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/lit/ - Literature

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12313473 No.12313473 [Reply] [Original]

Literary confession thread

>> No.12313489

I read more women than men

>> No.12313491

I post here every day despite the fact that I haven't read a book in about 11 years.

>> No.12313496

based imo

>> No.12313511

Reading feels like a chore often times.

>> No.12313513

I like Chinese literature but I will never ever read anything from the mainland post 1949. Taiwan and Hong Kong are okay though.

>> No.12313516

I only read books with good cover designs.

>> No.12313533

I can't motivate myself to read books that are not physical. I can't motivate myself to read from any device or ebook other than physical. Don't know why.

>> No.12313537

you still will never be a girl faggo

>> No.12313545

it's obvious to me that fiction is more useful, but I prefer philosophy because interpretation isnt my strong suit

>> No.12313566

I am considered one of the most prospective PhD candidates and am certainly one of the most published in my program yet I have barely read the texts I write my papers on, I mostly skim for interesting bits and rely on secondary literature.

>> No.12313570

thats half of /lit/, don't worry

>> No.12313622

>tfw also PhD candidate and have read only a few new books that aren't secondary literature since completing my comprehensive exams

>> No.12313649

I've been reading the same book for the last 2 months and I'm just past halfway.

>> No.12313661

Yeah, same. Except I only come here to shitpost.

>> No.12313669


>> No.12313676

Heg e

>> No.12313683

Ive been reading Ulysses since 2007 and still haven't finished it.
My copy of The Magic Mountain was stolen (not returned) from my Uni
>they never charged me

>> No.12313745

Reading has expanded my vocabulary so now when I talk to people (especially over text), it just comes out by accident and I feel like a pseud.

>> No.12314223

>reading anything after 1908

>> No.12314245

I sometimes listen to booktuber qt's until I see how their only goal is to advertise their own book (e.g. the elysian prophecy). Ellen Brook, freelance editor, is my an untouchable fair maiden and shegives solid advice though.

>> No.12314272


>> No.12314290

I often find myself not knowing 20-25 words a chapter on a lot of books, more if they are older. I can get by using context but it hurts just how many words I don't know

>> No.12314299

Secondary literature is generally pretty good because of the scholarly formulation of arguments about penises

>> No.12314454

Wanting to fuck Ellen Brook is very much a respectable thing to desire.
One day I'll meet her in person and get her to read and comment on my essays about her various body parts.

>> No.12314476

more common than you 'd think

>> No.12314526

Academia is like reposting old shit someone wrote who had no internet. Good ol' fun.

>> No.12314540

I frequently hatewatch YA booktubers.

>> No.12314542

Most books are boring, especially the ones praised on /lit/.

>> No.12314569

Post your top.

>> No.12314653

Even though I'm better read than >95% of the general population I still feel like a pseud and a brainlet compared to so many people even on this board, not even scratching the surface of the people I know in academia.

It also pisses me off how little the Humanities is valued in our society, pretty much the reason I refuse to go into academia to slave as a TA for 6 years getting paid literally nothing writing some convoluted nonsense dissertation that 10 people at most will ever read, then not being able to find a job as a Professor afterwards at any respectable University and getting paid jack shit on top of working at some shit University with shit students.

t. angry recent grad English and Russian major

>> No.12314674

Sometimes I feel guilty for spending so much time reading

>> No.12314783

I know this feel, but what else are we gonna do, since we feel like reading and discussing ideas make us happy?

>> No.12315303

>to slave as a TA for 6 years getting paid literally nothing
Not sure what will happen career-wise, but I've been making around $24k the past few years and teach my own literature classes 3 hours a week and otherwise live a practically NEET life. It's been comfy.

>> No.12315602

I've never read Nietzsche

>> No.12315692

I haven't read any fiction in English, my native language, in over 3 years. I like Toni Morrison more than most other American authors

>> No.12316025

Don’t worry, you’re not alone on that. It’s an inevitability in academia - everyone does it, no-one admits to it.

>> No.12316261
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I don't think I even like reading all that much. I never feel excited to read much of anything except for short stories. I still try to read extensively, but I think I just read because I need to justify my own ideas and positions. It feels more like a job than anything else.

>> No.12316267

The Iliad is boring as hell.

>> No.12316411

Reading distracts me from achieving laid out, attainable goals. I pursue it in the faux-cause of ‘self-improvement’ while putting off the actual actions and methods I could take to improve my career, my social life, etc. I act as if this makes me somehow better because I’ve read Aristotle but it means that I’ve put off the reading for my more practical course and am falling behind. I read more than I write for the sake of ‘expanding my horizons’, knowing full well I’m not taking in anything that will relate to what I want to write. This is escapism, pure and simple, and a form of which will never come in handy because while I am not unintelligent, I am not intelligent enough for that to be who I am and what I do.

>> No.12316416

That sounds pretty based.
Are you a PhD student or some other kind of grad? Also what do you anticipate doing career-wise, genuinely unsure or have some idea?

>> No.12316474

I have over 60 books I haven't read yet.

