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12265102 No.12265102 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that will help me understand why women love drama?

>> No.12265118

everyone loves drama idiot. What do you think you're trying to start now?

>> No.12265153

Stupid women and their *rolls dice* not wanting kids

>> No.12265154

Care to expound?

>> No.12265164


>> No.12265170

Pic related

>> No.12265206

What kind of straight man likes drama, you fucking faggot

>> No.12265212

Friend, do you not see the irony?

>> No.12265213

this image is gonna set off the myriad of roasties and literal cucks on this board

>> No.12265216

>only fags make drama
Absolute state of this board

>> No.12265224


>> No.12265235

>literal virgins who’ve never had a gf

>> No.12265251

>*Random outward rage b8ing*
>only fags like drama
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12265262

Send in the clowns, or in this case, cucks

>> No.12265265

>he likes getting into fights with his gf

I spotted the effeminate liberal bugman.

>> No.12265282
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need a girl to treat my bollocks like a bouncy castle
not a new labour voter or progressive just want my balls ruptured
simple as

>> No.12265295

What kind of books does she reads?

>> No.12265311
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Women get off on controlling men and obviously the drama is how they do that. They literally create problems and then "solve" them to see how males react

Pic related a book OP will never read

>> No.12265322

My diary desu

>> No.12265329

How does a man win this shit game women play?

>> No.12265343

moby-dick, Butchers Crossing, Suttree, Blood Meridian, Lonesome Dove, Growth of the Soil etc
She especially enjoys Melvilles prose and found it hard to move onto another English novel afterwards which could compare in terms of the prose alone, she slowly grew to enjoy McCarthys writing and really enjoyed the pace and setting of Suttree after reading BM, she really likes the sereneness of the descriptions of nature in all of these novels and the simple life offered in each of them.
Of course she doesn't have any deep insights or thoughts on these novels or ever plans on rereading them more than once but she does enjoy absorbing the imagery and surface meaning as passively as possible and she finds it focuses and calms her, making her future seem less daunting.

>> No.12265359

It's difficult but you have to learn to not care what women think. Obviously there will be conflicts, and they'll try to mess with you even more, but literally the only way is to just not care about what they think at all. This will also make you alpha in their eyes.

>> No.12265362

By not playing.

>> No.12265367
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this desu

>> No.12265368

>lol just don’t think about it bro, it’s not like that will infuriate them more

>> No.12265379

So I basically have to ghost them whenever the drama comes up, or just put an end to it abuptly? My gf tried starting drama tonight, and I’m too stressed at my second job to give a shit and just told her goodbye and we’ll talk tomorrow. What do women have to gain from being so fucking retarded?

>> No.12265407
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>only fags make drama
>OP tries to make drama


>> No.12265412

Correct. Just power through the drama, like it's not happening. Do not let it effect you, no matter what. No matter what bullshit they're doing it is not important at all and you have infinitely more important things to think deep about. You don't have to be rude, but not matter what do not let them get under your skin.

>Why do women do this
It's just their nature. They're not like men and have different priorities and objectives, which is fine. But that also means they gave zero right to infringe on your masculinity. You don't step on their female nonsense and eventually they'll learn you're not a beta orbiter white knight and will respect you more because you stay true to "the male box" of dealing with your problems. Let women deal with their problems, and mutual respect will eventually form.

>> No.12265441

>doesnt like drama
>spends his days arguing with anonymous internet users

>> No.12265454

Can you give me some example of shit tests and how to power through them, anon? It would help me understand if there’s some context.

>> No.12265457

>deep insights or thoughts on these novels or ever plans on rereading them more than once
You sound like an English major brainlet.

>likes the sereneness of the descriptions of nature in all of these novels and the simple life offered in each of them.
>but she does enjoy absorbing the imagery and surface meaning as passively as possible and she finds it focuses and calms her, making her future seem less daunting.
Your gf seems to have intuitive understanding of how literature works. Learn from her

>> No.12265485

It's not shit testing since if you're with a women already you've passed the shit test threshold. Shit tests are entry level just to weed out the bottom feeders who have no chance. An actual female "crisis" is like
>Here's a problem, it wasn't a problem before but now it is, why don't you respect me?
>Of course I respect you and I know you're smart and tough and can resolve this problem.

There's also a difference between total nonsense and a situation where they actually need your help. If they're trying to get your attention for help you can win easy victories by doing what they can't (say, fixing the roof tiles or basic plumbing or computer stuff) - basically women need men to interface with other men because women can't deal with male problems and don't understand them, just like how most men are baffled by female problems (do I look fat in this?).

The key is respect. Any adult male or female needs to be respected and mutual respect is basic to a healthy (ie non toxic) relationship.

>> No.12265512

Fug, this is great advice. Answer me this, anon. Something happened today that made my gf think I’m going around telling others about her personal life. But that’s not true, and I tried explaining why the people who told her that were lying. I still feel like she doesn’t believe me. Consequently, she felt really frazzled and texted me intermittently throughout the day. Clearly something was up. Finally she told me she felt suffocated. I told her that I’d give her space, but then she wanted to see me for a little bit tomorrow. Annoyed, I told her we’ll talk tomorrow and to text me if she really wants to see me. I’m stressed out about all the sacrifices I made so I can be with her. We’ve been dating for 5/6 months.

>> No.12265582

You walked into a trap anon. The initial crisis was a set up and you screwed up by denying it and blaming her friends (never ever attack a women's girlfriends). You made it worse by trying to "solve" the problem by "giving her space".
Now you're deep in the penalty box over something you didn't do and should never have happened. You'll probably need to do all kinds of explaining at this point and swallow your pride hard, which will sting. Somehow you need to convince your girl (and probably her friends) you're a good guy working with them, not against them. it's tough because you made an early mistake and now you're just suffering the consequences which she's dragging out because she knows she's got you on the ropes. I'd check in with her girlfriends, try to find out what the real problem is. She probably just wants a nice Christmas present. Something simple like that could repair a lot of damage. The good news about this time of year is that you get to talk to the family and that mutual relationship building will be a big boost.

As for the initial problem
>Are you talking about me behind my back???
You should have said:
>Should I be?

>> No.12265616


>> No.12265626

Op’s gf

>> No.12265712

Another thing: you should assume women are constantly talking about you behind your back because they always are. You can't avoid that, in fact you want them to be gossiping about you. In a good way - talking about what a cool guy you are and how you have a huge cock. You may not be gossiping about her with your friends (why would you?) But she may not understand why that is. You can put out some good vibes by chatting up her friends (or even your bros if you think she's watching that) about how cool she is and what a lucky guy you are etc. You might think this is retarded but it goes back to the central point: women are going to gossip about you no matter what you do so you can only do your best to make that gossip positive. Women might be confused if you're NOT gossiping about them too.

>> No.12266577
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Does this understanding ^ come from reading this book?
I didn't think women's studies would be interesting whatsoever but perhaps it could help me make sense of the utter madness.

>> No.12266595

That's exactly what women's studies is for. You'll learn a lot about how women think, if you're interested and not a complete autismo, believe me.

>> No.12266608

How can I have all this understanding in mind and keep loving women? I can understand they are different, I can be content with it, having neither spite nor feeling of superiority, I can sympathise with them. But how do I keep seeing in them the ideal that's clearly not there? Do I have to give up on romantic love altogether? That would be too sad.

>> No.12266625

Love is just mutual support over a long time. Romantic love is something you experience briefly when you're 17 and flooded with hormones. Think about your mom versus your high school gf. You probably love your mom and she helps you and is there to support you, you do nice things for her in return, right? That's long term relationship love. Romantic love is when you get to third base with your teenage gf for the first time. That shit does not last, I can assure you. With a little hard work though you can use romance to get laid, of course, but it's not possible to maintain that in the long run, neither economically feasible nor healthy. Most hardcore romantics skit their wrists or turn into manic depressive alcoholics be ause they can't reconcile the two components of a strong relationship. They keep waiting for "the one" to save them not realizing those days come and are gone by the time you get to college.

>> No.12266627

>but then she wanted to see me for a little bit tomorrow.
she's breaking up with you, sorry anon

>> No.12266629

You don't. Gotta learn to love what's there, or not love them at all. The moment you slip into seeing them idealistically is the moment you become a beta cuck or cuck-to-be.

