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/lit/ - Literature

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12286195 No.12286195 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's in your soul.

>> No.12286206
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>be me
>feel a trapdoor under my floor
>tell grandpa
>"wow boy lets crack it open!"
>I do all the work
>finally crank it open with a crowbar
>thing is filled to the brim with cash

Think Im rich until..
>"This is all mine now" says grandfather
>ask for just a little bit, just 100k
>he says no
>holds the money in the bank for many years
>I get no inheritance, it goes to my uncle


>> No.12286238

tfw no /lit/ bf to sit on his bed and read books with all afternoon

>> No.12286246

Who cares, it forced you to make your own living.

>By the sweat of your face will you eat bread

>> No.12286261
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book on one hand, playing with his limp dick after sex in the other.
true patrician life

>> No.12286274

Serves you right for relying on other people. No surprise a stupid kid grew up to be a stupid frogposter.

>> No.12286275
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I'm living the last minutes of a lonely Christmas and I can feel inside me both the fury of the rising ape and joy of the fallen angel

>> No.12286282

sorrow, turmoil but mostly desire

>> No.12286299

Should've Raskolnikov'd him with the crowbar mate.

>> No.12286317

Lonely desperation and acceptance of doomed fate that has folded over onto itself so many times that it is now my preferred state of being.

>> No.12286319

christmas is for little kids to get toys and grown ups to enjoy their consumist joy, besides that it's just another night, no reasson to care.


>> No.12286325


>> No.12286335

girlfriend is gonna spend 2 weeks at my place. starts tomorrow. I'm terrified.
usually the only reason why I should be terrified should be the likeliness of farts and other bowel noises. Yeah well, over a 2-week period of time. Shit.
however I realize there's another reason - I probably won't have time to read anymore and that sucks, that sucks as much as a girlfriend can do.
I don't even know if I'll be able to settle down with my oneitis one day. The idea of not living alone scares me. Any time I'm not alone, I feel like I'm wasting my time. I could be reading or fapping or farting or petting my cat. I know people don't expect me to do it when they're with me. They can tolerate it to some extend, but not too much.
I feel lost, really.

>> No.12286353
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There's a small YouTube channel run by a boomer cat-lady that i like to watch. She usually sticks to pretty standard authors and topics, however in the past week she has put out a video on Accelerationism, Archeo-futurism, and EcoFascism. It's surreal to see such a spectacle, and it makes me wonder how far the internet is beginning to merge with the IRL.

>> No.12286372
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if it's a serious relationship then it's fine to just read in bed next to her in the morning, or during breakfast, or when she's working, or at a ton of times. You don't work as a single item.
Unless this is a very young relationship and you're gonna fuck for 2 weeks and that's fine too, life experiences help you understand other people. Try to cover all your bases, there are a lot kinky places to have sex that loose the glamour when it's day to day life.

>> No.12286388
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>> No.12286395

I have a weird urge to give up almost all technology and write with a dip pen.

>> No.12286398


>> No.12286414

Whenever I hear this song I start chuckling, but when people ask why I lie and say that I don't know. How can I tell them because of some kid that killed himself over a stolen iPod?

>> No.12286417

but she's sincerely interested after always seeming as a pure fiction reader or she's completely botching all of this?

>> No.12286423
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it's fun
like, I just use a regular pen because ink is really awkward and there's a learning curve to not destroy your pen heads that I never finished. But the slowness and physical presence of what you just did can feel cool.
No reasson not to do it, anon.

>> No.12286425

I just. I don't think I wanted this response.

>> No.12286427
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im ok. have been single for about a year now and feel fine about it but have a creeping anxiety about not being able to get another gf for a long time because im anxious, and then worrying that it was only a freak accident i got one to begin with and ill just be a lonely creep. i know its irrational so im just trying to focus on myself, reading and working and going to the gym, and self maintenance is actually very nice and very rewarding. but every now ans then a girl will be half flirting with me and ill remember damn i have no idea what the fuck to do in this situation, or ill have the desire to ask a girl out and think about how much work it is to try and kindle a relationship that i most likely ultimately wont want to continue very long anyway, and it just doesnt seem worth the effort and the fact that ill have to cut out so much of my own time thats already spread thinner than i would like. overall im okay and grateful for my life however.

