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/lit/ - Literature

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12281472 No.12281472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

OK so he is a boomer and is clearly wary about properly and directly addressing the issues of race and IQ and Jews.
But he is an intelligent man who clearly understands that you cannot openly call out the Jews publicly and get away with it.

However he is extremely vocal about:

>Feminism being full of shit and extremely toxic.
>The degeneration of Western culture.
>The ruination of subjects like sociology as taught at university.
>The utter retardation of Marxism, both the traditional form and also the 'cultural' form.
>The profoundly positive psychological and cultural influence of Christianity on Western culture.
>The unprecedented triumph of capitalism.
>The divinity of the individual and personal rights.
>The necessity of both the poitical right and the left, understood in terms of personality traits.

He also stands as an example of the success that follows when you thoroughly and deliberately get your shit together, which he clearly has done.

I am not a Petersonfag, I have a great relationship with my Dad lol, I work in mental health in the UK and have postgrad education in philosophy of mind and psychology.

I feel like peterson is the real deal so I'm just trying to understand the hate for this guy as is shown in this swamp of contrarian schizo cynicism lol.

>> No.12281501 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself bitch
Sage this shit

>> No.12281505

I like the guy, but I get confused when he mentions "post-modernism", and his whole christcuck angle is annoying. Other than that, he's right.

>> No.12281515

hes a conservative reactionary

>> No.12281519

Its just tankie tears.

>> No.12281529

To call what he does "sloppy scholarship" would be a compliment compared to what it actually is.

>> No.12281532

He brings here brainlet poltards with an agenda, and it's easy to disrubt their circlejerk by shitting on him

>> No.12281542

Most cucked groups hate him. (Atheists, the modern liberal left, tankies, /pol/)

>> No.12281574

This isn't a convincing counter argument.

>> No.12281578

/lit/ doesn’t give a shit about whether or not he “calls out the Jews” or talks about “race and IQ”. /lit/ doesn’t like Peterson because he’s (probably deliberately) very lowest common denominator. It’s nice that he goes out there and talks about important things and tries to be diplomatic, but at the same time he dumbs down the “conversation” he’s supposedly uplifting. At the same time he preaches the revivifying power of dialectic and personal growth, he’s actually just entrenching his own intellectual prejudices and fostering them in other people. And i wouldn’t mind if he were a cranky take-no-prisoners social commentator (think Allan Bloom), if it weren’t for the fact that his analysis is simply cringe and superficial. You see his appearances on Joe Rogan and think well oh cool he’s able to market his ideas and convey them in all kinds of settings. But he’s like that everywhere, including the classroom.

>> No.12281579

He is good as a self help coach for young guys, recommending basic literature but there are many subjects he is not well educated about. The first thing whic proves that you are a dumbass is the use of the term cultural marxism. Such thing doesnt exist. Its a fabrication by right wing morons. There is no cultural marxism manifesto. There is only one marxism which he hasnt really studied and all he does is parrot Orwell and Sozenytsin talking points as if their works are valid critisisms of Marxist philosophy. His concerns about pronouns and the legislation affecting language are valid but again when it comes to politics, sociology, economics, literature he has no great understanding. He is a decent psychologist and thats ok, and he does a good job in pandering to uneducated kids like yourself to make good money.

>> No.12281580
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Today I shall remind them.

>> No.12281584

>i work in mental health
first red flag
>i have post-grad education in the uk
>in philosophy of mind
>and psychology
you’re done and no one should listen to anything you say, id be actively wary of coming into contact with you.

>> No.12281587

>I feel like peterson is the real deal so I'm just trying to understand the hate for this guy

They fear he might be exactly that, that's why they feel they need to silence him to be secure.

>> No.12281590

>There is only one marxism
agree with everything except this there are a billion autistic interpretations of marx

>> No.12281603

Because most people on this board have dirty rooms and dirty lies and hate the idea that it is their own damn fault.

>> No.12281605

I think he represents a decent opposition to the overly leftist and SJW state of the Western world. You may not like him,, but he's necessary.

>> No.12281610

I don't trust liars and hypocrites and neither should you. He said apple cider kept him awake for 25 days straight which is both insane and physically impossible. He doesn't always lie straight up like that, it's usually a lie by omission like when he was asked a very straightforward question about Jesus. He responds the way any good charlatan does when cornered; they play with definitions. He didn't want to answer the question honestly because he knows the people he's trying to appeal to and manipulate would not like his honest answer.

He's a hypocrite about many things with one example being how he treated Faith Goldy at his free speech event. He had her deplatformed because he didn't like some of the people she was talking to.

If you need another reason check out Maps of Meaning. Here's an extract:

>I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, which was also a river. Her genital region was exposed dimly. It had the appearance of a thick mane of hair. She was stroking herself absentmindedly. She walked over to me with a handful of pubic hair compacted into something resembling a large artist's paintbrush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm several times to deflect her hand. Finally, unwilling to hurt her or interfere with her any further, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush gently and said, like a child, isn't it soft?

>> No.12281614
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You're delusional if you think he isn't more of the same just abstracted with various pretensions.

>> No.12281617

I don't understand why he doesn't hate niggers but other than that he's ok.

>> No.12281621

>sharing shit without context
You're a liar, too.

>> No.12281624

He's not a real Christian, he's what Nietzsche called a tarantula, the sort of person who vigorously advocates for a way of life without living it. He's also a zionist buttboy and on top of that a very middle of the road psychologist boomer who gets in e-fights with bots and talks all kinds of shit about things that he simply does not understand because I guess he thinks that if one has a degree in one humanity that one is qualified to speak on everything without having actually interfaced with primary sources outside of a few choice books. Furthermore he's become part of the manosphere-incel complex offering snake oil tonic books to vulnerable low IQ youths who grew up without masculine father figures in their lives when the only father they need to unfuck them is God the Father.

>> No.12281630

>he's what Nietzsche called a tarantula, the sort of person who vigorously advocates for a way of life without living it.
Was Nietzsche also a tarantula?

>> No.12281633

Peterson fans remind me a lot of Scientologists. They act just like them.

>> No.12281635

Ironically yes, but he probably would have been mad at you and written a long paragraph into one of his new books about how much of a dummy you are if you told him that.

>> No.12281636

>PHD graduate helping people with mental health shouldn't be listened to regarding a popular psychologist

Some people have no self awareness, sounds like a thoroughly good person. Post your CV bitch.

>> No.12281639

Ok fair point... but the whole cultural marxism BS drives me crazy. American right wingers blame him essentially for everything they dislike without ever reading any of his works. He is their eternal boogeyman.

>> No.12281648

4chan is inherently contrarian and hates everything popular. And that is a health mechanic because it allows us to discuss unpopular topics without being flooded by boring mainstream shit.

>> No.12281649

peterson=nietzsche confirmed

>> No.12281657

"Cultural marxism" is just a non-academic description of Intersectionality.

>> No.12281661

He didn't argue that OP is a bad person.

>> No.12281667

I tried watching him but the way he frowns to appear manly was off putting 3 seconds in, and his book covers scream self help.

>> No.12281671

Well it’s basically a sloppy conspiratorial term for a certain breed of postwar philosopher. Instead of engaging with these thinkers and critiquing the influence of their ideas lucidly (which people have done), the ‘cultural Marxist’ narrative is about noticing spooky connections and speculating about dark schemes and motives. It’s also a very broad label, and one which immediately sounds pernicious. Like Nazi.

>> No.12281673

>the way he frowns
thats so reddit of you

>> No.12281679

He is like those congo dandies, 100% insecurities.

>> No.12281683

He makes a lot of lies like that. In a debate with Harris he insinuated that he did or could do a lot of hallucinogens, in this really insecure way.
In that same Joe Rogan episode as the cider, he talked about lifting weights as if he had experience with and embellished his weightlifting experience.

