poor in comparison to the Weimar years.


>> No.12325380

what are you talking about? he literally only gives examples of when some jew said something that was either wrong or had some influence on popular opinion. he critiqued Freud without even mentioning his work on consciousness and only mentions his psychosexual development. then he mentions a team of scientists who debunked racial science in the early 1900s which just had some jews on the team and had the goal of debunking racial science.

>> No.12325385

You haven't read the Talmud

>> No.12325392

Your analysis is a blatant giveaway that you haven't read it.

>> No.12325402
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anon these are literally the examples he uses in his book. i'm starting to think that you haven't read it and are just trolling.

>> No.12325403

The US Constitution

>> No.12325406

That nigger anon's book would probably hold the title.

>> No.12325416

>t. read an outraged amazon review about coc

>> No.12325450

Your framing is way off and you're obviously lying. You read the jew Nathan Cofna's debunked critique, perhaps, but you have not read the Culture of Critique, it's plain to see.

>> No.12325551

Not him, but it seems you are the one who haven't read it. You can't engage with anon's arguments, so you are trying to weasel your way out.

>> No.12325556
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>> No.12325564

>die nigger die
my diary and epitaph desu

>> No.12325573

He isn't making arguments, he's distorting the entire premise because he hasn't read it. I know this because I have, more than once.

>> No.12325588

He made arguments. If you indeed read it multiple times and you support it's narrative it should be for you to engage with him, instead of whining.

>> No.12325594

*it should be easy for you to engage with him

>> No.12325599
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>> No.12325639

The guy was lying. End of story.

>> No.12325660

The Federalist Papers

>> No.12325708

So you acknowledge you don't have any arguments, good.

>> No.12325778
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Sure that's what the response to that book is from the NPCs of today, but I think the original controversy was focused not on the Herge's insensitivity, but rather on his insensitivity as a Belgian.
Once conditions in the Belgian Congo were made public, it sparked what was probably the first global protest against injustice, very similar to the international response to Vietnam 40 years later. Imagine a regime so murderous that it had the power to ignite global outrage in the 1890s, when as a rule nobody gave a damn about uncivilized blacks. Belgians have more cause to feel guilty about what they did in Africa than any other country, and this was firmly established at the time that book was published. Even if you don't care about racism you can't deny the book is a poor choice of subject matter for a cartoon.

>> No.12325785
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how's that for sensitive?

>> No.12325941
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>when as a rule nobody gave a damn about uncivilized blacks.
Where did the abolitionist movement came from, then?
There were far more people writing about the need protect Africans from slavers and to bring them into civilization, then people who dismissed negroes altogether as savages.
Go and look at contemporary writing for yourself.

>Belgians have more cause to feel guilty about what they did in Africa than any other country, and this was firmly established at the time that book was published.
Why would someone feel guilty about something they didn't personally did, contribute to, or maintained?
Do you feel guilty when a parliament member makes an offence, because your taxes fund him?

>> No.12325956

>the need protect Africans from slavers and to bring them into civilization
That's unironically pretty racist.

>> No.12325967
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>Comet hits ocean a few hundred miles from california
>tidal wave hits
>survivors try to make their way inland in a harsh and broken land
>african american gangs, having no one to steal from, become cannibals enmasse, and are converted by a televangelist into a death cult.
>they battle the pure white ranchers of northwestern california

>> No.12325989

/pol/ approved.

>> No.12325998

Initially, people who supported the freeing of slaves still believed them to be unready for full citizenship.

>> No.12326028

>nigger tries to rape princess, literally break into castle
>privileged white princess:O M G N I G G E R!
>He coerces Dolittle to turn him white so he could fuck princess
>Dolittle is a vet not a human doctor
>Dolittle 'tricked' him
>But! he is nigger so he'll never learn
>I was 4
Why adults let me read this?

>> No.12326039
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Pic related

>> No.12326135

I haven’t read anything that’s really “racist” and I’ve been trying to find out if anything on the far right really is.

Culture of Critique, Mein Kampf, Jewish Supremacism, the Bell Curve, etc. etc. It’s all radical leftists declaring that anything they don’t like, or that attacks their worldview, is full of hostility and hate, and more middle-ground people going along with them without questioning for themselves.