>> No.12286441

He was an hero.

>> No.12286453

I am accepting no more (You)s at this time.

>> No.12286454

These are some vintage maymays my friend

>> No.12286459

It's a genuinely good channel so I'm hesitant to post it here. A lot of you can't seem to switch off the 4chan abrasiveness.

>> No.12286463

There's a small peanut lodged in my soul.

>> No.12286473

I'm in love with an autistic jewish lesbian and she will never even know my name

>> No.12286478

What's the difference between this thread and 'write what's on your mind'?

>> No.12286493
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I've just been thinking a lot about how the digital age has taken away "the writer's tool" as a concept, since now "the writer's tool" is also the accountant's tool, and the shop clerk's tool, and the musician's tool, etc. since 90% of people spend most of their days sat at a computer regardless of what they're doing.

>> No.12286497

worried about this anon. praying to mary for a christmas miracle.

>> No.12286500
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I made it as a joke.
But we can see what different responses each get and propose an hypothesis for later testing.

you're infatuated
move on and stop paying attention to her, eventually someone else will help you learn people aren't the way your imagination makes them out to be and that's a good thing.

>> No.12286508

All of them used ink and paper before.
The tools don't make the piece.
But there's enjoyment in change, and in some cases moving away from the computer helps creativity.

>> No.12286509

So fucking tired.

>> No.12286521

>The tools don't make the piece.
I think it's naïve to think that what we use to do something doesn't change how we do it mentally and physically.

>> No.12286527

I want to go deep into the woods and starve to death.

>> No.12286534
File: 77 KB, 460x437, Thats+not+even+close+to+her+name+_17e78dd493d5216689fbb94dca1c19b6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after sex

that's too lewd for christmas. i would just want to sit with him and enjoy his company

>> No.12286539

they change but they don't determine.
and, as I said, there's enjoyment in change. It's good to try different means, but it's also just a good experience to have and you should totally try it.

>> No.12286551

This sounds fine up until the point you realize it makes more sense to starve to death in a room because you don't want some minor forest creature to come gnawing on you while you're still alive but too weak to fight back.

>> No.12286554

I thought of the implications of ‘be yourself’ while on shrooms and I thought it was the most profound advice you could ever get. I’ve been on a row of psychedelics and they are so fun. I’m still skeptical about them fixing my problems permanently or for long times as many people tell me. I don’t think I should trust a temporary altered state of consciousness but then how do I not fall in this supposed trap if I feel so much connection, empathy, and warmth? I even came to think this was all a product of vanity: that I liked the idea of higher understanding and that’s why I felt all these things, it even made me question my taste in art, for example, I like Tolstoy because every tiny bit of interaction between characters in his work carries meaning and dignity, so he manufactures a world where everything feels significant: short words, gestures, a stare, etc. Tolstoy work has characters that derive meaning from their experiences, and in this light I feel like the works of Musil are much more honest than Tolstoy’s. Musil characters are mostly detached of reality, living passively and the experience passes them by without being formative, and they feel like waiting and wasting their time. You see Musil is less theatrical and his characters move always on two different directions, they have the direction of the mind: detached of the moment, and projecting the moment from an outsider perspective, Ulrich is never there in the moment, instead he is just thinking he is there. And then there’s the direction of the circumstances, which moves their lives if they don't oppose any kind of resistance, which they never do because of laziness or indifference.
You see this is much closer to what I think is the real experience of being human. In Tolstoy you get what you wish it was like, but in Musil you have the real thing: characters without convictions, completely detached, unable to oppose resistance because of indifference to it and living passively while also being aware of this hole they are in.

Also, Foil by Autechre is a hell of a song to listen while high.

