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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 1323x447, top 100 (2018).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12304700 No.12304700 [Reply] [Original]

It's finally here!
Book titles and its variants which counted as one (mispellings, different names, etc):
>The Brothers Karamazov, The Karamazov Brothers, The Karamzov Brothers
>The Elementary Particles, Atomised.
>One hundred years of solitude, 100 years of solitude, cien años de soledad
>Don Quixote, Don Quijote.
>Heart of Darkness, The Heart of Darkness, HoD.
>Ficciones, Fictions, Labyrinths.
>The Trial, The Process.
>The Illiad, The Iliad, illiad, iliad.
>The Lord of the Rings (individual books were included in it)
>V., V
>Lolita, Lo-lee-ta.
>The Odyssey, Odyssey, Odissey.
>Á rebours, Against Nature.
>Capital, Das Kapital.
And so on. Also, multiple votes to a book in a single response were not counted. What are your thoughts? Did your favorite or author book make it?

I wanted to ask the anon from the other thread if he could help us doing the graph. Or maybe someone else, as I'm not particularly skilled in design. Thank you for voting.

>> No.12304703

>The Bible at no. 4
wtf Christmarines, do we have some traitors in our ranks?

>> No.12304704
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You forgot one.

>> No.12304708

>Author: various
>not God
Fucking heathens

>> No.12304709
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> Moby dick
This place is dead to me

>> No.12304711

Why is it the same books year after year lmao

>> No.12304714

>>Lolita, Lo-lee-ta.

>> No.12304722

idk if anyone else is making one, but I'll make one, I'm not too bad with photoshop

>> No.12304734

>Marcus Aurelius on the chart at all
Hı, Reddit!

>> No.12304743
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It's funny how books become more and less popular over time, like Moby-Dick jumping from 8 to 1. Someone ought to do a chart that shows how much each book has moved since 2017.

>> No.12304750
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Like this.

>> No.12304761

>Marcus Aurelius is garbage because some website was made almost two thousand years after he died.

>> No.12304767

When the fuck was this decided? To the cocksuckers on 'the discord' decide on this crap?

>> No.12304768

This makes no sense and is a terrible strawman. Only someone with a double digit IQ, or someone being deliberately obtuse, would interpret it in this way.

>Marcus Aurelius is incredibly shallow, and it would take a newfag from Reddit to vote that Meditations is in the top 100 books of all time
There you go.

>> No.12304769

Dosto-godking clenches two out of the top three. Not bad, /lit/. The Aeneid gets slept on but I'm glad to see it on the list.

>> No.12304780

Do you even lurk here? It started like last weekend.

>> No.12304784

If your argument is
>books that retards like shouldn't be on the list
Then the Holy Bible shouldn't be on the list either. Some books can be appreciated at both ends of the spectrum.

>> No.12304788

>obscure good, popular bad

>> No.12304789

i think a canticle for leibowitz should be somewhere there.

>> No.12304795

It's not incredibly shallow but I agree that it shouldn't be in the top 100.

>> No.12304796

TSZ making huge gains
Kind of odd seeing works of philosophy on there though

>> No.12304801

>the meme trilogy is finally in the top 10
proud of you, /lit/

>> No.12304806

Another terrible strawman. There are many more popular books on the list that I didn't point out. Read >>12304768

Your reading comprehension is terrible. It's shallow, and hence it shouldn't be on the list. Retards like it, but that's a consequence of it being shallow and not the reason it shouldn't be on the list.

>> No.12304821

>Finnegans Wake going from 5 to 81
I guess /lit/ really is getting dumber huh

>> No.12304824

Why wouldn't it be lmao

>> No.12304829

well thats just because it's fallen off as a meme and pseuds don't have to pretend to like it anymore

>> No.12304830

Finnegan's Wake is a meme.

>> No.12304849

too much japanese crap, yikes!

>> No.12304852

>phenomenology of spirit aka fucking snoozefest
>thus spoke zaraturstshit in first 25.
>even Das fucking Kapital is in chart (yikes and kys leftypol faggots)
>Nausea giving me nausea (is that was reddit raid?)
>it was hard to decide for me what was the worst mistake in this chart. Took me long time to choose only one candidate. The winner probably is stranger. I laughed pretty good five minutes from camus being higher than shakespeare or homer.
I miss year 2014 - rational choices and logical thinking of /lit/. OP please fucking delete this abominacion and accept fact that nowdays you simply cant make good chart here. S

>> No.12304860

We're not a weeb board anymore, we Christaboo now

>> No.12304866

Also not one, but three fucking Herman Hesse books. I thought /lit/ was better than that.

>> No.12304874
File: 1.23 MB, 1820x4348, Top100lit2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2014 /lit/
>rational choices
>logical thinking
today i will remind them

>> No.12304878

>Stranger no. 2
>Harry Potter on the list at all

>> No.12304884

>Infinite Jest being the best book of all time was a rational choice
fucking kek

>> No.12304885

what is that in the second place? Is it the same camus the pseud in other post mentioned? really makes you think....

>> No.12304889

Maybe I’m alone in this but I don’t vote for many of my actual favourite books since they would never make it on to the chart. I just vote for the /lit/ core books I want to see at the top.

Also could Stoner get off the top 10 already, the meme has gone on long enough now.

>> No.12304891

>meme factory

>> No.12304893

thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.12304907

Holy fuck, /lit/ was always that bad?
That chart made me puke.

>> No.12304918

>Hitcherhiker's Guide
>Harry Potter
>Fight Club
>Animal Farm
>Alice in Wonderland
is this Underage: the list?

>> No.12304936

>The Silmarillion and The Hobbit
>no TLotR

>> No.12304950

Moby dick first
I knew dear murican friends have to win another poll. Yay!

