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12324098 No.12324098 [Reply] [Original]

first one of 2019 lads

>> No.12324146
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12 hours into no-fap and I'm going strong

it's harder to begin but once you are already going and it's been 2 or 3 weeks eventually you develop a kind of momentum and it becomes effortless (until you eventually fap and get back into doing it 3-5 times a week or more, or so I hear)

>> No.12324289


>> No.12324331
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>~30 days into nofap (after 5 years on nofap)
>I have no sexual urges
>Couldn't even get myself to fap if I wanted
>Still happy that I'm not consuming degenerate and disgusting material all day
>My mind feels calmer, less stressed out and less anxious, knowing that I haven't watched P
>The feeling of guilt I experiences on the daily whenever I fapped is almost completely gone
>But still no sexual urges :/

I probably have more experience trying nofap than most people. If anyone wants some advice, feel free to ask.

>> No.12324338

*after 5 years of trying nofap. right now is the longest I have ever lasted on nofap

>> No.12324362

>>But still no sexual urges :/
That is a good thing, and one of the reasons I engage in total sexual abstinence ("nofap"). This is what enables and leads to flow states and moments of unparalleled productivity.

>> No.12324371

Reminder to block thumbnails with filters:
Then enable thread watcher under 4chan settings. This site will lead to failure otherwise. Even arousal is detrimental.

>> No.12324383

But what I ultimately want is to be as horny as I used to be 10 years ago in my early teens. I could get rock hard by just seeing a nip slip.

I want my mind to urge sex so bad to the point were it forces me to go out there and find a woman to have sex with. I have repressed my natural sexual instinct for the past 7-8 years.

I really hope that eventually this nofap thing is going to reset my brain. I mean one of the most primal instincts we have is the sexual one right? I don't have any children, so my brain should be in high gear and make me find a woman to mate with eventually... I hope.

>> No.12324388

Does it block all thumbnails or just NSFW? How do I do that?

>> No.12324442
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So I am finishing my English course this year, huh?
I'm guessing about if this will be a good addiction on my curriculum, because next year my time in high school will be over. I need to plan more my studies to get a better performance in academic area, and with my country (Brazil) in a new government who are more favorably for more "favored" people, I really to get even more guts for it.

>> No.12324444

I want to win a short story competition. I have the basics of an idea but I first want some tips from some published authors/writers.

>> No.12324447

I miss having sex and being in a relationship but I feel good all by myself and at the same time can't seem to have sex with people i dont know because it makes me feel disgusting. Quite contraditory

>> No.12324454

All thumbnails here.
Install ublock or ad block plus, add the filters listed to the list by clicking the icon and entering it in where it says active filters or something to that effect.

>> No.12324459

no fap is whatever but worth a try especialy if you fap everyday

>> No.12324468
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Yestarday I still had some hopes for this new year, I felt like I could change my life somehow.
But now I back at my usual mood of feeling tired of everything, finding no meaning on anything and just going with whatever it happens in my life just waiting for the sweet release of death.

>> No.12324489
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I wish I could love more but I find myself angry all the time. I have nothing to be particularly angry about. Maybe I have some possible health issues yet I doubt this is the source of anger. No, while I used to blame my upbringing for most of my character deficts and to some degree it is true, I feel like at twenty eight I should take charge of guiding myself toward progress. Its lack of will I suppose and just sloth. I am a lazy fuck but as an adult i have responsiblites that I have to attend to. Wish I did not and that angers me.

>> No.12324521

You are very horrible person. Just like in movie. Uhahaha. GAAAH this movie is horrible. .. . . . ..... . . .. .. . . . .. . . . ..... ... .

>> No.12324539
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I secretly love to stick objects up my ass when I jerk off. I've gotten to the point where I can take 7-inch cucumbers from the store bigger than my own (large btw) dick. The best candidates are the ones that taper off to a thin end on the side that sticks out so once it's inside my ring is no longer exorbitantly stretched. The organics are a little too expensive but I make sure to wash off the pesticides with vinegar. There's nothing quite like fapping furiously to traps or something else similarly degenerate with a huge vegetable tickling your prostate. When you are close to coming your penis tried to retract inwards towards your body, but when there is a cucumber in the way it has nowhere to retract to and the base of your shaft (inside the body) rubs against the cucumber in a way that produces intense feelings of pleasure. Gay people are mentally ill btw and nobody will ever know I do this.

>> No.12324550

I don't understand people who are certain in an external world. I think there probably is one, but the moment I consider it I realize that I cannot know. I've been thinking about this issue for a few years and it has started to take a toll on my mental health.

>> No.12324553

slave and fleshpilled.

>> No.12324572
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I refuse to apply again with employers that have rejected me in the past. They had their chance.

>> No.12324579

If you haven't experienced the pleasure of getting cummed inside you haven't lived.

>> No.12324966
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I posted this in the previous thread as well but it died right after my post. Book recommendations are welcome.

I had my first kiss a few months ago, I'm 24, and I have been thinking about friends, relationships and sex ever since. It is strange that although I didn't feel anything, it left me wanting more, to be noticed and important to someone, to be touched, even if for a brief period of time, again. The sudden realization that no one else can fix me. I started working on bettering myself and I will turn my life around.

I don't even know what I want. I was ready to die eight years ago and every moment since, and now I want to live. I have to build so much and quickly lest I be consumed by inaction again and find myself in the same predicament five, ten years from now.

I know I can do it all, I did better than most of my peers academically struggling with two addictions, depression and whatever else the fuck I have, I can do this.

"It's not the end, it's just the end of hope."

>> No.12325034

Is this manga good?

>> No.12325066

You should want to transcend your primal urges

>> No.12325098

Had a great time today.
>Woke up at half past seven
>took a cold shower
>went for a run
>read some essays till lunch
>cooked some pasta
>took my dog to my family's country home and let him run free while I did some maintenance and chopped wood
>cooked some pork and veggies on an open fire and had a drink

Now I'm lying on the carpet near the stove and finishing Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka as some anon recommended me .
It started good

>> No.12325150

I feel like I'm getting dumber all of a sudden.
I wonder if it depends on my solitary habits

>> No.12325172

I'm going to eventually reach that point of recursive and unchallenged inner thought wherein my form of logic will twist into a form unrecognizable to those that interact with me without knowing all the context that had been laid down beforehand, and honestly I don't think I have any problem with that.

>> No.12325184

The holiday season is fucking up my book delivery schedule and I don't think Jesus wanted this.

>> No.12325193

A house is a home
The world is waiting out there
Yet still I am here

>> No.12325211

I just realized I exactly like my dad except I never had a girlfriend, my job his shit and I'm a spineless weak man.
What we have in common ? Alcoholism good looks.
Fuck me

>> No.12325216

Tai Lopez
John Mackey, the father of the neo-alt-right.

>> No.12325227

Do good and nobody will notice.
Screw up once and they'll remind you forever.

>> No.12325270

A poems form and meter
a most intriguing thing
it is the rhythm that flows and crashes
that too lets the songbird sing

>> No.12325338

You should set your mind to higher things.

>> No.12325423

I like this

>> No.12325535

I haven't heard from my penpal for a while. I hope something bad didn't happen to him.

>> No.12325557

Which one?

>> No.12325582

My only one.

>> No.12325593

How do you even find penpals in 2019?

>> No.12325635

Theres a bunch of paperwork I need to do. I should be preparing for my last semester of law school. I'm so tired of all my friends becoming boring and content with life while everything around us constantly needs fixing. But here I am watching youtube videos and not doing my dishes. Words aren't coming to me because I'm still hungover from last night, as I drank my time away. I am trapped by my habits and addictions.