>> No.12286558

i wanted the imagery more than anything, it's also summer here so you have to really want physical contact
desu just sharing a room can be nice if you like each other

>> No.12286578

>it's also summer here

are you australian as well?

>> No.12286621
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Latin america

>> No.12286638

I honestly hate visiting this board. The gems among the shit are so rare. But I've been here a long time and unironically learned a lot, so I feel like I have to try to give something back.

>> No.12286655

I get this
But after a couple of long posts it's just too demanding to keep doing wall of texts you're not sure the other person is reading and will eventually stop answering completely convinced you're a retard.

>> No.12286656

oh neat. i've always wanted to see patagonia, it looks so beautiful, but i don't really know many latin-american authors, sorry. i have some of pablo neruda's poems but that's all, sorry. maybe i should read more.

>> No.12286664

translations are tough
Cesar Aira got popular a few years ago, got some stories in the newyorker and a handful of books translated. He's weird and fun.
This could be completely lost in translation, or even not translated at all, but Roberto Arlt is probably the best author we had since Borges, his complete anthitesis too.

How's the editorial world in Australia? I can't even think of an australian author but I'm sure that the shared language must get them somewhere in the anglosphere, right?

>> No.12286735
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Is one's libido programmed at birth?

I started masturbating at twenty-one; now I'm thirty. I beat meat maybe once a week. A horny day is a rare day. Am I fucked?

Diet, exercise and sleep schedule are all on point.

That said, I sometimes think I exercise to exhaustion too often and eat too little.

>> No.12286736
File: 393 KB, 629x949, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much, i will see what i can find.

australian literature seems to be largely ignored by the world, for better or for worse. maybe we just haven't had the time to mature like other nations have. 'for the term of his natural life' and 'a fortunate life' are both quite good, and of Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson were two of our biggest writers/poets. australia seems to do really well in poetry for whatever reason.

>> No.12286746

Cold showers are what you need

>> No.12286754

Poetry is the field for drunkards and violent men
nah, just joking. It is, but I doubt the australian stereotype really fits.

I added them to my notepad, I'll see if I can get them. Thanks!
Also, YKK is a great manga.

>> No.12286759


I took cold showers at one point, and not for very long. Don't remember any profound changes--will try again.

>> No.12286779

you're welcome, thank you too. have a great rest of the christmas season my latin friend. i'm sure it's beautiful over there

>> No.12286786

Everybody in Finland knows On the Beach because there is a popular pop song based on it.

>> No.12286794
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>How's the editorial world in Australia?

>> No.12286795
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>> No.12286808

I sincerely love that kind of weird random cultural exchanges

>> No.12286809
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>*to the tune and cadence of “I Can’t Wait to be King” from The Lion King motion picture

>> No.12286843

jerking it once a week is a godsend. never want to go back to 9-12 times in a day.

>> No.12286860

It entered into my mind the other day how much Hitler was a product of ww1.

Did you know what Hitler's job was during ww1 in the military? He was a message courier. It was one of the most disturbing roles you could play because he had to constantly run between battle lines past the fields miles and miles of fields full of mangled corpses, splattered brains and entrails. Day in and day out for many days.
That' also how he got the scratchy voice from the mustard gas bombardments.

He became inured to death. He was taught (!) that it was a normal thing and the way you got things done. Somehow Europe despite all its culture and sophistication could devolve into such a level of barbarity the world hadn't seen since at maybe the Mongols.

And for what? All those lives thrown away. I fear that all the ridiculous anti-masculinist position in today's liberal politics is a rationalization scheme to get society to devalue its young men so that they will be prepared to throw their lives away in war.

Call me a conspiracy theorist but that's what's up. Whenever society can't figure out to do with all its simmering young men, it throws them away in war. Then what do you get? Just sayin.

>> No.12286870

what's in my soul? really wanna fuckin kill myself

>> No.12286871

>I fear that all the ridiculous anti-masculinist position in today's liberal politics is a rationalization scheme to get society to devalue its young men so that they will be prepared to throw their lives away in war.
why wouldn't you achieve that the other way around, make them care about their masculinity so they just go die to prove it
like, you know, ww1 and 2
and the 100th year war.

