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/lit/ - Literature

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12285726 No.12285726 [Reply] [Original]

I am about to start with the Greek (TM), and have acquired both the Iliad and Odyssey (in my native language, Norwegian), but by just reading the foreword I understand that I need to know more about Greek mythology. Should I find a mythos collection in my own language? (which I haven't had good luck with so far) Or just read the version by Hamilton? if any other Norwegians/Scandinavians could help me out, that would be great.

>> No.12285750

No one cares about your dumb Norwegian ass.

>> No.12285756

Not a Scandinavian but I guess that reading non-poetic mythological texts in their original language is quite time-wasting. Plus, isn't Homer mandatory at European schools?

>> No.12285767

>Plus, isn't Homer mandatory at European schools?
Used to be, Homer has now been replaced by Mohammed.

>> No.12285768

Norwegian here, i would just go for an english translation as they generally have a wider consumer base and you get more to choose from in terms of translations.
In Norwegian you'll either get something more modern or something written in Danish-Norwegian from the 19th century.

>> No.12285771

Im an Aryan and I never learnt about Homer at school.

>> No.12285777

> Plus, isn't Homer mandatory at European schools?

Don't know for the rest of Europe, but not in Norwegian schools. He was barely mentioned in our history class if I remember correctly. The oldest literature I've read in school is the viking sagas.

>> No.12285781

I read them in Swedish, with Erland Lagerlöfs translation, and they were fine. Norwegian translations are probably just as good as any others.

You should get a grasp on mythology, but honestly you can just look up shit you don't know on wikipedia while reading.

I only had to read an abridged version of the Odyssey in school.

>> No.12285788

You have any examples of collections I should read (either english or norwegian for that matter) ? I have no idea about which ones are good and which ones are absolutely trash.

>> No.12285808

definitely Greek Religion by Burkert

>> No.12285827

Huh, in Russia it's studied in the 6th grade as far as I remember. Can't tell whether it was the full or a castrated version though

>> No.12285832

I read Plato and Homer both in Swedish. I doubt I missed anything that an english translation could have given me. Infact, if your swedish reading comprehension is good, I'd recommend Erland Lagerlöf's translation of Homer. They are absolutely exceptional.

>Sjung, o gudinna, om vreden, som brann hos Peliden Achilles
>olycksdiger, till tusende kval för achaiernas söner,
>och som till Hades en mängd av behjärtade krigaresjälar
>störtade ned och lät hjältarnes lik för hundar och fåglar
>bliva på marken till rov - det skedde, som Zeus ju det ville -,
>allt från den stund, då de började först att sig tvistande söndra,
>Atreus' son, härskarornas drott, och den ädle Achilles.

But really, unless the work was originally written in english, or there is cause to believe that english has a far better translation, you should read works in norwegian (if you can). Your understanding of english is probably not as robust as a potential norwegian translators grasp of, say, greek.

>> No.12285843

In norwegian school we just studied poetry of gay niggers and commercials.

>> No.12285844

Russian students are also assigned War and Peace, but obviously nobody reads the assigned books.

>> No.12285853

This is really accurate holy shit

>> No.12285856

True, but particulary Odyssey and Iliad are studied during the school year so it's not like you can just skip them. However, most of students do forget the plot the day after they had a test on it

>> No.12286008

in denmark, yes, but not in norshit and swedistan

>> No.12286028

fuck, that is incredibly true.

>> No.12286039

My Danish brother, don't you remember Denmark-Norway.
Oh if it only could be like that again!

>> No.12286088

>poetry of gay niggers
Name names

>> No.12286094

Kys, landssviker. 400 års-natta aldri glemme aldri tilgi!

>> No.12286100

Read hamsun harald

>> No.12286144

Not necessarily gay niggers, but at least gay people and niggers. I'll be honest and say I don't remember most of the names, but each time we had about contemporary literature, it was always about novel or short story about how hard it was to be a nigger immigrant coming here illegally and some clear leftist brainwashing about how multiculturalism is our main strength.

>> No.12286153

I went to a regular swedish school, run by the municipality, and I'm pretty sure we looked at boring ole classics.

Sure as shit don't remember any gaynigger poetry. Though this is about Norway, correct?

>> No.12286154

what did he mean by this

>> No.12286179

Read Hamsun, Harald

>> No.12286184

Wtf man we just read ibsen, obstfelder etc

>> No.12286189

We went through a couple of classic short stories by Bjornson and the progressive plays by Ibsen (Dukkehjem, of course). We also read some excerpts from Victoria by Hamsun. But that is only like 20% of the curriculum I'd guess. Most of it is commercials about climate change, "le technology bad!!!", or other types of leftist propaganda. Add some short stories and movies by some young hip niggerauthor who was bullied because he didn't have his foreskin and that's about it. And the viking sagas.

>> No.12286207

>climate change is leftist propaganda
er du, om jeg tor si det, tilbakestående?

>> No.12286215


>> No.12286222

Read Industrial society and its future


>> No.12286256

No, Sandefjord.

Jeg tror på klimaendringer, men sånn det ble presentert på skolen er mer "Kan dere tro at hoyresiden ikke bryr seg om dette!?", og ikke som et objektivt tema.

Why, whats deal with it? its written by some terrorist?

>> No.12286304

Yes, still you should read it, not long at all but filled with original and interesting takes on our future.

>> No.12286421

I live in Oslo and have never had any of that on my pensum, only the norse sagas and commercial analysis, Ibsen and such.

>> No.12286438

Läs dem på norska engelska är ett jävla skitspråk.

>> No.12286447

men mye er oversatt til engelsk.

>> No.12286495

Annan anon, men har ni inte haft minst en bra Homeros-översättare i Norge? Finns ju som tidigare sagt en briljant svensk sådan, om du nu orkar läsa svenska.

