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12287609 No.12287609[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Legit philosopher or e-sophist?

>> No.12287610

based and redpilled: the man

>> No.12287611

What do you think?

>> No.12287613

Does that matter to you?

>> No.12287614

I'm glad he exists for the people wrecking him in other videos

>> No.12287616

who is this

>> No.12287618

You matter to me anon.

>> No.12287622

a dude that thinks the roman empire had one rise and one fall, rants about his whore wife during movie reviews, and sees men persecution in the little mermaid.

>> No.12287625

He's getting more based but he sometimes lets his lolberg sensibilities creep into his videos.

>> No.12287636

Stephan Monyneux. Somehow a bigger meme of a “philosopher” the Jordan Peterson

>> No.12287641

nah, he makes Peterson look cool and suave.

>> No.12287650

"Retard" is probably more apt

>> No.12287653

legit philosopher for sure

>> No.12287662

this "man" is an absolute joke
he loves to suck Jewish PEENS

>> No.12287675

i liked the time he pretended to be a woman to praise himself on youtube

>> No.12287678

He /lit/erally named the joo a few days ago

>> No.12287679

unfortunately that turned out to be a shoop

>> No.12287686


>> No.12287690
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>> No.12287692
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It creeps me out every time a gormless directionless youth calls into his show and Molyneux says "you know, people with very high IQ's tend to have few friends or desire for social interaction ... you're a really smart guy, i can tell, you must be around x IQ" and you can hear the poor soul just lapping it up. It's obvious that Molyneux is just flattering the guy and making sure he remains isolated so as to better indoctrinate them. He's absurdly manipulative.

>> No.12287703

his voice helps me sleep

>> No.12287707

I have to put him on 1.5 speed

>> No.12287731

people "call in" to his show? what the fuck is it, a radio talk show?

>> No.12287736


>> No.12287741

yeah, he's WITH the people, not just part of some obscure self referential circle jerk like the french faggots you guys are always posting. it's hands on philosophy like in the old days.

>> No.12287747

>. it's hands on philosophy like in AM radio

>> No.12287775


Philosophy is an activity, not a genre of literature.

>> No.12287784
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>> No.12287790

Anyone who gets their start in philosophy on youtube is a bit suspect in my eyes. Has this guy done anything of consequence in a respectable academic setting? Or does he just go on youtube and spout his opinions?

>> No.12287793

am radio isn't a genre of literature either

>> No.12287817

>Starts the "Not an argument!" meme and has every 14-year old and pseud posting that shit in response to any criticism without looking into what constitutes as proper argument structure
Sophist by extension.

>> No.12287821

e-sophist is too kind. sophists were philosophers in the true sense and were not limited in interests and inquiries, plato/socrates are hacks that ruined philosophy.

according to one of his books, he doesn't even understand syllogistic logic. what do you think?

>> No.12287823

>according to one of his books, he doesn't even understand syllogistic logic
like, he fails to apply it or he says it's wrong or what?
little kids understand syllogisms

>> No.12287984



>> No.12288007

He is a mediocre person's idea of an intelligent person.

>> No.12288589

>linking a density video

>> No.12288591


>> No.12288596

greatest philosopher in the west

>> No.12288598

>the people wrecking him in other videos
never happened

>> No.12288600
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>the truth about Ligma

>> No.12288602

he was too radical for academia

>> No.12288603

not an argument

>> No.12288629

Ligma balls

>> No.12288643

Why is every boomer who repeats shit that has been posted on 4chan for years considered a philosopher and freedom-fighter nowadays?

>> No.12288652

because it soothes my incel peepee

>> No.12288656

i think half of the time it's because of unironic underage kiddies or ironic shitposters

they literally repeat what has been said countless times but because the threat of islam and feminism is played up on places like /pol/, kids think the boomers face decapitation and their livelihoods when in fact they have become the new poster child of mass media

JBP has been invited everywhere, for instance
MILO aswell
Ben Shapiro aswell
apart from some retarded left wing crowds the whole world grovels at their feet

>> No.12288657
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For all his flaws, I still like Stef.

>> No.12288835

>kids think the boomers face decapitation and their livelihoods when in fact they have become the new poster child of mass media

For every successful boomer who makes it there are two who lose their job (James Damore) or get shut down from youtube, patreon etc.