>> No.12316493

I start to loose interest in the book after 500 pages

>> No.12316510

How the fuck does someone go 11 years without reading a book

>> No.12316515

I read Silmarillion and replaced every bit of jargon with nigger(s) in my mind.

>> No.12316524

God that’s edgy

>> No.12317143
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I rarely read less than five books at the same time and finish maybe one.

>> No.12317177

I don't believe in God but I back Christians in arguments here. Most midwits (100-120 IQ range) I dislike are agnostic/atheist and only such to justify their bad lifestyle choices rather than rationally. They get so upset about religion, that it makes me laugh, almost like a Hoxhaist but instead of Marxist dogma being the basis for their irreligiousity, it's their own degenerate ways and lifestyles, promiscuity. "DUDE RELIGION TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!I I NO LIKE!!!!" That is what it amounts to. If I keep a few religious people on the right track, or inspire someone to become religious, as far as I see it, I've done the world a great service. Religion is of no harm, theological works are of great intellectual value. Perhaps one day, a /lit/ poster shall become pope.

>> No.12317185

I just like playing devil's advocate. Sometime I'll turn on a dime on some anon I was previously agreeing with. Not maliciously, just for fun.

>> No.12317191
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>tfw devil's advocate for Christianity

>> No.12317203
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I'd rather be the devil's advocate for the Devil. Plus it gives the Christians something to do.

>> No.12317225

No. I hate midwits the most. Being devil's advocate for the devil would only embolden them.

>> No.12317229

I am no longer capable of sincerely holding any literary, philosophical, or political position - all my opinions are crafted solely to provoke and transgress

>> No.12317236


>> No.12317245

I do this sometimes too, particularly with atheists who still practice Christian ethics and only justify it with common sense; e.g. "If you need a God not to tell you to do X then you're just a shitty person." That type of retard.

>> No.12317250

It's actually horrible, whenever I discuss literature or politics in person I delight in provoking, though not in a crude way, others, it's almost comparable to taking a meth hit, my eyes sparkle when I see people getting outraged. Much like meth however, the comedown is horrible and I feel disgusted and empty

>> No.12317254

Have you tried being nice instead?

>> No.12317261
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Well, we'd be selling our souls to Jesus. Isn't he the best person to sell your soul to? It's his whole setup.

>> No.12317268

Yes, I get bored and can barely force myself to participate in the conversation. As of recently, it's my only motivation for reading, to participate in polemics and to offend.

>> No.12317286
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I do to homosexuals too. I'm gay but it's a lot of fun to annoy them by arguing against gay marriage or adoption or polyamory or whatever.

>> No.12317410

i dont read to justify my own ideas and position

>> No.12317460

I read more hands then minds.

>> No.12317481

>the scholarly formulation of arguments about penises

>> No.12317518

Is that hedgehog dead?

>> No.12317525

I think I may be a bit of an idiot.

>> No.12317547

I’ve never read anything from the twentieth century.

Whenever I wrote a poem for a school assignment or to woo a girl growing up I would take something from John Milton and just dumb it down into my own words. I always got an A (for ass, in the case of the girls)

I tell people I have a degree in philosophy just to intimidate them when in reality I don’t have any degree and have never read a philosophical work.

I tell people my main goal is to do my own translation of the Bible but I probably never will. I don’t know any foreign languages and I don’t have a particularly strong knowledge of the Bible. Whenever the Bible comes up in conversation, I play it off by talking about Paradise Lost as if it’s the Bible and no one ever seems to notice.

There have been multiple times where I seduced my friend’s girlfriends by finding out their favorite books and talking with them about it.

There are more but I’ll stop there.

>> No.12317549

Anon if that book isn't Infinite Jest what are you even doing?

>> No.12317564

I've actually never read the Lord of the Rings or anything Tolkien before. I only just started a short while ago after using an amazon card I got for Christmas.

I'm digging it, though it became pretty clear pretty fast I need to read the hobbit beforehand for context.

>> No.12317605

>I'm digging it, though it became pretty clear pretty fast I need to read the hobbit beforehand for context.
It's less important than you'd think it would be. It's a children's book after all.

>> No.12317735

I'm really invested in asoiaf to give up. I don't want to get off Mr. Martin's wild ride.

>> No.12317922

PhD student. I'll mostly be applying to assistant professorships and postdocs and other stuff within the range of academia, because I'd like to continue working on the stuff I've been working on even if the actual jobs will be way more work than what I'm currently doing (one job posting being 4/4, for instance, whereas I've just been doing 1/1). Failing that, I'm really not sure. I don't know enough about the reality of other fields right now to confidently say "I'm going to pursue this other one thing."

>> No.12317930

>There have been multiple times where I seduced my friend’s girlfriends by finding out their favorite books and talking with them about it.
How'd you seduce them by talking about John Green or the Hunger Games while you only knowledge of Milton?

>> No.12318085

best thing one can do in today's social media induced mutual confimation and back patting society. I hate niggers, too.

>> No.12318107

Hey, buddy, this isn't 4chan. Think of the advertisers.

>> No.12318806

It was with Dostoyevsky with one of them and Mary Shelley with another.

>> No.12319077

I only started reading books because my crush likes books and I tried to look like I was actually smart.