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/lit/ - Literature

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12314576 No.12314576 [Reply] [Original]

*destroys /lit/*
how will we ever frickin' recover, bros?

>> No.12314589

>expecting me to actually read that

>> No.12314612

jesus thats a lot of whining

the /lit/ top 100 is just bloomcore with some reddit mixed in, its not even hipster

>> No.12314631

quit tracking in the bullshit you stepped in. you do nothing but ruin the carpet

>> No.12314644 [DELETED] 
File: 1.74 MB, 991x1287, 1546140118225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you have a custom skin for reddit proves you browse that cesspole.
Reminder redditors, niggers and homosexuals are not welcome on /lit/.

>> No.12314664



>> No.12314665

all i hear is a bunch of hipsters crying they arent relevant

>> No.12314672

lol, cringe

>> No.12314675

it's not even supposed to be a best literature list is it, i just posted my 5 favorite novels

otherwise it would just be Homer, virgil, dante, etc.

>> No.12314678
File: 37 KB, 400x398, 1462921139872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people keep saying these works are "indicators of intellectual difficulty"? I'm fairly certain I'm retarded and have no trouble reading them at all, yet it seems that all the common internet rabble seem to find them otherworldly. Could it be that these books are simply high quality works that are accessible to everyone with even an ounce of self-actualization at their disposal? I simply don't know what to make of this.

Also, this guy is just a jaded weeb. Literally all the Eastern stuff he has listed is pure vomit. He probably posted it here and was informed of his bad taste, then ran to reddit to sulk.

>> No.12314697
File: 879 KB, 800x800, 057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually saw The Death of Virgil and Nightwood in the spread sheet. As well as Beowulf, Decameron and Canterbury Tales. They just weren't voted enough.

>> No.12314699

I have never seen anyone on /lit/ post about Finnegans Wake or Infinite Jest sincerely without meming.

>> No.12314705

jesus christ this fag seems hell bent on sharing his delusions that none of us have read dostoevsky or joyce. this nigga has really convinced himself of this just so he can sleep better at night

>> No.12314706

found tao lin

>> No.12314722

>You're welcome to your feelings. My own opinion is that even as a survey of Western literature, it's absolute dogshit. No lyric poetry whatsoever. No nonfiction other than philosophy/religion, and that chosen according to eccentric 4chan in-jokes rather than actual merit and influence (because a merit-based system couldn't possibly ignore Aristotle, among others). Only three plays from two playwrights. Only fifteen books written before 1800. I've taken undergraduate survey classes of world and British literature that did it better because they at least maintained a balance of ancient works to modern ones and they didn't neglect women writers nearly as much as this list does, not even in antiquity when they were scarce. For a list as heavy on the 19th and 20th century as this one is, only one woman being included betrays a narrow and parochial view of literature.
This is the guy calling others pretentious.

>> No.12314731
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>look up his user page
>posts after posts praising Stephen King, George R.R. Martin and John Green

This is the type of reader who shits on /lit/

>> No.12314734

I too am a retard. Finnegans wake is a meme and pretty unreadable. But why is it so hard to believe that people read and enjoyed dosto, woolf and ulysses? And if anyone puts beowulf in their top five it is a dead giveaway that they havn't read shit and just started their english undergrad.

>> No.12314756

ive seen numerous posts of anons explaining why they like FW

>> No.12314768

You have to be a plebbitor if you think this homosexual rant "destroys /lit/.

>> No.12314775

link to thread?

>> No.12314781


>> No.12314793

>Well, I won't stretch myself to 100, but I'll give you a dozen not duplicating from the list, because the list itself is not bad. But it is very one-sided and clearly meant to convey a meretricious impression. Many of my favorite books are on that list too, and others are ones I intend to read.

Clearly doubling back on the original post

>> No.12314797
File: 155 KB, 617x653, Screenshot_2018-12-29 stop-hibari-kun-5451373 jpg (JPEG Image, 728 × 1067 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we joke about Joyce. Some read him, others don't, we all meme because it's funny.
How much of an elitist do you have to be to ban joking about authors you haven't read?

>> No.12314798

Intellectual difficulty is a perfectly good criterion for great work. There is nothing wring at all for seeking ouy difficult work.

Difficult work is great work to the extent that you meet its challenge.