>> No.12304952

That's a fake chart tho

>> No.12304954

That's because there is never enough votes to make an actually decent chart

>> No.12304971

>>tfw no Canterbury Tales

>> No.12304973

my man wellbeck made it. cool.

>> No.12304981

Can Roadside Picnic make it on this list just once ffs.

>> No.12304982

It shouldn't make any best 100 books list

>> No.12305025


>> No.12305040

Frog here. I tried reading "À rebours", but it just came across as a catalogue of flowers and gemstones and whatnot which I had no knowledge of. I felt like I had too little vocabulary to understand much of it, it was basically list after list of words that I was unfamiliar with. Forgot it on the train and didn't reclaim it.

>> No.12305046
File: 228 KB, 1000x892, TvFavoriteFilmChart2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious, for anyone who posts on other boards, is this list similar to pic related? Meaning that are the lists at the same level of quality taken the board into consideration? Is the /lit/ list kino or capeshit?

>> No.12305061

the vast majority, or at least all those that can be seen on OP's pic are solid classics

>> No.12305086

the voting thread has been up for days and still is nigger faggot

>> No.12305094

stopped reading at (')

>> No.12305100
File: 1.15 MB, 1323x447, Untitled 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like i need to do some more reading

>> No.12305118
File: 77 KB, 1323x447, IMG_20181229_084202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same. Doing fine at the first 10 but gets sparse after that. Currently reading Quijote

>> No.12305187

So /tv/ is basically reddit? cringe

>> No.12305192

This happens when you let pseuds vote

>> No.12305208
File: 30 KB, 450x450, c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anthony Butgess

>> No.12305219

>2 entries by a woman

I'm proud of you, four channel

>> No.12305230

>Stranger that stupidly high
If there's one proof /lit/ got better over time, it's the newer lists which don't have that cringe edgefest in second place. "The Stranger" is overrated by pseuds and Camus' philosophy is retarded.

>> No.12305242
File: 85 KB, 1323x447, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that out of all the lists /lit/ has made, this one contained the most stuff I've read. Next year I plan on finally reading 2666, Pale Fire, Book of the New Sun and some others.
A shame "The Name of the Rose" didn't make it higher. Also, how did "Das Kapital" make it on the list?

>> No.12305251
File: 88 KB, 1323x447, checklist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missing only 36 books, and of those 36 most I don't have any will to check out (american psycho, finnegan's, book of the new sun, decline of the west, etc)

overall a decent top 100 I guess

>> No.12305260

>The Dark Knight Rises
Fucking perfect

>> No.12305290

>the book of the new sun - gene wolfe
What? Who?

>> No.12305291

I'm about halfway done but I need to go out, if this thread is still up I'll post it later or if not I'll make a new thread.

>> No.12305345

I'd say it's a pretty decent list, but can we make this one to include covers like >>12304743 and the years before?

>> No.12305349

just one of the better sci fi books to read

>> No.12305362

Thank you for the effort, OP

>> No.12305381

I hope you realise you're all going to hell for this

>> No.12305384

Anglocuck board. A non-anglocuck would never read Catch-22.

>> No.12305388

>Faust and Werther but no Wilhelm Meister
Why does /lit/ let me down like this
Thanks for doing this though OP

>> No.12305406

It's a lot harder to find that book in English than it is Faust or Werther

>> No.12305408

One of the only sci-fi books worth reading

>> No.12305427

Ive just never even heard someone say something intelligent about it on here.

>> No.12305438

Don't let the fact that we're all retards stop you from appreciating a magnificent work of literature

>> No.12305452

the red ones I am currently reading, the yellow are in my tbr stack
how's DQ so far? Really excited to read it next

>> No.12305455
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>> No.12305477
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Looks like I need to read more american meme books

>> No.12305483
File: 85 KB, 1327x445, sdssffs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applaud you guys for being so honest. Here's mine. I obviously need to read more, but I'm happy I've done some of these. I've read of more books than this in this list, but I didn't finish them.

>> No.12305486

It genuinely saddens me that Frankenstein isn't on here and never is. It's my favourite book.

>> No.12305509

You've read some great stuff. Keep it up, there's a lot of books and it's reading requires a lot of time, so there's no need to be worried.
How many books did you read this year? I've read 30. That's a bit less than I did last year, but then again, I didn't read as much as I did last year, sadly. I'll improve next year, hopefully.

>> No.12305515

>Not one book by Musil
Why doesn’t lit read the best author of the last century?

>> No.12305520
File: 89 KB, 1323x447, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A number of books on this list are still on my do-read list, currently reading Cat's Cradle and just finished If On a Winter's Night a Traveler, good stuff!

>> No.12305532

Thanks. I read about 24 "works" this year, as some two were admittedly short stories. I'm in my final year of a science degree atm so reading is difficult, but I'm trying my best I think. I'm going to read Notes from Underground to add one more to the list. This year I read:
>Lolita by Nabokov
>From Here to Eternity by Doughty
>The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories by Lovecraft
>Stiff by Roach
>Dracula by Stoker
>Slaughter House Five by Vonnegut
>The Stranger by Camus
>All That Remains by Dame Sue Black
>Crime and Punishment by Dosteovsky
>The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy
>1984 by Orwell
>Book 1 of Calvin and Hobbes Collection by Watterson
>White Fang by London
>Turn of the Screw by James
>The Plague by Camus
>Flowers for Algernon by Keyes
>Hunger by Hamsun
>To the Lighthouse by Woolf
>The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman
>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Kesey
>How Much Land Does a Man Need? By Tolstoy
>The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks
>We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
>White Nights by Dostoevsky

>> No.12305547

Great stuff, I might as well post my list. I'm studying medicine so I don't have a lot of time to read, especially because I also work on other backlogs (video games, anime etc).

