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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.03 MB, 3024x4032, 1545753779166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12284720 No.12284720 [Reply] [Original]

What books did you get for Christmas?
I just got this collection, can't wait to dig in and get learning!

>> No.12284723

Heinlen and Codreanu are good/interesting, otherwise you made some errors.

>> No.12284729
File: 1.62 MB, 2820x3521, xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents spoil me

>> No.12284736


Hoover your floor

>> No.12284737

Lmao who got you WN Manifesto and Revolt?

>> No.12284738

be a great memory
they make other parents look bad

>> No.12284739
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>> No.12284749


fucking based

>> No.12284781

Pretty awesome gifts!

>> No.12284791

Best edition of Broom

>> No.12284803

found the incel

>> No.12284812

Your folks roll with this?

>> No.12284837
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OP is trash, but it feels good to have a medievalist father.

>> No.12284858
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Wow yes that is indeed a very based and redpilled collection there my fellow white aryan

>> No.12284860

You fell hard for memes

>> No.12284872

>dear santa, all i want for christmas is an entire neoreactionary pseudotraditional incel reading list to put on my shelf and never read

>> No.12284911

salty incel

>> No.12284920

You seem like a moderate, open minded fellow.

>> No.12284955

Except for Johnson, Heinlein and Codreanu, it's CRINGE af.

>> No.12284963
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>be a great memory

>> No.12284986
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“You must know that there is nothing higher and stronger and more wholesome and good for life in the future than some good memory, especially a memory of childhood, of home. People talk to you a great deal about your education, but some good, sacred memory, preserved from childhood, is perhaps the best education. If a man carries many such memories with him into life, he is safe to the end of his days, and if one has only one good memory left in one's heart, even that may sometime be the means of saving us.”

>> No.12285000

Os Sertoes is god tier, enjoy

>> No.12285003
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I bought these for myself. I didn't ask for any books because other than these I have nine more unread books.

>> No.12285029

I never appreciated the importance of memory until I read David Copperfield, which I think was Freud's favorite book. I still can't believe a middle aged man like Dickens could so accurately and thoroughly convey the psyche of the child. Even Proust's monumental explorations of the subject seem fragmentary by comparison.

>> No.12285044
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The only bad part is I actually should probably read Clausewitz before On Grand Strategy

>> No.12285048

>buys cringe reading list
>gets called out
>no u r!!!

>> No.12285051

I have a higher IQ than you

>> No.12285061

What's cringe about those books

>> No.12285064

Are the geographical descriptions integral to the text? I also don't like the racial pseudo-scientific shit.

>> No.12285069

>white nationalist manifesto

Jesus Cringing Christ.

>> No.12285071

They’re eating their hearts out at your books

>> No.12285073

My father bought me a kindle paperwhite. Pretty sweet

>> No.12285075

good lord you’re gearing up to be retarded

>> No.12285081

stop playing vidya

>> No.12285083

the buchanan and carlson are very cringe, otherwise not much

>> No.12285089

Carlson is an absolute clown. Why would anyone give him more money?

>> No.12285101

Are you jewish or something? What's the problem?

>> No.12285106
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What did my gf mean by this

>> No.12285111

Buchanan is one of the only great conservatives in the last 20 years

>> No.12285118

I have no clue what you’re talking about

>> No.12285120

No Im just not retarded

I'm a fan of buchanan but like practically all american politicians, his books just aren't good

>> No.12285124

because you are autistic and in denial

>> No.12285135


>> No.12285136

If you are white you are retarded, yes.

>> No.12285143
File: 18 KB, 267x400, 32277642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got house on the borderlands, the king in yellow and the incal

>> No.12285174

if you're a black womyn raised inside a mass scale victim narrative that lets you larp as a 1960s civil rights hero you're obviously going to play along, but as a whiteboi who ought to know better you make a Freely Willed choice to withdraw from a serious adult life for the sake of IDPOL squabbling and faux-victimhood. and then to have your family buy you all these books, for christmas no less, it just makes me sad anon... for you, for your parents. you're using intellectualism and a vulgar and defeatist intellectualism at that to board yourself off from the world. what does your family think, when they see these titles? what does your mother think as she sees the son she was once so proud of revolting against the modern world, declaring the america she grew up and lived and loved in dead, setting himself against those different from him, not thinking about getting ahead in life, not thinking about meeting a nice girl and settling down but throwing an extended temper tantrum blaming niggers jews and democrats and all these other folks he doesn't even talk to. why won't he come out of his room? where did they go wrong? what more could they have done for him? why is he always suffering?