What a stupid reddit post (though i see the same idea posted here regularly)

>> No.12314801
File: 15 KB, 200x200, 1389660743187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dostoevsky, dubliners

What's wrong with reading shit to seem intelligent and mince words about with your friends in the pub anyway? Maybe talking about Moby Dick with people I know is equally important in my drive to read it as the pleasure of reading itself is - but what's wrong with that? If it was only base pleasure I was after I'd be a heroin junkie or an alcoholic.

>> No.12314806

you structure your sentence like a 6 year, please improve yourself before telling others how to achieve your status.

>> No.12314813

You should not joke or talk about authors you havent read at all. Ever.

Doing so is death. I'm not exaggerating. I repeat, with great sobriety, I'm not exaggerating.

>> No.12314821

if you losers included animorphs #34 as one of the books like i told you to, you wouldn't be getting clowned on by redditfags

>> No.12314823

people with English as a second language also post here, you know.

>> No.12314825

I posted an essay about self consciousness in the works of walt whitman yesterday and literally two people read it. Im also a phone poster. This board is stupid.

>> No.12314830
File: 22 KB, 513x324, fox-hunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hipster only remains as a perjoritive and signifies rather then a person of taste and individual quality, the person uttering it as someone rejecting any but their own taste. There is no accounting for taste.
Take an economics class.

>> No.12314841

My god how can you be so loathsome and stupid? I despise you.

>> No.12314848

val val val val val val val val valavakval val val val val val val val valavakval val val val val val val val valavakval val val val val val val val valavakval val val val val val val val valavakval val val val val val val val valavakval val val val val val val val valavakval val val val val val val val valavak idealization. attachment to the beast, to the demiurge. Ugly sin.

>> No.12314853


>> No.12314859
File: 1.04 MB, 650x975, 5D5518D9-833F-4523-A97B-5BC9CE68BD23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good analysis of this board desu. I’m pretty sure most people on here don’t even read. I just come here for the intelligent discussions that happen from time to time.

>> No.12314868

your right. you're impatient for confirmation.

>> No.12314869

based, are you part of the same cult as me? If so, please tell me the password so I know you're one of us.

>> No.12314874

Link me to this post so I can upvote it.

>> No.12314876

This guy is a trip. Love him.

Calls the shitty list pretentious yesterday, posts this today:

>To add to the anecdotes, I was an enthusiastic reader throughout school and the closest school got to killing my enthusiasm — though not successfully — was not when I was assigned books, but when my second grade teacher would rip books from my hands and confiscate them if she arbitrarily deemed them "not age-appropriate". I wasn't a precocious reader of Tropic of Cancer; my teacher was upset that I was reading books above my age level like White Fang, Treasure Island, etc. Even then, despite her best efforts, I continued reading. In high school I was always reading books alongside the assigned books. Most of my favorite books from my high school years weren't assigned, but were things I read on the side like The Name of the Rose, The Duchess of Malfi, The Twelve Caesars, Babbitt, The House of Mirth, Labyrinths, etc.

>> No.12314877

>What's wrong with reading shit to seem intelligent and mince words about with your friends in the pub anyway?


That is the essence of fraudulent humanity, of unselfconsciousness! Ideas and literature are not games! They are not some stupid pepper and paint with which to spice and decorate yourself!

The ones who act like this, like dropping a book title or a name or a clever thought snatched effortlessly from someone else, are the ones who destroy literature, undermine effort, and dim the radiance of genius.

>> No.12314887

Thats a vert good example of why upvotes are more dangerous than (You)s.

>> No.12314888

thanks, downvoting for butthurt

>> No.12314889 [DELETED] 


>> No.12314891

I was expecting you to point out I didn't write "old" after 6 year.
Low hanging fruit, I guess.

Is it death as in Spock's "we kill before we fuck" or just plain old death? I need to know before posting some Yasunari Kawabata memes.

>> No.12314902

the ones destroying literature are the ones putting barriers for its distribution.
any reason to pay authors and the systems that employ them is saint and holly.

>> No.12314909

its weird how they want representation of "others", regardless of the historical importance or quality of the work

>> No.12314911


>> No.12314917

fuck off

>> No.12314918

Shut up, ant. I care not for your little ant sounds! Shoo! Be squashed!
Give away all your books to the children?

