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/lit/ - Literature

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12316076 No.12316076 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, I know this pepe seems violent, but I come in peace. It's almost the end of the year and I wanted to ask something out of you. Can we do better next year? I know this is 4chan(nel), it's the internet. But, I believe in you. Next year, try being less cynical, less snobby, less elitist. If you see someone talking or posting about books or things you consider "shit" or "garbage" that you as a """"""""""""Patrician""""""""" don't approve of, instead of shitting on them and treating them badly, why not instead be like "Hey, that's cool that you're reading, in this day and age. May I suggest SUCH and SUCH since you like that SHI- I mean, book." Try it out.

I believe in you. I love you. All of you. You've got me to read things I never would have found out on my own. Have a happy new year. Get rid of the piss bottles, work out, eat healthy, less carbs and all that. Be good. muah

>> No.12316085

If I haven't lost my virginity by this time next year I'm going to blow my brains out.

>> No.12316088

Die motherfucker.

>> No.12316092

This will turn us into r/books. Our current list is almost perfect. I don't want to see Harry Potter or Twilight on the list, thank you very much.

>> No.12316171

Anon, you have to learn the pragmatic value of elitism. We don't do it because we hate, but because it's necessary to maintain standards and the capacity to talk about decent quality literature; one wouldn't attribute malice to a filter for producing cleaner water.

>> No.12316177

this, mediocrity is encouraged and rewarded on plebbit, that's why they have a shit taste.

>> No.12316187

Jesus christ, man... is not that hard. Try to look at yourself from the outside. Why would a woman want to be with YOU. Not only sexually, but as a partner. What do you offer? Being this desperate for sex just says a lot about you. Try to work on yourself somewhat. Make sure to have a decent paying job so that you can live comfortably, not only alone, but eventually with a partner. If you have no skill or education, I would suggest high paying entry-level jobs like construction or truck driving (some will even train you). Make sure you seem like a respectable person, clean, well groomed, well dressed, etc. Make sure you own a car. Even a old used one will do. Try dating apps. They do work. I would suggest Ok Cupid because you can read whatever they post on their profiles and message them without having to wait for them to match with you. That's how I met my current partner. just started chatting about books, got her on the phone the next day, had a date 3 days later, etc. 2 years together now. I don't know your situation, so, just being general. Wish you the best, man.

>> No.12316201
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I'll stop drunk phoneposting about books I haven't read

>> No.12316204

hi anon, i work in a ware house for twelve and half. your advice sounds good all round except the part where i need to get a better job.sometimes i daydream of dabbing on women by getting them on a date telling them i dont live up to a single expectation then blow my brains out in front of them

>> No.12316213

You don't have to stop addressing that they're mediocre works, it's all about how you do it. It's not the same saying "Well, around here, those books aren't considered good at all (and giving proper suggestions so that the person can read something more to the standards)" than "GREENTEXT GREENTEXT FUCKING PLEB"

Anyway, no matter how much filtering, there will always be disagreeing. People will call any book shit here, so...

>> No.12316214

Lit could be a lot better, but the elitism here isn't it. We just lack extensively deep threads on actual books.

>> No.12316219

Literally this. I did this with my younger siblings and even though they developed self-esteem issues, it’s ultimately out of love. Being mediocre is not an option and a mind is a terrible thing to waste, so I’ll be savage when needed. Same to all y’all pleb anons. I WILL shit on you for saying Nietzsche was a nihilist, I WILL shit on you if you liked Fahrenheit 451, I WILL shit on you if you subvocalize. Hope it’s clear, Bucko

>> No.12316220

>This needs to accommodate my pleb tier taste, I come from Plebbit, please don't be mean.

>> No.12316223

That's going to be a yikes from me, anon. Still love you.

>> No.12316228

it could be a lot worse if we let this inclusive sentiment spreads, faggot

>> No.12316233

There's nothing wrong with liking Harry Potter.

>> No.12316235


>> No.12316255

Reddit pls go and stay go

>> No.12316287


>> No.12316289

Yeah, if you're twelve

>> No.12316291
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But I can't do accents for the characters if I don't subvocalize, anon

>> No.12316316

mismo marica

>> No.12316329
File: 4 KB, 356x125, 78903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys lying faggot

>> No.12316367

nice shop

you gotta go back to plebbit, we don't accept your retardo kind here

>> No.12316383

use an online photoshop-analyzing tool to prove it isn't shopped, you brainfucked faggot. I'm calling out a plebbitor, what's your fucking problem?

>> No.12316395

You seem very plebbit yourself and "HELLA" mad. Why would I go to all that trouble? I'm not you, that would go through all the trouble of photoshopping a picture to hide his samefagginess. stay mad.

>> No.12316665

this desu

>> No.12316721

there are many, many problems with both this board and this website. high standards are not one of them. the fact that people get laughed at and mocked and are forced to at least try and mount a defense for what they like is one of the few redeeming things here. we need to maintain the same level of "elitism" just with more effortposting

>> No.12316732

>falsely accuses me of samfagging
>present proof of its lie
>"lel photoshop"
kys nigger