If there was an actual book somewhere that said “this race is evil and inhuman and we need to kill them all right now and here’s how”, I wouldn’t want to take it off the shelves because something that stupid is easily rejected by a reasonable person.

There are people seem to think there’s something insidious about rightwingers/nationalists/fascists/etc. when they realise we don’t talk like that, because they’ve convinced themselves that we do and we’re just doing it in secret.

There’s more hostility in leftwing political books, which villify people a lot more willingly, and are penned by people who so often unambigously advocate actual violence against individuals, “punch a Nazi” etc. Jokes about helicopter rides aside, I haven’t heard anyone in fascist circles sincerely advocate personal and political violence like that.

If racism means actual blind prejudice and aggressive hostility based on that prejudice, then racism is an incredibly rare thing (at least in the western world/among white people) that everyone disavows because they sincerely think it’s stupid and destructive.

So “anti-racists” are trying to ban stuff that doesn’t advocate for any kind of racial subjugation, mistreatment or antagonism, and often argues against it, because that’s all there is.

No. They’re fucking childish and they don’t get to ban books so they can exaggerate their contents and be believed, like this dick here mischaracterising Culture of Critique based presumably off of someone else’s bad review of it. I’m sorry, but grow up. Either refute your opponent’s arguments, or deal with them being out there.

>> No.12326262
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>having no one to steal from

>> No.12326292

Why is to always a question of “should the public see such things”? I don’t belive any campaign of censorship has ever worked in human history, atleast not completely. Furthermore it’s the internet age. If you belive in such things I don’t think I should bother taking you seriously.

>> No.12326387

You can't just decide from the outset that a certain idea is "evil" and should be forbidden. I mean you're probably just going to run into psychological reactance anyway but stop trying to play god fagboi

>> No.12326406
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>I haven’t heard anyone in fascist circles sincerely advocate personal and political violence like that.
You must be new here.

>> No.12326523

Identity politics isn't as big of a deal as 4chan always makes it out to be. There are more important issues

>> No.12326581

Why are you so afraid of hate?

>> No.12327218

Robinson Crusoe

>> No.12327283

Can ye not just go do a real quick copypasta of the premise then? It'll take ye a minute, go on.

>> No.12327332

>Implying Sigmund"the oedipal yid"Freud made any true or interesting discoveries

>> No.12327372
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It is crazy how obvious it is you haven't read CoC.

>> No.12327404

Having this retarded of an understanding on history and progress.

>> No.12328601

lmao what is it this guys first day on 4chan or something

>> No.12328657

It seems that you're the one who did not read it.

>> No.12328723

If we don't let our enemies have weapons, why would we let them have ideas??

>> No.12328734

Its actually true outside of 4chan shitposting.

>> No.12328772

>Shame that German people didn't profit from it much
They would've if they actually won the war

Germany didn't heavily militarize their economy for 6 years and privatized their economy greatly during that time. At the same time they ensured totalarian control in case of war , the German economy worked fine under Schacht and if they were successful in invading the East they wouldve made massive amounts of profits from all the oil they've taken and people they've killed in the process. It was converted into a war economy over a long period of time my dude.


>> No.12329078

The communist manifesto.

>> No.12329092

>They would've if they actually won the war
So the economy would have been fine if they had won a war it would never be possible for them to win?
Nazi economics was a shit show, only kept on the road by totalitarian control, otherwise they would have been laughed out of office. The only thing more laughable is nazi military strategy

>> No.12329525

Anything from Lovecraft

>> No.12329533

It's actually true only in your head.

>> No.12329550

>They would've if they actually won the war
By that logic robbing a bank is a good way to earn money, since there's a 0.1% chance you might instantly become a millionaire.

>Germany didn't heavily militarize their economy for 6 years
Their economy was about militarization from the day Hitler took control.

>the German economy worked fine under Schacht
Only because it run of reserves stored by their predecessors. Just check out how fast did Nazis burned their gold reserves and how fast did their debts grew.

Is a good author, whose works you should read in order not to appear like a retard.