>> No.12314932

I like to think that there might be an impulse to read and learn philosophy in order to grasp at some kind of platonic form of beauty. You might be seeking out literature and learning ideas not for the purpose of preening yourself to look good, but for a fundamental desire to know the Truth and to experience the beautiful. There might be something there, but I also think it's naive to assume this is the sole motivation. Homo-economicus, darwin's conception of man as a complex animal etc. is convincing stuff, you know. We don't exist in a vacuum. Any noble underpinning you might have about your motivations could have sinister unconscious drives. It's an idea worth considering.

My beef is that accusing others of being a homo-econimus, while claiming that you yourself are above petty motives, such as reading to increase social capital, is itself very elitist and naive.

>> No.12314937

some deal with that issue

>> No.12314946

>I was the weird guy in high school who never got laid and everyone thought was going to be a school shooter but that's okay because I'm better than you because I read®

>> No.12314961

this is 4chan kid, you can type fvck

>> No.12314968

but that’s everyone here

>> No.12314974

>Give away all your books to the children?
are you retarded or something?
How would that make more books get printed and authors get more pay?
Everyone has to by books, even if it's just because they feel guilty and dumb not having any around. I. DON'T. GIVE. A. FUCK. Just get more authors to live off writing, more books printed, cheaper prices, more access for those who actually care, more chances to become a writer for those who want.
There is nothing bad in pseuds and dumbos giving their hard earned cash to writers and the industry.

>> No.12314982

Hello books.reddit.com

>> No.12314993

>Baselessly claims that we haven't really read the books we included in the list and then complains that we didn't include a bunch of books we are far more likely to have not read.
I wonder why he's so upset about the whole thing though.

>> No.12314997

He has a point with the americentrism and the lack of more obscure continental lit. I mean, it's there, and obviously get filtered out by the multitude of common votes, but it'd be nice to gain some headway over the same angloid-canon that gets spammed here everyday

>> No.12315007

>, but for a fundamental desire to know the Truth and to experience the beautiful.
this is the only reason i ahve ever read philosophy

>> No.12315020

Exactly. The reddit user in question obviously feels threatened. He has created an elaborate fantasy (that no one on lit actually reads, which is categorically incorrect) in order to feel better about himself. Notice how he rages against "hipsters" when he himself recommends deliberately obscure works (Broch, Barnes) in order to create an air of superiority.
Truly pathetic.

>> No.12315021

/lit/ should do an "alternative" top 100, phrased like: "what are your favourite five books that you feel not many people have read?". Or something.

>> No.12315025

I always assumed that the /lit/ list was a bit of a joke, and focused more on personal preference than attempting to establish what's actually the best.

>> No.12315029

Actually, give people 10-20 votes so that they are more likely to stack up.

>> No.12315036

This but unironically. He has more IQ on a toe than three posters of /lit/ combined

>> No.12315041

>calling yourself dumber than a third of some guy's toe
this is not a healthy self-perception

>> No.12315046

>fabtasy that no one on lit actually reads, which is categorically incorrect...



>> No.12315051

Yes, but how can you be so sure? We all want to be loved and to be respected. I'm pretty confident this is part of human nature. And is there anything really mercenary in sharing experiences of the sublime and beautiful with your friends? it seems you think doing this shows inauthenticity, that people should pursue these things in complete isolation. I'm not so sure. I think philosophy is supposed to have a practical impact on our daily lives, and a fundamental part of living is dealing with other people.

>> No.12315058

the guy literally reads stephen king and john green, check his profile. lol you are faggot for agreein with him.

>> No.12315069

your points are all valid m8, I was just saying that that desire to experience that transcendent sublime sort of thing is what has always attracted me to it. Same thing with art and religion, and arguably even same thing with relationships.

>> No.12315075

tl;dr but Ulysses is widely regarded as the best English language novel. Whatever we're rent free :^)

>> No.12315078
File: 1.58 MB, 3024x4032, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I found the redditor's bookshelf

Reminder when people complain about you being a pseud this is what they're reading.

>> No.12315079

niggers are ok

>> No.12315092

I'm gay and black. Do those attributes cancel each other out?

>> No.12315094

That's a controversial opinion, friend

>> No.12315096

Now this is a man (woman) of taste

>> No.12315102

nice wand, faggot

>> No.12315103


>> No.12315107

I agree. Racism is not cool. Fags and redditors should fuck off though

>> No.12315110

potatoniggers are ok?

