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12285033 No.12285033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Life feels blank lately. I'm worse than an observer, I don't understand what goes on around me .
I thought that active politics might bring me back to life but as I stated I don't understand anything.
I don't know what a libertarian is, or a republican or leftist or wathever .
Is there a book that will direct me on the right track?

Or podcast, youtube, site, wathever...

>> No.12285038
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Does this help?

>> No.12285040

You'll have to read a shitton kiddo.

>> No.12285077

Politics are beyond the grasp of individuals. There are many theories, many "certainties", but we never agree on anything, we never get anywhere, we harken back to golden ages which didn't really exist or only sort of existed - politics is a refuge for guilty people, politics is a refuge for those without love for anything in their lives, if you do not understand politics it's because noone really does, at best you might understand one slice of politics rendered like some mathematic theory that plugs nicely in to a rounded picture of life which noone shy of god or God can understand. Do not worry about grand scheme politics there is only the Issue and where it finds itself inside your life. Politics as a final world is a turning away from life, it is a place for the fearing and the power mad and it is a place of imagination. Turn away from politics, find a woman you love and find a job you love and be content without knowing.

>> No.12285078

I know that much.
Hopefully I will find the dedication to get a grip

>> No.12285080
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Chapo Trap House are a bunch of Jews and retards who worship a child murderer.

>> No.12285082

left lib doesn't make sense, it should be "ban rules" or something like that.

>> No.12285086

>child murderer
who would that be

>> No.12285094

Pick any communist to ever live. Marx is an easy one.

>> No.12285102

>this is the intellectual level of an anti-communist

>> No.12285104

>Politics as a final world is a turning away from life, it is a place for the fearing and the power mad and it is a place of imagination.

I welcome that. I want to burn, chase ghosts and abstractions.
Delusions are my last hope right now.

>> No.12285116


>> No.12285132

Karl Marx's children starved to death because he was too lazy to get a real job.

Justice, really. They became the first Good Communists. I can imagine Marx's face, his frustration as his disgusting Jewish spawn slowly wasted away in front of him. What a just thing, that the children of Communists should be condemned to starve. Thieves deserve to starve, you know. Redistribute those calories to the masses.

And what is more embarrassing, being dumb, or objectively and one-sidedly losing an ideological war with dumb people? Stay cringe. Go pick up a rifle and get yourself redistributed to the soil, dog.

>> No.12285139

>ban rules
>but you still have to use my pronouns
>what do you mean I'm not really a houseplant?
>ban facts
and we're right back where we started

>> No.12285144

Oh wow, is this politics ?

>> No.12285147

Marx literally just wrote his whole life. wtf are you on about? My guess is that you will say the USSR did or some shit. But using your logic then the Americans who killed kids in the middle easts means all major capitalists are child murderes.

>> No.12285149
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yikes fella

>> No.12285150

>this is what a communist thinks an argument is

>> No.12285153


>> No.12285164

>But using your logic then the Americans who killed kids in the middle easts means all major capitalists are child murderes.
Well unless the CEO of Johnson & Johnson Baby Wipes or some bullshit wrote the constitution, and that constitution explicitly stated to murder middle eastern kids, then no you fucking loon. Every rich faggot isn't complicit in the military industrial complex by virtue of being wealthy.

>> No.12285168

>Karl Marx's children starved to death because he was too lazy to get a real job.
One died from a fit and the other a fever. how tf is that starving? They were in poverty and as soon as marx was making money he did everything to help them. Much like most people back then that were in poverty. his conditions weren't special due to him being marx.

You're just repeating cold war propaganda. Next you'll say "100 GORRILION GOY"

>> No.12285169

pronouns aren't a defining feature of left libs though, "no rules" matches better with the other reductions anyway

>> No.12285172

But every communist is complicit in child murders right? You attribute child deaths under comunism to communism but don't attribute child deaths under capitalism to capitalism.

>Every rich faggot isn't complicit in the military industrial complex by virtue of being wealthy.