>> No.12325657


>> No.12325679

I'm BORED. I envy the vidya and anime people, at least they have something to do while they waste away. But I don't have a gaming computer and have enjoyed maybe two animes ever so I'm doomed I guess.

>> No.12325685

just lost nofap 2019. Oh well theres more next year

>> No.12325699

>I don't have a gaming computer
You don't need to. There are plenty of good older games you can probably run and also new ones that have simplistic graphics and don't require much

>> No.12325702

There are countless anime, look deeper into it.
Also watch movies.
And read comics, graphic novels and Manga

>> No.12325753

Go watch yuyushiki

>> No.12325757

off my board, now

>> No.12325760

Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up,

>> No.12325767

Anyone have that chart with lit approved anime.
Haven't watched a show in months and can't think of anything I would like to watch

>> No.12325768
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>> No.12325770

I'm shaking because I'm cold. Stop hogging the blanket, fucker

>> No.12325776

watch Trotsky on netflix. It's a big budget russian production about the life of Leon Trotsky before/during/after the Russian Revolution and its pretty good

>> No.12325806

Sounds good, will certainly give it a try.

But I would still very much appreciate if anyone could share that chart.

>> No.12325821

I want to marry a beautiful plump girl and have lots of children with her.

>> No.12325896

>bringing children into the twenty first century

>> No.12325939

t. Fat girl

>> No.12325949

Give me 3 piece of advice that are guranteed ot improve my life

>> No.12325959

>get ripped
>get smart
>get rich
or swallow the monk pill, idc, thank me later

>> No.12325963

>get off 4chan
>stop following politics closely
>journal every day, keeping melodrama to a minimum

>> No.12326020

b urself

>> No.12326085

this but unironically

>> No.12326108

I want to publish a novel this year. Hopefully penguin will bite.

>> No.12326120

lmao. tell us about your novel anon

>> No.12326196

It's like real cool, and there's childish gibberish about a moo-cow in the very beginning for good measure. Plus, honestly, I put some real effort in it. afterr all the books I read I felt a curse rising in me to forge a piece of my own. It's almost done. Plot revolves around a trouble-maker. No spoilers though.

>> No.12326197

Wow, same here. I think most people don't even consider that stuff in the first place. I once thought so deeply into this shit, solipsism, free will, etc. that I had an actual panic attack. I feel like a lunatic for becoming so obsessed with this, but at the same time the topic is really fascinating to me and I enjoy thinking up possible answers to it. I've always been a curious person, so knowing that I will most likely never find the true answer is killing me.

>> No.12326217

I'm not 100% confident the external world is real either but I experience it with enough frequency that I'm able to just go along with it. If it's a dream it's a persistent one.

>> No.12326380

Should I just submit some of my short stories to random journals? I'm not hugely confident in my work but if I keep waiting I'll definitely never get published, right?

>> No.12326386

Another year has passed without my inevitable suicide. Here's to hoping 2019 is the year.

>> No.12326389

I keep falling in love with girls I can't be with but somehow that makes me feel more alive than being a shut in

>> No.12326411


>> No.12326445
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What do you think is the nature of man? If you wanted to check whether someone was a human or just some other kind of intelligent alien, how would you do it? What question would you ask them? What would be the "most human" answer?

Please help, I need this for a book.

>> No.12326499

Human nature is a spook. It literally doesn't exist, so the question is pointless.

>> No.12326507

Yeah, going along with it is the obvious (and possibly only) answer, but doesn't satisfy my curiosity and keeps a lot of what ifs open. This whole line of thinking has certainly pushed me to a nihilistic viewpoint, which in turn has helped me overcome some anxiety issues at least.
If this whole experience is a persistent dream, what happens when you wake up? Should you want to wake up? CAN you even wake up? How? I just keep coming up with thoughts like these. And all the while, I'm supposed keep my responsibilities in check, even though they might be worthless in the end. Why should I take the time out of my 80-year-long might-be-a-dream to go to work? Sounds like a shitty dream to me. The worst part might be that you can't ever be certain that other people actually exist in the same way you yourself do. It's not like I'm actively doubting these things, but the inability to prove any of this sure is painful.

>> No.12326542

Are we not animals? If you raised some humans on an island without any external socialization, would they not show some kind of innate behavior unique to their species?

>> No.12326626

I was sitting outside today and I locked eyes with a squirrel and it knew. IT KNEW. Somewhere in its beady, oily eyes was a deep comprehension of all my inner fears and woes and vicissitudes. My inner darkness and lights, the rotation of my inner moons. It was as if the whole world grew silent except for its knowing eyes. It saw me. The little fucker.

>> No.12326636

An environment shapes what a person or even an animal is. An environment where there is no socialization is still an environment. There is no real baseline.

>> No.12326641

A certain minimal environment is necessary for a human to survive. That is the baseline.

>> No.12326655

What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets

>> No.12326673
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*blocks your path*

>> No.12326676

Taking away things from an environment won't give it less of an impact on an animal's development.

>> No.12326687
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>> No.12326710

my life. unfortunately I don't meet new people very often anymore and I can't bring myself to fall in love with someone I don't even know

>> No.12326715

a person raised outside of society is not a person at all. see the people who have kept their children locked in basements for years and years, the result is not a person but an animal.

>> No.12326747


what's on my mind is i think i got permabanned from 4chan

>> No.12326757

you wish son

>> No.12326786

Know yourself
Meticulously record anything you wish to improve upon (e.g. spending, food intake, time spent reading)
Take full responsibility for everything, don't externalise the unpleasant

>> No.12326840
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I love being alive. Every day is wonderful. How about you? I want to grab you and shake you and tell you to not waste a second.

>> No.12326870

i just wanna fuck

>> No.12326878

jerk off then you won't want to anymore

>> No.12326895


>> No.12326902

Just coming to the realization that 99% of my problems steam from me being kind of a shitty person. Don't know what to do with this information.

>> No.12326920

My obsessive compulsive disorder is currently wreaking havok on my mind—a fairly bad wave, I’d say. This is made worse by porn addiction. Other than that I’m just trying to focus on not totally dropping my academics or losing my mind. I’m finishing On the Road right now, am slogging my way through Nichomachean Ethics, and am taking a quick break to read Heaven and Hell by Huxley. Thinking of reading some Lovecraft, Joyce, and Kafka after that.

Once I’m through with all of that should I pick up a). Siddhartha by Hesse, b). Blood Meridian by McCarthy, or c). Song of Solomon by Morrison?

>> No.12326924

It's not too late to change. Be a better man, anon. It's the New Year. I bet you can be a fantastic young man.

>> No.12326938


Well, I'm 33, so I have no real idea if I would be considered young anymore.

>> No.12326942

Siddhartha is actually good, Blood Meridian is a total fucking meme, and I haven't read Song of Solomon so I can't say.

>> No.12326945

Just a regular man then I guess. But still, you can still be great. It's all up to you.

>> No.12326949

Youre not young but youre not old. Always time to fix things and become a less shitty version of yourself.

>> No.12326950

I love you, bro. Thank you.

>> No.12326979

How long should one grow their facial hair before determining if they can manage a beard or not? I'm on day five and I just look disheveled (well, more than usual that is).

>> No.12326989

Well done anon.

Now get your ass eaten by a girl that is looking you straight in the eye.

>> No.12326991

How do I achieve this state?

>> No.12327056

I'm sorry?

>> No.12327075

Find things productive and enjoyable to do. Don't worry so much. Go outside and enjoy the sun, the rain, the breeze, the tree, the birds, the affection your pets and realize how lucky you are to be able to experience this right now.