>> No.12266678

>Think about [...] your high school gf
Hahaha good joke anon.
Really, I understand you and understand what you write. Romantic love alone is non-feasible. Then maybe you can preserve it by presupposing it with ethical obligations, in which you would see your partner clearly as a person she is and not an ideal you want her to be? Kierkegaard thought one can do that, though of course he never actually tried.
But still I would want to keep romantic love in some way or another, since it drives you and inspires you to great deeds and makes life worth living (again, as Kierkegaard notes, only as long as you don't actually get the girl). But can I see a girl simultaneously as a person and as an ideal while these two images clearly contradict each other? Should I keep the ideal image as something separate from the actual girl I have relationships with, and wouldn't it be unfair towards the girl? Should I just abstain from relations altogether, projecting my ideal onto some actual girls, some anime girls, a God figure or some combination of the three? Should I see through this ideal as a cruel evolution's tool to make me propagate, poetised by generations upon generations of fools who didn't see things clear enough to recognise themselves as fools, and reject it at once? I'm completely lost.

>> No.12266723

My recommendation is to toss Kierkegaard in the fireplace immediately and go get laid ASAP. Not even joking.

>> No.12266739

Fuck. The worst part is, I can see your advice is correct. Thanks.

>> No.12266934

why do men akways feel like we are a different species? dont you realise, that just like your male friends every female is an individual? theyre are women constantly gossiping, manipulating and controlling, yes. but there are many women that dont do so. do you go out? do you actually try to talk to women and become their friends without seeking a sexual intercourse? i think that might be hindering all of you.

>> No.12267053
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>but there are many women that dont do so
thats where you are wrong bucko, its just that ugly women are ignored and can't start shit

>do you actually try to talk to women and become their friends without seeking a sexual intercourse?
no, because their interests are naturally contrary to a male's and anyone who acts like they can be genuine philia companions with a woman is a literal faggot

>> No.12267539

You know that only other virgins call people incels?

>> No.12267556

>do you actually try to talk to women and become their friends without seeking a sexual intercourse?

it´s pretty difficult since women only talk about their hair, men and whatever gossip they come across

i don´t talk about that shit. so fuck off roastie

>> No.12267585

Kristin Lavransdattar
The Neapolitan Novels

>> No.12267607

Nicy try, incel

>> No.12267658

Same reason men like competitive games, it's an instinctive thing. Partly also because drama and drama resolution helps to define the characters in her life (who's good/bad, trustworthy or not, chad/incel...).

>> No.12267773

you seem to only see one type of women, literally. there are so many women talking about other things, having other interest and not having men as their first priority.

ugly women // pretty women

minimizing their worth to only their appearance is exactly where the narcissism and ego comes from in beautiful women. if not any man would cater to any pretty women and let them play with ones self then that problem wouldnt even exist. youre an idiot. and i hope whatever women gave you life knows how much you talk down on her.

>> No.12267853
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>> No.12268003

A women who doesn't have men as her top priority is a lesbian

>> No.12268028

because sexual desires are all there is to humans. many people have things like hobbies, practices, religion, themselves as things that come first. were you born without a brain cant you think other than in ooga booga? did you think as a kid that girls/boys are top priority? no. why should it be any different now.

>> No.12268043
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Are you like a female incel? A no ironic fembot?

>> No.12268064

great comeback

>> No.12268129

I just gave up. The thing that I want out of women is something that women are unable to provide, so there's no point bothering.

>> No.12268141

adjust your performance

>> No.12268174

Man here, yes I do "go out", and in fact the majority of my social circle consists of women. Most of this information applies to women from teenage years to mid twenties and is for the most part correct. Over the hill roasties may indeed act differently, but, as a whole, women from the earlier age group to work in these ways. A same broad deduction can be made about males, however, as 4chan is a male website, we will stick to discussing the nonsensical complexities and degeneracies of the western woman.
>anyone who acts like they can be genuine philia companions with a woman is a literal faggot
This, All of my "gal pals" are merely fuck buddies that i'm no longer interested in fucking. I've noticed a disturbing tendency for many of my male friends to be equally as materialist as their female counterparts these days. Males interests in these times seems mostly to be with inconsequential nonsense such as video games and pop politics, which can easily be thrown into the same shit pile with women interests. I'm wondering if the whole "effeminization of men" argument has some actual truth behind it.

>> No.12268176

oops, was also responding to >>12267053

>> No.12268181

>Do you go out try to talk to women, and become their friend with no sex

>> No.12268200

>why do men akways feel like we are a different species?

because women are hard to get, there´s a reason why prostitutes exist

>> No.12268230

You aren't making any sense, woman are low functioning and only have the capacity to mimic the male rolemodels in their life.
Judging women based on their attractiveness is how 99% of the monkey brains do it and how society is structured, so that guy calling your an oblivious female incel is reasonable if you werent so obviously an oblivious bluepilled teenager.

>> No.12268267

but if a woman is judging you based on your attractiveness you rage on 4Chan about narcissistic and egoistic women and then you cry yourself to sleep. keep the hypocrisy

>> No.12268303

Do women not know that any "male friend' is thinking about them when the jerk off and fantasizes about being with them. If the male friend chad-ish they're going to posture in such a way that they get their dick sucked.

>> No.12268304

forgot to add that a woman doesnt have to cater to you and treat you like a son. we have our own desires and wishes and just because you grew up with your mother living in an internalized sexist crisis where she caters to every man around her doesnt mean that every other woman is "low functioning". your mother was busy probably thinking about everybody else instead of herself, just like society taught her to. read a book and preferably not ones that are from men that are stuck in the 1200s

>> No.12268311

>on a literature board
>doesn't like drama

>> No.12268316

of course.we are brought up with that thought that nothing but your body is important. even as a kid you get stares. and if that doesnt tell you something then what would.

>> No.12268320

>your mother was busy probably thinking about everybody else instead of herself, just like society taught her to
God forbid society teach women to be something other than hedonists.

>> No.12268366

It’s the bugman phenomenon, anon. It’s particularly prevalent in liberal men.

>> No.12268383

God forbid society teach men to be something other than hedonists. OH WAIT

>> No.12268389

>God forbid society teach men to be something other than hedonists.
It does. What are you even talking about?

>> No.12268393

>do you actually try to talk to women and become their friends without seeking a sexual intercourse?

What's the point of that.

>> No.12268401

>do you actually try to talk to women and become their friends without seeking a sexual intercourse?
What would I do with my supposed female friend? Gossip about shoes and Chad's dick?

>> No.12268419

>Women should avoid all reciprocal relationships and shrug off anything that can be construed as a duty to others and only associate men who will go out of their way to enable their "desires"

>> No.12268430

Society is browbeating men these days

>> No.12268440

it doesnt. if anything; you arguing for male superiority with statements like "women are low functioning" is self serving. you feed your own ego with the power that men before you took advantage of. you alone arent better than any woman. take away our societies standards and look in the mirror. where can you say that you are better and more deserving in any aspect than a woman. nowhere.

>> No.12268447

This but unironically

>> No.12268455

>Grow up male
>"You need to be responsible"
>"Fix your own problems"
>"Find a career so you can support a family"
>"Respect women and find a wife"
>Hmm I can't seem to do some of those things
>Why would that be...

>Grow up female
>"You go girl"
>"You don't need no man"
>"Being a wife and mother is oppressive"
>"Focus on your career and have lots of sex"
>"Only settle down when you feel like it, if ever"


>> No.12268467

thats literally what most men on 4chan do though?? literally any man in this thread???>men avoid all reciprocal relationships and shrug off anything that can be construed as a duty to others and only associate men who will go out of their way to enable their "desires"

here look at this
or literally any other response in this thread

a woman has to be the ideal, has to look beautiful, has to cater in every way, has to meet any sexual desires And also care lovingly in any way with no hesitation otherwise >>>>>not a good woman, no ideal, and low performing

>> No.12268476

>you alone arent better than any woman.
I don't spend my time having men cum on my face and piss on me, so there's something.
>take away our societies standards
Yeah I guess taking away all standards would be necessary for this little exercise, wouldn't it? Lol.

>> No.12268490

>Associating with anybody
>Having desires

>> No.12268498

>and shrug off anything that can be construed as a duty to others
Like alimony?

>> No.12268530

Relationships with women are trifling in most regards. I am only really interested in raising kids with one, guess I gotta go subjugate one.

>> No.12268650
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It comes down to how okay you are with yourself.

If you're so desperate that you're looking at how to pick up "women", you're doing it wrong. You need to be looking for the right kind of woman.

Women love women's bullshit just as much as guys love guys' bullshit. They're both mostly normies. They have to be all about the fashion, and the drama, and the physical attractiveness / social-status competition, just like guys have to be all about the sports, and the cars, and the physical strength / sexual conquest competition. It's all just to "fit in", and be "one of them", so that the largest demographic will accept you, otherwise, you might be forced to stand out, to be ostracized and excluded for being "different", which is almost worse than death to the average basic bitch/bro, who need the approval of the masses to survive.