>> No.12286528

Läser du på norska lär du rätt terminologi också vilket kan skilja sig åt från engelska.
Jag har själv vid tillfällen framstått som en idiot för att jag läst vissa saker på engelska och inte kunnat den svenska terminologin

>> No.12286544

det er sant! Vi har nok noen gode oversettelser av Homer, men de er vanskelige å finne.
Svensk går helt fint å lese, mye bedre enn nynorsk.

>> No.12286565

You didnt go to a private school or something? Or how old are you? I am 18, so this is pretty recent.

>> No.12286574

Går helt fint å lese Illiaden på nynorsk og Odysseen på bokmål, en innforing er ikke nodvendig. Angående norsk litteratur, anbefaler jeg blant annet Bestalitetens Historie av Bjorneboe. Når det gjelder teknologi, anbefaler jeg «The Metaphysics of Technology» av David Skrbina

>> No.12286588

>Jag har själv vid tillfällen framstått som en idiot för att jag läst vissa saker på engelska och inte kunnat den svenska terminologin
Jag skäms varje gång det händer. Det är det man får för att man läser för mycket skit på engelska, och inte nog med skit på svenska. Försöker hur som helst bättra mig; har läst ganska mycket Harry Martinson det senaste, och Dostojevskij på svenska såklart (Staffan Dahl och Hans Björkegren är toppen). Nästa bok blir nog Hjalmar Söderbergs Doktor Glas.

Erland Lagerlöf var ett tragiskt geni av rang, anon. Hans högst medvetet utdaterade ordval i Iliaden (t.ex. drott istället för kung; en sorts fornnordisk ledare eller hövding) ger eposet en ännu mer mytologisk och forntida känsla. Han åberopar vår egen forntid för att tolka den grekiska.

>> No.12286596

Nå er det ikke oversettelse av Homer jeg spor om heller, men en god samling av de greske mytologiske fortellingene.

>> No.12286611

en god norsk samling, that is.

>> No.12286658

>Hans Björkegren
Hans "nyöversatta" (ocensurerade) "I den första kretsen" av Solsjenitsyn är nog det bästa jag läst någonsin.
Jag försöker läsa ungefär 50/50 men sakprosa blir mest engelska. Nästan allt finns ju faktiskt översatt till svenska även meme böcker såsom Cioran och Celine. Har visserligen läst att översättningen av "resa till nattens ände" inte ska vara jättebra, själv tyckte jag andra halvan blev jävligt tjatig men är osäker på om en bättre översättning hade räddat den.

>> No.12286733

Gresk mytologi av Terje Nordby kan du prove?
Greske Guder og Helter av Leo Hjortso

>> No.12287236

Alright you tangnjost fuckers, enough with the vowels have eyes gibberish. Tell me what books I should read from your country instead.

>> No.12287248

Aniara by Harry Martinson.

>> No.12287256

Speak english

>> No.12288459

He is, we read a few of his works.

>> No.12288465

>a few of his works
There are more than two works by Homer?

>> No.12288526

Just read in english so you improve your english skills and knowledge at the same time. Not all books are translated into your native tongue but most are in english.

>> No.12288661

>Plus, isn't Homer mandatory at European schools?
I just read Strindberg, Zola and Boye and some excerpts from different classics in school. I read more books in English class, however most of them were just meme books.

The Emigrants - Moberg

English is not as fun to read desu

>> No.12288664

Moberg is for the plebs

>> No.12288719
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Moberg was one of the working-class autodidacts alongside people like Harry Martinson, so yes, he quite literally was a plebeian author.

>> No.12288752

what comfy norwegian books would you recommend to someone who loves knausgaard and hamsun?
also are the first two knausgaards novels worth a read?

>> No.12288759

Krinsch och blåpillrat

>> No.12288767

Gabriel Scott and Tarjei Vesaas. And the first to Knausgård novels suck ass.

>> No.12288986

"meme böcker" Johan gå och lägg dig

>> No.12289107

Förlåt givetvis skrivs det "memeböcker"

>> No.12289119

I live in Sweden and we had to watch and read the old greeks.

>> No.12289145
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>> No.12289207

Har jag missat ett nytt mem eller nått?

>> No.12289223


>> No.12289224

heter jagjag era jontar

>> No.12289240
File: 83 KB, 992x558, 567568356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ja ja, jag vet att jagjag är den humoristiska översättningen, men faktum är att "meme" kommer från "gene", och översätts rimligtvis till "mem".

God fortsättning förresten.

>> No.12289263


found this one very nice

>> No.12289282


>> No.12290023

Two books about the tragic lives of people who bettered themselves by leaving Scandinavia for a vast, depressing wasteland.
Well, ok, thanks. Also, consider moving somewhere sunny.

>> No.12290128

How did you parents allow,that to happen?

>> No.12290350

You mean how did his parents allow for their alt-right snowflake son to be triggered at school?

>> No.12290608

>but by just reading the foreword I understand that I need to know more about Greek mythology
You don't. You really need to be a moron to need stuff like Hamilton's "Mythology". At worst you can look up the references as you read. But any proper edition of Homer should have them explained in the foot/endnotes anyway.
You don't have to grasp each and every reference to enjoy and understand a book. Homer is a clear, flowing writer.

>> No.12290609

Btw, any Danishfag here? How is Jorn Riel considered in his own country? It was quite a trend when his tales were translated here in France but I felt a bit disappointed when I read some.

>> No.12290615

Én dag, Norske broder.

>> No.12290624

This is some serious false flagging bullshit.

The only thing I had in literature class in public school in Norway was constant glorification of past Norwegian authors and I didn't go to school that long ago.