>> No.12329567

>What's the most racist book you've ever read?
The Turner Diaries
>Do you think such books should be away from public view?
No, I think everybody should read it, it really shows how stupid white supremacists and that they would gladly commit genocides if they weren't so incompetent.

>> No.12329574


>> No.12329618

>The goyim should know.

>> No.12329677

>it really shows how stupid white supremacists are
Obviously lots of them are stupid but the guy who wrote that book had a phd in physics and was also a professor of physics just fyi.

>> No.12329688
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Never have I read a work so driven by racial hatred rooted in resentment. Such books should be required reading to make clear who the racial enemies of the European people are. However I do support book burnings for the catharsis they provide to the plebs.

>> No.12329733

You have obviously never heard a Congolese speak French.

>> No.12329744

Stop falling for retarded propaganda, when Leopold took control of the Congo, the country was under the control of the Arabs, who bought huge amounts of slaves there. Slaves in Africa were not randomly captured or born slaves, they were all prisoners of war. The demand for slaves strongly encouraged interethnic wars.
So when Leopold took control of the country, it was a huge battle field, so he created a national army (in which ethnicities were no longer important) and waged war against those who did not want to stop slavery. The myth of the cut hands comes from the fact that the soldiers had to collect the hands of their victims, the prove that they used their bullets efficiently, because at first the Congolese soldiers, who were not well trained, were just firing at random.
Leopold organised and hosted in Brussels the "Brussels Conference Act of 1890", with many other countries, to implement measure to end slavery in Africa and in the Ottoman Empire.
In 1904 and 1905, an independent commission was created (the "Commission d'enquête sur les exactions commises dans l'État indépendant du Congo") to investigate if the Congolese were wrongly treated. It found that no Congolese had his hands cut (« Jamais le Blanc n’a infligé ou fait infliger, à titre de châtiment, pour manquement dans les prestations ou pour toute autre cause, pareilles mutilations à des indigènes vivants »).
Furthermore, rubber was only harvested in a very small part of the Congo, and only during a few years. And only 175 Europeans were in charge of it.
There is no way to measure the population that the Congo had at the time, but if it is consistant with the countries around it, there probably weren't 10 million people living in Congo at the time.
However, there was a drastic reduction of population in Congo between 1890 and 1910 (but no precise numbers), which was probably due to diseases (Congo has always had lots of very deadly diseases).
Some atrocities did however happen, several villages were wiped out because their production of rubber was insufficient (a few thousand people were killed, not 10 million). But the culprits were tried. The conditions in which the Congolese had to work were very bad, but not far worse than the conditions in Europe.

For further information, I suggest the reading of
> Jean Stengers, “Congo : mythes et réalités”
But it was probably never translated, as it isn't sensationalism and such books don't sell as well since there not full of lies.

>> No.12329770

remember a bit in The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds covering whiteness studies. it was shocking; i had to check it wasn't made up

>> No.12329932

you are also incredibly naive and gullible as a child

>> No.12329962

Based /his/ autist

>> No.12330040

What's really terrifying is that every HR administrator is indoctrinated into the anti-European cult.

>> No.12330044

btw instead of reading CoC you should have read 'you gentiles' by maurice samuel and 'the jewish revolutionary spirit' by e michael jones

>> No.12330245

Okay, yes, the Nazis could've won the war if they didn't waste so many resources on developing tanks and instead invested their resources in anti tank weapons as the scarcity of oil made it. Anyone who says the nazis never couldv'e won the war is a moron who has no idea how complex war is. I'm guessing you uniornically watch a YouTuber like TiK or Lindybeige

>since there's a 0.1% chance you might instantly become a millionaire.
Nazis had a better chance of winning than that you butthurt moron
>Nazi economy was about militarization from the beginning
Completrly false. It was absout economic independence from international capitalism as per de juden but was actually run by Hjalmar Schacht extremely competently and edned up avoiding issues with the Great Depression because of his organizational skills.
>Looks up Von Misses autism
Topkek, no.
>Tooze is a good author
Too bad Nolte is better