The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales (disliked it)
The Waves
The Gambler
I am a Cat
Fathers and Sons
Rabies (by Pekic, a serbian author)
A Sportsman's Sketches
Man's Search for Meaning (read this because a friend of mine insisted, disliked it immensely)
Simplicius Simplicissimus
Under the Volcano
The Name of the Rose
Dead Souls
White Noise
Taras Bulba
The Royal Game
Jakob von Gunten
Melmoth the Wanderer
The Unnamable
Dictionary of the Khazars
To the Lighthouse
The Pickwick Papers
Locos: A Comedy of Gestures
Thérèse Raquin
Brodie's Report
Imaginary Lives

How was Lovecraft and Slaughter House Five?

>> No.12305554


>> No.12305555

>The Bible, Various


>> No.12305557

Okay epic I actually haven't read calvino yet

>> No.12305558

Those are some top quality books, quite a few obscurer ones there. Interesting to see you read Hat as well and that you're a medical student. Some coincidence. Yeah, I found it rather lacking to be honest. There was little to no real conclusion to each study and it all just went by rather swiftly. Did you enjoy To the Lighthouse? Took me a while to get into it, but Part II I found astonishingly beautiful. Slaughterhouse Five was alright, but it's not really my type of thing. I don't think i'll read more of Vonnegut. I'm a fan of Lovecrafts general imagery and aesthetics, but I honestly found myself rolling my eyes. A lot of his stories are just tedious and transparent. Most often the horror comes from race and it gets boring quickly.

>> No.12305560

I am absolutely loving DQ. Finished the first volume and it is amazing, extremely well written but at the same time very light to read, in no moment it felt like a drag. Extremely fun too and had very good laughs at a some points.
I was expecting some section comparable to Moby Dick's whale wikipedia section, a bit dense and dry, but there is none so far, pure adventure with plenty of goofyness

>> No.12305562

Whether you're religious or not, it's still regarded as one of greatest piece of literature ever made

>> No.12305564

Where's the Mahabharata? :-(

>> No.12305565

Hellene here.
I hope Ilias Venezis will become more popular in the non-Hellenic world.
For whomever cares Aegean and Serenity are Kino af.

>> No.12305577

>Those are some top quality books, quite a few obscurer ones there
Thanks. I occasionaly check out some lesser known books although I usually read the classics.
The two main problems with Hat are melodramatic segments (there's too many of them, the author is attempting to inject more drama into a case than its necessary, also he probably overanalyzes certain actions) and the fact that the author doesn't know if he wants it to be a medical or a philosophical book, so he fails in both of those aspects. As a student of medicine I haven't seen almost any info related to that branch, for example the change in the structure of the brain or its transmitters, and as a person who loves philosophy I havent' seen anything profound, only shallow attempts and occasional namedropping of some famous philosophers like Kant, when I would wonder how he even managed to connect them to his cases. All in all, the book was a waste of my time. Also what you said, no real conclusion to the studies and how it all went by swiftly.
>Did you enjoy To the Lighthouse? Took me a while to get into it, but Part II I found astonishingly beautiful
The first part was the highlight of the book for me, especially the dinner scene. The second part was good from a prose standpoint, but information-wise it was lacking, sadly. The third part left me disappointed because I really wanted to find out about all the interesting and well-developed characters from the first part, yet Woolfe has the camera almost 100% on her self-insert. I found Tansley to be the most interesting character and sympathized with him the most, even though he's an atheist and I'm not.
>Slaughterhouse Five was alright, but it's not really my type of thing. I don't think i'll read more of Vonnegut.
The only thing of Vonnegut I've read is his short story Harrison Bergeron, and I've enjoyed it. I'll read Slaughterhouse next year, even though I probably won't like it, at least I feel I won't.
I've been planning on reading Lovecraft for a long time, might as well do that next year. I'll tackle the Necronomicon.

>> No.12305591

Pretty sure its just a few guys ballot stuffing

>> No.12305785

I like this idea

>> No.12305799

no one ever reads any other books

>> No.12305803

imagine being Britain and watching all your colonies and that island you considered subhuman outperform you

>> No.12305839

The Bible was written by Jewish prophets and Christian apostles. The Quran was written by God.

>> No.12305866

Either because they are good or because memes

>> No.12305989

>two dosto books and bibl in top 5
>ulysses not in top 3
not based. i hate these stupid reactionary incel christlarpers.

>> No.12305996
File: 98 KB, 1323x447, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting list
i'm most surprised by how popular steinbeck is, i never see him mentioned here

>> No.12306008

>Ulysses still on top

You're all a bunch of hipsters

>> No.12306016

>tfw Kierkegaard made the list
all is well, lads

>> No.12306034

Much better than previous years. Except for a few pseud choices it’s damn near perfect.

>> No.12306041

>Finnegans Wake

>> No.12306049
File: 365 KB, 1323x447, FC7C3DD8-12E9-45D2-9578-E033DC0B911C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I can finish every book this year that I haven’t already read?

>> No.12306059
File: 48 KB, 800x729, F6726BFF-CF1C-4D35-87C3-E8F6510F7CEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12306069

It’s a lot easier to come up with a list of 1 objectively great books than it is films because people have been writing for centuries

>> No.12306070

>The Bible
>Not #1
/lit/ is a Christian board and not some /edgelord/ meme place. Move it to its rightful place now!

>> No.12306075

Wow, I’m impressed folks. An actually good list. I wish a few of my picks had made it but all the same I’m at least glad it’s not full of stupid bullshit this year.