However, if you are okay enough with yourself that you don't need to be "one of them" to find strength, and that you can be proud of yourself instead of being ashamed for standing out, and you'd rather be single than spend a life with some annoying, hollow, basic bitch that just runs typical female shit-tests and social games, then you have enough standards and self-respect to limit yourself to searching for those (more uncommon but not RARE) intelligent/independent women who are at least less prone to the typical female bullshit.

When women see that you respect yourself and that you feel ZERO loss to drop any basic bitch out of your life at a moment's notice, they respect you. They want so desperately to be accepted and fit in, that they will fight each other for your approval just to get some from someone who doesn't give it out easily. It's all just to "prove" themselves, and they have nothing to prove if you're a timid nobody who just tries to fit in and would approve of any female who gives you attention.

So basically: Start the journey to approve of yourself. Once you realize that your own approval is the only approval that actually matters, you can then start to seek out the women who are actually worth your time, and disregard any thot who can't give you the relationship/life you want.

Basically: Have standards. Reject roasties. Seek out thoughtful/independent women. If enough of us actually respect ourselves enough to do this, we'll suddenly start seeing women valuing different traits (independence, intelligent discussion) once the old ones (being a catty bitch, wearing slutty designer clothes) no longer gain them approval.

>> No.12268698
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Men engage in certain activities; women, others. Why is irrelevant if you don't belong to said group. It is unmanly to concern yourself with the motives of women, who are not meaningfully distinct from children in terms of mental maturity and by biological reality consigned to lives of mediocrity (as understood by men, and the value of men). Pic related.

>> No.12268703

This. Before you can lead you need to learn how to follow (yourself)

>> No.12268730

Yeah i kinda want an individual especially for the opposite sex in my relationship to show some charecteristics I may generally lack as a man and vice versa. Not that crazy of a concept

>> No.12268739
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The mainspring of an individual is his creative Will. This Will is the sum of his tendencies, his destiny, his inner truth. It is one with the force that makes the birds sing and flowers bloom; as inevitable as gravity, as implicit as a bowel movement, it informs alike atoms and men and suns.

To the man who knows this Will, there is no why or why not, no can or cannot; he is!

There is no known force that can turn an apple into an alley cat; there is no known force that can turn a man from his Will. This is the triumph of genius; that, surviving the centuries, enlightens the world.

This force burns in every man

There are four obstacles that prevents humans from achieving and performing their True Will, all of which are connected with fear: the fear of incompetence, the fear of the opinion of others, the fear of hurting others, and the fear of insecurity. These must be overcome,

>The Will must be freed of its fetters. The ruthless examination and destruction of taboos, complexes, frustrations, dislikes, fears and disgusts hostile to the Will is essential to progress

>> No.12268744

>trying to understanding women

Waste of time, just fuck 'em and when you want to have some kids knock them up, keep it simple, and use your time for worthy goals.

>> No.12268767

Manchildren don't understand this because they think women are "imperfect" men. Likewise queer feminist activists are obsessed with gender "equality" because the notion that men and women are different terrifies them. The whole point of having different sex chromosomes is for evolutionary advantage (at least in mammals and most other large species). Women and men should be celebrated for their different mentalities and strengths, not demonized.

>> No.12268796

Should species with practically vestigial genders be celebrated for their "strengths?"

You're conflating evolutionary fitness with strength. A species of fish where the male barely lives a life at all, and has essentially evolved to be a suicidal organ of the female, may be interesting and beautiful from a third-person scientific perspective, but that would be a lousy species for intelligence to evolve in. Likewise, women being borderline vestigial because they are overgrown spoiled children is not something to be celebrated just because it had an evolutionary function a million years ago.

>> No.12268836

Social media kinda pushes this weird pseudo-masculine vibe onto women, while the act of it is entirely feminine. Like you see it all the time women bragging about their promiscuity, not giving a fuck attitude and all that shit and its kind of screwing with the perception the genders have of each other.

>> No.12268850

>Gives birth to offspring

>Generates sperm for reproduction

>> No.12268857

Women aren’t “spoiled children” by nature. They display those characteristics largely due to society simply viewing them as sex objects and nothing else for centuries. You need to only see the difference in how women behave in rural areas compared to urban ones to notice that the less pampering a woman recieves from society the more likely they are to behave independently. The same could be said of men.

And yes, women do have qualities worth celebrating. Their increased average level of social intelligence and their capacity for empathy counterbalances masculine harshness and practicality. Masculinity and femininity are like yin and yang.

>> No.12268880
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This was caused almost entirely by the 90s assault on femininity. Basically capitalism is to blame (keeps wages low, doubles quantity of consumption). Shitty TV sitcoms are also responsibile for creating toxic models that plebs then emulate.

Ironically, Candace Bushnell who wrote Sex and the City, was actually inspired by her long standing obsession with romance novels. Sex and the city was basically a research project that blew up and was turned into a excuse for 90s women to "act like men" although the real objective of the book was to question what had happened to romance in New York.

>> No.12268904

Men can't help seeing women as sex objects anyway. We can either return to patriarchy with women having clearly defined responsibilities (big no-no), stop viewing women as sex objects altogether (waifubots etc; basically a great divorce of the species) or keep seeing them as sexual objects while celebrating them as independent and free of responsibilities (which would just deepen the problem). Any of the three options sounds shitty to me.

>> No.12268913

Actual women enjoy being sex objects (just not all the time).

>> No.12268917

I also enjoy being a spoiled brat, that doesn't mean it is good for me in the long run.

>> No.12268923
File: 24 KB, 504x315, 63759_952523718110350_4941445262651418938_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're some kind of ego death zen monk there's nothing wrong with spoiling yourself now and again.

>> No.12268939

Idk dude woman are like on track to vastly outearn men in their own age range. We have no one but ourselves to blame. So materially its working out for them.

>> No.12268940

This is understandable. Women on a subconscious level acknowledge that they hold power over men, and acknowledgement of that in moderation is almost like a compliment to them.

I think the big reason they like being sexualised occasionally is that a guy who openly talks about them in a sexual way is clearly not afraid of them, which is refreshing since the vast majority of men throughout history have been terrified of offending women and are thus boring in their eyes. The famous phrase “girls just want to have fun” has some truth to it.

>> No.12268943

Greater social conformity tends to help with learning, yes.
There's a great difference between spoiling yourself and being spoiled.

>> No.12268948

Now you're just spliting hairs

>> No.12268959

Sure, I don't think there's any mystery that women like getting nailed by masculine cock.

>> No.12268977

No, really. It's very fucking bad for children if you constantly do everything for them, constantly remind them how wonderful they are with no input on their part. Almost as bad as always reminding them how worthless they are. Not all women are in a position like this, of course. But for those women who find themselves being praised for being sexually objectified, it is harmful. For those women who are ugly and don't get any attention, it's harmful too. It's bad for incels who can't get laid and it's ultimately bad for chads who are drowning in pussy since they grow to be unable to form meaningful emotional connections. Turning the human sexuality into a market governed by market laws and market relations is harmful for absolutely all of its participants, not just those who are losing in it. Much like a special olympics. If you participate in the """dating market""" you already lost the spiritual component of sexual relations, and with it much of your humanity and much of your prospects for happiness.

>> No.12268980 [DELETED] 
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>Do I have to give up on romantic love altogether?
Yes. The psychology of women is fundamentally incompatible with men.

>> No.12268989
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>Do I have to give up on romantic love altogether?
No, but you have to give up on Platonic love, which is a much higher ideal. The psychology of women is fundamentally incompatible with men.

>> No.12269002

Dude you are a loser, we can all tell.

>> No.12269026

This is a problem with capitalism selling women’s sex as a commodity, not so much the sexualisation aspect in isolation. In the past, women were sexually objectified by legal systems and religion which emphasised a woman’s ability to procreate above all else. Now that focus has shifted towards focusing on acting on impulse (on a way that makes them good consumers of course) which is cleverly marketed under the guise of being some kind of faux feminist liberation.

If women found ways to flaunt their sexuality without indulging in mass consumption, the tide of authority would quickly turn against the concept of liberalisation and the championing of feminism. Those in power don’t care about women— They only seek to exploit them.

>> No.12269037

I wish I could feel a loser. Then I'd have at least a goal to strive to.

>> No.12269070

The point is for them to realize that you don't care about irrelevant bullshit. Which will get them mad, but who cares. In the long run whether they learn or not will be less sweat or your back.

>> No.12269094

It actually won't make them mad, that's the key part. You drive you're a man by acting like a man. I know it sucks, but if you want her to act like a women and take your dick it's only fair you act like a man, right?

>> No.12269130
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>> No.12269230

>just like how most men are baffled by female problems

I think this is a good point. It's easy to trivialize female "drama" because it manifests itself in ways that men don't understand. I don't think the average guy understands how much more complicated and subtle female group dynamics are.

