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12314318 No.12314318 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on inceldom?

>> No.12314327
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>> No.12314403

Notice that the actual incels are all obese and would probably have no problems getting women if they just stopped shovelling shit in their mouths

>> No.12314421

Guess I'm a premium incel

>> No.12314444

>tfw a fake

>> No.12314445

You have entire boards for this

>> No.12314447

I'm fit as fuck and an incel
I've only managed to fuck a 3/10 autistic girl my whole life

>> No.12314477

I'm a pure truecel who looks like a fakecel normielite.

>> No.12314482

My diary

>> No.12314486

anything by houellebecq
a confederacy of dunces
welcome to the nhk for mango

>> No.12315335

They are right, change my mind.

>> No.12315349
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>> No.12315353

same, getting your shit together and ending up with an ugly gf that you don't even want is the ultimate humilation.

>> No.12315362

>has fucked human female
>still calls himself incel
umm sweaty...if you arent KHV you *clap* are *clap* not *clap* incel *clap*

>> No.12315440
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Narcy fakecel reporting in, friendly reminder that incels.meh is a reddit forum for <80 IQ deathnikks that has never had a decent poster or formulated any legit theories Tbh ngl buddy boyo

>> No.12315448

fuck nig gers

>> No.12315480

Just watch this OP

>> No.12315502

yeah op, always remember at least you're not a tranny

>> No.12315510

>check out this mentally ill youtuber, I think he could help you overcoming your mental illness

>> No.12315535

I think you should visit gandy asap desu ngl mein tygger

>> No.12315569


tl;dr: it's OGRE

>> No.12316040

Michel Houelbecq

>> No.12316122


>> No.12316744

>tfw you transcend the incel scale
who /couldeasilygetlaidbutjustnevertried/ here

>> No.12316763

tfw premium incel

>> No.12316767

okay different anon and I've been in one relationship where we got as far as oral sex but I'm still a virgin and haven't been intimate with anyone else in my life - am I involuntarily celibate?

>> No.12316852


you're probably a unattractive and a loser tho (no offense)

>> No.12316870

This is me too, I'm pretty attractive but have literally no social skills, no friends, and have never been in a relationship

>> No.12316902

I've had sex only two times. Both were ugly girls off tinder and I couldn't cum. I wish I were a virgin still. I would be a shit boyfriend, and I will be alone for the rest of my days. The other aspects of my life are ok though.

>> No.12316916

don't worry I have a sinking suspicion I'm unattractive and definitely know I'm a loser :/
I work out and read and shit too, can't say I didn't try. Real unfortunate so many things are decided before I was even born but what can I do? Live with it I guess.

>> No.12316931
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Forgotten classic

>> No.12316944

Am I an incel if im in celibacy because I don't leave my home and I never talk to anyone?

>> No.12316951

Nar m8, ur incel if you can't score a root no matter how hard you try. Hence, 'involuntary'.

>> No.12316955
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are you an incel if you are both scared of sex and a practicing christian?

>> No.12316971

Wouldn't be involuntary then would it . . .

>> No.12317017

Can we kill this lame thread ?

How about books on volcels

>> No.12317036

Summa Theologiae

>> No.12317116

I just realised that with a slight change of perspective, I could be a pure truecel. It's only because my life choices are nominally voluntary that I'm not.

What a strange thought.

>> No.12317248

Is there any loophole with having sex as a Christian? Jews have all sorts for the Sabbath. Wish I was born when people got married at 18. Actually committing to celibacy while living in a modern secular society is difficult.

>> No.12317280

I work full-time but have no friends and make no attempt to do anything with women whatsoever. What am I?

>> No.12317304

you are me

>> No.12317308
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>> No.12317313

that's not involuntary genius

>> No.12317321

Why would you chose to obey antiquated rules based on societal needs that no longer apply in the here-and-now.
Protip: The Bible is mostly the work of Men, your faith does not make every word of it not written by the hand of a fallible man. The Lord's word may be in there, but it is awash in a sea of misinformation and contrived rules that exist only to enslave you to an agenda long since past its expiration date.
God is Love. Nothing more. And his rules are simple: Love oneanother. Anything else is open to your interpretation. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddah) once said "Believe nothing, no matter who has said it, not even if I have said it. If it does not sit in accordance to you, discard it."