>> No.12315112

I disagree. Fags are at least humans. Niggers are subhuman.

>> No.12315116

It just means you're more likely to have AIDS

>> No.12315144

Did he actually read any of the books he mentioned in his post?

>> No.12315148

someone should show them the rest of our charts to trigger them even more, redditors fucking shits

i would beat that guys ass for us if i could guys

>> No.12315150

noooooooo! my hero....

>> No.12315163


>> No.12315280

>pay attention to reddit guise

>> No.12315590
File: 409 KB, 1144x888, 1489658126223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Criticizing /lit/'s taste but;
>Likes Barnes (need I say more?)
>Bums old books (the core plots of which have been repackaged into most modern media, it's why these older books are so boring, like Aristotle's philosophy, because it's so ingrained in common culture that everyone already essentially read it. The redditor actually admits this in their paragraph regarding Thucydides and Plutarch).
>Chaucer is trash.
>Reading plays, not going to watch them.
>Actually liking fruity poetry.

This fucking redditor pleb. This picture really shows how intellectually feeble they are, they clearly feel they *have* to appreciate and include all literature or else literary enjoyment is not allowed. Really echoes their politically leaning desu.

>It's just a bunch of shitposters showing off.
Oh look, it's someone jerking off pseudo-intellectually to con some 'gold' out of other retards.

>> No.12315606

>That's how they can excuse a list that has Plato but no Aristotle
What is the problem with this? Plato actually has literary merit, Aristotle is just dry philosophical treatises

>> No.12315645

Dostoevsky is great, but he's really not difficult to read and understand

>> No.12315655

He has utterly defeated us, we can't do anything. We'll have to just sweep it under the rug.

>> No.12315681

>plato and aristotle
>most of their brooks are free versions vaguely based on fragments written by arabs
>all white authors

also, remember that unless you mention very particular versions of particular books, most of "the greeks" were written by muslims.

>> No.12315691

>reading the version translated by a housewife at 10 pages an afternoon barely speaking english
>oh this isn't complex at all! this ruskies exaggerate so much!

>> No.12315702

reminder this is a nearly 40 year old bio grad

>> No.12315715

Val val val val vlak valak val *flaps wings* VAAALL

>> No.12315776

why can't redditors seem to grasp that this isn't a list of The Top Books Of All Time, but a list created by anonymous retards voting for their top 5 books which they haven't read

>> No.12315801

T. Nigger

>> No.12315808

This. I voted for The Bible and other four books I can't remember, but that I had at the top off my head. Didn't ready any of them though lol

>> No.12316103


Don't go on reddit. Don't talk about reddit. Don't make posts about reddit on 4chan. I don't want to devote a single second of my time thinking or talking about what those posturing, self confirming faggots think.

>> No.12316149

I started to laugh in the middle when he began listing the authors along with the titles of well-known works. "The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer," lol, as if everyone doesn't know who wrote that. Only pseuds write this way.

>> No.12316157

>complain the list is biased against classic and ancient literature
>complain the list is biased against women
Does not compute.

>> No.12316163

this guy was freaking out and going into damage control all over that thread
it's pretty funny

>> No.12316203

>most of "the greeks" were written by muslims.
t. Muhammad bin Muhammad from Baghdad

>> No.12316341

>every twinkling teenage vampire fan fiction on proud display
th-this is bait

>> No.12316366

ooh no no n on non on no no no

>> No.12316525

Jesus Christ, all he did that entire rant was flaunt his own insecurities. Why do these tryhards think you have to read books from every single historical period to be considered a real intellectual? So what if most of the books were published in 1800 and up? He accuses /lit/ers of showing off, as if any faggot on this board cares about reputation or karma unlike redditors. People just voted with their 5 favorite books. And it's ironic how he calls us hipsters and still has to list all the obscure-ass books he likes. Get the fuck over yourself. I bet this guy is impressed with himself for writing that post.

>> No.12316614
File: 60 KB, 1127x1073, 1499041134263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waa they didn't pick what I would have picked
>they are poseurs showing off their fake superiority but when I do it it's okay because I'm RIGHT and they're WRONG

>> No.12316624

I actually agree.

>> No.12316628


>> No.12316642

Post link to the post of the pic.

>> No.12316644

>because a merit-based system couldn't possibly ignore Aristotle, among others
I'd like to see Reddit's list.