>> No.12269248

>I don't think the average guy understands how much more complicated and subtle female group dynamics are.

really? how so? i can´t buy that notion

>> No.12269251

Assuming I can understand it, why I should see it as anything other than a pit of vipers?

>> No.12269356

>their interests are naturally contrary to a male's

naw. do you really believe that your interests don't overlap at all with the average woman? a common interest could be something as simple as liking to go out to the bars on the weekend. all of your relationships in life don't need to be extremely deep and rooted in passion for some esoteric hobby.

>> No.12269381

you should try running in some better social circles mate

>> No.12269392

what do you expect? , i´m not a normie,

>> No.12269400

I can’t stand it when men come in as some peace maker in these things and then go on to recite some Kings speech about how women are so complex and their relationships are just over men’s heads. Absolutely ridiculous and pandering,

>> No.12269414

Read the Greek and you'll have our answer.

>> No.12269418


>> No.12269490

Sad but true.I would personally keep the Kierkegaard for the lonely winter nights however.

>> No.12269681

Not who you're responding to but I think they are more complex, but that's not necessarily a good thing. I think a good way to look at women and how they think in general is to view it almost as a problem of overengineering. The "problem" with women is that they make everything much more complex than it has to be, in a way that is ultimately detrimental to men because most men can't emotionally "overengineer" at the same level as women. It's been said in this thread and really it should be said in every thread like this, the only way to beat women at this game of "who can spin the most complex web of social-emotional bullshit" is to make it very clear to them that you, as a simple man, do not give a single fuck about it. If you try to play their game and worm your way around the memetic maze of crap they're building, you're gonna get lost and nothing is less attractive than a man who doesn't know where's going.

To go back to what you were specifically talking about, relationships. I mean maybe some men have these catty bitchy friend groups and shit, but idk that's not the type of guy I am and my friendships with men are pretty fucking simple. We'll bust each others' balls and fuck with each other, but it's all in good faith and it's usually pretty funny. I'm not going to end a friendship with my bro over a prank. But with women, just like they try to get under your skin in a relationship, they try to get under each other's skin in their friend groups. Because really that's how female competition works. They weave these intricate mazes of bullshit with each other, and because they're all women there's no fucking end to it.

Btu again just because its more complex doesn't make it better or "over" anybody's head. Likewise, it's not really right to go the incel route and say it's beneath us or worse or anything like that. It's what women are supposed to do, it's not better or worse just different.

>> No.12269749

now i know why i don´t have a gf

>> No.12269756


>> No.12269820

This is correct. Women love the emotional game, men are straight shooters. There's nothing wrong with women playing their games, it's just that men aren't really taught how to handle them. A lot of men think this is "a problem" when it's really a feature of women: women will take care of the emotional side of the business for you, all you have to do is be a simple man. The first thing is faggy guys who think they can get into that game (unless they're literally homosexuals, but that's their business). Men trying to "win" at the women games will invariably get destroyed and end up bitter and confused. This explains incels completely

>> No.12270004

The memes write themselves
Maybe I'm new on /lit/ and hysterical females that make anecdotal arguments from emotion are par for the course.

>> No.12270014

Your pic related was fucking awful. The writer completely missed the point of that song/poem

>> No.12270046

just read your tolstoy m8

>> No.12270047

This is the most important key to the problem. Sexual tensions will not get solved until both sides acknowledge this.

>> No.12270085

>this level of intelligent banter
I think I found my new favourite board

>> No.12270107

>Some bitches I know going on about rape culture
>Almost always devolves into some over generalization like men should control themselves

Like it sounds correct but extremely wrong at the same time

>> No.12270137

Talk about cinema and literature. If you can't find women to talk about cinema and literature, move out, become a librarian, or question your way of approaching women.

>> No.12270148

Why would you quote the consevative take on manhood and then the liberal take on womanhood as if they were preached by the same person ? Do you have identity disorder anon ?

>> No.12270152

The entire problem would be solved to a large extent if more men had some self-control and didn't fall for the first thot to offer them sex. The objectification of women is real, and it's actively harming everyone on all levels of society.

>> No.12270158

I agree with this analysis and you’re reslonding to me. I don’t think men ( or women ) are taught how to handle eachother at all. It’s true that women are more prone to language and view the world through a completely different emotional prism. I just hate the meme that men are some lower beastly beings with less complex inner lives. It all feels like more shame being associated with sex as we’re the naturally more assertive people. We do a lot more and take more risks for sex and when those fail we’re open to ridicule. The supposedly enlightened people saying sex is a free and beautiful thing also revel in breaking down others relationships, marriages, and more broadly interpersonal relationships and are also the ones that look down on incels. Men that can’t achieve sex are endemic to a larger problem of someone who struggles socially and they’re the weakest and most vulnerable in society. I resent the idea that these people thumb their noses at them while preaching this and on top of it have the gall to say they’re broken and primitive.

>> No.12270174

These women have rape on the brain. For YEARS I’ve been waiting for some social study on the kinds of women that participate in rape fantasies/rape play.

I’d bet my life savings feminists would be at the top of the list.

>> No.12270206

I mean its a nice idea and is technically right but I just don't see how it can be done practically. Sex just means way to much in our culture

>> No.12270219

Conceding that the objectification is real, isn't there a general objectification of everyone, everywhere? You don't usually stop to think about a cashier's identity and struggles, he's just a part of the process that you need to go through to get your groceries. You don't think too much about the plumber who comes to fix your sink, he's just a means to an end. Women as well objectify men whenever they think that having a boyfriend who makes them feel loved and maybe even bring money home would be fantastic. And yes, men objectify women as well. However, I don't like the narrative that this is something only women go through; men are sexually objectified a fair bit as well. I don't see it as such a big deal since as mammals with no mating season we have to contend with sexual thoughts on a daily basis, so I don't like to make much of a drama out of it. That's just my opinion, though.

>> No.12270231

I think for better or for worse, men are afforded the ability to be fairly obtuse with each other. Think of how men can mercilessly razz each other over their physical appearances, while the same interactions would never fly in a group of women.

I think you can think of it as a pit of vipers, but it's just as valid to view male group interactions as just as bad or worse. Think of how much more often women compliment each other. You can frame it as being insincere, or you can frame it as women being more concerned with their friends' self esteem. The same behavior which creates drama also can lead to greater group harmony. It is just as valid to frame it as scheming and sneaky as opposed to subtle, graceful, or empathetic.

>> No.12270233

>a woman has to be the ideal, has to look beautiful,

>one of the top categories on porn is bbw (women with 150kg+ having sex)
>pig woman experiment on tinder got thousand of likes

i once tries to fuck my couch.
men have no stardards at all

>> No.12270235

Honestly, learning how to interact with the different sexes involves being exposed to the different sexes.

This is why I believe all children should be raised with both a positive male role model in their life and a positive female role model also. So much vitriol towards the other sexes comes from negative exposure to that sex from a young age, which reduces the ability to show empathy for a member of the opposite sex. This is also why I believe mixed gender schooling to be important, since then the genders can interact in a low stakes environment and learn to pick up the subtle cues of the opposite sex.

When a child can name both a man in their life and a woman in their life that they look up to, it's a step forward to developing a healthy relationship with the opposite sex.

>> No.12270236
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>tfw liberal college women objectify me for my electrical trade knowledge
Why dont you install YOUR OWN GFCI outlets, Jenna?!

>> No.12270252

You sound sarcastic but you are right. Would they have you over if you couldn't install their outlets?

>> No.12270253

Dude it's not pandering if I'm not making a normative judgement about anything. All that I'm saying is that social interactions between groups of men and groups of women differ. The whole premise of this thread is that women create more drama than men, which backs that idea up.

>> No.12270268

Women have so many more things that can be critiqued too like, their makeup, hair, eyebrows, shoes, clothes etc. Guys if they do compliment each other its just something basic like "hey nice shirt dude" There isnt much to over think about usually.

>> No.12270273
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No because I dont look like Chadding Tatum or Chadcisco Chadowski

>> No.12270279

And yet paradoxically people don't like to acknowledge the importance of sex in our culture. People just clam up or become offended when given the opportunity to discuss it openly. Even worse are celebrities who condemn objectification of women and then wear skimpy clothing to public events, further highlighting the bizarre paradox.

Sex is important, gender relations are not ideal and yet people refuse to openly acknowledge these things.

>> No.12270283

the reality is lurking just beyond what youre allowed to think or say

>> No.12270296
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I know of a guy who was seeing this chick, she is one of those who know shes hot so shes super rude to everyone, because all she has to do is give you the impression that shes interested in you and you'll fall to her feet.

anyway shes seeing this guy, and he starts sleeping around and she finds out. Now, they go out drinking and one of the girls he slept with is also at the bar. She picks a fight with the girl in question and gets arrested. She still refuses to break up with the guy.

