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File: 243 KB, 1200x1200, friedrich-nietzsche-9423452-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12313699 No.12313699 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this man considered the le edgy nihilist?

>> No.12313727

Because those people either don't read him or read him without understanding him at all. He is admittedly "edgy", but to call him a nihilist is to miss his core message.

>> No.12313854

Because he is edgy, not saying that’s especially a bad thing but people don’t read him and just know him for like 3 misunderstood quotes.

>> No.12313888


>> No.12313903

Because people hear the words "Nietzsche" and "nihilism" in the same sentence (or sometimes even paragraph) and then assume that he was a nihilist.

>> No.12315018

t. now I can finally say something I think is meaningfull, but its just fuciing repetition

>> No.12315063

He took down Christianity pretty hard. And he predicted the crises of the 20th century with preternatural prescience. People shoot the messenger.

>> No.12315071

>Chesterton fan with Chesterton avatar making videos about Chesterton
>half the comments in his own video are him angrily insulting detractors
Christfag LARPers are something else.

>> No.12315082

I don't know man. Nietzsche is a philosopher's philosopher.

>> No.12315416

because years of misrepresentation by fedoratheists have smeared him with shit by association

>> No.12315426

he's unironically the reason 12 million jews died in the holocaust

>> No.12315428
File: 121 KB, 720x683, u6CWhNM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315460


Because nearly all modern "culture" is pop-culture, and absolutely no one reads original texts, let alone reads any books at all.

He is the complete antithesis of a nihilist.

Won't spoil it for you, but yep, the polar opposite of a nihilist.

>> No.12315501

And also potentially the reason why that number was overblown.

>> No.12315515

He was still wrong you know, he pretty much confirm with his own life that this "method" can never truly can work without God. Hope that he isn't in hell.

>> No.12315517


>> No.12315531

Hell isn't real, you dumb christcuck.

>> No.12315536

Getting brain cancer has nothing to do with being right or wrong. Those are some straws you're grasping for.

>> No.12315540
File: 41 KB, 550x550, 966431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315548
File: 147 KB, 822x960, 5ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12315565

Compelling image desu

>> No.12315576


>> No.12315584

I know, but i was in that kind of phrase too, i was becoming kinda mad, not Nietzsche tier obviously, but still, is the same escapism using passions you know, and still is the same void that you cannot patch.

Ok schizo, go and enjoy your entropy

>> No.12316112

its all part of his rhetoric. an appeal to the vanity of decadents leads to an intensification of their decadence and so to the further collapse of the present state of affairs. this would then lead to a state of nihilism in which the philosopher of the future would engage in a new act of valuation. to express it in his language, the twilight of the idols leads to the dawn of the day, of a new day, brought upon by the philosophers of the future.

>> No.12316136

Holy shit how come your posts are always the shittiest in every thread, holy fuck butterfly just kill yourself, you’ll do this shit board a favor. FUCK
Yes I’m triggered by some rando on the internet. FUCK YOU BUTTERFLY YOU COMPLETE FAGGOT

>> No.12316164

Based triggered poster

>> No.12316667
File: 28 KB, 300x180, VS_Gladion_SM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just a misunderstood edgelord

>> No.12316677

pop culture

>> No.12316681

Because he was a nihilist. And a hedonist.

>> No.12316685

made me laugh, very obvious bait tho