>> No.12316656

That faggot was probably reading in the middle of class and not paying attention.

>> No.12316662

The circular reasoning is that the work is good because of the author's incidental characteristics.

>> No.12316712

So every one of the tards here will just eat this up without any further need for proof yeah?

>> No.12316714

I'm not sure if you know what insecurities mean, so you're an illiterate fuck.

>> No.12316733

Pynchon literally posted on lit analyzing Joyce you fucking newfag.
I have a hard time understanding his argument. He’s saying lit is hipster because they favor “new” and well known authors. Seems opposite of hipster. All the pre 1800 shit he named is what you read as an English undergrad. Get this fucking Henry Beamis motherfucker out of here

>> No.12316740

Sup redditor.

>> No.12316741

>the Plato without Aristotle comment
This is high tier projection

>> No.12316742

Explain what insecurities he's projecting.

>> No.12316762

agreed, everyone should buy Dostoyevsky's works so that he can make a living off it

>> No.12316770

>the assblast about Moby Dick

>> No.12316780

how can you be so based and redpilled, anon. i love u

>> No.12316781

He knows he’s not highbrow; he is what he is criticizing. He does not understand the purpose of the list and believes what is done here is always kept with him in mind. Being “well-read” is a bottomless pit because there is always someone who can make you look and feel stupid for not having read a particular text. His mindset can only lead to insecurity and he forced that mindset on this list. “Yes, I enjoy genre fiction but I have written my undergrad thesis on how Song of Roland was the prototypical genre story.”

>> No.12316801

Leave it to reddit to waste time of their lives on writing a long post that states the obvious

>> No.12316810

I guess you're right.

Didn't Moby Dick top the list this year? What the fuck is pretentious about Moby Dick?

>> No.12316841

>imagine projecting this hard, showing off how you have absolutely 0 reading comprehension.

N-O O-N-E =/= S-O-M-E

Here I spelled it nice and clear so that you can at least read each letter out loud, don't mind the "weird" symbols in the middle retard.
learn your categorical propositions brainlet.

>> No.12316849

It would be a good argument if being a hipster pseud wasn't the norm among all readers

>> No.12316853
File: 92 KB, 500x478, giraff dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite funny to me, actually. He typed so many, many words, tried so hard to seem so, so clever, but this humungous faggot has missed the joke, and so, in the end, the joke is on him. You see, what he does not realize is nobody gives a shit. A reddit poster with a karma score is criticizing a board of anonymous posters for showing off. Are these bumbling morons functionally illiterate in irony? Oh my, oh my yes. What a buffoon. Really, it just makes me laugh. It's very funny when you look at it like that.

>> No.12316867

well you assumed correct. Why, what else could it have possibly been? It clearly says "/lit/'s Top 100 Books 2018" at the top, and not "The Top 100 Books of All Time". It's a list that is meant to be representative of us, of what books we liked this year, and it's absolutely a subjective list.

>> No.12316885

Dunno, haven’t read it

>> No.12316886

I thought we shamed these fedora types off the internet years ago.

>> No.12316890
File: 79 KB, 249x249, 1541460307454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoys YA "literature"
Fag's opinion discarded.

>> No.12316899
File: 74 KB, 600x885, 1541980024277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be his face when he typed that essay

>> No.12316903

Why wouldn't writers get better over time up until other media existed?

>> No.12316904

Based, and my blessing

>> No.12316908

Question for crossposters before you fuck off back: do they talk about us anywhere near as much as we talk about them, or is /lit/ really just a sad pseud cesspit that needs someone to constantly compare itself to and feel superior?

>> No.12316910

Ugh, whaling is just, like, SO boring.

>> No.12316911

With the knowledge contained in this books you could take over the world. It’s just a matter of: can you get through every last word??? Or are you too intelligent????

>> No.12316914

We won't, how the fuck you going to write a best of list and not include Aristotle, Chaucer, Bocaccio, and Thomas Malory? The fuck, those are extremely important

>> No.12316919

What were they the best at?

