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/lit/ - Literature

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12316281 No.12316281 [Reply] [Original]

No matter what I do I just can't into this book. Whenever I start to read it nothing seems to make any sense at all

>> No.12316284

Literally just read over the words. Keep going.

>> No.12316293

Do you like surrealism? If not, then is isn't for you.

>> No.12316318

Keep going and youll get to the point where the coherent shit starts

>> No.12316320

I like surrealism in movies. I like some of David Lynch films, Guy Maddin, Cronenberg, stuff like that. Not sure about surrealism in book form though

>> No.12316321

Where is that?

>> No.12316333

It doesnt - but you get a feel for it - you know when shit is crazy when the plot is actually moving along sort of. Beware the dream sequence within a dream sequence

>> No.12316343

How far did you get?

>> No.12316346

Watch more surrealist films like Luis bunuel and Fellini

>> No.12316347

I just finished part one. My comprehension waxes and wanes.

>> No.12316375

I already like Bunuel stuff, Fellini is ok, but I prefer Antonioni

>> No.12316381

I'm near the part where that medium sits down around some table, some slowly burning flame and there's this bitch with big titties and her american boyfriend or smth like that

>> No.12316692

based brainlets can't make the transition from Stoner

>> No.12316846

maybe you just have low iq and a terrible reading comprehension? It really is not that hard, at least compared to something like Ulysses which legitimately becomes unreadable during some parts if you are not ready for it. Maybe try reading V. and TCLo49 first?

>> No.12316855

The second part is the easiest. Most of part 3 is easy too but it gets harder and part 4 is where it really get fucked up.

>> No.12316866


>> No.12317903


>> No.12317917

Please don’t tell me you started this without reading at least some of his other works? Or did you not lurk on /lit/ for more than a day to hear that it is a difficult book, like the retard I assume you are?

>> No.12317935

angry much?

>> No.12317949

This same post pops up every day. You’d think people would learn. Instead they go from reading The Catcher in the Rye and the Stranger to reading this.

>> No.12317957

I've read Bleeding Edge and Inherent Vice before this.

>> No.12317963

What, his two children’s books?

>> No.12317990

Just wait 6 years a-and then come back to it. Worked for me.

>> No.12318016


>> No.12318024
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Keep at it champ.

>> No.12318028

Hahahaha, you think you're a grown up? For reading post-modernism shit? Get a load of this faggot everybody

>> No.12318031

Very embarrassing.

>> No.12318162

Put more effort then pleb

Bookchemist on yt has a series
Pynchon in public podcast has like 40 eps dedicated to reading
Online sources

>> No.12318452

it was embarassing for you to watch me fuck your mom and your sister afterwards, my cum all over their asses and lips

>> No.12318502

whoever made this meme is twisted

>> No.12318532

which lips?

>> No.12318534

Bleeding Edge is harder to understand than GR, fight me

>> No.12318539

It's a poor man's catch 22

>> No.12318544
File: 22 KB, 333x500, 41D6RybU9tL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding some 20 percent to the original content, this is a completely updated edition of Steven Weisenburger's indispensable guide to Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow. Weisenburger takes the reader page by page, often line by line, through the welter of historical references, scientific data, cultural fragments, anthropological research, jokes, and puns around which Pynchon wove his story. Weisenburger fully annotates Pynchon's use of languages ranging from Russian and Hebrew to such subdialects of English as 1940s street talk, drug lingo, and military slang as well as the more obscure terminology of black magic, Rosicrucianism, and Pavlovian psychology. The Companion also reveals the underlying organization of Gravity's Rainbow―how the book's myriad references form patterns of meaning and structure that have eluded both admirers and critics of the novel.

>> No.12318545
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You've read neither.

>> No.12318578

Is GR really the literary equivalent of Evangelion or did I get memed?

>> No.12318633

I'm halfway through M&D and even though it's difficult at times and I'm sure I only got at most 20% of it I'm massively enjoying it.
Should I continue with GR afterwards?

>> No.12318657

If you can through M&D you've got what it takes to get through GR.
I'd still read V. first though. While not necessary, it shares themes and characters with GR and compliments it really well.

>> No.12318664



>> No.12318710

Not even ol' Pinecone knew what he was writing:
>I was so fucked up while I was writing it...that now I go back over some of those sequences, and I can't figure out what I could have meant

>> No.12318719

>le Americans in war torn Europe
>le comically oversexed protagonist
>le paranoia
>le dare-I-say-it Kafkaesque bureaucracy
>le sexual disfunction of military officers
>le abusive authority
>le wacky names
>le zany non linear narrative
Forgive me if I missed a few

>> No.12318948
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>> No.12318961

Pine cone is a r*ddit style hack
He is trollface the author

>> No.12318969

Literally my first thought about GR was: this reads like someone completely blacked out and woke up with a fully written novel on their desk

>> No.12318984

>a cow sez moo
Is there a finer sentence in all of literature?

>> No.12318999

Once upon a time and a very good time it was there was a moocow coming down along the road and this moocow that was coming down along the road met a nicens little boy named baby tuckoo....

>> No.12319039

Cows make for the best literature. Trips confirms it

>> No.12319488

Redpill me on books about cows?

>> No.12319504

It didn't make sense for me until the reread. Same thing with Ulysses -- the first read is just to lay the foundation for the reread.

>> No.12320441


>The novel drew attention in September 2015 when critic Art Winslow, the longtime Nation books editor, argued in Harper's Magazine that the novel is the work of American author Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.12320694
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>> No.12321017

Sounds interesting, anyone here that has read it and can recommend it?

>> No.12321713


Don't listen to this asshole. I read the whole thing like a sucker after a friend pretended to have read it. It never stops being pretentious babbling nonsense. Biggest pile of overrated garbage I've ever read.

>> No.12321745

is the a-and a stutter or is it more like aaaaaand
I've only ever gotten to about p250 before giving up

>> No.12321776


>> No.12322114


>> No.12322131

please respond

>> No.12322152

IJ is more like the eva of literature, but sure you could say that by proxy.

>> No.12322245

GR is more like Metal Gear Solid 2 of literature

>> No.12322266

Both are vapid entertainment designed for children and immature adolescents? Sounds about right actually

>> No.12322275

>implying books aren't entertainment in the first place