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12285297 No.12285297 [Reply] [Original]

dad just ruined family christmas dinner (again)
any good books on family relationships?

>> No.12285317

what happened

>> No.12285325

Hey my dad did the same thing. Sorry anon.

>> No.12285330

he and my aunt (his younger sister) always get into the exact same argument every year and i used to be on his side, but the more i have to hear almost the exact same argument every time we have a big family event the more i start to blame him, because he always instigates it and then forces everyone to pick sides. it's just so tiresome. rest of the family is starting to catch on though, and they don't care as much now so he just sits in my grandparents guest bedroom and pouts while everyone cleans up or goes home.

>> No.12285336

What's the argument

>> No.12285342
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You know it.

>> No.12285387

my aunt is very christian and conservative and my dad is a super lefty atheist, you can see where issues arise.

>> No.12285414 [DELETED] 

pretty ironic this happens at the christmas dinner

>> No.12285476

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.12285482

>you can see where issues arise
Your dad still being in his teens?

>> No.12285484
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The brothers Karamazov

>> No.12285494
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Jesus Christ, never bring politics into family meeting.

>> No.12285506

it's not directly about politics, it's just they have opposite views on everything. their differing views on politics just means neither of them respect each other and they have totally different value systems.
yeah, sometimes he acts really childish, he's embarrassing to be around tbqh

>> No.12285519

Used to happen between my father and me too.
He's very racist and politically nihilistic

I would recommend Fathers and Sons by Turgenev