>> No.12306092

The Bible is not like the other books claiming to have been written by an god-like figure. The Bible is in fact a documentation covering historical events. That’s what’s sets the Bible apart.

>> No.12306104

Should the Bible really qualify for this? I’m not questioning it’s value to society but It’s not really in the same category as any of these other works. It’s not really literature. I vote to DQ it from the list

>> No.12306108

me too. the bible is literature but I just want to spite the christlarpers they poison everything.

>> No.12306120

Fake chart made by some discord group

>> No.12306123

>No Quran
Fuck you people I'm leaving this board forever

>> No.12306137

best chart ive seen even though it is fake

>> No.12306151

thank you for your service

>> No.12306207

>Das Kapital
>Heart of Darkness
Fucking what? This list has some dog shit on it, and Storm of Steel is the greatest war novel ever written.

>> No.12306222
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>The Count of Monte Cristo #100
>Harry Potter #54

oh nonononono

>> No.12306241

It's refreshing to see more philosophy. It's a good list.

>> No.12306249

KJV is at least on the level of Shakespeare.

>> No.12306266

The bible has more quality life lessons than Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Don't fucking speak about disqualifying it without having read it.

>> No.12306344

I read basically the whole thing in high school. It was a catholic school and We had a religious class every year and junior year it was Scripture. We covered basically the entire Bible. I know how valuable the lessons can be in there. Even as a nonbeliever I see new examples every day of how the Bible is right about so many things. I just don’t know why it’s on a list comprised mainly of fictional works written in the last 200 years.

>> No.12306353

>the stranger

>> No.12306360
File: 24 KB, 543x443, 4F6C6822-FD6E-4DEC-8C11-6DE53C70D612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a book that is easier to read is automatically not as good as a book that is harder to read

>> No.12306395
File: 36 KB, 450x450, really bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im kinda pissed that Moby Dick is #1.
it was incredibly boring.
but as long as IJ is in the top 10, i'll learn to live with it.

>> No.12306401

Because it's a book, dipshit

>> No.12306404

This, but unironically.

>> No.12306490


>> No.12306618
File: 106 KB, 1323x447, 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel good about this,i think the list sucks

>> No.12306643

>They're people that weren't around when 90% of threads on /lit/ were people arguing about translations
2014 wasn't even a bad year.

>> No.12306648

Harry Potter was on the list. At 54, no less.

>> No.12306816


>> No.12306948


>> No.12307205


>> No.12307276
File: 2.68 MB, 1820x4348, 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sometimes A Great Notion
I have never seen either of these discussed and they've never been on the chart before, that's very interesting.
Also this is the first top 100 since 2014 where the top 3 isn't some ordering of Ulysses, Moby Dick and Infinite Jest. Also more non fiction like Montaigne and Spengler. This is a very different chart to the ones before.
Is anyone going to make a visual like pic related?

>> No.12307343

You'll be weeping once you finished Grapes of Wrath

>> No.12307345


>> No.12307390

an anon is currently working on it

>> No.12307394

There should be a chart for top 25 plays, top 50 short stories, top 50 poems and top 50 non fiction books. I have never been involved in something like this before but I would be willing to run the voting for these, does anyone else think this is a good idea?

>> No.12307406

>top 25 plays
not a good idea
>top 50 short stories
good idea
>top 50 poems
meh could be both ways
>top 50 non fiction books
excellent idea

>> No.12307427

OP here, I see there's some animosity towards the non-fiction books like Das Kapital, has this ever been on the charts before? Shoud I remove it and make a new Top 100 or is it okay like this?

>> No.12307443
File: 89 KB, 1323x447, lit 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't get a chance to vote but this is how I line up with the list. Green is read - yellow is currently reading.

>> No.12307459

This is a great idea. We could make /lit/ guides to virtually any group or type of literature that weren’t decided on by just one person

>> No.12307460

What about top 10 plays to go along with the other charts? I just want to see how /lit/ ranks plays other than Hamlet, Faust and this year King Lear.
Should I lower the top poems to top 25 or keep it as 50?

>> No.12307478

What's your favourite book that didn't make the list? For me it's Gulliver's Travels

>> No.12307515

>Sometimes A Great Notion
>I have never seen either of these discussed and they've never been on the chart before, that's very interesting.
because a single person insisted on voting for them several times, it's obvious if you look at their other votes

>> No.12307547

there is nothing wrong with das kapital it is a serious and rigorous work and anyone that has a problem with it hasn't even read it. if you are going to remove it though remove every non-fiction book and the bible i would actually be fine with this these charts should be literature (as an art form) only.

>> No.12307548

More like which is your only book that made the list
>the leopard at 82

>> No.12307565

No the only people crying are /pol/tards

>> No.12307579

yea, top 25 poems and top 10 plays sounds about right

>> No.12307586

shakespeare is massively underrepresented and it's quite representative of this board's general education. excellent chart, will serve as an effective redflag for anybody who thinks this place actually reads the books they pretend to read

>> No.12307589

Holy shit that list is terrible

>> No.12307597

Do not start tinkering with the votes, leave this chart as it is. If people want to make new charts just for plays or non-fiction then let them do that.

>> No.12307602

Okay, I'll leave the chart as it is.

>> No.12307616

Prose is superior to drama
Deal with it, pleb

>> No.12307617

It's only terrible because it's got Harry Potter and Hitchhiker's on it... The rest are damn good books, surely?