He definitely let the fame go to his head. He also has a wife who is less attractive than he is, which is a problem if you're expecting to be giving advice to men imo.

This isn't even touching on his lectures, which sound like coked out ramblings. Not logically sound.

I don't hate him though. He's good for modern masculinity, modern intellectualism, IDW culture.

By his own definition, absolutely

He's not a real Christian... when the only father they need to unfuck them is God the father
Christianity is a cuck-to-power, slave religion

>> No.12281697

there it is, that word that confirms you have literally nothing to add to any intelligent conversation. please find God before returning to this board. /lit/ is a Catholic traditionalist board. the "Orthodox" rite is also acceptable.

>> No.12281707

Why did yaweeh created?

>> No.12281722

>He also has a wife who is less attractive than he is, which is a problem if you're expecting to be giving advice to men imo.
what the

>> No.12281748

/lit/ is an gnostic-occultist board on a collective quest toward immortality and Godhood

It says something negative about the kind of man you are
I say this as someone dating a less attractive girl

>> No.12281762

I think in Moneyball they mention that having an ugly girlfriend means you're insecure, but in Peterson's case, she's the woman he has known since a very young age, so, in a way, it's a special kind of relationship.

>> No.12281763

Maybe when you’re serial dating in your 20s or 30s, or if you have a trophy wife or are otherwise in some hellish Hollywood pseudo-marriage. When you’re in a genuinely life long marriage with someone no one gives a shit.

>> No.12281766

>He also has a wife who is less attractive than he is, which is a problem if you're expecting to be giving advice to men imo.
Well he was fucked up pretty hard health wise so I think he got a wife appropriate to his marketplace value. Also his daughter is pretty hot, so I am not sure he made a wrong decision. And I don't think he actively gives advice to men. His pseudo-stoic message is just something that resonates with aimless men.

>> No.12281785

even though peterson is correct about issues like political correctness and is dead on in some of criticisms about feminism he retardedly misrepresents marxism and postmodernism, and even more retardedly conflates the two and rambles on about "post modern neo marxists" and "cultural marxism."
the latter term is just meaningless and vague at best.

>> No.12281786

Good as in qualified to comment on what Peterson is all about you colossal autist.

>> No.12281793

If you say so. I could be doing better, and he'd absolutely want to be.

Look at the ego in him. Before he became famous he talked about wanting to buy a church where he preached about philosophy

Let's also look at this fact: they raised a depressed daughter.

They clearly did something wrong

>> No.12281796

Bannon is a much more competent right wing thinker...Then again thats why Jordan is currently having a career on youtube and Bannon was in the white house

>> No.12281797

post the SO JUNG HAD THIS IDEA, warosu ain't workin for me

>> No.12281805

Most people do something wrong. After thousands of years no one has perfected parenting.

>> No.12281827

Bannon is probably the worst communicator ever, besides Trump maybe. Every time I watch a debate or interview of the guy I feel bad for him, because he sucks so hard at playing the audience and getting his ideas across.

>> No.12281837
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Not tackling why the individualist view on race is a lie makes his entire effort a failure. You can tell people to clime a hierarchy all day, but down the street a religious or racial enclave will politically bargain and screw over the "noble individual" hiding behind the meme of equality while gathering special powers.

His writing reeks of a cursory reading of the philosophies he employs and the myths he loves writing literary analysis about. In 12 Rules for Life he never says anything about the bible outside of the first pages of Genesis, despite hand wringing about cultural Christianity.

He is just a boomer self help author whose help would only appeal to someone with no basis of any other belief or meaning. Just like the previous men of self help popularity, he will not effect change, he will just sell books.

>> No.12281855

An educated individual who is not controlled by collectivist spooks can easily climb any existing power structures. Only power structures based on immutable characteristics are a problem, because you can't climb those without trickery. And that is why they need to be eradicated.

>> No.12281873

>they raised a depressed daughter
Peterson himself suffered from depression all his life, so his daughter propably inherited the disposition.

>> No.12281877

Bannon is nowhere now and I doubt his european think tank is going to hit it big.

>> No.12281884

Sure you can find "success" but you won't effect change that will result in a better social environment to live in. Its a numbers game, and the groups that are coordinated and use strong identity markers tend to win almost every time. In terms of money, concentration, social saturation organized groups be them identity or corporate control the norms.

You can be an out standing individual or extremely popular but the norms that make society terrible are the will of the strongest groups. Usually these groups have a very goal oriented bend that makes them win out in the long run. There is a reason why all these old religions are around, or why neoliberal globalism is almost ubiquitous in the academics no matter how far left or right they lean. It's just a numbers game and no amount of romanticism from individualists will change that the reason things are, is the groups with aligned interests.

>> No.12281913

The thing is these groups are started and controlled by individualists. Just because the world is full of intellectual zombies controlled by few non-retarded people doesn't mean you should also turn into an intellectual zombie. You are basically arguing that you should turn into a chess piece when you notice that the world is a giant chess game instead of becoming a self-aware player.

>> No.12281932

The actions and end result of these self aware players is a combination of pure chance, momentum, and tradition. Sure you can become a super rich badass with views to change the world, and then the rich interconnected religious cultists still outnumber you ten to one.

I'm not saying it's impossible to effect change but it really is beyond your control no matter your wealth or charisma. It comes down to the self interest of other people in similar positions lining up with yours to make anything concrete happen.

>> No.12281936

The fact that his fans is entirely built on his attacks on bill C-16 which were entirely built upon a ridiculously idiotic interpretation of it which was debunked multiple times by Canadian legal scholars proves that he is just in this for publicity and money - not intellectual honesty and discussion.

Philosohy and history are not his fields yet he feels like he knows enough to comment on them. His idea of "cultural Marxism" and "post-modern neo-Marxism" are fucking retarded, especially when he accuses writers like Foucault of being a part of that non-existent group. Foucault died advocating for neoliberalism, not Marxist ideologies. He also stood against identity politics and much of what the modern left stands for.

Peterson is a hack whose popularity is based on the worst of his ideas.

>> No.12281938

>And that is why they need to be eradicated.
Why get rid of stat bonuses? Handicaps too, I suppose

>> No.12281944
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>> No.12281952

He’s a reactionary Tony Robbins, selling baby’s first self-help to his legion of gamer-gate-type young men. Outside of the echo chamber his fans have created, the man is without substance. He’s out of his depth in anything but psychology, and it’s clear that he hasn’t read the philosophers and thinkers he criticizes, and argues in bad faith against straw men. It’s hard for philosophers to even respond to his claims, because there’s so little though and rigour behind them.

>> No.12281956

Knowledge is so scant nowadays that a charismatic professor can easily sway a classroom of young stupid children.

Most of them are not evil. Jordan Peterson has no interest in doing anything but drawing attention and devotion to himself, and naturally hes good at hiding that fact from himself and his students.

He doesnt subscribe to any existing paradigm, purpose, group or ideology so he cannot be called a messenger. He isnt a genius, because geniuses are devoted slaves of their own creation.

Hes a fake prophet, an ego run amok, a razzler and dazzler, a dash of splendor and a spray of charm, a man who always suspected he would acheive greatness, became a mildly succesful professor, and could not resist the allure of a massive audience.

>> No.12281968

He literally has 30+ hours of him deconstructing the entire book of Genesis from a psychological perspective on YouTube. And will be carrying on with the book of Exodus in 2019. To say that he is just 'hand wringing over cultural christianity' is simply ridiculous.

>> No.12281979

He’s also clearly terrified by his success, and saying something wrong. He knows that the right who form his base of support eat their own, and that it’s a matter of time before he says something that they use to destroy him.

>> No.12281983

Depends on how you want to play. On a golden rule playing field ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you") you avoid the major risk of being at the receiving end of the immutable characteristic discrimination, but you also give up the potential benefit of being at the positive end of this collectivist game. Assuming you are more competent than most others, then this playing field would be a good bet.

