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/lit/ - Literature

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1230240 No.1230240 [Reply] [Original]

So what's the opinion of /lit/erates on eReaders? Awesome, or overhyped technology?

Pic related, Barnes & Noble just replaced my nook. Apparently a batch of the Wi-Fis had some bunk Viziplex screens.

>> No.1230243

I love my Kindle 3

>> No.1230246

You were on reddit, weren't you.

ereaders are great, old men don't like them, free books yay, the end.

>> No.1230254

My dad got a Kindle 3 recently. I have to admit, it is rather nice.

That being said, I like owning a physical copy to display on myself. inb4 hipster

>> No.1230253

I'm a redditor, but I don't believe I posted a picture of this or mentioned it.

I bought this right when they announced the WI-Fi only version. Can't say I regret it, although I tried the Kindle 3 hands on and it's a nice device too.

>> No.1230258

*my shelf.

>> No.1230260

The thing I find bizarre is how expensive ebooks (that aren't in the public domain) are. I'd rather pay ten bucks for a paperback than a file.

>> No.1230261

Eventually I think the publishers will get smart and do what the studios did: bundle an eBook code with the purchase of the movie.

I doubt people would react to shrinkwrapped books well, but what Barnes & Noble or Amazon will do is make cards like the giftcards where they're valueless unless activated at the register.

>> No.1230270
File: 45 KB, 660x400, ballmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bundle an eBook code with the purchase of the movie.
I mean a digital copy (iTunes/WMP for movies, eBook for books).

>> No.1230284

i prefer a dead tree in my hands

>> No.1230296

My Kindle 3 is badass.
>english class, skipped last class
>notice I was assigned A Modest Proposal
>get on amazon.com, send for free to Kindle 3
>read in 2 minutes
>teacher comes to desk and asks me if I read it


I was in a hospital as well surfing 4chan on it and finding local movie times. AT&T free 3g for life ftw.

>> No.1230299

Hmmmm. how easy is it to get pirated ebooks for your reader? I refuse to pay money for files out of principle

>> No.1230339

So easy you won't have to ever buy one.

>> No.1230348

Ridiculously easy.

I have 3 bibliotik invites right now too. Thing that sucks is private trackers ban you for publicly inviting people :(

>> No.1230356
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Really?!?... I may have to look into purchasing one. what about small circulation/unpopular books and academic books, which are hideously expensive irl, are they easy to rip-off?

>> No.1230357

As a member, I can tell you it's such a joke. That sight has jack fuck all nothing.

They are so elitist with invites with such a narrow field (ebooks) that they have nothing that Demonoid or TPB or #bookz doesn't have.

Not worth the trouble.

>> No.1230360

Depends on the book. Some textbooks are online. Many aren't. Eink readers are generally poor for textbooks due to the way they're formatted.

Small circulation books are sometime ridiculusly easy and sometime a bitch.

>> No.1230363
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I don't really like the idea of my book running out of batteries.

>> No.1230372

Thats because you are an idiot.
>implying I don't read for a month before I notice my battery is low then recharge it will reading for 5 minutes then disconnecting it with full charge.

u mad retard? u mad.

>> No.1230390

I bought one a few months ago, it's nice being able to pirate books and it's easier to read really thick novels since the readers are lighter. The only problem I find is that they're pretty much useless for expository works which need (or deserve) annotation; I think some models do allow annotation, but I can't imagine it's anywhere near as pen and paper.

>> No.1230393
File: 45 KB, 400x287, Doc%20Brown[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an experiment i timed how long it took me to find a hooky copy of the two books i am reading at the moment, jonathan littell's 'kindly ones' and, the much harder to source, 'the witness' by juan jose saer. i found a copy of the kindly ones in like 2 mins... however i couldn't even find a legit version the witness.
Great Scott! I found michael j fox's autobiography in like 3 seconds
I may be wanting a kindle by christmas .

>> No.1230395

the only negative feature is looking like a nerd & ppl cant see that ur reading some srs shit


>> No.1230398

Annotating on Kindle 3 is pretty damn fast

>> No.1230400

eReaders are shit devices for hipsters. Only hipsters like them, and nobody like hipsters.

Also, only a faggot would pay an extra $100+ dollars for a device to read books they still have to pay the full price for.

>> No.1230404

>implying hipsters wouldn't rather own a real book

You are a complete and total fucking idiot.

>> No.1230406

And you paid for all the MP3's on your MP3 player right?


>> No.1230405

the jist of the thread so far is that the advantage of ebook readers is that you get free books

>> No.1230407
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troll'd, badly

>> No.1230409
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>> No.1230411

u jelly?

>> No.1230414


>> No.1230415

Wasn't that a reply to manly tears?

>> No.1230417

>mp3 player

Faggot shit for teenaged girls.

>> No.1230430

I'm getting disillusioned lately as a lot of the books I want to read aren't available as ebooks so my collection is split betweteen my computer and my bookshelf in a really random way.