>> No.12307639

>Tolkien ahead of Montaigne
>Shakespeare's Complete not accepted as one book (even though it is one physical book), yet In Search of Lost Time is accepted as one book (even though it is 6-7 individual volumes)
>Not listing the number of votes each, which is very important here because the top 20 all got 30+ votes while the rest barely got 9 votes

>> No.12307645

>expecting /r/bookschan to know how to to a survey
tsk tsk

>> No.12307666

Organize your own voting next time. I was open to changes in the original other thread, and indeed did some of those.

>> No.12307689

Start another one. Its obvious the phenomemeology of spirit and das capital was shilled by leftypol faggots. If das kapital is here surely books like culture of critique or mein kampf belong to this list
>b-but its about egonomy!
I dont fucking care, nowhere in /lit/ charts history, even with this posted in this thread was fucking marx. Remove it and remove pseud philosophy and it should be better.

>> No.12307697

Why Moby Dick?

>> No.12307699

In Search of Lost Time is a novel in seven tomes. Shakespeare's Complete Works are different individual works, though.

>> No.12307700

This is 100% true. Stranger that high is pure meme

>> No.12307706

So your in favour of obscurantism? A book doesn't have to be hard to be good... Finnegan's wake is pure pretentious wankery that should be burned.

>> No.12307707

Because amurikeh wriets greadest boogs :DDD

>> No.12307711

Why not?

>> No.12307742
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>> No.12307749

Well, there it is boys.

>> No.12307752

Nice aesthetic. Looks better than the others.

>> No.12307753

wow, good job! Thanks a lot.

>> No.12307755

nice work
should've used the diamond edition cover for brothers karambazong though

>> No.12307764

Nice, but come on man give us the iconic Lolita cover

>> No.12307765

I did consider using as many meme covers as I could

>> No.12307767
File: 413 KB, 1323x447, B3911FE5-89EE-429F-9E75-D9769232A239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling a bit pleb after seeing this list tbqh, but that’s motivation to continue

>> No.12307769

You misspelled Kesey.

>> No.12307775

better than most years tbqh

>> No.12307777

So it will be top 10 plays, top 50 short stories, top 25 poems and top 50 non fiction books.
One last question, how many of each should people nominate? I'm thinking 3 plays and 5 each of the rest of them. I can't do it in proportion to the 5 books nominated for the top 100, and my biggest concern is all the short stories being Joyce or Borges, all the plays being Shakespeare and most of the votes for poems going towards epic poems.
It's not that I'm against Hamlet being number one by a mile or the Odyssey/Iliad/Divine Comedy/Paradise Lost being way ahead of anything else but there needs to be enough votes for other things for me to actually be able to fill a top 10/25/50. A lot of /lit/ has only read Dubliners and Ficciones, has only read epic poems and has only read Shakespeare and maybe Faust.
Again, I'm not against them being at the top, I just want to be able to fill a list. I'll take anyone else's ideas into consideration but we will need to keep in mind this will be an experiment and could fail miserably.
For the non fiction chart there will be tons of books that people put there for memes, and I am going to discount them, plain and simple. These books include, off the top of my head
>The Culture of Critique
>Mein Kampf
>any book by Ben Shapiro, Lauren Southern, Jordan Peterson etc
I am debating whether to ban Marx because while he is a meme he is also taken seriously and people will seriously vote for him. I'm leaning to ban him.

>> No.12307779

Can I make a suggestion? Notes should not be the Pevear cover... At all. This will just perpetuate the myth.

>> No.12307786
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>> No.12307789

>Dostoevsky 4 times in the entire list, 2 times in top 3 and 4 times in top 50
how the fuck does he do it lads

>> No.12307790

>used a Wordsworth Classics cover for The Red and the Black
based and coverpilled

>> No.12307802
File: 772 KB, 1600x2120, William-Blake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Blakean renaissance is still to come

>> No.12307810

Cheers. My other suggestion was to maybe take the Pevear cover out for Notes since Pevear isn't all it's cracked up to be. There's a good article on why it's not that great.

>> No.12307812

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Hundred Years Of Solitude
>Catcher in the Rye
>Pale Fire
>The Magic Mountain
>Mason & Dixon
>Crying of Lot 49
>Confederacy of Dunces
It's like you're trying not to pick the covers we know and love. Also you literally used a Wordsworth Classics cover for The Red and The Black.
It's fine otherwise, but I have to ask, who did the visuals for the charts from 2015-7?

>> No.12307827

desu the 3 sometimes a great notion votes in a row should be removed for the same reason the hamlet spam was removed

>> No.12307829

top kek, nice work

>> No.12307842

>"Greatest of all the Russians, however, is Dostoyevsky, with his grim and tense novels Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Possessed, and The Brothers Karamazov. No one except Shakespeare can excel him in driving force of fancy and emotion."

from H.P. Lovecraft's reading guide

>> No.12307849

As if that tedious racist hack's opinion is worth anything. Not saying Dostoevsky is bad. I just came here to say Lovecraft is a cunt.. The cunt.

>> No.12307850

Thank you!

>> No.12307851

but when

>> No.12307863


>> No.12307867
File: 81 KB, 829x1024, belly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're baning right wing politics you should also ban left wing eg. marx

>> No.12307870

Kill yourself you tranny nigger Jew

>> No.12307876

why the fuck are there three steinbeck novels? no pedro paramo? fuck you guys

>> No.12307884

Way too American biased.

>> No.12307898

Skip the non-fiction one unless you want people to shit all over the chart and possibly all other charts you make. As soon as you start removing books because YOU consider them to be meme books - even if they are objectively meme books - it’ll turn into a shitshow.

>> No.12307904

change the heart of a darkness cover to this better known one and should be good. also
>Vintage Mann the magic mountain
fucking kek dont change it please.

>> No.12307912

The primary problem with Marx is that a vast vast majority of people have only read selections.