>> No.12317408

So many of these are wrongly labeled

>> No.12317470

That's a very long-winded way of saying "support homosexuality"

>> No.12317486

I’m in the same boat as you anon and I honestly wish I were just KHV so that I’d have the courage to completely sever myself from the idea of talking to women entirely but because of the few scraps I have gotten I still entertain hope occasionally

>> No.12317498

>I've only managed
thats not how it works you retarded failed beta normalfag

>> No.12317559

>loophole with having sex as a Christian?
They call this "marriage".

>> No.12317595

fakecel normielite PLUS here, sex and women are overrated and your sense of failure comes from your own placing of women and pussy in a pedestal so high. Women are fake and trash and completely lack self responsibility. Yes CAN feel better than masturbation and emotional intimacy is nurturing but in the long run it always turns sour.

>> No.12318879

The poetry of Robert Herrick is pretty accurate.

>> No.12318883
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>tfw you work for years to overcome incel just to end up volcel

>> No.12318898

i can't believe i'm a fakecel normielite. My limited success has put a barrier between me and my brothers. Truly I am forsaken. Rejected in both worlds.

>> No.12318910

how in god's name is that tranny shit going to help me escape inceldom?

>> No.12318922

why is this board full of /r9k/ rejects complaining about their lives 24/7, just whining and whining and whining

nobody cares. this is a board for discussing books. fuck off

>> No.12318942

why does it bother you so much

>> No.12318946

Because this board is for literature, not your personal problems.

>> No.12318951

why did he dress up like a woman and put on a silly woman voice for this video. i don't get it. what does that add to the experience? did he think we wouldn't notice?

>> No.12318953

yeah and it's a board on 4chan, why do you give a shit

>> No.12318983

Because I come here to discuss and read discussion about literature, not to read about some retard's poor life choices.

>> No.12318990

>Because I come here to discuss and read discussion about literature,
you're worse than they are desu

>> No.12318993

And why don't you want that support anon?

>> No.12319000

Who the fuck makes these charts? Is there anything more pathetic than being obsessed with pathetic people?

>> No.12319017

low effort bait

>> No.12319020

>tfw level 0
am I a normie?

>> No.12319072

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as 4chan, is in fact, 4channel, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, 4channel dot org. 4chan is not a website unto itself, but rather one domain in a fully functioning ecchi-otaku network made usable by the moderators, janitors, and vital advertising partners comprising a full image-based bulletin board system as defined by Hiroyuki Nishimura.

>> No.12319088


The obsession with "incels" is akin to certain bigots' obsession with black people.

>> No.12319315

Actually tho I dont support Homosexuality, not because of what some dusty old tome says but because it flies in the face of the Biological imparitive of every human being. That isn't to say that I hate Homosexuals or have an aversion to their existence, I simply believe that Normalizing or acting as if it is totally fine and rational to be a homo is encouraging off-base behavior and damaging to Society's collective psyche.

What my longwinded spheal was about is that one shouldnt throw away their life on the belief that a God want's them to, when there is no solid evidence that he does, in fact, want you to. Only the words of men. I say walk with God yourself, and find your own answers.

>> No.12319333

see my post >>12318721

>> No.12319352
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I think one of the more interesting phenomena in the incel spectrum was the shift from redpill PUA thinking to blackpill Lookism thinking. Far as I can surmise, the 2014 Elliot Rodger shooting was huge in this respect - he posted on the PUAHate forum which evolved into the Lookism forum, and his publicity was enough to spread Lookism ideology far and wide across the Internet. Nowadays it seems like right-leaning blackpillers loathe PUAs more than left-leaning bluepillers ever did.