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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 423 KB, 979x595, 1545595727919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12275333 No.12275333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has she lost her damn mind?

>> No.12275419


She's become Chris-chan tier of incomprehensible ramblings.

>> No.12275425

based kike. corbyn is retarded, and so are you

>> No.12275455

what's going on here? is she trying to parody biblical verse or something?

also, i knew corbyn is anti-israel, but has he actually called out the rothschilds? maybe he's more redpilled than i thought

>> No.12275463

and now droves of Harry Potter drones are googling "Rothschild" for the first time and finding the infographics on them that /pol/ posters have spammed to the top of the algorithm. beautiful.

>> No.12275478

>speaking in 'ye olde english' to sound smart

>> No.12275486
File: 69 KB, 630x1200, karl ove knausgaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, shes really lost it this time

>> No.12275490

Top kek

>> No.12275491
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>> No.12275492
File: 11 KB, 248x203, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, I thought Rowling hated Jews too

>> No.12275495

The funny thing is that all of the Kosher Nationalist parties are funded by Israelis.

>> No.12275500

corbyn is a bit of a prick, to be honest.

>> No.12275509



>> No.12275568

Labour aren't nationalist.

>> No.12275572

Knausgaard looks a lot like Mick Blue here

>> No.12275578

She was able to write a few enjoyable slice of life fantasy books while she was living as a single mother in poverty and depression.

Very quickly, when she got to money and fame she got corrupted. Her writing lost its few appealing inspirations and she slowly but surly turned into an ideologue activist, willing to sacrifice her creation on the altar of social justice.You might wonder how she was corrupted so easily, but it makes more sense if you consider her past of studying a liberal arts degree in Exeter and working for Amnesty International.

>> No.12275587

Typo le bourgeois bint

>> No.12275593

Typical bourgeoisie bint response

>> No.12275623

All according to keikaku

>> No.12275636

Let's hope so.

England is under total kike control, and Rowling is one of the most shameful white sellouts alive, constantly shilling for them and the nonwhite invaders jews are bringing in in boatloads. She has white children too iirc so it takes extra dissonance control to keep her fidelity up.

>> No.12275640


>> No.12275651


>> No.12275656

Soros is Dumbledore

>> No.12275661

Seems more like a satirical device here.

>> No.12275700


>> No.12275707

I am referring to the younger parties, which are Rightist.

>> No.12275725

>which are Rightist.
No, they ain't, bruv. England has a notable absence of anything even remotely nationalist due to the stranglehold the international jew has on the country.

>> No.12275750

The obsession of the nationalists with the jews is a detriment to the fight against the neoliberal globalist agenda.

>> No.12275768

Sure thing Rabi.

>> No.12275771

The "neoliberal globalist agenda" is the jewish agenda, kiddo.

>> No.12275777

This has nothing to do with literature. She is not saying this as an author, but as as private citizen. This is better suited for /pol/ (for the politics of antisemitism), /x/ (for the Rotshchild conspiracy), or /r9k/ /b/ & /qa/ (as they have no set board theme).

Have a great day,
The Advisor of /lit/

>> No.12275778

She's decidedly persona non grata on 4chan, all the same y'all really make a big deal about everything this lady says.

>> No.12275780


>> No.12275783

If the jews are contained in the group of globalists and you are fighting against globalists, then you are automatically fighting against them if you are fighting against globalists. Why would you bother pointing out subgroups? You are just unnecessarily giving the corporate media an attack vector by making it about ethnic groups or religions rather than political ideology.

You are almost literally the definition of controlled opposition.

>> No.12275787

If you had bothered to search "Rothschild" on Google you would've seen this isn't the case before sending your retarded post

>> No.12275789

Who the hell said if you name the Jew you can't also fight globalists? See evil, call out evil, destroy evil.

>> No.12275795

>the Rotshchild conspiracy
There is no "Rothschild conspiracy." The Rothschilds are jews who conspire and they probably had a hand in reversing the word "conspiracy" to be an attack on those who point out the conspiratorial behavior of jews like the Rothschilds.

>> No.12275799

>tfw I think the Jews are doing a good job of running the world
Poverty, disease, etc are plummeting, people have better lives than ever. Globalisation works

>> No.12275802

Brainlet or shill

>> No.12275813

Jews are not a subgroup of globalists, they are the globalists, and the globalist system works in their interests and carries out their agenda as a rootless international ethnic mafia.

>making it about ethnic groups or religions rather than political ideology.

Everything is about race and ethnic groups competing. Political ideology is merely a tool.

>> No.12275816


Hello there kike

>> No.12275820

I hope God proves his existence through archeologists finding a tablet in the middle east by some hermit scrawling that God told him a tripfag on /lit/ really annoyed him today.

>> No.12275824

Everyone who says "y'all" online is a kike.

>> No.12275825

Assuming you are correct, then use the tool instead of fucking it up.

>> No.12275830

Jews don't have a benevolent bone in their body, they hate you and want to destroy you, assuming you're white. If your parents were weaklings who already bred out into the globo mud race or if you already belonged to a mud race, then yeah you were already a subhuman slave.

>> No.12275832

For a young man in the 21st century, J.K. Rowling embodies just about everything that he hates about his own mother, but can't outright say to her. An aging neoliberal single mother with an inflated sense of self-importance using twitter to cope with her increasing irrelevance. The sort of woman who hasn't seriously thought about any of her opinions, but feels the need to push them on to others and condescend to anybody who might think differently.

She is an archetype. Neither insightful nor funny nor controversial. She is a consummate mediocrity basking in the praise of similar mediocrities the world over who have projected their own aspirations on to her, satisfied that somebody like them is a billionaire. Her Christianity is an accessory. She takes everything that she's been taught by public school and daytime television and fashions a god out of it.