>> No.12285184

No but the religious connotations and the divide from the troops and the people are profound. Also I read the War at the End of the World by Llosa and that was great too.

> I also don't like the racial pseudo-scientific shit.

Its a primary source, it reflects the author, and to an extent, the societies beliefs. It also happens to be exciting and well written.

>> No.12285194

I got one(1) book from my mother for Christmas.

>> No.12285205
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pic related

>> No.12285220
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>> No.12285223

is your mom hot or at least fuckable?
Can we maybe get some pics??

>> No.12285231
File: 1.10 MB, 1679x2048, Screenshot_20181225-134357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to go take a picture but my parents got me these

>> No.12285235

>that movie cover illustration Anna Karenina


>> No.12285242

She is old and unmarried. The rest is reliant upon your imagination.

>> No.12285253

Not my first choice but it was $7

>> No.12285278

Why didn't your parents marry?
That is a sin.

>> No.12285283

Laughing at the /lit/ lefties getting mad at your book purchases.

Stop reading pro-White literature and be a self-hating cuck like the rest of /lit/

>> No.12285286

They were married at one point, but then my father left her.

>> No.12285299
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Any form of "conservatism", within an Anglo context, is categorically problematic if you understand the galaxy brain traditionalist: Julius Ebola.

>> No.12285300

>Not getting Imperium by Yockey

>> No.12285313

So she's not unmarried, she is divorced, anon.
But that is a nice book she bought. Most people's moms don't know about books like that.

>> No.12285321
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Damn wish I had parents that loved me as much as yours do anon... But it's subjective.

>> No.12285328

Mmm the lefty tears are delicious!

Congrats OP, good books all around.

>> No.12285333

T. A huge faggot

>> No.12285344

i am gay
nice trips

>> No.12285345
File: 117 KB, 1300x1051, rysnxi7mb5uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left right bickering instead of recognizing the rulers don't care about your ideology as long as it keeps you distracted from dismantling the wealth and ruling structures

>> No.12285365

I bought the same set for 30 dollars, great stuff

>> No.12285384

She doesn't read much herself. She just likes to ask me about the books I read and I mentioned Pnin once.

>> No.12285405

Oh, we do recognize the powers that be are the problem. But you will never get both sides to fight them. One side has to triumph and then deal with the final boss. The only problem is one side would ultimately lead to the stagnation of humanity. And that is the side that is being pushed by TPTB.

>> No.12285412

Here is what I'm going to buy myself. I forgot to send my Christmas list and didn't get any books:

Invertebrates - Second Edition [Hardcover] by Richard C. Brusca

Grasses: An Identification Guide

Marine Biology: An Ecological Approach

Ecological Census Techniques 2ed: A Handbook

The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook

A guide to the Naididae of north America

Symbiosis: An Introduction to Biological Associations

Signs of Meaning in the Universe (Advances in Semiotics) by Jesper Hoffmeyer

Biodiversity of Fungi: Inventory and Monitoring Methods

I'm mostly focused on field guides and reference books at the moment. I really want some reference books that make good on the coffee table, but they are too exspenive.

>> No.12285428

Also I'm probably going to buy some books on lichens and non vascular plants as well as more field guides/methods. Also programing in C.

>> No.12285437
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>programing in C

>> No.12285463
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, 20181225_114115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family and gf went all out this year.

>> No.12285866

Augustus is one of my all time favorites. Hope you enjoy it, anon.

>> No.12285890

It’s not a feminist book and I’m sick of this meme. Jodie beck is just a dumb cunt with an agenda

>> No.12286041

What none book gifts did you receive? I got a pair of leather boots.

>> No.12286042
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it's probably not very /lit/ but i'm happy

>> No.12286167

Return that AK and get the Miriam Schwartz translation

>> No.12286190
File: 1.59 MB, 2560x1440, Christmas Stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious, delicious trash.

Look how many of these books are just about animals killing people. The best shit.

>> No.12286273

Good book tho

>> No.12286390

Can't, got it from a secondhand shop and it was the only copy.

>> No.12286481
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>> No.12286482
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>> No.12286524

My mom bought me Don Quijote
Really great gift imo. Been meaning to get it

>> No.12286531

you're worth nothing, now suck my cock.