>> No.12285176
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>Communist loser writes incorrect fanfiction while his children starve to death
Wow what a hero. He wrote the Jew's guide to murdering children. No wonder the rest were so good at it.

Did you know that his daughters who didn't starve to death in their infancy, shot themselves later? Both of them! It's an incredible coincidence.

>> No.12285180

arguments require two willing parties. I'm happy to discuss why I dislike capitalism and how I think we should move towards a better society, but every time I try on this board I just get:
>lmao read an economics book
>lmao dumb commie
>lmao (((communism)))
>lmao get a job

>> No.12285182

>don't have a real job
>it isn't my fault I'm poor goy

Jewish rat's bloodline is dead. What a just outcome. Were there any survivors from his loathsome rabbinic brood?

>> No.12285186

>Did you know that his daughters who didn't starve to death in their infancy, shot themselves later? Both of them! It's an incredible coincidence.
wow just ignore the fact they lived to 60 and were sick so they killed themselves insetad of suffering. stop repeating propaganda. NOW. This shit is too easy to debunk

>He wrote the Jew's guide to murdering children
Kids in the USSR had a heather diet than americans lmao

>> No.12285188

>Believe non-empirical bullshit about Value
>Demand that the entire world be purloined by Jews because you don't understand econ
>Probably one of those faggots who wants to "punch nazis" AKA every single person in the world who isn't a Jew or a communist

You're a fucking criminal. That's all that being a Leftist is. Touch my property and I'll kill you. That's the only conversation there is left to have with you. Go get made into a corpse, thief.

>> No.12285190

>be born in to poverty
>pull slef out of it
>become one of the most influential thinkers of all time
wow what a lazy fuck. And yes he had many kids and his bloodline is still going today. soemthing you will never achieve

>> No.12285195

That's why ten million Americans starved to death in the Ukraine.
Oh no wait...

>> No.12285197

Kulaks deserved it you beta

>> No.12285203

>pull self
You mean mooch off of a rich industrialist's son while never holding a real job.

>influential thinkers

>many kids
Most of them starved to death in their infancy, the rest killed themselves.

Frankly I think his bloodline is extinct. If it isn't, hopefully they'll be killed. I know that Trotsky's grandson is in Israel, which is very funny--when the Iranians slaughter those people to the last man, I hope they scrape the flesh from his bones with knives while he is still alive.

>> No.12285208

>>Demand that the entire world be purloined by Jews because you don't understand econ
anon this is happening right now under capitalism. Commies literally want to stop that.

The rest of what you said is strawmanning. You aren't willing to engage in any debate. stop posting

>> No.12285210

You're thinking of the Jews who invented communism.

>> No.12285217

excellent demonstration, this anon has no idea what views are beyond me being an anti-capitalist (not even a communist! I could be an anprim for all this anon knows), instead of asking and starting an argument he chose to mock a number of beliefs he imagined I held and sprinkle the whole thing with hysterical antisemitism.

>> No.12285218

Nope. Jewish Communism is literally about stealing. You can of course criticize the Jewish nature of capitalism as well, but that's a separate debate. I don't think capitalism is even real, the word was invented to describe all existing systems.

>> No.12285226

>You mean mooch off of a rich industrialist's son while never holding a real job.
He worked and got paid as a journalist. That's how he got out of poverty. Then he met engels when he was out of poverty. Engels insisted he wrote instead of working.

>Most of them starved to death in their infancy, the rest killed themselves.
Which was the norm then for people in poverty. 18th century engalnd for the poor was hell. This is well documented. look at the infancy life expectancy then. The rest killed them sleves when they were old and sick.

You refuse to even google this shit then try to "debate" online. just stop repeating propaganda

>> No.12285229

There's no argument to be had. I'm here celebrating Christmas by reveling in the tortured death of Karl Marx's disgusting rat-faced children. What do your ideas matter?