>> No.12327113
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Not looking forward to going back to work; that being said, I enjoyed my time off.

"No one should ever work." -- Bob Black

I like the brainlet memes. I suppose I can relate... ;-\

>> No.12327142

day 1 of 2019 has gone pretty well, taken steps towards all of my goals and even created some new ones, 2019 is my year

>> No.12327145

this is really nice

>> No.12327153

Do new year's resolutions just set me up for failure?

>> No.12327159

wash your penis

>> No.12327180

33 is only old to an 18 year old. In 10 years you're going to wish you were still in your thirties when you realize how fucking young you were. Start now and stop wasting time

>> No.12327323

How does one start a cult? Seems like being in uni it should be fairly easy to start one by just spreading rumours and then just wait for people with actual connections to come and get shit (literally anything: drugs, sex, satanic rituals, whatever) done.

>> No.12327338
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>Why should I take the time out of my 80-year-long might-be-a-dream to go to work? Sounds like a shitty dream to me.

I'm thinking the same. All this reality analized thoroughly seems absurd, so why is everybody living that tedious and pointless lifes? Is it just biological fear? Is not better to kill yourself and embrace the absurd of all of this instead of passing through this hassle? What am I missing?

I don't want to sound pedantic, but what the heck is everybody doing? Faking smiles, buying trash and then die. How can I overcome this void?

>> No.12327501


>> No.12327578
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I know I am smiling right now even after a break up, which probably sounds really odd. I am glad the weight is off my shoulders and I have been listening to really happy music but I know within a week I will be suffering from withdrawals and be a mess. I can put on a face of happiness and act like some cool stoic movie character but it is just a matter of time. I believe I have some sort of delayed reaction to feeling pain at times. You will probably see me in these threads for the next couple of days or weeks.

>> No.12327603
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I'm going into the adult world soon (graduated last year) and am absolutely worried for what the future holds. I'm going to university to study things I'm interested in but I've never had a job and am about to begin a new chapter of independence in my life. Seeing how depressed people are here has made me worrisome that I'll probably fall into that state sooner or later.
The human experience is exciting and frustrating

>> No.12327633

Make friends at college. I'm on my third year and literally haven't made a single genuine friend from college and it's my biggest regret. Sit next to the cute girls in class. Don't do what I've done

>> No.12327640

Sexually attracted to flaws

>> No.12327651

You sound like me when I graduated. We probably aren't even remotely similar types of people but I suggest getting a support network(friends/family/place where you can vent) or joining some club. I did that early on and it saved my mental health in the long run. Be prepared for things not going your way/how you planned and some isolation. Stay strong anon.

>> No.12327695
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I had a lot of school friends but I would never hang out outside of school because I would've rather gone home and done hw/computer time. I'll definitely try to do that anon. I hope you can keep trying as well!
I'll do that. I might join one of the Uni Christian groups if those are actually good and full of genuinely nice and supportive people. I hope my future is full of wonderful experiences. Thanks anon.

Not exactly sure how to even get a job to be honest. I regret not going into the workforce at 15.

>> No.12327723

>I would never hang out outside of school because I would've rather gone home and done hw/computer time.
Focus on hw still but cut down the time on this shit hole, it's good as a stress reliever but you still have potential. Like seriously, class can be so much more tolerable if you know your classmates and can shoot the shit with them. I've done it, but too often do I never progress the relationship and then we never speak after the semester. Build good connections with people.
>Not exactly sure how to even get a job to be honest
Honestly at your age retail might be a good character building experience, interact with the public, usually some young adult workers, try grocery stores, good first job

>> No.12327766

I seriously can't deal with being alive right now. Nor can I deal with being dead. I'm just stuck in this vacuum of existence and I have no choice but to go along with it.
Not that I mind. I'm sure I'll sleep this off.

>> No.12327772
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Merci beaucoup anon. I'm determined to succeed and have a wonderful life so I'll work hard. I live in Sydney so I guess a supermarket job could be alright, even with the resume that has one week at Commonwealth Bank and nothing else.
Read some Kiekergaard friend.

>> No.12327784

Imperfections can be sexy. I think they make somebody more 'aesthetically interesting'. There's more of them to look at. I don't even mind bad teeth.

>> No.12327795

A supermarket is a fine place to work, you could do much worse. It's clean, air conditioned, costumers are usually polite and reasonable. The only bad thing is standing on your feet for so long, but you're young, you can hack it.

>> No.12327844
File: 99 KB, 960x960, Spurdo Religious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems good enough. Applying seems to be the messy step but I guess that's where the stereotype of applying with no replies comes from. Thanks again anon.

>> No.12327848

Almost three years of trying hard here. Keep up the good fight brother.

>> No.12327854


>> No.12327881

1. Believe in the one and only god. Actually read the texts.

2. Develop discipline.

3. Get off 4chan forever.

>> No.12327888

Why care?

>> No.12327893

>Get off 4chan forever

Is that even possible? What if I missed something important?

>> No.12327894

What could be more important to miss than your live?

>> No.12327898

Btw, when I said “why care,” the other answers influenced my answer. If it matters to you.

>> No.12327907

I think it's all about the discipline you said. I'm not on this website all day slouched back in my chair eating terrible food. I go on for about an hour to browse 3 boards and then go onto actual work. It seems better than just mindlessly browsing Instagram as other people do.

>> No.12327912

Haha I had a thing for goth girls. Does that count?

>> No.12327913

Not the anon you replied to but any advice on where to start with Kierkegaard? I've become interesting in him lately.

>> No.12327919

this is probably the best advice you'll get

>> No.12327922

I got caught in the slippery slope of browsing other boards. You might be less flawed than me though.

>> No.12327927

Clearly it's bad to be disillusioned. Does that mean I should be more illusioned? That sounds bad also. I'm accustomed to idea that entertaining illusions is foolish. The kicker is that all thinking is a kind of illusion, I mean we don't experience the world directly, we experience it through our thoughts and fee fees. What if your thoughts and feelings suck?
This makes me go back to Zen buddhism, which essentially teaches how to still those thoughts and feelings so that you can get at a remove from them and no longer have to live under their fickle tyranny.
Not to sound facetious but idea is to get to point where living is like watching a movie, but a very good movie. Your thoughts and actions just sort of click with everything that happens to you whether it's good or bad, pleasant or threatening. It's about equanimity. It's somewhat similar to the western concept of stoicism except that in the stoic concept you don't get out from under your thoughts and feelings, you just accept that they will be delivered some measure of suffering as a consequence of living in this world and that you must learn the virtues of perseverance and strength. In Zen, you sort of get those as freebees because they are byproducts of untethering yourself from the control of your thoughts and feelings.

>> No.12327930

I like this board because it's so enough that I can go for the whole day and come back to a thread I posted in and it's only moved by a few posts. You can have a very belated conversation with somebody that way.

>> No.12327941

Minimal environments don't exist. Complexity develops everywhere.

>> No.12327945
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I got into him after having a lot of questions about dealing with faith in the increasing secular world. I started with Either/Or since I like reading from earliest to latest (year of publishing wise) and really enjoyed that. I'm now reading 'Fear and Trembling' which is also great.

I have to read with a computer on though cause my brainlet mind can't understand what he's trying to say sometimes.
I did as well. This place is just so damn entertaining and I've learnt too much from it to just kick it to the curb. Just find like 3 or 4 boards (I do /a/, /int/, /his/, and this one) and stick to them so you don't waste half a day going to each board opening new tabs on whatever looks mildly interesting.
Very true.

>> No.12327966

I want to write a book. A fiction book. I know what it will be about. I have no motivation to do it. Or most things I want to do.

