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/lit/ - Literature

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12311373 No.12311373 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any black philosophers whose work is unrelated to
>their blackness
>civil rights

Like, a philosopher who just happened to be black, not a Black Philosopher.

>> No.12311375


>> No.12311378


>> No.12311379

Yeah Plato

>> No.12311383

Plato wasn't black

>> No.12311384

Thomas Sowell might qualify

>> No.12311385

What about Socrates?

>> No.12311386

Check out Plato

>> No.12311388

He wasn't black though

>> No.12311390

Well we don't know for sure.

>> No.12311394

Uuhm proofs?

>> No.12311396

sounds like an analytic

>> No.12311399

We're talking about Plato, not Pyrrho

>> No.12311400

Yes we do

>> No.12311403

Were you there?

>> No.12311421

There's no way we can know it though, it was thousands of years ago.

>> No.12311517

Probably this.

>> No.12311530

Didn't read the other answers, so I don't know if Plato was already mentioned. If not, go check him out.

>> No.12311562

If you were a nigger, wouldn't you write about that first and foremost ? After all, even for an above average black man, everything in history revolves around race. Tribal infighting, ethnic wars, arabs raiding (who later realized they were smart enough to be taught how to read, and used them to spread their cult), slaves and otherwise second class subjects in America ... I mean there hasn't been a single other racial group who considered blacks human beings until some of them spent a very long time as slaves of said groups.

Yeah, I can understand why blacks with an interest in literature write mostly about race. I certainly would if I was in their shoes. That doesn't mean their works are worthless, as long as it's not sob stories or a thinly veiled call for reparutiuns.
See Richard Wright.

>> No.12311565

Oh gosh...

>> No.12311566

Thomas Sowell

>> No.12311569

Why the fuck do people belive Plato was black?

>> No.12311570

They don't, you fucking idiot.

>> No.12311573

plato's good

>> No.12311578

We don't know for sure!

>> No.12311582

The exact time and place of Plato's birth are unknown, but it is certain that he belonged to an aristocratic and influential family. Based on ancient sources, most modern scholars believe that he was born in Athens or Aegina[c] between 429 and 423 BC. His father was Ariston. According to a disputed tradition, reported by Diogenes Laertius, Ariston traced his descent from the king of Athens, Codrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus.[9] Plato's mother was Perictione, whose family boasted of a relationship with the famous Athenian lawmaker and lyric poet Solon.[10]

The odds of Plato being black is like none. Also Socrates belonged to one of the ancient 12 athenian tribes. His father a stone mason (which was a highly skilled job) and Socrates later joined the ranks of Hoplite. Which was the elite of the army. Highly unlikely to be black.

>> No.12311586

This desu. I used to shit on niggers because they can only talk about "muh race" but i realized that for pretty much their entire history, race was the defining factor of their existence. Because of their low IQ, they got fucked by pretty much all of other races (Asia being the exception, but now they're being colonized by China) and were always seen as subhuman. How couldn't they talk about race if their entire history was being trashed on for being their race? (I mean, see how /r9k/ can't stop talking about 'muh normies' because essentialy, they got alienated from normal society for being themselves. /r9k/ are literal niggers.)
The sad thing is that unless gene editing or effective eugenics save them (birth policies alone could bring Africa to 80 - 85IQ which's already something compared to their 60-70 average), they will always be underdeveloped, and will always blame whites and whoever else for their situation.

>> No.12311590

>The odds of Plato being black is like none.
Wrong. In the Odyssey Homer already talks about the Ethiopes "Sun burned faces". Plato could easily be a son of a wealthy ethiope hanging around Athens.

>> No.12311609

Racist, fascist, maleist, ableist, so on and so on

>> No.12311612

Plato was an Athenian citizen. To be a citizen, you must be born one and own property within Athens' territory. Moreover, cases of foreigners being "adopted" and made citizens were incredibly rare, and reserved for ethnic Greeks. There is zero (0) chance of Plato being anything else than a native Greek.

>> No.12311687

The problem is more unique to African-Americans than blacks in general because the only hertitage they have is one of slavery (they’re African hertitage is artificial seeing as they’re a no way of knowing which tribe they came from). They didn’t even free themselves, this was done by whites so there is only two ways to interpret their history. Either they are an inferior race who was used for slavery, couldn’t even free themselves and thus has continued to achieve nothing or they’ve achieved nothing because their is an agenda of oppression. Seeing as both could be considered true, what would you believe in their shoes? This is shown in the only culture unique to African-Americans, hood culture which is adamantly anti-authority (which in America is dominated by whites). Motown and Jazz was actually their change to correct this but that was legitimately destroyed by whites.

