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12323191 No.12323191 [Reply] [Original]

When you pity a child suffering at the hands of others, according to the philosphy of Max Stirner, is the emotion you experience a spook? Would that be a biological response, or subconcious response via internalized christian values. A case in which one would interve and stop the child's suffering - would the egoist do so to feel better about himself?
Reading Stirner and the Kramazov Bros side by side makes me feel all kinds of things..

>> No.12323195

Stirner is not to be taken seriously

>> No.12323197

>would the egoist do so to feel better about himself?

ding ding ding

>> No.12323206

That's pretty sweet

>> No.12323221

why would the egoist feel bad in this scenario? the ideal, absolute egoist would feel nothing after all his spooks have been busted

>> No.12323244

>the ideal, absolute egoist
is still constrained by natural law, and so can't just turn off the "feel bad when children suffer" circuit in his brain.

Egoism is all about doing whatever the fuck you want without being bound by societal norms (spooks), not about becoming an emotionless stoic.

If I want to help kids then an Egoist would say fucking do it faggot. If I want to rape kids the Egoist would still say fucking do it faggot. You are the only thing in the world that matters.

>> No.12323587

>is the emotion you experience a spook?
Emotion as commonsense psychology, yes, but not the experience of it. Even when facing biological realities, deluding yourself can make you come out on top anyway. Spooks are vehicles.

>> No.12323607

I love men too—not merely individuals, but every one. But I love them with the consciousness of my egoism; I love them because love makes me happy, I love because loving is natural to me, it pleases me. I know no 'commandment of love'. I have a fellow-feeling with every feeling being, and their torment torments, their refreshment refreshes me too [Ibidem, p. 258].

>> No.12323617

/thread. He is very low IQ from his writings. Almost every topic he has ever tried to discuss has been put better by another. Even Engels remarked of his stupidity meeting him once.

>> No.12323619
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>When you pity a child suffering at the hands of others, according to the philosphy of Max Stirner, is the emotion you experience a spook?
No. The duty to pity this child (moral or otherwise), however, would have been a spook.

>> No.12323810

Seems like he went over your head

>> No.12323843

Why don't you read the fucking book before saying stupid shit like this.

>> No.12325056

>Even Engels remarked of his stupidity meeting him once.

Where? Engels wrote a poem about the guy, and mentioned to in a letter to Marx, that they should incorporate Stirner's ideas to their own work.

You must realize, Stirner is not saying anyone should put anything into their head, but rather remove everything which is not essentially theirs (though he is not even saying anyone *should* do this). This extends to all kinds of things, to put it briefly, it is also very much related to power. With Stirner, even what we would usually recognize as biological truths, can be arbitrary psychological determinacies, but insofar as they are in truth, unnecessary points of. justification. An example of this would be procreation. Some people have it in their heads that the organic teleology of their sex organs is the measure of their alignment with what is *right*, and so on. There is a lot that can be talked about here, but in essence, it is just the consideration of your particular interest and power, in your particular point of ontological experience.

Now, the example you give, with the child. The very fact you are considering points of justification external to yourself, is what Stirner goes on and against. As if some right greater than yours is righter than what you are experiencing. Consider the biblical story of the Binding of Isaac. God, having the absolute might, gets to determine the absolute right, even though this goes against the interests of Abraham, in the sense that his emotional response here is now at odds with the absolute arbitration of his God. This is in essence, a spook, as Stirner tells it. A fixed point of arbitration which is in truth a 'spirit', a delusion acting on your deterritorialized ape-brain.

>> No.12325442
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Absolutely based and unspooked.

>> No.12325453

>is still constrained by natural law, and so can't just turn off the "feel bad when children suffer" circuit in his brain.
So empathy is not a spook, and Stirner was disproved.

>> No.12325466


Can you good people actually read the book?

''A human being is "called" to nothing, and has no "mission;' no
"purpose;' no more than a plant or a beast has a "calling." The flower
doesn't follow the calling to complete itself, but applies all its forces
to enjoy and consume the world as best it can, i.e., it sucks in as much
of the earth's juices, as much of the ether's air, as much of the sun's
light, as it can get and accommodate. The bird doesn't live up to any
calling, but it uses its forces as much as possible: it catches bugs and
sings to its heart's delight. But the forces of the flower and the bird
are small compared to those of a human being, and a human being
who uses his forces will intervene in the world much more powerfully
than a flower or a beast.''

>> No.12325492

Quoting his blathering won't change anything.

>> No.12325516


Change what, are we not discussing his work?
Nowhere therein does he say empathy is a ''spook''.

>> No.12325541

Ok dude, what is it you're trying to accomplish by arguing with based strineranon if you haven't even read the book? Do you perhaps feel threatened in your beliefs by subjectivism? Is there some objective standard you want to defend? Why not just do it™ instead of shitposting?

>> No.12326391


>> No.12327168

Ya'll need to read MacIntyre!

>> No.12328925

I'm currently reading After Virtue, but it thus far it's just further convincing me of the standpoint of emotivism as a "theory of use".

>> No.12329501

Yeh, this is pretty accurate. Stirner wasn't a real philosopher, and the concept of spooks is literally retarded to begin with. There's a reason we don't have any pictures of the idiot left today, he just created solipsism with extra steps. His ideas were unfalsifiable and therefore worthless.

>> No.12329626

>Stirner wasn't a real philosopher,
Didn't consider himself one.

>and the concept of spooks is literally retarded to begin with
How? Lets take one of the basic forms which he goes on about at length, i.e. humanism/humanity?

>he just created solipsism with extra steps.
Depending on how you're using that word, sure.

>His ideas were unfalsifiable and therefore worthless.
Care to point out some?

>> No.12329661

>even though this goes against the interests of Abraham, in the sense that his emotional response here is now at odds with the absolute arbitration of his God. This is in essence, a spook, as Stirner tells it. A fixed point of arbitration which is in truth a 'spirit', a delusion acting on your deterritorialized ape-brain.
What my property said. This is very reason why Striner was distrustful of Christianity and religion in general