>> No.12286541

Some of Evolas art looks awesome. Like real wizard shit

>> No.12286560
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>> No.12286763

Ya fucked up bud

>> No.12286767
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>> No.12286773
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Pic related and Levine's Highbrow/Lowbrow.

>> No.12286781

What translation of W&P?

>> No.12286787
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>Christmas present books

>> No.12286796

I'd rather just fucking read it than agonize over which translation is the proper one.

>> No.12286802

Fuckong pseud just don't bother at all

>> No.12286817

If you want me to be an anti-Semite you should try writing better than culturally Jewish academics.

>> No.12286825

some people have meager memes, man. i see this and feel a deep fucking sigh for whatever shitposter legit tried to get what they want despite intellectual constraints.

>> No.12286838

maybe learn to speak the english language before belittling others

>> No.12286841

Paul auster is very lit

>> No.12286847

deep fucking sigh

>> No.12286848

Augustus is wonderful literature

>> No.12286849

Buy it for me faggot

>> No.12286895
File: 66 KB, 510x332, 1542390317343-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, wtf man.
>white nationalist manifesto
>how to be conservative
>Tucker Carlson
Are you a rich white man who hates the poor and a xenophobe or just a really retarded larper?

>> No.12286905

bought the books of new sun from an Amazon gift card

>> No.12286913

Sorry that was rude. Merry Christmas.

>> No.12286931

back to R*ddit with you

>> No.12286989

I mean he has a book about white nationalism. He's most likely an american that hates niggers, kikes, mexicans, sandniggers, etc, etc. Maybe he isn't really for ethnic cleansing and maybe he just is friends with a bunch of Nazis but still. America is a large portion non white and mixed, yet OP seems to have wished for exclusively rightwing literature. He's obviously becoming an lapdog. If there was a genuine genocide espousing fascist running for president, OP (judging from the books) would vote for him.
OP needs some foreign friends and travel more.

>> No.12287009

You should try reading some books that won't just reinforce things you already think

>> No.12287018

He's an American that has been brainwashed to think that leftism is bad and that it's just a bunch of blue haired gender fluid retards screaming about 'muh oppression'
He doesn't dare to touch left wing literature with a seven feet stick, it might change him into a mentally ill person that wants to cut his dick off. He much rather blame all problems on jews and immigrants.

>> No.12287019

Or ones that aren’t politically biased or philosophically motivated. The world doesn’t have to be this passionate realm of political/philosophical conflict.


>> No.12287028

No you don’t get it either. You’re just as bad as he is.


>> No.12287032
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aah finally someone who understands persian technology

>> No.12287048

Last post best post

>> No.12287052

Based and dare I say it... redpilled

>> No.12287065

>reading dull liberal books
ah yes, I do enjoy Steven Pinker, Sam Harris and other mediocre mid witt stuff like that. Boy I do hate those antifa fellows and those alt righters, gosh what extremism. If just everybody could be tolerant and spend their evenings watching Friends and How I Met Your Mother the world would be such a better place.

>> No.12287070

And then subsequently


>> No.12287080

This >>12287065 was a reaction to >>12287019 retard. Most of the best books are politically biased (whaterver that means) and philosophically motivated. I was poking fun at the stupidity of comment. What the hell do you read? YA and genre fiction I bet.

>> No.12287106

The Thing on the Doorstep is one of my very favorite of Lovecraft's.

>> No.12287124

>bronze age pervert
>patrick j buchanan
>the white nationalist manifesto
>tucker carlson
we really do need to do something about /pol/s low IQ. this is just embarrassing

>> No.12287127
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>Most of the best books are politically biased (whaterver that means) and philosophically motivated

How can you use a term you don’t explicitly know the definition of?

For. Fucks. Sake.

>> No.12287129

>falling for the IQ meme
These books are terrible though, most of us are with ya bud

>> No.12287179

Because it's vague, people can interpret readings of authors that are genuine as politically biased and also vice versa; authors that are biased but get interpreted as being genuine.
For. Fucks. Sake. Indeed, what are you trying to say? Don't read books that deal with politics and philosophy at all? Or only read books that in their introduction chapter say 'I'm not biased or philosophically motivated you guys, actually I'm a nihilist and haven't read any philosophy also the same with politics, I don't know much about it and hold no political beliefs of my own so don't worry about that. I'm not gonna indoctrinate you, I will use wikipedia to stay factual and objective my dudes'

>> No.12287195

No, I don’t

>> No.12287207


>> No.12287210

Is Dostoyevsky philosophically motivated?
Is 1984 politically biased?