She conceives of public affairs in the nebulous terms of "love" and "hate". The fact that an action might fall outside of either of these two categories, or that something she deems "hateful" might in fact be the wiser choice has not occurred to her. Despite this, she is shockingly easy to bait into a bitter, spiteful rage. Furthermore, her generosity only extends as far as her personal comfort. At the end of the day, it's little more than virtue signalling and if social opinion undergoes some vast sweeping change then she'll fall in line.

In many ways, she's already missed the boat. Her brand of comfortable feminism has already fallen out of style. She just doesn't know it yet. The second wave man-hating sexual phobia that sees rape everywhere. Its frigidity is evident in her writing. Then the bizarre merger with proud slut queer positivity. The post-hoc declarations of characters' sexual proclivities. The rationalization of racial retconning. It's like she discovered a Harry Potter fan tumblr, followed a couple links, and incorporated whatever she saw, resulting in an incoherent schizophrenic worldview. That's probably exactly what happened.

Her name is fucking Joanne. Need I say more?

>> No.12275834

Is Harry Potter worth reading? I've always avoided it because I saw how leftists constantly use it in their political analogies.

>> No.12275837
File: 7 KB, 196x257, jkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And one more thing. She has a surprisingly nice pair of tits that I'd really like to suck on.

She looks a lot like my own mother, but with nicer hair and way nicer tits. In fact, she's basically a more attractive version of my mother, which is great since the only thing that really held me back from fantasizing about my own mother is that she just wasn't good looking enough.

Rowling really seems like the kind of woman who'd suck her teenage son's dick. I mean it.

She gets back from le ebin GIRLS NIGHT OUT XD!!! Plastered out of her mind from sipping too much shiraz or perhaps pinot grigio. Maybe she and THE GIRLS even passed around a blunt at Samantha's house. I always find it funny when Gen X women think they're being SO BAD smoking weed. Mouth full of the most expensive cheese available at Tesco and whatever crackers Georgia had to get rid of. She's cackling with laughter and sobbing as she lurches in through the front door. She has zero self-awareness when it comes to her emotions, but defends them with religious fervor.

Clumsily, she makes her way toward the living room where her son is playing video games. She sits down on his lap, suffocating him with her embrace and exhaling the stinking fumes of cheap wine right into his face. For a couple minutes, she rants about what a BITCH Leslie at the office is, before muttering the he's the only on who understands her. Briefly, she looks into his eyes, trembling all over. Then she locks her mouth with his and begins to kiss him passionately. At first he is paralyzed, but his mom is kind of hot and he'll probably never have another chance like this. He's thought about it before. He kisses back and before long she's between his legs, pawing at his penis like the cats she collects. She takes it in her mouth and sucks it like she's back in college. She's STILL GOT IT.

The next morning, she pretends not to remember anything, but blames him for the incident, finding subtle ways to punish him.

>> No.12275838

No ideology is needed to remove the jew, only a natural awareness of oneself and an acknowledgement of instinct.

>> No.12275839

Cope because your family has been hedonist pigs who couldn't manage money.

>> No.12275845

I'm Jewish actually. Apparently we run the world, so we must be the master race it seems. Allowing yourself to be dominated by us would indicate inferiority

>> No.12275848

You'll never free yourself of the schizos and the spergs, movement is going nowhere for just that reason.

>> No.12275855

Not that anon, but I think it was Henry Ford who said there are jews, and then there are THE JEWS. The latter dominate the cabal that rules the world through the economy, whilst the former are normal suckers like the rest of us.

I don't really subscribe to any of this shit.

>> No.12275871

>I'm Jewish actually. Apparently we run the world
Boom. See, when you see this 'jews run the world' strawman, it's always a jew saying it to run cover for jews. To the rest of what you said, lol no, you belong to a race of nomadic swindlers who get kicked out of everywhere you go. You are a parasite race that has never built anything and that has to deceive others into feeding and defending you. There is nothing noble in that, jew. Now stop posting here.

>> No.12275877
File: 1.09 MB, 1357x645, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you guys really rigged that algorithm

>> No.12275880

It doesn't do you any good to pretend in group preferences don't exist or that Jews aren't disproportionately in positions of power.

>> No.12275883


Now Corbyn is my new #1 hated figure

>> No.12275891

Too bad /pol/'s take on them is retarded disinfo.

>> No.12275905

He's acting off a pure, 'defend the tribe' instinct developed after millennia of inbreeding and cultural indoctrination. The jew lacks all sense of objectivity in the individualistic European sense so expecting it to apply logic as you're asking it to is pointless. The jew sees jews being disparaged and immediately jumps in, goes into damage control mode, and runs cover by sabotaging the conversation or inserting tropes like 'joos run the world' and pretending they're individualists too, just like you, goyim. It's a routine one sees time and again after interacting with kikes.

>> No.12275907

But how do you explain our influence, when despite our despised outcast parasite nature we still control your countries and dictate what you think? We must be a superior race to have achieved such a thing.

>> No.12275912


>> No.12275915

No you are simply in control of the resources. This doesn’t make you superior in any way, it might actually make you more corrupt

>> No.12275918

I just hope they stick to their discredited movements and stay far away from the people who might actually defeat neoliberals/globalists.

>> No.12275919

That's a very recent phenomenon. Jews only recently gained a stranglehold over power in the west and they're already losing it due to massive amounts of people learning about your twisted and hostile nature. Same thing happened in the Soviet Union: jews gained control in 1917 but were getting purged a short couple decades later. Why? Because you're a gypsy accountant race, you can't run shit and never have.

>> No.12275933

Jews are a higher level evil than Globalists. Most globalists are at least just profit driven. Jew's are driven by hatred and want to undercut and hurt the white race in anyway possible, to the point where they're wiling to hurt themselves in the process as long as it bring whitey down a peg. Many Jews also work to subvert our nations in a non-globalism manner. Dealing with the globalists isn't enough and in fact dealing with the Jews in their entirety would be better than dealing with the globalists in their entirety.

>> No.12275937

But Jews are running the world right now by paying off leaders and infiltration, same as they always have.