I need answers to why this behaviour is condoned,

>> No.12270300
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>> No.12270312

Because modern day society has basically evolved its social standards to "WAHMEN CAN DO NO WRONG, RESPEK WAHMEN OR YOU HAD MAN". Obviously with "respek wahmen" meaning "let them do whatever they want and never act negative toward them or you're an official no-pusy-getter".

>> No.12270315


>> No.12270324

We live in an age where our public mindset on sex is almost Victorian levels of prudishness, yet in reality there exists a complex sexual marketplace enabled by capitalism.

I can't think of anything else quite like it in human history.

>> No.12270331

Romans. Extremely snobbish about fidelity and sexual reputation but unbelievably degenerate behind closed doors. Renaissance was similar but with less pretensions about chastity.

>> No.12270345

I disagree, this day and age is very open to sexuality etc. You could have a 98% naked woman in an ad selling toothpaste and people won't bat an eye. Now, if you say "fuck" on the radio people lose their minds

>> No.12270354

It's a failure of the education system. The good news is though that you can totally ignore that rubbish since it isn't true. It's really a safety mechanism to reduce lawsuits. If you are brainwashed to be a white knight cuck you're not likely to get arrested for battery or rape, right? It's a win-win for the state
This also keep down unwanted pregnancey which also saves money ey in the long run. but the downside of course is that they don't bother to actually educate men how to deal with women (women generally speaking do not require such education because they figure it out intuitively). Men just become bitter and introverted and eventually kill themselves (also saving more money). It's a shitty deal, I know, and men need to advocate for basic relationship education in middle to high school. Start voting on that, seriously.

>> No.12270355


>> No.12270360

The Collected Shakespeare

>> No.12270363

Half the women selling sex in ads don’t even have sex. I bet the majority are single.

>> No.12270367

why would I vote for other peoples benefit when nobody gives/gave a fuck about me

>> No.12270372

Nonsense. Any attractive woman has to do is lay down and let the train come in. Its like a walking all you can eat buffet

>> No.12270379

If you've already given up just kill yourself anon. Sorry

>> No.12270383

>attractive women
>not having sex
Choose exactly (1).

I'm doing it slowly with opiates and tobacco, like a real blue collar loser.

>> No.12270385

It’s not a matter of if they’re able to, it’s a matter of if they actually have sex. Women don’t really even like sex and think men are gross.

>> No.12270389

Women dont think Chads are gross
>primo fashy evidence: Chadding Tatum

>> No.12270391

>Women don’t really even like sex and think men are gross.
this is extremely untrue lol. horny women are feral creatures, theyll try to fuck you literally in public

>> No.12270397

>women hate sex
>women are whore

well which one is it

>> No.12270405

Exactly guys but how many chads are actually around? Those guys have more cunt than they can handle. If a woman can’t get a chads attention they WONT settle for 99% of men.

t. Chad

>> No.12270407

Woman probably like sex more than most men do lmao, they are like the biggest advocates for all the open sexuality shit going around. Either this is just a farce or people just don't want to acknowledge that women are just as primal and hedonistic as men.

>> No.12270410
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Channing Tatum is actually a really talented and smart bro. He's not only good looking, he's also highly skilled and legitimately an interesting human bean.
Tldr skills also matter

>> No.12270416

I never said they were whores ya dildo

>> No.12270418

wow chad took time out of fucking brad’s gf (total bro though, lol cuck) to impart wisdom about sloots brehs.

Thanks man

>> No.12270419

A problem this potentially faces is that fact that Radfems who supports Foucault's ideas of the tabula rasa approach to gender would REEE at any hint of suggestion that there are differences between the two genders. They have a lot of academic pull at the moment, to the point where feminists who actually explore differences between the sexes are being pushed to the fringes.

I'm going to voice a controversial opinion and say that kids should be taught gender studies at a young age, only that the whole teaching of gender studies would be about learning to appreciate the differences between the sexes and how to develop empathy for the opposite sex.

>> No.12270424
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No woman would want to fuck me just because I can bend a perfect 3-point-saddle out of 3/4" conduit. Looks also matter.

All I said is women dont think Chads are gross. You didn't disprove anything I said.

>> No.12270427

He's also famous. Hardly a fair comparison to the average guy on the street

>> No.12270436

Again you’re confusing their advocacy for actually having sex. Women don’t have to work and can get paid for showing their tits. Seriously imagine what that’s like, what if you could get by showing the cleaver of your balls? Their entire lives are built around fashion and gossip surrounding the sexual marketplace. The chase and faux romance and getting their hair done and being able to talk like assholes to undesirable men is all they care about.

How many of these women are actually getting fucked? I’m skeptical. Fat girls put out. Vagina is just another commodity don’t think they’re just giving it out.

>> No.12270439

im not chad and i have had that sort of sex where she just couldnt wait, with fairly attractive girls

>> No.12270446

No problem faggot

>> No.12270452

Only a fool would take the stories here as fact

>> No.12270456

>Vagina is just another commodity
Not him but I dont care about sex, I just want companionship.

And its FUCKING INFURIATING that it's harder to get a gf than it is to "get laid"

>> No.12270457
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My point is he didn't get famous only by being attractive. Obviously that helps but he also had to work hard to get roles and learn to act and this took years. He had to go through a lot of bullshit playing garbage roles in MTV movies and shit before he made it big, despite being insanely attractive and talented. Listen to any actors really, if they're worth anything they'll talk about how seriously they had to work on their craft before making it.

t. Channing Tatum

>> No.12270458

real nigga shit my dude frfr, hah i bet you spit roast thad’s gf too (and *future voice* he oeno) lmao litty based and chadpilled amirite

>> No.12270460
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Some women use sex to in order to use guys, or at least further themselves. I know of a few who voluntarily slept with teachers/bosses.

It's fucking frustrating. That you strive to work hard and all one cunt has to do is open her legs

>> No.12270466

>Foucault's idea of tabula rasa
Is that actually a thing Foucault ever advocated ?

>> No.12270471

Shut up incel

>> No.12270472

X. Doubt

>> No.12270474

>It's fucking frustrating. That you strive to work hard and all one cunt has to do is open her legs
Being a man is literally being born to suffer and struggle. This is why I can't stand the "dude just man up and git shit done bro #gitshitdonesquad" "dude you gotta suffer and break your spine and develop mental & physical problems in order to succeed in life brah" brand of nu-masculinity that's so popular online these days

>> No.12270479

It hurts to say it, but women wouldn't be able to use those tools to their advantage as much if men didn't let them. Although I guess that for the men in those situations the immediate benefits and lack of risk would make it hard for them to take the morality of it into consideration.

>> No.12270481

Yeah it's all just coping mechanisms

>> No.12270485

worst of all, at the end of day if you manage to (by miracle) have a gf, she´s ugly as fuck

>> No.12270488

Yeah. That different than having a steady sexual partner. Men NEED sex. Giving some professor a sloppy bj to get a good grade on your exam is still not even what these sexual advocates are asking for. The sheer amount of actual healthy fucking that’s going on in society seems very very small while these drunken and stupid encounters seem prevalent. Women need to spend more time on their backs.

>> No.12270499

Without Foucault, there'd be no Judith Butler. Foucault didn't take it as far as her, of course, but he simply introduced the concept of aspects of society (including gender) being constructed by authority rather than being products of nature.

>> No.12270501
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Jesus Christ this triggers me. A friend of mine was falsely accused by his ex-girlfriend of rape because he hugged her after they broke up and wished her happy birthday and she didn't like that so she went to the cops. This guy was brought into an interrogation room for a whole day to determine whether he did the act. She finally withdrew the accusation after they wanted to conduct a rape test.

>> No.12270519

aw shittt naw playa pimp it aint like dat at all you feel me? im juss like in awe at these niggas, they so dominant, they so assertive, they make yo bitch tremble, exposin insecurity in the middling male ranks like demigods, like achilles among the trojans, is no hate, all love baby, we out here getting laid, these niggas is the en bee aye of cocksman, of getting that puss puss, that mush mush, out here shooting free throws, stephbcurry with text boy come through hit a whole lick on yo bitch, bress strohkes up in this shit, nigga foot on her head like a damn jack hamma like she a glove he wearin it, yo bitch you sharin it, you snitch you aint prepared for dis, that heat bitch in heat on the street with that nigga when he mugs you shrimp fuck boi not even man put a bell on that lil pussy both y’all and yo kitty you keepin fresh for the mans naw mean bruh bros ya dig?

