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/lit/ - Literature

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12299334 No.12299334 [Reply] [Original]

>the characters weren't likeable

>> No.12299343

Unfortunately that only makes them more relatable.

>> No.12299363

>nothing really happened

>> No.12299394

Only when they are aware of their own unlikeability.

>> No.12299408

Like me?

>> No.12299747

Then Lolita is the worst book ever written

>> No.12299762

Humbert being strangely likable despite being a terrible person describing terrible urges is part of the point of the book

>> No.12299780

As much as I liked Lolita I couldn't stand Humbert. He was an arrogant creep but Nabokov is really good at coming up with characters like Humbert because he was also an arrogant creep

>> No.12299782
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>the prose was turgid, heavily embellished and totally convoluted

>> No.12299977
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Kurt wasnt a brainlet wtf

>> No.12299993

My wife uses this line to justify not liking the books I recommend to her

>> No.12300168

Same, I've rooted for some pretty terrible people in fiction (Julien Sorel from The Red and the Black is one of my very favourite characters), but never liked or rooted for Humbert.

>> No.12300205

>tfw liked Kurtz but not Humbert

>> No.12300250
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>the names were weird/hard to remember

>> No.12300259
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>why does he talk about whales so much

>> No.12300851

this is a legitimate criticism for 100 years of solitude
whys everyone got the same fucking name

>> No.12300867
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>the prose was bad

>> No.12300889
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>there were too many hard words like the writer's just trying to show off

>> No.12300962

It's easier to us latinoamericans. You wouldn't understand, gringo.

>> No.12301006

I once started reading a book that suffered from this. 5-7 pages about curtains and walls, the season, a chair, etc. Many, many similes. Vocabulary that didn't fit and no reason for it. I couldn't do it.

>> No.12301020

>heralding the lack of diversity within your culture as good

>> No.12301022

Majority of people I write aren't likeable.

>> No.12301196

Didn't you got the memo? Nonwhite = diverse.

>> No.12301322

Nah, I'm neither Hispanic nor American and it was easy for me.
Even worse when people complain about Things Fall Apart, where every name is unique.

>> No.12301347

Interesting note that while /lit/ will excoriate someone who tries to pass this as legitimate criticism for a work of fiction, but this is 99% of the form of the criticism I see here for philosophy.

>> No.12301391

this is why there's no good Muslim/Arab fiction (also because their religion despises artistic expression). There's only so many Mohammeds and Ahmads and Alis you can use before you run out of character space.

>> No.12301438

I have an English Lit degree from a beddy good University, and people (women) would turn up to tutorials with this exact criticism.
>whine whine the main character was an asshole and I just couldn't relate to them so I didn't enjoy this book

>> No.12301447
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>Why do their names keep changing?

>> No.12301477

Why do women even try to understand literature? They clearly can't sympathize with male ambition or rationale. It's fine to be involved with pulp women-centric "muh feels" fiction but they shouldn't claim equality when it comes to literature.

>> No.12301612

Most literature can be summed up as “muh feels”. Masculine and Feminine books alike both generally contain characters whining over something.

>> No.12301686

On top of this>>12301477 , it's hardly "male ambition" or "rationale" that these people have an issue with, because you see the same arguments against characters like Madame Bovary. It's because they seem to think media should be PSAs where the protagonists are either role models or explicitly in the wrong. They dislike moral complexity and subtlety and want didactic books with simple morals that tell you how to feel.
It's dumb to turn this into a man vs woman thing - it's probably mainly women for >>12301438 because English Literature is studied by mainly women - at least in the UK, it's like 80% women currently.
Look at female writers like George Eliot, Virginia Woolf, Flannery O'Connor and the multitude of female academics who have a deep appreciation and understanding of literature.
Don't perpetuate this idea of a gender war.

>> No.12301697

Good post.

>> No.12301828

>male ambition or rationale.
Aren't these both 'feels'? Why are male things more important than female-centric things? Is it only literature if it involves male ambition?

>> No.12301844
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Haha you are very knowledgeable and worldly.

>> No.12301856

As if we don’t have similar threads on /lit/ on the daily
>god this book by [not white male author] sucks, i don’t give a shit about [not white male] problems!

>> No.12302002

show me 14 examples

>> No.12302011

Every Jane Austen thread has some numpty complaining that it isn't proper literature because it involves women and their ambitions and desires

>> No.12302046

same people who truly believe that ishmael is the narrator throughout

>> No.12302294
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Pic related: a take so shitty it may be galaxy brained.
Imagine being unable to relate to another human because they lived 100 years ago - a very short time in the grand scheme of things. And then they probably call other people lacking in empathy. Joyce isn't hard because of that, he's hard because she's not educated enough to understand his books.
Actually triggering me because most of my favourite writers were white men in the nineteenth or early twentieth century, and I'm neither white nor male and can still relate to them. On that note, I can still relate to works written 2500 years ago. Guess I should just start identifying as nineteenth century male.
But maybe I'm the brainlet and not woke enough to keep up the superior denizens of twenty first century twitter who know so much better than actual academics.

>> No.12302433

Samefag. There’s no way you could read that whole post in 2 minutes

>> No.12302445
File: 44 KB, 1166x208, Screen Shot 2018-12-28 at 23.22.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I photoshop this in 2 minutes?

>> No.12302458

I don’t know how photoshop works, but yes

>> No.12302475

You're greatly underestimating the time it takes most people to photoshop and overestimating the time it takes your average person to read. 4chan posts don't exactly require time to process, and just the mechanical process of reading a few lines can easily be done in a minute.

>> No.12302517

>posts the only good modern Iranian book
wow epic anon.

>> No.12302534

Philosophy doesn't have characters.

>> No.12302619

Are you retarded. You can snip that, open in Microsoft Paint, select a box of post-background, cover the first (You) with it, save, and post in less than a minute.

>> No.12302646

On a macbook (look at the filename, that's how osx saves screenshots) no paint equivalent :^)
But really, I'd have to have seen his post and decided edit my screenshot at the moment it was posted, and have quick photoediting skills. What are the chances of that?

>> No.12302672

>are you retarded
>on a macbook
+1 for answering my question
I agree that you probably aren't samefagging though

>> No.12302686
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>Turgid prose
What does anyone ever mean by this?

>> No.12302721

I always believed in showing and not telling.

>> No.12302734
File: 344 KB, 819x1024, tumblr_pgpd0l30DK1qbr3z9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the characters weren't likeable

Hey /lit/, can you guys form me an argument on why this criticism is stupid? It's for a later use.

>> No.12303434

At least it had a family tree to help

>> No.12303458

>he doesnt set the scene
Its fuckin Dublin what more do you need

>> No.12303509

This argument is only invalid if the characters were intentionally unlikable. Otherwise, it's a perfectly valid criticism.

>> No.12304138
File: 30 KB, 267x400, 51j9-t18n7L._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even close to the only good modern Iranian lit. The 1900's gave way to a literary movement which attempted to break away from the strict requirements of Iranian institutions. This gave way to many interesting pieces challenging their culture and government.

You could have learned this all using google and 5 mins.
You could have even just searched "good book Iran."
But instead you choose to vomit retarded thinking.

>> No.12304157

I liked that whale.