>> No.12330289

The Turner diaries, maybe.
And I think rascism isn't evil

>> No.12330290
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>There are people who think that the Axis could never have won the war under any scenario but they're such devotees to their particular ideology that they're willing to believe anything

Topkek. You realize you're diminishing your own accomplishments by trying to diminish the threat the Axis posed
>Pfft whatever there is no possible way they couldv'e won the war anyways pretty lame honestly
Is that why you types start shaking the moment you hear anything mildly not ideologically critical of national socialism? I mean it was never really a threat right why even get so mad

>> No.12330363

Not the same as racism, but when feminism really took off in my country in the late 20s and early 30s, there was debate among feminists on whether or not women were ready to vote.
This seems like a natural process of the concession of rights to oppressed groups.

>> No.12330405

I remember chuckling at one scene in Tarzan that was pretty racist but also made sense within the context of the story.
Here, Tarzan's adoptive mother was killed by an African tribe with poison darts, and from them on Tarzan made every other (black) human he met an enemy until he came across English explorers.
There was this exchange between Tarzan and an Frenchman when they spot a pair of black slaves going through their business, if I don't recall incorrectly. Tarzan gets ready to throw a spear at one of them and the Frenchman, bewildered, stops him. Tarzan surprised at having had his kill denied, only affirms somewhat confused "He's black". The Frenchman then needs to explain to him that killing blacks just for existing isn't okay.

The book also mentions that, despite the African tribes being cannibals, the only reason why Tarzan doesn't eat the people he kills as he does with the rest of beasts he's hunted so far is because he's white and thus, it is unnatural for him to do so. Again, chuckle worthy.

>> No.12330419

Huh, that was a pretty interesting read; I'm all too willing to correct my mistaken assertions when given a good argument. Now I have one more reason to try and learn French; thanks, anon.

>> No.12330435

Niggers btfo

>> No.12330447

>Léopold II Potentat congolais
by Pierre-Luc Plasman is also intersting, but untranslated too.
Both books that I have cited are quite recent and were written by two Belgian university researchers specialised in the Congo. One might say that they are biased since they are Belgian, but the "genocide" of the Congolese is recognised by the vast majority of Belgians, so they are against the current, and they are quite unknown in Belgium (and worldwide).

>> No.12330474

Thanks for the second recommendation; I'll be sure to take them into consideration once my French improves.

>> No.12330522

>Nazis had a better chance of winning than that you butthurt moron
Nazis had precisely 0% chance of winning, because there´s only one history and in they lost in it. There are no "if-histories".
>Completrly false.
Completely true, take a look at numbers regarding their military spending.
>Hjalmar Schacht extremely competently
Indeed, but he's no miracle maker. Plus he was a liberal that got replaced by Goering.
>Looks up Von Misses autism
I'm talking about exhausting reserves of gold and liquidity and the following reliance on debt and looting, which is what happened.
>Too bad Nolte is better
Ernst Noltke? I'm afraid he's no economist, thus the comparison bears no sense.

>> No.12330523

Just remember Anon, that the eternal Anglo is the king of propaganda.

>> No.12330542

Charlottesville was just sh*tposting, was it?

>> No.12330547

I know that well; they're the most prominent reason why the world still thinks that my country is a backwards shithole that can barely qualify as a European nation.
English might produce prose and poetry, but its finest art is propaganda.

>> No.12330553

>Nazis had precisely 0% chance of winning, because there´s only one history and in they lost in it. There are no "if-histories".
That's pretty dumb, anon. 9/11 wouldn't have happened if the Bush administration had taken the CIA warnings seriously, for example.

>> No.12330588

(Note: I don't know anything about the Congo other than hearing about the hand chopping thing briefly in school.)

So if what you say is the case then how did the common understanding come to be? Propaganda from rival powers looking to make Belgians looks bad? War time propaganda? Sensationalist reporting?