>> No.12281987

cucked tradie cope post

>> No.12281990

>reactionary Tony Robbins
That’s good, I’m stealing that.

>> No.12282050

He cant answer a fucking simple question.
-Do you believe in God, yes or no?
>Well... I dont think important questions should be reduced to sound bites

A real christian would just confess to his faith on the spot.

The core principles of his books is just "Have balance between order and chaos". The way he divides the world up is nothing short of occult. He did a giant lecture on the opening of Genesis and completely mis-understood the fall. It isnt even a hard thing to grasp, it is explained in the Psalms, Romans, Corinthians and more. It leads me to believe he has no clue what he is talking about. I don't think his fandom knows either, if you ask a group of his fans what he thinks on x topic none of them will give the same answer.

>> No.12282070


Has anyone actually tried to read his academic literature? its even worse than the postmodernist literature he complains about all the time

>> No.12282079

He's like a cartoon of a psychologist. I love him for it but you can see why people hate him.

>> No.12282087

Some things he says I totally agree with, and some things I don't, which goes for many a public intellectual.

What is peculiar however is how famous and infamous he has become; especially considering he is basically a defender of the middle class, the group of people who just can't stop writing articles about how much of a Hitleresque character he supposedly is.

The fact that he wasn't just listened to for a bit, and then subsequently ignored forever like most intellectuals are, is actually what's fascinating.

>> No.12282101

That’s because he isn’t an intellectual, he’s a populist demagogue.

>> No.12282108

>its even worse than the postmodernist literature he complains about all the time
this. maps of meaning is written in this retarded wittgeinstein-esc style where instead of logic he just builds conjecture on top of conjecture

>> No.12282109

>he’s a populist demagogue.
that's just high brow name calling really

>> No.12282111

Well, even if I agreed with that assessment, the fact is that the media is who fuels his success by using the most asinine rhetoric, and not even managing to conjure a single competent journalist with any serious counter-argument to most of his psychological and political claims.

>> No.12282115

He's extremely boring, 99% of his insights I've heard so far can easily be found (usually developed even further) in hundreds years old books I've already read.
It's like Sam Harris: his reasoning is weak and you might as well read post-Humean empiricists plus some utilitarian theory.

>> No.12282127

Why should a journalist ever be expected to debate someone? They’re talking heads hired for their attractiveness and ability to read off a promoter without fucking up. Any time Peterson has been challenged to actually respond to intellectual criticism of his position, he either ignores or jacks up his speaking rate so no one can afford it.

>> No.12282133

No, it’s called nuance.

>> No.12282135

He seem to be stuck with debating Zizek at this point, which will at best be a chaotic shitfest. Too bad he is still hiding from more level-headed and rigorous academics, like Wolff. That would be the end of JP's career, if I have to guess

>> No.12282139

>love Truth
>love Nietzsche
pick one

>> No.12282143


>> No.12282147

>They’re talking heads hired for their attractiveness and ability to read off a promoter without fucking up.


But even in the GQ interview with what seemingly, at least at the beginning, could be a competent journalist who knew how to argue, her arguments eventually turned into basically just "No u".

>> No.12282153

people who like him shill him too hard, people who dislike him hate him too hard.
All posts about him are absurdly biased towards one side or the other and the insane amount of vague threads about him over time made even people who don't really know him too well start to hate peterson posting, not even necessarily hate the man himself

>> No.12282164

You know the ideological machine in society is excellent when a milquetoast liberal like Peterson can actually piss people off.

>> No.12282175

She probably ran out of the pre-written responses and questions that the studio provided.

Zizek will wipe the floor with Peterson because Zizek is an actual philosopher. But Zizek is borderline incomprehensible to the average joe, while Peterson's strength is feeding bullshit to the average joe and passing it off as expertise.
So all we will get is more entrenched ideological camps. The Peterson haters will confirm their hatred of Peterson; the Peterson lovers will confirm their incestuous love affair with a grifter.
This. I couldn’t care less about Peterson until his acolytes were on here spamming ten threads an hour. They might as well be Rick and Morty fans.

>> No.12282228

He’s got one punchable face, that’s for sure. Other than that, I have no idea who this is

>> No.12282246

>Zizek will wipe the floor with Peterson because Zizek is an actual philosopher.
Of course, but I'm sure that 99%of their viewers won't be able to tell (for example I'm sure that JP fans will immediatly dismiss Zizek for his antics and his tendency to costantly digress). It won't solve any question for its audiences.
On the other hand Wolff can chill the fuck out for 2 minutes and give answers that can be understood as such by virtually anyone.

>> No.12282254

I just watch his youtube videos that tell me why i can't get laid

>> No.12282263

He became successful and got his shit together by talking about getting successful and getting your shit together lol.

The truth is, 90% of people who grow up in shit families, taught shit habits and generally surrounded by poverty and bad education since their youth will be condemned for the rest of their lives by social and physiological factors related to hormone levels etc. rendering them FUCKED. They have no support network, their bodies physically are completely JUSTed etc. It's done.

If you are lucky to escape your upbringing then you are better than most individuals, even those who grew up well. However, for 90% of people, it is OVER.

>> No.12282265


>> No.12282297

This desu

>> No.12282302

Uhhhhh blood sugar levels? Insulin? When you eat noting but meat and fats for years, your body freaks out if it gets an influx of sugar like that.

>> No.12282314

Haha that sounds about right.

>> No.12282321

Look dude, it is physically impossible to stay awake for 25 days. The longest time ever recorded in a scientific setting is 11 days and 25 minutes. Peterson lied and there's no denying it. You piece of shit gullible cultists will believe anything.

>> No.12282378

He tries to be a guru. I dont appreciate his crocodile tears either. Hes a psychologist and hes very aware of his tears.

>> No.12282395

My roommate will not stop shilling him to me, I listened to a few things but I didn't find him anything special. Certainly not the boogeyman people make him out to be but I find him too vague and misunderstands things like postmodernism, christianity etc.

Anecdotally, after listening to him my roommate wont stop trying to psychoanalyze my dreams. I work nights and take melatonin on those days and have wildly vivid dreams. They surely aren't representative of my "childhood abstract fear of detachment and loneliness". Pretty sure Peterson talks about that stuff. He strikes me as the type of person to analyze every detail of dreams as if they have a deeper meaning rather than just being bits and pieces of your waking world seeping in to your REM state. I can't stand that kind of pseudo-psychology that's pushed these days and blame Peterson for him.

