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/lit/ - Literature

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1228417 No.1228417 [Reply] [Original]

"I do not share the current esteem for the work of the late Sylvia Plath who seems to me an absurdly bad and hysterical verse writer."

>> No.1228422
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What shallow thinking

>> No.1228432

have you learnt the difference between a concept and a claim yet

>> No.1228444

He went on to compare her to Felicia Hemans. Quote that part, OP.

>> No.1228450

She's not as good as Shakespeare.

>> No.1228458

Shakespeare is not as good as Shakespeare, for fucksake.

>> No.1228457

He probably hates her cos he has to switch from oedipus to electra

>> No.1228477

shes no palahniuk

>> No.1228494

why do u say i have electra complex???

>> No.1228507

"I was not one of the admirers of No Country For Old Men, which I found strained" -Harold Bloom

>> No.1228540

"The decision to give the National Book Foundation's annual award for "distinguished contribution" to Stephen King is extraordinary, another low in the shocking process of dumbing down our cultural life. I've described King in the past as a writer of penny dreadfuls, but perhaps even that is too kind. He shares nothing with Edgar Allan Poe. What he is is an immensely inadequate writer on a sentence-by-sentence, paragraph-by-paragraph, book-by-book basis."- Harold Bloom

>> No.1228554

What a pretentious faggot

>> No.1228565

What a fagoot of preteshioun.

>> No.1228568

He's totally right

>> No.1229394


>> No.1229431

Well he's right about King, biut otherwise is an over opinionated faggot.

>> No.1229837
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"People are trapped in the age of what you might call the triple screen: the motion-picture screen—and this is in ascending order of evil in terms of what it does to their minds throughout the world—the television screen, and finally the computer screen, which is the real villain."

>> No.1229852

>old man hates on devil machines he doesn't get

>> No.1229868


>>young child hates authority figure for pointing out the futility of his existence

>> No.1229872

old man yells at clouds

>> No.1229878
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>old men hating on devil machines

>> No.1229879

>lisa needs braces

>> No.1229883

>dental plan

>> No.1229887

All female writers are either Stephaie Meyer or Judy Blume.

Deal with it.

>> No.1229886

>guy says things

>some people disagree, some don't

>> No.1229888

>dental plan

>> No.1229889

all 4chan posters are trolls

dealing with it.

>> No.1229890

Judy Blume detected.

(You have been dealt with.)

>> No.1229893

all male writers are either stephen king or dan brown

>> No.1229899

we meet again...

>> No.1229902

Thats ridiculous, and you're being a silly hysterical petulant woman for even suggetsing it. Everyone knows that Dan Brown is the same as Stephen King.

If you were a man, you would know that all male writers are either Stephen King ot Kurt Vonnegut. See, as a gender, we get one good writer because there's so many more good male writers than female ones.

gb2 your mediocre poetry and pensive short stories about wuv.

>> No.1229903

>old man yells at clouds
10/10. I read this and laughed and laughed.
You're obvisouly a Judy Blume.

>> No.1229904

~sexual frustration ftw~

>> No.1229905
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i like a simpsons

>> No.1229907

Every male writer is Joan Jett or Ghandi

>> No.1229909

fuck you, Judie Blume is god tier.

>> No.1229913

>so many more good male writers than female ones.

buckle up /lit/, massive butthurt ahead!

>> No.1229917

She's way better than Stephanie Meyer, I'll give her that. It's just an unfortunate twist of fate that having ovaries prevents you from writing anything of signifigance.

Proof of this is everywhere.

>> No.1229918

it's true though. the imagination of women is usually limited to the confinements of their kitchen

>> No.1229920

Don't be silly. Women can also write about wuv and their delicate fi-fis.

That's about it though.

>> No.1229922

>women belong in kitchen

fuckin' oc up in this bitch

>> No.1229928

Flannery O'Connor
great writer

>> No.1229937

Flannery O'Connor is a thinking woman's Stephanie Meyer, but at the end of the day she's still writing about wuv and fifi's

>> No.1229940

boys never write about love, ever

>> No.1229941


At least be interesting if you're going to troll. Flannery O'Connor wrote about cripples and murderers and sadists and damnation. You can mock her for being a theist but she never, to my mind, wrote about wuv and fifis. She was more likely to write about transvestites or spree killers.

>> No.1229947 [DELETED] 

Oh but we do! We write about wuv and fifi's a lot actually. But we are capable/willing to write about a great many more things, whereas you womenfolk to not appear to be.

>> No.1229950

I put it to you that her cripples, murderers, transvestivtes, and Ugly Christians, and other freaks of nature were nothing more than a colorful backdrop upon which the wuv and fifi's would stand out with greatest contrast.

And it's not trolling if it's true: Women are extraoridinarily self-limiting in their subject matter.