>> No.12287219


>Non-Classical Logic


>> No.12287229

I haven’t read either.

>> No.12287258
File: 401 KB, 1242x2208, E5BA27E3-0CB0-489E-97A5-67BED07882B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom surprised me (:

>> No.12287265

wu tang clan ain't nuttin to fuck wit!

>> No.12287297

I honestly don't know whether these posts are bait or whether people that exclusively think in stereotypes really exist.

>> No.12287304

are you at least black? if you're white you should kill yourself and your mom.

>> No.12287324

He’s right.

>> No.12287341

Think you’re smarter than the RZA?

>> No.12287355
File: 2.70 MB, 4160x2080, 20181225_221415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left fag reporting

>> No.12287378

>implying sub-human IQ doesn't exist

>> No.12287380

Kek only whitebois like wu tang anymore

>> No.12287384

buchanan said nothing wrong

>> No.12287391

Most of those books aren't even left, they're liberal idpol crap.

>> No.12287412 [DELETED] 

god, imagine actually asking your parents for books like The White Nationalist Manifesto or The Portable Karl Marx lmao

>> No.12287421
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>Mom surprised me (:

>> No.12287522
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Incest posting stems from, as is the case with its omnipresent porno companion, dirty rotten kikes.

>> No.12287544

this is true, only whites can protect black music from black people

>> No.12287670

Cicero was a pussy

>> No.12287671

We must wash our collective hands of all negroid music and the paternalistic instinct you're expressing.

>> No.12287716
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-the-jews-belong-to-a-dark-and-repulsive-force-one-knows-how-numerous-this-clique-is-marcus-tullius-cicero-75-20-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um no.

>> No.12287719

big if true desu

>> No.12287727

My mum bought me the fucking ‘Alchemist’

At least I also got ‘Alice in Wonderland’ from my sister which I asked for.

>> No.12287730

why would you want to be friends with rapists and waste your money to travel to countries filled with nothing but shit?

>> No.12287738

>left wing literature
absolute meme

>> No.12287753

>Kitty Hunter

what a name

>> No.12287761

I bet his mom wishes he was half black

>> No.12287773

YIKES! Although for my Legionaries was a good read.

>> No.12287777
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>rightwing literature
it's boring asf. Not a leftist but atleast they show some interesting ideas.

>> No.12287780

most modern leftists are just radical liberals

>> No.12287787

liberals were always right wing
that's sort of the hate on the right wing meme books, they don't even have the nuance to give it a theme.

>> No.12287795

>leftwing literature
it's boring asf. Not right wing at all but atleast they show some interesting ideas.

>> No.12287798
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>> No.12287809

They do though. Right wing lit just can't compete imo

>> No.12287824

Yeah I know, they're boring asf. Left wing lit just can't compete imo

>> No.12287829

What kind of crap is this? Liberals sat on the left side of the National Assembly. The term "left" was invented referring to radical liberals and Jacobins.

>> No.12287840

and they became reactionary once in power
once you take out the monarchy they are left on the right.
And if you're using french history you're skipping the process that made them move to the literal right side. That's like saying greeks were the fathers of culture so greece now has to be full of great philosophers.

Liberals keep moving their agenda to controlling international economies and reviving a feudal state with companies as their rulers, they literally put companies above the law.

>> No.12287843
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umm, sorry sweetie. you can be a pussy and still hate jews. plus, you could've found better proof than that.

>> No.12287849

Liberals don't become reactionary when they take power, a reactionary under a liberal regime wants to overthrow the liberals and go back to the Ancien Regime. When liberals take power they *gasp* try to make things more liberal. The term left referred to liberals and proto-socialists, literally nothing in your post is correct. None of the things you've listed as liberal policies are indicative of reactionary politics.

>> No.12287875

I got a new desk, clothes, and boxing day money, so I intend to hunt down a Fagles translation of The Iliad and The Odyssey, and maybe a sci-fi book or two.

>> No.12288103

>buying your own Christmas present
You're a fag, OP, and not just because of those books.

>> No.12288110

Evola is a retard and so are you.