>> No.12282403

Fuck you faggot
Back to /pol/

>> No.12282417

SO JUNG HAD THIS GREAT IDEA if every person ate their own shit -now here's the bloody thing about eating your own bloody shit IT'S CHAOS and that's bloody terrifying and that.. is the belly of the beast.. The consumption of one's own feces is representative of the cannibalistic chaos of post-modernism so then what do you do when you're face to face with this terrifying shit eating dragon? lobsters are well known autophagyists and we're like 90% lobster DNA so you know that really tells you something and that's the bloody thing about Sam Harris, that he has better hair than I do it.. it.. well depends first on what you mean by lobster it's like what solzhenitsyn always said “now Sam Harris is a jew, and they're cold blooded too just like lobsters” you see.. thats what Hitler got right, he wasn't crazy it also totally depends on what you mean by crazy Not washing your penis? Now thats crazy. I have thought about this quandary for a long time, particularly in regards to Jung; for thirty years I've been ruminating on the best way to wash your penis and I haven't thought about anything else AND THE 20TH CENTURY TAUGHT US THAT LESSON PRETTY BLOODY WELL If you wanna conquer your shadow; really grind your heel into the bloody groin of the bitch. Clean your penis and respect the Chaos Lobster. It's in the book of Genesis.
There's postmodernism to fight; and ya bloody better accept it. the jews are older than trees, man! like, god, it's so sad! It reminds me of Pinocchio *sniff* a-and how he just wanted t-*wheeze*to be a boy well that's just the bloody thing! So when we really get to explore these ideas we realize really... we arent the ones cleaning the penis... IT CLEANS US! AND THAT's the BLOODY THING, it's like, you don't KNOW anything for CERTAIN - DO YOU? Whaat do you think you are smarter than Socrates? It's like, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN SOCRATES AND YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING, you might not even know ANYTHING. But people act like they know things all the time, and that's totalitarianism. It's like, wash your penis, read the Bible, YOU ARE NOT SMARTER THAN THE BIBLE, ok? So POSTCULTURAL NEOMODERNIST MARXISM IS KILLING US ALLL, we wuz lobstaz an shieeet CLEAN YOUR FUCKING ROOM AND THATS THE BLOODY THING RIGHT? YOU MUST SAVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS FROM CHAOS LIKE PINNOCHIO SAVED HIS FATHER FROM THE DEEPS. GEPETTO IS IN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST AND THAT IS NOT A PLACE YOU WANT TO BE. SO WHEN YOU FINALLY TRIUMPH AND SLAY THE DRAGON OF CHAOS THEN YOU ASK YOURSELF “WELL WHAT NOW” AND ITS LIKE RIGHT TAHTS A BLOODY GOOD QUESTION. BUT YOU MUST NOT GIVE IN TO THE POSTMODERNNEOMARXISTS and furthermore AND THAT'S THE THING ABOUT DOMINANCE HIERARCHIES, THEY'RE BLOODY ROUGH, BUT THEY'RE NECESSARY, AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE A CERTAIN PROCLIVITY TOWARDS DANGEROUSNESS WELL, SEE HOW FAR YOU GET WITH THAT BUCKO. And let me tell you, it was cold up in Canada AND THAT'S THE BLOODY THING ABOUT WASHING YOUR PENIS,

>> No.12282422

IT'S A BLOODY EXTERNALISATION OF YOUR INNER WORLD MAN, AND THAT'S SERIOUS. HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO CHANGE THE WORLD IF YOU CAN'T GET YOUR OWN BLOODY PENIS INTO ORDER So cold in fact that the nazis, in all their manical and pathological hatred wouldn't dare brave it. And *eyes begin to redden* I have been thinking, and trying to *pause while putting hand on left side of face* try to *ehem excuse me* trying to really sort things out in regards to a question I have been mulling over in my head for decades. *whipes a tear* If Nazi germany and Communist Russia just engaged in rough and tumble play instead of enveloping our world in chaos for those year, and the poor jews man, those bloody 6 million. who know what could have happend, its like, things might have gone a whole lot better.
Beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and beef and water and salt
the scientific literature is very clear about this. Now I want to be careful before wading into this quagmire because--and let's get one thing straight, bucko--I pharse my words carefully. VERY carefully. Well, imagine something roughly approximating fully conscious paralysis for 8 hours every night and you'll have an idea what it's like to contend with apple cider. and thats the thing about phrasing your words carefully man, thats the logos, and that's no bloody joke

>> No.12282427


>> No.12282450

Because it's like, in the Soviet Union they couldn't say the things they wanted to say, they had to fake allegiance and so on, we can tell SJWs today "Hey, not with your pronouns, bucko"

Clean up your bloody room, and penis (and penis)
Clean up your bloody room, and penis (and penis)
Clean up your bloody room, and penis (and penis, and penis)
You're postmodern Marxists, like grow up (up! ooh, ooh, ooh!)

It's like sort yourself out (out!)
Journey down and slay the dragon (slay the dragon)
Then save your father
like Pinnochio become a real boy (uh-uh-woo)
And my ego getting reborn
Like St. George upon that virgin
All this mythos on the deck
Look like I got that divine vision
All these upvotes on Quora
Ooh-wee it's my time
Me and Joe Rogan smoke blunts
Ooh-wee I'm online

Clean up your bloody room, and penis (order!) (and penis)
Clean up your bloody room, and penis (and penis)
Clean up your bloody room

When's the first time you asked yourself if you want happiness or fulfillment?
Or are you trying to act like you were reading philosophy before you came out here?
Clean up your bloody --

Sort yourself out, speak only what is true (WHOOP!)
Sort yourself out, speak only what is true (WHOOP!)
Sort yourself out, speak only what is true (WHOOP!)
Sort yourself out, speak only what is true (WHOOP!)
Sort yourself out, speak only what is true
These hierarchies are older than trees
Lobsters know it too, I'm telling you
How you find a mate? Competence and luck
Sort yourself out, find order in chaos
I like Bible stories, I like that old shit
I wanna hear more of it, gimme that hero shit
Gimme Pinnochio shit you trifling ho BITCH (bitch, bitch, bitch)
My language may have slipped up (slipped up)
You really need the context (the context)

Because it's like, in the Soviet Union they couldn't say the things they wanted to say, they had to fake allegiance and so on, we can tell SJWs today "Hey, not with your pronouns, bucko

>> No.12282478

I kind of want to also diss Peterson because it is the convenient thing to do. I think favorably he should have kept his saviour-complex at bay so as to not invite to the discussion the anthropomorphization of the ideas at hand. But the fact of the matter is that the man is an outstandingly good psychologist. Both as researcher but also theoretically and experimentally.

>> No.12282484

*any anthropomoprhization

Got to use that word

>> No.12282493

The fact that Peterson gets any fucking attention here at all is enough for me to know that /li/ is lost to normies and morons. So long 4chan, we had a good run.

>> No.12282576

>he’s actually just entrenching his own intellectual prejudices and fostering them in other people.
I can’t tell you how many zoomers take anything he says as the word of god. Try to talk with them about Marxism or Postmodernism and they just parrot Peterson. If you try to go any deeper than Peterson's taking points they freak out and don’t know what you’re taking about. Try to talk with a Peterson cult member about Deleuze or exchange-value and Marx’s actual theories and they’ll be dumbfounded. Peterson speaks to midwit republican zoomers and millenials, who are admittedly smarter than most people at least, about concepts and ideas they can’t understand and much less can’t argue about. For example, I was taking to one of my coworkers who’s a Petersonite and they said they were getting into philosophy because of him; I asked him who he was reading and he said Ayn Rand. He then went on to say that she was actually smart unlike these “postmodern neo-Marxist pink-haired feminist SJWs.”

He’s Sam Harris for reactionary neo-Protestants

>> No.12282624

Agreed, his psycho-analysis of the Bible, myths, and fairy tales are incredibly interesting to me. Unfortunately there is more money in being the voice for the disgruntled.

>> No.12282646

Undeniably so and I love the guy

>> No.12282681

man is a rope

>> No.12282683

Whats wrong with Ayn Rand?

>> No.12282687

she's kind of a cunt don't you think?

>> No.12282696

What, In what way? No absolutely not. I follow her philosophy. I don't understand all of it, yet, but I understand her metaphysics and sense perception fairly well so far.

>> No.12282755

I like a lot of literature on the fringe of acceptability that midwits hate but Ayn Rand has never interested me. I don’t agree with the other poster that she’s bad for “being a cunt”. That’s a bit brainlet-y. She just doesn’t strike me as deep, insightful or (to make up for it) good literarily. Admittedly I haven’t read her.

>> No.12282766

Read her philosophical works, she's actually a clueless, arrogant, shallow cunt. Truly unforgivable

>> No.12282807

What do you actually disagree with about her?