>> No.1229951

Oh but we do! We write about wuv and fifi's a lot actually. But we are capable/willing to write about a great many more things, whereas womenfolk aren't.

>> No.1229954

Harold Bloom is an idiot, and we've known such for quite some time.

>> No.1229956

i really am struggling to find the correct terms to describe the /lit/ user-base, it's hilarious

>> No.1229957

>implying pretty much mostly all of the 'great literature' isn't about love

>implying sylvia plath primarily wrote about love

>> No.1229961

Ok, the chicks came up with Flannery O'Connor as their Great Shining Female breakout from the steaming piles of wuv and fifi's that they are so happy to be mired in. Meantime, off the top of my head, some great male writers of vastly different genres:

Joseph Heller
John Steinbeck
Mark Twain
Kurt Vonnegut
Hunter S. Thompson
Jack Kerouac
Joseph Conrad
Henry David Thoreau
Ray Bradbury
William Burroughs

Women, are you even trying here? I know there have to be at least a half-dozen of you out there wanting to scream "B-b-b-b-but... Jane Austin!"

Wuv. And fifis.

>> No.1229962


Flannery O'Connor was a deeply religious virgin dying of lupus who collected peacocks.

She was more interested in human depravity than fifis. And the only wuv she was interested in was the wuv exhibited by the tortured body of Jesus slowly dying on the cross.

>> No.1229967

when did this turn into guys trying to shove their great writing prowess in our faces in the most ridiculous and demeaning way possible?

did I miss something?

>> No.1229969
File: 30 KB, 604x402, sylvia plath enjoys dicks derpyjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sylvia plath, more like whiny cunt with daddy issues and a fucked up psyche too often described by that sped of a husband as a "LABYRINTH"...BRB OVEN

>> No.1229970

here ya go: >>1229835

>> No.1229974
File: 9 KB, 183x275, TyBrax15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh arent we all so zany xD lulz THE GAME, etc

>> No.1229976

Um... I think it was about the time that chicks started acting butthurt about the OP quote about how shitty Sylvia Plath was.

Then it was pretty much a layup to start kicking chicks in the ovaries about caring nothing for writing and literature that doesn't concern wuv, fifi's, and possibly baby animals, rainbows, and unicorns.

I honestly can't read anything by a female writer without expecting to see little hearts dotting all the 'i's

Women: Grow. Up.

>> No.1229984

Calm down. You're being hysterical. Go take some Motrin and watch an episode of Gray's Anatomy.

>> No.1229987

>I honestly can't read anything by a female writer without expecting to see little hearts dotting all the 'i's

Yeah, that's exactly what Pauline Reage's writing in "The Story of O" is like. Or "Push" by Sapphire. Or "Bastard Out Of Carolina" by Dorothy Allison. Graphic depictions of anal rape with little hearts dotting all the i's.

>> No.1229992



>> No.1229995

>Graphic depictions of anal rape

Chicks always dig rape scenes. Or being abused by their lovers. It makes the dewicite fifi chapters that much more titillating for them.

>> No.1229998
File: 22 KB, 364x344, baby with pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pauline Reage
>Dorothy Allison
My face when all they write about is abuse and rape and then follow that woth, you guessed it, wuv and fifi's.

Women. Are you even trying?
See: >>1229961

>> No.1230005

Women try to write actual literature, they mostly fail though. But it's ok cause they've got nice tits and bits to play with and are easy to comprehend and/or manipulate.

>> No.1230038

>Flannery O'Connor
[x] Told
[] Not Told

>> No.1230065

>Push based on the movie Precious based on the novel Push by Sapphire

>> No.1230069
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>> No.1230072

Bloom is the best.

>> No.1230076


harold bloom touched my thigh!!!!!

>In the late fall of 1983, professor Harold Bloom did something banal, human, and destructive: He put his hand on a student’s inner thigh—a student whom he was tasked with teaching and grading. The student was me, a 20-year-old senior at Yale. Here is why I am telling this story now: I began, nearly a year ago, to try—privately—to start a conversation with my alma mater that would reassure me that steps had been taken in the ensuing years to ensure that unwanted sexual advances of this sort weren’t still occurring. I expected Yale to be responsive. After nine months and many calls and e-mails, I was shocked to conclude that the atmosphere of collusion that had helped to keep me quiet twenty years ago was still intact—as secretive as a Masonic lodge.

>> No.1230114


no one cares, shes exaggerating and or lying

even if it's true, so what, deal with it

>> No.1230120


I don't get this. But I'm also really stupid, so that's probably it.

>> No.1230121


>Naomi Wolf accused Bloom, her former professor, of having "sexually encroached" on her when she was a Yale undergraduate, by touching her thigh. Although she acknowledged that what she alleged Bloom to have done was not harassment, either legally or emotionally, she claimed to have harbored this secret for 21 years

>> No.1230160

either she's a fuckin' crybaby making a mountain out of a molehill or a total pussy for not legally pursuing it at the time.

bringing it up 20 years later is just some gay-ass character assassination. bitch needs to grow up.