>> No.12328037
File: 129 KB, 893x900, IMG_20190101_130655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a lot of people in my social circles have developed this contrarian attitude toward new year's resolutions

I think they are a very good thing. It's a time where we have mixed feelings because we are looking both forward and backward at once. We are somber but optimistic. We make plans and resolutions but also feel acutely morbid and aware of time passing relentlessly. I realise this is all very basic but it does describe the feels I get every new years. I have documented my new years experience for 6 years. Pic related.

made a nice list of resolutions for myself.

>> No.12328057

I would love to have a chubby Bavarian gf with big milkers

>> No.12328064

Apply Lindy effect as a filter to all life actions and habits

>> No.12328072

Grocery stores are pretty common for first jobs, they don't care much for credentials. I got one with no shit on my resume, just a bunch of volunteer shit I made up

>> No.12328081

Also to add on, just be persistent and annoying as fuck. Apply then call in a few days later and ask about it, drop off your resume, call again, etc. Make them either hire your or reject you

>> No.12328094

Pls post anonymized version of your resolutions list. I never make a resolution bc I am too scared to and don't know where to start.

>> No.12328099
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Which publication of The Faerie Queene should I get? I'm looking for one in original spelling, or close to it, with numerous notes on words fallen out of use, etc.

>> No.12328100

Or a well-regarded companion book, for that matter.

>> No.12328106
File: 1.40 MB, 260x199, 1543034547207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I intended to spend a good chunk of my break writing, but all I've accomplished is starting more side projects. It doesn't help that I've felt so burned out from all the festivities that writing has come to feel like a chore. The weather's supposed to be awful tomorrow, so I plan to get up at a decent hour and write until my bum of a childhood friend wakes up and we can watch movies in the evening.
Also I am tempted to rewrite a satirical VN/erotic fantasy that I started but deleted out of shame a few months back. However, I'm worried it may interfere with my nofap resolution for the year.

>> No.12328153
File: 2.03 MB, 3233x3264, mylife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are memes writing

>> No.12328157

Thanks anon.

>> No.12328225

I believe this year I will finally go to a doctor to talk about my anxiety issues. It's pretty clear that I have some kind of a mild anxiety disorder that doesn't let me enjoy life to the fullest. I'm in a point in my life where I get constant worries about the future, about my parents and siblings and about how life will unfold, not my life but the lives of people close to me and how this will affect me and before I know it a million thoughts are racing through my brain.
In the meantime I just started reading 'The psychedelic experience' which is quite an interesting approach to tripping and it has made me want to start taking LSD again, maybe I will start my microdosing project this year.
I also feel creative but at the same time I'm not creative, I've got general ideas of stories and projects that I want to do but in the end I'm not doing anything.

>> No.12328247

1. Practice semen retention (no sex, no masturbation)
2. Wake early (3:00am-4:00am)
3. Read Kant
Runner up: Nicotine+coffee as you start your day in conjunction with the above practices.

>> No.12328286

I believe this year I will finally go to a doctor to talk about my anxiety issue>

Just don't let them put you on k-pins are, God forbid, xanax

>> No.12328298

What are k-pins? I don't believe that the doctor will prescribe me something. I just want to go to someone to talk about these issues.

>> No.12328333

Just use the Amazon Basics™ Alien Turing test

>> No.12328343

trips to this

>> No.12328382
File: 40 KB, 713x611, 1544916742363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Klonopin, Xanax's step cousin. Benzodiazepines are bad news bears in general.. Might as well shoot dope.

>> No.12328417

Patriotism, on the other hand, is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit.

Indeed, conceit, arrogance, and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. Let me illustrate. Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, more intelligent than the living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill, and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all the others.

>> No.12328421

Yesterday I realized that if I don't have an offspring my family tree will stop at me. Everything will be gone, my family house, and in about 50 years when I will probably be dead that will be it. After many generations my heritage will stop at me. I'm 28, in a 6 year relationship but don't really want any kids. I'm also the guy posting here >>12328225

>> No.12328434

Nationalism is globalism. Borders should be a 3 ft circular radius around your person .

>> No.12328440
File: 25 KB, 387x387, 1510242946026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 year relationship
Only 1 more year for commonlaw marriage in the state if you've cohabiting.

>> No.12328442
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, Azusa_got_sunburned_again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your arms should be a border and the person you love.

>> No.12328451

Don't think this applies to me. We are also unofficially engaged. She also doesn't really want any kids but the thoughts I had yesterday made me question this.

>> No.12328459

Free trade is, of course, a critical component.

>> No.12328463

Does you micro-nation except kisses, or do I have to trade in USD?

>> No.12328478

It's more of a barter system. But Kisscoin and tonguechain technology.is already established.

>> No.12328500

Well what I can buy for just one kiss?

>> No.12328509

1000 micro kisscoins

>> No.12328667
File: 58 KB, 385x594, Fencing_BDM_worldwartwo.filminspector.com_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been having a lot of gay thoughts recently, specially online. I'm not gay tho. It's always either envy if someone is more handsome/strong than me or a satisfaction of knowing I could dominate a weaker one.
My mind is fucked.

>> No.12328672

>I'm not gay tho

That's they all say.

>> No.12328680

I imagine a gay man would be able to appreciate the male physique, right? I despise it and just feel envious about it.

>> No.12328686

>doctor to talk about my anxiety issues
>anxiety disorder that doesn't let me enjoy life to the fullest
>where I get constant worries about the future
>microdosing project this year

very pleb outlook on life. Have you considered maybe this is all just a normal part of living?

>> No.12328696

It could be, but from conversations I had with friends or my gf they don't seem to be as stressed as me.

>> No.12328708

Sorry. It would be rude to imply that you are some kind of homosexual and I am not qualified at all to diagnose you so take my words with a grain of salt; but your issue probably stems from some kind of childhood or adolescent trauma causing an insecurity about your own body when you look at another man's.

So don't worry, you're not gay.

>> No.12328721

life sucks for everyone nigga read a book and stop being a retard

>> No.12328732

My moral calculus is strange. Since I am not a perfect predictor of the future, every assumption I make must be probabilistic. That is, any action I take has a range of possible outcomes, each of which is assigned a different moral value. So choosing which action to take require some complex calculation of the probabilities of the various outcomes and their moral values that I have no formalized and do not understand. Further, in considering the full range of possible outcomes of my personality and mental deformities as I now understand them, I seem to possess an incredibly minute potential for incredible, irreparable, unforgivable crime. The real quandary is that I'm not sure if that sliver of a fragment of a percent is enough of a potential harm to outweigh the range of positive outcomes and their associated probabilities.

Maybe suicide is the best option.

>> No.12328740

>adolescent trauma causing an insecurity about your own body
Am I that easy to read?

>> No.12328798

Sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad about it. I don't know what you look like but there is no reason to feel ashamed about it; and if you don't like your body then you can always change your it through effort.

>> No.12328930

The one hobby that makes me the most happiest in the world is also the greatest source of anger and disappointment in my life.

>> No.12328940

If angels have no agency then how did Satan and his compadres rebel against God?

serious question

>> No.12328949

What is it, anon?

>> No.12328953

About to drink a tea of shrooms while I watch Fantasia. First time doing shrooms. I’ve done LSD before though.

>> No.12328985
File: 1.56 MB, 480x266, giphy (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you write about something if you're not too knowledgeable about the subject? Like if you watch enough ice hockey to enjoy it and want to write a story about it, but you don't really know anything about the nuances of the sport,like you still have no idea what icing means? I don't want to end up being like Tommy Wiseau and the whole playing catch/football thing in The Room. Do you just suck it up and do the research?

