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/lit/ - Literature

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12324185 No.12324185 [Reply] [Original]

>According to his grandson Simon Tolkien, Tolkien in the last years of his life was disappointed by some of the liturgical reforms and changes implemented after the Second Vatican Council:
>I vividly remember going to church with him in Bournemouth. He was a devout Roman Catholic and it was soon after the Church had changed the liturgy from Latin to English. My grandfather obviously didn't agree with this and made all the responses very loudly in Latin while the rest of the congregation answered in English. I found the whole experience quite excruciating, but my grandfather was oblivious. He simply had to do what he believed to be right.

Was there a more based and redpilled author?

>> No.12324198

local man upset at degeneration of already decayed religous tradition, stay tuned for some more news

>> No.12324206

based. The church should never have given in and translated the bible, it should have taught plebs Latin instead.

>> No.12324233
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More /lit/ posters need to enter seminary and take steps to reverse the degeneration of Vatican II.

>> No.12324249

>my spirituality is damaged because of other people's actions

Oh Christians, Oh dear, bless their hearts. They have such a warped view of religion because they aren't really religious. They have a book of rules they must follow. They have a church that tells them what to do. Religion is supposed to come from within, not from outside as a command. They are merely practicing slavery.

For a truly religious man like myself, it wouldn't matter who does what in some church. I do not have to be surrounded by others to validate my faith. I don't need a priest to tell me what to do. I have a direct channel to spirituality inside me, telling me what I must do. No millennia old list of rules for this fellow.

>> No.12324254
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>> No.12324277
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>> No.12324286

Old man yells at cloud

>> No.12324290

More lit posters need to enter seminary and stop posting here

>> No.12324291

Based. Vatican 2 was a mistake

>> No.12324409

A lot of people were butthurt at changes to the liturgy, my grandfather's parents stopped attending church as a result. That being said the worst of the abuses are over and there are a lot of efforts being made to both encourage use of the traditional form of the mass and to emphasize reverence in the new form.
>vatican ii was bad
>vatican ii was interpreted poorly (deliberately or otherwise)
redpilled opinion

>> No.12325283

I'm not a Catholic but recently I went to a Mass and there were guitars, tambourines, women laity distributing Communion and the priest referred to the Apostles as "my boys". So I guess there's a lot of interpretation to do.

>> No.12325312

That sounds like some american protestant shit

>> No.12325320

based anti-monoligualfags angry old man

>> No.12325324

I live in a Latinametican Catholic country.
The good thing is I was baptized Orthodox so I don't have to endure that depravation.

>> No.12325534

>>vatican ii was interpreted poorly (deliberately or otherwise)

This is the correct take. The problem isn't the council itself but the mindset that it unleashed. The "Spirit of Vatican 2" nearly destroyed the Church in the 70s.

>> No.12325584

Divinely based and Kierkegaard-pilled

>> No.12325620

its literally nigger voodoo with a catholic flavour, there is actually no christianity outside europe

>> No.12325628

He should have been more concerned about his paedophile son instead...

>> No.12325692
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>Waugh had welcomed the accession in 1958 of Pope John XXIII[169] and wrote an appreciative tribute on the pope's death in 1963.[170] However, he became increasingly concerned by the decisions emerging from the Second Vatican Council, which was convened by Pope John in October 1962 and continued under his successor, Pope Paul VI until 1965. Waugh, a staunch opponent of Church reform, was particularly distressed by the replacement of the universal Latin Mass with the vernacular.[171] In a Spectator article of 23 November 1962, he argued the case against change in a manner described by a later commentator as "sharp-edged reasonableness".[172][173] He wrote to Nancy Mitford that "the buggering up of the Church is a deep sorrow to me.... We write letters to the paper. A fat lot of good that does."[174]

>> No.12325824

>sky ft th HD etc Dr if you belive religion comes from within you are a. Ducking idiot I will personally kill you for such. An action you are a ducking idiot religious is dictated to us by others we must obey or the sky king will kill us for disobeying his supreme orders you at e afoul if you th ink man fan do religion by himself it is not our place in society. Egg bacon milk Hershey chocolate milk doctor knew all sky typically not
goods to b3Read The City of God

>> No.12325831

>I got my Latin American Catholicism impressions from Breaking Bad
anon, I...

>> No.12325838
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>tfw soon the entire Vatican 2 generation will be dead and we can stop treating the Council like the most important event in the history of the Church

It's like the Catholic version of Boomers. Fuck, they ARE the Catholic Boomers. They're absolutely convinced the things they did are more important than anything before or since.

>> No.12325915

We need to undo it

>> No.12326242

Has there ever been a religion nearly as /fa/ as Catholicism? There's no way

>> No.12326254
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Shinto looks fun. I like the hats.

>> No.12326255
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*orthoblox your path*

>> No.12326296
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kino wizarde

>> No.12327111

The eternal Chad

>> No.12327289


Lol, the overweening pride in this comment.

The religious man knows that the fullness of God is experienced in communion with others. He is humble enough to know that corporate worship is an important means by which his spiritual life is perfected. He is therefore rightly concerned by how and whether the corporate forms conducive to perfection are impaired by clueless revolutionaries. To make 'religion' into a private thing is the refuge of one who is not open to the external life which perfects the inner life, with the result that one merely makes of oneself an empty idol.

>> No.12327325

post moar orthodox warlocks

>> No.12327349

I'd do this if I wasn't a monolingual brainlet who doesn't understand Greek or Latin

>> No.12327623

Dumb slave to social mores

>> No.12328231

Dumb American LARPer who "converted" during the 2016 elections

>> No.12328257 [DELETED] 

insisting Latin liturgy is pathetic

>> No.12328262

insisting on Latin liturgy is pathetic

>> No.12328264

You're pathetic.

>> No.12328272

The Roman Catholic church is pathetic

>> No.12328291

>His religion doesn't have any professional paramilitary organizations or real power over entire nations
Whats it like to be such a cuck?

>> No.12328319

Wow, that's just what I look for in spiritual organizations

>> No.12328328

It wasnt for the jew who implemented it

>> No.12328344

Why would I read the bible in Latin like a pleb? They should be teaching Biblical Hebrew.

>> No.12328426


>> No.12328750

Is that a mummified priest? I mean on the left, of course.

>> No.12328760

This is Jim Jones/Hubbard like shit.

>> No.12328770

No it isn't.
The first post was Hubbard Tier.
>dude, trust me, these old religions they got it all wrong
>here, you can do it all yourself, see, look at this "dianetics"
Only difference is, they take it from there and say "now, follow us".

>> No.12328773

It sounds like every Catholic church I've been to in Australia.
I went to mass in Notre Dame when I was visiting Paris and that was the first time I actually experienced something close to a classic mass.

>> No.12328779

>studied religious education in high school
>exam had every student in the state write an essay about how Vatican II saved the church, with anyone who said otherwise failing

>> No.12328799

Ah, Latin, the language of Jesus.

>> No.12328981
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actually, he said exactly the opposite. He was making fun of people who do everything a book tells them to.

>> No.12328988

The language of his Church.