>> No.12275943

Wrong. The trends have started reversing and those things are all going to enter a trend line of constant increase. Global IQ is plummeting hard and a lower IQ global population will lead to more poverty, more disease, more violence, etc. IQ has already dropped a lot and numbers recently came out that 2016 was the first year in a long fucking time that global food insecurity increased. That will soon be the new norm. The world order is collapsing and before a new world order emerges we will go through a period of global degeneration and suffering. That begins roughly now but there will be a transition phase as things ramp up that'll take maybe ~10 years.

>> No.12275966
File: 48 KB, 968x681, rowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is clearly trying hard to ditch his boy wizard image.

>The 19-year-old actor confessed in a revealing interview to losing his virginity to an older woman - whose age would raise eyebrows.

>Radcliffe admitted he celebrated reaching the age of consent, 16, in the customary manner with a much older girlfriend.

>But although he insisted the age difference 'wasn't ridiculous', he did say it 'would freak some people out'.

>> No.12275978


This is the /pol/fag. Look at them and decide if pissing off annoying people is really worth pretending that this is a coherent, well founded ideological position.

>> No.12275991

The current infiltration started in the mid 19th century and they are at peak power but the slide has already begun and they will be increasingly less effective from here on unless they are able to shut down the internet and kill off a couple million whites. Yes, jews have always been a problem and have subverted our civilization to its core, but that just goes to show the struggle never ends. We've sacked them a time or two and have been historically pretty good at keeping them out of power. But again, since they've never wielded power before they began driving the car over the cliff the second we handed over the keys.

>> No.12276006

>simply in control of the resources
But how have we done this? Other races presumably wanted the resourses too, but we're beaten to them by Jews. Further evidence of Jewish superiority.
>he thinks its recent
We've run the papacy, the English Crown, etc since the inception of those institutions. We are better at this game than you. Even your arguments against us are gleaned from media controlled by us. We use people like you as controlled opposition. It's almost Kantian the way you never see the truth, only our projections wherever you look

>> No.12276009
File: 2.84 MB, 1182x1578, Miranda Richardson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing his virginity to an older woman - whose age would raise eyebrows.

It was the one that played Rita Skeeter. There's no way it wasn't.

>> No.12276018
File: 726 KB, 1440x2160, GANONED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because evil triumphs. It's that simple. Jews - people lacking entirely in nobility, grace, honor, empathy, have united under the small banner of their own sociopathic tribe and twisted the world by playing outside the rules of what the rest of us considers "humane". You succeed because you're perfectly attuned to the dark nature of reality, and instead of following the calling of the human spirit to fight it, you accept and spread it further. Winners you may be, but humans you're not.

>> No.12276024
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huh wonder how much schizophrenic ranting will be in this thread
>yup, that's a lot

>> No.12276040

Jews confirmed as master race. Thanks for redpilling me, /pol/.

>> No.12276045

it was JK, she would of course want to take the cherry from her own creation

>> No.12276049

Jews again have never "run" anything. Your leaders may have subverted and weakened our leaders and used them to do your bidding in many cases but you were largely kept at bay prior to the holohoax thing. Since you found and exploited to no end European man's high moral sense you have gained more power, but you are losing that as fast as you obtained it due to your incompetence as a race of middle eastern gypsies. And soon you will expelled again. Do you think china's going to take you in this time, rabbi?

>> No.12276058

What the hell happened to this board?

>> No.12276060

>Your leaders may have subverted and weakened our leaders and used them to do your bidding in many cases but you were largely kept at bay prior to the holohoax thing.
>Reformation, Glorious Revolution of 1688, French Revolution, gained control of Spain requiring the Inquisition to root them out, financing the American Revolution, probably financing the German Revolution of 1848, Russian Revolution, complete co-optation of UK/US by the 40s
I'd say they were fairly successful.

>> No.12276063

there's nothing more disgusting than these t*ry fucking shits screaming "MUH ANTISEMITISM" because it's literally the only moral platitude they can attest to that they AREN'T on the wrong side of. it reminds me a lot of the bill kristol type neocons who for the past few years have been pointing at the alt right and going "yeah sure we're murderous imperialistic warmongers b-b-b-but at least we aren't LITERAL NAZIS am i right"

>> No.12276069

>Do you think china's going to take you in this time, rabbi?
We already run China. They run the economy based on our needs. Based Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

>> No.12276087

Half your examples don't even qualify or qualify speciously toward your point. But even if I grant them that is the push and pull between enemies, nature's struggle. We must learn to fight it and we must learn to defeat it permanently and never let it back into our nations after the coming jewish expulsion. With many whites now realizing this we are on a positive path forward but life and the fight isn't easy.

>> No.12276088

my favourite pasta, just lika momma used to make.

>> No.12276094

passive aggressive pussy

>> No.12276099

I meant do you think they're going to let in your diaspora as you get driven more and more out of the west. I don't think they're going to let in all, what is it... Oh yeah, 6 million of you. So where are you going to go?

>> No.12276103

Time for the "big" head to give the "little" head some control. Fap fap fap.

>> No.12276105

ok I came

>> No.12276113

Euros have lost every single round (as in, gotten more liberal) since at least the 1500s if not earlier.

Why wouldn't they? Jewry is like a distributed intelligence agency. Intel agencies are great for an aspiring world empire.

>> No.12276137

shes such a stupid bitch. i hate that shes rich and famous,
shes such an airheaded pc cunt.

>> No.12276142

Sounds pretty rapey

>> No.12276149


>> No.12276161

Europeans have conquered the world and created everything, we have never lost. But the jew is a different type of enemy that requires a different type of transcendence to defeat. Notice how this jew is trying to demoralize its own enemy, us, whites. As a parasite race the jew has developed advanced skills for internal manipulation and whites are high trust so it's not easy for us to recognize. But we're learning and your gig will soon be up, jew. This strategy of yours was not built for the information age and I don't think this reality will be lost on the Chinese when you come crying about anuddah shoah.