>> No.1230278

So some rich chick goes to Yale, reads Blooms reviews years later, decides he's a big meanie head for not liking the vapid, redundant, flaling garbage that female writers have been shitting out for the past, oh, two centuries, and the best she can come up with was "He.. he... TOUCHED MY THIGH!!!"

And people everywhere sratch their heads as to why female writers have such a hard time being respected or considered relevant?

I mean, Jesus Christ. Derp doesnt begin to cover it.

>> No.1230300

So, now that we've determined that the female of the species is extraordinarily unlikely to have anything of value to add to modern literature, the discussion of female writers, particularly ones here in /lit/, is greatly simplified. We can narrow the topic of inquiry to three general questions:

1. How many cats do you have?
2. When you eat to soothe yourself, do you prefer sweet/fat or salt/fat combinations?
3. How many of your Facebook frends do you actually communicate in person with?

>> No.1230661

"I would say that there is no future for literary studies as such in the United States." Harold Bloom

>> No.1230694

The irony is that Harold Bloom groped her while saying "You have the aura of election upon you", and Naomi Wolf---being ignorant of this sort of Calvinist cant---went on to embarrass Al Gore so badly in the 2000 electoral campaign that nobody even cared when Yale alumnus George W Bush managed to take office illegitimately.

In other words, Harold Bloom was speaking prophetically, and he was right.

This is presumably why Naomi Wolf went on---after accusing Bloom of harassment---to be visited by Jesus Christ himself in January 2006, in a mystical vision which sounds mysteriously like a scene from Barbra Streisand's "Yentl".

Or at least that's what she told an interviewer from the Toronto Sunday Herald:


>> No.1230740

Weighing up the amount of contribution to everything in the world from women and men generally leans in the latter's favour.

>> No.1230765
File: 27 KB, 391x390, haroldbloodybloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'm bewildered by Bloom's political beliefs. There's no question that he's the world's preeminent literary scholar, which makes it baffling to hear him crying "theocracy" during W's presidency and predicting that Jeb Bush would be elected. Wouldn't someone with such an understanding of the human condition reject any party affiliations?

>> No.1230798

What is this i don't even

>> No.1230817

"Democracy, whether in Sweden or the United States, depends on the voter's capacity to think. If you have read the best of what has been thought and said, then your cognition and understanding is on a much higher level than if you have read Harry Potter or Stephen King. So what this decline into half-literature and mediocre media really means is de facto a self-destruction of democracy." Harold Bloom

>> No.1230855

>Implying that a person too busy reading and bitching about has the time to legitimately interact with humanity and that they by definition understand the human condition.

>> No.1230961

Harold Bloom just hates low art and low culture. He's a high modernist and in ways I can accept him. I think he overplays this death of literature and deep reading. There will always be serious readers, but we'll remain a minority.

Bloom is anxious of Johnson and Borges.

>> No.1230979
File: 118 KB, 477x500, Just watering the owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the gambler's dilemma set to the human condition: The moment you understand things well enough to speak about them in any truly meaningful fashion, you are immediately regarded as too far removed from the intellectual capacity of "the common man" to have any broad-spectum relevance.

"Of course I know the game is rigged," says the gambler, "but it's the only game in town."

>> No.1230983

Kate Chopin, anybody?

Also Virginia Woolf. And Ayn Rand. (yeah yeah, bad example, but at least she didn't write about love)

>> No.1230987

I don't think Bloom's sociological political critique of contemporary America is as shallow as party affiliation. He describes America as "a third oligarchy, a third plutocracy and a third theocracy." Bush was just a manifestation of deep cultural issues that Bloom felt strongly about. Having an understanding of the human condition should not bar him from forming opinions on such issues.

>> No.1231969

I think if Harold Bloom had to pick a woman writer, he'd pick Emily Dickinson.

And if you think Emily Dickinson writes about wuv and fifis, you haven't read Emily Dickinson.

>> No.1231995

Flannery O' Connor
Emily Dickinson
Jane Austen
Sylvia Plath
Bronte sisters
Margaret Atwood
Kate Chopin
Virginia Woolf
Ayn Rand
Barbara Kingsolver
Willa Cather
Agatha Christie
Toni Morrison
Zora Neal Hurston
Harriet Beacher Stowe
Mary Shelley

sorry if i misspelled one or two, this was from the top of my head

>> No.1232005

Oh yeah. Emily was a BEAST

>> No.1232320


>Margaret Atwood
>Barbara Kingsolver
>Willa Cather
>Agatha Christie
Zora Neal Hurston