>> No.12282855

She does not argument any of her positions and partake in some of the most basic mistakes you can imagine. 2 examples: her ontology is based on the act of refusing any analysis of her ontology (if she says that something exists, that thing exists in the exact modalities she describes, and if you question it you are either an idiot or a saboteur), her whole morality and ethics is based on her inability to grasp the is-ought problem (again, if you have questions on the topic you are either a sabouteur or an idiot).
This happens because she literally discards philosophy in its entirety, with the principle of non-ontradiction as thr sole exception. Literally everything else is worthless, and of course she gives no argument on ANY of her statement, which are absolutely objective (and she won't ever explain you why.)

Basically imagine if Aristotle or Hegel (philosophers who wanted to systematize knowledge in its entirety starting from simplr concepts) were also stupid, incapable of arguing their point, and completely incompatible with ANY sort of discourse. Basically imagine if Hegel said that "Kant is a witch doctor" in order to disprove not only Kant but also everyone who was influenced by him.
Not even high school seniors are this bad at philosophy.

>> No.12282862

>JP fans will immediatly dismiss Zizek for his antics and his tendency to costantly digress

Have you ever seen a Peterson lecture?

>> No.12282866

Sure, but they do not seem to notice it (they even tend to praise him for being clear in speech and very rigorous in how he choses his terms, and they seem to truly believe in these praises).

>> No.12282881

I am unable to rebuke that. Not based on correctness, but on my inability. Good post, anon.

>> No.12282936

conservatives are centrist
reactionaries are right wing
which is he?

>> No.12282982

he is very vocal about refusing to use correct pronouns for trans people. this rubs people the wrong way.

>> No.12282984

I just look at him and ask why is he the one that gets popular? People act like the guy is going to cure cancer but I dont think what he has done is at all proportional to the praise he gets. Freedom of speech is important and I think he's simply a wake up call to a lot of youtube watching millenials that they won't be happy if they don't try to be. That's all obvious though. I'm also disappointed in things like Justin Bieber being popular. We could be living in a world where anything else has more recognition. I mean people will remember Bach for much longer but I'm still disappointed in a way. It's a stupid thing but how does one deal with it? I feel like I'm just being pretentious or focusing on the negative but the feeling is still there. The world could be worse though I guess.
Here's an interesting article too. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/2018/05/25/i-was-jordan-petersons-strongest-supporter-now-i-think-hes-dangerous.html
I don't watch much Pakman and he seems clickbaity but it's probably just taking advantage of the Peterson fatigue. He made a point that his fans are so rabid because they typically don't have a variety of intellectual influences or competing ideologies. They only have Peterson, so when someone attacks him you attack something that defines a large part of their worldview and thus they get defensive. It's weird that people get hype over Peterson but don't seem to be jnterested in other psychologists trying to advance the field

>> No.12283087

He goes against the status quo. That's it.

>> No.12283090

>call out the Jews
You realize Jewish people don't have a hive mind right?

>> No.12283095

jordan peterson is good

>> No.12283099


thats not even his position, he refuses to be legally compelled to speak a certain way.

>> No.12283105

His main position is to defend the status quo, and he is explicit about it. Also he prioritizes private matters rather than public ones: not only it is proper to defend the status quo, you should not even THINK about not doing so as long as your lifestyle is not virtually flawless.

>> No.12283116

p much this desu. When I came back to /lit/, couple of months ago (after taking a break for a while). it was filled with /pol/tards, pushing their agenda

>> No.12283126

He's spread like a virus in my 3rd world shithole too

>> No.12283137

>What's wrong with woman "philosopher"

>> No.12283221
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>Was Nietzsche also a tarantula?
All philosophy is resentment.

>> No.12283294
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I hate relativism because it pretends to emancipate but really keeps one regressed in the chains of his base desires.
But at the same time I hate conservative moralists and the anti-humanist oppressive model they preach.
Are there any leftist moral absolutists or at least guys that make value judgments that promote friendship understanding solidarity etc. Like Jesus but in the modern era

>> No.12283314

Die you tarantula

>> No.12283315

>that extract
Disgusting conservative puritan with dirty subconscious and repressed desires wants to change the world to alleviate his anxiety. Classic tale

>> No.12283317

That passage is actually based and almost makes me rethink my Peterson aversion. very evocative. Wish I’d had that dream so I could put it in a novel

>> No.12283383
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Read Jordanetics

>> No.12283391

that is the most retarded thing I've read on this board today, congratulations

>> No.12283407
File: 109 KB, 500x559, 1513464867979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I care about this man, this overhyped Jungian warlock? Jordan Peterson is himself an atheist and a shill for status quo liberalism. He's a popular media figure who writes self help books and puts an academic veneer on his followers' preconceived notions about pop-Marxism. He's a caricature of what an uneducated man thinks an educated man should be. He's a physical embodiment of the fundamental weakness of a decadent modernity rendered impotent by just a few short decades of "deconstruction" by aids-ridden subhuman ideologues. But I should clap for him because he BTFO some tranny by calmly refusing to address them as bojangle-gendered?

>> No.12283434
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Peterson is a total fucking moron that doesn't understand anything he talks about and just shills to all the anti-sjw neckbeards for money.

>> No.12283441

I actually snickered at the bottom part.

>> No.12283507

he is canadian enough to hate him

>> No.12283554

an example of Dunning-Kruger

>> No.12283586

>The profoundly positive psychological and cultural influence of Christianity on Western culture.

I live in a small town in country Australia. I have never been to church before, people tell me to visit the largest and most popular Christian church in town. I have been fully informed by /pol about the jews (they wouldn't have a clue about my power level) My first time visiting the church I realise the pastor is a jew. I mean this is the first time seeing a jew in real life. He looks exactly like the meme, hunchback, old and constantly begging people to cough up money/ donations. He acts like he is just another everyday person, but I know exactly how he is manipulating people with words because Im manipulative myself and I have been informed. I won't go into too much detail but after a few weeks I started brushing my hair in an alt right fashion which reveals the birthmark on my forehead (it's in the bible, look it up) in the next week's people around town are giving me the 'Hail Hitler' salute from their cars as I walk past. One woman says as I walk by 'here he comes marching down the street again' next week I go to an afternoon session which is 'more intimate' he asks the small group do they know what the logo's is? I wait for everyone to give up and then answer the question at the last minute, asks more questions and I answer them all. Over the next week's I start asking too many questions around the church and they start asking me subversive, backhanded questions questioning every aspect of my life with Ill intent while giving nothing away about themselves. Let me give you a few tips, they will want you to 'sit on the couch's or in the area for new people, this area is bugged with a hidden camera and mic, they will ask all sorts of personal questions. Anyway, I found out that Jews can do majkc and cast little evil spells. They also find out personal information and then say it in public. They touch you on the shoulder, which is incredibly disingenuous, I touched him back on the shoulder and he nearly had a heart attack.

>> No.12283593

>you're an autist because I can't express myself properly
Okay, bubbah.
>someone who works with mental health patients is qualified to comment on what Peterson is all about
Fair enough.

>> No.12283625
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I think he would be better if he just focused on psychoanalysis and how to live a good life but then he delves into philosophy and either shows complete ignorance like in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHtvTGaPzF4 or reveals himself like a sophist just trying to play semantic games in order to justify his philosophy

>you see Santa is actually real if you think of santa like an archetype, and you say you dont believe in Santa but you actually do because the role it played in the story of your life, its not like im redefining words or anything

>> No.12283658

>Zizek will wipe the floor with Peterson because Zizek is an actual philosopher.
Zizek is generally pretty weak in live debates.
It will just be the two of them talking past each other for a couple of hours like every other "debate" of this kind and either side will already be assured that their guy won.

>> No.12283672

>I'm also disappointed in things like Justin Bieber being popular.
Hey Granddad, Justin Beiber hasn't been relevant since 2013. You tried though.

