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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 411 KB, 814x386, 2018-12-29 15_29_08-Start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12303442 No.12303442 [Reply] [Original]

best literature youtubers?

preferably cute young women

>> No.12303449

I know one really good one but I won't post her because blah blah blah

>> No.12303454
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no amount of internet waifus will ever fill the void

trust me ive tried

>> No.12303455

The only interesting ones I've found are:
Steve Donoghue
The Black Ponderer

>> No.12303468

Unironically Cliff

>> No.12303485
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Liz is the only roastie i don't blindly hate.

>> No.12303495

Which booktube roastie makes the best GF simulator?

>> No.12303519

i think girls take pictures like this to make men like me lust after them and feel frustrated

>> No.12303528

you would do the same if you could

men want to possess images, women want to become images and be possessed

>> No.12303538
File: 33 KB, 220x277, Loki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, if you are looking for cute young woman-like addresses to Bukuoski level Mexican-American writers. He'd be good study for reflecting mannerisms if you have trouble with that sort of thing, too. You may not want to connect completely with a cute young women on everything in regards to aesthetics, and you especially don't want them to reflect themselves back when viewing you, do you anon?

>> No.12303539

i wouldn't due to my life philosophy

im not complaining tho, i find them to be beautiful and want them to continue

>> No.12303557


>> No.12303694

But the best literature youtubers are old men

>> No.12303716 [DELETED] 

very annoying girl

>> No.12303724

The girlfriend who's in a couple videos on that one guys channel. The Infinite Jest girl who's a turtle at the start of the video.

>> No.12304930
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>men want to possess images, women want to become images and be possessed
Woah nice, books for this feel?

>> No.12304955 [DELETED] 

T-there's a girl, but she's umm... under... well, she's under the age of... umm, uhh... she's *gulp* under the age of co... uh, y'know *raises eyebrows*.

>> No.12304965

>best literature youtubers
>cute young women

>> No.12305008
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Come on, what could possible go wro-..oh..

>> No.12305020
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Iasmina Edina
She became my crush the day I first saw her channel.


>> No.12305136

cringe at you virgins.
Leave poor girls alone faggots, how many of them will you basement dwellers purge from youtube

>> No.12305152

>white knight
Ye throw stones ina glashouseru

>> No.12305168


>> No.12305301

>you are either an internet badboy roasting teenage girls on youtube for no reason or a sjw

>> No.12305367

She has a channel up, should send her some BRAAAPS.

>> No.12305479
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>> No.12305576

i don´t want to hear girls tell me why their YA book is awesome, waste of time

>> No.12305690

>feeling lust
I am so far gone, all I feel is shame and a kind of unsexual yet romantic longing.

>> No.12305811


>> No.12305860
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>> No.12305906

based & pewdiepilled

>> No.12305924

>books for this feel?
There are plenty of books that reinforce the things you already believe even if they aren't true.

>> No.12305944

society of the spectacle

>> No.12305979
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Obviously Michael Pierce.

>> No.12305992
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>> No.12306081

Cliff and Pewdiepie have the best taste

>> No.12306888

lol try a bit harder

>> No.12306903

I like that one furry that's friends with that owl youtuber

>> No.12306936


>> No.12306994

>mystery solved

What...the fuck?

>> No.12307306

>Druid Focket
Literally schizophrenic

>> No.12307353

What easy lives women have.

>> No.12307903


How do you think she comes?

>> No.12307937


>> No.12308111

I dont know who this is, but i want to fuck her

>> No.12308299


>> No.12308314

What the fuck is this

>> No.12308342

what to do if i am a male but the only way of finding value in life i see is becoming an image and dissolving my earthly desires, struggles, fears and overall identity in this overarching supernatural aesthetic? how else can i transcend reality?

>> No.12308343

I like her but she would probably reject me.

>> No.12308382


>> No.12308511

every video is from 10 months ago

>> No.12308865

thats what most m>f transitions are

not recommending it though, its basically a delusion

>> No.12308912

Why do so many of the booktuber girls wear pounds of makeup and have weird eye shadow colors? Is it just a British thing?

>> No.12308932

>becoming an image and dissolving my earthly desires, struggles, fears and overall identity in this overarching supernatural aesthetic
what did he mean by that

>> No.12308946

a while ago i watched a video of a well dressed woman (red dress dark background) reading some kind of a dirty book
it was kinda hot
couldn't find that video again

>> No.12308965

link pls

>> No.12308968


I like BookswithEmilyFox, she isn't afraid to give her unpopular opinions.

>> No.12308975

Her most recent video from 3 weeks ago.

>> No.12308990

I like cuck philosophy

>> No.12309005

>i mean... like... i mean...
why would you watch is book review if you're not gay
on the other hand his meme reviews are entertaining because he's one step above the memers in brain ability

>> No.12309018

>all the comments are behaving
this is not very little baby tampon boy of you guys.