>> No.12288220

Keep Evola and drop everything else. Cringe right-wing garbage.

>> No.12288608

My parents got them.

>> No.12288626

Is Anniversaries good or is it just a meme?

>> No.12288628

is Art of the deal has a autobiography any good

>> No.12288649

>yfw you post this list on /pol/ and everyone praises it

>> No.12288660

Read some of them - not Scruton, who I think is a fag. Ride the Tiger is Evola's best work in my opinion. Greg Johnson's book is surprisingly good and adds a lot to the white nationalist discourse, or at least consolidates it. Tucker Carlson seems like someone hip to the current problems and is expressing it in a way palatable to normies. Pat Buchanan is a gentleman and suicide of a superpower was life-changing. If you get the chance, consider we are doomed by John Derbyshire or alien nation by Peter Brimelow, though with book choices like that I assume they will be old news to you.
Great choices man. Merry Christmas.

>> No.12288686
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I also got, All the Pretty Horses

>> No.12288731
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A few others I couldn't fit on the photo too; Orwell and Bulgakov.

>> No.12288734

Parallel thread going on /pol/ for everyone interested in seeing for plebtier /pol/ is.

>> No.12288736

>contaminating the thread before a single photo is posted

>> No.12288765
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>> No.12288784

Scruton is pretty decent

>> No.12288816
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>> No.12288848

>be liberal
>travel non white country
>it’s utter shit and the people are animals
>come home a changed man
Who else fell for the travel meme here?

>> No.12288852

>the American left wing is strawmanned by the evil right wing establishment as being SJWs!

Yeah shut the fuck up with this meme already. Leftism in America is about building an anti-white coalition to carry out a race revolution and nothing else.

>b-b-but muh classical Marxist theory
Boring and gay

>> No.12288961
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>> No.12289015


>> No.12289017

Yeah leftism in america is honestly pretty evil and hostile. Id prob be more on board otherwise since I dont really disagree with all leftist ideas.

>> No.12289022

>80 low-effort posts calling you a retard
>m-mm muh lib tears

>> No.12289030

You mentioned a book you've read so she bought you a copy of it?

>> No.12289043

Fanon was a revolutionary Marxist who fought for the Algerians against French colonizers. What do you do for a living again?

>> No.12289092
File: 188 KB, 749x541, CE5D53DF-38F9-4059-B631-8760C79BDE7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be OP
>few days before christmas as i plan to drive home to enjoy the holidays with the family
>mum calls
>“hey sweety i know we grew out of that christmas suprise thing but we still wonna give you something for the old times sake. We know you love books so why don‘t you give us a list of books you want and we see if we put some of those under the tree.“
>I rush to the computer to make a list
>luckily most books are already on my amazon whishlist
>send mom my list
>drive home and have a great dinner with the family
>time for presents
>unbox the presents and get all the books i absolutly wanted.

>so happy that i have tears in my eyes as i whisper
>Sieg Heil mom

>> No.12289684
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, 40E6475F-82E5-4371-A74C-D5AFA5A1A390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly just books by and about John Henry Newman, though Poilu is an exception. I’ve started and it has gone well so far! I’m very grateful my parents and their gifts; their love for me is a gift in itself. Thanks be to God.

>> No.12289699

I mentioned that I wanted to read it when I was talking to her about Nabokov.

>> No.12289720

This is one of the least funny things I have ever read on this website.

>> No.12289754

very good choices, op
consider reading generation identity

>> No.12289765

codreanu is kinda low brow though. definitely meme tier and rhetorically not on the same level as other fascist figures.

>> No.12289819


>> No.12289826

Oh boy you got the wrong edition of House of Leaves.

>> No.12289855

Is East of Eden good or will I not get it

>> No.12289875
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20181226_180019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12289899

The Death Trilogy by Terry Pratchet and a board game book I had when I was a kid called Highlights best board games from around the world. Someone also gave me a bag of paperback books they didnt want anymore but used paperbacks skeeve me out

>> No.12289904

Neckbeard a little harder there, champ. Fuck sakes, this board has gone to hell.

>> No.12289922

There's nothing wrong with rightwing writings.

>> No.12289932

Fanon's always good, but I prefer WotE

>> No.12289944

tucker carlson had an interview with playboy recently. absolutely fantastic.