The reason I separate African-Americans from other blacks is that compared to Jamaicans for example, who care much more about their Jamaican heritage, culture and foods. Even Africans tend to focus more of their tribal heritage than black oppression, the exception to this are African “intellectuals” who are westernised and ashamed of their tribal brothers (even though they won’t admit it) and so they also chose oppression over inferiority.

>> No.12311695

That's a very capricious conclusion. We can't know about people that lived so long ago, since today we don't even know how pyramids were made or how humans were created. That's what history is like.

>> No.12311734

Claiming Plato could have been black is as ridiculous as saying Shaka Zulu was a Swede. It's extremely unlikely, although possible, that he had ancestry somewhere else in the Greek cultural sphere of influence.

>> No.12311907

Wow, i remember the days when i thought this board is actually intelligent.
My God, years have passed, and here i come, and all i see is autism, pseudo-intellectualism and edginess. Not that much different than /pol/, i see.
Go and stop being neet.

>> No.12311948

>all i see is autism, pseudo-intellectualism and edginess
no, only the few posters that took this thread seriously

>> No.12312032

Augustine was african

>> No.12312045

Stop taking the bait.

>> No.12312049

Maybe, but how would we find out? The Media only cares about those subjects because it causes political and other in-fighting among subjects.

>> No.12312050

He was a Numidian berber though. Not black.

>> No.12312063

As >>12311687 pointed out, blacks aren't some monoliths that other races can only interact with in one way. The majority of black slaves were enslaved by other blacks and sold to non-blacks.

>> No.12312065
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Tertullian, peak Latin prose stylist, was 100% black.

>> No.12312073
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Imagine thinking Greeks are white

>> No.12312252

We can't know for sure!

>> No.12312257

This. Let the money talk.

>> No.12312269

Jaekwon Kim? Hes not quite black, but hes still not white, and his name sounds like black name.

also W E B DuBois? Im not too familiar with sociology, but I think his stuff is supposed to be decent.

>> No.12312274

>can't organise shit
>squander money
>beg for gibs
Checks out desu

>> No.12312300

>gene editing
lol if that ever becomes widely available, and one can change their offspring's intelligence and skin color at will, what makes you think there will even be any black people after a few generations?

>> No.12312366

99% of human genes exist only in africans, so to get the best you'll need to insert African dna

>> No.12312387
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>not knowing that gene editing was invented by the ancient black scientist Yakub who created white people to avenge the injustices committed against him by mother Africa

>> No.12312407

Those are migrants demonstrating though.

>> No.12312442


>> No.12312466
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Good lord it all adds up.

>> No.12312471

What about Plato?

>> No.12312473

Cornel West. He's brilliant

>> No.12312483

>muh not real greeks
Cope, pathetic cope

>> No.12312488

Due to the influx of Turkish genes, modern Greeks are much paler than they would have been 2400 years ago

>> No.12312496

Jews literally prevent them from doing anything but an academic minstrel show

>> No.12313315

Only Marxist ones. Marxist-Leninist, at that.

>> No.12314139

So you sayin?...

>> No.12314916

Brilliantly wrong.

>> No.12315000

Plato was a woman.

>> No.12315061
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>> No.12316436


>> No.12316469

how new are you to not realize he's trolling you

>> No.12316483

he was most likely black

>> No.12316517

Thomas Sowell a.k.a. based black man

I think this meme is supposed to be with Italians.

>> No.12316523

>/r9k/ are literal niggers
Unless I find something astounding tomorrow I think this will go down as the hottest take I've seen all year I am serious

>> No.12316539

Go back to /x/

>> No.12316541

you'll need to be willing to read Islamic African philosophy, and then you'll also need to find translations unless your Arabic is good

>> No.12316554

good genes are not going to be evenly distributed. to get the best genes you'll need to insert the dna of the people with the best genetics.

>> No.12316578

No, I've looked.

Black "intellectuals" have an IQ of 96 and can barely manage to write a whole book about their "Blackness" and their "Black Identity".

I seriously meet poor black people who have more wisdom than fucking educated piece of shit "woke" black people all the time

>> No.12316588

One of the greatest, most influential philosophers happens to be black. Without his insights and teachings, modern civilization would be impossible. If you want to learn his doctrine, read the New Testament. Like Socrates, we only know of him or his thoughts through his disciples.

>> No.12316612

Me. AMA.

>> No.12316703

Some Greek nationals are rather swarthy. They're of dubious stock.

>> No.12316981

Gustav Vasa was West African, honey

>> No.12317202

Modern Greeks and Ancient Greeks aren't the same race, just like how the ethnic groups of Ancient China don't exist anymore.