>> No.12276188

The modern world is bad though? Europeans have mostly spread liberalism through their conquests, which I imagine you would consider Jewish, except the roots of liberalism go back to like, 1300, if not earlier. By your own logic Europeans basically just did Jews' bidding indirectly for 700 years.

>> No.12276210

Laundering money of English royalty is not exactly saving up and managing money

>> No.12276219
File: 894 KB, 600x900, 1528499013107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to 4chan, this is a philosemetic website

>> No.12276229

It's just a different type of conflict we're speaking about here. The jewish human parasite attaches itself to a host and mimics its behavior and creates a symbiotic relationship wherein it's often difficult to tell where one part ends and the other begins. It's very strange and Europeans and jews have been entwined in this parasite/host relationship for literally thousands of years. But again that is the fight we're in and strange as it is that's just how nature works, so we have to accept that, recognize the conflict, and fight it accordingly.

>> No.12276230

Here is the real red pill: Jews do not run anything, they are merely money launderers for influential European dynasties.
Study this article

>> No.12276247

Ok so Europeans have been spreading Jewish ideologies for ~1000 years in your world schema, when were the actual Good Times? Ancient Greece? Greeks had democracy and Romans had the Republic so they were basically Communists.

>> No.12276275
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the logic of the antisemite is inherently schizo, pic related

>> No.12276281

Again, this conflict is in a way eternal and not easily separated out or even clear for that matter. The jew too has assumed a negative identity based on the opposite nature of the European, and it has always been around. What I care about is spreading awareness of the jew. In order to defeat and remove it we must understand what it is and how it operates.

>> No.12276287

How can they have the opposite nature if Europeans have been spreading Jewish ideology for millenia by your logic?

>> No.12276291
File: 32 KB, 640x400, 1496774568730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12276298

>low taxation, small government
Jewish controlled neoliberalism and global capitalism
>high taxation, strong government and welfare
Jewish controlled socialist neo-Marxism
Unironically, what is the antisemites tax policy?

>> No.12276299

>if the goyim hate us it can't have anything to do with us and must be because they are psychotic
What an utterly lame, and stereotypically jewish, response.

>> No.12276314

Jewish identity is based on an inversion of the host identity. Jews have evolved this anti-identity as a result of their parasitic nature, living in other's territories, and as an in-group method to distinguish themselves and keep members from breeding out.

>> No.12276323

But the Jews control the host and thus the hosts identity is determined for them by Jews.

>> No.12276338

But the host identity of the West is de facto liberalism, which is Jewish, so the negation of that would be: ???

Liberalism was principally directed at the Catholic Church and later, at monarchies by Whigs, except those were Jewish also by your logic. Rediscovery of Roman and Greek works was also an inspiration, see: the US trying to copy the Roman Republic, European intellectuals of the time basically thinking anything from Ancient Greece is automatically good, with older being better, and so on, so those are all basically Jewish. Please, just list one non-Jewish form of societal organization.

>> No.12276339
File: 21 KB, 497x325, corbyn harry potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12276342

>assumes I'm Jewish
are you people just false flaging or something? if not, here's a hint -- don't double down on the paranoia when someone insinuates you're a schizo, it never does you any good.

>> No.12276345

Jews maintained very little, if any, control over the host until recently, at least in post Roman Europe. Their anti-identity has been documented since Egyptian times, but its modern iteration is best understood as a result of their elders brainwashing them in the shtetl.

>> No.12276356

it's not the jews it's Babylonian Money Magic. Persians are just as bad as kikes.

>> No.12276361

Popularity is a scary thing. She has all the money in the world, but she still sees fit to ramble on twitter just because there are always people who will agree with her no matter what.

>> No.12276366


>> No.12276370

the occult wrote Arry Pottah, she's just a patsy

>> No.12276375

i only fuck women in their 50s and I would never touch that slag

>> No.12276376


You can tell the fame went to her head a little. Should've just taken the money she made from the franchise and lived a relatively quiet life.

>> No.12276387

The issue is your framing. The best way to understand the jew and its influence is as a universalist force. Universalist ideology is the mechanism the jew uses to make a host susceptible to jewing, because any particularist identity will cause the jew to stand out as the other. Yes, Christianity is a jewish universalist ideology but it is also entwined and fundamentally rooted in paganism. And this example highlights the nature of the struggle. Christianity incorporated its own particularist flare and actually combatted the jew with its own poison rather well, to where jews hate Christians. And whites will likely end up establishing a similar particularist ideology out of the ashes of jewish universalist liberalism that will be used to ward off the jew.

>> No.12276396

Bro, you gave a psychoanalysis example to try and disprove the logic of people disliking jews. If you're not a jew you're probably the stupidest shabbos goyim they could find. Even the kikes itt will snicker at you for that.

>> No.12276406

You're so wrong. God actively discarded the kikes and that's before they Khazar takeover

>> No.12276412


>> No.12276417

>This bogus old theory

>> No.12276421

Christianity wasn't that particularist, it was thoroughly Hellenized philosophically, and viewed Judaism as fundamentally opposed to itself. What you're calling particularism was more or less considered sanity pre-1968. Stop reading gays like Greg Johnson.

>> No.12276448

I said Christianity was universalist, which it is. A particularist European rendition of it came about that often gave rise to common cause. But you're wrong. Europeans have absorbed much of this jewish universalist tendency and are completely blinded by it, which is the primary struggle here: to acquire a particularist racial identity.

>> No.12276455

everyone knows about it, even fat old George created the Faceless Men

>> No.12276456

don't budget for the dead

>> No.12276469

no it was anti-Jewish, the one thing all Christendom had in common was a hatred of Alexandrian Gnostics

>> No.12276476

it had nothing to do with disliking jews and everything to do with schizophrenic modes of logic, not only that but you've already reterritorialized the position
>ah yes, you are not jewish, but you see, psychoanalysis is jewish
you'll probably try and double down on Freud like you always do, but Deleuze rejected Freud and the whole operation of psychiatry, so really the work is against "jewish psychoanalysis", but wait, I'm sure all that was part of their ploy from the beginning, right anon?