Let's just not pretend that some ideas aren't controversial or dangerous to one's livelihood.

>> No.12288838


>> No.12288930


>> No.12288931

He's definitely a philosopher. The jury's open on whether he's a good one or not.

>> No.12289055

Objectivitist here. He said Ayn Rand was cool a couple times but I'm so glad he doesn't consider himself one of our number. There's a whole lot of awkward explaining I don't have to do.

>> No.12289064

this is a really confused way of looking at things.

>> No.12289091


>> No.12289094

How does anyone watch this midwit?

>> No.12289102

Cult leader, so part of both.

>> No.12289105

corrupting the youth was always the job of a true philosopher

>> No.12289106

Well, he certainly loves money more than philosophy.

>> No.12289112

you people really have to go back to /r/destiny.

>> No.12289140

Congrats you picked the one person who is worse than Moly. At least he tries for a what that's worth. Desitiny is just some man child that plays videogames constantly and insulates himself in his pitiful twitch chat echo chamber. I already observe twitch having severe deleterious effects on normal people and Destiny steps it up a notch.

>> No.12289193

Look up the observer YouTube channel. Stefan is one of the biggest frauds on the internet. For the common sense bullshit that he spews and the venting sessions where he rips on his paying fans for three hours straight he earns over one million dollars a year. If he wasn’t a self-shilling cuck he might be okay, but he is constantly contradicting himself, an utter sophist, and a dumb fucking retard.

>> No.12289212


>> No.12289214

No, sophists are at least arguably clever. He's just a fucking mental patient with a camera.

>> No.12289218

not an argument

>> No.12289230

>There's a whole lot of awkward explaining I don't have to do.
Surely being an Objectivist gives you the maximum possible amount of awkward explaining anyway? You can't add to infinity

>> No.12289232

>Legit philosopher

he's a yootoober

>> No.12289459 [DELETED] 

Cute. Top with.

>> No.12289488

Cute. Top wit.

>> No.12289512
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>> No.12289532
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"there, there, it's not your fault, things would be better in white ethnostate" ASMR artist

>> No.12289562

2/3rds of these are obvious pseuds, but Joyce, Kafka, Nietzsche and others-really?

>> No.12289587

>people wrecking him in other videos

>> No.12289650
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>> No.12289713
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Defoo your family (cut all contact with them) and come live with me, Stefan Molenuex, the greatest philosopher of the 21st century. Don't let your toxic parents and family members exploit you anymore. Move in with me and I will recognize your genius.

>> No.12289717
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>> No.12289719
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t. stefan molenbeek

>> No.12289722

it's a true correlation

>> No.12289730

Dudes, its way worse than that. He meets with people from his forum all the time. There is an inner circle on his forum, some of them live in his house. Some of them have cut all ties to their families because of Molymeme.

>> No.12289812
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>some of them live in his house

>> No.12289816

The guy that works on his call-in show lives with him. He is the one editing his videos.

>> No.12289820

what does that mean? they're room mates or does the guy just live in molyneux' garden house? doesn't molybert live with his wife and kids?

>> No.12289839

He's divorced now.
That guy lives in a room in his house.
This is according to people who left his inner circle after being in it for years.

>> No.12289840

live-in personal assistants aren't that creepy

>> No.12289845

true, bruce wayne had alfred after all.

>> No.12289851

Sophist, obviously

>> No.12289858

sounds like some kind of weird philosophy sex club

>> No.12289870 [DELETED] 

my grandpa had one for almost 10 years. I wish she was as cool as Alfred

>> No.12289885

lmao @ mahler

>> No.12289974

It is creepy when the "assistants" in question are teens or early 20s naive autists that cut contact with their families are Molymemes suggestion. Most of his inner circle has cut contact with their families (because their family members resisted Molymemes philosophy) to follow molymeme completely.

>> No.12289991

i wish i could cut contact with my family desu

>> No.12290000

Why? Are they pedophiles and rapists that abuse you?

>> No.12290001

anon said the only person living with Moly is his editor. or do you have information we don't?

>> No.12290010

neither, they're just really toxic people to associate with and i would love to just ghost them for good but social convention is preventing me from doing so. that's why i don't see a problem in the concept of defooing. for some people it represents a viable solution.