>> No.12283853

>>The profoundly positive psychological and cultural influence of Christianity on Western culture.
>shills Explaining Postmodernism by Stephen Hicks, the book where Hicks, being the midwit objectivist cuck he is, brushes away all scholasticism as irrational

what did the lobster man mean by this

>> No.12283868

it's literally true though, conservatives are just 10-20 years delayed progressives and have never conserved a single thing

>> No.12283888

Not much of an opposition, but reformist. He is not dangerous to system itself. If you think systems only flaw that it's not efficient enough, you may like him. Myself I am edgy and want everything to burn, so I don't see much value in him or his teachings.

>> No.12283889

This, how is it possible to watch his manierisms more than 5 min?

>> No.12283892

>burn your penis
sounds just like the mainstream narrative desu

>> No.12283902

>Feminism being full of shit and extremely toxic.
and the ideology was created and is promulgated by the jews and their puppets
>The degeneration of Western culture.
as propagated by the jews
>The ruination of subjects like sociology as taught at university.
thanks to the jews that teach said subjects
>The utter retardation of Marxism, both the traditional form and also the 'cultural' form.
it being an ideology generated and fought for by jews. Also, reminder that Peterson has a huge mural of Lenin in his house.
>The profoundly positive psychological and cultural influence of Christianity on Western culture.
the same christianity created specifically to fight against judaism - the new testament is all about fighting the pharisees and scribes (aka the rabbis that were writing the talmud and zohar) and modifying the rules of the old testament (aka the jewish tanakh - by the way, the pentateuch is the torah).
>The unprecedented triumph of capitalism.
a triumph trying to be subverted and destroyed by jews, the biggest example being the Weimar republic.
>The divinity of the individual and personal rights.
until the jews try to take those from you
>The necessity of both the poitical right and the left, understood in terms of personality traits.
which is retarded. "The right" and "the left" mean fuck all. Focus on the issues, not on the labels.

What else would you expect from Juden Peterstein though? He's the textbook definition of controlled opposition.

>> No.12283934

>In a debate with Harris he insinuated that he did or could do a lot of hallucinogens
Yeah, when Harris talked to that other neurologist that one was like "I can't admit to a crime, but if you're serious about researching the human mind, you experimented with psychedelics, simple as that." Like, it's too useful to ignore it, and it's incredibly common, but nobody outright admits it, because it's illegal, but you still don't have to be a little bitch about it like Jordan. Jordan is even Canadian, so he has access to a range of legal LSD and Shroom analogues that have literally the same effect as the original due to being converted into it in the body, and with proper QC from a real business, so IDK what his problem even was.

>> No.12283944

His daughter also had an very rare crippling disease of idiopathic arthritis which essentially has no cure that she suffered from all her life. It's hard to imagine coming out of that absolutely happy.

>> No.12283947

What do you think about ContraPoints' video on him?

>> No.12283953

Yeah, she's also extremely retarded. How sad...

>> No.12283954

How many altrighties and /pol/shits are Christians?

>> No.12283969

>if I hate on someone who is popular and considered smart it'll make me look smart
that's the logic behind people who blindly hate him because of insecurity, though some people do have valid criticisms of him the majority and just insecure

>> No.12283984
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Some people just draw the short straw

>> No.12283991

It's just butthurt neonazis, commies, and trannies (but I repeat myself). No one else is insane enough to spam hate threads about a milquetoast boomer liberal self help guy every single day for the past three or so years.

>> No.12284009

I never thought I would see Peterson cultists defend his incest dreams.

>> No.12284028

Ignoring the fact that being a conservative isn't an opposition to all social progress, how do you know conservatives haven't conserved anything?

>> No.12284033

I don’t like Peterson but the dream is good

>> No.12284039
File: 2.52 MB, 1579x989, b89b4wllxfs11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a Koch Brothers shill:

1) He first came to prominence at Rebel Media. Rebel Media has received funding from The Middle East Forum - The Middle East Forum has received funding from DonorsCapitalTrust - DonorsCapitalTrust was established by the Kochs. Ezra Levant previously worked at The Frasier Institute, the Kochs principal Canadian think tank. Before that he he did his internship at the Charles G. Koch Foundation.

2) He pals around with Dave Rubin, who is Koch funded.

3) He has appeared at TPUSA events. TPUSA is funded by at least 4 different groups that the Kochs fund. Also attended were Ben Shapiro, who is sponsored by Young America's Foundation which the Kochs fund, and Kellyanne Conway who is on the Independent Womens Forum which the Kochs fund.

4) He recommends Koch funded thinktanks like Institute for Humane Studies, Cato Institute, etc

>> No.12284043

What's good about it?

>> No.12284050
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And here he is at another TPUSA event with Sebastian Gorka

The Kochs are funding numerous groups targeting college students: TPUSA, Young America's Foundation, Generation Opportunity, Speech First to indoctrinate them into their economic worldview

They are also promoting these 'IDW' thinkers to targeted the disaffected young male demographic, towards the end of Democracy in Chains a Koch linked thinker is quoted talking about how this is an ideal group for them to select to promote their ideas to.

And then, there is this quote:

>In support of building their own youth movement, another speaker, the libertarian historian Leonard Liggio, cited the success of the Nazi model. In his paper titled "National Socialist Political Strategy: Social Change in a Modern Industrial Society with an Authoritarian Tradition," Liggio, who was affiliated with the Koch-funded Institute for Humane Studies (IHS) from 1974 to 1998, described the Nazis' successful creation of a youth movement a key to their capture of the state. Like the Nazis, he suggested, libertarians should organise university students to create group identity.

>> No.12284059

It’s very Freudian and tactile. I wish I could come up with imagery as picquant as that

>> No.12284063
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>> No.12284076

Was this written with a random adjective generator, Mad Libs style?

>> No.12284086

He names the atheist. Hes done so much for the Christian faith and I respect him for that even if he is a fake Christian as some people are claiming. The only people I see hating on him are tankies, SJWs and contrarian /lit/fags.

>> No.12284094

muh koch brothers is the pizzagate of the left

>> No.12284172

An erudite moron who believes marriage is the solution to all men’s problems. What a wanker.

>> No.12284189


Not really, dude. They actually are pretty influential donors and had a lot of influence on my old university’s Econ department.

They’re donors on the opposite end of politics from Soros. Other than that the only thing they have in common is they both think Trump is a dick.

>> No.12284193


The Kochs are pretty moderate and conventional compared to a lot of those alt right types. They’re evangelists for supply side economics mostly.

>> No.12284198

He is pretty nutty. He was on a quasi-“fast” that involved eating only dried meat cured in salt water for weeks at a time

>> No.12284202


Steve B is an alcoholic whose Hollywood connections got him the job, same with Mnuchin except Mnuchin actually gives more of a shit about his job

Although I do suspect Mnuchin is also behind a lot of the “me too” astroturfing going on in Hollywood

>> No.12284204


His views on socialism are shared by most North American conservatives and even historically many moderates.

>> No.12284213


Atlas Shrugged had some good prose and descriptions but every 100 pages was “I’m 14 and this is deep” level content

>> No.12284217


Have you ever read an article about Peterson? New media journalists think he’s the darling of 4chan. But your Angela Nagle types also think 4chan’s user base has a group boner for racist alt-right bullshit so we can all take that analysis with a grain of salt

>> No.12284237
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I keep repeating, this shit is just a religion surrogate for all the fedora edgelords who in the end couldnt find peace and purpose in "muh science". Then this dude comes all confident-like with dragons and all the wishy-woshy bullshit and everyone just ate it up...

>> No.12284295
File: 37 KB, 499x499, hehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson is just the symptom of the material conditions in our current society. Millions of people take college educations with the hope of actually getting productive work, and instead they end up being socialized into producers of ideology for the capitalist class, or working at Wal-Mart.

His whole gnostic shtick is a fetishization of capitalism; the right-wing and left-wing need to argue back and forth in some sort of dialectic, as if they ever were on even footing, and meanwhile this dialectic is supposedly solving problems in society, the rich bail themselves out of financial crises using taxpayer money, and continue to accrue more wealth in general.

