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12296475 No.12296475[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientists have long sought an answer to the age old question ‘is there life after death?’, but now experts are claiming that there is no death of consciousness – just death of the body. According to some well-respected scientists, quantum mechanics allows consciousness to live on following the body’s eventual demise. While scientists are still unsure about what exactly consciousness is, the University of Arizona’s Stuart Hameroff and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose believes that it is merely information stored at a quantum level. The duo say this process is called “Orchestrated Objective Reduction” (Orch-OR) and say it is evidence that protein-based microtubules – a structural component of human cells – carry quantum information – information stored at a sub-atomic level.

Dr Hameroff explains: “Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing; the micro-tubules lose their quantum state.“The quantum information within the micro-tubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large. “If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the micro-tubules and the patient says, ‘I had a near-death experience.’ “If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”
Researchers from the renowned Max Planck Institute for physics in Munich agree and state that the physical universe that we live in is only our perception and once our physical bodies die, there is an infinite beyond.


What are the implications for philosophy and which of our favorite authors were right? Does this mean the platonists and eastern mystics were correct all along?

>> No.12296477


>> No.12296489


>the physical universe that we live in is only our perception
>once our physical bodies die

Why even bodies. How even bodies, if true.

>Does this mean the platonists and eastern mystics were correct all along?

Not really, but it is fun to steal quotes from them and misapply them.

>> No.12296507

But they openly admit that there would be the possibility of the quantum information which forms the basis of consciousness leaving or being disassociated from the body, and then living on or going somewhere else such as to another body, wouldn't that support the platonic and eastern idea of rebirth?

>> No.12296556

Superficial similarities. Metaphysics can't be strictly reduced to physics, even when patterns or apparent significance are largely similar. The best you can say is that they're similar.

>> No.12296569

This is just cartesianism with a modern coat of paint

>> No.12296674

If you break a radio in your room, you aren't breaking the signal transmitted to the radio. Same thing with consciousness. So yeah Plato was right

>> No.12296710

>Links to a tabloid newspaper's second-hand understanding of a scientific study
I'm sure the information is reliable

>> No.12296721

According to the law of identity, the quantum information would constitute a separate consciousness if this were true.

Imagine you damage the brain of someone, they obviously now have a modified consciousness and experiment the world differently, as seen by their changed behavior and expressions. Therefore the quantum consciousness from the destroyed microtubules would be a strictly different consciousness operating separately. You now have consciousness A(physical) and B(quantum.)

Now re-do this process by destroying every other area of the brain; the A consciousness will become weaker and weaker, but because of the law of identity still remain itself while the quantum consciousness B will become stronger. They are different because they co-exist in time and because A experiences continuity even in its disruptions (you are still you even if your brain is damaged.)

The conclusion is that the new quantum consciousness is a spawn from you, a clone with a differeny physical constitution, but you are still dead.

>> No.12296756

Kind of mirrors the concept of a daemon or shade to a reasonable extent.

>> No.12296780

Please let death give me salvation from this material hell

>> No.12296814

It’s probably impossible. Even if there is no soul, there’s no reason why “you” won’t get reincarnated as some other organism.

>> No.12296825

Why should my soul be recycled?

>> No.12296855

Idk why I spoke so wrong. I agree with you, I think reincarnation makes more sense without a soul. Either way, we will always be alive.

>> No.12296892

Imagine a million years from now the human race achieves absolute mastery over every aspect of nature, time, space and everything beyond and reincarnates every human being from every period of history. You hang yourself today and wake up in a shiny deep space quantum revivery.

>> No.12296913

Ian Banks writes something similar to this called the sublime. It’s basically a manmade heaven. I read about it in the Hydrogen Sonata and it was really interesting

>> No.12296916

sounds a lot like spinoza to be honest

>> No.12296934


sounds like the worst thing ever

if you've done the right drugs, stepping out of the cave is the most sublime experience that you can have with our limited material brains. even a taste of that is better than whatever suffering that we have to endure here

>> No.12296957

This is pretty disturbing.

>> No.12296961

this sounds like something a naive optimist dreams up after hearing about Roko's basilisk. "t-there's probably a good version of this r-right?"

>> No.12296979

I am a science brainlet, can someone tell me if there is actually any evidence or work done that suggests this is a serious possibility, or is it a popsci meme? Because it sounds like a popsci meme.

>> No.12297000
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uh oh

>> No.12297115

Quantum physics is very much still beyond our understanding. The only thing we know for sure is that Einstein was kinda wrong, but we're not sure in what way and what exactly this all really betokens.

>> No.12297137

dumb and retardpilled. everyone who has thought about it at any length understands that your identity / ego / whatever you wish to call it is a product of the body, nobody apart from 80 IQ protestants believe that an afterlife contains an independent being called John T. Smith

>> No.12297142
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>the demiurge is good
uh oh

>> No.12297149
