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/lit/ - Literature

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12279281 No.12279281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't take /lit/ seriously. Pseuds on an anime forum pretending they read literature. I know you faggots either read fantasy and sci-fi like me, or you are an 18 yr old starting your edgy wannabe intellectual phase.

I was just reading through the
thread and it was clear from the replies that many /lit/ posters are inexperienced readers just trying to become "well-read".

>> No.12279288

>I know you faggots either read fantasy and sci-fi like me

Whatever you say, boss

>> No.12279290
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>another shit thread
I deplore anime posters.

>> No.12279292

>it was clear from the replies that many /lit/ posters are inexperienced readers just trying to become "well-read"

And what's wrong with that, you absolute fucking mong?

>> No.12279303
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You are never going to become "well-read" if you don't enjoy reading what you are reading. Some 18 yr old who has only ever read the hobbit and 1984 should not be trying to read Ulysses.

>> No.12279319

Who says people here don't enjoy reading?

>> No.12279322

Hello psueds. What's your

Last: Hyperion.
Current: Deadhouse Gates(Malazan)
Next: No idea yet. Something based I find in /sffg/.

>> No.12279335

Because I know that inexperienced psueds can't enjoy some archaic depressing piece of plodding literature. We are products of a different world.

>> No.12279338


I'm not your boyfriend, pal.

>> No.12279366
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Just to clarify my point here >>12279335, an inexperienced reader should be reading something they will actually enjoy, like asoiaf, Mistborn, or way of kings. NOT moby dick, or some other boring as fuck 'classic'.

>> No.12279374

Anon, you can't see into people's head's and know what do or not enjoy.

>> No.12279377

This is great bait

>> No.12279379

if you make friends on twitter or discord or something who enjoy reading, in my experience, they almost all browse /lit/. I've had a lot of comfy conversations on this board about books and authors I've loved/hated with people who obviously have read them too and aren't larping.
if you haven't figured it out yet, part of the fun of this board is testing out whether or not you should read something by acting like you *have* read it, and shitting on it and seeing who defends it. stop being such a projecting little faggot, if you don't want to read then don't, but most of us here know we're retards and also happen to enjoy books.

>> No.12279387
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I actually I can. Tell me a bit about yourself anon and what your reading history. Prove you are not what I have just described.

>> No.12279389

I hope you didn't bump this thread.

>> No.12279397

Why do you care what books anons have read? Why do you care what their reasons for reading them are, or whether they enjoyed it? If you don't like /lit/ then leave and never come back.

>> No.12279398
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and what your reading history is*.

>> No.12279401
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>> No.12279413

Answer the question please.
>Why do you care what books anons have read?
Because I want you to prove you are not what I have just described.

>> No.12279415

Yesterday I read a book on President Ford And today I will read a book about President Jackson. If you want to know, I like books from the 19th century. I don't know what your gripe is with Moby Dick because I thought that is was pretty good.

>> No.12279422

>I want you to prove you are not what I have just described

>> No.12279427
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I like hentai

>> No.12279428

Very good. I love books on history. I recently read the Conqueror Series which is about the mongols.
May I ask why you are not spending your time reading the hidden sci-fi and fantasy gems out there?

>> No.12279431

But I will pause my hentai fap to fap to that too

>> No.12279451
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I dunno. Maybe I'm just too fussy. I like science fiction but it's hard to find something to scratch an itch. I liked PKD and Vonnegut. If you were feeling generous and in the Christmas spirit you could recommend me something. Either way, Merry Christmas anon.

>> No.12279457

the extreme drought of actual impressions from reading or discussions of the specific content of books shows that people here either don't read or just do it as a mindless chore. even when somebody starts a thread with a passage from a book the responses will be almost exclusively expressions of general approval or disapproval towards the author or genre and will show no familiarity with the text - often even an inability to parse the quoted fragment. this is not a reading community, this is a community devoted to the construction of reading lists.

>> No.12279458

Itt: /lit/ gets decimated

>> No.12279460

Merry Christmas anon :). It just became christmas where I live in Australia.
You will love Hyperion. It is brilliant. I'm jaded after reading 100's of scifi and fantasy books, but nothing is like hyperion. It was beautiful.

>> No.12279483

I'll check out, thank you very much. I am Australian, too. Have a great day today. I hope bump into you again.

>> No.12279487

My pleasure!! So do I :)

>> No.12279513

Nobody responded to you in the thread and yet you made your own thread.

Yeah, that's gonna be a sage and report from me, dog.

>> No.12279514

You summed it up perfectly. I've always thought the same of the 'classics' film buffs on /tv/. So sad. I pity these poor souls.

>> No.12279568

I fuckin hate samoyeds. Worst dogs.

>> No.12279570

I dunno man, "depressing" and "plodding" strike me as pretty accurate descriptions of modern life.

>> No.12279625
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We could stand to lose ten percent of our posters, so I'm fine with this.

>> No.12279633

The last book I read was Notes from the Underground, the book I’m currently reading is Billy Budd, and the book I will probably read next is Crime and Punishment (already read it but I was Pretty young at the time so I’m reading it again). My New Years resolution is to read all of Dostoevsky.

The last sci-fi I read was probably something in the Red Mars series, or Dune, when I was like 16.

>> No.12279646

you're retarded, you can't know if some book is good until you've read it
if you want to prove that /lit/ isn't a pseud board, go make a thread about /lit/'s opinions on a particular book

>> No.12279664

what do I win?