Always remember;

Ideology is the tool by which a person unites what they want to be true, with what serves their own interest.

>> No.12284314

OP here. I've only left one other comment on this thread, and its not that one.

>> No.12284335

Of course they donate to their pet causes just like all the other billionaires out there. The point is that the left treats them as the literal cause of all evil, and that anything that was in any way even partially financed by them is pure evil.

>> No.12284355

The Kochs are not moderate they are extreme ideologues, they are the ones pushing for the dismantling of all social services, tax cuts for the rich ultimately leading to the end of income tax and estate tax, selling public assets, taking no action climate change, privatising education, etc
They are behind the various Republican state legislatures gerrymandering and disenfranchising voters

>> No.12284378

His philosophy boils down to what parents tell their kids anyway, which is not to be a piece of shit. People just like hearing it from someone they aren't close to.

>> No.12284393

He's naive as shit and has no grasp on History. He's retarded. And so are you for defending him when he comes out with dumb shit like "women weren't oppressed in the past, just think of it as, uhhh, working 'together' to survive".

He's also a bit of a shekel maestro himself, if you look at his now debunked self-authoring program.

>> No.12284428

The average /lit/ poster is more psychoanalytically oriented just by virtue of reading 2 Dostoyevsky books. Peterson is as close to psychoanalysis as I am to being a functioning normalfag

>> No.12284433

I would dick her desu

>> No.12284439

But I'm
>>12283315 not a Peterson cultist

>> No.12284442

Why do ultra-rich faggots care about changing the world? They are already in their 70s and have fulfilled every worldly desire there is.

>> No.12284462


Snake oil salesman for mediocre youth. I like to help my fellow man so I don't need this musty dude telling me it's ok to be reactionary garbage, thanks.

>> No.12284476

To make them richer?

>> No.12284480

Peterson is a classic 'mental terrorist'. Someone who talk about some work or idea or person in such a terrible and obfuscating way that you walk away knowing less on whatever he is talking about.

>> No.12284599

comunists hate him cuz he wrecks communism.
feminists hate him cuz he wrecks feminism.
nazis hate him cuz he wrecks nazis.

thats basically it.

>> No.12284670

haven't seen it but it's garbage

>> No.12284674

just a regular instathot, nothing special about her

>> No.12284682

because conservatives change positions all the time and don't have a positive version of the future, the only conservative vision of the future is "whatever progressives want but slower"

>> No.12284687

Define conservative

>> No.12284691

Their wealth and desire for power allows them to and that's about all there is to it.

>> No.12284697

whatever political parties that self-identify as conservative have been doing and achieving

>> No.12284712

Jesus Christ, how do you not occasionally forget to breathe?

>> No.12284716

down worry, you'll understand when you outgrow boomerism, it takes time

>> No.12284726

I wish you were capable of realizing how stupid that was, and now you're speaking in memes. Of course that would happen.

>> No.12284731

you know it's true in your heart, calling me dumb won't change that little voice behind your head

>> No.12284891 [DELETED] 

The Kochs believe they are right and they know best
They want to bend everyone to their point of view and compel people by removing alternatives to accept their view of how things should work
Is this autism? Sociopathy? I am not qualified to say.
They're involved in things they don't have a financial stake in.
Obvious Koch Industries is involved in fossil fuels so they are going to be heavily involved in denying climate change and campaigning against Public Transportation

But the Kochs have zero financial interests in healthcare/insurance and education
Yet they equally fund massive campaigns against Public Healthcare and Public Education fund the campaigns of Politicians that promote Charter Schools

I think their involvement in education has a very dark motive

1) Their father was the co-founder of the John Birch Society, the Birchers opposed the Civil Rights Movement and School Integration

1) Their principal financial 'guru' has been James McGill Buchanan, he got his start in Virginias campaign against Integration where he crafted the concept of Charter Schools as a means of formulating an argument against Federal intervention that would be stripped of racist rhetoric - under the guise of 'consumer choice' schools that would be all white could be created

3) Today the Kochs back Charter Schools, their network campaigns for them and politicians supporting legislation for them
And one of the criticism of Charter Schools (after the fraud and poor outcomes) has been that some have been taking on the characteristics of segregated schools

These three points, Buchanans other work and other groups and individuals and institutes the fund that are too great a digression to go into, lead me to believe that the Kochs seek to create a diffuse unspoken form of segregation created and enforced through permanent economic disparity under the guise of a selectively warped 'free' market

>> No.12284896

so a right wing Soros conspiracy theory?

>> No.12284905

Soros is not doing anything, he is a rightwing bogey man

>> No.12284912

They're in their 80s
The Kochs believe they are right and they know best
They want to bend everyone to their point of view and compel people by removing alternatives to accept their view of how things should work
Is this autism? Sociopathy? I am not qualified to say.
They're involved in things they don't have a financial stake in.
Obvious Koch Industries is involved in fossil fuels so they are going to be heavily involved in denying climate change and campaigning against Public Transportation

But the Kochs have zero financial interests in healthcare/insurance and education
Yet they equally fund massive campaigns against Public Healthcare and Public Education fund the campaigns of Politicians that promote Charter Schools

I think their involvement in education has a very dark motive

1) Their father was the co-founder of the John Birch Society, the Birchers opposed the Civil Rights Movement and School Integration

2) Their principal financial 'guru' has been James McGill Buchanan, he got his start in Virginias campaign against Integration where he crafted the concept of Charter Schools as a means of formulating an argument against Federal intervention that would be stripped of racist rhetoric - under the guise of 'consumer choice' schools that would be all white could be created

3) Today the Kochs back Charter Schools, their network campaigns for them and politicians supporting legislation for them
And one of the criticism of Charter Schools (after the fraud and poor outcomes) has been that some have been taking on the characteristics of segregated schools

These three points, Buchanans other work and other groups and individuals and institutes the fund that are too great a digression to go into, lead me to believe that the Kochs seek to create a diffuse unspoken form of segregation created and enforced through permanent economic disparity under the guise of a selectively warped 'free' market

>> No.12284913

Reminder to ignore Jordan Peterson troll spam. Engaging with Peterson trolls is exactly what they want.

>> No.12284919

this >>12284896 was for >>12284912 before it got deleted, if Soros is a conspiracy, Koch bros is structurally identical to that conspiracy

>> No.12284940

and I repeat: Soros is not doing anything, he is a rightwing bogey man

The Kochs are getting shit done - those lame duck sessions in Wisconsin and Michigan stripping authority from positions Republicans lost are carried out by their cronies.

The gerrymandering and voter suppression comes from their cronies, Americans for Prosperity campaigns for it, ALEC writes the legislation for it.

This is all part of the "locks and bolts" on democracy protecting the interests of an elite few that Buchanan advocated and they are enacting through their network

>> No.12284948

just are just saying your opinion, it means nothing

>> No.12284960

>and I repeat: Soros is not doing anything, he is a rightwing bogey man
he literally has a foundation to do things, are you saying that his foundation is completely ineffective? or are you saying that everything the foundation does is neutral so nobody should care? or are you saying that everything the foundation does is good so any good person should agree anyway with what he is doing?

>> No.12284962

Its not opinion, I gave examples of how Americans for Prosperity campaigns for the politicians doing these things and ALEC writes the laws
You want concrete citations? Okay: https://www.reddit.com/r/KochWatch/comments/9uzj7m/the_republican_party_is_literally_taking_over_the/?st=jpcqtszf&sh=4f4bf479
The guy running that is a machine but he is very thorough

>> No.12284964

Hes not extremely vocal about any of that. His definitions and positions litteraly change with the wind and "political" convenience making him the textbook definition of a dishonest cuck.