>> No.12307923

>Odyssey by Fagles
>De Montaigne & Di Lampedusa

>> No.12307929

Christ. I thought there was only one spelling mistake when I suggested Kesey be corrected...

>> No.12307934


>> No.12307941

>being so insecure about your opinions that you need to wage a 4-year long annual Top 100 /lit/ polling campaign that you blatantly self-spam with the same half dozen books you like to skew opinion on this board

>> No.12307966


Is there a list of votes for each? I'd be interested since I thought there was a giant tie from 80-120something at like 4 votes.

>> No.12307970

>People can't enjoy what I dislike

>> No.12307986

That's actually a quote from Lovecraft? I was always curious about what types of novels he liked beyond Poe and Machen and stuff like that.

>> No.12307989

same here :')

>> No.12308032


>> No.12308074

I've got an idea, how about you pick 5 books to nominate and 5 (or maybe even 10) to 'downvote'? That's the only way I can think of doing a non fiction chart without either banning books outright, which I agree is a bad precedent, or accepting everything and having the top consist of Mein Kampf, The Culture of Critique, 12 Rules For Life, Maps of Meaning, Bullies, Barbarians, The Communist Manifesto, Capital and maybe then the actual list begins.
One last option I've just thought of that is admittedly a bit arbitrary but solves the problem - make it so that the author has to be dead for the book to be accepted. Then only Mein Kampf makes it on the list, and most of the serious nominations I can see people giving are by dead people anyway.

>> No.12308097 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x3242, Top 100 (2018).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate edition with some meme/iconic covers.

>> No.12308098

Same guy here, I just realised that The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck and How To Win Friends and Influence People, two other meme books, would also be filtered with this rule.

>> No.12308104

There are still tons of misspellings

>> No.12308118
File: 1.23 MB, 1500x3242, Top 100 (2018).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate edition with some meme/iconic covers.

>> No.12308131

What the fuck, I posted >>12308104 as a reply to you

>> No.12308141

Still giving Pevear and Volokhonsky a bit of a boon with that Notes cover, man. Change it please.

>> No.12308151

that moby dick cover is pretty cool

>> No.12308153
File: 22 KB, 304x475, tale of genji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Tale of Genji
>no Journey to the West
>no Water Margin
>no Dream of the Red Chamber
>no Mahabharata
How do we get /lit/ into Asian classics?

>> No.12308158

We don't.

>> No.12308162

use the everyman cover for montaigne and the vintage cover for correction

>> No.12308175

We shill it daily like the Burgers did with Moby-Digggk :--DDDDD

>> No.12308215

People would just downvote the books at the top to get their meme books higher. In my opinion it’d be best to do it the same way the normal one is done, filter out obvious spam but nothing else. Yeah the list will be full of /lit/ memes but so what, isn’t that sort of the point of doing a /lit/ top 100?

I’m not even that interested in such a chart though so maybe don’t listen to me.

>> No.12308321

Thanks for doing this, anon!

>> No.12308359

moby dick confirmed best novel ever

>> No.12308366

What the fuck did I miss it again?

>> No.12308374
File: 19 KB, 448x337, 123221651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw voted for meme garbage

>> No.12308393

fat rabbit?

>> No.12308417

You spelled Burgess wrong

>> No.12308492

yea it was a typo (t instead of r), but luckily the graph guys got it right.

>> No.12308508
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>> No.12308527
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>> No.12308531
File: 281 KB, 736x1098, Anti-American_Italian_Propaganda_Poster_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roll I guess

>> No.12308535

everyone who posted that shit deserves to be hung from the neck until dead witnessed by an audience of their family and peers.

>> No.12308540

That's about what you deserve for rolling in a lit thread

>> No.12308544

also ew I'd rather not read Brave New World again

>> No.12308554

>Lord of the Rings
>cover says "The Fellowship of the Ring"
please fix this

>> No.12308568

Surely when people say LOTR they're referring to the one good book, though

>> No.12308575

>not liking The Return of the King

>> No.12308590

Good job you fucking cunts


>> No.12308599

For fuck's sake, which one of you faggots was it? Get fucked.

>> No.12308606

Why does everyone act like we're a bunch of snobs that only read obscure centuries old classics?

>> No.12308619

How was this collected, voting in one thread or a datamine of the archive?

>> No.12308620

>grand middlebrow tradition

>> No.12308621

Because they uniconically love Ready Player One and Harry Potter.

>> No.12308627
File: 27 KB, 818x299, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people constantly whining about /pol/

>> No.12308626

t. newfag

>> No.12308632

>Au contraire


>> No.12308659

r/books calling us middlebrow is the real joke here

>> No.12308679


>> No.12308680

Fucking Roll

>> No.12308689


>> No.12308705
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>> No.12308736 [DELETED] 

>" Literary fiction seems to be more popular, for instance."
You mean... good books? Yeah, I'd say so, Mr. Plebbit.

>> No.12308740

>" Literary fiction seems to be more popular, for instance."
You mean... good books? Yeah, I'd say so, Mr. Plebbit. Man, I honestly hate the term literary fiction. All that means is good books. You can tell people on Reddit think that literary is just another genre and genre fiction is just the same and just as valid.

>> No.12308751



>> No.12308807

KEK. Those fags couldn't stop baneposting long enough to even make a serious list.

>> No.12308821

It's a surprisingly bad list. Avatar? Fuck.

>> No.12308824

Very interesting list this year, lots of titles I didn't expect to see.

>> No.12308854

>The Odyssey

>> No.12308863

>Brave New World
>Every other pick below 50
It's pretty evident /lit/and r/books are starting to merge.