>> No.12289956

i hath busted a nut son

>> No.12289958

There isn’t a single book on that pile that is from a different topic/genre. Slavishly devoting yourself to the books you’ve seen talked about on pol is the sign of a credulous fool. Holding a conversation with these one-note ponies is so fucking tedious. There is little to no difference between this person and some jackass who won’t shut up about playing overwatch.

>> No.12289970

Judging by your self-indulgent condesension, it seems like you've neither read any right-wing literature nor had substantial conversations with right-wingers.

>> No.12289973

Evola is totally related to Tucker Carlson, you are very intelligent!

>> No.12289976

You're making a vast, prejudiced assumption about a person based off 10 or so books. As if he couldn't possibly own more and have read other things.

>> No.12290012

Not him but the way I see it, is that op bought these exclusively for amusement (a guffaw or to make bait threads) which seems unlikely because of the high exspenises, or this is some sort of research project. Or the most likely senario; op is a braindead faggot and the poster you are replying to is correct.

>> No.12290020

>angry mongs with the same books on their shelves.
And yet he’s clearly deep enough into this single obsession that his gift-givers (parents, let’s be honest here) didn’t purchase him a single book outside his echo chambers approved reading list. He seems like the type of autist that throws Evola quotes into conversations about the fucking weather.

>> No.12290048

I'm op. The op image got posted on /pol/ yesterday. Some American kid really did get those books for Christmas and he implied it was a gift from his parents. I posted it here because I knew it would lead to a funny thread.

>> No.12290050


>> No.12290423

>think for more than 30 seconds about why those countries are shit
>become leftist

>> No.12290454

Enjoy the indoctrination.

>> No.12290459
File: 32 KB, 267x400, rosewater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci-fi in Nigeria was all i needed to ask Santa for this

>> No.12290475

>ypipo did it

Woah i hate myslef and everyone with my skin tone now

>> No.12290517

I didn't get a single book. Probably a good thing cause I have a huge backlog as it is, but it still feels a bit disappointing.

>> No.12290619
File: 203 KB, 450x515, sankara3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12290646

That's a good album title.

>> No.12290647

*conviently ignores leftist attempts to make these countries non shitholes and those collosal failures*

>> No.12290685

Got a penguin classics box set of
>The Illiad
>The Oddysey
>The Aeneid
The prose is pretty good

>> No.12290701

hmmmmm....... I wonder why?

>> No.12291132

This is a great stack. I'm reading that Napoleon book now, and it's fantastic.

What book do you think you'll read first?

>> No.12291184

what happened, anon?

>> No.12291389

Nice to see all the Augustus love. It really is an extremely pleasant book, and while obviously it's not history it's nice to see a different take on his character.

>> No.12291393


>Bronze Age Mindset

BAP is a low IQ le epic trole retard.

>> No.12291453

Is he somehow more braindead than some leftwinger reading exclusively lefty books?

>> No.12291533
File: 3.73 MB, 4032x3024, 20181226_141502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf gets me a cookbook every year.

I got myself...
Convenience Store Woman

(Yeah I just checked best books of 2018 article in the New Yorker and got those...)

>> No.12291542

>not memorizing family recipes
>needing a cookbook

very low iq or homosexual

>> No.12291548

fuck off Tao

>> No.12291550

The gift of mommy and daddy's ideology

>> No.12291593

Generally they're for learning a new style of cooking. Previous years were...
Land of Plenty (Sichuan)
Modern Jewish Cooking (mostly ashkenazi)
Near & far (I dunno... San Francisco hipster cooking)

I've actually worked as a line cook at several french restaurants and even an Ethan Stowell joint, so I think I'm ok.

>> No.12291595

Demons by Dostoevsky. My sis knew I was an Dostoevsky reader.

>> No.12291616


hot pockets dont count virgin

>> No.12291743

Nazis had an hard on for classical art. It's part of the genetic urge of Germans to constantly LARP as romans in any way possible
Fascists Italians instead were deep into futurism and modernist art well into the 30's, and pro-classicism only on architecture and sculpture

>> No.12291800

On Grand Strategy is a really easy read. You can get it without anything else

>> No.12291811

>he fought for his beliefs so he's always right about everything
this is the same stupid fucking hero-worship mindset that keeps americans trapped in their endless cycle of shitty politics. You're probably an American yourself.

>> No.12291875

seems like the poster you reply to has struck a nerve there.