>> No.12284966

DonorsTrust, DonorsCapitalTrust, Reason Foundation, Cato Institute, Institute for Humane Studies, ALEC, Americans for Prosperity, Generation Opportunity, Speech First... you want me to keep going? They're all Koch.

>> No.12284972

>Concrete sources

Did you even read the sources? They are things the Republican party are doing that are loosely being connected to the Kochs machinations with no concrete evidence.

>> No.12284975

Americans for Prosperity campaigns for the politicians advancing their agenda and ALEC writes the laws for them to introduce, and they are getting a lot of shit done across many states.
Can you show me anything remotely like that for Soros?

>> No.12284976

so? rich people intervene in politics to lead things the way they want, both Soros and Koch bros are doing it, and there's absolutely no conspiracy because they have foundations and do it openly

i'm not disagreeing with any of this

>> No.12284981

>no concrete evidence
>they are all Koch backed politicians
>and it is advancing their philosophy
I think you're the one who hasn't read it

>> No.12284984

>Can you show me anything remotely like that for Soros?

>> No.12285122


Sorry for mass reply, but Anon, that's just false. Nietzsches tarantulas have the characteristic quality that they are preachers of equality when in fact they long for vengeance.

Direct quote:
>"Vengeance will we use, and insult, against all who are not like us"--thus do the tarantula-hearts pledge themselves.

Saying that they are people "who vigorously advocates for a way of life without living it" is a wrong abstraction.

>> No.12285152

I know that. The question still remains though. Just replace it with whatever asinine bullshit is in vogue then

>> No.12285163

>muh joos
God damn go back to
You tard. There's a copypasta about it being a tumor that describes you perfectly

>> No.12285185

>He's lowest common denominator
>He simplifies things
>He wants other people to be convinced of his ideas
>He's "cringe"

Oh wow, what an asshole

>> No.12285192

Oh sweet post the source where he said that. Just want to make sure you're totally right and not autistic enough to take hyperbole literally.

>> No.12285201

>it's usually a lie by omission like when he was asked a very straightforward question about Jesus. He responds the way any good charlatan does when cornered; they play with definitions

>I ate a sandwich
>What kind?
>A hamburger
>That's not a sandwich, that's a burger
>I consider burgers a kind of san-

>> No.12285202

Pol hates him

>> No.12285446

I used to be a fanboy but dropped him after the Kathy Newman debate exploded. I like his classroom lectures and the entire lecture of the bible, but the more famous he gets the more he becomes inauthentic.

His message is ok, a very reductionist explaination of good (in my opinion) philosophical ideas from past, but he is like an antidepressant: supposed to get the step up to be able to fix yourself. The longer you stay on, the more you will choose to not fix yourself up and just depend on the external to help you, putting you in a worse place than you started.
>anti-western ideas are bad for the west
>the core of all western beliefs are Abrahamic, and specifically Christian
>western ideas are good for people in the west
>facing conflicting ideas isn't bad
Seems common sense, but it isn't for some reason. People that brand him some paragon are certainly uneducated to the beliefs that totally founded the society in which they participate. He chews up these ideas to spit into the mouths of the common people. I appreciate this as well as the more detailed lectures he does, but I feel his time as a celeb has passed and he's merely milking the masses as long as he can while remaining controversial enough to see the line, but never enough to pass it.

>tl;dr his fans idealize him and he wore out his utility as a celebrity
>t. Ex-fanboy

>> No.12285462

/pol/ and most of 4chan liked him back in 2016 because of that video of him "JP BTFO' SJWS compilation". But the general opinion seemed to wan later when people started making fun of him

>> No.12285511

>Seems common sense, but it isn't for some reason.
His "western ideas" are basically a major case of conservative/Christian victim complex, "cultural/postmodern (neo)marxist" conspiracy theory inherited from the Nazis, opposing civil rights for women and sexual minorities, bad metaethics (without God anything goes) and climate change denial. These are not common sense because they're retarded and false.

>> No.12285616

>have postgrad education in philosophy of mind and psychology.

As a psychiatrist with PHD and therapeutic training in psychodynamic therapy and Dasein Therapy I am telling you that narcissistic under-read idiots like you are disgrace to academia

>> No.12285638

This tbqh.
I just also hate people talking about him.

If you want to like Peterson watch the Zero Books videos on him - the Zero Books guy is so damn awful.

>> No.12285640

>cultural/postmodern (neo)marxism
Collectivism over the individual is eastern thought, and doesn't fare well for a society built around "self-made man" whatever that even means, but I do agree it is just an evil word/phrase to make it an "us vs them" dogma. It ironically makes the people that follow this collectivist instead of individualistic, which is one of the many reasons I stopped following him.
>opposing civil rights for women
Liberty, freedom, etc. isn't a bad idea, but forcing women to use this is where the issue lies. To be socially lambasted for wanting to be a stay at home wife, for wanting to not work, for not wanting to "take power back from men" is where this argument stems.
>sexual minorities
Not sure what you mean by this. If strictly gay and lesbian "marriage", I can discuss that, but if you mean to refer to all the demi-sexualities, that's solely a power play by the vocal minority
>bad metaethics i.e. godless is anarchism
People without God in the west constantly indulge in sin. Many of the protesters that destroy public property for no immediately rational reason are anti-authoritarian, atheist or anti-theist, and tend to be of a radical stance left or right.
>climate change denial
I'm not sure about this one in regards to Peterson, but my view is that because climate change is become political talk for "tax the people [read: middle and lower class] of first world countries to oblivion for solutions that don't address 10% of the manmade pollution" vs "ignore the fact that the sole contributions of devistating global changes are based in outsourcing all labor", I can't agree with discussing it. I can agree that manmade pollution is having a massive impact on the environment, but ignoring all regulations by outsourcing to "developing" countries is the problem, not how many people I put in my vehicle when I commute to work. Instead of "climate change is caused by boomer business owners trying to squeeze every drop of blood from the stone", they outright deny change is happening because it's easier to say "look, snowball in December, ur wrong, kiddo".

>> No.12285646


He deleted his tweet where he used the term "biology denial" after he got caught saying that using the term climate denial is mocking the holocaust

>> No.12285656

more like peturdson lmao

>> No.12285665

he hasn't really said anything new in nearly two years and the surface level viewers are bored. his best work has been in the classroom. listen to his maps of meaning lectures from 2015 and 2016. the entire semesters, not just clips. i haven't read 12 rules, but maps of meaning was astounding.

>> No.12285673

>but maps of meaning was astounding.
If your brain is smooth

>> No.12285687


>> No.12285708

jesus get off the high horse edgelord and go read some book

>> No.12285734

why do leftists get so triggered by a centrist boomer?

>> No.12285743

he is a 70yo man, he can't have new ideas

>> No.12285825

Fear of death. This is really all a bunch of sad old men trying to push back against the inevitable truth that all of their money and power is ultimately meaningless in the face of time, age, and death. These are sociopathic, narcissistic, privileged little lordlings who are used to imposing their will on others and on the world, and the idea that they are as helpless as the average pauper not only frightens them, it seems, in their minds, to be absurd. Everything that informs their worldview, their self-image, and even the terministic screens through which they interact with the world has taught them that they are beyond hardship and suffering. And yet, they are still decaying more and more with each passing day. It is a contradiction; a baffling horror that drives them to lash out in the only way they know how; the reckless, cruel utilization of wealth and power. They believe that by shaping the world, by securing some vague "legacy" they will transcend death.

>> No.12285846

because centrists are just right wing people that refuse to accept something extremely evident.
Imagine trying to explain a senile old man that he isn't wearing pants and he can't go out like that, but he is convinced that he's fully dressed and you can't force him to get fucking ready there are children out there and you don't look anything like santa grandpa I have to deal with this shit every single year where the fuck is my sister why isn't she helping goddamnit