>> No.12308875

I've always been under the impression that Hesse was one of our guys. Can you imagine a pleb reading Hesse? I genuinely can't. Maybe I'm wrong. Or do you think Hesse is shit?

>> No.12308882

I mean, the 2014 list had harry potter, dune, fight club, hitchhikers guide, etc.

>> No.12308887

mfw flaubert but no balzac :(

>> No.12308890
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The problem comes when you have to calculate the delta across books that weren't even in the rankings last year. Holy hell, how can a book that wasn't even noticed in 2017 be the 23rd or 25th most popular? Weird. Anyways, see the attached screenshot. Any other stats wanted? Average?

>> No.12308902

Can I ask what a delta is, please? I'm a retard. Even though I know shit about ANOVAs, General Linear Models and whatnot...

>> No.12308917
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 34567890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless I missed anything or was tricked by any pen names I don't know of, there are a grand total of 2 books by women on this list (both by Virginia Woolf).

>And I didn't check the race of each author I don't know, but the list seems to be made up of white guys with a couple Japanese men thrown in.

>Given that it exclusively focuses on a relatively small segment of the population, I don't find it to be a very impressive or useful list. There are obviously some good books there, but there's so, so much more to literature than this.

>> No.12308922

>Every other pick below 50
Sorry, is this a troll? You think the last 50 are shit? Shakespeare, Sartre, Aurelius, Woolf, Gass, Bulgakov, Virgil, Joyce...and on and on


>> No.12308931

delta just means difference

>> No.12308935
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>> No.12308942

See? I am a retard. Should've guessed from the damn numbers alone. Kek.

>> No.12308955

It is true though. Honestly, I'd like to see a few more female authors on the list.

>> No.12308958

These people ruin everything with their ideologically driven diversity. I never gave a shit about who wrote a book until they made me and now I intentionally avoid reading women and other minorities just to spite them. They're destroyed TV and Movies but they can't touch the classics.

>> No.12308963

Why is it important to have more female authors on the list?

>> No.12308966

Like who? Who's better than Woolf? I'm all ears.

>> No.12308969

Because some female authors are good? It's not all about Woolf. She's great, but come on. Don't you think we ought to have Elliot, Jackson, the Brontes, etc?

>> No.12308974

Isn't Middlemarch considered one of the best books of all time? So why not Elliot.

>> No.12308978

If they're good and people like them they would have gotten votes. You didn't answer the question and I really want to understand why you feel it's so important that more women be on the list.

>> No.12308979
File: 17 KB, 272x153, 1521857394283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2014 BTFO

>> No.12308981

We use the term "bait" around here, fella.

>> No.12308985

I answered you. You're looking for an answer that won't come. I don't give a shit about women's diversity. Which is what you want me to say. I just think that other female authors are good.

>> No.12308987

I was honestly surprised when I read Mrs. Dalloway and it was actually very good. I think I don’t expect women to write well because of agenda pushing cunt ideologues like reddit
t. pseud initiate

>> No.12308992

>implying sartre is not shit and reddit fag and bulghakov is not entry entry level of russian literarure which kids read when they're 16.

>> No.12308998

Why did you have to have reddit inform your opinion on women's writing? Why could you not just realise that gender means almost nothing and that women, like Woolf, can actually write and have something to say from the very start--before you began reading that book?

>> No.12309001

>calculate the delta
I think that the standard is normally just to add “new” to its change in position

>> No.12309007

I'm not buying your shit. You cared about more women being on the list until you got cornered and forced to explain your reasoning and now you're pretending it doesn't matter. I think I know why you care about more women being on the list and I understand why you don't want to admit it. You know intersectionality is indefensible.

>> No.12309014

Seriously. Christ. I'm a 25 year old white guy from Scotland, man. I couldn't give a fuck about any of this shit. I just happen to think that women are humans too and that they can actually write... Sure, there's not many but you have to admit it's ridiculous that there's only Woolf on that list out of 100 books...

>> No.12309020

Well you're a white man so I don't have to listen to a thing you say.

>> No.12309030

Did you read what I posted?
I simply said that agenda pushing by ideologues skewed my view of female writers towards a negative because of their artificial way of facing the issue of few good writers who happen to be women. Woolf very pleasantly surprised me and pushed away my stigma.
Besides, God forbid that I ever let reddit dictate my position.

Also, tru to be a little less confrontational, anon(ette). You don’t look pretty when you do that

>> No.12309040

bulgakov isn't that bad tho

>> No.12309041

>The Hobbit
a literal children's book. LotR is more understandable but neither should be on there

>> No.12309042
File: 198 KB, 640x526, 1529976830744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a winter's night and Name of the Rose going down 80 spots from pretty much every list we've ever made
>A lot more Reddit books than usual

>> No.12309046

I thought people like you were just a meme

>> No.12309049

I did. And I'm saying that you, as an intelligent and sympathetic person, shouldn't have let some ideologues skew your view of female writers. You shouldn't have stooped down to the level of thinking that a human being will write lesser quality fiction because they're female. By the way, My point is you shouldn't have needed to be surprised from the first. The skewing should never have happened if you're not a misogynistic cunt. And btw, I'm a guy.

>> No.12309053

This is bait right? right??

>> No.12309057

There is probably only a couple of votes between 50th and 100th so it's not as bad as it sounds

>> No.12309073

Honestly it is odd Jane Eyre didn't make it when it did every other year.

>> No.12309077

I agree

>> No.12309092

>Harry Potter was ten (10) places higher than The Bible
I... I have no words.

>> No.12309100

Mistakes were made.

>> No.12309119

I've never really heard people speak about Reddit's literature sub. What do you guys think of that? Surely not bad? It's pretty damn inactive though, as expected.