>> No.12316927


>> No.12316932

Wrong board

>> No.12316936

Infinite Jest is a literal meme though among pseudo intellectuals
>To feel at home in opportunity-rich areas, you’ve got to understand the right barre techniques, sport the right baby carrier, have the right podcast, food truck, tea, wine and Pilates tastes, not to mention possess the right attitudes about David Foster Wallace, child-rearing, gender norms and intersectionality.
>Recently I took a friend with only a high school degree to lunch. Insensitively, I led her into a gourmet sandwich shop. Suddenly I saw her face freeze up as she was confronted with sandwiches named “Padrino” and “Pomodoro” and ingredients like soppressata, capicollo and a striata baguette. I quickly asked her if she wanted to go somewhere else and she anxiously nodded yes and we ate Mexican.

>> No.12316941

>to write a best of list
implying "best" = "top". The list is not representative of the greatest books of all time, it's just a list of our (/lit/) favorite books of 2018.

>> No.12316949

grognard, lel

>> No.12317005

I once knew a guy who proudly wore a Cardinals Incandenza jersey. I later learned he had tried and failed multiple times to finish the book

>> No.12317010
File: 46 KB, 650x366, dunno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are Hermann Broch and Djuna Barnes?

>> No.12317363

Where are all these books he namedropped on his og rant?

>> No.12317375

I was with him until the 'women and writers of color' bit.

>> No.12317384

Djuna Barnes gets mentioned on /lit/ regularly. She's also not "lesser-known," she was a character is that fucking Woody Allen movie

>> No.12318146

This right here. Most great books are great because they have something to offer to the average brainlet, too (if they only knew).

>> No.12318190


>> No.12318218

>I’m pretty sure most people on here don’t even read.

Most people in general don't read.

>> No.12318222

I've never thought that a book would be too much for me. Boring, yes but never too intelligent and I also know I'm a retard.

>> No.12318225


More like analscheisseist

>> No.12318249

didn't read any of this gay shit

>> No.12318250

except it's not the norm
you believe that because you completely unironically browse this board for book recommendations and believe the average pretentious zoomer on this board represents a normal reading human being
imagine actually reading what /lit/ tells you to

>> No.12318635


If you read the /r/books thread, half of the posts are saying they've only read a handful of books in the top 100. Those are the average readers, not /lit/.

>> No.12318876

>they're going by merit not choosing authors based on gender or race
god I fucking hate Reddit

>> No.12318900
File: 20 KB, 399x322, 1546111771642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in the comments in saying the list is not diverse enough

>> No.12318914

Imagine being this much of a homosexual bugman.

>> No.12318924

Good post, this.

>> No.12319015

So the new hipster is just using random italian words and recipes?

>> No.12319042
File: 17 KB, 882x196, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually visit the thread. Most posts are self-deprecating.

>> No.12319074

>directing traffic to Reddit


>> No.12319087

Well for the most part he's sort of right, but he's taking the chart way too seriously. He thinks this was an unironic attempt from /lit/ at compiling the greatest works ever.
Which is why I hate the chart shit int he first place. Besides not really providing anything new or interesting ti gives the wrong idea and massive attention outsiders like redditors every time one's made.

>> No.12319090

>That's how they can excuse a list that has Plato but no Aristotle
this is perfectly reasonable, anyone who gives a shit about reading primary source aristotle is exactly the kind of highbrow signaler he's talking about

>> No.12319112
File: 115 KB, 222x203, dfasfsaaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell?

>> No.12319139

You probably have trouble picking up on social ques, autist, but this is obviously a joke.

>> No.12319142

crossposting from reddit should be permabannable.
>dollars to donuts
>intellectual inferiority seeping from the first few sentences
maybe if he read more books and spent less time playing Switch and hiking with his friends he’d learn how to express himself properly.

You’re a nigger and you need to leave OP

>> No.12319168
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I found it. They look naked, but it's actually skin-tone dresses.

>> No.12319185

is this person retarded? it's not "greatest books ever written"–how the fuck could you arbitrarily limit that to 5 each? It's our favorite books, and it makes sense people didn't randomly decide to include nonfiction or chinks

>> No.12319199

>this list compiled democratically favors the most well-known and popular pieces of literature instead of the most valuable
well no shit sherlock, why would anyone vote for something they've never heard of, let alone read? how could someone read something they've never heard of? a list compiled by committee was always going to favor what the committee most broadly knows, not what the committee most deeply desires

>> No.12319213

oh. Now it's just a very boring thing to have on your shelf.