>> No.12329001

Research of course.

>> No.12329024
File: 721 KB, 1500x994, ice-caves-iceland-crystal-cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photography. Pretty much all of my faults and negative aspects as a human being is brought to the forefront when it comes to photography. Like I'll see some photos from Iceland and think to myself, wow I wish I could take some photos in Iceland. But then I'll remember that I don't have the guts to go traveling in another country alone. Forcing me to face the fact that I'm a huge pussy who gives up if anything seems too far out of my comfort zone.

>> No.12329073
File: 72 KB, 600x693, aya camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh neat, I like photography too. This year would like to travel to Japan or the United State, possibly both. It will be my first time overseas alone, too. I understand your fears, but you can't let that stop you. The world is too wonderful to be frightened of, but please don't be too harsh towards yourself. Proof your doubts wrong. One day you will look back and laugh.

>> No.12329084
File: 51 KB, 1224x612, black-mirror-nosedivejpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is amazing how most people my age (20's) are closed in their little npc dehumanizing bubble. Playing vidya or obsessively using useless social media, just to get that little dopamine shot consistently. I wish more people would start broadening their horizons and opening up to interesting concepts.

>> No.12329148

Thanks, anon. And I hope you have fun if you do end up going.

>> No.12329171

You too. Have a lovely new year.

>> No.12329208

the idea of doing drugs and they not kicking in never seemed so hilarious

>> No.12329216

Buddhism is the most precious gift for my life

>> No.12329274

ah ohh lord ah

>> No.12329291

Acknowledge that no one is guilty of anything, and therefore no one deserves punishment for sake of anyone but their own, and therefore that any urge to hurt somebody not for their own sake or someone else's other than you is guaranteed to be a losing move
Apply principle of charity
Keep a journal, track daily progress

>> No.12329313

"Is life fair?"
Answer now and then hover below to check whether you're actually an alien! Write it out for a more accurate result! It's more likely than you think!

"Yes"/"No" = Alien
[Long-winded non-answer] = Human

>> No.12329317

I enjoy seeing the same anon on two different boards. Reminds me that I'm actually acting with one big somewhat static pool of personalities, not constantly changing no-names
Where'd I see you again? /w/ yesterday?

>> No.12329322
File: 51 KB, 674x664, 1521359602330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing whatsoever interesting to say so i a just going to write this comment to feel part of the 4chan community and just so i can tell myself in a few months that i have been part of the first 'write what's on your mind' thread of the year. This is literally pointless but i somewhat feel the need to do this
Currently listening to an edgy lo-fi/vaporwave compilation right now

>> No.12329326

Best post in the thread, 2019 looks like a good year already

What if I told you I know who you are?

>> No.12329332

blog blog blog

im a gay

>> No.12329337

and who am i then mister ?

>> No.12329353

Someone unpleasantly close to being a full on French

>> No.12329359

Wrong anon my friend, I barely post outside /lit/

>> No.12329361

I expected a more precise answer, but so far you're right

>> No.12329371

I’m part of this too

>> No.12329374

Fucking no-name

That's all I can reveal for now

>> No.12329379

We are here right now. Just think about that.

>> No.12329386

could be good but the last line is awful

>> No.12329392
File: 202 KB, 1200x1188, 31231411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more farts anon

>> No.12329394

I'm in love with a girl I met on a train last summer. Trust me it's pretty sad.

>> No.12329400

>temporal hope

>> No.12329402

Please someone give me a (you)

>> No.12329407

I'm in love with a goth-lolita dress wearing girl I met in a train two years ago
And by met I mean I walked past her and took a seat two wagons further down
Can't say I blame myself for not turning around and chatting her up, but sure, it'd have been neat if I had

>> No.12329411

It's amazing how many people on 4chan think they're part of some ascended elite when the only requirement for acquiring their mindset is deciding to have done so. You're a level 2 comparing yourself to level 1s in a game that goes up to level 99.

>> No.12329416

Actually I'll be taking that same train, in the same direction, in about an hour
I haven't seen her since two years ago but if she just so happens to be riding it again today I'll chat her up, /lit/ be my witness

>> No.12329419

I’m so out of myself that I write on a lenguage that’s not my own

>> No.12329424

I am estranging everyone in my life as well as future prospective friends.. My masturbation is becoming problematic, I am gaining weight at an incredible rate, and my 4chan tier rhetoric is infecting my relations with all people online and actual. Engagement with years of technical philosophy has left me detached from the world; I no longer have an actual world in front of me, just that which presents itself to me unconsentedly... I am preparing myself for suicide, if I have learned anything in 2018 it has been that. The last time I saw my greatest childhood friend he told me that he expected I would end up killing myself. How am I to discern at what point this should be? I am unaware of anyone who retains any authentic love for me, apart from my dying mother; her sorrow is the last thing really keeping me alive.

>> No.12329433

>language that's not my own
The fuck does that even mean
If it doesn't become your language at a point where you naturally feel like writing in it then when does it

>> No.12329440

I want to start traveling, become more like those double doctor intellectuals that have read every fucking book I've read and make me feel like a baby that hasn't seen shit of the world, but I don't know, is traveling on your own even fun? What are some interesting travel destinations, or appropriate approaches to picking travel destinations for someone in my situation?

>> No.12329446
File: 99 KB, 1276x1536, 9Rjy3TE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've stopped enjoying parties. Since the new year's eve party that happens with my high school friends and the few lonely girls who bother to hang around, small observations replay in my head. In fact most times after being around people, both what happens as well as hypothetical scenarios play in my head as I run through the scenarios. This process of overthinking social events both real and fake happens naturally and over the years has only served to torment me.

I've always been an independent person. I went to school in a different town and lived in a neighborhood with no one to be my friend. There was one friend, B, who moved 10 minutes away when I was young. Disheartened, we forgot about each other. In time, I would learn to live with myself finding ways to pass the time which passed at a drip's pace. It ended up not working out well.

The rest of my time living in this small country town was long and slow marked by isolation. Soon enough, my own family was afraid of me. Looking back, they could probably hear me crying stifled tears in my 12x15'' room.

Eventually, I'd move far away to a university hoping to find a new place but the shadow that I came to knew followed me. He hid behind the corners of my mind for a while until the shadow made himself plain to see. No longer being able to ignore my problems, I stared into them because that has always been my burden to bear. Just as how I used to stare at the blinding sun for too long as a child, I stared for even longer at the darkness inside me.

After many nights without sleep wandering streets trying to drown the murmurs of a corrupted past and future, I nearly killed myself. I was spared, not because I was a coward but because my rational always would kick in at the last moment saving me from myself. Turns out I was too reasonable, even for myself.

I couldn’t keep doing this to myself. There had to be some way of living without this torment because many people with much harder lives than my own succeeded in their own right. The answer became clear. I didn’t want to live because I was afraid. But I didn’t want to die because I was going to die anyway so I thought, why rush it?

I chose to live, and ever since life has improved. But my isolation hasn’t.

>> No.12329469

>The answer became clear. I didn’t want to live because I was afraid. But I didn’t want to die because I was going to die anyway so I thought, why rush it?
Sorry anon, but that doesn't pass the "logically reasonable answer" test. If you were afraid then there'd be your reason, that's why you should rush it. But you aren't rushing it. Clearly there's a mistake here in the assumptions somewhere - either you're not really afraid, or the "I'll die anyway" doesn't actually resonate with you. But hey, the result is what matters: Fact is, you don't want to die badly enough to kill yourself. That's good by all defendable measures of good.