>> No.12309032
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>> No.12309039

Why does she seem desperate for semen?

>> No.12309056

I second this but be prepared for a lot of postmodernism, he got himself into the role of Peterson debunker

>> No.12309132

that girl needs some sun. Unless she's a vampire.

>> No.12309137

>ship of magic
>gave it a 5/5
does she only read crap?

>> No.12309140

All whores do anon.

>> No.12309155

Pathetic storytime ahead:
The only time i almost felt into the parasocial shit rabbit hole was with a casual, YA and shit like that reviews, book tuber that was probably 10 or more years younger than me.
I think i avoided it because i'm more dead inside than i believed i was.
Not gonna tell you her name because she doesn't uploads anymore and she was muh waifu.
Since then i avoid booktubers like the fucking plague.

>> No.12309174

Reality alone debunks J Cuckerson.

>> No.12309273

Yeah, I kind of figured. I like the early videos.

>> No.12309315

i wish she made fun of my small penis then punished me for it

>> No.12309388

holy fucks thanks anon

brb, a nigga's gotta finna bust a huge nut

>> No.12309455

>fapping to a Kosovar/Albanian
Come on, it's not too hard to have at least some standards.

>> No.12309459

>t. assblasted serf

>> No.12309668

I'm Italian

>> No.12309674

>tfw found a cute booktube/universitytube girl
>incredibly shy and antisocial
>goes to the university I just graduated from
End it all

>> No.12309882

Definitely gotta recommend Steve Donoghue. He can come off a bit abrasive if you're new to his channel, but he reads a fuck ton and uploads daily.

>> No.12309956

>tfw you will never run into her on campus one day and ask if she's that one famous booktuber
>she will never blush and let out an embarrassed laugh
>you will never tell her that you'd love to discuss some of the books from her most recent video over coffee sometime
>you two will never fall in love and rent an apartment close to campus together
>you'll never decide to be in the same literature class, where you would walk to school together every morning, and read passages from the assigned books to each other every night
>you'll never graduate from university still in a loving relationship and get married a few years after
>she'll never make an update video for her subscribers, telling them that she's getting married and how happy she is
>you'll never have two sons that you instill a lifelong love of literature in though reading to them every night, and introducing them to your collection as they get a little older

>> No.12309969

>tfw you will never defile the anus of a decent provincial bookworm girl and turn her into bitter instagram thot
why even live?

>> No.12310039


>> No.12310049


Imagine the trove of scents buried in the fabrics of her pants, yummo!

>> No.12310481

Why are you making me feel this feel

>> No.12310514

New Hailey in Bookland

>> No.12310608

underrated post

>> No.12310708
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>> No.12310921

>says nigger
>constantly jokes about gassing kikes
>is beloved by everyone

>> No.12310926

She looks like a girl I knew that got pregnant at 14

>> No.12310955

Any other schizophrenics?
I need them for my... research.

>> No.12310991
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>> No.12310999


>> No.12311178
File: 46 KB, 778x512, 439[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unironically GOAT. She shall be my new Carly

>> No.12311181

>tfw uncontrollable urge to rape her
is this what love feels like?

>> No.12311191

not bad. shes getting old tho...

>> No.12311280

how old is she anyway

>> No.12311319

ive no clue, i just go by how she looks. look at her 1st videos.

>> No.12311339

she looks like a high schooler in the first vids

>> No.12311359
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more cuties please.

if i want quality concerning lit i go read a book written by a scholar or something... who fuckin looks for real quality sources on yt.

bumpin with a classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hHi1XWPWUI

>> No.12311446


>> No.12311678

what a dogshit language

>> No.12311694

if i watch these all in a row will i want to kill myself?

>> No.12311699

Why would watching people being happy about things make you suicidal?

>> No.12311715

Because I hate seeing other people happy, duh.

>> No.12311727

Watch your mouth
Who's that ?

>> No.12311778

but the French are dogshit

>> No.12311779

well, if you listen to what they are saying, maybe. but if you just look at them as a whole thing happening then no. like, when you watch a sunset you dont focus on this or that cloud, but on the impression the whole view makes on you.

>> No.12311803

Who is this?

>> No.12311809

you mean you dont speak it and wish you did? yeah that can be frustrating.

>> No.12311813

Sure thing, then what are you doing on a literature board? Surely you got lost.

>> No.12311846


These are all the same video.

>> No.12311850

/lit/ only reads germanics and italians.

>> No.12311866

>wish you did
lol no

>> No.12312030

ffff the last one

>> No.12313449

I'm thinking about starting a booktube channel. What books would /lit/ want to see reviewed first?

>> No.12313485

Culture of Critique

>> No.12313540

I love her hair.

>> No.12313887

How to Read a Book

>> No.12313914

bookchemist is the only good booktuber. prove me wrong

>> No.12314200
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