>> No.12276488

Translators note:
Keikaku means plan in Nipponese

>> No.12276489

Race and ethnic groupes are political communities. People who pretend they're ontological categories are just thinly disguised closet sentimentalists, and yes that includes the Nazis. Think more rationally anon, read your Aristotle, don't be a pseud.

>> No.12276498

Corbyn blamed bankers for the banking crisis and the British media claimed that was antisemitism.

>> No.12276508

no they're actual communities. Starks bred with other wolfkin, Targs red with dragonkin, etc.

>> No.12276541

Jews were the primary spreaders of Christianity in Rome and later through despots like Charlemagne. It was never "anti-jewish."

Jews themselves referred to psychoanalysis as "THE jewish science." Which is why I told you before and will tell you again that even they are laughing at you right now. You're out of your league and defending your own enemy, wise up.

>> No.12276548

>Jews were the primary spreaders of Christianity in Rome and later through despots like Charlemagne. It was never "anti-jewish."

why would you lie like this? /lit/ isn't filled with millions and we're smart enough to at least know about Constantine.

>> No.12276563

Constantine came nearly 300 years after Jesus the jew and his jewish apostles were spreading it throughout Rome. Emperors and other European rulers adopted it largely due to pressure from the masses who were being indoctrinated by this jewish slave religion just as they later would with jewish communism and jewish neoliberalism.

>> No.12276602
File: 233 KB, 1080x1514, received_287228992131427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based pagang brethren

>> No.12276603

I'm a Jew and I don't control anything. That's the worst part about the jewish conspiracy memes, the good parts of it don't even apply to me.

Jews were not nomadic for most of their history. They were enslaved, deported, sometimes had to flee persecution, but wherever they ended up they always try to settle. The jewish religion is actually build around a farmer's mode of life, why do you think bread and wine are so central to the rituals ? Sometimes it really seems like you retards are confusing the jews with the gypsies.

>> No.12276611
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>I'm a Jew

>> No.12276614

Gobekli tepe is around 5000 years older than the Eden myth

>> No.12276617

In order for nepotism to work you need first a sufficient number of the people from the tribe in positions of power. So that explanation isn't sufficient, sorry. How did the jew become proeminent enough for nepotism to be a possibility ?

Work on your theory and only then get back here. Don't be lazy anon.

>> No.12276638

You really should not be posting here if you're jewish. That's not okay.

>They were enslaved, deported, sometimes had to flee persecution, but wherever they ended up they always try to settle.

No one will buy this narrative here. Your people have been roaming from place to place pretending to be victims then exploiting host populations for thousands of years. Any persecution you may have suffered has been a result of your hostile and sick nature. Now please, don't post here anymore, jews are not welcome on /lit/.

>> No.12276639

She's pretty hot.

>tfw you will neverlose your virginity to her

On a side note is it possible to revirgin yourself ?

>> No.12276641

A"sufficient number of people" is one. You only need one Jew who genuinely earns a position of power and because there's a strong in group preference they will favor other Jews regardless of merit or competition. Over time the number of Jews multiply.

>> No.12276644

>You succeed because you're perfectly attuned to the dark nature of reality

Wow. We're pretty based. Thanks anon.

>> No.12276679

More like they're perfectly attuned to manipulating and exploiting the kindness of other people. If you value honesty, bravery and any other decent virtues then it's not very based imo

>> No.12276691

Correct. That is what we see across every major western institution, and why we now need to purge jews from power.

>> No.12276693
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The funny thing is you're actually describing Nazis, not Jews.

>> No.12276699

Im just Texan anon. Don't be mean

>> No.12276700

>using meme GRRM examples

Have we fallen so low ?

>no they're actual communities

Political communities are actual communities and all communities are political. Aristotles again. Interbredding is only one of the many relationship in any community (to use your atrocious exemple, the starks are linked together with their vassals by relationships of fealty which have a symbolic component, and also a contractual component).

Don't you ever read anon ?

>> No.12276707

>Jews themselves referred to psychoanalysis as "THE jewish science."

No they don't. If anything is a Jewish science it's hebrew scripture hermeneutics, but only rabbis call that a science and even.

Almost nobody uses the terms jewish science unironically. The nazi did but it was actually one of their worst move, it costed them a lot.

>> No.12276712

Nazis are the ones working behind the scenes, scheming? Pretty sure no matter what kind of historical perspective you share about nazis, you have to agree they were pretty honest and open in their plans, views and actions.

>> No.12276731

>You really should not be posting here if you're jewish. That's not okay.

This isn't /pol/ you fungophile. I started posting here before you reached puberty, you aren't gonna stop me now.

>No one will buy this narrative here.

Doesn't matter. You only have to look at what we know of the Jews' modes of life through history to see it doesn't fit the behavior of a essentially nomadic people. Why would nomades have a Holy Land, and a Temple built on that land, and such a big emphasis on calendars, seasons and products of agriculture ? You can be a nomadic shepherd but not a nomadic farmer. Think for a minute anon.

The disassociation between Jews and agricultural labor in Europe is primarily a consequences of laws forbidding Jews to own land - and guess who issued those laws ?

If there is a Jewish conspiracy the first organizers of it were the Christian rulers of Middle Age Europe.

>> No.12276736
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>No they don't.
Yes, they do. Stop posting now.

>> No.12276739

>Nazis are the ones working behind the scenes, scheming?
Literally, yes. Even during the earliest years of Weimar chaos the Nazis were infiltrating other political parties to gain intel / subvert their abilities to function (granted, it wasn't just Nazis doing this, but it still happened.) Even today's conservative and moderate-right parties have been pozzed by white supremacists. Just in my own country a few months ago white nationalists literally managed to get the unaware conservative party to attempt to pass a bill saying that "it's OK to be a white" (a white supremacist dog-whistle.)