>> No.12329478
File: 118 KB, 900x506, 1546216182398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off to Paris in two days. Will spend a semester there, then travel to Athens. Gf lives in Paris too. I still don't have a definite place to stay there. It's going to be an interesting experience. When it stresses me out I think about the fact that I'll be everyday at a 5 minutes walking distance to the Louvre, and will probably be able to get in for free. Will be in there every week, it's the most amazing place I've ever went.

Also, hope I can have the aesthetic experience of walking to class in the post-protests destroyed streets.

>> No.12329503

What's with the backwards greentext?

>> No.12329512

First post is about no fap. Don't get me wrong, I am also an addict, for the last 3-4 years I am trying to quit. I wasted my mid 20s watching it almos every day. I started to hate myself. Fuck I actually hate myself. I will be 28 this year, I cant waste my life like this. And I cliced on this thread, and there it is, another person with the same problem. It really helps knowing that other people are in this pathetic trap.

>> No.12329628
File: 11 KB, 256x160, 35744053_1584011425054917_1899537745802428416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violent yellow vest protests are over now, only peaceful one remains. But enjoy Paris ! I am from Paris myself and i keep thinking this is the most beautiful city on Earth despite its many flaws. What brings you here ?

>> No.12329637

only because you're cute

>> No.12329686

Is there a way to slip into the long night? I feel like I'm living in a ghost world. I have had two "dates" with this chick but I'm too much of a pussy to ask whether she likes me

>> No.12329863

thanks I was feeling cute too

>> No.12329871

People who claim we live in a time of intellectual degeneracy are retards. They bemoan a bygone era when "popular" meant Jane Austen, Balzac, and Virginia Wolfe, as opposed to today when awful hacks like J.K. Rowiling sell books by the millions. You can bitch about YA and harry potter all you want, but keep in mind the following: 1- there were ultra popular hack authors back then too, you just no longer hear about them 2- "popular" in the 19th or early 20th century meant popular among the bourgeois and the upper middle class, the elites of society. Laypeople didn't read back then. Today they do, and you can't expect ordinary men to appreciate extraordinary literature. 3- People like Homer, Plato, and Dante had never been as popular or as widely read as they are today. 4- there are many great "high brow" authors out there, it's your fault for not discovering them 5- many of today's celebrated authors died in obscurity back in their own day.

>> No.12329877
File: 659 KB, 1024x496, macron_napoleon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studies and research project. Would gladly discuss it more, but I'm reluctant to share anything too personal and specific on the internet, especially on 4chan. If you have a throwaway email address I'd be happy to chat with you!

>> No.12329982

I sadly don't have a throwaway email address (though i could make one) but i do have a discord ! You have one ?

>> No.12330032
File: 2.04 MB, 2369x1566, church 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'll ever forget my crush. I'm "over her" in the sense that I've accepted we'll never be together and I no longer want to kill myself because of that, but she's still on my mind. My heart still races every time I see a picture of her (one of mine, that is. I don't follow her on social media anymore). I've been lonely since I was a child, and for the first time with her I felt like I had an actual human relationship. How I could I not love her? Not think she was special. I was wrong of course, but for the year and a half I was able to pretend I felt more alive than I had before and have since.

It's unfortunate in a way, though. After all this I think I have grown enough to have an actual relationship instead of a one-sided fantasy, but I don't think I want one. I spoiled myself on this naive, pure idea of love that makes the real one completely unappealing. I no longer have the heart for it.

So I don't know what I'll do. Maybe I can just accept being alone and focus my love instead into poetry and writing. Maybe I can capture some of those feelings I had again. Maybe I'll get over myself in a few years. I don't know. I hope I manage to stay apart from you though, seeing you again would probably just ruin the illusion again. It's taken me almost a year to construct this little garden I live in now, please don't trample the roses.

>> No.12330038

No, but I'll make one. I'm sure it will only take a minute or so. What's your discord?

>> No.12330060


>> No.12330121

Sent you the request.

>> No.12330212

I'm pissed about this government shutdown. Mostly because it's fucking with national parks. They are getting despoiled. Ignorant people will despoil anything if you leave it to them. The level of soulnessness boggles the mind.
Squandering and shitting over (literally) our natural heritage.
Turning nature into your fucking playpen.
Spreading ruin and trash.
Stop thinking you don't need a government you ignorant self-contradictory fucks!
I have an impending sense that this is all going to end quite badly.

>> No.12330230


>> No.12330332

How do I teach my sister to stop vilifying her surroundings in order to 1. make herself feel like a better person in relativity and 2. justify her insecurities - and thence spawned inappropriate reactions to many actions - towards the world's general state of being?

>> No.12330398
File: 723 KB, 1280x1920, 1280px-Zwiefalten_28_04_2011_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"popular" in the 19th or early 20th century meant popular among the bourgeois and the upper middle class, the elites of society. Laypeople didn't read back then.
And that's a Good Thing™
>there are many great "high brow" authors out there
Who are yours?

>> No.12330541

>Who are yours?
Honestly he'd be a fool to answer you, without the bonus from century-long recognition as a great author you can disregard anybody one might name

>> No.12330551

I never wrote any poetry, but I'm thinking of writing up a long poem separated in four verse small poems, each one dedicated to a different girl from different stages of my life. But I also feel is kind of stupid to start writing poetry and to commit embarrassing green teenage mistakes at my age

>> No.12330968

Okay I'm human

>> No.12331009

Imagine trying to dive from that diving board and hitting the handrail and stairs.

>> No.12331101

Same. Nice dubs btw

>> No.12331342

Someone stole my hash :'(

>> No.12331399

Not him, but here's mine:

Eat better.
Swap 8 cookies for just 4. Then swap 4 cookies for a whole milkfat yogurt. (Less sugar than "fat free" yogurt.) Etc. More fresh fruit and veggies. No fast food "because it's convenient." I'd rather go hungry.

Be mindful of my body.
Stand up straight. Seriously -- today is Jan. 2 and my core is already screaming because I've been reminding myseld to straighten out all day and my body is fighting me. Also go for walks. Start going for runs when the weather warms up. Gotta' find a "home fitness" regiment for pushups, planks, etc.

Write my book.
I've been keeping notes since 2012 for a book I want to write. I finally have the motivation to write it. And I've finally gotten over the idea that "I can't commit words to page because it won't be perfect like it is in my head" -- that's bullshit. I will let it be imperfect, but at least it will BE. I got a new job this year that I can see myself doing for a long time (maybe even my whole life) -- so writing this book is no longer tied up in "gotta' go to grad school" "gotta' become an English professor" "gotta' be a published writer." Fuck it. I just want to be able to say, "I wrote a book." I'll probably bind a few copies by hand and give them to friends.

Play videogames less / lurk 4chan less / waste less time on the internet.
Video games aren't evil, but for a couple months this year I was depressed and I used video games to kill all my post-work time so I wouldn't have to think about my shitty situation. Spending time on /v/ no longer helps me find good games to play, it's 99% shitposting. /lit/ is okay because at least it gets me thinking about my next resolution.

Read more books.
I barely read ONE book in 2018. Whereas in 2016 I read every single book ever written by a certain author. I love reading more than video games and movies and it's high time I devote my spare time to it.

Don't masturbate.
Rubbing one out every now and then is no problem. But for me, masturbation becomes part of my daily routine -- and then suddenly I find myself spending 90 minutes finding the right porn before I even start. Huge waste of time. The porn also fucks up my arousal response because of hedonistic expansion. I started this resolution in November and only masturbated maybe 4 times since then.

>> No.12331430

I only read Siddharta out of these three, really enjoyed it. Hesse's writing style is somehow relaxing and calming, but intriguing. I had the pleasure of reading it in it's original language, so I can't speak for the English translation.