>> No.12291885

Yeah he seemed to have been triggered and he didn't really have any arguments so I figured I'd just reply the same shit right back. Shut him up good in the end.

>> No.12291960

Ship of Fools was a pretty great little read. There were many moments where Tucker was giving too much "benefit of the doubt", especially surrounding Bill Kristol/Max Boot but other than that it's not a bad book.

>> No.12291964

Elaborate. In what way is Tucker a clown?

>> No.12291987

What's wrong with Buchanan? or is it because he is le evil conservative?

>> No.12291995

Body keeps the score is great

>> No.12292011

Convenience store woman was SO GOOD
And cherry

>> No.12292025
File: 676 KB, 2532x1536, 41EDCB07-4ED4-4BDB-A948-6E2E21A0C5B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents got me these. My partner got me a first edition Edward Gorey book. I got myself some other books as well.

>> No.12292042


Kafka had women.

>> No.12292048

Very nice

>> No.12292056

Nice choices. I also got The Book of Disquiet. Will get his poetry if I like TBOD.

>> No.12292095

A relative gave me 75 bucks, which books should I get? Literature, please, not political bs.

>> No.12292105

Are you vegetarian? I recently cut meat out of my diet.

>> No.12292119

They’re clearly both cut from the same cloth, you midwit.

>> No.12292327

you pompous rich kid

>> No.12292368

Is Carlson's book a good normie-friendly book I could give to vanilla "all immigration is good as long as its legal" conservatives to start them down a path farther right? I guess really the only way to answer my question is to read it myself but I kind of have more pressing things on my list and I want a nice not-too-radical book I can recommend that explains why neocon Bush/McCain/Kristol types are cancer.

>> No.12292380

Yes, to the point that my biggest criticism of Ship of Fools is that it sacrifices significantly to be more broadly appealing.

>> No.12292421

What do you mean? Do you think Carlson has a more nuanced worldview than he puts? I've read a few quotes and excerpts from the book posted here and on Twitter and it seemed to touch base with ideas that I didn't think a Fox anchor would dare bring up. One in particular that stood out seemed almost Jared Taylor-esque about how white Americans lack a group identity and that when they start politically acting with a group identity the US as a cohesive entity is over. It just seemed unprecedented to me considering what most books by these types of personalities cover.

>> No.12292445

Well, the sections that come to mind are the sections about the Middle East involvement, and the sections about the cultural shift away from free speech. He (probably in an effort to not seem conspiratorial) sort of shrugs his shoulders at what have been fairly obvious power grab, and presents it as being incompetence of well intentioned people rather than competence demonstrated by mal-intentioned people.

>> No.12292460

they're boomer-tier texts for psueds who dont read but shitpost on Twitter about reading

>> No.12292461


That isn't to say that Tucker's book is bad in any way, I just can tell he knows more than he is letting on. This pulling of punches is probably an intentional move, and may very well be the correct decision to make for the moment, it just rubs me as someone with "Based and redpilled" tattooed on my forehead as a bit gauche.

>> No.12292500

Good, I'd really prefer to recommend someone like this who's in the know and strategically spreading more and more information. That way if they do agree with him and turn to him as an authority he'll slowly lead them in the correct direction. It's kind of refreshing to see someone doing what he's doing, it's really the only way we'll be able to shift the window of discourse.

>> No.12292511

Yeah he really is one of the best entertainment figures that the west has seen in quite a long time.

>> No.12292597

Cringe. Keep the first row, Heinlein, and Codreanu. Get rid of the rest.

>> No.12292750

Trying to. It's the right thing to do.

>> No.12292769

Dead souls
Great gatsby
Trout fishing in america
Man without qualities

These all for free! Libraries rock.

>> No.12292832

the mcdonalds of books

>> No.12292843

>Berlin Alexanderplatz
>Sonnets to Orpheus
>The Theatre of the Absurd (Esslin)
>The Glory of the Empire

>> No.12292866

I just want to remind everyone in this thread that Evola was a cripple who literally believed in magic

>> No.12292878

Tucker Carlson is a bow tie wearing faggot.

>> No.12292879

Yeah but you have to give them back.

>> No.12292945

>Generation Identity
Literally Jewish subversion.

>> No.12292953

tasteful picture; good post.

>> No.12292976

The only book I got for Christmas is a collection of interviews with Kurt Vonnegut, which I am most definitely enjoying.