>> No.1230432

Nothing good on ereaders. Just entry-level shit for housewives and high school students. Yet another reason to never waste money on them.

>> No.1230441


Oh hello obvious troll.

>> No.1230443
File: 47 KB, 500x573, 1267572727849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a faggot who wasted money on ereaders and mp3 players instead of proper books and stereo systems
>call someone who is right a troll

>> No.1230446

I have a nook. Its really good to keep up with best sellers. And its convenient. Other than that...its just expensive.

>> No.1230449

I just been trawling through the book section on demonoid, something i've never done before for some reason....i'm sold!!! in the long run I will save millions of pennies!. which e-reader is most appropriate for my surreptitious purposes?

>> No.1230454

Some people like to have a lot of music and literature with them. Maybe you'd understand the benefits of MP3 players and ereaders if you ever left your house

>> No.1230456

Just Captain Beefheart. Just Epic Voice.

>> No.1230459

Kindle. or Kindle with free 3g. or sony readers are ok, contrast isn't as nice for the price though.

>> No.1230466

>leave house to work
>no time to listen to music or read while at work
>go home
>GLORIOUS STEREO blasting my favorite music whilst I enjoy the fine feeling of paper against my fingers as I read great novels that will never be turned into a collection of 1s and 0s due to the fact that people who buy ereaders have no taste for fine art

Go big or go home.

>> No.1230475

what about format compatability.. what is the most common format of books from torrents and is it compatible with the kindle (i heard kindles were quite limited in terms of compatability)

>> No.1230483

At first I was reading the stuff that I'd been vaguely curious about because of their cultural ubiquity but never wanted to spend money on, but after getting through a few of those I'm realising that if I didn't care enough to buy a book it's usually not worth my time anyway. When I do find more obscure books, they've often been scanned by interested individuals rather than released as commercial products, with poor quality results.

I'm worried that I'll start reading books that will offer me less than things I ones buy just because they're free. Or when I can find one or two books by an author I like, do I want those couple of dissatisfying holes in my paperback collection.

The ereader has been useful when I've travelled and it's helped me discover a couple of new things, but I'm seeing it as more of a tool for occasional use than the paper substitute I'd hoped for.

>> No.1230488 [DELETED] 

>what is the most common format of books from torrents
>and is it compatible with the kindle

>> No.1230490
File: 24 KB, 225x270, VanVliet5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Glorious Composer.

>> No.1230493

>offer me less than things I ones buy

>> No.1230498

>leave for work
>hook up mp3 player to car stereo, listen to music for about 30 minutes
>get to BART (train)
>read for 30 minutes
>listen to music via mp3 player at work

u jelly?
I actually read paper books, but I can certainly see the benefits of an ereader

>> No.1230503
File: 150 KB, 685x564, mendes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading off a screen
>paying like 100$ to pirate books

>> No.1230513
File: 126 KB, 1260x710, 1272403354707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jelly of a faggot who doesn't use a proper stereo and just uses some shit that came with his car
>takes more than 20 minutes to get to work

>> No.1230514
File: 15 KB, 263x192, TyBrax13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro unfortunately? your stuff will be. I listen to Beethoven, Mingus & Beefheart on a beast stereo with my ipod (dock). In 320kbps so really no difference to my ears to vinyl.

u okay?

>> No.1230524

>no difference to my ears to vinyl

How does it feel to be tone-deaf?

>> No.1230525

I got mine so I can take lots of books on deployment with me. Kinda hard to lug 150+ books around the AOR. Also I went to piratebay.com and torrented all the books I already own. I figure if I own the book I have a right to have a digital copy.

>> No.1230527

Sup, you like comparison tests or is that just new-age crap since you can "feel" the difference?

Also I could put on some FLAC vinyl rips if i really wanted to/was an idiot.

>> No.1230534
File: 66 KB, 300x458, 0470121513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These "1s & 0s" are gonna wash you away old men.

>> No.1230540

what about format compatability.. what is the most common format of books from torrents and is it compatible with the kindle (i heard kindles were quite limited in terms of compatability)

I use calibre to manage my ebooks. you can convert between formats.

>> No.1230541

I prefer paper books, because that's what we're all used to, and that's what I like to read in rainy days in my bed. Oh god, it's good.

But still, ereaders are pretty awesome. For some situations, I don't mind them at all, and think they come in handy. I just don't think I will love them as much as paperbooks, because they don't have that smell and I can't lick my fingers to turn a page and I can't leave a tear on that page that made me crie - call me a faggot, see if I care, it's how I feel.

>> No.1230538

not the same guy but you really dont know shit about audio except some buzzwords like kbps and flac

digitally ripped vinyl = digital
actual vinyl on a turntable = analog

if you cant hear the difference you are tone deaf

>> No.1230537

>was an idiot
>implying you aren't an idiot

>> No.1230556
File: 73 KB, 469x428, coolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be trolling if you dont think digital is superior. Analogue stores many useless sounds when recording but Digital clears them up & only shows all the best parts that highlight the emotion you hear.

pic related, it's you.