>> No.12317207

>W E B DuBois? Im not too familiar with sociology, but I think his stuff is supposed to be decent.
His stuff is all about being bliggity black y'all.

>> No.12317234

Yes, the darker skinned hellenes were mixed with light skinned Turkish races

>> No.12317336

A better question to pose would be whether there is any modern philosophy that does not relate, that is not built upon the ontological negativity of blackness? My answer would be no, but you can try

>> No.12317599

Quinean metaontology

If you can spin that as racial I salute you.

>> No.12317665

This is 4chan, what did you expect?

>> No.12317803

This is what you're looking for OP

>> No.12317857

yes massa

>> No.12317989

Like most things, it’s the tail of the distribution you want

>> No.12318000
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Won't you be my neighbor?

>> No.12318003

>disgusting pasty mayoniggers try to posture as if they own all of philosophy again
Why am I not surprised

>> No.12318013

Ooga booga bix nood to you as well good sir

>> No.12318019

Shoo shoo white devil

>> No.12318053

Hey everyone look! It's a black person that knows how to read! It's not too often you see one of those anymore.

Hey there brother, have you ever considered becoming a leader in your community? That's what the black community really needs is strong role models like Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder

>> No.12318119

If you assume the 'philopsher' is (in some regards) the physician of culture, you could argue that the root of thr problems faced by most Africa/African-American's (and thus their philosophers) is caused by the totality of their being or blackness. This is of could only appropriate when seen in relation to the dominating (white) culture.

>> No.12319079

Schopenhauer, Plato, Hume, Marx, Aristotle, Socrates, Heidegger, Kant, Descartes, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Adorno, Foucault, Hegel, Hobbes, Locke

>> No.12319145

A playwright so not exactly what you asked for but, Shakespeare

>> No.12319175

Plato is very good in that regard.

>> No.12319211

How do you know? Were you in Ancient Greece?

>> No.12319224

Shaka Zulu was Roman

>> No.12319233

>Black "intellectuals" have an IQ of 96 and can barely manage to write a whole book about their "Blackness" and their "Black Identity".
Black intellectuals can have any IQ a white man can.

>> No.12319381

Nothing makes a /pol/ack more obvious than their complete inability to pick up on even the most blatant, low-effort bait

>> No.12319759

A man among memes.

>> No.12319787

this thread is good

>> No.12319834

shaaban roberts can be seen as a philosopher. he wrote multiple moralistic didactic works among which a utopian book. lived in Tanzania in and died in the 60's

>> No.12319836

given that napoleon created the foundation by which all people can be french, are french, by varying degrees, we can safely say that shaka zuzlu was a french person. by extension he would now belong to the EU and could travel to sweden and work and live there.

>> No.12319854

Napoleon was black

>> No.12321498

We were literally kings.

>> No.12322327

Do you genuinely think you're clever? I was having fun you blithering idiot

>> No.12322368

There are countless works of art, statues especially, and they don't look like niggers.

>> No.12322371

Diogenes was black

>> No.12322379

Plato, Homer, Shakespeare, Kant.

>> No.12322386
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this nigger was though

>> No.12322417

It's true though. If you reverse image it you find it's a march for refugee squatters in Athens or something like that.

Also the dumb cunts in burkas in the back should've given it away.

>> No.12322625

Wondering why nobody mentioned Kant?

>> No.12323978

Copernicus was woman

>> No.12323984

No, It's all they can talk about.

>> No.12324002

>dumb cunts in burkas
>implying Muslims can't be Greek.
You don't know anything about history do you? Greece was Muslim for hundreds of years

>> No.12324020

An uneducated hick racist would probably claim he was black, but he was actually capoid.

>> No.12324023

There are plenty, most aren't famous though. There's me though. And some professor at my uni who specializes in Hegel

>> No.12324034

>Asia being the exception

If anything, the europeans were very late to the party.

>> No.12324369

That's just your opinion.

>> No.12324794
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>Greece was Muslim for hundreds of years

>> No.12324844

Don't forget tribes genociding other tribes.

>> No.12324857

>. Even Africans tend to focus more of their tribal heritage than black oppression
South africa disagrees.

>> No.12324871

>this meme
>ancient antiquity doesnt count as europe because:

>> No.12324890

Like so oblivious about his race as if he was blind foster child?

>> No.12324898

> Greece was Muslim for hundreds of years
Being Muslim and being occupied by Muslims are two different things.

>> No.12324905
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>> No.12324929

forgot i was on /lit/, the board of functionally historical illiterates

>> No.12324944


>> No.12324953

>dude everything is relative because i'm relative lmao
Based subreddit migrant.