>Geography of Nowhere
Not sure how that fits in with the rest of your pile, but it's a great read if you can ignore the the fact that Kunstler comes across like a whiny cunt.

>> No.12292991
File: 2.94 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20181226_225714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung's illustrations are crazy interesting

>> No.12292996

That's a pretty shit Cancer Ward over

>> No.12293014

Peterson is a fag

>> No.12293037
File: 2.17 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20181226_230724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12293049
File: 306 KB, 1523x2339, 81aoD4PwyEL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this from a christmas years and years ago that I never read because it looked boring, should I read it?

>> No.12293056

I got a Library of America collection of Vonnegut's works. What am I in for?

>> No.12293434

Enjoy. Cormac is awesome. Pretty Horses is one of my favorites.

>> No.12294123

Don't you see, he's such an idealist.

>> No.12294400

>sculpting in time
whoever gave you that is an amazing person

>> No.12294407

felix krull

>> No.12294497


>> No.12294549

That's not even neotrad reactionary stuff. It's all memes.

>> No.12294553
File: 21 KB, 400x400, a7c292c8135b9d4a25e193cb1a20491f_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you get family/GF to buy you decent books? All I got is translations from plebtier comtemporary Nordic thrillers 'cuz you like buks'

>> No.12294563

I got Sapiens and as insulting that is, at least it wasn't 12 Rules. I might ironically read it now that I have it.

>> No.12294682

Just checked out the two horror novels you mentioned. Seems neat. Going to order them when I'm done with my current stacks. thanks for posting.

>> No.12294702

Saved this photo. Literally all the topics I'm interested in right now.

>> No.12294892


>> No.12295777
File: 421 KB, 160x220, Sebastian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do these books correspond with me being a "pompous rich kid" exactly?

>> No.12295800

were you also gifted that stick up your ass or did you have it from before

>> No.12295895
File: 2.78 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20181227_022934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you figure?

>> No.12295929

This isn't pasta though already stale

>> No.12295988
File: 1.56 MB, 960x1274, 6A0F9877-AE3C-470B-9FA5-36FC86D517C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides this I got socks and shirts and some cash.

>> No.12295995

12 rules for life

>> No.12296028

In my master’s program for psych, program is heavily trauma-based

>> No.12296050


>> No.12296063

Both Burger left and Burger right suck too hard, tbqhwy.

>> No.12296076

where does this meme come from, this assumption that anybody right wing has never truly "exposed" themselves to left wing literature? seems like a generic cope whenever someone doesn't align with your own beliefs
really quite pathetic

>> No.12296082

>everyone receiving books from their parents
what books do you buy for them

>> No.12296089

Yeah I get that, but I got On War last Christmas and still haven't read it

>> No.12296102

Mine is into historical fiction, so for her birthday, I got her "Circe" which might have been a mistake desu. But she liked "Red Tent" so

>> No.12296137

why does no one buy taocp anymore

>> No.12296447

Got The House of the Dead by Dosto
Great haul

>> No.12297147

really good stuff

>> No.12297165

Newman is great

>> No.12297264

Keep it up, man.

>> No.12297273
File: 2.38 MB, 1166x920, booksxmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Top Tier taste anon. For my Legionaries is an excellent read.

Pic related is my Christmas haul

>> No.12297289


>> No.12297318

Hello there, Canadian

>> No.12297322

based and redpilled

>> No.12297332

>>think for more than 30 seconds about why those countries are shit
>>become race realist

>> No.12297339

They were disputing that the books weren't leftist, not that the beliefs were incorrect. Are you illiterate?

>> No.12297395

Things Fall Apart, American Dialogue, and The Long Loneliness. I'm particularly excited to read based some Dorothy Day

>> No.12297405

I can't remember where I got it from but no, it's been with me for a long time.

>> No.12297455


>> No.12297458

>Tfw got them and pinkers book

>> No.12297630
File: 117 KB, 804x597, CatFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a weak faggot

>> No.12297747

They were disputing that the books weren't leftists based on the fact that this guy fought in a war. Then he tried to discredit me by shaming me for not fighting in that war. It's hero-worshiping bullshit.

>> No.12297788

Excellent keuze, waarde nederlezer

>> No.12298606

Do you have a lot of illuminated manuscript books?

>> No.12298685
File: 3.32 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181228_010424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got one book because I'm trying to actually finish every book I own and further save money by using the library