>> No.12290021

t. Molymeme cultist
I never said they ALL live with him. I said most of them cut contact with their families because molymeme gave them an argument for doing so.
But his inner circle does go to his home and stays there for extendes periods of time. Only his editor lives with him permanently.
Go read the blogs by ex-cult members.

>> No.12290025

Why are they toxic?
And by family, are you talking about your parents or siblings, or more distant relatives?

>> No.12290039

I'm unironically thinking about basing my PhD thesis on online cults. Molymemes cult is one that I would be interested in.

>> No.12290042

your autism is showing.

>> No.12290053

>t. Molymeme cultist
fuck you on about? not even going to bother with a rebuttal, reading the post chain does it on its own.

>> No.12290054

>I said most of them cut contact with their families because molymeme gave them an argument for doing so.
so, do you have a counterargument?

>> No.12290066

Yet another talking head who is afraid to name the jew

>> No.12290082

What would be the consequence of him naming the Jew (however you that actuall define)?

>> No.12290088

Anti-sjw backlash. Young pseuds care more about opposing certain ideologies than having an ideology with legs of its own to stand on

>> No.12290093

Yeah man I totally agree with you imagine if young men were spending a majority of their time with Socrates, following him around, practically living with him. Oh man oh man that’s probably why the powers that be wanted him dead oh man. Imagine if we had no Plato to have followed him around. Gall gall.

>> No.12290103


>> No.12290108

If somebody is analyzing US foreign policy and Zionism isn’t mentioned then you have trash.

>> No.12290114
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he should focus on beating the peaceful parenting drum

>> No.12290122

Philosophy's a joke, so yes legit philosopher

>> No.12290127
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just off yourself lad

>> No.12290138

>you dun have a loiscence for that

is Lauren "ourgirl" ?

>> No.12290139

>comparable to socrates or plato

>> No.12290146

Yes, don't do it. Don't let yourself be manipulated by a smooth-talking sociopath with delusions of grandeur.

>> No.12290149

His live in gimp is probably browsing 4channel for memes and talking points.

>> No.12290155

t. Molyneux live in sex toy, I mean, editor.

>> No.12290156

>Legit philosopher or e-sophist?

Where does one draw the line between these two things?

>> No.12290165

>e-sophist is too kind. sophists were philosophers in the true sense and were not limited in interests and inquiries, plato/socrates are hacks that ruined philosophy.

what a brainlet cuck take, fuck off and don't come back

>> No.12290172

Ouch, that's embarrassing.
>well intentioned people will use him as learning resource

>> No.12290211

mixing truth with untruth


>> No.12290222

what? How did he manage to get people to believe this? This happened before he was universally hated by anyone with an iq above one standard deviation below the mean, I saw it myself

>> No.12290231

it wasn't molymeme that adressed this, some anons opened the screenshot in one of these editing tools that indicate whether the image has been manipulated or not.

>> No.12290256

A massive brainlet and an actual cult leader. Only authentically useful as a litmus test for pseuds.

>> No.12290263

there's literally nothing wrong with sex cults

>> No.12290272

Destiny reads that one Amazon review and goes on Twitch to pretend he was the one who noticed how bad the book is.

>> No.12290273

Because neets (on 4ch) are the modern day philosophers

>> No.12290281

Sure, if the sex cult is run by and consists of lots of hot women. Ones run by doughy mid-50s pseudo-intellectuals...Not so much.

>> No.12290294

Ages ago I read about 35-40 pages of Universally Preferred Behaviour, just to see what the hype was about and I couldn’t bare going further than that.

It reads like a first year essay written by a kid who hadn’t done the reading and is haphazardly stumbling through the basics that all moral philosophers already know to be the starting point. He tries to build an epistemology so he can build a Metaphysics so he can build his ethics, but because he’s apparently never read an other philosopher ever do that it reads like he thinks he’s the first one to think of that.

I’m never not surprised by how people who are ostensibly ‘defenders of western civilization’ are so uneducated in western classics.

It’s amazing at just how much more competently a thinker like say Marx (picked because Molyeux almost certainly views himself as superior) is able to integrate in references to Aristotle, Locke, Smith, Kant, Shakespeare, Balzac, Newton and numerous other contemporary and ancient literary ideas.