>> No.12285243

>gotta shift those goalposts so the loser whose kids died isn't a loser anymore

Journalism isn't a real job. He was a failure who could've been a lawyer, but was too lazy. I don't see why this is a hill worth dying on. He's a nobody whose line is extinct. Didn't even write any significant works, have you actually read this "Law of Value" stuff? Reads like a twelve year old came up with it.

Maybe he asked his children for writing advice as they were doing.

>> No.12285245

>Jewish Communism is literally about stealing
They want the means of production. Which is owned by mostly jews. They want democracy instead of mr goldstein dictating everything.

> I don't think capitalism is even real
stop posting holy shit

>> No.12285249

i love literature

>> No.12285252

>People starve to death because socialist economic policies resulted in the government stealing their food and murdering people who resisted
>"Why are you blaming communists?"
>The US military drone strikes a restaurant to justify their contract with Northrup-Grumman

The fact that you think corporatism is capitalism means you don't actually know what capitalism is and are arguing from a place of complete ignorance. Let me know when you stop smelling your own farts compulsively.

>> No.12285254

yeh nah enough trolling Literally everyhting here is wrong. This is the last (you)

>Journalism isn't a real job
getting paid = real job. your feeling dont matter
>He's a nobody whose line is extinct
>Didn't even write any significant works

>> No.12285255

wow boots must be delicious, the way you keep licking them.

>> No.12285260
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>it's not real capitalism


>> No.12285261

>corporatism is capitalism

Lame. Capitalism is a mode of production. You're out of your depth. This whole thread you've jst been green texting and strawmanning.

>> No.12285264
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That's okay, I could listen to the sound of a toilet flushing on loop for a few minutes and get the general idea. You're not going to convince me that what is currently working doesn't work and what we know has never worked actually totally works.

>> No.12285268

>He said, the stale taste of leather, dirt and semen still in his mouth.

>> No.12285276

Capitalism doesn't have corporations. Corporations are a legal entity created by the state that leftists love so much.

>> No.12285277
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>The fact that you think corporatism is capitalism

>> No.12285284

philosophy tube did a decent series explaining what liberalism in all its forms is. start there.

>> No.12285285

>You're not going to convince me that what is currently working doesn't work
>wage growth dead
>recessions get worse every decade
>jews own almost everything
>environment getting btfo

>> No.12285291

>Capitalism doesn't have corporations

>> No.12285309

Yeah maybe if you write it in all caps it will suddenly be an argument.

>> No.12285310
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>umm sweetie corporatism isnt real capitalism
>btw everything is working just fine no changes needed nope nope nope only commies think the status quo is not fine

>> No.12285312

Are you seriously advocating communism as a viable solution to ecological problems?

>> No.12285315

>wage growth dead
Stop importing brown people.
>recessions get worse every decade
Stop rampantly printing money.
>jews own almost everything
Kick them out.
>environment getting btfo
Lmao fuck the environment, I'm on team human.

>> No.12285320

>capitalism works where unaffected by corporatism

>> No.12285324
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Good thread OP

>> No.12285327

how do you fix corporatism

>> No.12285329

It has and always will be defined as a mode of production. No arbitrary definition you saw on fb changes that.

>Stop importing brown people.
yeh im sure jobs that require 2 degrees are really being impacted by al the dumb brown people
thats what is keeping those wages down lmao
>Stop rampantly printing money.
yeh QE happened before the gfc i forgot
>Kick them out.
you cant kick people out for acting like a capitalist

>> No.12285340
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They are figurative and literal faggots who parade substitute teachers and social scum as the next proletariat and shit on real workers

>> No.12285354


You don't. Capitalists rightfully see the greed present in their ideals, yet they bitch when someone takes it to its logical conclusion. It's a dog eat dog world, and these retards expect the big players to abide by their muh fair market rules. Capitalism as defined by "righteous" (rofl) capitalists is just babby tier idealism.