>> No.1230561

PDF seems to be the most common format for torrents, though if you get books from IRC the formats vary more. The Kindle 2 and DX have native PDF support.

You might find the "supporting hardware" table here useful;

>> No.1230563

>must be trolling if you don't think digital is superior
>digital is superior
>gigantic faggot who knows nothing about music

Your mother drank during pregnancy, didn't she?

>> No.1230578

>implying I have stock speakers in my vehicle

To be fair, the speakers in my vehicle aren't that great, but certainly better than stock.

>> No.1230579

Still shit, bro.

>> No.1230588

This thread reminds me of people who thought gramophones would devalue live music and paperback would devalue hardcovers. I guess hardcovers devalued illuminated manuscripts too. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for convenience.

>> No.1230593

>paying more money for something that carries your entire library, is dependant on battery power, is easily lost, costly to replace, and all-around inferior to the original form

And by the way, live music is still greater than recordings.

>> No.1230597
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>implying I care about how other people choose to live their lives, reading their books their way or listening to music with different formats and audio systems

/lit/ is being irrational today, also condescending.

>> No.1230601

>/lit/ is being irrational today, also condescending.

So, typical day on 4chan?

>> No.1230606

vinyl? Seriously?


Digital is much, much better. Go jump off a bridge hipster.

>> No.1230607

we need some definitive reaction image for these trolls. I mean the bookfags already have their "i call it book!" image thats as dumb as that tea party thread earlier...

>> No.1230608

The books would be backed up on your computer, the battery is long-lasting and quickly rechargable, and the cost of replacement may pay for itself from the money you save on books.

Live music IS better than recordings, but it's not always possible thanks to musicans being on other continents or dead.

>> No.1230610

So is it possible to pirate books for these things or, better yet, is there some sort of library thing going where you can check out books? (I realize only now how stupid that sounds but keeping it just in case)
I hate buying before seeing if I like the book.

>> No.1230615

You are a faggot. Go listen to Lady Gaga.
Guess what? The computer is dependant on power too. And books aren't. I don't need batteries or a working power grid to read a proper book. AND I can decorate my walls with the books I own. Try doing that by putting an ereader on a shelf. Go ahead. Anyone who sees it will enjoy the laugh they get out of your gigantic display of faggotry.

>> No.1230617



>> No.1230619

We are on the some wavelength, my freind. I use mp3 to audit music before i purchase it on a vinyl.... an e-reader may be usefull in this respect

>> No.1230622

Yup, you can pirate books on pretty much every ereader.

One thing my dad loves about his Kindle is subscriptions. He subscribes to Science News, and not only is the Kindle version half the price, it is automatically downloaded to his Kindle the moment it comes out.

>> No.1230623
File: 3 KB, 126x126, proprietary-software-user.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting getting attached/distracted from the art because of the silly physical medium it's contained in

>> No.1230628

I could charge it with solar power if necessary. It doesn't consume much.

Maybe I could just decorate my walls with some nice art instead of things I bought to show off how smart I am.

>> No.1230627


>> No.1230635

>nice art
>implying books aren't art
>implying I buy books to show off how smart I am instead of for the pleasure of reading and the added bonus of being able to decorate my walls

Oh, and my books will continue to work if the sun is blocked out by a natural disaster or the natural rotation of the planet. Keep telling yourself your overpriced little toy is a good thing, faggot.

>> No.1230648

>implying displaying books as visual art doesn't make you look like a tryhard faggot who needs everybody to know how much he reads.

In the event of the sun being blocked out by a natural disaster I will charge my ereader with carbon-magnesium batteries and electrolytes, while you burn your books for warmth.

>> No.1230658

I'll be enjoying my books in the geothermally generated light and warmth of my private bunker. Good luck keeping your ereader to yourself in a Hobbesian state of nature, faggot.

>> No.1230659


>> No.1230663

Alright, but you can order movie tickets on a Kindle.

>> No.1230665


Wow, you really are a faggot.

>> No.1230681

Nook <3 If you do buy the ebooks they're cheaper, too.

>> No.1231505

Anyone who isn't a complete and total idiot knows that e-readers are a great choice for anyone who reads a lot.

They aren't so great if you think reading books makes you look smarter. Key word is "look".

No one cares what you' re reading, and no one cares what is in your bookshelf. Words are words. The art form is hidden in these things. When it comes to how the words enter your brain, it makes no difference.

You are a Neanderthal if you think reading a hard print book is some how better in any way, shape, or form, than reading it on an electronic device. I've already seen a few idiots defending vinyl, which did provide some laughs.

"Your old road is
Rapidly agin'
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'."

>> No.1231944

I used to buy books. Then I realized I liked having money. So I got a Kindle. A few torrents later, I have about 7,000 books.

>> No.1233220

It's good for novels, but just that. The small screen can't show you big pictures, i can't read big anthropology books, or sociology statistics, only theory and history (sometimes). At least you can read philosophy...if you can find the damned book.

Don't even think about reading nature sciences