>> No.12330599

>Nazis had precisely 0% chance of winning, because there´s only one history and in they lost in it. There are no "if-histories".
I don't have enough brainlet memes to post here hahahaha holy shit. Maximum asshurt
>Look at numberd regarding their military spending
You mean their military spending which gradually increases and dominates their society the closer they get to 1939 where every single historian agrees they transferred to a war economy you absolute moron?
>Schacht was a liberal
National conservative akin to Ernst Junger who was also imprisoned for right wing resistance to Hitler
>I'm talking about their exhaustion of their gold reserves
Which is Von Mises autism that once again completely misses the context of their economic needs
>Inb4 yeah militarization
No, economic independence from speculatory international finance into the German economy
>I'm afraid Nolte isn't an economist
Once again, I don't have a brainlet image that quite captures the level of your idiocy

>> No.12330608

B-but anon the scenario already occured and nothing could have ever prevented or changed the outcome of the events if you manipulated a few variables here it's just impossible to imagine that.

>> No.12330619

That book about European races by HFK Gunther.

>> No.12330625

>That's pretty dumb, anon. 9/11 wouldn't have happened if the Bush administration had taken the CIA warnings seriously, for example.
But they didn't, because there were certain reasons why they didn't. Future is predetermined by past events.

But that's entirely missing the point I was making. My point was that violent looting was no longer a viable economic doctrine. Robber doesn't become a wise man, just because he said "If managed to run with the money it would be totally awesome!" when he was sitting on the electric chair.

>> No.12330632

Camp Of Saints, which was a lot of fun. I think it's very healthy to be confronted with philosophies you don't agree with in an eloquent manner that makes you understand if not appreciate them.

>> No.12330678

>National conservative
Nah, a free-market loving, pacifistic liberal and a freemason.
>You mean their military spending which gradually increases and dominates their society the closer they get to 1939
Yes, that's why they run so deep into the debt and that's why did German people have less prosperity that they did in the previous decade.
>No, economic independence from speculatory international finance into the German economy
...by the means of chimpout?
>Once again I have no arguments
Fair enough.

>> No.12330682

>the world still thinks that my country is a backwards shithole
Which country ?

>> No.12330689


>> No.12330712
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I don't read but I must mention Schindler's List. It shows everyone but the Jews as reptilians controlled by Satan whose only redemption is bending over backwards for the Jews. Precisely what antisemites claim that Jews secretly think. One poisoned well away from a Seinfeldian gag or an interdimensional emanation of Goebbels.

>> No.12330735
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I can post more if you don't believe me

>> No.12330819

It was Anglo propaganda, only the UK and the US at the time were making claims that Congolese were being killed.
It all began when George Washington Williams and William Henry Sheppard, two African-American ministers, traveled to the Congo. They idealised their ancestral Africa, but they saw a few horrible things happening, not realising that it was normal for Africa, and had to whine about it. Then two communists (a Belgian and an Irishman) made straight up lies. Then the Anglo propaganda machine started pumping fake stories.
The false reports were then relayed by Conan Doyle and Mark Twain because it made them look fucking cool (even though they had nothing to do with Congo).
The story was then a bit forgotten, until another Anglo (also Jewish if you're into these kind of things) published a book, using a sources these false claims (even using Conrad's Heart of Darkness even though Conrad traveled to the Congo before the harvest of rubber had even begun so he couldn't be a witness), full of sensationalism, called "King Leopold's Ghost". It was well publicised and became a best seller, because shitting on colonialism had become trendy.

So in short, yes propaganda and sensationalism, but no war time propaganda since the Anglo were "allies" to Belgium.

>> No.12330826

The English love to drink and be loud in Spain though.

>> No.12330828

just because someone is in a field that is "smart" doesn't mean their opinions on other fields would also be smart. ie an engineer probably wouldn't be qualified to talk about Shakespeare

>> No.12330885

Of course; they have no respect for us as they have been taught that we are inferior, savage, uncultured and animalistic. They probably think that their gross behavior is accepted here as "it's what Spaniards are like, mate".

>> No.12330908

Adding to your post, propaganda was rampant during that era among all nations. If memory serves correctly; Germany prided itself of being the most bening colonizer force in light of what was said about Belgia.

