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12276642 No.12276642 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books about this

>> No.12276668

Any kind of historical political science book.

I find Democracy In America to be particularly informative of the different sociological roots of America, but something like Edmund Burke’s writings wouldn’t hurt.

>> No.12276675

Word of warning : Burke is a politician, so heavily biased.

Tocqueville is more of an impartial scientist than anything else

>> No.12276901

My diary desu

>> No.12277135

Hierarchy, or equality.

Your choice.

Anarcho-Marxism is great until you realize the justice system exists for a reason.

>> No.12277159

Also, read Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey.

It's a presentation of a revolutionary new ideology for the modern world.

>> No.12277172

Also, that description or leftism is obviously biased towards the right.

Every distribution of the left is a mockery, which isn't actually the left, just what Fox News and the far right projects.

If you want the true left, listen to NPR or go to your local health food store.


>> No.12277184

>oh noes not da evil biases!!!

>> No.12277194

Ideas Have Consequences by Richard M. Weaver

>> No.12277210

The right says pizza is a vegetable because it upholds the status quo and free market values to keep the corporate subsidies in your childrens mouths even though a shit diet is directly linked to adhd. (Exploitation)

The true left pushes for children to have community gardens, growing, cooking, and eating together in order to strengthen communities and empower local citizens to build a stronger tomorrow.

>> No.12277217


OP is a faggot.

>> No.12277246


Let's sprinkle a more therapeutic prison system in there along with subsidies for a more environmentally sustainable tomorrow.

Boom, your desired book is right here in this thread.

I understand that OP's picture is oh-so-pretty, but its bias as FUCK.

>> No.12277253

I didn’t say they were evil at all.

>> No.12277364

10/10 satire

>> No.12277429

Radical Orthodoxy Reader

>> No.12277457

>church --> Greece --> Rome
Yikes I can't watch you do this to yourself

>> No.12277476


Hmm, a design conceit which appears to be almost completely wrong. So, get a book about those, OP.

>> No.12277717
File: 458 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180619-203407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obviously several problems with the diagram itself.


Symbolism and evolution of ideas:
>Man, Society, and Nature in the 12th Century, Chenu

>Cosmos and Transcendence, Smith

>Fire in the Minds of Men, Billington

>The Kings Two Bodies, Kantorowicz

The Idea of the Terrestrial, Man-made Paradise:

>> No.12277758

Is E Micheal Jones making memes now?

>> No.12277799

"both liberal"
Why do you want to get dumber OP?

>> No.12278112

> Obviously biased towards the right
> Disregards 'muh guns' 'muh constitution'
They're both biased you fucking dolt.

>> No.12278138

How? Those are actual neo-conservative views.

Are you trying to tell me that they're actually generalizations?

>> No.12278206

Not who you replied to but IMO it's obviously slanted right. It's highly dubious that whoever designed this type of "thing" is bipartisan.

First off there are the visuals and colors, the author seems to be implying some sort of regression downwards towards the more secular world. Without really needing to say it, the right is much more affiliated with the religious.

Also what would be interpreted as the negatives in the right and left circles.
I've noticed there is a growing crowd of the right who use these self deprecating terms like "muh guns" and "muh constitution", but they aren't really genuinely insulting. It's more a oh look at how silly we are kind of a thing. Whereas on the left you have
1. Degeneracy (A clear insult)
2. Self hatred (Clearly insulting, although I'm not even sure what they're trying to say)
3. Trannies (c'mon)

Maybe I spent too much time on this but this really doesn't scream left or neutral to me. My $.02

>> No.12278223

Definitely not centrist.

Though he made have a lot of us on the self-hatred part.

That they like to capitalize on. (Because competition versus cooperation based ideology.)

>> No.12278259

Is this implicating that appeals to logic were what ruled society prior to liberalism? Or am I misintepreting Logos and Anti-Logos. Seems pretty irrational to implicate the golden age of technological advancement and prosperity was the age of irrationality.

>> No.12278283

ITT: The left whips out its dick.

>> No.12278303

You should put "Instigation of Class Warfare" in your next version under the right.

>> No.12278458
File: 106 KB, 750x924, 1541898321872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it biased when it clearly makes fun of both the left and the right

>> No.12278488

That pic
>implying private coinage wasn't a thing
>implying waldenses didn't exist
>implying wycliffe didn't exist
>implying humanism didn't thrive in byzantine
>implying Rome wasn't the reason for fall of byzantine
>implying the church didn't become soo curroupt that people got sick of it
>implying the church didn't sell ticket4heaven™
>implying Council of trent forbid Bible from the laity

The chart is a produce of pseudo history or some dude tried to fit complicated history in a small box.
Either way, no wonder right wingers are disconnected from reality, I bet you're also a Romans 13 bootlicker.

>> No.12278510

Hello r*ddit

>> No.12278513

>implying humanism didn't thrive in byzantine

>> No.12278526
File: 13 KB, 271x271, 1479943906784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an elegant baitress

>> No.12278568

>Rome wasn't the reason for fall of byzantine
>the church didn't become soo corrupt that people got sick of it
>the church didn't sell ticket4heaven™
>Council of trent forbid Bible from the laity

This is completely irrelevant to the point of the image. It is laying out the "ideological" chronology of Western political and religious thought, not the specific historical causes detailing its course. The shift to the modern Liberal worldview is symbolized in history by the Renaissance, the Reformation, Humanism, etc. For example the French Revolution isn't meant to communicate a particular cause per se, rather it demonstrates an effect caused by the fundamental altering of our civilizational disposition.

>> No.12278574

just wondering: what is Enlightentment ?
>t. not Kant

>> No.12278575
File: 445 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180622-170836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying humanism didn't thrive in byzantine

gonna have to enlighten us on this one, buddy.

>> No.12278595




>> No.12278600

>Makes fun of both the left and the right.
Hardly, the weight of the left is much heavier and directory than that of the right. The only thing that seems to be making fun of the right is Tolerance. Americanism is a slight #2, but authoritarian nationalism is an actual issue on the right. We refuse to adopt proven policies because they're 'unamerican.'

>> No.12278632

>low taxes
>Anti Logos

Not even true

>> No.12278638

The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

>> No.12279866

>that pic

i´m not falling into the whig historiography anon

>> No.12280054
File: 17 KB, 333x499, TheCaseAgainsttheModernWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Case Against the Modern World: A Crash Course in Traditionalist Thought
by Daniel Schwindt

I'm enjoying reading it right now, and besides being good in itself, it gives a tradton of references to follow.

>> No.12280201
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