>> No.12324973


>> No.12325148

I know. People think Greek orthodoxy was a big deal before the nationalist movement, when for centuries the Greek intelligencia had been converting to islam

>> No.12325192

>import africans 400 years ago
>enforce racial segregation the country for 300 years
>simultaneously prevent the slaves from learning to read and write, kill those who can read
>desegregate half a century ago
"How come race and civil rights is all they can talk about ?"

>> No.12325200
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How does being occupied equal them having the same religion as the occupiers. They were strongly against the ottomans and their religion. They were many incidents about that.
Their religion and hellenic sense is what kept them going while occupied and eventually led to their revolution.

>> No.12325236

How about we just dont talk about them at all

>> No.12325316

Greek nationalism wasn't really a thing before the 19th century (though has been retconned in of course). Before that many Greeks enthusiastically adopted the religion and customs of the turks. And who could blame them, they were occupied by much richer and more sophisticated culture.

>> No.12325331

How would a potentially black writer go about writing material that goes beyond his race? Even the lauded Sowell and Williams can’t discuss matters outside the lens of race. Would Sowell be as known as he is if he her white? On the more pop cultural spectrum, would a character like Paul Kersey work if he were a black man? Would a black man gunning down violent youths at night, not be inherently racial in nature?

>> No.12325352

Greeks are just Italians who happen to be even blacker.

>> No.12325365

The ancient greeks were all blacks before those crack ass caucasians invaded greece, hence it's subsequent fall into irrelevance as the greeks turned "white"

>> No.12325383

Bertrand Russell

>> No.12325386

Khoisans are black, dude

>> No.12325399

biologists disagree with you monkey

>> No.12325400

>Greece was Muslim for hundreds of years
I think you mean that muslims ruled over and lived in Greece for a time. Greekness is necessarily tied to being of hellenic descent. A turk is as much a greek as I am a native american (so not at all). This isn't to say there aren't ethnically greek muslims, just that they don't really matter or count for anything.

>> No.12325436
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>> No.12325471

Actually south italians are empirically more med so neck yourself

>> No.12325480

South Italians are literally just greeks who jumped on boats and landed on whichever piece of land appeared in front of them.

>> No.12326377

Again, that's like, your opinion man.

>> No.12326408
File: 49 KB, 1030x602, na_1030_602_60_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go black, a woman and muslim.

Nana Asma’u bint Shehu Usman dan Fodiyo

>Well educated in the classics of the Arab and Classical world, and well versed in four languages (Arabic, the Fula language, Hausa and Tamacheq Tuareg), Nana Asma'u had a public reputation as a leading scholar in the most influential Muslim state in West Africa, which gave her the opportunity to correspond broadly

>She witnessed many of the wars of the Fulani War and wrote about her experiences in a prose narrative Wakar Gewaye, "The Journey"

>She became a counsellor to her brother when he took the Caliphate, and is recorded writing instructions to governors and debating with the scholars of foreign princes.

>Among her more than 60 surviving works written over 40 years, Nana Asma’u left behind a large body of poetry in Arabic, the Fula language and Hausa,

>Others of the surviving written works by Asma'u are related to Islamic education: for much of her adult life she was responsible for women's religious education. Starting around 1830, she created a cadre of women teachers (jajis) who travelled throughout the Caliphate educating women in the students' homes. In turn, each of these jajis used Nana Asma’u's and other Sufi scholars writings, usually through recited mnemonics and poetry

>> No.12326418


>> No.12326772

How come they have every opportunity to succeed handed to them on a silver platter just for being black and every civil right yet they still manage to fuck it all up?

>> No.12326855

Hes an economist.

>> No.12326864

>I have been accelerating this car for an hour and just released the gas pedal, how come it keeps going ?

>> No.12326884

Can all white fantasy novels be written in 2019?

I'm feeling pressured to put in poc but it feels like tokenism. And blacks will probably never read it anyway.

>> No.12327062

The Jews were nearly entirely wiped out 75 years ago but they manage to write books that aren't about being a Jew, the holocaust, the Middle East, or destroying western civilization from the inside

>> No.12327068

Sowell often writes about economics completely unrelated to race

>> No.12327070

Gustavo Fring?

>> No.12328976

Because they took on the southern culture those who didn't are actually quite succesful. Africans immigrants are overepresented in high-level university for exemple.

>> No.12329363

what is this 4chan you speak of? this is 4channel begone heathen

>> No.12329436

>I am serious

This is part of the charm of this site. Nowhere else could you find someone earnestly saying something like that.

>> No.12329576

Because of apartheid, dipshit

>> No.12329889

guys, socrates was clearly black

>> No.12330058

Good one.