>> No.12309141

Maybe here but in plebbit thats the usual drill.

>> No.12309142
File: 35 KB, 453x612, gettyimages-860516618-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we did it, bros

>> No.12309150
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Strange changes comparing 2014 to 17/18. Is Stoner that good? And I thought the Bible and Iliad were memes from /pol/.

>> No.12309156

What is the real 2017 list?

Can OP give a link to a file version? It would make doing comparisons and making charts and etc much easier

>> No.12309157

>Guys I just finished 1984 for the first time. Here are my thoughts (ps it's the only book I've read in the last 5 years)
>dae think Terry Pratchet is the greatest author of all time?
>How do we get more women of color into the nobel prize discussion?

>> No.12309170

That honestly sounds more like /r/books. /r/literature talks about Borges and shit. It's decent.

>> No.12309181

>Borges and shit
Sounds like babby's first incursion into "intelligent books" t.b.h.

>> No.12309191

I'm just saying it's a better place than /r/books.

>> No.12309193

You thought the bible was a meme?

>> No.12309195


I used >>12307276 instead of >>12304743 for the spreadsheets, because >>12304952 said >>12304743 was fake (and it does seem to be wrong).

>> No.12309196

they talk about a list made there, can anyone post it?

>> No.12309200

I wouldn't mind a top 50 philosophy/non-fiction list.

>> No.12309202

Yeah. Has anybody read it? It doesn't hold up to criticism well, and the main character in the second half is told by three unreliable narrators.

>> No.12309212


Sorry, four unreliable narrators.

>> No.12309215

Maybe this one? Not sure


>> No.12309216

But seriously why no

>> No.12309247
File: 1.00 MB, 2484x840, CD2B22E0-5445-4CE5-8BC7-FC1B27525DCF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn these charts always make me feel like I need to read more. Really lights a fire under my ass. Red is read, blue is currently reading

>> No.12309258

Get a load of this from plebbit:
>A:Only a small segment of the population could dedicate their life to thinking and writing: wealthy, educated males (not necessarily white) for the most part.
>B:Yet the list includes writers who struggled and weren't born into particular wealth or pomposity like Joyce, Borges, Cervantes (wrote without an arm while prisoner), Bolaño, Burgess, García Márquez (who by the way comes from a literal banana rural town lost in Colombia and won the Nobel) , Dostoyevsky (prisoner in Siberia for years, almost executed), etc. What's your excuse?
>A:Wealth is relative. They had access to education, books, etc. They weren't sons of cobblers that had to learn the trade.
>B:Terrible excuse. Of course they had access to books, do you think literature writes itself? Most of it comes from other books. And I don't know the life of the others quite well but Borges and Bolaño didn't go to school (Bolaño literally stole books while in Mexico, that's where his formation came from). They had no degree in Literature or whatever. They just had a gigantic thirst for reading and more importantly, they were born with sufficient intelligence to write. Maybe that's what the people you're excusing lack.

how will roasties and blacks ever recover?

>> No.12309310
File: 361 KB, 1323x447, EC5E04FD-D9CE-4F54-AA86-7C2C90F3485D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me feel like playing catch up while at the same time wanting to read more obscure stuff. I guess I’ll get there one day.

>> No.12309342

Storm of Steel made it on the list. Good stuff.

>> No.12309351


>> No.12309383

It was me.

>> No.12309471

How were the 4-vote ties resolved?

>> No.12309607
File: 122 KB, 1323x447, Reading List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12309790

can't white people just be good at something? if black people are overrepresented among athletes and musicians, it's fine, but if white people are overrepresented in any field, clearly it's because poc are being held back. yeah this is definitely going to end well.

>> No.12309791

Stop browsing lit and read Lolita dn Moby Dick

>> No.12309850

I am trying so hard not to insult you right now.

>> No.12310000

>tfw read 27 of these books
>tfw only remember 7

>> No.12310649

>Anna Karenina at 17
Yep, I'm out

>> No.12310698

Did you mean to say Wuthering Heights? Jane Eyre has never been in the top 100, has it?

>> No.12311087

Thank you so very much blessed anon!

>> No.12311116

>>!!! Hurry bump the security by 9000 !!!
that moment when Hamlet spammer got what he wanted T.T

>> No.12311118

I voted for it anon. It's one of my top 5 favorites

>> No.12311149

wtf, what a bunch of pussies. I'm Mexican (brown) and I don't give shit about the banter here (because it's fun).

>> No.12311167

Holy fucking cringe. Bro there would be more chicks if they were voted in. I voted for Mary Shelley's Frankenstein because it's one of my favorite books, but it didn't make it; that doesn't mean I am going to bitch about it.

>> No.12311290
File: 86 KB, 1327x446, 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12311296

Tristram is currently

>> No.12311300
File: 336 KB, 1080x1954, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of those comments suck but these ones are based and 100% right

>> No.12311303

And I don't think it's got anything to do with writing quality. 4chan is just immature and sexist.

>> No.12311332

I'm planning on running a Top 10 Plays, Top 25 Poems, Top 50 Short Stories and Top 50 Non-Fiction Books, and I was thinking of adding a rule for the non fiction books that the author must be dead to be accepted, because this filters a lot of the memes that would be spammed otherwise (Culture of Critique and books by Ben Shapiro, Lauren Southern etc) and most, if not all, of the serious nominations will be by dead people anyway.
Is this a good idea or should I go full laissez-faire at the risk of getting a terrible list? Or should I run the list laissez-faire but if the memes get too high then implement the must-be-dead rule?

>> No.12311464

OP, did you registered many people voted for each one? Just so people can make sure you're not full of shit.