>> No.12331457
File: 20 KB, 600x338, Tea_or_shout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I not give in to nihilism?

>> No.12331470
File: 19 KB, 509x411, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masturbating to her instagram pictures
this is the bottom, right lads? I can only get better from here

>> No.12331493

You can't.

>> No.12331499

The fact that you're even asking this question is justification enough.

>> No.12331510

It's actually above the bottom, so long as you're not actually donating money or buying them gifts from their wishlist. Full on pornography is bad the the mind so by jacking it to pictures instead of video and to girls who haven't fully undressed you're a step up on the normal cretin.

>> No.12331520

I'd argue that masturbating to somebody's IG or FB pics is even worse than pornography.

But yes, you can still go down further. Quit now while you still can.

>> No.12331523

Smoke weed

>> No.12331618

>A man is the sum of his actions.
A man is the sum of his abilities*

>> No.12331625

I would pay good money for the possibility of curbstomping this bitch

>> No.12331770

>tfw I have dozens of story ideas but the only one with characters I like is a shitty homestuck ripoff
>tfw the characters aren't even realistic, they act like cartoon characters

>> No.12331796

At least i'm on a good path. I don't consider myself a part of any elite, nor a person with more potential than an average Joe. I'm just using that potential in a better way.

>> No.12331808


Don't know if this was samefag or actual clever banter; either way, I chuckled.

>> No.12331859

>actual clever banter

No, I was just getting the gay out of my system. Flirting with anons is my only release.

>> No.12331882
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>> No.12331977
File: 214 KB, 624x768, MyFavoriteDanceMoves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gotta' find a "home fitness" regiment for pushups, planks, etc.
I'm going to try darebee

>Write my book.
I think this is a great idea, but please use spell check, proofread, and revise at least once.

>Read more books.
Yes. Same

>Don't masturbate.
Jesus Jim-bob Christ. All these nofap posts make me want to pull my pud. Seriously, though, good luck.

>> No.12332046

I'm >>12324966

I find pieces of myself in what you wrote. I tried to kill myself a month before finishing high school because I had become extremely sad. I was lucky enough to be stopped by the police because I was riding my bike without a headlight at night. They could tell something was off, they actually asked if I was going to kill myself and I said no but was terrified, shaking. They let me off with a ticket. I wandered the streets until the morning, listening to music, crying and thinking about what can be done.

I left my hometown with a lot of regrets. I never told my crush that I loved her. I was a dick to the few people I could call my friends at the time. I had made a mess of myself at multiple parties.

I moved to another city for university and immediately found a pretty great group of friends. It didn't help too much because I was still extremely scared and mostly wanted to be alone. Still, I had someone to hang out with from time to time. I didn't make many friends at uni outside of this group but I was talking to people. I thought I was getting better.

Except nothing had changed at all, I had my addictions and continued to spent most of my time alone. I would cry often, either at night or after getting home in the middle of the day, not entirely sure why, but I enjoyed the pain. I needed it. Once I dreamed that I had started a family with a girl I barely knew and it left me paralyzed for a few days. After a while it stopped and I seldom cry these days.

I poisoned myself with solipsism and eventually lost most of my feelings. I can't exactly attribute this loss to it but it is the most probable cause. It helped in the sense that I wished for an outcome instead of fearing it, although not necessarily a positive one.

I graduated this year and generally made a lot of improvements, the greatest of which must be the decision to live. Not just be alive but live the best life I fucking can. I still enjoy parties.

Best of luck to us both, God knows we need it.

>> No.12332058

Here's to reading more this year. I used to read a book a week when working at a bookshop, getting a tech job was a mistake, should have stayed in the retail slums as a litbum

>> No.12332067

any one here read house of dolls before? planning on starting it tomorrow

>> No.12332077
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>> No.12332103

Mine is like this
1) Draw more from observation. Try to it whenever I'm bored.
2) Finish all the assignments of the David Hornung book on colors.
3) Read at least 12 books, read whenever I'm bored.
4) Be able to do at least 3x5 pull-ups, keep doing the calisthenics stuff.
5) Go out with a girl I met on the street, but in general become less autistic around people.

>> No.12332173

tfw don't know how to meet girls other than tinder

>> No.12332176

faggot normie

>> No.12332210

I wish I was gay, then I could just get someone from /lit/ to be my unstable neurotic bf

>> No.12332264

Please don't wish that, it's hard enough to find a /lit/ bf without """"straight""" boys trying to snatch them up, too.

>> No.12332265

>spellcheck, proofread
Oh, absolutely. I have at least two friends ready and willing to comb over my manuscript to help me fix it up, as well.

I'll look it up.

Gotta' stay strong.

>> No.12332318


>Caring about reality

>> No.12332362

Please make fun of my shallow poem:
Candid, canid, sidling, steps.
Sawnee, sable, Baden, blonde.
Without, wiles, wisdom, wealth.
Florida, fawn, Georgia, grey.

To draw, to level, to shoot.
To clean, to work, to render moot.
To leave by day, gone away.
To hear again such ugly bray.

Alike, unlike, plodding, paces.
Cabin, cabinet, Table, TV


>> No.12332391

it's nice

>> No.12332420

it's nice

>> No.12332443

I'm not asking so I can dismiss him, I'm looking for recs

>> No.12332448

Do any of you get a faintly sad sense when you start doing something productive? Whenever I try to change for the better, it's like a part of me takes that as an admission of defeat, of vulnerability, that youth won't last forever and if you want to do great things you have to start working now. Being a leech living idle is pathetic for anyone with potential, but it is stunning how much simpler and pleasant it is than taking it on yourself to accomplish anything. I guess ultimately it's just a trifle anyway. Back to work.

>> No.12332450

I'm just gonna crush it like i've been doing every year. Amor fati.

>> No.12332460

I wish I had real friends to share my books with. Thank you for being the closest thing to that, /lit/.

>> No.12332473

>Do any of you get a faintly sad sense when you start doing something productive?

Usually when I realize how it easy it was and how stupid and stubborn I was for not beginning sooner.

>that youth won't last forever and if you want to do great things you have to start working now.

Time is going to pass with or without you. Are you going to be an old man with accomplishments, or regrets?

>> No.12332513

Try not to think of it as doing something abnormal, rather treat it like your moving on to another way to idle your time away. This is especially effective with paperwork.

>> No.12332573

brb gonna turn irony into an alienated concept akin to pure evil and make sincerity into a supreme and insurmountable virtue that overshadows all other qualities of media

>> No.12332587
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It's >>12329446

>Fact is, you don't want to die badly enough to kill yourself.
I'd say this is true. I'm not adequate at explaining really what I went through because I know the causes to a degree and they were mainly based on what I thought of myself and the world around me. It wasn't an easy decision, and I though about it a long time before willing accepting life's burdens. It just became clear that if you carry that weight and accept your limitations, you will become stronger. I couldn't let go of existence and the beauty of nature so I decided to do something about it.

I appreciate the response. Isolation is tough to break but for me it has healed me because it gave me time to analyze my own thought processes and so since then I have learned to avoid negative thought loops and what not. Reading, writing, exercise, fresh air, and therapy has been the best source for building an emotionally stable mind. I'm probably younger than you, but this life shit isn't easy and anyone who says otherwise is either lying or in denial. I imagine everyone has to eventually look at themselves and their own mortality so having gone through the hardest part, it gets better.

Pain is unavoidable, suffering isn't. Good luck, anon.
developing an emotionally s

>> No.12332643

When it's all said and done, the toll of an empty home is the most staggering.