I’m not a particularly conservative person, but if you want to be considered a (western) philosopher, you NEED to engage with the western intellectual tradition. A philosopher isn’t just ‘a person who thinks’ a philosopher is somebody who builds on and with the thought of the philosophical TRADITION. There is no excuse when fcking communists like Zizek and Badiou are able to competently discuss everybody from Plato to Kripke but you write a book on ethics without making any references to JS Mill, Kant, or Aristotle, or any of their 20th century descendants? Lenin’s writings are shot through with imagery drawn from Greek mythology. If you are a defend the west guy and can’t at least do that, then what on earth are you doing?

Can you point to another philosopher in the last 300 years who has been ‘too radical for the academy’ but was later recognized as being important? If I can stretch it to 400 years then there is Spinoza. Wittgenstein didn’t have a formal education in philosophy but was fully accepted as a professor. Marx didn’t pursue a position on account of trying to *be* a revolutionary, likewise with Gramsci. That’s about all who can come to my mind.

>> No.12290295

A massive brainlet and an actual cult leader. Only authentically useful as a litmus test for pseuds. Justifying his cult following by referencing Socrates who kept less harems of boys than all his peers is some absurd damage control.

>> No.12290306


>> No.12290308

stand up comedians are the true philosophers

>> No.12290315

>unfortunately that turned out to be a shoop
It wasn't a shop, I saw the comment myself. It wasn't an unsuccessful sham either. It was merely a repost from his Google+ page which he forgot to put in quotation marks.

>> No.12290319

>It reads like a first year essay written by a kid who hadn’t done the reading and is haphazardly stumbling through the basics that all moral philosophers already know to be the starting point. He tries to build an epistemology so he can build a Metaphysics so he can build his ethics, but because he’s apparently never read an other philosopher ever do that it reads like he thinks he’s the first one to think of that.

This. An absolute fraud. He rants so much about arguments and logic and spawned the "not an argument" meme and doesnt know the first thing about syllogisms.

>> No.12290322

molymeme is a great guy, he is just a theater kid (literally studied theater) playing a philosopher on youtube, and he is great at it

>> No.12290328

Sorry my internet is fucking up, didnt send from my end the first time. I mean oh no we repeated the script, JIDF damage control inbound

>> No.12290335

It's funny that so many of Shaun's supporters consider Stefan and his supporters to be "Alt-right" when actual Alt-right people consider him to be a dishonest shiester. As far as the native genocide conversation is concerned, the much better argument is that there was certain amounts of genocide, and that genocide was par for the course during tribal warfare and wars of conquest. It sucks, but I have no question that the Comanche or Sioux would have done the same to their neighbors had they the means or interest in permanent settlement.

>> No.12290338

half baked retardisms

>> No.12290373

Is there any criticism from people less retarded than Stefan Molyneux? The Distributist exposed Shaun for the dishonest piece of shit he is.

>> No.12290436

When did Shaun say he was alt right? What does that have to do with his arguments? And Why are you hung up on how the natives hypothetically would have acted rather than real tangible history not built on hypotheticals? Your just pole shifting

>> No.12290456

What's ligma?

>> No.12290461
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>> No.12290471

it's a common variant of sloberon

>> No.12290478
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>> No.12290481

Shaun's main points seem to be that because Stefan is doing a retarded semantics shell game (which is his primary mode of operation) that there isn't a legitimate foot to stand on when discussing the treatment of natives. I agree with him that there was significant violent action committed by white settlers against the natives, and that much of it was genocidal/exterminationist in its intention.

Shaun doesn't directly call Stefan Alt-right from what I can see in this video, though he has in the past and his fans often do. That first remark wasn't serious criticism of him, so much as it was laughing at how little his fanbase actually understands the opposition point of view to them. Stefan in a funny way more or less agrees with the moral framework of liberalism, he just does these squirmy arguments about how historical events can be understood in a different sense under them. Meanwhile the Alt-right basically just points at recorded examples of intertribal violence and explains that the "rules of engagement" included conquest and removal of agitating populations from areas. It was understood that morality was centered tribally around your people, and that removal of people who posed a threat to your flourishing was legitimate and the best way to ensure your long term survival.