>> No.12286897

wew that music is awful. normies don't have souls, and can't make music or anything of tragic beauty.

>> No.12288354

Saving this thread

>> No.12288366

Well then anon, what's in your soul?

>> No.12288379

>I fear that all the ridiculous anti-masculinist position in today's liberal politics is a rationalization scheme to get society to devalue its young men so that they will be prepared to throw their lives away in war.
Good observation.

If you look around, almost every single expression of masculine identity - however innocent, hobbyist, or banal - is attacked and humiliated unless it serves the powers that be.

You can only be a man via consumerism, or via the military, or whatever.

I bet, when a big war finally comes again, the same forces that have been attacking men (and young men in particular) will be deployed to shame them into dying for nothing.

>> No.12288400

Every warlike society has valued masculinity not devalued it. Effeminate men do not make good soldiers.

>> No.12288418
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>Really want to write my novel in a particular way
>Afraid to write it because the readers may be to stupid to understand
Do I go for it, or should I write something else

>> No.12288443
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You should kill yourself for being an enormous retard

>> No.12288446

What would be so hard to understand about it?

>> No.12288477

>may be to stupid to understand
Shut up

>> No.12288495

Well, it's three days since I started taking the antibiotics, but the tooth infection is still here. I don't have near the money for a root canal, so it's looking like I'll have to kill the infection using whatever means possible and then get it extracted ASAP before it makes my life a living hell. For around five days now, my jaw has swollen to an incredible size, and it brings me physical pain to try and chew like a normal person, so I have to work it down bit by bit like a small animal. It really sucks.

On the bright side, I can't wait to be like a normal person again. I took it all for granted, now I sorely miss it.

>> No.12288502

Get better soon anon :(

So many great people do not deserve the suffering they are put into.

>> No.12288516

Oh my humanity. My human qualities are diminishing through the days. The robot part's taking over making cyborgic thing. No longer... man.

>> No.12288528

i have no real suffering. although, like most others, i am economically oppressed i have also come to terms with it.

so, then, i find myself lacking in tangible strife and instead feel emptiness.
>tfw i sound like a black pill
>tfw cant convey shit

>> No.12288582
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What’s in my soul?
I watch everyone in public. I watch them laugh, watch them go out, have fun, get drunk, get girls, and live their lives to the fullest. I watch them push away their worries and live care free. Because they’re surrounded by friends. Family. Lovers. Loyalty. Sure, they might not be the smartest or even the most courteous. But goddamn they’re so socially confident. They don’t trip over their words or break eye contact. They’re surrounded by love and compassion. They have everything they need and more.

You are the sum of what you surround yourself with. And I have nothing.

>> No.12288617
File: 400 KB, 1347x2000, ab8d6da6-cb71-469a-a443-41b4eb5533e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wounds on your hands never seem to heal
I thought all I needed was to believe
Here am I, a lifetime away from you
The blood of Christ, or the beat of my heart
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes

>> No.12288622


>> No.12288698

What game?

>> No.12288701

Things were more fun when life was a downward spiral

>> No.12288717
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Metal Gear Solid 2: The Sons of Liberty

>> No.12288724
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My co worker is really cute and i want to hold her while we lay in bed and tease each other and whatnot. However, her brother works there, her other brother has worked there, she's my fucking co worker, she's a le reddit memer, and all of her friends are dudes who surely either want to bang bang her Or use her mouth as a cumdumpster. Either she's a total slut or she's a lesbian which, considering her tomboy attire and atypical interests for a woman, would also make sense. She's a terribly confusing creature.

What truly interests me about the situation is the projection of innocence and purity I place on this girl. For some strange reason I believe that she is in some way an innocent, fun girl. In reality, she probably takes 3 at a time or she licks cunts, but still there is urge to ask her on a date.
I've probably been single for too long. Probably getting desperate or some shit.
Gotta go to work soon, hopefully i run into someone who I can connect with.