>you have to agree they were pretty honest and open in their plans, views and actions.
Only when it suited them, and usually only after they got into power. They were always openly anti-semetic, but before they managed to gain their grip on Germany they downplayed this aspect to an ambivalent German populace to instead focus on appealing to nationalist sentiment, regaining "lost glory", the humiliation of Versailles, etc. If the Nazis had said, in 1932, that their plan was to eradicate the entire Jewish population of Europe, they would've never gotten off the ground.

>> No.12276747

Why would a virtuous Western institution be so permeable to nepotism that a single Jew in power is enough to not only kickstart a Jewish migration in high offices but to guarantee an effective domination in the span of less than four decades.

If "one is enough" is your answer you have to explain how the gentiles could fail at gatekeeping this hard. It's not only about not discriminating the Jews, a minimal degree of intolerance for incompetence should have been enough to prevent the phenomenon to reach the extent you describe.

So then, explain anon.

>> No.12276750

Where did the Corbin is an anti Semite meme originate? Seems kinda coordinated.

>> No.12276752

I'm not the one who phrased it in a way that makes it look based. You're responsible for your own choice of words. Be more careful next time anon.

>> No.12276757

>Jewish conspiracy
Jews are a tribal people who conspire, and that you try to flip this around to cover for jews only reinforces your tribe's perpetual dishonesty, with yourselves as much as anyone else. We aren't interested in your justifications for why jews have been hated forever and kicked out of everywhere because we know it's due solely to your sick nature and hostile behavior. Now leave you fucking rat.

>> No.12276761

>Seems kinda coordinated
Are you implying that jews conspire, you antisemite conspiracy theorist.

>> No.12276774
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, 1497594151710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazis are a tribal people who conspire, and that you try to flip this around to cover for Nazis only reinforces your tribe's perpetual dishonesty, with yourselves as much as anyone else. We aren't interested in your justifications for why Nazis have been hated forever and kicked out of everywhere because we know it's due solely to your sick nature and hostile behavior. Now leave you fucking rat.

>> No.12276792

There's no such thing as a "Nazi." The German national socialists never referred to themselves as "nazis." It's a jewish propaganda term.

>> No.12276793

>two mentions of the "Jewish science" by one jewish faggot means Jews in general call psychoanalysis a Jewish science

That's not how it works anon. I work with scientists, many of them Jewish. I personally know dozen of Jews outside of my work. None of them call psychoanalysis a science, much less Jewish science. The meme opinions of a few Viennese wankers doesn't constitute global consensus in the jewry. Be more precise in your statements.

>> No.12276797

>it's ok to be a white
Lol. That's a pol meme made to bring awareness on the fact that it really apparently isn't ok to be white these days. It's not a dog whistle.
Also how can you blame supposed white supremacists for inflirtrating other parties? It's not like they let them make their own parties. So what choice do they have?
Listen to Goebbels speeches and tell me they really left much to imagination. The nat soc party didn't ever intend to just kill all Jews. It probably was due to poor management - and oh you know a world war going on and what not - that so many died in the camps.

>> No.12276805

What? Jews call it the jewish science, your anecdotes don't matter whatsoever.

>> No.12276810

So you agree that national socialists are dishonest tribal people? Cool.

>> No.12276821

A political ideology that lasted a decade is not comparable to an inbred race that has been around for millennia.

>> No.12276822

>Jews only recently gained a stranglehold over power in the west and they're already losing it due to massive amounts of people learning about your twisted and hostile nature.
lol even /pol/'s candidate for US president, Donald Trump, is a fucking jew-phile. Face it, kids: Jews are not going anywhere. There will not be a purge. When D. Trump wins in 2020 jews will keep on lmao-ing at your life.

>> No.12276839

Nice way to avoid addressing my points.

It's one thing to hate Jews, it's another to be so bad at arguing that you make your own people look bad by association.

I suggested you did what the ancestors you admire did and actually read before posting here.

>Now leave you fucking rat.

I probably should, as this place has always been a shithole. If you value your own cognitive abilities you should leave too.

Anyway I'm out. Enjoy you impotent rage and your vengeful delusions anon.

>> No.12276842

>Jews are not going anywhere.
History says the opposite. They've never stayed in one place for any considerable amount of time.

>> No.12276847

>t. jew

>> No.12276848

>It's not a dog whistle.
It is a dog whistle because it's only used by people who also implicitly believe "its not OK to not be white." When was the last time someone who posted a "its OK to be white" poster also posted an "its OK to be black" poster? My guess is "never."

>It's not like they let them make their own parties. So what choice do they have?
Because it's literally subversive infiltration. Or are you saying subversive infiltration is only bad when "Jews do it"?

>The nat soc party didn't ever intend to just kill all Jews
Actually, they did. That's why it happened.

>> No.12276850

Right, but they're still dishonest and tribal? Gotcha.

>> No.12276856

You need to go, jew. This is not an acceptable place for you to be posting.

>> No.12276858

Are you so dense that you can't see it's anecdote against anecdote here ?

The difference is you claim a general consensus among a large population while I deny it. An anecdote is good enough for a counter-example.

>> No.12276874

You mean the eastern european jews who can trace back their ancestry to middle age polish taskmasters didn't stay in the same region for a considerable amount of time ? Or are you talking about the Jews that have been documented to live in France since the 13th century ?

You don't need redpill right now anon, what you need is a basic grasp of history.

>> No.12276875

Rowling lets see you quote Corbyn saying something anti-Semitics
I'll wait

>> No.12276877

can't wait until all jews are wiped out for good, lads

>> No.12276888
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1543078785030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really such a stupid kike that you miss the humor of everybody freaking out over a poster literally just saying its ok to be white? You either have no sense of humor or you literally hate white people (the point of the meme, because you do).
>Because it's literally subversice infiltration
No it's not. You don't have to 100% agree with everything your party says. What I think it really is is just these people joining a party that most closely represents their views. They will never gain any power anyway because the democratic system has been made to favor Jewish interests. You're right, theres no place for pro-whites there. Which is why violence is the only option (and even that is imo futile).
>Actually, they did. That's why it happened.
Well they did a pretty damn poor job because I still have to read your dumb ass posts.