>> No.12270520

Like women get mad about depraved men or whatever raping but once you point out that there are women just as fucking shitty with false rape accusations then hell breaks loose and you are victim blaming or whatever. Very annoying and I don't see it getting better anytime soon.

>> No.12270528

Here's another recent case in case you enjoy getting angry:

>> No.12270532

Ok I like you now, it’s all love baby

>> No.12270534

That's not tabula rasa and I doubt he introduced that idea since it was already prevalent during the Enlightnement.

>> No.12270541

Oh my god
What a fucking embarrassment that man is

>> No.12270544

I got falsely accused twice lol. It’s crazy as fuck out here. I live in a new city now and know like 4 people. Lonelyvas shit with a ruined life.

I can only assume as time goes on it’ll get better.

>> No.12270547

>Like women get mad about depraved men or whatever raping but once you point out that there are women just as fucking shitty with false rape accusations then hell breaks loose and you are victim blaming or whatever.
i think this particular issue is going to blow up, it is so open to exploitation that it's just not stable

>> No.12270552

It happening right now with #metoo

>> No.12270560

what I mean is that I think this is going to be the issue that makes men leave feminism en masse
no amount of white knighting seems to protect people from getting metoo'd

it's just such an insane risk to have hanging over your head at all times, all you have to do is piss off some unscrupulous woman. that's literally it.

>> No.12270569

That's why as a non-Chad I feel it's been the right move to completely give up on interacting with women. Chads never get falsely accused of rape.

>> No.12270572

I hope your right but in all honesty it should of happened already if it was going to. Only right wingers are smart enough to realize it.

Crazy times.

>> No.12270579

Yes they do, nobody is safe

>> No.12270580

Sorry bud, but socialist here, I see the bullshit too.

>> No.12270582

they do man, especially in divorce proceedings

>> No.12270587

>Yes they do
>they do man, especially in divorce proceedings
Hasn't happened to any of the Chads I know, and they all have soft harems of >5 women

>> No.12270592

You know I’m right generally speaking.

>> No.12270602

politics aside I know several women who have been assaulted in public by guys so it is a real phenomenon, but its so goddamn overblown by bitches who just want attention

>> No.12270603

The problem with MeToo is that it highlights already existing problems in judicial system with regards to bias towards women that MRA and even some feminists have been pointing out for years.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to expose powerful people who have abused women in principle, but combined with an antiquated judicial system that assumes that women are more vulnerable than men by default, it's prone to abuse.

I can sympathise with those like Margaret Atwood, who choose to distance themselves from the movement, because it honestly contributes to feminism's current state of being the butt of every joke.

>> No.12270617
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>yfw Atwood addresses fake feminists and false rape accusations in Handmaiden's sequel

>> No.12270626

I’m pretty sure that even the loudest critics of the sexual hysteria and #metoo don’t deny that assault not only happens but is a huge problem. Short of trash like RooshV anyone can see this. I’m sincerely sorry for your friends but the radical left is going to have to have a serious talk with itself if it doesn’t want to fade into nonexistence.

At some point women will have to face that a crime as serious as rape is something that won’t always see justice. Murder doesn’t always see justice either. And putting people on blast on FaceBook or where’ve isn’t even close to reparative justice either. Most women I’ve talked to regret their decision to broadcast their personal lives and not for any supposed “backlash” but because now they’re forever associated with the events as well.

>> No.12270635

What fucking radfem likes Foucault

>> No.12270639

The issue with the left is that theres a lot of gatekeeping. The right allows pretty much anyone in. The left, if you have a view that dissents from the anyone else's good luck getting back in the club

>> No.12270657

You don’t have to tell me, I’m a reformed leftist. I’m old, been in anarchist and socialist circles my whole life.

I’m the enemy of the left now. People on the right generally have a disrespect for authority I find refreshing.

>> No.12270668

I could be wrong but it always seem more people go left to right than vice versa. Could be part of the reason this seems to happen

>> No.12270672

I think it can be summed up by 'pas d'ennemis a gauche'. You rarely see liberals shitting on commies, but the reverse is a cliche. It's how the Left knows that a Jordan peterson is 'right wing', he attacks commies as well as Nazis.

anybody who says 'im not one of those sjws' is on the way to becoming a 'fascist' and everybody intuitively gets this. You have to at least tolerate the far left to be allowed on the Left, even if this is mostly by ommission(eg. progs just not really talking about socialists)

The Right wing on the other hand trip over themselves to condemn Nazis, or sometimes feebly attempt to say that Nazis are leftwing.

>> No.12270687

I read this as the right having more free thinkers.

Simple as.

>> No.12270689

Im so legitimately sorry for people who actually hate women and buy into pic related. Youll die wihtout experiencing true affection which is very real but obviously denied to retards who insist on hate speech like you

>> No.12270692

A lot of leftists don't respect authority as well.

>> No.12270697
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It's cute that you say this and tacitly uphold the double standard where women are given carte blanche to hate and stereotype 80% of men

>> No.12270698

Haha oh sweet child.

>> No.12270703

The Right has greater variation, but within each of the subgroups you find great hostility to the other subgroups.

The contingent of people who truly allow 'free thought' are mostly a bunch of fringe weirdos like the NRX or maybe people like Scott Alexander

You can bet that should some right wing group gain power they would ban wrongthink just as strongly as the left are trying to do now

>> No.12270715

*except libertarians, who obviously will never gain power

>> No.12270719
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soft limp wristed liberals will fall to the feet of celebrities and those they worship.

radicals like me just wanna see everyone burn

>> No.12270724

Unlike the nu-right's worship of celebrities like Clint Eastwood or Pewdiepie

>> No.12270728

I don’t disagree with you friend. Take advice from an old man though, who’s in power isn’t as important as you think. Like everyone else with their big ideas it always boils down to immediate culture wars and the things we’re able to do in our immediate lives.

>> No.12270734

Clint Eastwood.... you’re really pulling aren’t you?

>> No.12270738
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For all the mental energy incels spend about thinking about women they could try to self improve, get a gym, make money, get social status if all they care was getting a gf.

Incels are no diferent than crazy feminists complaining about the oposite gender being the root of evil.

Why not accept women aren't males and they have other biological roles and diferent sexual strategies than males before comparing male archievements with women ones.

>> No.12270745

Police, CEOs, a certain President...

>> No.12270752

This thread is strangely less of shitshow than usual on this topic. Good job lads

>> No.12270759

Doesnt disprove what I said. Also forgot to include James Woods.

>> No.12270761

>it always boils down to immediate culture wars and the things we’re able to do in our immediate lives.
I agree I think. especially with the latter bit. Idk when it happened but at some point over the years i realized i was a serf, and it became extremely incongruous to hear my fellow serfs talking about 'we are going to do x' in the context of republican politics.

>> No.12270795

The shock of that will go away. Yes we’re just the working class getting exploited. It’s not different than at anytime in history. The real interesting politics are the ones that can and do effect our lives. There are still places behind closed doors and places in the world you can be more free. Don’t give up fighting but realize the most impotent fight is for your own soul and happiness. The other people you save will not thank you for it.

>> No.12270889

I don’t get what you’re trying to prove? That right wing people can also worship valid celebrities? Lol guilty as charged. You and me both know that the left is do much more cringey in this point.

>> No.12270893

All we have to do is rise up and topple the oligarchs. Look at the US Senate the average age is like 74 these people have been in power for fucking decades.

>> No.12270897

You're not wrong but yes thats the only point I was trying to make; was that the right wing can worship celebrities as well.

The right wing hates me for being working class just because I'm union (IBEW, not one of those useless faggy unions). The left wing hates me for being working class because I'm not college educated.

fuck most people tbqh

>> No.12270917

Everyone hates the working class, especially the bourgeoisie since they know all of their jobs are actually bullshit. They'll never depose the oligarchs because the oligarchy defends them obviously. The workers should literally violently overthrow the government, it's the only way

>> No.12270919

the Right should theoretically be more open to worshipping people given that Rightist politics ultimately ends in divine right monarchy.

it's one of the reasons the American right are so fucking weird. Their country was founded by the period's equivalent of radical leftists, which they enshrined and mythologized. So you have this massive traditional cultural feeling built up, but in the service of radical libertarian animosity to authority. consider how bizarre it is for the archetypal conservative feeling of a people to be a guy pointing a rifle at the government workers who are standing on his porch

all that seems to be fading away before race politics though. Which i guess is inevitable in a multiracial democracy

>> No.12270928
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>Everyone hates the working class
It wouldn't be so insulting if I could at least get a gf/fiancee/wife

>> No.12270955

>implying true affection can only be provided by women

>> No.12270960

As someone of the current generation who's becoming increasingly apathetic towards politics due to the bullshit on both sides, is there any advice you would give on how to do good for myself and society?