>> No.12290494

As far as the "hypothetical" portion of it, there was significant intertribal warfare which included the ritualistic killing of all "of age" men and enslavement of women and children, to which there is a significant historical record. It's not a hypothetical, the Comanche and Sioux did routinely massacre competing tribes if they got too close to their hunting territories, up to and including acts which would be recognized as genocide today.

>> No.12290508

I like Molymeme, because he triggers people (well, "people").
I love going to r*ddit and reading how Moly has now gone "full blown white supremacist".

>> No.12292228

But what does that say about your intellectual life though, if it’s mainly about how angry other people get?

>> No.12292299
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so? he was a dumbass as a libertarian and his alt right shift just shows he has no values or convictions held so strongly that money can't sway them and he is precisely the kind of person that he claims to be against, and always has been.

I remember him complaining, years ago when he was still a libertarian, that philosophy/the establishment school is SO TOTALLY UNFAIR because they don't give you the benefit of the doubt when you're "building something new" and he never once realized that nothing he was doing was new at all. He's a lazy scholar, an extremely lazy one. I remember when that book came out a libertarian reviewer was trying to be nice about calling his book shit and he said that Molyneaux seemed to have a "facile intellect", ie, he's instinctively clever and as such never took the time to do the hard work of developing a deep understanding of other thinkers through engaging with primary sources and that really fucking set him off because he wants everyone to think the exact opposite, that his thought is founded on very rigorous study and scientific logic rather than the half assed musings of someone with the mental and emotional maturity of a teenager (ie the typical adult libertarian).

>> No.12292315

excellent post

>> No.12292362

Defooing is advocated in the Bible

>> No.12292378

It’s kind of bizarre to see, I know loads of people (I’d even count myself) who were “smart” in high school but went to college and got the shit kicked out of us because we couldn’t skate by on just being smart anymore. But most people when go through a painful process of actually developing beyond that or they drop out and become the janitors who the smart high schoolers like to talk to.

It’s bizarre to see that exact attitude in a fully adult man.

Also, at least in contemporary continental philosophy system-building is extremely hip right now. You ostensibly *need* to have some system building impulse to become a known name.

And it’s not like you need to be a communist either. Sloterdijk is politically basically a normie conservative, Latour’s Social constructivism conceals the fact he’s actually a centrist, Graham Harman is a literal Hilary-Man, and Nick Land is basically a fascist.

>> No.12292390

Land is hardly a known name outside of meme circles, not that being a known name in continental philosophy is all that desirable.

>> No.12292433

I’m just pointing out that it’s not the establishment ‘rejecting’ him because they are prejudice against people ‘doing something new’. When you reams of ‘speculative realists’ all trying to build their unique systems there is no shortage of a desire for people attempting to do new things.

And Nick Land is a known name throughout continental thought, he’s just not taken seriously by most. But Iain Hamilton Grant and Ray Brassier both cite him as a big influence and they are two of the leading ‘speculative realists’, and Grant in particular is taken seriously by historians of philosophy in German idealism

>> No.12292488

I think #metoo ended all that. now comics are integrated into the system for fear of having their careers destroyed.

>> No.12292503

>implying you need education, employment or training to live a good life
end thyself, disgraceful wagie

>> No.12292619

Why do people hate Peterson? Not familiar with this area.

>> No.12292626


>> No.12292712

A wannabe philosopher who tried to make anarcho-capitalism work. More recently an alt-lite youtube personality whose primary occupation is arguing against immigration and for "race realism". His catchphrase is "not an argument" which he uses to dispel criticism and he mastered the art of responding to every single question or argument in a condescending fashion.

>> No.12292756

His knowledge of philosophy is really shallow and he misuses terms like "post-modernist" all the time. Also he confuses truth and utility, he argues that you should treat something as true if holding that belief is beneficial to you. Progressive also hate him because he is a credible spokesperson for anti-PC anti-feminist arguments since he is an established academic rather than just some neckbeard youtuber.

But besides all of that, the only sin that really matters on /lit/ is that he is popular.

>> No.12293551

>/lit/ is not immune to eceleb spam

>> No.12294064
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>> No.12294174
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Lest we forget