>> No.12276912

Schitzotypal diagnosis of my face and there's a life to the pushin'tushin isn't available in dog and there's a lot of my face and there's a life time opportunity for dog is the correct information you ever had and there's nothing I have been working with extensive experience in social media marketing Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram YouTube and meth epidemic of my wife has been working for you and your family and friends is effecting you to.

>> No.12276917

>History says the opposite. They've never stayed in one place for any considerable amount of time.
If jews want power then USA is the top of the tree. If you think jews run USA, do you also honestly think they're going to move out of USA? Where are they going to move to? Seriously...?
The've already hit jackpot. And they're not going to let another holocaust happen. America's most successful racist (Trump) works for them and even has a kike son-in-law (see: Ivanka's husband) LOL

>> No.12276937

name a single time gentiles enslaved jews as a policy other than Romans as a sentence for jews fighting in Kokbah's genocidal insurrection

>> No.12277003

If you're reading this, I want you to know that anti-Zionism =/= anti-Semitism.


ravenclaw anon.

>> No.12277007

Usury obviously

>> No.12277017

Dishonest question, anon

>> No.12277021

People also feel more miserable and lonely than ever, and are like strangers in their own countries, despite all these supposed improvements

>> No.12277051

Maybe enslaved was too strong a word. I was thinking of the Babylonian deportation, so just keep the "deported" part if the word enslaved offends you.

> other than Romans as a sentence for jews fighting in Kokbah's genocidal insurrection

While ask for examples and then provide an example yourself ? Enslavement as judicial sentence is still enslavement (it was actually one of the main causes of enslavement in Antiquity), and I wasn't making any moral judgement with my us eof this word.

But this was not my central point anyway. My point was that most Jewish migrations were either enforced by non-jewish authorities or undertaken by Jews as a way to settle (emphasis on "settle") elsewhere.

The "Jews are intrinsically nomadic" meme really doesn't hold up when you look at it a bit closely.

>> No.12277063

Maybe we're just becoming more sensitive. Death used to be so prevalent that people crying about merely being lonely would have been unseemly.

I agree that a sense of local community seem to have degraded, but that's not necessarily an inevitability, it just requires a bit of work.

>> No.12277067

How did the Jews turn to usury ? It wasn't always their main trade, seeing as most of the habitants of the old kingdom of Israel were peasants.

>> No.12277113

The first holocaust didn't happen, but it's not up to jews, it's up to whites. We have allowed jews into our nations as guests and they have stabbed us in the back. This is what they have done wherever they've gone, which is why they are constantly removed, as they will be again soon. And Trump is just step one.

>> No.12277119

No, there's a definite change, because you can see when you go to small towns which are mostly homogeneous in any country people will wave and say hi when they pass on the street, older people often say they feel communities are more distant than they were when they were young, etc., and this is nowhere more pronounced than in western countries.
It's a problem nobody wants to admit but it's a total failure of the system to serve human needs first rather than economic and ideological ones. All politics, money being the master and not the servant, multiculturalism with no actual community support for it which often ends up atomising the community even further, etc.
You just have to look at the rate of suicides and suicide by ethnicity and sex to not realise there is a massive cultural problem nobody wants to admit, and it's getting worse, not better.

>> No.12277122

Have you seen people these days? All they do is walk around while staring at their phones. People don't know how to live man.

>> No.12277123

Not the poster you’re responding to but making every complain relative to death is absurd.

For the record I agree that life is better than ever in the material sense.

>> No.12277130

Trump is the most pro Israel president in ages

>> No.12277144

Thats not really the point. The point is with the advent of usury and international banking especially a few hundred years ago, they were disproportionately financially influential and that's not really a contested point.

>> No.12277146

Wow all the ressentiment filled replies to this post.

>> No.12277156

That's not what ressentiment means

>> No.12277157

That doesn't matter. His only role here is to roll back immigration, which is and has historically been promoted primarily by jews, and which he is doing. We will cut off ties with Israel, purge semites from power, and get the neo-Persians to obliterate their feudal stolen sandbox state further down the line.

>> No.12277171

He's continued flooding the country with immigrants though

>> No.12277187
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>The first holocaust didn't happen,
I might as well be talking to a flat-earther.

>> No.12277195

Yerushalmi is so based he puts the Israeli yid in place. I wish pol read him

>> No.12277197

You can really tell the difference between 4chan and infinity chan in posts like this

>> No.12277205

thqt’s some pretty neat security state scrubbing

>> No.12277208

It literally didn't. Even the narrative didn't get going until the 1970s. What, you take jews, a semitic race known primarily throughout the ages for their dishonesty, at their word? Lmfao.

>> No.12277216
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>Corbyn blamed bankers for the banking crisis and the British media claimed that was antisemitism.

>> No.12277219

Problem Nazoid?

>> No.12277224

billionaire woman defends billionaire bankers

news at 11

>> No.12277226
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>/lit/ is a leftie boa-

>> No.12277229

Primo Levi’s Holocaust memoir was published in Italy in 1947 by a small publishing company, didn’t sell much and went out of print before getting more attention a decade later, and still matches “the narrative” today

>> No.12277233
File: 42 KB, 981x753, bolsvheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's more left wing than hating Jews? They cause capitalism

>> No.12277243

No one who wasn't an outside shill ever said that.

>> No.12277247

I'm not the same poster you idiot I just came in to this thread 5 minutes ago
Ressentiment is essentially reacting or being passive rather than creating or feeling something purely of your own will. It's literally re + sentiment if that's not obvious.

>> No.12277248

You see this all the time, most recently in the US when Trump called out 'globalists' and sent the globalist kikes in the media into a kvetchethon. They know they are ruling over us and lying to us, it's us, whites, who are afraid to acknowledge this due to jewish conditioning.

>> No.12277256

Like, for instance, developing a worldview where all signifiers of Jewish power are associated with moral evil and those of gentile subordination with virtue?