>> No.12285374

Corporatism is a meme term that ignores the actual problem with trying to fit the pre-capitalist notion of a corporation into the free market https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2017/05/corporate-contradictions-neoliberalism/

>> No.12285382

If you want a purpose find a project where your actions can make a noticeable difference

>> No.12285395

Not my fault, had no idea this would happen

>> No.12285397
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As much as I loathe it, I love what this era of capitalism does to people. So entertaining

>> No.12285510

Capitalism is the free market. Corporatism is the government meddling in the market. Remove the government from the market and the problem is solved as there are no more mega-entities with legal shielding to get away with whatever they want.

>> No.12285513

>yeh im sure jobs that require 2 degrees are really being impacted by al the dumb brown people
So you're saying flooding the supply of labor ISN"T lowering the price of labor?
>yeh QE happened before the gfc i forgot
Literally just tear down the federal reserve bro.
>you cant kick people out for acting like a capitalist
Using government power to meddle with the market isn't capitalism, it's socialism that doesn't pretend to be moral, and we can kick out socialists.

>> No.12285514

You might as well be dead.
Feed your intuition elsewhere. Art, history, philosophy, sciences...

Personally speaking, I've never been interested by politics. Sure I don't know what's going on in my country with laws and regulations. But independent thinking is more important. They all complain, what does it change?

>> No.12285523

Dubs of truth

>> No.12285532

He was Christian in his early life. Portraying Marx as being outside the Western tradition is sort of disingenuous when you realize the European cultural tradition had been majorly influenced by Pauline Christianity.

>> No.12285541

What does it change you ask ?
I can be angry too. Anger is a feeling, it motivates.
Being passive, dead on all fronts except biological is ego death.
Cultivating my subjectivity is failing, and I sink.
From now on it's either Doom or Oblivion

>> No.12286096

except for the monopolies that would instantly form lmao

>> No.12286566

bruh the market necessitates the state, coinage only emerged as a result of conquest and expansion by empires

>> No.12286585

not even, it would go back to feudalism since private enterprises would need to defend their resources that were never theirs.

>> No.12286599

In case anyone skips the whole thread and just cares about the OP
Chapo is a fun podcast that has a general leftist position. So they might make fun of right wing think tanks, but they are making fun of particular bad pieces, the entertainment comes first. They're only really political when they interview political actors, nothing bad in giving them a chance but you're not forced to.

In my personal experience if you want /pol/ with less echo chamber or relaxed info wars with more checking and no screaming, I personally enjoy No Agenda. But be prepared for two old men falling for /pol/ tier memes, it happens now and then.

>> No.12286600
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>> No.12287632

Nobody knows what's going on. Nobody can. Just read the bible and hunker down for the coming economic collapse. China will become the next world power while the American empire dwindles. The economic failures of the United States will lead to an emboldening of Fascist and Communist movements throughout the country. All we can do is have faith in God, and do our best separate ourselves from the chaos of the world of man.

>> No.12288397

Politics is the highest calling a man can aspire to. It cannot be understood like a novel cannot be understood. Humanity is the greatest canvas, the only one that can supercede your own existence. To be content with fucking and eating until you die, to be content not knowing, is worth little more than to be content as a drug addict scratching in the dirt for hits of dopamine. It may bring you happiness, but of what value is happiness really? Does it matter to you if you were happy on this day last year? Do you remember if you were? It is true that politics is a place of imagination, yet you imply this to be undesirable. Politics is the arena where you may not only create, but create the conditions that best enable your slice of humanity to create. The life of a human being is small and worthless in comparison to the composite being of humanity. To lead and shape humanity is to mark an entity greater than you could possibly ever be as an individual. You turn from your life to the life of something bigger than a man.

>> No.12288409

>I'm here celebrating Christmas by reveling in the tortured death of Karl Marx's disgusting rat-faced children
Rent free get it?

>> No.12288415

"Ban facts and empirics" applies to right-wing as well. Plenty of right-wingers are against abortion and evolution even though their arguments are completely flawed and ignorant.

>> No.12288426

Imagine actually believing your party isn’t compromised at all lol

Bro it’s so bad Trump won. You know, the guy from the apprentice and WWE.

>> No.12288650

Lol check out this nerd