>> No.12331093

You people are genuine devils. I don't feel sympathy for you either, for your hatred towards other racial groups is entirely product of the darkness in your heart. That you could grow up in an era as racially intermixed as ours, in an era following those of colonialism, and still come to such beliefs, is a striking statement to the amount of hatred held in yourselves. You are devils. You know nothing of virtue. You are simply bloodthirsty, looking for a cause to throw your life away to, and ideally take those of others as well if possible. You are the ones society has reason to fear - every generation brings males of your monstrous breed. Those who, like a feral animal, need to be explicitly and continuously instructed on the constituents of morality, the proper treatment of others which comes to most others innately. You are wasting your youth. You are wasting your potential. You are sacrificing your mental health. You are abandoning the happiness that is your birth-given right.

Become spiritual, if you have any shred of conscience left in you. Learn of what it means to be here in this world, and how you should be viewing others. Learn to love everyone you see, including the ones who may hate you. Live for a greater cause than what presently consumes you. You are only destroying your own life, your family's state of mind (if they know what-all you believe in), society's state of alert, and other people's (specifically minorities) sense of safety.

You are better than this. Rise above your hatred and the politics which follow it, and learn of the true manner of living a human soul is meant to embrace.

>> No.12331118

There is no scenario where nazi Germany wins WWII. They couldn't have defeated Britain alone. They got incredibly lucky to do as well as they did

>> No.12331146

What's the threshold of European population required in a country to continue to tolerate your soft hearted and headed nonsense? 50%? 40%?

Because you know damned well once that line is crossed, our states will collapse and the brown hordes will be hunting down our women and children for sport and sustenance. Will you still be welcoming our demographic decline then?

>> No.12331176

Why are you responding to obvious bait?

>> No.12331209

Whose "welcoming" that? I'm saying racial hatred isn't the answer. Solve your problems without violence as far as possible, and with as little enmity as well. See from all relevant perspectives too, and not merely your own. This is how a noble person approaches such situations.

>> No.12331244

>Because you know damned well once that line is crossed, our states will collapse and the brown hordes will be hunting down our women and children for sport and sustenance
Why would this happen? Didn't happen yet in Singapore, or the gulf states where the native population is outnumbered by immigrants

>> No.12331302

I'd probably take you seriously if your posts weren't full of trite faggotry.

>> No.12331393

There's really not much suggesting minorities need to like "white people" rightfully so tbqh. Idk why the opposite bothers you so much. Why do I actually have to like any other "race"

>> No.12331453

i was raised to not judge anyone because of his race/color but by his deeds
but man, niggers and Chinese are cancer of humanity that should be purged as fast as possible
i don't even know how they are considered human being

>> No.12331476


White genocide now

>> No.12331530

Go clutch your pearls somewhere else holy shit.

>> No.12331552

It basically was irl shitposting until charger guy

>> No.12331799
File: 166 KB, 800x803, congo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm falling for propaganda, I admit I've only read Hochschild's book on the subject. But you're just parroting propaganda from the other side so I guess we're both jerks.
>In 1904 and 1905, an independent commission was created to investigate if the Congolese were wrongly treated.
A few points taken from Hochschild's book:
-Paul Costermans, the governor general of the territory,after reading the commission's report fell into depression and slit his own throat two weeks later
-There are reports of one of the commissioners breaking down and weeping while listening to a succession of witnesses
-The head of the commission was a corrupt judge who was selected by Leopold because of his history of participation in the terror. Clearly the testimony was enough to change his allegiance given the contents of the report, which repeated nearly all of the damning allegations against the Congo project
Hohschild includes passages of testimony which will ruin your day.
>Jamais le Blanc n’a infligé ou fait infliger, à titre de châtiment, pour manquement dans les prestations ou pour toute autre cause, pareilles mutilations à des indigènes vivants
There's definitely no evidence of this happening...besides copious photographic evidence as well as testimony from countless white missionaries and diary entries of Force Publique officers
>Leopold organised and hosted in Brussels the "Brussels Conference Act because slavery made him sad and mad
That's like telling people not to smoke with a cigarette in your mouth. Did the conference produce any results whatsoever? Did the Congo not rely on forced labor of hundreds of thousands of people?
Also the Arab slavers are a 200-year-old scapegoat; you're really gonna bring them up with a straight face?