>> No.12270975

I'd say that you should think small and maybe work your way up.
Think of what you can do to improve your neighborhood. Once you have done that, think about your town. Then you can keep moving up.
I'm making it sound very simplistic, but in order to contribute to society as an individual you do really need to start small. Just the act alone of walking to the nearest park to pick up trash is doing more for society than arguing about politics on the Internet.

>> No.12270977

I may be incredibly biased with regards to this advice but: learn a (skilled) trade. I haven't felt as fulfilled and confident in myself until I became an electrical worker. Knowing that I'm learning a marketable skill, cultivating work ethic (and muscle), and working in a very merit-oriented field (at least in my area/local) has gone a long way for my self-esteem after being NEET for the past 5-6 years. Then there's the added context of knowing that the work you do, in whatever small or large way, impacts the environment and the community that you do the work in/live in. Even after you die or quit working the trade, there's still going to be some of your work out there floating around that will be in use until it gets renovated/replaced. It's a very satisfying feeling to know that the things you install/build will be in use by thousands of people for years to come (even if the people who use it don't appreciate/like you).

barring that, try going out on your own and starting your own business.

>> No.12270980
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Genesis and the New Testament are the only things that make any sense desu.
Id reject the material world outright if it wasn't for the saints.
No gender that produced St. Jeanne, St. Catherine of Sienna, Julian of Norwich, St. Teresa of Ávila, Mother Mary, and Chirst-chan, could be irredeemable.

>> No.12270986

focus on your community and its concerns and contribute what you can. donate socks and soup to homeless shelters, be kind to animals.

>> No.12270992

This is the one reason I find the trades appealing you actually SEE the work you do, It's very hard to notice these things or care about them with most desk orientated jobs these days.

>> No.12270996


This anon gets it

Get skilled bro. Wether trades or computers or law, med school, whatever. Get skilled and get paid. The rest will fall into line. Politics, like sports or gameshows, is a conjob.

>> No.12270998

Yes it’s disgusting. But they’ll be replaced with others. They’re all dying out anyways

>> No.12270999
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>Think of what you can do to improve your neighborhood. Once you have done that, think about your town. Then you can keep moving up.
t. Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

>> No.12271003

Most Chads I know intrinsically just knew how to behave and trick retarded thots into sucking his cock in the dozens, and they had been doing this since they were fucking 13. True Chads will just be born with certain personality traits that will minimize anxiety, cause him to have a comfortable perception of the world and himself, and then lead him to take over everything.

>> No.12271017

That’s the joke son. It’s all money. I wouldn’t be surprised if the emphasis on Identity wasn’t pushed by the upper class.

Rednecks and blacks have way more in common than anyone in the 1%. Occupy scared them all and now we’re living in the age of identity and subversion. Not hard to figure out.

If there is a collapse ( and I can only speculate ) they will either be raped in the streets to death or flee to safety. That’s just life.

>> No.12271022

BASED. his book is kinda boring tho

>> No.12271024

You might be surprised to hear that Chad doesn't only want female approval. Chad wants to excell in his field and earn the respect if his peers, he wants to become like his role models and knows dedication will be required. He wants to be respected by the public for his talent, not just be another dime a dozen pretty face. He wants to prove himself by mastering his craft, and he's not going to let some groupies get in the way.

>> No.12271027

wtf i love fascism now

>> No.12271030

This is where they fucked up. I suspect we will see massive violence in the 21st century because of thots and aimless young angry men.

They did it in the name of keeping everyone separated.

>> No.12271032

At the risk of going on about myself and my work, I like it because it's unlike anything I've done before. I was working at call centers and restaurants before this and my work ethnic was frequently being taken advantage of or simply going unnoticed. Here with this my journeyman actually appreciates and praises my attitude, punctuality, initiative, and work ethnic. I'm not even very /fit/ and I've gotten knocked down a couple of times on the job by some heavy wirepulls but the only thing that was really hurt was my pride-- the other journeymen and hands on the job could appreciate that I was (and am) still willing to jump right back up and get in there to get shit done.

When I worked in a call center/sales environment, a lot of the workers would bust their asses trying to please the supervisors/managers by getting their sales numbers for the week in; meanwhile most of the >5/10 women in the center were getting away with just whiling away the day on their iPhones because, surprise surprise, they didn't have to meet sales quota since they were fucking the branch managers! So you had a very clear-cut pareto hierarchy system where 20% of the workers were doing 80% of the work and the rest were simply sitting back and taking dick in order to keep their jobs.

Basically you need to find some kind of job or trade or skill that you're able to show your worth through merit rather than "oh he knows [person] so he's never getting fired" or "oh well she's fucking the boss so we just let her do whatever". That kind of shit doesnt fly if you're a non-soi male and the reason why you're fed up and upset about it is because as a man you most likely are wired to get shit done and appreciate others who get shit done; conversely you're most likely repulsed by those who rely on guile and social mindgames to get by rather than the work they put out with their own two hands

>tl;dr: learn a skill/trade where you can prove your worth and value in your work and it'll greatly help with your self esteem

>> No.12271033

The modern forward and postface were great desu.

>> No.12271040

I read some pdf, not sure if it had those

>> No.12271050
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Houellebecq was right. There is a sexual bourgeoisie but good luck getting the pomo liberal left to admit it.

>> No.12271052
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Look for a version of For My Legionaries with the Lucian Tudor historical overview added to the end

>> No.12271054

It's already happening.

Charlottesville, school shootings and Far Right Terrorism have all occurred since this identity politics bullshit began.

My concern about this potential uprising is that these aimless young men are cynics who have no faith in humanity and see no inherit good in the world. That's how fascist regimes start. If I violent revolution is to occur, I'd much rather see people with a love for humanity and a mutual respect for all be situated at the top.

>> No.12271058

>My concern about this potential uprising is that these aimless young men are cynics who have no faith in humanity and see no inherit good in the world. That's how fascist regimes start. If I violent revolution is to occur, I'd much rather see people with a love for humanity and a mutual respect for all be situated at the top.
You can blame women for immediately and instantaneously disregarding 80% of single males. That's why I find it maddening and hilarious that women complain about men having "unrealistic standards" when it's genuinely the other way around.

>> No.12271059

To the anon who gathered 40+ (you)s, and whose post was deleted: thank you for your service

>> No.12271072

fascism is actually rather romantic, it's all based on abstracts like honour, strength, beauty, 'the organic whole', and obssessing over tradition and one's people

>> No.12271079

We both know it’s going to escalate.

Blood hasn’t even begun to spill.

>> No.12271083

I think it's rather that 80% of males don't really get women, because they've never been taught how to treat women and the benefits they can have.

Getting men to respect women as people is key to reversing this fucked up situation. To do that, they need to resist thots, learn how to hold a conversation with women, and learn how to pick out good women better. The problem then is self-corrected.

>> No.12271092

>it's all based on abstracts like honour, strength, beauty, 'the organic whole
so just like communism

>> No.12271093

At which point do you think men lost touch with women? Or were they never in touch at all? Also, have you contemplated that women might not really get men either, or do you believe that this issue is all on one gender?

>> No.12271094

The nostalgia for what has come before and the naive assumption that we can resurrect the dead and return to the past. The so-called conservative’s insanity is turned up to a fevered pitch with fascism

>> No.12271095

Fascism also possesses a cynical, Machivellian undertone that people need absolute authority because they're too stupid to govern themselves.

Fascists aren't romantics, they're extreme aesthetes.

>> No.12271096

We can’t blame them they’re just women. They’re beautiful , the most beautiful things in existence. But their minds are plagued by propaganda. This hurts them too. I live in major city and depressing women in their 40’s with shriveled uterus’s and empty lives Twaddle down the streets. You don’t know what bitter is till you look into their eyes.

If things do change I think we’ll need their help. When they realize they were cheated, when trans people have their expensive surgeries to come back to their birth gender, when it’s as obvious to them as it is is that this age has truly failed they will side with us.

I just hope it isn’t too late.

>> No.12271102

i see it as somewhat similar to revolutionary communism yeah. it's like the right wing version i guess.

>> No.12271120
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Respect is earned, not given. Women want to reap all the benefits of living in this post-women's-lib world where "i can hang with the guys and be just as badass as them too!!!" but they still expect to be coddled and treated like princesses and handed respect on a silver platter. See my essay-length blogpost above about the difference between those who work merit based jobs and those who sit on their ass collecting paychecks for taking the manager's dick (>>12271032).

I'll respect a woman if she's worthy of respect. Likewise, I don't expect a woman to respect me just because I'm a "nice guy" or because I know how to bend pipe.

>tl;dr: if we're living in the age of equality, women need to start acting like it.