>> No.12332762

I wouldn't mind putting a lot of effort into things, hell, I'm putting a lot of effort into specific things right now, I've put a lot of effort into things in the past too, a lot of effort that wasn't, like, immediate reward like in some video game, but stuff where a lot of effort itself is not the reward, where the reward only comes weeks after you've put in a lot of effort, but the thing is, I don't want to put a lot of effort into university, I'd much rather write a book and teach on the side

>> No.12332774

I don't think you meet anyone new after high school

>> No.12332781

Word play isn't terrible, though
>to hear again such ugly bray
sounds archaic as fuck. I also have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say with this poem.

>> No.12332810

It’s about a dude shooting coyote and then ambiguously either shooting himself or another coyote. That was supposed to imply that there were more coyotes in the place he shot the first one.

You’re entirely correct about my word usage though, I don’t know how to conjugate or construct genuinely evocative sentences so I just default to using “fancy” language.

>> No.12332827
File: 66 KB, 1200x800, phantomthread2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My job is killing me inside. You have skills why not at least try to utilize them. You're dad is probably dead, he didn't even call on christmas. Or maybe he figured out that you're ignoring those calls from random numbers that you know are him. Your ankle is probably permanently damaged. You need to lose 50+ lbs to bone your girlfriend again without feeling ashamed. You're killing yourself vices. You're angry all the time. You're clinging to some weird, eternal optimism that's gotten you to this point. Somewhat proud, self indulgent and dismayed.

>> No.12332845

>decide to finally submit some of my stories just to get out of limbo
>load up submission grinder
>realize I have no idea how to pick journals to submit to

>> No.12332851

Oh I get it now, I actually think it's pretty good with that in mind.

>> No.12332856

meant for >>12332810

>> No.12332875

Why is life so complicated?

>> No.12332888

For the first time in more than two decades, new works are entering the public domain in America.

>> No.12332914

I wish I could express my feelings beyond just 'I love you'. It just sounds so flat.

>> No.12332922

Which works, and where? (Also nice trips)

>> No.12332951

Just say, "This mouth means more to me than any other"

>> No.12333038

Nice dubs.

Duke Law has this article https://law.duke.edu/cspd/publicdomainday/2019/ which has an extensive list linked in the third paragraph as an xlsx file. The Hathi Trust also has https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/ls?a=srchls;c=149827760;q1=* uploaded, but it's annoying to dig through.

If you just want a brief list of books, these are some of the ones I'm looking forward to: Bambi (Salten), New Hampshire (Frost), the Inimitable Jeeves (Wodehouse), Murder on the Links (Christi), the Rover (Conrad), the Prophet (Gibran), Cane (Toomer), the Lighthouse at the End of the World (Verne), Aelita (Tolstoy), and Men Like Gods (HG Wells).

>> No.12333184

Just tried some hot sauce made with Carolina reaper peppers. Rest in peace my anus tomorrow.

>> No.12333230

The sicko mode cat is hilarious desu

>> No.12333272

>3- People like Homer, Plato, and Dante had never been as popular or as widely read as they are today.
That is because of POPULATION, not culture. When Virginia Woolf (the most recent author in your "bygone" era) died in 1941, there were barely 2 billion people on the planet. Now there are nearly four times as many (7.7 billion). Even if the proportion of literate people in society halved, they would be more than compensated by the sheer numbers of births. To compare societies, you would need to look at the proportions.

>> No.12333280

Why does the proportion matter?

>> No.12333281

Visit Beaubourg while you're there (aka Centre Pompidou). Much less crowded than the Louvre, and a very well designed museum. Enjoy your semester abroad, anon!

>> No.12333287

Critique threads are the blind leading the blind.

>> No.12333297

That does sound quite sweet I guess. Thanks.

>> No.12333299

Because Numbered List anon was using flawed reasoning. If you had a population of 100 people, of whom 80 were artists, scientists, and statesmen, and then a second population of 15,000 people, of whom 200 were artists, scientists, and statesmen,—which society would be more "refined"? Let's assume those who aren't artists, scientists, or statesmen are ignorant boobs. Society B has more of these lofty individuals than Society A, but it would be utterly wrong to consider A the more degenerate; its only fault is to be smaller.

>> No.12333305

Blind threads are the critics leading the critics

>> No.12333315

Blind typing is ararhtao eatg ato at.

>> No.12333316

Is love just a product of our minds? Is it real? I see love as not caring about what happens to me as long as it makes the person I love happy but it’s so weird. Are we becoming more intelligent than we need to? Animals don’t see the absurd of the life (that is: nothing really changes and nothing really surprises you, it’s all the same, its all just a circle of life) why are some people’s so busy with not important stuff when our planet is going to turn into sun in the future and everything will be gone. Would you work towards something if I tell you it means nothing? Life is just constant ups and downs. Does living in the balance really matters when god and karma doesn’t exist. There is no good and evil and there is no point. We are just searching for the meaning and these who don’t, are living to be entertained like drones

>> No.12333322

Glad I'm not the only one

>> No.12333414

Doesn't exist until observed.
A Schrodinger's loneliness.

>> No.12333427

pop-science was a mistake

>> No.12333467


>> No.12333471
File: 1.03 MB, 1041x1595, 1540762493951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you felt the same, I'll stay up at night looking at old pictures for someone who doesn't exist anymore. I stay awake at night imagining I'm a cliff side looking across the ocean. But this isn't a happy scene or one of romance, I'm the cliff side made of talc and your the waves that keep crashing into me almost naturally, wearing me down slowly till their is nothing left to touch.

Thanks to any Anon who read this despite it's flaws, English is not my first language.

>> No.12333500

I wish I knew what I should do. But I also enjoy surprise and uncertainty. If only the actions I should take would introduce me to many surprises...

>> No.12333534

Your English is perfectly fine my dude.

>> No.12333556

>I'm the cliff side made of talc and your the waves that keep crashing into me almost naturally, wearing me down slowly till their is nothing left to touch.

And that is just beautiful. Heartbreaking.

>> No.12333560


Love the national parks. I hope I get to see more in the near future, but if not, It was fun while it lasted


I really do want to change, but... I enjoy wine and food a little too much. And I'm a little too comfortable with procrastinating and, you know, being fat, etc. We shall overcome. But first, let us cringe.

>> No.12333584

>Is it real?

It is. I cannot describe it, but I can feel it. It's not like anything else. Very special.

>> No.12333585

The shitty thing is that the NPS fucks up the parks anyway to make them accessible to normies. Imagine if you had to hike into an unspoiled Yosemite, how grand it would be!

>> No.12333616


Thank you anons

>> No.12333638

My new years resolution is to masturbate more.

>> No.12333811

>Is love just a product of our minds?
Well, love is the evolutionary result of being a social pair-mating animal, where that pair-mating has large benefits. Feeling love is certainly a result of your mind, though.
>Is it real?
Insofar as any behavioral trend or emotion is real.
>Are we becoming more intelligent than we need to (be)?
Meaningless question until you establish a context. There is no obvious metric by which we can establish a "correct" amount of intelligence.
>Would you work towards something if I tell you it means nothing?
This is a question of specific moral systems. You are fundamentally dismissing, for example, the common religious belief that there is a world beyond this one where all action taken here do matter.

But if we take as given that nothing has any meaning, then there is no moral value attached to anything, and all of ethics falls to capriciousness. I have quite a bit to say about axiology, if you'd like to hear it.

>> No.12333896

I'm not sure if God left me or I didn't search hard enough. I am in Hell, a place without Him. I spend my nights staring at the darkness with the same song on repeat for hours and my days pretending I'm okay. I've never been this low before. Lord take me home. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.12334313

Just finish your freshman year anon, high school will be over before you know it