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/lit/ - Literature

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12302623 No.12302623 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/ opinion on Bukowski?
It might not be high literature but it does contain some wisdom for everyday life and he illustrates the common man's life and struggles very well

>> No.12302701

He submitted all of his drafts to the publisher written in crayon.

>> No.12302720

He's no Al Purdy.

>> No.12302803


>> No.12302811

who would want to be such an asshole?

>> No.12302908

He isnt some kind of super literary giant, but then again he knows it and he doesnt try to be so he is ok in my books.

>> No.12302915

He's the greatest American who ever lived.

>> No.12302954

I can’t tell if he dumbed down his writing to be more accessible to the average reader or that was just his natural style

>> No.12303022

Capitalism's homogenising effect is so strong that even when people attempt to give a list of products they HATE, they still produce a list basically identical to some other randomised skim of books people LOVE, because fundamentally the people selected for polling will (a) have all read the same things, (b) have no standards, and (c) will base their decision on "This popular thing that people like, well I DIDN'T like it! It just wasn't for me!" which is a fundamentally massified and consumerized relationship to culture

But if you're passably intelligent and your brain actually works and you've even somehow escaped the anal torture of modern Youtube culture and read more books than you were forced to in high school and by some hipster faggot on /lit/, that is if you somehow magically have actual taste in this culture, you will walk by this stand and incorrectly project real opinions produced by real minds onto the people who were polled for what to include in the stand. You will assume "I bet some people fucking HATED Allen Ginsberg," or "I bet people HATE Bukowski," or "I bet people with taste like myself were revolted by Vonnegut!" or "I bet people hated this shallow flash in the pan filth book that was only popular with housewives!" but that's only because you don't realize: The people who hated Ham on Rye know "of" it, and don't know it in any intimate way. Most didn't even read it, but wanted to feel involved in and participate in the activity of being the kind of guy who totally hates Bukowski, which is an archetype just stable enough to be visible to the bestial status-seeking algorithms that litter a prole's heads-up display as he navigates a confusing world full of sugared turds to eat that are literally indigestible and seem hypersaccharine in East Asian cultures fortunate enough to not have been raised on corn syrup. The people who hated Bukowski know that Hating Bukowski is an activity that you perform when you want your Facebook "Things I Like" biography to be more complete so people can know you're the kind of person who hates Bukowski, that dirty hipster LOL his PROSE is so bad and he's DEGENERATE! The people who hate Vonnegut know that Vonnegut IS FOR REDDIT and I don't want to be associated with Reddit. I only read sophisticated things, such as, Books I Read in High School. The people who hated the housewives books are housewives who exclusively read books exactly like that when Oprah tells them to read those books, and then once in a while they "You know what? I didn't like this book, y'all! #fierce" as a playful Maussian social game in their potlatch circle with their disgusting cunt friends.

If you are a real person, you pass by that book stand and you think you're surrounded by real people and the books were selected by real people for you to look at. But there would be more humanity in the selection if it had been done by chimps. At least chimps have organic social relations.

>> No.12303065

Holy shit Pynchon is shitposting on /lit/ again

>> No.12303080

fantastic post

>> No.12303108

i've never agreed with our emperor more

>> No.12303140

tl;dr lmao

>> No.12303169

Great post, dude. Well-stated.

>> No.12303205

Very nice, very nice indeed.

>> No.12303263

This should be about Rowling and pasta to the /lit/ hates YA thread

>> No.12303297


>> No.12303345
File: 700 KB, 1892x1545, negative social capital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pasta. The "pass by that book stand" bit without any context should have tipped you off.

>> No.12303727

I'd usually rather just listen to Tom Waits tbth.

That was only this August? It seems like it was longer ago.