I've already started staring into the barrel of the point of no return; I don't think I can overcome the bitter jaded resentment I've developed over the years toward women enough to empathize with the "40 year old woman with a shriveled uterus". They had their time in the sun when they were 16-35 and fucking Chad 8x a week in between going on wine trips to Ibiza or the Canary Islands. Conversely, some of us men have to wait and struggle and fucking eke out a tiny little niche well into our late 30's-early 40's just to find even an iota of satisfaction and hedonism similar to that.

>> No.12271122
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shut up for once bitch, read political philosophy first and then you can talk, go back to the kitchen

>The so-called conservative’s insanity is turned up to a fevered pitch with fascism

can just someone kill this bitch for once?

>> No.12271128

that's more the straight ahead reactionary. the fascist remains a revolutionary of sorts, wanting to create a new type of society

Mussolini has an entire sort of boring outline of how this works in the Doctrine of Fascism.

>> No.12271132

I always poke fun at my gf with that kind of stuff because once and a while she go's into girl power mode, than says some shit like well you have to treat my this way because I'm a girl and I make a joke saying what about muh equality though? and then she usually shuts up real quick.

>> No.12271136
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At least you have a gf

>> No.12271146

Men probably never have understood women fully. The only difference in the past is that the law in the past was patriarchal and biased towards them, so they didn't really need to--Women lived in a separate world entirely.

In modern times though, there's an imperfect push towards something resembling gender equality, so men are now forced to come to grips with the female psyche and as was pointed out in The Second Sex, men often fail catastrophically at understanding women, which leads to even "mediocre men" believe that they have the moral high ground over women simply because their world is so alien to them.

We can even see this today with the incel phenomenon and the fact that women are able to sell their sex to lonely guys for a massive profit. In short, we guys think with our dicks too much when it comes to women, and still see them as an alien species. To remedy this, I feel as though forming platonic relationships with women is important.

Speaking from personal experience, I once went on a date with a fairly interesting girl, then after the date realised that I just wanted to be friends with her because I respected her far too much to taint her with the prospect of romance. It was a real eye opener with regards to just how skewed my perceptions of women were up to that point.

>> No.12271151

You are t wrong about anything. We need to make sure this happens to no more men. Our lives were born into ruin but we must protect our kind and their future.

>> No.12271159


>> No.12271160

Just help her overcome her spoiled child reflex, they've been drilled in her since childhood, it's not so easy to overcome.

>> No.12271165

This t.b.h

>> No.12271182

I find that it’s the opposite generally speaking. Women don’t have to understand men and don’t Even want to. Our internal emotions are of little consequence to them as they’re used to us doing everything for them. We’re expected to be stoic and strong.

I just don’t simply buy that no man ever tried to get to know women till now, the entire humanities are about getting to closer matters of the soul.

>> No.12271216

You have to have some kind of idea how woman are and operate if you ever had any kind of success with them. The dynamic has barely change in the social realm. Men are almost always the initiators and relationship starters.

>> No.12271217

>Men probably never have understood women fully.
I think this is a huge meme honestly. I think many men have understood women very well but that the things they say about women are extremely unwelcome to both women and to most other men

I think increasingly that society actually requires that most men be in the dark about this.

>> No.12271230

I’ve been with plenty of women and some of them have been deeply in love with me. That doesn’t mean they ever understood me or even tried to.

>> No.12271262

How do you have a woman fall deeply in love with you anon ? I have had women wanting to fuck my brains out before but I seem unable to elicit love in women and I don't want to try the gay.

>> No.12271293

Men can never understand women because men are subhuman and lack the intellectual capability to understand anything except what makes their pee-pee hard

>> No.12271304

>and lack the intellectual capability to understand anything except what makes their pee-pee hard

what is civilization for you then? or the fact that you can browse on the internet?


>> No.12271306

Just listen to them but don’t ever give all of yourself to them. Don’t be afraid to tell them to shut the fuck up. Be funny. Be good in bed. And have some kind of things going in your life, build shit, make music, it doesn’t matter.

It’s easy. They aren’t complicated.
Men are complicated.

>> No.12271307

Read some Judith Butler about Womanhood as performance. Gender Trouble is great.

>> No.12271310

I live in a cave

>> No.12271336

Okay thanks for the honest advice anon. I already do most of these, I guess it's not as out of reach as I thought.

The not giving yourself seems to be the hardest part (at least when you are yourself in love).

I think I'll lieave this site on that hopeful note. Godspeed anon and thanks again.

>> No.12271343

yeah, because women objectify themselves. They love it. Unless it has downsides.

>> No.12271344

basically you show them a part of you that cant change, and they fall in love with that part. Not an act that you put on to get girls at a bar, but some actual aspect of who you really are without trying, and they have to love it for whatever reason

i have a feeling that a lot of it is about how you look, and the sort of ambiguous 'way you are', and very little is about your actions or ideas or etc.

excuse the gay metaphor, but i see it like you both take off layers of protection revealing your actual self, and some selves manage to like 'merge' with each other and some dont.

its why you can love mutliple people at once, and love people even though nothing they do is right(or nothing you do for that matter), because that inner part of them cant actually be changed

>> No.12271354


I went on a date with a woman the other night and I swear to god she fell in love with me. I’m gonna fuck her up the ass eventually.

>> No.12271355

Damn this is true as hell, the last thing is very true though. My job and life have been pretty stagnant lately and the woman constantly complains about it

>> No.12271376

That's a rather beautiful take on it anon (ultimately I didn't leave because I wanted to see the rest of your answer, but I will soon).

What you say about the "way you are" seems pretty spot on, it's like there is a very great measure of instinctive instantaneoous perception in love preferences. Sometimes I feel like I saw a lot of a woman's character just in one head tilt, and that perception is almost never wrong in hindisght.

>> No.12271378

yow bluh

>> No.12271381

She probably loves you but wants to see you do more. Buy a fuckin bicycle or get really into a local band. Inside things like gaming don’t count. You could even give her some big romantic speech about traveling to another country and start saving and plannings it’ll give her something to do.

I’ve left women for the same reason, we shouldn’t let our lives stagnate and become just looking at eachother in a fuckin room.

>> No.12271391

You're fucking delusional. Just because you aunt doesn't condone your hedonism doesn't mean this is a puritan society. This is without a doubt the most sexually promiscuous society in the past couple thousand years.

>> No.12271433

Yeah these are good ideas, I'm her first real boyfriend too so she's probably just not as used to the lulls that relationships can have.

>> No.12271532

I should really leave now instead of wasting my time here, but as a thanks for your advice, here's one of Baudelaire best poems on love, "The Death of the Lovers":

Nous aurons des lits pleins d'odeurs légères,
Des divans profonds comme des tombeaux,
Et d'étrange fleurs sur des étagères,
Ecloses pour nous sous des cieux plus beaux.

Brûlant à l'envi nos chaleurs dernières,
Nos deux coeurs seront de vastes flambeaux,
Qui réfléchiront leur double lumières,
Dans nos deux esprits, ces miroirs jumeaux.

Un soir fait de rose et de bleu mystique,
Nous échangerons un éclair unique
Comme un long sanglot, tout chargé d'adieu,

Et plus tard un Ange, entr'ouvrant la porte,
Viendra ranimer, fidèle et joyeux
Les miroirs ternis et les flammes mortes.

Translated roughly:

We will have beds full of lights smells,
Couches deep as graves' depth
And strange flowers on top of our shelves
That blossomed for us under fairer skies

Burning earnestly with their last ardour
Our hearts will be like two vast torches
That will be reflecting their double light
In our two spirits, those twins mirrors

A night made of rose and mystical blue
We will exchange a single thunderbolt
Like a long sob, fraught with farewell

And later an Angel, flying through the door
Will come rekindle, faithful and joyous
The tarnished mirrors and the two dead flames.

>> No.12271541

This is beautiful anon, thank you and Godspeed.

>> No.12271629
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>> No.12271636
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>> No.12271738

I don't know

>> No.12271812
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>> No.12271826

I've never met a woman with good taste in films or books. I once met a girl who loved the "classics", but quickly discovered she had never actually read any of them.

>> No.12272692

>I think you can think of it as a pit of vipers, but it's just as valid to view male group interactions as just as bad or worse.
What women do to each other (and to me given the chance) I cannot help but perceive as unethical and cruel. I understand they think it's normal. Then why should I keep them entitled to their vision of the problem any more than I should keep some arabs entitled to their Sharia law? I could do neither or both but it's hard to see why I should pick the former but not the latter.

>> No.12272696

their instincts draw their attention to changes in social state

>> No.12273876

I'm not going to read this thread, nor am I going to check my (you)s.
But I am very sure that there are some ROASTED wimin in this thread.