>> No.12319220

>Pynchon literally posted on lit analyzing Joyce you fucking newfag.
is there a screenshot? I'd like to read it

>> No.12319275
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>rejecting basic moral impulses because they can become dysfunctional

>> No.12319669

what a fag

>> No.12319729

This is clearly a womans bookshelf.

Fuck you guys Im going to reddit. They have females.

>> No.12319756

are there actually retards who think IJ is hard

>> No.12319848

I understood his sentiment till he started name dropping shit in masturbatory irony that he was showing off his epeen at the end there

>> No.12320425

the only thing more embarrassing than being a 4channer is being a redditor

also if you all had voted Evan Dara's books in this would have never happened

>> No.12320500

4channer? Don't you mean 4channeler?

>> No.12320514

no they need to leave

>> No.12320585

>expecting 19 year-olds to have read all of Western civilization's histories and poetry and "Nightwood" by Affirmative Action Barnes
lit's list is just a interesting indicator of what people on this board (shut-ins, virgins, nose pickers, undergrads) are reading.

I've noticed that nothing makes lefties angrier than when they find out that people associated with the right are often smarter and better read than they are. This redditor's womanish histrionics remind me of the the left's collective meltdown over Steve Bannon's reading material a couple years ago

"How DARE you not read Bill O'Reilly and pop history books! How DARE you demonstrate interest in some of the most famous and well-regarded books of the 20th century!"

>> No.12320627
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>see reddit wall of text
>prepare myself for a shitty opinion
>read first paragraph
>yep, it's typical reddit midwittery
>continue onto second paragraph
>he's actually making good points
>i actually agree
>wait a minute
>this redditor is actually right
>this is completely contrary to tradition

bros... we get BTFO...

>> No.12320659

Actually yes

>> No.12320698

steve bannon is a great litmus test for pseudery. lefties who covet him as some great boogeymen are precisely the type to consume typical state-department-vetted cable network comcast/time warner-subsidiary propaganda down to the very over-animated punctuation of whatever talking head autonomaton they have onscreen at the time. the kind of faux-progressive who still plays according to the rules set by reactionaries, too focused on the praxis and not the telos, too blind to see the becoming behind the being. you know the exact kind of "person," that fucking slime who championed themselves as some sort of leftist paragon only to do a complete 180 and support the most inhumane neocon ideology for no reason other than brute contrarianism to the supposed, ALLEGED status quo of trumpism. absolute bottom of the barrel reprobates. disgusting human beings - subhumans even, and i'm wary to dehumanize those i disagree with but i make an exception for these fucking cretins. i'm firmly against fascism but if fascists were to suddenly march on the streets tomorrow with the sole intention of hanging every single neocon, i'd slap a swastika armband on just to be sociable. i'd rank them a tier above the fucking murderers blindly supporting MIC imperialism, and i'm jewish myself.

>> No.12320730

>tfw you will never stare into miras red glazed eyes while you penetrate her in her potato chip crumb covered bed
>tfw you will never get to hear mira say "no. Because im tired." When you ask her to read you one of her poems.
>tfw you will never kiss those resin stained lips while she awkwardly tugs at your dick, and then suddenly stops and asks you to leave so she can tweet about vaginal dryness.

Why even live?

>> No.12320757
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>Actually liking fruity poetry.

Contrarian attitude is not taste, pleb. Fiction writers might take your insults kindly, philosophers might disagree, but if you want to regulate poetry to some weak position, you better pick your head up fast and look around in the world and see what the poets are up to in the middle-east. When is the last time you met a man that wanted to kill, to found an empire, to take slaves, and to read fucking poetry. You want to keep spouting your position, go ahead, but the world is changing and you will either keep up with the times or be taught the righteousness that comes with declaring laws in poetry. Your day will come.

>> No.12320776

It's not real.
It's an old rumor.
I read the thread.
Definitely was not the Pinch.

>> No.12320782

>Beowulf, The Tale of Genji, The Song of Roland, The Norse and Icelandic sagas
All of the above are literally only studied because of what they tell us of the culture that produced them and preserved them, not their literary worth. It would be a fairly naive thing to think these works transcend their cultures to the point where they speak of undeniable human truths. They're compelling, but a far cry from literature as art and just because they have survived doesn't mean their content transcends generations. I haven't read the chinese stories and the Decameron and Canterbury Tales have greater integrity as works in themselves.

>> No.12320791

No, you're not.

>> No.12320795

tldr: include more token women and blacks next time.