>> No.12277259
File: 440 KB, 879x421, Screen-Shot-2018-08-06-at-8.14.47-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing matches the narrative today. The holocaust literally didn't happen and every month a holocaust "survivor" gets caught lying about his story. Which is to say nothing of lampshades and soap and masturbation machines and roller-coasters of death, etc. Jews are massive liars.

>> No.12277266

Is there anywhere I can sign up for becoming the slave to a khazak-milker endowed jewess so she can produce more members of the master race? asking for my cousin from Canada

>> No.12277267

>Reformation, Glorious Revolution of 1688, French Revolution, gained control of Spain requiring the Inquisition to root them out, financing the American Revolution, probably financing the German Revolution of 1848,
Except for the Inquisition this is a load of bull.

>> No.12277268

Well sure if you want to reach a bit and come at fucking 4chan posts from that angle, but the post they're responding to would then also be ressentiment and we're not really getting anywhere with it apart from pseud wankery

>> No.12277273

Not the guy you're replying to but no, ressentiment is when the slaves revalued the existing values of their masters so that conditions of slavery like meekness, poverty, and downtroddenness were turned into "virtues."

Simply hating an oppressor or casting someone as an oppressor doesn't qualify as ressentiment.

I guess you could make the argument that the gentiles who are angry about Jews are in fact just jealous of the Jews' will to power in dominating the world, but I doubt that's what you're saying, since that would be admitting the Jews' guilt.

>> No.12277279

Let me shitpost faggot

>> No.12277288

No, >>12277247 was right, what you're talking about is slave morality which is just one incarnation of ressentiment.
Master morality is also another form of ressentiment

>> No.12277306

I’m not Jewish so I have no scruples about admitting Jewish “guilt”. If you want to add a sympathetic glaze to the story, then Jews are doing what anyone would do to ensure the survival and prosperity of their group if they could, especially when they’ve learned the dangers of being in a position of subjection to other nations or ethnicities.

>> No.12277334

Are you justifying your enemy's tribal actions to weaken and exploit you in your own nation? Talk about slave morality in action, yikes.

>> No.12277350

why can noone on this site spell resentment

also Camus btfo resentment in a page and a half 70 years ago, why are you all obsessed with dated negative reactionary politics

>> No.12277360

The only Jews who have consistently lived in France since the 13th century continuously are a very small group living in one part of Provence, otherwise most of them were expelled and let back in several times. Poland is probably the one major exception to the rule of Jews constantly having to move from country to country.

>> No.12277370

You must be low iq

>> No.12277373

Woops, nvm, abandon thread

>> No.12277378

Fuck off jew

>> No.12277383

dumb kike

>> No.12277388

>I have no point, let me insult other posters
Ha ha ha
I bet you haven't read a single response to Scheler
Hell I bet you haven't even read Scheler

>> No.12277414


>> No.12277427
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>> No.12277430
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>> No.12277448

our girl

>> No.12277453
File: 29 KB, 672x675, Notthistimebog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is BLM
Literally a movement equivalent to "it's OK to be black" except that it is positively promoted everywhere unlike "it's OK to be white" which is considered racist.
>Because it is literally subversive infiltration
I don't think it is possible to stop that from happening. I don't think it is a good thing however, the change made by jews and alt-right infiltrators is a bit different I think; one created the fed and the other failed to pass a /pol/ meme.
>that's why it happened
If my school taught me this then it must be true!

>> No.12277459

I know you
I had this same interaction with you two months ago
You spend too much time on this board doing this

>> No.12277462
File: 59 KB, 250x243, 1476439141089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why can noone on this site spell resentment

>> No.12277471

>it's OK to be white
>KKK meme
>not racist

>> No.12277485

Is this b8

>> No.12277488

What the fuck interaction did we have you schizoid? nothing I've said is unique

>> No.12277500


>> No.12277506

How new are you? Marxism was the patrician position years ago

>> No.12277508

Posting "Cringe" in response to very boring posts in nazi threads
Depends on your point of view. I'm asking rhetorical questions that I know will provoke an anger response in your little peabrains

>> No.12277550

No it wasn't. Apolitically discussing lit was (and still is really, just ignore shills).

>> No.12277625

Lmao imagine thinking ressentiment is a misspelling of resentment

>> No.12277654

She's a liberal.
Liberals are just a cancer, it happens to have infected the supposed left wing party in the US so it's fine if you forget that they are in every valuable way right wing.

>> No.12277663

>thinking that the writer had no opinion on his current world is patrician
more like retarded

>> No.12277694
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>> No.12277702

What are you even talking about, dumb faggot. Reading writers with views doesn't make readers ideological.

>> No.12277712

It's not a misspelling. It's a French word on an English language board. People just use it to make their pseud peabrains feel bigger

>> No.12277727

>irrationally hate why pipo
>not racist

>> No.12277741

The absolute STATE

>> No.12277768

you can be jealous and ressentiment filled, going on to project a false image of your enemies onto them where they’re vastly more cunning, evil and overbearing than they really are which is what virulent racial anti-semites do. Jews are awful but they’re not controlling the West or all of culture.

>> No.12278064

even if we grant the premise, that source literally says it is based on Freud, Anti-Oedipus was written directly against Freud. if Freud is Jewish science then surely one of the most famous works debunking Freud can't be Jewish science too

>> No.12278277
File: 645 KB, 1031x1077, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jews smashing the softy Left.

>> No.12278882

that's wrong though
anti = against
semite = descendant of Shem
zionism benefits jews, being against something good for jews is is bad for jews, what is bad for jews is antisemetic
not irrationally against jews, not unreasonably against jews, just against jews

>> No.12278952


>> No.12278969

Man, even Israeli's are anti-Israel.

>> No.12279103

This women proves yet again that famous people will all lose their minds at some point and turn into Chris-chan.

>> No.12279137

Read the first one to understand what the buzz is about. You don't need to read the other ones, they are just the same formula repeated over and over again.