>> No.12320799

That guy seems to be taking the piss out of Reddit low key... Except it got shit tons of upvotes. Plebbits don't even know when they're being taken the piss out of. Also, his quote or whatever the fuck it is is from Hamsun's Hunger. Not bad. Idk why the fuck he's on Reddit though. Should join us

>> No.12320805

hahahah...I've never read the book because you fuckers meme it too much and make too many refs to it and I'm biologically dispositioned towards being a major fucking midwit with a hankering for absurd humour and good prose. I wish to read it but I already get why this is funny and so it's hard to seperate your text from his. Please stop ref to him and that work so I can read it without shame, half-way, and then start wearing Depends as an in joke about the year currently, if you know what I mean.

>> No.12320821

not digging.
it's in the archives.

>> No.12320879
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>> No.12320991

Why do these redditors act like /lit/ carefully discussed and curated this list in the sense of an academy award committee or some shit when it’s just the sum of several hundred people’s 5 favourites... many of which didn’t appear.

>> No.12321006

I laughed every time I saw a post asking if this was the "official" list or not

>> No.12321081


>> No.12321086

I skipped the Greeks and have the time of my life.

>> No.12321088

enjoyed this post

>> No.12321105

they know full well
half of the replies are also mocking /r/books

>> No.12321112


>> No.12321120

my post in that thread got 100+ upthumbs u retards

>> No.12321174

Why does it matter if only 1 in a hundred /lit/ browsers has read those books? It doesn't take 100 people to make a thread to discuss something

>> No.12321209

This guy is a hipster. A big part of being a hipster is calling other people hipsters and calling them out on their decisions and tastes. This is basically a "no true Scotsman" argument.

>> No.12321225

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.12321344

Hipsters are recognisable but boring and non-threatening. The word is more useful as a demographic label (the boogeyman “exists”, or did) than as a generally applicable insult or criticism. The reaction against any use of the word as being problematic or counterfactual or whatever is also bizarre and reeks of butthurt.

>> No.12321426

based newfriends

>> No.12321477
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>> No.12321492

That person complains about people showing off books they know of by going on to list books he knows of. They're bloody calling a MOST POPULAR CHART hipster (the exact opposite thing which a hipster would subscribe to) by callong out works he finds obscure and better.

No matter how you look at it, he's describing his own flaws. A psued sneering at others he claims are psueds.

>> No.12322207

>intellectual difficulty

>> No.12322216

Comment systems in which posts can be voted for or against have single-handedly killed the promise of the Internet as a medium for actual discussion of different points of view.

>> No.12322235

>Djuna Barnes
>another women
I'm havin a giggle here

>> No.12322249

This entire argument is destroyed by the fact that a good 75% or so of /lit is openly sexist, racist, and even anti-semetic, which most upper middle class people distance themselves from to avoid being seen as low-class skinheads. People here are confident enough in their intelligence to support ideas that are wrongly seen as stupid by the bourgoise

>> No.12322272

>75% or so of /lit is openly sexist, racist, and even anti-semetic,
Why do you believe this? Most people on this board are pussies who would never divulge a truly controversial opinion irl

>> No.12322299

yeah bad choice of words. They're open about it to themselves though. You'd have to be pretty stupid to be open about it irl.

>> No.12322307

It's amazing he was able to type such a long post without uttering "orange man bad" at least once.

>> No.12322315

>75% or so of /lit is openly sexist, racist, and even anti-semetic
Pressing X to doubt. Even 25% is too far

>> No.12322328

>pussies who would never divulge a truly controversial opinion irl
No, that just means you're not retarded.

>> No.12322341

lol blow me. I'll fuck Joyce's dead wife in her bony ass until she farts maggots up my dickhole.

>> No.12322360
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>Did you hear??? He actually thinks poetry isn't a symptom of the dying verbal literary tradition!

>> No.12322366

This, /lit/ are some of the most cucked faggots on 4chan

>> No.12322370

Bullshit. you don't have to experience all instances of a type to know that they're bad/good. You just need to have experienced one and have knowledge that a particualr thing is in fact part of a type.

>> No.12322704
File: 57 KB, 800x599, ctyp_hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).
disagree with this part, as I have seen hipsters, though I have been called one myself. It appears to be a blanket term by the less erudite.

Pic related how they look like

>> No.12322786

take me back bros